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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1887, p. 1

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^mmri J • X' ' * i l^' .n^: i^ ... V, S6 â- ;^ ^.V V ari* r Vi u: ADVANCE. it- '^ TRUTH JS^FOEE FAVOR-"- ' FKIJ^CIPLES, .YOT MEA': -./. VOL. VIL, NO. 317. % FLESHERTON, ONTAEI0. tHTn?.SDAY, JULY 21, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, '"V^^,^ ETCR, I ^ Tit -Bits. Cattiiitiiiij «/ ixjti// aic.i ''(;'id- luiereHiiig- â-  Itents ijntlifri-il. hg The Adcanre ! A printer struck oar crfhcc on Mou'iay i>et a --amiiii.' ut 2U cent Tea at Kicli 1 last. arJson & Cos, it is Going, Goinq and I _ , : T' ~ ^ will soon be "oue. Bas[)bern«j8 are comJl|g to town m " _^__ Cw-reat great (luairtities. For (iraham Flonr 30 to Keefor's. Miss Bates, of Toronto, is home on ^a viaft. .. The Ettst Grey prijf Iwt printeJ at this office. being ja^;! I Farmers are bcRiniUBg to cut fall abo^tc fine fin is ^VatcllCs, a^xMivnto Hain|)flpn'';-- my name on, .lud till' reliable \S aitiism kihI Klv'ui I Th»- Advance is Ui^hlv appreciafeS "«htat i u thi« vicinity'. by readers iu LondoB, England. Tiiwar i ^Mther car load of tjnlt. aoi) lb. bar- reiiiki Bichardson & Go's. \ Bwd'th^ of t;000 p^ple were Thornburv on the I'iitilwlJnlT. The Priceville Sons of Temperance hold on their way braveljr, and deserve ; credit for their tiontinued efforts to do goou. Mr. Jtlui Stafford. B. A.j is home . again. He Ijears his University honors with that modesty which is characteris- tic -of a true gentleman. Clearing Saie! ansouucemeut in anoliher column. Ill ,*' titctus I* 0111 8ilv«.'r t'ases. <ro to Cioid, iijlc<l (io'id, ai'.d T7. A. BEOWN'S . FINELY STOCKED - • JEWELIRY STORE. ]|alance of MilUuery stock at Richard - 'son's 6clliiii{ ont at hiailf prices. ' Tf^aNTS. OILS, 4c., ic. .4T WM. ri<5hardsons, FLESHERTON. MisH Lizzio Fawcett isiisitinji! friends Prospects are brij^ht for a tine new Presbyterian clnirch building at no dis- ant date in Priceville. Tho Ladies' ' Aid are working diligently for tliat ob- ject. M'edical "Halls important â„¢ Thorn bory and nei^l»«gho« d. \Vu don't hear anytuiig atnui* 'base ball ur laurosae matches Mfbmid here just now. 3l(^ter K. K. Richardson, vho has beea attending High School at Owen What's tl^u iiiiitter wilb^ur correspcmd- eKt« ? .\11 our reiiders Klaa to read thuir spicy items. â-  The plank bridge near the tannery :s Mr. James Stafford has just retnrncd from a brief sojujiru iu Manitoba. He visited Mir. Dale in the aeiahborhood of ^Viunipeg, and highly enjoyetl the ex- cursion. Soa»d. came home for t)w summer hoi- i rtundly sinking, tbrte bring only about idayn last Satoril&y. '. **'' ^*^^^ wide of sinface^^^bove Water. Mr. Park";, the ^(axw«)l luid Feversba ,j^ .. ^. ........ ..__„„ oai I have the largest and best stock of Candies, Coufcctiouery, Cracked Wheat, ^Sm sidewalks are positively danger- Mr. Park i. the ^faxwellvwid Feversham ! Rolled, Standaril an<l 'Corn Oatmeals. iOT« 8«;nie places. Somebody will bo ' "'•'' '-'""ier, was thrown inK 't his bogj^yJFlour.Brau and Shorts that can be obtain iiiewhat. ., ed. also cheapest Lemons. R. KEKFER. In such ' *"' '^loiiUay l.isc and injured 1 To commence JUL Y L.')''. , J.CAIVTDERSON. T'nrre will 6f decided ban^iiina iu fiery line. Don't mitt it. H'e want to rlfir iiul >he pretent stiirk in. hy llif Af>lh Auy.. to (IS to moke room r'lr FnU t'uTch'tses. There will be 't riry choice line v/" TEAS 'It Special Rei/veetl Prices. DRESS GOfJDS in great variety BOOT.S Jc \SllOESin Great quantities: ST.ICKS OF READY-MADE CLOTUISG : every rhin'i icill b« Cut Away Dpicn ia Price. /•tt»i knuuu (J* the 'Jiiiiii&le Jeicelhr ^, ,, . , , :nrm miles North. South. East and SetUng hurfone of these days. .^. ^ West. I neicr hire »»'""','prr«.T«..f/ j ^^^^'""'er who would have to foot | '..Mis. Smith, of FJoierton, and h^ ! M«. J. CoruiieM, of .Xrteu-.esia. wasjCome Eai'lV befOFe the RUSL yonngost dauj^hter. at* visitiag their < severely gored by a young heifer, be- I ,. numerous fricuds io lihis vicinity." â€" f longing to him, one day last week. l)r. liurj>oteiy uny g'oJs suW since being in tbf^? €KHL WANTED. â€" A good smart 'jusinest here. It ie easy to sell all -'./eirellcd Watch r^r •â- FullJetDtUed." Jt .. ., ^., ^ , ^ „ , 1 :•* much s,uier to sell H k. Gold Wat^ | f.''^^^ «^' 7"'*:^ "•*. «»'* = T^ ^'^'"''>"- .md ciU them 12 or U. I dont h,t^\^'^Kr' ^'^^ ^ "* ^he Advance t</ d> it. .My o,cn f<a«i< <.,i alltcarrunts, ' "**•' t'l'>'*h«'rtou- or to "W m. 1'. Paul. â- mdjftiu wiltjind./>ean be luld rtspon- I LagjrBank^O^preyTowTjship. Hr.imfjti/n Tmu). ' Cliristoe is attending him. The straqg- Master ^.i^sn iio Tres<i}',old has retired ' , £romthc pr ii:;ng basiiMjjs Hud ie >^v.- liLlc if goods arem9i right, ^Wmi CLOCKS Jtooked in Repair Book since July l^, 1880. .•<QrARE DE4J^ISG. tebt thir: in rciiuection with the affair, is HBtA. % hiic Mr. ('oriifitld was serious- , . , , . â-  • • m , 'v Jnir.rc'-! iu:erJfcL!v, there are no ont- stoiuaBg tlie art of caeoae-atakiug lathe ' ' ^ , , - , , ^ 1 ir., "T 7 t ^ ^ m ward marks of violence, such as flesh J. 6. ANDERSON, .VARKD.U.E. Fleshcrtou factory. If. tf . Stephen & Co.. th« * ell-known 1 |M«ia»rd Druggists, have somctliing of ^ 5,^ ^ c,ii>!T, of Thowbury, Insp«etor I I intOMst to say to our reaArs ou the ; „{ ^[^^ Sc!ioo!s for East GJev, made an i ' i (fltorial page«tf this week's •Advance. \ ^^.i^wmii.t of his e»t»w fr the benefit of I ' wounds. Head it. credibtrs a sliort time stgc}. Balance of Summer Prints, MuHlius. and Dres8-Goo<ls at prices to clear at Richardsou J: Co's. I'lilCES M. Richardson & Co., are arc offer- 1 pho Presbyterian gardea p«rfty, held ing balance of tho Tea Stwk at prices : „„ the grounds of Mr. Damude last Fri- I tQ clear before tho arrival of their dir- jg^y eveiii.ig, whs largel atteufled. The I «8f*. tfjjnorUtiou from J8i>an. Teas cao |fMMMioe •! our Band ^ k .' 'tp .enliven ' I'e'LoUhlit lower tiow I the stock lasts. SI»EriALTIBS:-f'Jij« Wntrh lit-- p<liritn/, .Sprjr Fittiuy. Mr. J. a. Koefer. of the Forest F ^^ * "^â- Â» -â- -* t». v> >V r> , I prf^^ came home for his summer hoii- :l'hv Ttoplt'n ,feirellei: .»/rti*</«iff. 1 days on Fuesday evening He looks as though the climate lor something than ever wliile ' ^1,^, proceeilings considerably. II else '.'â-  in Forest fiealth. agreed well with his •i Tli"ie being gocxl prospects of a 1 ficsh (luaiitity of Flour to be cou- ' ritmed in the \iUago and siirruuiuUng j connti-y the present season, tlie uii- 1 Ji rsigned has<upeued out with a good stock uf tlio f«lio\viug lines ; â€" liOLLER FLOrR ! Beat Brand.i. Rolled & Granulated Oat-Meal. 'Coru Meai, Cracked Wheat, Shorts, Bran and Oats, At Toxtoui Piicos for Cash. JUST KECEIVKI) LARGE AND FRESH SUPPLY OF DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINE. STCK'K WELL ASSORTED IN ALL LINES. WM. K CH.VKDSON. FLESHKRTON. Mr. W. T. .laokman will shortly take a good position in a well known Toronto printing office. In company with a ge- nial Meaiord geiitlcmau, .Mr. .1. called at our otfico last Monday. We wish friuud Jackuiaii all luanuer of success. \ A year ago last winter a man promis- ed to bring us in some.wootl on a "Ite- tle" account. The winter passed jmd balmy s{irijig was ushered in, Imt nci- ^%kat mjuivtv^wood itutw^ajpj^ara^iices , Early last winter we reminded the man of his jiromise. w hen he very enipliati- Cflllv intimUed tliat lie wouhl bring the siu<I woi>d to .)ur otlice before spring, "if" sai i ho after profoundly cousider- ing the question from every standpoint, "if 1 anj living '." It is to be pre^•UI!le<l I that he is dead, as he did not bring in I Tiic heaviest thunder-storm that has . j,,^, „.^, ^f^^.^ ^„ y,^ ^.^^ ,^,jj ^^ visited this neighborhood for the last aisupj,„i„tmeuts I (ten years struck here ou Saturday night ' lasf. The liglitiiiug was uiuisuaily vivid , A kicking horse made several charing and continuous. .\ lnuvy wind and atte^iipts to break the tongue of a dou- raiu storm accompanied. ble veliidc ou Tuesday last. The cveut oceurroil on the hotel "square" hew Spi-oule, Flcsbi-rtoii, has a : ^ua attr,^cted .luite a cr..w. .1la;!»«>uic. The following are the Orticers installed of Prince Arthur L-nlje N... .'{:«, A.F. \- .\. M:isuns, Fleaherton, for current year. Br-. Wor. Bro. u .lo». Blackhuni, W.M W. .T Bellamy. S.W. K. S. VaiiDusen. .1 W. W. H. Fleshcr. S. D. Dr. Caiter. J.D. Bro. R. J. Spriule. Sec. -Treas. Rev. W. E. D Argent, Chati. las. Sullivan, LG. 1 .' Fieli, Tyler. .Iu. Sullivan, 1 The hot weather can iUkfely be dis- cussed t'..i.--ie times w ithout any <Iai!gcr of one being siihj'oetod to bose iusiuua tioiis or dark su.spuiuu-i. ^18 degree's in the shade makes one long to be a duck or an Esquimaux. .\. Hislop, ) Mcwarts. Harvt'st Tools. Building Hardwaro, Fence Wire. Felt Sheeting. Nails. Glass. itc Jec. . at Richardsou Jt Cos. Uk ox Yova Gc.uu>. -â-  Pont allow a ootl in the bt>uil t» slowly and surtlv run ;iit" Cstiirrli. when you can b* cured for 1m. ' y usiiiK I'r. Chases t'litarrh Curt. .\ fi^ appliouci'^'ns cure insipifut cuturrb : I lo'.' b»xe« ciircs ordiu-iiy ,.'uturrli : 'J to .'> ';,o\ti ist-uiir;u.lcp'l totiire chronic catarrh. Try it. Only â- lit cents auii sure cure. Sold by all (IfaUiii. K. J. â- We regret to observe that Mr. W'm. Hogg, of Fleshertou Station, ha.4 made an assignment of bis estate to Mr. KR. C. Clarkson for tin- K'tictitof his creilit- ors. .\n advertisetiicnt relating- theriito appears iu The .\DVANeB. Special Discounts AcciirdiiiiJ to (imoiDit </ I'linhttsi: W.W. TRIMBLE, jfaTm JUST UECKIVKO, A LAKGE AS SORT.MEN r OF I'.MNTKRS BRUSH ES, &c. CALL AND SEE STOCK, WM, lUCHARDSON. lot cf first chiss grain Ciadles, which ' bending the aforesaid tongue in the he is selling about imlf price. Tliey sbajti- of a half circle iu tlie v:viu at- must be sold tins harvest fov whatev- ti-mpt to accomplish its end. the horse' er they will bring. Those ret^uiriug | adopted fresh tactics : and after many such, are respectfully invited to call '< l''""-*^ "^'^ "* """""^y "' ^"^^ '''^'^^ ' A X.\S.\T, IXJ ECTOR free with Ach b \fter Itle of SliiKih's CaWrrli Kumedy. ["ricu eeiits. Sold at Mudicul Hall. in the direction cf the sky, thi' tongue tried a remedy I acti-ally was brol^u, when the horse Ho procured n 1 ipiietly lay down beside it, and placidly tlLum In re viewed the scene, as inucli as to sav â€" Mr. offers .Vcrf (ic«>r t<> CUttjtvh't SIme Siure. (3120611 o 000000000000000000000000000000000 SVY. ItALI.O T»KKF. : ADVEUriSISO PAYS I 01 co'.irM it {l*«:>«, Jtt«4 plant Au nUvurliHt^- â- :iie»t ill Thk .\nr»MfK SHl' ^-*tn ifvi youi-Hitlf. Hiiiulre'1» havy dotiy- •*(» iintl , •h«iiefltttMi. "Hrtvo yon a l»rni ycm want toHoU or runt? .V*l- viM-tiw ill TllK Adtani k. Hfv.o you snythiuK uiitlor the sun you want to sell or trailo'.' \ti .\ farmer successfully for [lotatoes a-f follows number of Ixvards and 1 iaccd and thoie among tho jMitatces, ai.d on ' "I knew I could do it!" Botli horses the bo.iids wore i':i.ed rnv [inUifoes 1 were extricated from the coufused mass sliced. .-Vt noon on the day of iho e.\- of harness iu which they had become I perinieiit he found eveiy piece of thi' po- I eutaugkd, aftfr which the crowd di?- ! tato covered *)th bugv He kilWd thi.s , l>ersed "to their several homes.' I crop and at night an.'ther w;ks killed, ^ thout;h not so l«;rge, and in .1 week Sot a of this town. I^,ujj^.^y|^n,^. g^^,, ;^„j jj^g tiouUo with cultivated I bugs aft^r this was coiii(>aratively suiail. •aliout two miles from Flesherton i j^^;,„^, i,^„. ,„^,„ suggpgt that it would Ki ale. Sec his advertisement in ^ ^,,„,j .;„, j,, j, ^^^ ig^e of potatoc in ,, , , . , r column. This is a rare chance I p,,,j, t;^.^„ ^ j^ ^„„k1 «»ve the work of >'e ^vould never misapply Scripture as killing the bugs. A WoMiEiiKCi. OitiiA.v, The lariient orjnu And -'lie tli:it plnvs a controlling purt of th.- hviilib of tho boilv is ths liviT. If tor;j.J ur iaacuve the whole system becomes Jisra-^oj' Dr. Chasu .s Liver Cure is luiido sppcifilly for r.iver nud Kiiliiey diseiio's. xml i< guar. «ut«eil to cure. Keceipe boi'k au.I niodicin- »l. Solil by hU Jeolei.s James lleecroft, his fertile and well â€"for aiiotl for a wide-awake putfclia.«er Couceruiug that aiiouymous epistle, a reader says •• "We can well understand the first word in the signiture as ho is evidently ''free" iu many things, e. g. 1 ho is free from Biblical knowledge, or Tho wowlen arm la Mr. Varty'n brick- ] uiakiuti machini* â€" to »vhich the htwij^ ! are hitched â€" broke on Monday last, and 1 caused a short delay until it eouhl be | replaced." This was soon done, and a.ivorti»e..uentlit Thk ,\nvvxcK will brliiK you (^v ,f;j j,,,„m,(l jts usual swav about 5 | <«sitoiiioi!> ovury time. Ho yon want lob\ivi»nv- 1 . ' | tbiiiK or hirn heli> .' Ailvertlso in Thk .Vdvaxi k I o'clock p. ni. Mr. Viirty is mailllfa<.'tur- iug a lot of tiue bricks this season. ' 1 tL'Vorv tinm AtUlrefts 4r call 4ai .V, H, Kawcutt (VoVANCK, Olltce, Klushortoii. forleiiii*, i^e. 0000000000000000000000000000000000 PUINTINO: YES, OH, YKS! IT ^VU.L IVV? . i\n nitomor'* of itornonn who re»'l this silvt. hCo S Wante<l.â€" Butter, F;ggs,,Wotd, or any other farm produce at Richardsou & to lies thi'ir PriBtmmton.' at The ,\i>vasck. O!- rtiH.', l''l«Hh,*rtAu, Oo,xl work at hoiwat prices*! 4'vory time! ,\ tlotlar Haved is a dollar uarumi â€" ' so the provL!ri> k<»«s rauiplilots. Vosters, Cir- 1 c'llar^. rri'Hraiufl. Pivlyov;*. Rtreaniori, Bill Heads, Note HeaiU. Hecoiiiti*, >Jote Kvriiis. llnai, . lit,*-* CariH. Visiting t'ards, LalHtls. Tims, Ac. Vlain, in- ('olore<l. .\ddreA.H or Cftll on .\. H' Kawcett. .\hVANCR Offlco, Plenhortou, for terinK* Married. Roseâ€" McIntyrf..â€" On tho "iand ult., at the residence of the l»to Rev. R Mc- Intvre, I'riceville, by the Rev. T, Ink Drops. â€" Hot â€" Weather â€" Is till' rage uow ! â€" iVho is "F'ree I'hinker '.*" â€" SnbscrilH! for Thk Ai>vani.k â€" .Km\ be happy forever after ! â€" Miss Katie Bellamy is homo again. â€" .VIis. Hulincr is iini'iMving her pre mides. â€" There are quite .1 few summer vis iters iu Flosherton this season. â€" Mrs. George Brownloc, of Flesher ton, who is over fourscore years old very ill. he dot's. He is free from etlucation .ts ! evidenced by liis orthography. Free from comiuuu sense else he would mind his own business. Free from courage or iiianliuoss else he would have gone to ( , tho l>r. himself and not have perverted 'â- â-  tiie mail into ;i sewer to convey his au- , onymous diit. F'rcc from honor or ho I would have signed his name like a sen- I siblc person." But w!iy he styles him- self '.thinker" for we cannot tell. Cluis- tiau Churches have no monopoly ot the hypocrites as bis ease clearly proves I â€" A man styling himself "thinker" 'and ybt lacking the manifest rudiments of is • thinking ijower. If he were to leave the li out he might be nearer tho truth. But tlien llmiyau might rise from the ADVERTISE la The ADVANOfl ; â€" Considerable iiupnivomenta going i>i Watson, Mr. -lames Kose, of Bruce tp.,' in lijinnection with Snuire .Vrmstropg'a dead to protest against his profession jto M, E. Mclutyre, of Priceville, ' resijunce here. • being usud in that \Yay. ' ^ ^•S-'i 1

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