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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1887, p. 8

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1 -«-.-*' â- *!•<»-»*â-  •"V.^«â€" »' ^â- iPPPP â- r 1. 'â-  THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [jIuLY 21, 18S7. **â- â- "?â- â-  IVIiat iliir toiiiitry NerdN. (to<] ^ive tix HUM) ! It thiut liltu thi« ilimittiiflH StM>iiu iiiiiHlK, Kruul huurlN, truo faith uinl ruatly liulxU ; Muu whom Oil' hiKt of otlWui )|oi*m uot kill : Mm wliiiiii the ttpdils (tf urtlcit cauniit i>iiy, ' %ii-M will) ixihHOH tipiiiiuiis iiiiil n will ; Mi-ii whii ]1IL^ u huiurr. iiuiti wlio will not lio ; Mfii wliu t-iiij Htaml l^'fori- 11 <ltrii)af{itf{uu, 'h'.i>l 4IUI1111 his l)'i-:ti-hf roii^ llatterlvH without wiitKiitK. ThU iiM'it, huii-cr(>«iiti<l, uho livu aliovu tlui i^*^;, III imhiii ihity, niKl in inivntu thinkiiiij: I HI", wliili! tlic ittlibli-. with tlioir thuiiihw<»rii ITC.M., Tlioir lar^'«T iiroftiNKiniitt tiiul tluiir detKlh, Millijtt! Ill vOlfiull Mtllfc, 111! |-'r(M"1ll|l) WiH*|lH. W'.jug iiilu^ tlic lun.l aiiJ w-iiliii^* jimticf sliMtjiM. />(../• (r. Hull(Utti. Ill It tliiilliii'^' MisHuiiiary Speech, Uev. A. (Jiiiiit ri'CL-iitly saul; â€" "Tliu powiT tliat liiuv I'iUm, licats and tlirubs in every Clinsliiiii ctiiiiiiiiuiily. Wliiit is it ( 'I'lie Spirit uf Missiniis' winch soiiteiice »ii','- L;estuil the fi'llowiiii; : MISK|ii>: MAIICH. lioll. Itoll. HdU! Thiiii '•wi'lliiit^ iiilNiiioii iioa. Till all the ( liiuih Sliiill clnilly MNirch i'of full lfsl>nii«e to Tht-e. llt'Ht. Hint. Iii'iit: Thoti tlitiihliiiiK heart of life. Till »-\riy mile), ^"^llHâ-  wiiy i^lmll litiil. To join tile k'lorioiit* Htrife. \\ live, wiive. wave! riie (io»,]<i'l liHllller 1)1^1), ItlH.I liilill',;'' tell To ilioHu who ilwfll W iiere sotiU 111 •InrknufiS lie. \V soils til liloHH, the buny hniiii, whose "HouHcluild Words," charm nil huinaiiity, tlic next iiiiimte we struck between .1 couiilo â- <>( cai«, I'Ut ii"t before 1 iwketl the iiiitr.:<l Hi.tliop, mid the Sinless clerk, ] Donnelly to jiniili, which he refused to il hIk.w, do. He told me to jump, which I did. d I As siioii as our eliuiiio striiclc tl»» oil tank il big blaze wont up noid the bHK«a«e car wiis i lediately wiapjitd in flames. The end of the tirst pusseiiyer car tipped up mid cau«htiilBo, and wiu> soon mblaze. Then the second oil tank caughV mid exploded with it territic crash, the flames raised fully 100 liundred f«;t hif^li, catching the freight sheds on Jlie south side of the track. 1 saw DonnuHy tak-n out. fie was badly burned and dis- tigured. ? also saw seviralehildeii taken and a couple of i,'rowii [lersoiis.'' JV.slurt. 'I'k. work, work! Ht your ,Ma.^t(<r'H call, Tiil Siitin'r. ^t^ell^tll Miull vleM Ht lell(;tll. .\iii| ChrUt ha all 111 all. ri-«ach. prtiaei), preach 1 I'ruelaiiii till' Oraeious Word, Tlo, worlil >iirroiiniI Tlif foe ('iilifniiii i Trtiiiiil'!! Ill Chi iHt thuLord. „, J<,l,i Ii:ili, /.s'.s7. â€" T. W. liodily liualth and vifjor luay bciuitin- taiiieil as easily in the heat of kuiihikt, .IS in the winter niontliw, if the blood is puritied aiil vitalized with Ayor"s Sar- •.apiirilla. Kvery iierson who has m.scmI this reiii' .ly has been Hnatly iMiicliteil. '! ike it tliiH tiinnth. • /•.„ 7V,. idl shades, yradimtioiis, |)oiiip am lie iniii;;led in one coniiiioii clay, ilis<»lvei -as shadows jiass away. llruHtliH there a bouI upon wlioKoimtli. the »lia<l- oMH neror fall V WlioM. wlMile earwir, t;liil«x like a hilvury stream wiltiinit a rilil>li', l|i<ili mIkw,. phii'lil limoiii KleliliiB periietual lii;liC, llniliiiiioeil l)V uiiy elfiiid upon lt» tnir liflrKon? When '. Oh iiiv houl, where i.s tliat lilmt relief That slwOter from Ihuntoriii, tho ill« anil woes of J/fe? Where- is that shoru, whoro temiiest tosseil au'i ri>eii Tim «eiiry spirit, free from niortal ( are, rests In per'pt.tiial pein-i.'.' Tin not of earth : Ihis is hut slmclow limd An fiideil Howerii, Ki- lull Kiel puss iiniiy. Kartlis liriulitcst vl.-ioM, ilttslie.l \n iiii»eeii Ijianrt Then vanish all thiit's mortal himI cl.eiiv. Thi're is a hilul wllelii slm.lows ii.'Vur full. Ilturnal sulishiiie luiLlies it's hroiul rxpans*-, A liiml where pain ami sorr.iw are uiilinowii. Wliere t«'ars lleel illiil the eye. ami piutioH nev- er come, \ land whore lu-acn, like streams on parch, -d t;r..iiii'l Flows lasting, through the laptHrous »oiii. 'I'hen th.- iil>i.liiit; lnuiie. (ioil s I'liniihsu of love-. Hi-; tiiithfi.l elilMieii rests, when from th* l;,i|-th r..|noveil, July 11th, \m. 1>. S. T.oiAKACâ€" Is an Kiixir carefully pre- pared by an experienced chemist' with the well-known Tanuirac as the fiiiidii.- mcMital luinciiile, ami all the other iu- oi-ediciits in its c po»ition are of the purest, and best ralcnlaled to relieve all caKCs of Coiifihs, Colds and Lung troubles. SHADOWS. r.v iiKAi'oN ssi;kk.s. ' I'lie Hells rini; out their merry, merry I I al. 'I'he sun shines brightly on the \enelatle pih', iM-neath whose roof, two human souls art^ joined as one. l{iie,{oiit your happy peal, ye old, old bells, while ^iic biei^ze bears on its Isiaoiii, tii the dis- luiit Mils and vales, the joyous tones, line; out your oladenini; notes, that hearts LM'owiieidd and worn with idd /i^u, may lieut ii<,'aiii lieiieath thy maoic spell ; that scenes Ion;; burieil, resurect oiko more lioiii iieniorieR dear. lUng out your tolitis; Mtiiiaik the fallint;,-^,liat trickles lioun till' urinklei] visaou 0/ the old. idd mall. Alone, he sits beneath the cotta..'e j ol'cll, lilcH duties done. His palsied I'lamu is (ienibliii'„' in tlie scale, and guiet ly waits inidl tliu silver emd be broken, A!I ipui't w itliin, tile ineuauitMl Htroku of .si'leinii tiiiii', marks <>(I' llie iiioinentH as they tly u;iaee. Alone, yet as he hears I 11- old f.iiiiiliar tone rin^ out the joyous Mil, llie musty shadows of tliu faded I', III silence nmtf, ome luorcHUrround him. They are but shadows. )'itt t<i him lio\y ileiir. Fond iiiemoiy cloths tlii^m .ill a'.'am with life, yet ere he (grasps the hand lliat lived to bless - lis 1,'one, once Kioietlie shadows Hy. Riuu out your 1 lyous I i-al, for while echo riii'js lunoiio I III' hills, aiiolhur union, made with ser- vile miaii;:e, is [lassiii;; Iwixt tlm earth ..iid llie unseen, 'J'he old man hears • iliove the bolls of earth, a far oil' sound • I liiii.sic sweeter far. He leans his sieaiy head upon his liieast, yet nearer, siveeter, stronger uiows the tones, his eyelidi chwe to earths vayi tleetin:^ show he hows ill soleinii W'irshi|i lut he feel a straiii.'u niynlerioiiH hand support him ihrouiih thudeepeiinifj shade. A moment's space, lis done. 'Tw.ui but the valley of the dliadow, now liijlit, full brii^hf ami -doiioii.s, biiists upon his ouzo. The Hells • t Eaitli iiie^'oii •..111) heeifs them in. t, for ever liei-e the shadows are unkuow 11, ♦ » « # # The saeied spot, wlieie falls mislerioiis li;lit. The vaulted mof, dim with the dust of noes, ailoiiiid «il!i banners, tio phies fi'iiii the wars. The orj/aii, shi-II- inu' Willi iiiajestie tiinea, in melody unlike the sounds of htful earth, st-tmi to trull- sport oiM) to another sphere. ".-Vll hail the I'ower" froui the aurpliied choir, swells deep and gloi ioii.s, earth .(inl Meav ^n eoiijoiiieit, luVerbtuatell tlirou/ll - the last e.xpaiiHu, t!iu "Amen." The Bileiit «bHt, tilt) iiiaje.sty of kings, (nlf woiiian'K i|Ue»nly }jrac», the mighty ufatesinaii's viiicis the poet's mys»le eliniiu, the lioble warrior's power, the liaml thit.t stooped to bless thu Hinrving poor, tliu voice that choeriid the dyiiii; soldier's Iim), t>|« (liar, tyrs luiheii, burned for sacred triitti, tlm ),dorioiiH Mai'd, that ,4 foil's lieauties sang, the si|{litluiui eyes of ParadiMi rei^ained, the stalwart chriiliaii, who on bunting ' /VUids, laid down l)ii life, enrth'" t*^")' MAXWEL CARRIAGE • ^ WORKS I. Little Sc Blakely, .M.^.SUf.VCTfitliltS OK Carriages, Democrats. Wagi <ni iVc Kepairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing,, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at R^i^isonable Prices. * TERRIBLE COLLISION. .Ill KjTfiirsioii Tr<iiit Cotlhlcn irith a rnifflit Triihi tit St. Thotiiatt <'<irs iMiltii iritli Oil Take fire. St, Thomas, (Int., .luly l.'i. â€" A terrible ai;cideiit oeeuned at the ercssing of the (Irimd Trunk and .Michigan Central rail- ways in this city about 7 o'eloi-k this ev- ening. .\ii exeiiision train on the Ciralul Trunk railway Iroiu I'ort Stanley ran in- to a j^i'-""^'"'-' f''''i-ht on the Michigan Ceii- wav » illi a nunber of cars loaded III, The engine eia.sliid into one so cars, when the oil instantly took lire and burned with great heiveiiess, loiiimuiiicaling to the cars on both triuns and exteiidiii'.' 'o (irittin's warehous â- , eoal ami lime sheds adjoining the tnick on the west, and .lohii ("ampbell's dwell- ing oil the East, all of which were burn- ed to the ({I'ouiid, with the contents. En- gineer Donnelly, of the excursion train wan liiirnod ill the wreck. The fireman imiiped and escaped with sliglit injuries. The forward car of the excuraioii train was tilled with passengers, who iiiuile frantic etlortwto escape from the burning car, hut notwitlistaiidiiii; that hundreds of brave and willing hands were inline diately at wmk lo assist in their rescue, it u feared a iiiiinlK^r have lost their lives ahd will b<^ burned beyond rt!cooiiitioii hc£*'e their bodies call be got out of the wreck. At H o'clock, when tliougaiidH of people were crowding afuuid the buriiini.' pile, one of the oil tanks on the ca:°K slid ih'iily exploded, throwing himdreds, to the ground with great force and iieatter- iiig lire in all directions, and suverely perhaps fatally, iiijiiriiif{ many. At 8.:iO p. III. iiiiie bodies were burned to jj crisp. St. Thomas, .luly Itl. - It is noi(r ascer- tained that tin? vit^iiiis of theMiilway accident of yestenlay iiumlier twelve, as follows : riir. Kiii.Ki). .Mrs, K, Suiilliiis and child. .Mrs. S. Krayin^ and child. .S (', /ealaiul and child. .Mrs. .1, Itoyle and three children. Enginei-r Heiinelly and lletiuaii I'ons ford, who died this moniing fion hi.s in |inies. iMiM. S. C. /aialaiid i.^l probably fatally iiijureil. lAlSK OK TUi; PISA.STKK. The Coroner's jury viewed the charred 1 lemaiiis of the victims ai;d adjourned till ' .Mondiiy eyejiing when the cviileiieo will I lie taken. All inve»tigatioii will W held in regard to the cause of the aceidenf. It is report- ed that thu ulii.'ilieer bad been drinking, lint it IS elaiii.ed the main cause of the di.saster was the fiiilm»' of tliu air-bjakes to work. The Irat^k is now clear, and the wires will he in uorkiiig order in a few ihiys. Tin;'s stohy. (ieoige Angles, the liieiiiitn of the wrecked train, is a re.sidont of this city. Ill speaking of the disaatiu' liu siiid : ".lust as we came ill plain sight of the seiiia- plione at th'i Michigan Central Railway crossing we saw that it was up and a Michigan (.'eiitinl Hallway freiuht train WHS running slowly across the I'ort Stan- ley trinik. We were rinmiiiK smartly. Donnelly revei-sud hia engine and put on the air brakes. He wiis eiUculating, 1 tlioiij{ht, stop just iimide the aenia|>hore. A|iparuiitly the brakes did nut work, and Tlic PussIh;: SiiiniiKT. • 7'o //(.' AVfifor u/The Aitiyiiiee * • .Sir. â€" At this scitson we #re appi^ach- ing a i-eriod when a very important oiier- ation ii> forestry is easily perfortnwl, that is the planting out of evergreens. It is now generally foreseen that, in a short lime, this country will be, so far as the leiuains of the older forests are cTincem- ud, ([uite destitute of shelter, am'l jieople art getting well aware from <,*«erving what h.-is happened in other ci»uiitries, that the land will not produce nearly as well. In some townships I have lately visited I tiiid all the more intelligent far- mers either planting, or prepariiij; to plant lines of cedar, iiorway spruce or pine along the exposed sides of their farms ami ill a fe^v years they will obtain ' great benetit thereby. There is no more (liiHciilty with than with diciduous trees, if the roots are kejit moist and cov- er»d from sim and air till planted, while tine winter skelter «.luy give renders them far superior to m.Aiife or elms. The tirst week in .hine is a good time to pb««it, but if that be missed, the tirst week in .-Vug. ust will do. Yours e!e., I'. W Piiii'Ps. Toronto, July li.">th,l 8rt- . ^ _ Stop it, â€" hawking and spittiiiH caused by t atarrh is [Htiuau- ciitly removed by Nasal Ualm. JOHNSON LITTLE. JiliirhmnitU, ..AIii.\vJell, May -ajtl:^ iss-. THOS. A. BLAKELY. W4i',f^n-Miihi r <l- I'tiinttr. B OOTS &S HOES r A Urtivc Mail SliriiikH. "How s this, John You said yiii in- tended to ]iropo8o t<i Miss (iutliingtoii this evvniiig, and here you are back be- fore nine o'clock. She surely •iidn't re- fuse you '( " "No-o I didn't propose. I coiieliiUed to postpone the ipu-stion. " "Now, see here, .luhn, if yo« do'nt g^t that gin it's your own fault. The idea of beinv! such a cowattl. You, who have hiavi 'y walked up to the cannon's iiioutli. â-  "Y'-e-», hut the cannon liadn t bemi eating onions. " SMIf.OIIS CArARKll ItEMKUV-* positive euro lor Caturrli, J'lptlieria and Canker Muutli. Sold at Medical Hall. AVER'S Having reccJnd large auditions to my Stock, I liave a good supply oir hand of Sniniiier (ioods. LADIF.S' WEAK.â€" A fine nssoi-tment in Pntnella, Fundi Kid, Goat. I'ofi'sh Calf, Buff and Heavy Boots. \3iSSJ:s ANEr 150YS WEAR.â€" A large variety of Lace .t Birtton Boots. Shoes and Sliinier*. C'HILDIIKXS W'BAH. â€" \ vtiy large assortment of all sorts and sizes'. J[ENS WKAIJ.â€" I have Ihifl, CaMaud Enamelled Balmoral^;, Oxford Tic? and Stroiio Lace Bopts. FOi; I'lilCK AND QUAI.rrY, CANNOT F.K SUUPAS.SKD. WM. CLAYTOlff, , riesherton. CHEAP C^ AND DUEABLE ! T II E W ELL- K NO \V X SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TI.WVAKE. &c. m sale r.s I'' \aluo in every tleiiartment. Agent for VICKHR'S EXPRESS. 'All panels U/t ii-ith him 'will be promptly and carefully attended to. Sugar-Coated Cathartic If the l.lver lu- PI I I O comes turpiil, it the 1^ I ^b ^^^J â-  liiiwols are coiutipatwl, or if llie slomaeli falls to perferni its functions prdiH-rly.use Ayer's I'ilN. 'I'liey iire invaluable. For some viais I was a victim to I.Wer Complaint, hi eonsequeiu-e of wlileh [ suffered from (iinerul lieliility and Indi- gestion. .\ few Imxes of .Xyer's I'llU restoreil me to perfect lieallli. â€" \\ . T. Brlghlney, lleiulerson, \V. Va. For years 1 li.-ive reliid more upon Ayer's i'illa lliau auytliUif; else, lo Regulate my bowels. Tlieii I'ills are mild In .iction, and do tluinvoik llioroiii;lily. 1 have nied tliiiii with iieoil iil'eet. ill eascH of Kheu- matisin, Kiilia v 'Iroiible, and Dv^viepsia. -•(â- . K. Miller,' .\ttleboroui.'h. .Mass. Ayer's Pills eui. d me of ,>;ioimn'li and Liver trmililis, whiih 1 had sutrered for years. I eoii>ii|er tlieiii the lust pills liiatle. and wmilil not he without lliein.â€" Morris dales, liownsville, X. Y. 1 was iitl;uk(.l with llilloiis Fever, wMeli was fulliiweil liy .lauiiiliee. and was m <lani;ei'(iiisly ill that my (rieiuls ile- spaireil of iiiv ree«>very. I eoniiiuneed takiiii; .\.\ei's I'ills, and "soon renaimd my ciistomarj nlrem;il( and vii;or. â€" Jubn t'. I'attison, l.owi II, Nebraska. Last spring' 1 sulTered i;rently from a troulilesoiiie humor on my side. In spite of e\ery elliut to eure this eruption, il in- created" iiiiMl llie tlesll became eiilirely raw. I tt;i« liouliled. at the same time,- with Iiidli;i'Kliiiii. and distressing pains iu The Bowels. nv IhcailUee of a friend 1 lu'iran taklncr Avel's riiU. Ill a slioil lime I was fli-e friim pnlii.iiiv loo,| diirosleil properly, the Sores on my hoily eomiiaueed liealini:, and. III lis« iliioi one iiioiilli, I was eiired. â€" .Samuel |>. While, .-Vllaiila, (ia. T have lom; used .Xyer's rills. In my fiimllv, ami hilli.xe them lo he the best pills inade. â€" S. C. Uurdeit, Ualden, .Mins. My wife and little fjirl were liiken with Ilyseiileiy a few days ano, and 1 al once beVaii |;i\liii; tlii-ni .small doses of .Vyir's rills. Iliiiikiiii: I would cull adoetor If the disease liiraine any worse. In a sliuit time the lilomly (ll«ohiin,'es stoppeil, nil pain went away, and health was lestoifd. â€" 'I'lieodore LsUiik, Itichliiond, Va. Ayer's Pills, rnpcred by lir.J.O. Ay«r kCo , l.owrll,MMI» DOM hj bU I>M4«rf \» llMUcta*, FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS: E. VANZANT, ALL KI.VDS or M\\ ani Mmii M\ Siicli as Moimnu'iit.^, Tomb Tables, lloailsloni,*' CuuiTtor and T.iblo Top.-iâ€" in Ainoriuan and ltali*n Marble and (.irai\ito.. and made oir sliori notici\ Also Maml«s in Markle antb Miirbleizcd tjlate, kc, &c, Flesl.erton, Aw'..."'i>, iJ^ti^. HEALIH FOR ALL HOLLOWAy^FptSS^fflMTMEMT i^iA'ei* THE rn>LS Turif V tliu r>k»Kl, coritx-t all Ui'ovclcrs of the Htonifieh, lilcln'yw, anil lioAvcflK, Tliuy iiivi^nriUediul restdii^to hoalth lu>tiilitAtu<l I'oivvtituttoDn. and are Invnliifilklo in nil I'oiii- pluiut&iiiciduutal to Kfimiles uf ull a^on, Fiu- t'KiUiii-it »M'i the R«t"l tbcy arc pricelesa T H F 01 N 'I' .Al E N '[' Is an iiifiillibU'reiuodyftii- Had Ij«k4. !Wifl >troitMt«. Old Womuli, Sor«f and I'loers. It is f«4iior.^ ri>r (ioui aiHl UhuukuatiHiii. For dt^uidviH vif x\\%i Clio.'*! it has no t'qiml. ForSORK THUO.n. lUKKWlUTIS. COUGHS, COLDS tllaielulart^-ullinus, anil all Skill Hisiinsea It has no i-ivnl ; ami for coattac^ed and still j oiuts it ttutrt like a ohtu-m. • Miitiufactiireil only at ProfeKsor Hoi.i.ow vv's Estabnshuieut, • TH, \ew Oxford Street date ^'AX Ovl'onl Street >. I.ondnn, ami aieaolil iit Is. IJil, ,-J.s. IM., Is. ihI,, I Is,, .Jan., mill .-tN. i.Hi'ii l'..'\ or Tet, ami i mv l.e Ab(\ ,>t all .if,-,! i:iiii' Veiulei-s tlirou^jlKHit tliu Woiltl. .â- â- ).?.?, O.rfdiil .^tr'ft, Limiioii, th' y mv ,s/>iiWo Tfth.nd'lr â- |o^ FOR SALE. The unilmsiijiiefi has Whlto .\»b Itutter Tubs . anil I'hurns for sale. • J0«. McCOUMIlK. ;ift4-;iaO, ' l-'lesheiton. PiiAfis m wmm of su|icrior ipiality, for Orange niul other Societies, thder early. W M. TEiGART, TUorubury, Out. J. W. BATES, Famititre Dcdler and Undertaker^ FLESHEltTOS, • ' - OST. 4 fc^

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