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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1887, p. 8

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» â€" n <• â- s/ June 2, 1887.] THE FL E Sn R R TO N ADVANCE A Chapter on Spring Poets. /.'(/ The I'lijUtiny Etiiloy of the J'^lfslnTlon Advance. I'm the Fi);htin<4 Editor of the (j^ruatest I'ic.ii JDUriiiil ill this country 1 am. Have )i«en in the business six yuarH to day. Fact. Wliat local j<iurnul .do I lueau ? Why the Flesuehton Advance uf course. Vou must be a ureeny, you must,' not to know i)t(it. Well, well ! it doesn't Beem like six years after all. And yet it is, for up abuve the groat and only "Tit-liits" I'oluniu thi' "tioKs" has planted "I'o/. Vll" a» plain us the nose on your face, lliat iB if you've Kot a nose. I don't say you all have jioses, for 1 once saw a man whose proWwis had l>een bitten off by a brute, who probably had been a boy once hut defeneration "sot" in and developed brutal instnict.s. Its often the case. Hut I've been drifting away from the subject â€"knocked out on the lirst round, no, paraxrapli I nie^'in. Hut it doesn't signify if you follow Marquis of Queens- bury rules â€" the ordinary rules of letter writint; is what 1 really do nieaii ; any- way, as the immortal Touts i>ut it, "its of no cuiiBe(|Ucnoe. " I see I can't evade it any longer. Its Kliriwi Pottt the tditor-in-chief has in- structed lue to write akiut, although I,d a bhiined t\g\ii rather ilub the whole triU-, than stick 'em in print. I hate 'eni â€"most of 'em, I mean to say. Takes uie all my time W.VTi lilNci loU >il'Kl.\r. lliKiH. They crop up when least expocto.1. HomO- iimeK I've caught 'em han-(ing 'round the othcu in June and even ii. July. They expect to find me "nappini;," but bless \ou I'd Ket unto tlieni with l>»th feet if they came fcoliny around with their Spruiij I'oetry nonsense in Ueceiiiber I In fuel I'm always ou hand, like a corn or bunion, only they ore generally always on the feet. •Six years unceasing warfare ha> devol-, â- jped iiiy muscle considerably : besides my iKCi>utreiiieiits are inortt numerous now than they were the first year. How well I remember that first 8prinK songster uho uwoke iiie ill my lair six yearn ago tins blessed day ! I was a "leetle" green llieii. He fooled me leal bad. Ilia hair Has as short in my own, and ho hadn't a hm roll under his urni. He walked in (juietly. "Is the Kditor in ? said he. " gone to the I'ost-tMlice," said I lilditrerelitly. ".Ml '. then I'll see him there," said he. Then he was gone. Less than five minutes aflerw ards the "bosi" c.iiiie ill looking awfully mad. He held a sinull ridl of nianu.script in his liaiiil. "Vou fool '"he roared, "why didn't you tniiJi that poet when he culled a few niiiiutes ago !" "What" I, "was that a poet T "He was," saiil the "boss" scornfully, "and confound his iinpiideiico I'vuiigre«d to publish \\\i rubbish in next week's Ab- » ASlB." I felt like kiekiii;,' niyself at lirst, but at length concluded it wiser to Imsljund my Btieii^-tli. The fidluwing day a suspicious looking stranger called with a roll of paper in his hand and a bland siiiili! hovurilip^' over his countenance. I sized him up mid tjuiet- ly reached under the counter for my club. "Are you \\m Editor?" he asked. "I am," said I savagely. "O, yes, I sec ; well I've got a Utile â€" " I raised my club and let drive at hliii. He dodged the blow and shot out of the olliou ai tliou:;h hulled from ii catapitlt. When tile bo.s.s uamu in I ilisoovered to my horror tiiat the man I iitte.nipted to club was a respectable lawyer who want- ed to iiiseit a le^ral ad\ei'tiseiii(!iit in the A!>v.*.NfK. Ni'xt wei k the "ad' adorned liie coluinint of a uiiijjh'.Miring cuntumpo- r.iry. * . ' â- , , " Kuxt spring I wa« noi uiucli moie suc- cesful, iiiid did not ii;akii lliitigs as hot for all Hpriiiij Toots who fuvuicd The .ViiVARi-K otiicu with a call a« I might havu. I well reaieuiW one old gentle- imiii. He called and coinmeiict>d tidking itlxiut the Clops, Weather and uverything but poetry. Hy and by ho suddenly jtJuuc-d u buiidJu of iwpun iu wy handH' He had gray hairs, sc; I did not club him on tlio spot. "What's this piece of poetry, about,'' said i placing my inde.\ linger on a piece of well worn and faded yellow paper. "Oh," said he, clasping liis hands, "that's a beautiful piece !" "I supiiose its orijjinal like all the rcht â€" in other words, you wrote it all your- self and didn't steal it from some hymn book or tract ?" I milfiy eiKjuired, He raised his liaiak. in i>i ms lierror and seemod bereft of the'{>owei'8 of speech for a time. ".Me and me sistlier writ that l)etwixt US when we wor cliildlicr in tin- ould oouiitliry,'' said he in a slightly reproach- ful tone. That Settled it. I was at onco interest- ed and took the faded paper tenderly iu uiy own hands. The title of the poetry was, '•Father, dear Father, Come Home with me Now." When the boss came in 1 handed it to him, saying as it was strict- ly original it would create a sensation if publishe<l in TuK Anv.t.scL' before envious and jealous rivals got wind of it. To my am;i/.emeiit the boss lit his pipe with it ! I'm more experienced now and can spot a poet half a mile off. Within the last four years I've clublied alxiut three hun- dred and forty-six â€"Boinetimes, of course, I've made mistakes and mashed light- ning rod agents, tea peddlers, book pedd- lers and such like ; but of course it was inf "no conse(jueiice." At the present time my accoutrements (/p accessories whichever you like to call them-^oonsisfe of one Entield-iSnidet Rifle, one Colt Re- vcdver, one ferocious Hog and olio large healthy Club. I am thinking of adding an t$0-ton Cannon and a Shot-gun ! A Bouud body and a contented mind arc necessary to perfect hapi>ine8H. If you witjli to poHHCMS tlicKe, cleanse your blood with Ayer's Sarsajiarilla. It w I>crfectly safe to take, and is a thorough- ly reliable, Iii^hly cou^utratod, and IMjwerful blood purifier. « . _V To the n4'iiilM>rs af Centre Crey, Fariiier'> ni.xlHiit^* UetMemen, â€" On i'M3|Ht|(*the iCiniberley correspondence in mBMarkdale Standard of last week, I tiiKTiol^estateiuents made with a vengeance agiuntt myself, for voting againsta resolutlonseconded by O. H. Ellis atameeting of the Provincial Farmers Ins- titute held in the city of Toronto on the 2Kth of April last, and for this great sin 1 am to suffer at the hands of the corres- pondent. Now, I do not purpose losing any tiwie ci.'iitradicting the above state- nieiits, but shall give you tho luetion as it reads, ai'd my reasons for o|>iKising it. It wiis moved ill an Mieiulnient to a mo- tion which apiKsarsinjlhu Mail uftlu328th of April, by Mr. HuAer, secoilHejJ by D. R. Ellis, That in the iTpinion of this In- .stitute a removal of ul! restriction on trade l)etweeii the 1>omiiiioii of Canada and the I'liited .States, is desirable either by reci- procity or otherwise as may be agreed up- on by the (ioverrmients of the respective coiinli'ies and that the otHcers of the ex- ecutive committee of this Institute are hereby authorized to take such action on the premises as shall Wst promote the object of this resolution. My first ob- juctiim to this resolution was that it nev- er hud been discusseil in any of our Insti- tute meetings therefore I was not |)repar- ed to state what you desired regarding the above resolution. Second, I was 'of the opinion and still entertain the opin- ion, that the action taken regarding reci- |iioeity and the publicity given to such action tliroiighout the Dominion and Unit- ed States will have a tendency to thwart a speedy and satisfactory settlement of this very impoitant matter as the Ameri- cans will lake adviiiitagu of the strong de- sire exprbssed in the aUivu resolution as lepreseiitiiiu' the feeling entertained by the agriculturalists of this country, there- fore this hasty action is only playing in- to the hands of the Americans and will no doubt cause theui to ask for better teriui, while it is weakening the hands of the govermneiit of Canada to accomplish wliat tliev desire to do. Now suppose the object of Mr. Hunter's resolution was attaioed, it ineaim free trade between Canada and I'nited States to all intents and purposes. Tlien how is the reveuue to be raised to meet the lia- bilities of the Doiiiinioii, wliihi there are only throe ways by which it could be rais- ed. First, by buying on tlie rateable property of the Uominioii ; we think this would be objectiniinblti to the fariiuMS, especially ill Ontario under the present assessment law, OS amended during the last session of our local Legislature. Sec- ondly, by levying an inland revenue tax on all or w hatever part of tlie articles consumed, the Guveriimeiit thought pro- per to levy. WiJJ you axreu Ju this '/ VV'e m' think not. Thirdly, by placing a lii^h tariff on all foreign go(.ids almost to the exilusioii of all commercial intercourse with (ireat Hritain. Do you think, gen- 'tlemeii, this country is' prepared to do ;such a thing as true Hritons ? You will most iuisuie<lly say "no we cannot afford to do anything that will cause the (dd flag of England to desert our shores." I Hut by tho by, 1 wish to remind y<m 'further, Mr. Cochran's amendment jiro- vides that in ciwe the government of the Domiiiii>ii fail to accomplish the end in view, as cited in the amendment, then as a last re.iort they are to ask the govern- ment of (iroat Hritaiii to enter into a commercial uniou with her colonies in re- gard to food supjdies and to imiMjso a pro- tective tarifl" against all foreign coti«tries. Now I hold this is as much as to say that theOovernment of the Dominion shall, make a treaty witli the United States al- most to the exclusion of British tnule from our shores, faiKng to do â-  this they arc to call upon Great Britain' to do as above set forth. This, I consider would Ix) slighting (ireat Uritain and thus hu- milating to the Dominion Oovemment, under thttse circumstances I hope to be excused for allowing my British blood to get warm. Now gentlemen 1 wish it to bo perfect- ly understood that I am in favor of fair and honorable reciprocity, between Cana- da and I'nited States such as would not sever our commercial interests witli' other iiati|iiis but there has been tea much kaste in this matter, •Jkl^too much .^me^- ican dictntkifl', with all due respect tn oiu- .\merican friuQds for I have no prejudice but sincerely hope that the government of the Dominion will Ih! able to make an honorable and s,itisfactory settlomeiit with them, but I V)elieve there is a l)etter way of doing so than that proposed. Suppose our friends across the border are disposed to act fairly with us (and if not it is better to leav(^ them alone) sure- ly a bargain can be made with them that will lie advantageous to both countries. It is well known they are very auxious about our lisheriussnd ho well they might, a nice little property Worth to the Domin- ion about seven luillion dollars annually. Well, now, say tliay allow tlie produce of the fields, forest, mines and fish of the Dominion of (/'aiiadil to go. into the mar- kets of the I'liited States without restric- tion and Caniuia in return allow them tn purchase l>nit« |irovisioii vessels, and the free use of the vast waters iNndering on the Dominion of Canailatofisli in. Should this not satisfy botii parties, than leave the matter with Sir .bdiri if lie cai>not do something for us, we. cau't. More when I see you. Youra HespectfuUy, TiioH. Kri.lm. Pros. Centre Qrey Farmer's Institute. [The above was crowded out of last' week's issue ] TO RENT.â€" Dwelling House opposite Strain's block, FluHhcrtoii, Ap]ily on the prciiniseH. W. WIUOHT. Advick to MoTHKiis.â€" 'Are you dlsturlxxl at nlKlit Slut lirolteu of your rvst l>y a kick clilUl sulluriiiu hikI cryliiK witli {lalii of ('iittiiiKTeutli I If mi Mill. I nt oiico and K>it a hottlii of "tliH. Win hIow'h Sootliinu Svi 11)1 " for Ciiiltlren TuetloiiK. ItH value IH incslcultiblH. It will ruliuvo the poor litthi HulToriT iniiiuMltfttelv. Pcponrt iiik.ii It, luotlierb; ttluru m no laiKtsku atMiiii it. U iiiriiB DyBi.iitiry aii.l Dliirrlioii, rtiuulnteK tlie HtoniHoli snd Howiln. cnrns Wind Colii', Hoftiuis the (tuiiiii, rodniMiH liitlsinniatioii. unit i,'ives tone anil energy to tliu whulti Hysti-ni. "Mr^. Wins- Uiw'aSoiithiiiK Nyrnp' for 'cliilclien tiintliiiiK is pluaHsnt totlio tastuanil la tlio iirumiilitlon of onni.f tlio nliloHt sinl tieat fmnalii plivHiciana unil luirKuH in tlid I'lOtiMl btaten, anil iH for Haiti liy all (IruKh'iiitii tliroiiKliuut tliu wuiiti rna* twunlyflveo«nt»»lMitti;^lo Hurt! (Old bkIi for â-  MiiH. WiNHi.ow'H Hoornipr Hviire." and taku DO otiier kind. THE BEV. (lEO. H. THAYEU, of Hour- bon, Iiid., says : "Hoth myself and wife owe our liTcs to Sllll.Oira CONSUMl'TIO.N CURE." Sold at M.dical Hall. Voliiiiteerti. No. 6 Company, UUt Batt. will nieot at tho Drill Shcil, KluHhertoii, on Satur day eveiiiugH for drill, until further or- diirs. 'i.'i young men wanted to till up the above coiuiiany. Apply to ,1. J. Fiuld, Lieut., No. Company, Fleslier- tou. t.f. FOn I)YS1'E1'S1.\ and Liver Complaint, you bare n printed (.'uarantee on every hot tie of Sliilol.'B Vitali/.er. It never fui'is to cure. Sold at Medical Hall, AUK YOi; MADK miseraWt: by Inaigost- iou, ('onsiipation, I'i/.ziness, Iioss of appe- tite, Valliov Skin' Sliiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. Sold at Medical Hall. KllII,t)ir8(!MUK willimmediftlidy relieve Croup, Wlu.i.piiiK (ongli, and l)roiichiti.s. Hold at Medical Hall. A NASAL INMKcrOB free with each bol tie of Shlloli'« Caliiiili Hemudy, i'lice oil ceutfl. Hold at Medical Hall, 8T,F,El>ld'',HS NKtllTS, made misprable l>v that terrible ooiigh. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you, .Sold at Medical Hall, "HACKMETAt'K," n lasting and fracrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 ceuts. Sold by Medical Hall, HHH.OH'H CATARllH REMEDY- a positive euro for Calairli, Diptlier^a and Paiiker Mcutl^, J|old at Medical Hull. FOR CLOTHING. Please call and inspect our new Htock for sprinfi and Humiuer. Heautifid pat- terns anil nt astonishingly low prices. R. Trimble. (tf.) NBW ADVERTISEiMKNTS. NOTICE. GRA Y CHAMPm ! ATHoR<)t;<fHm;i;i) Di;KHA.\f iuji.l, witii Kood pu<li»{ree, will Klatid fo*- mirvice at Lot H> West T. & Hlt.Arlouiosin. Tkum.i.sI if paid ou or before -Jan. 1st, 09^ : ottierwidn. .SI.2.*>. .\Ibo tliorogsh-bHid HKltKSHIKK IU).\R at sanio place. J.\(OH A. l.KVEK. C.â- ^^fE to the pretiiisos of tho un(1eriti^ie(), Lot 13,'J. Went T. A S. Koad, ArtunitKia, one Kwe. about a month ai^o. Owner can lip ve name Ly proving property and paying fM|iensoH. JOHN MrKKE. Fleshorton P.O. Artomesia, Hay 27th, 18i(7. Court of Eevision I Tim-hship of ArtimrsUi. First sitting, in the TOWN HAIJi, FLF.8H- EUTON. on WKI)Ni;SDAY, l.^h JU.NI.;, iwrr, at lOo'clook a.m. .\ny iippcals intondod for hear- ing at tliin Court to lie placr<i in the hands of the Clerk, on or ixiforo 10th .Fuiio. ISW. W. J.llKI.fiAMY, Mtty2>th,lHW. Clerk. DUNDALK PUMP WORKS! G. R. PHILLIP'S, Mauutscturer of all kinds ot I'UMPS.- Cylinder C heck Valve & Cisteru Pumps, OrdtTS Rosjtectfully Si»Ucit«d and batiefaetiou ^uaiautoi'tl. JiMES SULLIVAU, Tin-Biiiilh, .\oKST, FLK8HKKTON, "WHAT IS IT? IT IS A FACT AND NO CONTROVKKS'y THAT JOHNSON'S TONIC BITTERS Biifl NKlt\'LN'K IH the Insbt reinvily in the market for iiurvouH lUnuaHUhi of any ttort. UyHtt'ria.Lottu of Aii|>c'tite, Dul>ility frnni Iohh nf nufdtt or cver- wuik, l•aiell»•^» of ('oinpI*'xi<»n Ko oftmi st-eii in yoiiiih' ftfiiinlvH and all cuuiplftiiitH ariKini; fruui povort) of hlood. It Ik a fact and no KainHavIng that .JOHNSON'S TONU' laVKK riIJ>iftr*» tbo vury hoHt tn the market for dint-aHeH caithud Iiv Torpid Liwr and durraiiMonioul of the btotuacli or Kidneys. It i« a fact and no one will deny it that JOHN SONS M.l. HK.\LIN(» WHITR OINTMENT is th«( b«*«t ill tht) inarkot for IttiniK, K<'al()R, (Mill iilaiiiH, Halt Uhtiuui, Itarbora Itch. l*itu)>luK and all Hkln DiaordurH arisint; frou. scrofuloun taint. W. S. CHRISTOE ha« boen ippointc*! Auent ftir tho uliovo and liaA thuni (Hi Hale at hia Medical Ilatl, Kluithurtvu. Try (or youraelvw and be aatiHf\ed. THB ROADSTER STATjMON, Pcilital. DR. CARTER, M,C,P, &S.,0nt, PHYSICIAN', SIKUEON, &r. FLESHERTON. Office, Strain's block, Residunce, Wm.\Vri(,"ht'8 . Jnitbtnu J.P. .MAUSIIALL, L.U.S. DENTIST, GKVrnArK of To»onto Srlioul of Ueiitidtrr, win lie at >la,kdulu thr l.^l and 3rd Wuilnes- dayoft.iich month, ami at Flu Oierton ou tlir Ist" and Jid Tliiirnday iar each mouth for the practice > of bi^ profeHHion, ^i^lXi J. W. FROST, LL-B.. B<tmstfi; Solicitor, Conve yutwen. OUlee,â€" Strain's Muildinn. Fr.KSHEiiTON, A, X, CHESl.KY, Solicitor and Conveyancer, lU'itidcnt ^lana^fr, MR, FltUST will lie found at tho O01c« 0D< Thursdays ai} heretofore. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, ^'c. Uilioo, over .HoFurlaiid's Store,^ Niirkdaif. !lluii«*y tu Loan. MASSON & MASSON~ BAHKISTKKS, SOLICITOUS, Ac. OFFii'KK-Owen Siiund, in Vicker'a block Toulutt St.; Hraucli otllci: iu .Markdale. uvvr Mc Farlttud'a store, ou t'ridav and Saturday ovary Kuok, â- J .Vi^aeON, Q.C. S. MASSON. W. MASSOX, N.B.â€" Privuto it Coinpany'B funds to invest at . from Six to I''.ii{lit por ctiut. ^noiucsis Carrts. John W. Armsirong; i'LKSiiKit'rox, Co, Okkv, DIVISION COURT CI.EKK. COMMISBIONTi; ! in H K„ CaiiTeyancr. *c. Apentfor pnrchas- - aod sale of lauds. ,Appraisvr for C L, C. Com- - aiid V. V. H, & W. Society. Moiuv to Ix>»n on the most rvasouahluleriii!,. Ishifu ok M.MUiLVOE LICKNSES. NOTARY I'UBUC, MONEY TO LOAM. At « I?er Cent.. On Town or Farm Property, S. DAilUDE.-, Flesberton: BILLY v.! Will b livu liiti own Htablo Iu Ftuslierton. on MOND.W. M.\Y 'Jnd, IHrt?, at I'Joclork noon, and procmulto liinU>>'tt hohil, Marwell, whoro ho will remain over iilttht. Tl'KSnAY, will )iro«!tiU'l to Jonathan IrialiH,, Warohiiiii. for noon, theu'.'O to JohnKton'ii h<itol, Diunhtlk. whore he will roiualn till Thursday morning THUi;SUAV, HiH ruturn io KlcHUartou for tho ni^ht, KUID.W, will |irooi'Od to .XtkinRon's hotol, rriccvilU*. for noon, aikd return tohidowiiHtaldu fur thi' niKht. SATI'KV).\\', will yroc«<jd to Marsh's liotel, Miirkdiilo, for nnori, and n-turn to his own ^tahlo in KleHtiurton, where be will remaui till the fol- lowing Monday. The abovo route will be contiinied tUvring the Koaiion. health and weather iiuiuiittin^. Description and Po^i^ee: HILLY v.. foaled June iHth, lH4:i, is ii dark dflppled bnv, htandn 10 handa H in, weighs ll'HJ ponndtt, anA for bone, niuselu, tttyle and actitni, cannot be surpAKaed, wan nirod hy Clear (iilt Jr., dam by Kennutt. 'ind dain by Koyal Cluorgu, Jrd dam by HU)or'K Musaenger. TERMS: To insiiro a foal *lu.CX),iiay»bleMarcli I»e,lHH8. HoaHitii uiiirpH *H,(KI, paviioli' lust loiiiift i>f liornt', or not lattr than .Inly i-Jtli, lttti7, if not then paid said liian-H will l>o charged aH illHured uiart...4. SinnUi lijiip .•:'I'..|HI, puyalili. at time of survioe. All iimrt.n not refciinu'd rot^nlnrly tn Intrae will ho cliark'ud iiH insured iiiaiun." All aoeiduntv to maii'M at i thk of owners. Owners tryiiiij their iiiaros to said luirHe and knowing' thuru to ho af- lliited with auvcontaKioiiHilisea^'u.willbvllahlo In dainaHes. Groom'K Fee IU cents. A.S. V.\NDUSKN, Owner, UEO, GLASSFORD, CI room , ^ e:lixir : . NATURES REKdEDY. • FOR CpUGHS',Cqi,DS,H0ARSENES5 THROAT .a LUNG COMPLAINTS INSTANTRELIEF POSITIVK-CURF Double TncATMCNT IN EACH PACHAQK Southern ASTHMA CURE IN«T*NT niLicr rcR ASTHMA ANO BRONCHITIS BY MAIL ON RFICEIPT CF PRICE SAMPLES, 25o.; Regular Size. Skoo aooncsa FOLFORD A CO., BnoCKVILLl, okt. ANDREW McGIRR. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, F£V£RSUJi.U. OKT.. W. J. BELLAMY, TWP. CI.KnK ARTEMK8IA. VONVE YA Si. 'Ell, VOSJMISSIi l\Eli, . ISSUliAXCK AUT, <tf. DBT'IDS, MOKT(>AHKH,I,KASKS, tic. prepar- ed aud iirtiperly executed, IiiMtrauee allee- ••d in first c'laiucuiuvjiuiea. Money Iu lend at uweHt rutea. 6ET Y0UFfEAT t-FKOill-t â- ' Fetch & Mitchell, GENERAL BUTCHERS, FLESHERTONr t::s'€a8h puid for fat cuttle, Sio., &e.- \EW LIVERY! THK undi'ruiKnod Iiiirk tn annoniicu that lio hap- started a llrsti-elAHH Livery in thu 3tand op. posito MunRliaw'H Hotel, FleKherton, whore the travtdlint; |>ublic can be accaniniodated with Kooil rigs and horses at must rcasuiiablo I'riccSi Try nte and he convinced, Boapectfully youm, W. H.JOHNSTON. FleBherton, Nov. mh, ItM. Pietnre Framing, ,l\reatlij, Chra])lij i\- (Jiiick- J. B. MOORS; Durhau) Ht., Opponitc Clayton's llaincsa Rhop il, BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. OATALOQUE8 FREE< BELL&G0.,Ga8lph,0iit. ..j>. k" ^ )' ^ « r % t< % I .f. 1 /â-  It i' â-  \ \

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