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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1887, p. 4

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I THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE QVIf la T> A T>T*0 vnsT tMf found nn nio at Gmw mXLXO irilJriltfXV i'. At>*»r.i* c * «NL-wHu«tMr iJ*frtU»nK UoHiiructj St. I. wh»T" ftjvfrii«)n0 fUMfMW iuAX I/O uuhU Iwc.U JUI M£IV I'OUiC* THE ADVANCE. I« pubti^fhuu Every 'Phiii'Mclay, KUOU TUK OfKUK. CUilliii'juwJ /s'treet, - - tVnlurtoH, <>nt. TKl'.lIS OF BUllSCltll'TIOS : *1 |H-r aiiniui w.heii paid «liictl> iu udvuiice ?1.jO i>er anuuii) \vhL'ii nut ^u pui<-l. A. R. FAWCETT, Editur ami ri'i>iiitor. FLESHERTON: TIIUHSDAY.JL'LY 14.1887. EDlTOii I A I. Vf > TI.S. We liiive no disposition to cnti'V in- lu iiny fmilier discussion of tlio roller tiiill qiifstioii at tliis juncture. Of iljis more ajiwu- In tlip inehntime urn- cpliunm are open to corrospond- (,nt.s who may dcnire to uir their views umcliini,' lliis important subject ; but we uuisl insist on tk", "^trict obscrva- tiun of tlio two rules w« now lay down in cunuectipn witli such It'Vis, viz., 1 1 . they must bo short, iunl [i\ they must be published ovir the wriiors' rta^ DiJ4iiUd. The, liiJitor does not in- ii ud to bo htld.iiUjpon.^blc for the op- inions of anonymous writers, in the di.scussion of this subject at least. Tlic .\gricalturnl Editor was some- what alarmed the other day, when an alleged counterfeit 25 cent piece ciinic into iiis poHSeHsiou. and seemed liktly to remain whei;Q .it was- A test prov- ing' it to bo genuijio, iiowever, he now feels jnuch bfttei;, and tuke.s this op- I'ortuniiy to assure those of his sub- scribers who may chance to bit in arrears, that lie ^Si prepared to accept liny (piuntity of the same kind of twen- ty-five cent pieces in payment of sub- scriptions. The Twelfth of July , Will hkely be celebrated in ^laikdalu next year, and it will be into^'euliiif^ to notice then whether Flcshe^tTiu \.ijl imitate cer- tain citizcus of that classic place in the matter of brint;in;,' their own > dibles alon;,' with tl.i (u and n iitin;; some public . lial|, for the puriKise oj° fiediiii,' the hungry jnultityile in oppu- >ition to ihu hotels and i'litiu;^' houses. Well, some people .in Murkdale may â- 'Wiiiit the wholo .earth," but, tlmnk (iod, they cl^u't get it ! ./' Mr. W. G, r\i'liell In.') writiuii a litter to tho,Mji,k<lale Slunilanl,. iu wliicli ho cou^Qi)u)^ . tl<u ('onuni>rci|il I niou resoluit^oii.i .recently pas.ieil by ihe l''.a8t (ircy vAgricultnnil Suciutv. Mr. l*. is after tla' I'residcnt's senlp, bi^l it will require a consider^uble ctfort uu his part to secure it, -the ;^calp wo mean. After all this,; "Coiuuieii^ial ('iiion" warfare must resolve itself into a contest between, l'votcctio|iistH and i'ree Traders , and as the people have three times iu sucoessi(jij v.i\L\\ llieir virdufl iu favor of the former, it does not seem dilHcult to predict the result unless lhoi,e is some peculiar virtue in tliu uew lu^i^o. ' Sumcbody HUggcstcd the othci; day, ill pur hearing, that it would ,liavp beei; 1^ fine idea liad , rkslurlon l)een moved out fo, the railw ay station when the lriicl{. was laid between Oiiiiige- vLlle and ll|e Sound. It wpuld have huved dyin^' .so iiow,,whei) the town is 80 niucl^ largL'i; aucj \vliei> it will he so iiiui'h moi,e e\pi:i^sivf ! TTiis "idea" must have .orij^iiialei], at the Statioju , After all it,would shut down en the "its a lougdislunge-lo the sta- tion" frjend which is a very comfort- iiiH tllou^;ht. Wg'il think the mutter over, geiitleipen,, To most children, the haro KUKgf<sll(iii ' of, a 14UKC of cui^tui;.,oi^ i.s uuuncatiiig. Wlioii pliyHio is ueeessiu y (or tlu; littli; ones, iioo Ayer's Catluuiv . I'.U., , Tlii\ aro safe and pluasaiitto talco. Try theiii .SIIILOH S CAThKHII Ri?.\li;|)V .,, |iii,^ilivu uiliu for CaLiirli, l>i|itliurii iiikI Ciiiikur Mxiilh. riiilJ ttl .Mi<li(iul Hull, "II.VCKMl'iT'AOK," It UHtiii)j uud IniKritiit pui ('Uiiu. i'l'iut L't) au(| ^U oiuU. Sultl liv kuilivat Hull. .Wr. FlCNlier'ii Meeting. The meetiiii{ iu the Tuwii Hail here last Friday eveiiiii;; to consider the roller mill (juestion ilrcw tu^'Cther u number of townspeupld and iioixhl'oriii^ farmers. It cuuld scarcely bo called a rfprcsentli- tivc gathering, hnwever, as a number of liruiniiient cn|iita!istfl Were abneiit. .Mr. Flesher introJueed tho subject, al- luding to the practical aspects of the case. His speech went to slmw tli'.t it waa a very expensive uiii!crtnkin2;, mid an ex- piiiuieiital one at that. He alluded to •liu later iiuprovuinents in inillin;^ facili- ties \\A outlined in the article copied from the Detroit Fn-e t'lva and published in last week's A])VAN'K, and pointed out the l.oasibility of the roller proces.s beiiij; su- perseded by this latest claimant for po[)U- lar favor. He alluded to another fact, not generally known, viz. , tlmt custom- ers not a larger percentage of flour in re- turn for the grain left at stone i^ristiii;^ mills than at roller mills. He was doubt- ful, lakiiiv; all thin'.;s into consideration, wh.tlier it would pay to aiakc the change. A. It. Fawcctt, of The Auva.nce, next spoke briefly, eKpressiii^ it as his belief that a rollur mill was a necessity and should lie considered very seriously by tliosu disposed to aid in bringiii;.; the scheme to u successful issue. Dr. Chriatoe expressed himself as being strongly in favor of stone flour, from u sanitary standpoint ; at the same time frankly acknowledjiiiig the ureal growth of roller Hour iu (lopular estiinntion. Tho great expense necessary to effect the chani/o, however, seemed to be a serious obstacle to overcome, and he doubted w liether a syiidicatc eouhl be formed liere to carry out the contemplated improve- ments. .Mr. Bradley, lessee of the flouring mills here, was of opinion that a change was necessary. Mr. It. J S|irouIe made a practical and pointed speech iu connection with the matter and wound up by askiii'.; Mr. Klcsher if Iio would sell the mill properly providing a joint stoek company could be formed or a capitalist could be found williiiii; to invest his money in such an enterprise. Mr. Flesher said In- had not niadu up his mind to sell, but would do all in his power to help on the scheme, consistent with his own individual interest as wel' as that of the village ^eiieially. Home furtherdiscusaion ensued between Messrs. Flesher ami Sj.roule and others, after whieli the nieetino broke up with- out liaviir.^ come to any detimtuconcltisiun in tin: premises. (N. U. -On account of lack i>f proper accomodation we were uiinblu to take ns full iioti:s of the meeting as its importance deinaiiiled.--Kli. .\|iVan< K. | .ill Aiioiiyuioii!* EplNlli'. Tlifl f(dlowin;{ rather curious epistle was received through Fliisliertoii I'lwl llllico by I)r. Cliristoo- we |>rinl it o/xi- liiit rl tifrriitiiiii : - Flcsherton .Inly tli â- "> IH.S7 to Dr t'liristo if there Im anioni( you 11 poor niaii of one of thy breilueii wilhiii ^ny of thy gates ill thy land wikidi the lord tliy uod yiv- ith tjie thou sJialt not hni'di'ii thine lierl nof shut thine liaiiil from tliy pogr ', lotli- er ihoii nhalt surely ui^e Inat and thine lievt,«h:vl.liot be urirVMl whiMi thou ^ivosl unto hiiu beca'i$»< that for tlijs thinu llui lord 'by '-("d s'l'd' bless time in all lliy noiks and in .til thai ihou piittest thine 11101(1 unto foi the (looie shall never ceane out of the land Ihevefore i command thee saying thuu shall open thine hand .wide unto thy .biolhur i \h'mi\ thiiikiiiK that D Taylor i^ thopoor- est man in, the village in need of a little help ^ yours truly, a free thnikur iNKWAUVEIlTKSKiMKNTS. IN the matter of WILLIAM HOUO, of the Vil- IftK'i of Kluiihertuii Htatiou, iu the Couuty of Oroy, Gttnurul Htorc'kei'i»t.'r. Thti iiisolvunt han nmdo an aaf«lf;nment of his Kfltatu to the uiulurbiiltied, in (lurMuaiiee of an Act retti»tf*?tiMK' AsMJifntMentH tor thu benttttt of Cpcditors^H Vic, Chap. Jt\. and the CreUitorM aro uoMfletl to meet ftl No. -iO WeMington street Kant. Toronto, on Moii'iay l«th July, 1HH7. at i o'cltx'k, p.m., ti> receive ^ttateuientHof liiiiutfairft, ai)i>t>int InniHctorn, aii'l for thu onluriitt* of the afTtiirA of tho Kutatu tifi'Mt-'rally. And Ndti'io is h*^rpl)v t^iveii, that after l.">th Au^uHt, next. th« said Trustee will proceed to di^iribu^e tliu ansetH of tho uald Debtor auioiit^ tho parties «nt\tled thereto. huviuK regard only tft the claims of which N'oticu tilmil Imve been given, ami tlmt ho will not he liable ti'V the a*.- KotD. or any ]iart thereof so distribtitud to any pernon or lersoiis of wliose dent or claim he Eihull not tlieii have had notice. K. U. C.CLAIIKSON, Truutue. •jr. Welliiigtju St. East. Turouto. 4th July. I**?. :U«.317 Agents, Agents ! N"".v lii:A!i\ ' Oi u Ni.w llai'K. EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€"01;â€" Marvels oftiw Universe JleiuK a full and grapiiic description of all that is wcihderful in every (\»ntincnt of the <ilobe. in the wurld of waterti niid the starry 11eavoa>t. (ontainini; thrilltnK adventuroH on land aud seii. renowned disctiverioH i>f the worhl'ii jireatcst ex- iilorers in all a.^t^*', and remarkable pluMioniena in every realm of nature. Knibraoiii^ the tttritv- lUfj physical (oature* of the earth the peculiar eharaeteii^tich (if thtf human race, of uniumls, bird?;. inseetH, etc., includiuK a vivid iluNcriptiun of the Atlantic. I'acihc titid Indian (^ceann aud of thtt I'olar HeaH. the monKtern of the deep, beautiful huaHhellH und idantH, ttin^'ular tlshi'S and dwellerh in the world of water**, reniarkiible oceati currentH. etc . tou'ethor with the amazii.t; tilienomena of the Holar ami Htarry KVMtitmH. liy fenry Uaveupurt Northrop, D.D.. eiubelUHhed with over ;iou llnn enifravimjH. Liberal leruirt to auentH. Oxford l*ub1i«Uiut{ Couipauy, A Jordnn St , Toronto. Out. Ul(i-;kWi This Space is lusorvid foi* W. W. STEPHEN, DRUGGIST, ME AFOR D . A WoNiiKHrn.OionN, Tlit^JarKust orKau mill one that plays a eoulrolliiiK (laii I'f tliv lii'jiltli of tliii lioil.v IS tlie Inui. If lo.|iicl ir. inactive 111* wli6lu system bocomos ilise«:.U, 111. Chase's I.iver c'liie is niado spiciill) till l.ivor anil Kulney iliseases, ainl is ^iuyy- anteuil to o.iie. Ueceipe buuk Hiiil medicine 91. .Sohl by all (leaUis. VoviiK 10, .MM' .\rii you illHtnrliiid st liiulit luol nrukuM et your rniit, liy a niiiK ulolcl HuiTmluK itiiil eryhiK witli imoiefCnttlnKrm.ili â- .' If r-c.siMul 111 niniU sail fiet iitiottlunCMlM. Wlii Bl.nv'sHootloiiKHvriip' lor Ohil.lreii 'ruetlMiit; ItH vaUui is liiciiliMilaMe 11 .vvill . lellevo llii' pi.cir llttlo Hutriivii- ioumiiliiilijv. llnpeinl iip.'ii It. iootliiii>, tliiTi' i) e.> iiOBtiilo' .iiliiiiit. It. a iMir.m l)vt.eiituiv kSkI Dim i hiiii. reMnlntun tho St..iiiioli iiijil lIuwiiU. eiiii'n Wiiiil Colli-, fort.'iH the liiuoH, rullnoi'^lolliunloiiUiMi, unci uiventeiie iiliil energy to tlio wtiole »\!ilolii. ".MlM, Wiiif. l.i« «SooililnKSvru]i" for rliililnin tentliliiK Is' l.lo,,i^„iit totliulshlii and 1« tlio ftioHcrlptiiMi of niio.,( lliii 1,1(1,.,). n\\A liesl r.u.ile phy-ulniin Kiul loirKiiu 111 Dm (iiilTed Snilo*. snil Is for hrIu liv nil ilruKiiixt' lloHiiiulioiil tl<u world Viiuu iw.mli ftvucmiitnii Ijolllu. Ilesiirnaiid »â-º!( for â-  Man. \ViN>i,ow a :iuuiiiiM' Ijiatl'," uud iiil.i> no oilier klllil. VOW, 1)V.S1'KI'MI,\ aud I.iver Complaint vou b»»e a priiiliiil KUiuantee on everv but tlu ot Hliilol. s Viluliniir. It uu\t)( /aiis to cue.^i.;^e.^i \i4\, ROAD NOTICE. Ntitice is hereby Kivftn that tho Muniolpallty of .irtetiuiHla «mU aft,«k' one month from tnetlrHt publleiition bi'it-of ji4 the I'l.KNHKlttoN .\i>v\Si'K ii>twr«pHper. tiir dati\ of uhich \\x*.t publicaihia will be on tlie7ih ilfiy of Jiilv. 1W7, proceed to IMiHH n )t\ l.iiw estabtltU'tUK the unilovuientioi)e<1 >evinl)ou nl vui.d (ti t)iiM TowiiHhtp, vix., from a point nnmbeied ll ou a duviatlou under Ity-Lnw :in,l, m^de by T. OiUiUud, Ki^ii., iMttWKen I.oti dt and '.:i in thu iJth <\iuci>Hiiion. on ftnme l»earinu toi eutVii of lluiul. known an t'amplwH'x road, in titi'ad of <in beuriM.4 4Jtf AH luuntionetl on plan by Huhl (lillibtnd. will 'I), part of *«aid lt> :i(i.l will be re|itiali)d. ii'el.^lMo to RatiKfv the ovj^'inal hitenthpii to i-Hi I y any other part of said mad lU Itit^ Divihioual lititt ^( LotM art far hm uravtiual. < iiiitiell will meeti on tiecond Mouuay, ot AuK.. iiibtead of \^\., to pa^ W, J. lilHa.AMY. Townnhip ^'lerk. One Hii;h-li^d nuthnm Unit, ^^KING BILLY," Wo Jli<i\llll (VkIHI/m'oii, Will Miiiud tor norviio for tlio v. iir ISKf. nt l.ov Itl'i. iKt UilllKi \V r. tt H U , Altoliiesju nl tlio Hiiiiill nillM lit ,>!«, \V. C. I'.VKKKH. THK llliV. GEO. H, TH.WEft, of Bour boil, Iiid., Bays : ''Both myself and wife owe our lives to SIIILOH'S CONSUMPTIUN CUBE." Sold at Medical Hall. Farm for Sale! 1 no â- '^CUK F.^KM, W acres cloareJ, in ijooit l.\J<J stiito of cultivation, Lou Harn. I'raiiiu Stably and other oiit-litiiMltiss. (iood Uonuh- cast Huuttf. hplcluUcl CeUar, ^oo,*. Wotl at tlu* door, largo Orchard with j,'oi«l hoaiiiit; Fruit TricH. Lots US. 141). 130. :lrd UaiiKo i:a«t. .Vrto- iiieiiia. PosHossion can lio had thid faU. Titlo cluar. J.4.MES llEIXltOFT. .»l-;irj. I'ropriutor. SALE OF WHAT IS IT? Viltii'Db Pun Prg^it;! I'litlor HUd liv virliio of tiiioworof Hiilmiontftiiiod 111 a iiiort^iiKo iiiiido l-v iloliuit riaiiiM'Oi, do- rioilt liiivliif< hvfii mailo in |iiiyiiu>iit tlioroof, Willi"! Hold liy Puldic ,\iictioti Hi MiiiiHhaw's lloti-l I'lunhoifoii.on TIIV'.SDAY. 'llli; llHIi OF H'l.y. 14R, lit I o'l'loo^i ( 111., tho folluwiiiii pro- pfity. Lot No II 111 iht) I'^lth t'oncc^<^tull nl tho Towas! ioof l)^lll'oy ill tlu) t'oiinty ovQroy, coii- tlllllilif; tUJ llrl'oi lliov*! Vir loHri, 'this H ft oholiui fniiu, 7-' *cio«ilii»r and in flood statt, .if-iiilllra- tioii, aiiiUU ucruHof iMvchaiidli aylu. 'lUutariu i» w.itiii>..l h] a iiu\or failiiitf xpriMK. 'rKaMs.-''riio piirchativr ^laJI |»ay a doponil of l^llKliit tli«liiiiu >( Niilu, Ihohilhincoof olio third (â-º( tho piirihiiHo iiiom«>' fi\ throo wooka thoru- aftoi ; tliu loiiiiiliiiiiK two'Uiii'ds to lio jinld in ca- It or HOI orod li> a nioi tk'aijo pavahio fioui oliu to 111 u joari, a( the optliui of tho pmcli.inur. For tiuilHii paitioulaisiipyly to t'HKH.XH it MUU!, Vuudor'a Hollcltor>,U.;iull(vu. lIauill(on, Juua20ti),l.lK>7. .. IT IS .V K.yCT .VND NO CONTUOVF.ItSV TH.VT JOHNSONS TONIC BITTERS and N1-;UVINK t» the l)e.-l renit,-dy iiitlie niaiket for nerv(uiH disea^os of any sort. Hysteria, I.twa of .Vppetite. Debility fror i los** of rtuids or over- work. faliMtesti i>f l'<nuph xioii ho often feen in youn^ females autl al' â- -' .iiplaiuts uribiug from pi'vurty of blood. It in a faet and noj^niuHavin^ that lOHNStiN'S TONU' MVKU I'U-l.Sare tho v.rv be^t in tJie maiket for -lisca^e-* (â- aiiKe<l bv Tt'r|)hl l.i\er and ilervati|.;enient of the Stomacli or Kidueyti. It is a faet nnd no luu- will ile»iv it that -FOH N SONS Aid, HI,AI-!N(i WMITK OtNTMKNT i> tlie bei^t in the inaikft for Itiirn-;. Sealds. Cliil* blaiU'^. Salt Kheuni, ItHrber-^ Itch, riniplc^ and all Skin Disorders ari^ilik' froit serofulonn tuiiit W. S. CHRISTOE ha*i bmm linM.inted .\p'Ut for tlio al'tive and has tlieni on -ale nt his Mc'dieal Hall. Kleshertun. Try for yourselves and be Hatit^tled. DUNnAr.K PUMP WORKS! C. R. PHILLIP'S, Maniifacturtir of all kincia of rCMl'S. Cylioder Check Valve & Cistern Pumps. Or«Ter« l?t»fiiK*otfMny SoliilteJ ami satisfaction guaranteed. JAMES SULLIVAN. 'I'lll-Sliillh. .\<iKNT. KI.KSHKKTOS. J. B. SLOAN H(ts nnij qnuntitii of Shin- Lilcs, .y-r.. tni Inindat Ku'Jriiia. K. J. SPKOUL. Fhxh-iti'ii. Ciitirrijanrn-, Apyraimr, Val- nfitor mid J/oiic;/ /mi/o. l>fid>, Moif- ipu/M, /wises mid Wills drawn hj> m.d 'l',ilinitiim.t mud,- on nUirrifst notice. Vl,tii- I'lMfminIrr, FIfthrrion. CLAYTON'S H iU\ESS SHOP : FLESHERTON. h the plice tiMjet ymr Ihirnas Collars, dc, iiuul' "/< 111 'Jw'd .-^tijli: Shop ill ir. CUiijtuHiBoot d:S)we Sti^re, FUslifitvn. harneI HARNESS. ..If von want Ilanir ps, Sinu'le oir Donblp.'or Horse lilankcts, Tniiiks, In lis, Valise.-s, Cuny t'oiiite. Ihusln.-i 01- till' v.-ltmuticl lluriioss Oil, call I'c cxuiuiiK' Ixl'oiv inuelotsiii;,' cldcwluno. R.J.WATSON. p 1! I c I'. V I J. c i: . PHOTOGRAPHY.. MRS. BULMER.. r/wio!jrojj/t<'i-, Flesherton - Onl HuvinK iiprnt noma time in the aludio of the faiiK'Ui Tonoito Phiitiinauhi-r. Mr S. J ".♦ixoi when I aci|iiirvd valualilc klioaleilui' III Uitoii cliinu. I lerl lo-BUrttl I can ^i.o «• oil (jclicia' •atl^fActMll, .\ cull roaiMtful..'. -oluitcd. MUS. V.VLMElt. Floshcrton. Sept. mh, 1".V>. James Sullivan, The Tiusmith, - Flesliertou llepnh hn;. Ravetrouithinf;. and in faet Avury- thiuK in the buAlnetiS will receive my prompt atid cartiful ifcltentionat ti aujimble prie< s. THE MARKETS. Fl.KSUKliTO.N. C'li refill I !/ t'orriclvtl lUith U'l-f l-'loiu- «1 00 to 4 Fall WluMt cU "J 10 Sin-iiio Wlual 75 r.ttiU^ t!o Oiils I.V. IVus (I 47 nutter 11^ (I E^'os.tVosli. 1« PotiitOfs bush oi) I'ork .^ UO â- ) Hnv.por tonr. 10 00 lo Hicios (t 00 7 Wool ., 'iO Slieeiiskins 40 (iftmi 05 Tiiikoys t» M Cliivkidi.-i per [lair '.'5 Diiclws lur pair 40 /.. 20 75 75 ^i, 4H â- i .'.0 t)(j 00 01) •22 .51: on 8 »l) 50 AT GORDOItf'S HARNESS SHOP rij:siJi:nT<>\, You will Dud all aascrtuuMit ot Heavy and Lisrht Harness. Whips, MruHlu"*, Curi y i'oinbK, swt'nt I'adft.aud thuctltihrateU">larhekK Oil." :*»M'OLLAKS \ Sl»»:eiALTY.*'& I'licai* for I'liili. Ciilliuj,! r\KiMiiii', aj I . II., I .v. .! < â- m Aeiebratcd pn .>i)? CHASES V'^ OANDELIOH mm mm HAVE YOU U%ef t'eiitpJAii't. Dvi cpNi.i. iiidipe^tion. riIiou»ne»i jaUridiCC, livttuailic, l'lZ/U«^-S. l'»iU Itl b-u'«C, Cuiaivciit.->.%, vT ..i.y i.i-id^e ;.ii-.inn imm a lici^.^i 1 Uvcr, 1»K. ^.'nA^»â-  . l.i« tA 1. 1. ii<. w.!l './« fuund a »â€" -• and c«rlui:i â- â€¢ m -'y NATURE'S REMEDY The nr'«iu.i! i".- ! .ifi-". * i" 1 r I h,i--'. I jver Cur< • l.ivcr V.i,u,.a.;l ;..-:â- . ^ .':l> v*.i.i li c l..a ll.. t il i Lon jKUii.'i'-'t 'r -Ki !' iiitrc'» rt«riikn'»wn li\cr, Mam'hak!: ••:• '.' vN!'k.i I'-N. eciiihtri'il »i.h iini.y other tii\;i iiu ',« it>oi'. it.eks niid iMrti*, l..»'L.fci A tH>w<rrul u'l I I-' f- iilii-.)^, ft ..m„^h, I'-vwi.- -IK; lUouil. 000. OCO SOLD ih'cr >'iM«/.i// m:.'iiifii â- */ Dr. ChaS€'$ KC't'^' f-,HW» itft*e iV.f i'l l'.i'i.*.frt .i.'jii". U'g u-amt trr'jf nun, SoMtTHtHQ New. CiviN Away Free Wraj>i*cd around cvrty Utitlcef Pr. (, h4*e\ Liver Cure \% a v.ihiub'e Huu^chjUl Mvdii.d Uuulc And Riciv-c ItiXik (Si p^tcr-). coittatning uvcr iuu u^ful rc(.iitc-, {jroni)iiiK<.-<l t>v ntodicul men And drU|i)Ctt>.i as inva'u- ftble, :ukI v^viil) ten tilnc^ iSe pticc lite nic^i<:uie. TRY Cnase'5 Catarrh Cure, a *mk buu iM^.itive rciii«:dy. Trice, j, >cii[>. TRY Chase's Khmey and Uver Pills >5 ct-«. per u>x. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS . T. IDMANSON A CO.. Sor» Afnf. Bradford "Plesherton Meat 31arkel» s. srnar. I'lini'iiiLxor. Cash paid for fat Cattle ani.i Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly ou luuulfor , {!rtsli. Onlor.i promptly filled. EUGENIA' Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest '•ates of interest an,tJ,Dn , teiins ot" repay nitiU to .-.uit borrqvver.. . .FARMS ho.ught nncl- sold. CON V1\VAXC',I'S t)f all kinds' pio|>er1y executed." COMMISSIONER tor takini^ affidavits in II. C.J. , A.t^cnt t for the Norwich , Fire. Insuiaucc Society. All bixjjiucsr ^ promptly, carefully and confrtlentially attcndeil to. Office, CunuM- ()'" Inkerman and Napoleon Struo^s. HBNEY MELDELTM, AGEtlT.. 7 â- â- *: 1 X } : 'i i f f 1 t â- ** ^^

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