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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1887, p. 5

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.1 < f \ I I t \ July 14, 1S87.] THE F L E S H H R r O N ADVANCE. LIVE NEWS ITEMS. 1 4'iirefiillij and JittUrioHsly 1'li^t- fted from tin- coin iii tin «/ »itr An4rew McNary of Jlarkilale was fiii- â- i'll ?2 ami costs \'y the Maawtrate <in b;it- -uriiiiy, for I>t;iii^' Jruiik aiid disunlerly i iiiul u»in^ id-ijfaiie liiiiuua!j;e at the rail- ' Wiry station. â€" Lhmdalk H-rM. The number of births, marriii'^es, and deaths, registered with Mr. James Cav- anagh, Clerk Township of Proton, for the half year ending June 'M. 1S87, is as fol- lows : Births, 4.5 ; uiarriasjes, 7 ; deaths, \.-.â€"LhimLdk Htndd. Frank Jones, a yuuns lad abuut seven years of ULie narrowly escaped drownui;; in the Sau^een on Monday, and ou Tues- day he fell out of a waggon and nearly broke his head. â€" //"iioivf I'oift. Cuiistablo Buruic ran across a couple of disorderly characters ou Main St. last Friday iiiaiht. He captured one of them and made a urab fiT the other who, liow- i*yer, wrouolied himself away and escap- ed leavii'ir his cUar in the constable's hands. The collar is not worth much but .Mr. liernie says he will give tlie owner a d<.>l!ar if he will come and claim it. â€" /f-'/iorcr Last week four laml* belonsinii to Mr. Hugh Wilson, lV|)Uty-Keeve of KrafiC, were killed by din^ and tliroe others badly Worried. â€" ir.i/iii-^jit H-ial'l. Orangevillu is a windy placo, so are iiouie oi Its citizensâ€" iwrtieularly that "oommitteo on sports and games." On Sunday last thu steeple of the English Church was blown off and considerable ^lam:^i;e done to the buildin:;. No one was in the church at the time. â€" Slielbunie List Tuesday afternoon as Frank ie, son of Mr. NVm. Kuapp, was standing on a scatT.'M at a house his father is 1:>uildiiig he W!i3 strtick lii the fiice by a falling l«>aid, the blow causing him to fall from ihu scati'iiid to the ground, a distance of some twelve or thirteen feet. When picked up by liis father he was insensible and had to bo carried home, but after a time he regained consciousness and, al- though suttiTHi^ from a severo bruise in the face whei« he was struck by the board, it i& thought hfi is uut seriously injured. ^Sfudbiirue fi'oiiotniff. • * A fcs^mster uanieif John Ttion'fe.s was tiRstantly killed on Friday at Elora by his wagon loaded witK liiiic passing over hiiii. Willie assisting at a l>arn raising on Mr. Pretzel's farm Mirmanby, last' oiieoftlio hands, Mr. Robt. Claik, of (ileneden, had the first and second toe •cut oti' innii one of his feet by a rafter falling t'lidvvays and striking his foot. Oh Tut»Jj»y week a distressing accident befel Mr. Ji'Kii Williams and daughter, residjt^ut on the l:ith Con. Urant. While driv?;ig aKiii'? the road something appai- enily went wrong with the harness and the h«ir8c became unmanageable, throw- ing Mr. W. and his daughter out of the bugjo'. The young lady had a leg krok- I'll jus: below the knee and the knee i:i\[< misplaced, while Mr. Williams had sever- ed of his ribs broken. --.Uf. Fciifl i'uiij'%1- • intc. During the i>ast week this section has been visited with several thunder storms. Oh Fritlay evening the house of Mr. Main, near Holsteiii, «;« struck by lightening, which cnteriHl the dnmiiey, throwing the bricks dow n :v»id bk»ckadilig the door. It broke the stovt) and.theii went. down the â- â- <'ellar. None of the inmates were injured, although ci'iisiderahly frightened. Oil Tuesday there was :it«otlicr .storm, with, heavy raili. Wo hav4,.i«<it learned if any, UuiUitgo was dixwe.- .>ft. Fuivat Ct>ii/<rtf»r- afr. The junior foot-balK>ittb of Markdaiui tJiatleli>;ed tha Juniors of this )ilace to play a match ou Domiiivou Day, and iu- structed our boys to h*ve dinner rertly for tht;m on t!i,ou' arrival here. Our Niys huil everythiug ready. to give the Muk- da!e junioin a go(Kl reception, but tliey did:i't show uy. Thi^ . was i;k»hcr sniaU <ui the part of tho -MavKdale boy.i, and it isn t likely that our boys will pay ulucU ivttoition. to ttiyr further vhalleiiges ^he Markdalo juniors nitiy see. lift to send thel:i.-(V.,fKMr;-,<A .Vm'-.i, (>ii MiMuliy of week a young mau luuiied Dennis C.iUgan au.d HiiotUer nam- ed iieorge Walker, of (Jlciiolg, near Mark., ilnle, got into a dispute, while doing star tvte labui, abi'UV'lui draniiig powers of Walkers lioiso.*, .\fter tko dispute while young Walkyr wiMi uiilutcliing his horses f^l•ln tho wa^on, Calaglum sliuck Walkvr oil the head with a .-.liovvl, knocking hiui senseless. Calaghaii was taken to jail Ittkt Monday, to await the.iDsult of Walk- t-r s injuries, and I'y last accounts Walk- ers recovery is dounttul, and should he d^.t) CujaghiMi s life will likel} be despair- cd of by Lis ineiids until the result of the trial is known. â€" Cluitnrurth AVtcs. Inspector Campbell, in his rep<jrt, re- specting the Durham schixil, certainly uses very choice and good language, but if he had 3.tid the place wanted a liood scrubbing out and white washing it would till the bill, nothing like using plain £ng- lisd when you want to be understood. â€" Orty lieci'ir. During the thunder storm on Tuesday afternoon last the lightning struck and killed two young cattle belonging to Mr. Thos. Scarf, about two miles ni>rth of Durham. The cattle we understand were some distance fioui any buildings at the time, and pasturing in a tield belonging to Mr. JiU. Edge, btsid,e the ()arafra.xa road, along with about twenty others. Mr. Scarf had some insurance on the cat- tle. â€" Oieij i/r/rc-. t)|i Thursday of I:ist week as Mr. Ed- ward Portcous Wiis driving d»iwn the jth con. Derby, with a load of gravel, au eight year-old son of Mr. Donald Curr)-, unobserved, attempted to climb into the moving wagon, and by some meiuis Wiis thr<.iwii betuiv the hiuU wheel, whidl pas- sed over his head and neck causing al- most instant death.- (I'/fy AVriVf. Ou Sunday afternoon last about 2 o'clock, the wifeof Mr. Donald McMillan, of Sydenham, near Pmlaclava. died very suddenly. She had just finished eating a heartv dinner, and was goinj across the ruu<u to get a vup of tea, wlien she fell She WHS earned to a lounge, but expired alii*>st immediately. We understand that she had a paralytic strtAe last spnng, from the effects of which she had not ful- ly recovered, yet wa.< strong enough to move about. Mrs. McMillan vas ab<.>ut 1)7 years of age, and leaves thre* married daughters, who, with her husband, have the sincere sympathy of neighbors autl friends in their sudden bere.ivemeDt. â€" O. S. Tiinti. Fortify the system, by the use of j .\yer's Sarsaparilla. against the diseases I peculiar to Lot weather. Tliis mediciue I induces a healthy action of the stomach I liver and kidueys. causing them to pre- vent the accuuiulatioii of tlio iioi.sous which produce disease. AN INTERESTING LETTER ! fit>tH the I'l-n of our old Friettd, Mr. r. T. Ciirr. Dear Editor, -Since last addn-ssing myself to you, time has pa.ssed muchly, (you ask me where and what I've been) well not dead aor yet all the time sleep- ing. SPRINCI NoTKS. On the loth of .-V^Mil I saw ploughs at work in .Vrteinesia and many doing lively work before the 20th of said month, on the latter date I came to York Tp. , and saw only 3 ph>ughs at work, from (.>iange- ville eastward along tho C. P. R. trHc'.i, and across the cmntry along to near Young St. , opposite Clineburg. on tiie C. P.R. Now who says, Artcinesia is Ih'- hiiid in season. However, 1 took iK'te of one very conspii-uous tact. Nearly .all the plowing is done in the fall in the townships eastward of th'angeville. 1 was impressed with the idea tliat .-Xrte- niesia yotuueii might priilit giTJitly by do- ing more fi\Il ploughing. .-Viul I am in- formed by go-a-head fanners hero that spring phiwing nieajis half crop, at least in their e.tpen-.-UM in theses towships. Cattle in .â- \vteiue«Mv.wiere out luv grass about the tirst weeks iu April. But here cattle were not let out e>ui '.;ras8 un- til 2 or 3 weeks in .^^ay. h'.JA wheat was in ni.iiiy places nu!i,''u winter- lulled, but what esca|>ed is i i*w a good cr«>{>. High. heavy and h>ts lattl down. .'VU kinds of grain bid fare toifal) abund- ant aud lich. Hay is a|k e.xceUciit crop and now for a week p.iet the sound ;>f mowing uuwhiiies cau be heavd on ,-vU sides as you /Hilrst. . alotti; the. Queen's, liigliwuy. Vi,Mir huiiiblocoij WHS invited by tele- grapli. to put iu aiv appeariuico iu York tottiuhip, Vork CO., to assist in the elec- tion of a ;I0,(XKI feet per day sawmill, and take charge I'f the tileing of the salts de- (â- artiiient at renitineitutive figuresy heiieo his .s»)journ here. Well, I heanl somo one s.vy, can it be possible their is so much tiiiiber \> nules from tho city ..>f Tii- ronto, that it would be protitable ti-build a mill to cut it. Well, sic, it is so. Py next yean this time, cutting at tho. rate nieiitioiioil per day, what is withiiii reach of the miU will .scarce be all manu- factured into lunibui'. P>eautitul pine, ba.sswood and oak ta supply iu fact the great metropolis ..f Ont., Tori-iitt) with building material. It seeuis no use to ss^>', vh woodinun spare the tree.^. They fall with ruthless, ndcutle.^s huuds. Just so the people must have homes. 2\ niil« s iresc towards the setting sun was the place where youreor. was raised in boy- hoods sunny days. .A. tlying visit once a while and cdd time recolections flit through the mind, old time acquaintances, school mates where are they .' Oh happy time of boyhood. I can well say my sen- timents are in sympathy with one who has wrote in lyric rhyme. I've wandered in the village. Tom. I'vu sat beiieatli the true I'ljou th«* **choolhiinso vls.vinfi sroun«J. 'I'nat sheltered you and me. Hut :ioue whtfre there to );re«i lue, Tom, .\li.l few were left to kuow. That played with us upou the tjreen, Twenty. ftve years ago. But the great long talked of great na- tional day of Jubilee has couie. Wo haste away to the great city t.) see those great processions, and as the lO.CMXI loyal jubiliants niareh to the sound of jubilee mu.sio, from almost all kinds of iiistru- i ments. What a grand, glorious Jubilee 1 No wonder the multitudes of citizens and | spectators enthused and jubileed. Your] cor. is well known for a v<.icc tliat can be I heanl a inik' on ordinary occasions, if he | lifts it up and gives it lino r<"<w.. But I he could only smile a niyal aj'proval, uud let the people enthuse mi such an e.xtra- ordinary, e.\temprinous ocacsion . and after cootiitg drinks and tilliag meats were partaken of at the exhibition grounds. â€" after such a long, hiya!, i«tri- otic mardi under a burning 1st July sun walking wns not enough to tire or ex- | haust the enthuse oratory. .Artistic, vig- orous, sensible, nonsensible, humorous, sober, loyal, patriotic, jubilant. Ac, Ac, was indulged in by a nuniber of the bun h)nA. .\nd the p>'puluce euthusee and again and again jubilized, and your hum- ble cor. ci>uld only wink and smile a jubilant appruval. Why yes ! why not i Such a jubilee only couies â- nee in 50 years I -Vlas ! a life time ' How fast time glides away. One more feature and that, ah I me ' to mar such a jubilee. Lixik. Why those unmanly, unjubilant. unsteady steps of so maoy otherwise i.oble men. Let me !tsk, one, just one, what's the matter ! The sun burned and we took a little /.iHU-j'/i'-' to cool us yoit know, it it it's jubilee. .\!i, friend, diUt you khow that alcohol or any other |>oisoii iu a human stom;ich burns, whether it is adulteitited with lime jueo or anything eUe '.' Burns wtirse than the sun Hie, hie. y yes but you kuow ju-ju-jubilee. -F. T. C, A Common Cold U often the t>*giiiniiig of serious sffec- tioni ot the Throat. lJrouchi;iI Tube*. >ud Lung*. Thcrcforr. the inipurlaiK-o of esrly aud elTcclivo tiealmein c;mnot b« overestimated. -Vyer's Cherry IVctoral nisy always b« relied upon for ibe speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Lust J.'inu.iry I was attacked wiili a severe Colil. whioh, by iieijleet aiil fre- quent exposures, bccilme worse, tinaliv settlini; on my luiiKs. .V ternbie coiifjii soou lolloweil, a^-companie>l by I'aint iu the che»t, from which I -uilVred intensely. Aft«r irylug various ri-iiiedie«. witiiout oblaiuing relief, l ciimueiKvd lalinig Ayer's Cherry IVotoral, aiul wai Spa9dily Cured. I am «ali«fio<l th:it thl< remoily «avc.l niT life. â€" J4JO. Websier, I'awiuclici, i;. I. I contrnctfil a »evcie coUl. which sud- denly developed into 1'iieumoiii.s, presiiil- Ing ilangfi'uUH .iiid obstinate .'jiiii'loni'. Mv physician at oliee oiiliiid llie u«i' of Ayei's"(.:herrv Pielojal. His iu»iruetli:i'- wire followed, and the result wa-i a rapid and vnrmani'Ut cure. - II. i.. simi»ou, Uogers Uraiile, Tcxa«. Two veal's ago T sutTorcd from a scvora Cold wl'iiih settliJ on my Liiiii;*. 1 coti- sulteil variiHW plij>iciaii«, ami took Iho luetlicines they procrihed, but ri-oiivcl oiilv tennHxrarv ii-Jief. A friiiul iuduoil nitf'to try .Vvei'i Chi'rrv IVvO'iiiI. After tsking two bull I IS uf tlii* im-ilieiiie I ".is cured. Siiii-e ihtii I h:ne L-'ivcii tlie I'ec- turul to lur etiilUieii, and eousiJer ii The Best Remedy for CoMs. Coih--li«. and iiil Throat «nd: I.uiiit ili>ease«, t-v.r u^e.l in my f:miily.-- Vaiulerpoul, MeaJtille, Ta. Some time ago I took a slight OoH, whiffh, beiug nenleiUvl. grew worse, an. I BcUleil on uiy laii>;s. 1 IvaJ a huekinij coUKh, anil «;is v»ry weak. Those wh.) knew me best ccu^id^•rni my lilo t« bo ill irreat danger. I couilnncd to suffk-r unlit I comilleliopd Usiii:; AVer's CJierrv I'l'itoral. Less ihall one bottle vif tlii.> > t,- nalile modicine cuifd me. and 1 foci thai 1 o*ve the preservutioii of my li.V to its curalive powi r«. -Mrs. ,Vnu Loekwood, Akron, New York. Ayer's Cherry rrctoriil Is consi.Ierod,' htre, thoone ;;i\':it leiiiidy for all dtseasen of tho throat and hiiig-i. ami U moio iu demand than aiiv oiln r iinili^ine of i;s class. â€" J. K. KobcrH. Majiiiolia, .Vrk. Publisher's Announcement ! ^Idual. In the matter of FINE JOB Printing ! DR. CARTER, -M.C.P. JC.S..ONT. PHYSIC'I\.\, .SIKUEON, &c. FLESHERTON. Offlca. Strsin'B block Hesuleiiee. V.";n Wri^': t ilcutiotvu. DENTISTRY. Thcnias Henderscz. L.D.S. SCBGEOX DENTIST. Gold ifeduUUt iinj H-jimr irnuli'ite â- â€¢r ?/'i â-  H.C.D.:<., t is s;eneraliv conceded that j wwi risit flerhki;ton, (Muusi^ws H.te: ' ', 1 aud iof each month. Teeth ejtnwte.i. Jiise.t- tne ed and fllled ill the highe>t stylet* of the ait. ai. i at mutierate rates. He.u> Office. 7i"1 YoS' e St . T'. T-\KES THE ~Z1 ^>9al. EVERY TIME 1 ^ Posters ! Fosters ! From an Eighth Sheet to a mammoth Three-Sheettr â€" plain or in colors â€" at prices that will arrest your atten- tion and surprise you. Auction Sale Itills WHILE \0\: WAIT. PAMPHLETS ! Biii, Little, Great and Small. J. W. FROST. LL-B-, BitrvMer^ !^firifor, Conrr^t/anrer, OlHot),â€" -Scra;u^ IluilJIiitf. Fi-l^:.sHi UT- N. A. A. CHESLKY. S*>Ju,itt>r aa*l Conveyancer. MR. FROST will be f-juud at the Office .n TUursJavs a^ huretofure. p. McCULLOUGH, Barrister'. Solicitor, cfc: Olli«"«*, o»*T. UrFarlaiid's .Sior«s .Httrkdalf. .Vuuey to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, B.UtUlSTKKS. t»c>LJClTolw-i. ie. Okkicksâ€" OwHii Souij.l. ai Vu'ker's Wock I'oiilett St.; Branch .di. e :ti >t»rkc^«:e. over Mc- Farlaud's store, on Friday and Saturday everv week. J .M.\S.SOS', Q.O. S M.\SSON. W M.\>.SO.N' N H â€" Prirat* * Couipanv » luads to •.a\»»t it from Si:i to Kuht i>«r eeul. Jnoinroa Cards. John W» Armstrong, FijtsHKUTv.N. Co. Gujcy. DIVISION I'OIKT OI.KKK. IX>MM I-isIONKK ^ lij li. K.. t'oiiv^yajicer. Ac. .Vtfe:it 'oi I'lirtlia*- ae»l >alu of laiul*. Ai'i-raioer tor C 1. C Cum aii.l J.', 1'. H ,« s. -jiHiiei.v .>! 'iiey to Loan .» -.h^t uio.*l reaMjiiHhIe ternw. In.m kr* . p M \RltI-\t»M LIOE.VBES. NOTAJiY ICHLIC. MONEY TO LOAN At 1$ l^er Cent. Oa Towu OT Karui I>i T»nty. s. rA>:rrr. i.. NATURE'S REMEDY.'^- ^ORCOUGHS'COLDS.HOARSENESS iTKRdAT a LUNG COMPLAINTS SOUTHZRN ASTHMA CURE} W. J. BELLAMY. : «F. â- -i.h;,.j iHTE i: «.-\. ' â- ' '.V fA'lM .Vi'i'A'. ' â- < '.\J.\U:<s;i i\E}:, l.\:>l.t!AS'E .1', •/', .;r'. â- r\;-:';<s. LK.\.'sKS. .Ic . i.repar- ...i ill e'uisa t.,.'li.l.a:i.(.:*. M.Uev to ItUll bt I. \.e«.t I atei*. ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS BY MAIL ON BECEJPT C" fRirt SAMPLES, 25c.; REGu^n t.-i. Si cat j ' .i,oi.,.»» FL'tronii A Co.. E.«cc â-  >.'i.l.t. o~T ) . GET YOUR MEAT -KKOn- it DAUNTLESS!" ,Us*j. I'l dL^:r. WII.I, b*t f »r the Herviiv of Cfws \Vtj8t. T. *i S.U,. AtU'Uit»*;». Wnois. -â- i'I.i'»M'»*i* *-*ow. I'tivablo «'n or Ivforo â- Iiin Mt. IHhJ*. Cvwrt not nturt!tf«l ivi;ulHrt\ tt* l^UlI wiU b« ciuirjjtfd wlietUfi in otilf "-r not. UONALU M^KKNZIK. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PrspareJ ^v IT. J <-'â-  .\> .r .\ Co.. I oooil, M««». bald by I>rug(i>u. t'ricc $1 , lu IciUe., $). C.\>U1 to tho i)Tei\ii'DB of ih* <inrter«lniie.t, T.ot .i, foil. I, Ail* 1111-1*1.1, .'ti Ml iluiio. I >it«jr. dwnoi 0*11 iliive the tftttiu bv priviUK i> o|.<..»> uii.l l>iW)iiiX uX|>«ii<ci.< W.M. V'l.ETt'HI-ir.. TytOM the tllellu^<-E( v)f tho uiuluiHiijTiod. Lot .T: IV'. -ml Uait:.u NVe.-t. 'lack Line, i '»h1. year- litiU *»*'»*»r. \i>v "e»voii ^iviiin iliforiiiatioii will ba suitably rewiu' Ie J. JUKi4."uu.\u ririiii. TIMBER AND LAND SALE. GKUTAIN ioi-i AU 1 ihc liutlK'i tlu-rwi.n >it mte in Uu- Ti'wnsbn*s of Alhtn A<'«i,fiJr< *'l\- woll. lliHintjs. rA»ii»rvi*n. (ai iiil>oll. HowUn 1. Shehuianilah, 'I'elikuiuniuli iiii>l MitU uii ili«- MaiiittMilin Nl-iut), i'l tliu L>ii*tri«. I oi VI^omia, iM the Tri's :n.e of (>iititvio, wU l>o offurini foi Sure at rul»lir .\iicti< »»• iu l»ltK.k> of At' alti"*. iiiofo or Iofi> on th« rtrst tlav .-f Syv'toinluT next. >it> 10t>Llo.^k..A.M tit ibe ln<Hau l.uiul OttlLU hi tl'o VilluKi »>f MaiiiU'Wiitiiti;; Tonii-i of "^iiK' itoiiUH fort.iii'>or pavA'^Ji* in lAsh. i»r;«« nf lAn>) i>ayat'l«) in ca^d. i» Ikvn-'o ivv aU,. |ta>»vt>lt' in cft.>b tin. I lUios to l»o , »i<l ntKord- iii>;K to rj.rrirt' ui'on the tiinl><M- wlu-w cut. Ilu'lHn.! y^ti \\hi«li thf* tiinl>tT i;row^ to bv !-oM \\tt*i tho tLUil>6r witliOJt c*>»iiisi''n.-* of st-t- tluuiHnt. Afc thu siinio time and pUco tbo Mv iX'lntiitabK' Ti'nI*or of not loss than nine iticiif^* in Unituotur At the bntt. '»n the Spani-^h llivcr Ko-orve ami Kroneh Itivoi lowvr Ke-ei'vu \.h1 !>»â-  olfme^i for SHiu for A <'a>h boJiiis iuu\ i;rouU'-1 runt of â- rLwM*»^">" ^'li'*i't" ""**'• An.l .hu-rt to I'o paitl on tlto thnbt'i a^ ci!t. accimliiiji to T.iiiflT of tbia U*".ftUnu'nt. ITor fiiLl iitiriiuularrt -^iluiue a)>t<!> &o Ja«t. C. IMiipps, Ksij.. Indian ^n;it, Maniio^MUiiuj;, or to the un'tei>i;ine«l. No otht-r i»iiiH»r to iii-*\»vt this aftvortiHotneni without authorit> tUix»»it;h the v^iu-eiis I'l.ntvr L. VANKOliiHMVr. IVpntv oi the Snjit Cieu! of lu.lian .Xtftttrn. Pupai tnient of Indian .\fTiiii*«. Ottawa. 2ud Juue. 1»»7. GRAY CHAMPION! ATHOmn CiH HKKP IHKHVM lill.l.. witl KoikI pediyieo. will standi for hoi vice at l.o ua \Vc«t T ,t s K . \rviiie»i». Tkum... â- Â»! if lal. on or iHjforo Jan. l'*t. IWH: otherwi.*e. .-^LA^. .M»o tlu.roinili UiuU KHV.KSHUIK HOAR a wiuc I'lacu. J.VCOtl V. L-.\ Lit Pstcli S, Mitchell,. tiENEH.XL IsnVHERS. FLESllKKTON! fcrr'Ovsli paid tor I'lit oattlo, ,Ci'., \o. \E\V LIVLIIV! THK nn.l.T«i«ntvl )».i;h to nunonne** that heba* -taited a tlrst-eKi-'s Liv«v\ iti the ^Cand op- posite Muusbaw-* Ilctwl. V'K'^hoitun, where tl l» travtfllin); pnUit i*«ii l>c accoiiiuiodated wit i >{iH>t1 r'nia and ubrMia at uiOKt r«*foiittbI« 1 1 iv*. 4 Try niu and i-* oonv^ticv^t. lU'iii>voiftili> Nour^. W. H. JOHNSTON.. F!ej«hortou; Nov. l*.th; ism}. Picture Irani iiio;, Xeatlij, Chi'aply tV* (hiick- lij Done, by J. E. raooRE, Utirtiain St. Oi'i'osite flujicu » lUi ln.^!. >ho|i "BELL" approached for "oue and Quality. CATaLOQULS frck. BELL&CO.,Giielph,Oiit..

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