^ r f . - • â- i } ...J TttlE FL:ESHERtO!^ ADVANCE <JmTTO T» A UlTW wj >>" found nn mo at Ota, Ailv.rtwiiK, Ih4i^uuiNSi,i-uc«>»ti. wlijjwMiwrtljiM <Malr»fH mar ba iiixUfiic Uia UMtf XOWUU "THE ADVANCE. Is pubHsbi-d Kvery Thursday, KUOU TUK OFKICK, I ColUifjwoo'i :ititd, • • Fleilifrti'h, Out. TKUMS OK St'BSCrtlmON : {1 |>ur anuuiii when pkid atrictl)' iu advaucu (LJUfitr aL.-uui wliou not so paid. A. R-FAWCETT, Editor (Xiul PruprUtor. FL.ESHERTON: THURSDAY. JUNK 16, 1887. i:niTonT.iL \otes. At this season of the year the care- ful (.'ardouer docs a great deal of "wet'dinqr out" among his vegetables, ll l.a j often struck Tub AuvAN<:r tliat ibcre is quite a "weeding olit" iirocess toujjtautly going on in villages, towns aud cities. And yet those bad weeds (or Lad cJ wizens I are constantly crop- ping np to the serious detriment of the vpjjttablc world in general and of soci- ety in particular. Di . Sproule'd proposition to set at libi.r.y lesser criminals, in conmicm- orati'jn Of Iter Majesty'.? Jubilee, was oppo.scd by the Minister of Justice. Hull. Mr. Thompson was right', there are euough criminals at large uh-eaJy without addmp; to their iiumbern by such a doubtful act of executive cUni- cuey. At the same time the member for Kast Grey is to be commended for the liigli and honorable motives l>y wliich bo was actuated in the mal- ttr. A dwnkcn tailor leaixtd out of a pafBcnger cai* at Hamilton the other day, while the train was in motion. lie bounced off the siding like a rulj- bcr ball end lia'l he not been utuglit on the b.^tmce by a trackman would Lave duublc<l back under the track and met certain death. So the daily nevvs- papci.~say. Tliat truckman is evident- ly a husv bailer ; and if he isn't be uiigli. to be. The Agricultural F.ditor m so busy uucnding to job work and wiiliiig duuntng letters "tliciie times, ' that he camiot devote as much attention us iihuul to liis "Editorial NotCH" dt'imrt- UiCUi. In a few week's, however, he h( peb to liuve things iu sraoolli rim- uinj order agai^. , „. OUR VOLUyrEEIt sri^TEJi. A rotten potato ^vill contriminate scores of good potuloch by which it may happen to be liurroiuided. "Evil communications corrupt good man- ners" has passed from the head line in the school boy's copy book into ono of our most forcible proverbs. Scores of other suyiugs might be adduced to show the evil results arising from bad example, but it is not necessary to bring thtin forward at this time. We, as a young and Undeveloped nation, are proud ofour volunteer mil- itia. Where in all the annals of war- fare on this continent can wc find brighter examples of true heroism aud patriotism than iti the history of the brave exploits of our soldier-citizens duHL'g the itceiit'rebellion ? We glory in flic'grand victones they achieved, wo weep over the fallen, and we syui- I>athize and mourn with the bereaved. But the picture has quite another side to it. Turning it over wc find our Voh">*cer system endangered by the bad example of self-willed men â€" men who imagine they are the law and the gospel in themselves and who act accordingly. A notorious case in point suggests itself, where one of those kuow-all individuals established a military discipline of liis own in op- position to the laws of Ins country, deserted the ranks and kept his cloth- ing until eijmiKilled to give them up. Perhaps he saw a fenian invasion or a Northwest rebellion in the near fu- ture. At anyi-ate he was denlt with by the authorities and compelled to recognize the fact that the "way of tliC transgressor is hard." But what is the result of' that one bad example? What comes of officers doing th*ir dA:y'? Why ilie company becomes thinned out and when the next annual diill conus uroimd con.siderable difli- culty i.'' exporienc'.'d in druniming up recruits enough to prisent anything like a decent spiiearance on parade This reay cause the "deserter" to chuckle and laiigli in his sleeve, but we can assure hit:i and those who have b'cn mi.sguidftd by his falnu doc- trines, tliitt a remedy is provided iu the military' law whereby every coni- jiany oniri r ean easily secure a full quota of nun. Our advice is to put this law ill foivejustas noon as recruits are not forthcoming. Far be iter vol- unteer vunr aervicis than btr subject to the iliafUng system provided in ca.se any offiicr tinds hiniself unable to se- cure tlie full conipliim(;iit of men. It will iiflvrr do to submit to ir.oU law â€" nay, nor even to llie .semblance of it. Ill III iiarl (if tile I'>riii>li Kmiiiie docs our Sovereign Lady, llur Most Uraciuns Majesty, QiU'eii Vietoiiii, live more in the hearts of lier pi'()i)le than in Canada. Her Maj<!hty's hirlli- duy anniversary is ccloliraled here in It luyul and enthusiastic nianuer not tqualhd anywhere else in the r'.mpire â€" not even in the old laud -i':<elf, the home of royalty for a thousand years or iiuire. Why this is sj we do not know, nor do we stop to enquire. It is aullicient to know that tho great litftr* of Young Canada is loyal and paUiolic to the core ; and that the prayer ofour people this Jubilee, year is that oin- beioved Queen may long be (jpiired to wieid sccplri^ over tliiit Empire "on which the sun nevur setn. " A NASAI, INJECTOR free with r'ofll 1»ol tls of ^SIlil(>lll'.i l^&tarrli Kt'iiicdy. Tiicc no biiiU. H.ilil Ht Muilii'ul Hull. AHi; vol? MADK hlUaiahli l.y fn.liK'st- iiiii, roiiniipiilinn, DIziiiiiHHi, I,ii»« tif itppe ' tile, Vellow Skill ? HIiII.iIi'h Vilnli/.ur is u ' |<uaitivc cure. S«It1 ul Mi.>ilitMl Ilitll, THK llEV. (IKO. H. THAYEK, of nour- ^b<iii. III.!., iia.VH : "Uoth ni>»<ilf lUiil wifii owe -our liv.,H to HHII.OU'S CdN.SU.Ml'TION yVHK ' .Sold at MeJicul ll«ll. Tin: iiii.i\ f>.v cn.MMi:i!('i rr. I MttX. t'll'itor Wnrld: A recreant Irishinan named Ca.stlereagh bVought about IJie union between Ireland and I'^ng- land. He did it with the lidp of Boodle, nltliough they didn't c^ll it (ly that name in those day*. A re- crtfant Canadian named iVinian is up to th(! same little galiie in this coun- try and olil I'modle iy his right liiind mull. Let us go liajK to ('astlerragli. l'",ver siiieo his time Ireland has been ill a coiistaiit.«tui.e of uproar, unrest and inilatidii ill a hoiieless struggle to repeal the union. The same thing would occur here. Wo would get eomiliereiul niiioii and wake up some nioiiiing to liiid that wo had tnado a driaflful mi.'^take. '^'hen "Wo " would want to repeal it aim the Yankees would say "nol for Joe, we've got a soft Bnap and we are going to hold it down." 'riieii would folio-.; tlie heart- burnings and wretchedness which has depopulated Ireland, every now and tlrt!ii [â- (•lieved by l'li(eiiix Park murders Kiliiininliain Jails and gibbets in \.\w desiiorate struggle to undo the wrong. I.et us go slow. Once let the Yankees get a grip round our necks and they will ride us to destinetioii as tlie old man of the sea load Siiihad the sailor. We won't be able to shako thorn of). Tho kind of union thi'y want is the uiiiim that the boa eoiistriotor makes with the fawn. The boa licks its victim over before swallowing it. The Cleveland C'abinst has sei^ U^ I'lr^'d iueu tu lick /f'" •.; f' -'-i us over. Ithey are soft-soaiiing the tender feet in goinl shape. Wituan and his gaiift are using almost the iden- tical urj^limeuts used by Ca.stloreagh and his gang. But w.herc'Castlereagh had ability, Wimaii has gall, aud while the great Irislimaii was a states- man, 'llaslus is simply a boodle con- spirator. Let US-go slow. These are my sentiments. I am going to .spend all day to-day meditat- over this matter. Aity per.sOn who wishes to meditate with mo in spirit is welcome to chip iu. Farmer Ful- ler and Hoozier McMillan preferred. I will start meditating at Da. m. shall),, will lunch at 1 p. m., will thin tuniips till 8 o'clock, and will resume meditation till the coV/s come home. Yours tillthc (llorious First'of July, The Farm, Jtuio 11. Tut Ku.vs. LIQUOirs WOItK. The following, which we clip fi'om last week's Hanover I'ott, is only another instance of the baneful eflfects of liquor on the human system : â€" "On Thursday night last a man on his way from Duihain to Aytoii near- ly lost his life, lie, in company with another man, left Durham under the influence of liquor, it is said. Shortly after leaving tiie gravel road at Mar- shall's corner ho fell over the front of the buggy at the horse's heels. He took' the reins with him in which he became entangled, causing the horse to back up and tnimp upon his head and face. A geiitlemaii who saw the unfortunate fellow a few minutes after .says it was the worst looking sight he over gazed upon, the head and face being badly cut, and blood lying around in pool^. " Hundreds uf similar instances could be given every week did space permit. .\ud yat T«np( miice iH'opIc are called fanatics and warced that it is a fatal intRtalvi: to interfere with tl.e "itidivid- ual rights" of the.iK-oplejii, their right- eous warfaro against the drink curse. What rot ! Tlie meed of iiiurit for promoting jHjr- Honal coniiliuess. ik due tu J. C -Ayer A Co., wliose Hair Vigor is a uuivuriial lieautifiur of tlio hair. llariiilcKH, vffee- tlvM, nu<1 agjF"ekWt:, it rniikit atuou){ tliu iiidiHjHjiisable toilvt artieleit, A WoMiKKKii. Oiiiiis. Tlie larKPsk nrifiui ami i>ii» that plaVK A <'i>iitri'llrii),' part ef tlii' Iii'hUIi of the lii«Jy ih tlic liver. If toipiil or iiiactivi* the whi.lc Kyste in ln'ortnics liisi'.ised. Ilr, Chase'it I.ivcr lure in lUftJn Kpi-oiiillv fur Livfr hixI Kiiliiey ilim'inHa. HixA in guar- mileeil to iniri'. Ur<-uipe hook auil luediciue «l Hulil bv all dcRlom. There bein^ good prospects of a fresh quantity of Flour to lie con- sumed III the village and surrounding eountry the present season, the un- dersigned has opened out with a good stock of the following lines ; - EOLlEll FLOril ! Best Itinndn. Rolled f' Graitulnlcd Oat-Meal. Coi'-ii Meal. Cracked Wheat. Chop. Shorts, Bran and Oate, .\t H ittoni PHccs for Cash. Special Uiscouuts Actonlitig fo nmoioif o/ I'linluim: W. W. TRIMl^LE, A'<*i( dimr to (Jl<iyti'n'» Sliuv Stun:. !3trn.v«cl. C.\M1'' to till- prciniHi,.. ot tin* MiiilerHl^ti(.d, l,ot l:,:i, Wdut 'r Jt S. Uouil, Ai tcniuHia, (Miu Kwu, ab'Uit a iitniith ai|o. Owiiurt^an liuvi) hiliuo l)> pi'ovliiii propiity and paylui; I'xjiunsi.s. J(niN MeKRE, Fluahurtou P.O. .\rteiiiuvia, Mky 97th, ISn. J. B. SLOAN Jf(t.fi any qiiarUitii of Shin- ijVr'.v, ,fa., on hand (d Ea'Jrnid. Ch«Mij> for Oiiwli. TO Rii'-N'r.- StVain's block, the premises. -Dwelling House opposite Fleshertdii. Apidy ou W. WRIGHT. SHIflOHS CATARllH BKMP:DV-a poHitivu cuiu for Cutarrlj, Diptlieria aud Canker Muutb. Sold aX Mtidicul Hall. Bkon Yoni Ou-iRo. â€" Don't allow a coM in the h*ad to alonHy and snn'ly rnn intir Catarrh. \v ben you can bs euroirfor 2.">c. by nsinfi Dr. Chase's, Catarrh Car*. A few applications euro insipient catarrh ; I to 3 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 'i to n boxen Ik guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Tr» it. Only 'Ih cents and sure cure. Sold by all dealers. AVER'S PILLS. K. J- SPROUL, FU'tlvi-ton. Conrfjf^iior, Aj'^'Tuiatr.yul- uatur and Muini/ ^cinlir. Jji'idn, J/i.it- ijui/f*, Uase» and H'ills druicii up nwl Valmtiiinf mudf on nhnrti-nt votice. (7,. , â- ge, ivnj low. Applll to It. J. fiPROlLE. Pvitiiuiiter, Fleahertoii. Sugar-Coated Cathartic If the Liver bc- ' comes torpid, if the bowels arc constipated, or if the stomach fails to perforai its fuuctions properly, use Ayer's Pills. Ttiey arc Invaluable. For some ,ears 1 was a \ictim to Liver 'CompUlut, In consequence of which I â- suffered from Ueneral Debility anU Indi- gestion. A ftw boxes of Ayer's I'ills restored me to perfect health. â€" W. T. Brigbtoey, lleudersou, W. Va. For Tears I have relied more'Up«a Ayer's Fills than anything clic, to Regulate «iy bowels. These I'illa are mild In action, â- and do their Work thorouijhly. 1 have uvd them with Kood etfect, iu eates of Uheu- matism, Kidnev Trouble, and Dvspepsia. â€" ti. F. Miller,' .VtlUbyioutib, Mass. Ayer's Pills cvn-d inc of Stomach and Liver trouble..*, from which I h:id sulfcrej for years. 1 coniiider tluiu the best pilK made, and would' not he without theiu. â€" Morris (jatcs, lJc»wusvillo,N. Y. I Was attack*! wiili Itilious Fever, which was followed by Juun'dice. and was to dan!,'eniusly III that my friends de- spaired of luv recovery. I coinnienoed takiilK Ayer's I'llN. and soonlefjalned my customary s reni;t4i ami vl)>or. â€" John C. I'sttison, Lowell. Nebra.'.ka. Last sprini; I siftrcred irri'atly from a troubl-'Nonie humor on my side. ' In spile of every etl'ort to cure thii eruption, il In- creased until the llesh became entirely raw. I was troubh'd. at the same time, with Indigestion, and 'li>trcssiug pains in The Bowels. By the advice of a friend 1 b.-iran taklni; Ayer's rills. In a short lime 1 was free from pain, my food divcsUd properly. Ihe â- ores on my body conuiieiiced healln;r, and, in less than one month, I was cured. â€" Samuel 1). While, Atlanta, (ia. I have Ions usej Ayer's I'llls, In Dijr family, and believe them to bi- the best pills iuade. â€" S. C. Dardcu, Daitlen, Miss. My wife anil little girl were taken with Dysentery a few days a^'o. and I at once began giving them small doses of .\ycr'j I'ills. thinking I would call a doctor if the disease boanie any worse. In a short . time the bloody Oi^chuiges slopp<.d, all pain went away, and health was lettoreU. â€" Theodore Ksling, Iticbnioud, Va. Ayer's Pills, ' Pnpared l>y I>r. J. C. Ayir & C'u , I.oo rll, Mat*. - Said hf at! I!«al«rt la Mfxnuita. JIIE MAlUvETS. FLKSIIKKTON. ('iiiu-f'iillfi Cori'cctvd Etn-li Vvvk, Flour «1 00 to I '>{) Fall WliO'.t ,?0 85 to II H5 CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP t t'LESHERTON. ' Is the place to get ymtr Haniexs L'lAlars, ite, made up iii ijuud style. Shop in ir. Clat/tvu'i Buot d: SItoe Sture, Flesherti/ti. HARNESS . HARNESS. ...If you want Harness, Single o:^ Douhle, or Horse lUankets, Trunks, . Hells, Valises. Cuny t'oinbs. lintshcs or the celebrated Harness Oil, call k examine before purchasing elsewhere. . R.J.WATSON. I'UIC'K ViLLE. . PHOTOGRAPHY. MBS. BULMER.. Pltoto^ra/ilier- Flesherton - Ont Having spent some tiuie in the studio of the. fatuous Toronto I'hotogruj ! . r. Mr S. J. Dixon, wliure I iijtiuhud valuubK- UnwUdseiu KBton- ebiiig, 1 feci assured 1 can give good geUeral satisfaclioL. A cull respectfully sohcltud, MltS. HL'LMEU. Klusherton. Sept. 17th, iKi. THi/yElEBRATCO PI ,v>i).' CHASES Si)riiij{ Wheat 85 I'.arlev liO Oat.i " L'G I'eas â- (» 17 I'uitter K--S, fresh V. Potatoes bush i^O Pork , 5 00 Hav.iier ton 10 00 Hides (! (M) Wool -iO .Slicci'skins "0 40 (ieese â- (» Oa Turkeys M Chickens [ler i>air "25, Ducks \Hv pair id h5 4o -Hi G 4H 114 !2i ») •2 .'lO f, GO 10 00 7 00 •J 2 -0 r,v. on 8 !l() 50 AT GORDOltf'S HARNESS SHOP Vuii will ftnd nti aHMcrtmont of Heavy and Li?ht Harness, Whips, Unisii. s, ("m rv ^ uiiIik. S^\ tut THilri, aiul >>'«irOLLARS A SPEMiLTV.sWfe ('h«ii|i (ov Cnjili. Call titnl I'\ainiiu>. HAVE YOU LuuiUluiiit, I , , ., JauiuIicc, licada<.iic, l)ium»:-». Pan', \Avtr CowpluiiU, l>>>i»e|wia. Ii digCTtiofi, E'ljouwi. Pi»«M. vn l^• Ha ie»«. uiil ccrutii) ritti liy. NATURE'S RCMCDY The umiiKtltticil su*.^. n^ ul' \>t Cb-*c > Liver Cure ia Liver l i,*iii;'!aint ir>l. s My wjili the fact lh;a it i* co't pouiiflcil frum n.iiur«:*swfll known liver reiEulator«, Mam'KAKK ami ]f.^.M)Ki.i<<N, LUiitl>ittc<l wiih lUAIiy other inv;iiuaUe r.Aii-. l..»ik> ;.inl i.viU. ha'imi A, powerful tiVtci OM fi<; Kiilti-:)'.. Si.-iiu.i-K, UowtU un4 â- kukl goo.oco sold Lhw .>«*-A/i//" M./iji-j â- / /h. Ch.ise's AVii/t- /?j«U-» â- wtrt ti*/ii it i'ltiiiuia aloK%\ U't ivant cf»*y wan, xvomuH ami \hil,i ivk*) i* troub<td u\t't Lner Com' f*laint tt/ in- f>i s <-.i. i-.i. nt ri nutiy. « SoMET^mc New. Given Away Frei Wrajipcil arovmil every lioulc of I'r. Chate'h l.ivtr Cure is A v.i!u.il>'e Hou«cholil Mcilictil Cultlc and Recipe liook (S4 i':i.;e-), c.tiitaiiiing over j*«> uscfljl recipes, ]tronbini> eit' t>y medical men uikI Jrii^fii^t^ a.i iiivatu- atl^ and worih ten tiiue» the price of the medicine. IIIY CHAiE'3 CATARItH CURE. A s.i!e and po.uti\4. remedy. I'ncc, j\ i.eiit.s. TRYChASE'sK>DN£YAH01IVCRPIIIS ^'.-ci-i.pertoA.. SOLD DY ALL DEALERS T* BDMANSON & CO., Sole Aganta, Bratffor^ "Pleshepton lUeat Market* § sfiurr, I'lii'lllIKTOn. Cash paid for fafr Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Mcfi,t.s constantly on hand for Cash. Orders proiii)itlv lilieil. •*- : rr â€" T-*3. James Sullivan, The TlDsmith, - Flesherton llt^naiilnff, KuvotrouKhiiiK. *kiii1 In fact nvery- tiling In the buHliiBHH will niceivu my itroiupt and carofiil attoiiUou (it rffiHonublu |>rlcuii,, :\ EUGENIA' Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowe&t rates of interest and on terms of repaynient to suit borrower. FARMS l)ou<.;ht and sold. CONVKYAN'CES of all kinds properly executed.' COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All busines^ proniptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkennan and Napoleon Streets. .*^ HENBiY MBLBRUM, r I -I (.' â- â- ••is; \ â- 1 I I r â- nf^'^ • .1 idi *â- 2 -m. i .,l#K^^ - -*