I*"- * % 1^ ..f r;. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, jYOT MEjY.' a;(y= VOL. Vn., NO. 311. PLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JUNE 2, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. V ^^,. •"^ W. A. BROWN, -THE- Tit - Bits. 0>n*ij)/iiti(7 <if Lucid <iiui Othm- Interesting lUmn ijalhrred liy The Adnince Reportm. DCnOI r'C I CIA/ CI l CD AJaba«tme & Wall Papers ia great rL UrLL U utvV LLLLnf' variety at RichardBOu & Go's. Keeps tho only First-Class Stock nl^ American Watches, Clocks, Jewcllerj, ' Wedding Jiiugs, Spex, etc., 'betweei: ' Slieii)mno and the Sound. Hampdeul Watclics, my own name on, accurate- ( ly timed, 2 and rt years wananta, i »8.50 to S28.00. Fahys. Waltliam oi-^ Toronto Caaes. 2 to 5 oa. i Waltliam,^ P. 8. Bartlett's, 3 oz. coin case, |17. j 50 ; Ellery's, $14.50, lower gradoB, . «8.00, to S13.00 ; Elgius if preferred. \ Ladies 10 k 14 k. Watches, and Ueut's \ 10 (% 14 k. filled cases always in stock. { It IS safe to buy Watclies from mo be- j cause I do business for myself, in iny ' own name, and can be held to irry ^ wan-ants. 84 Seth Thomas, New , Haven and Ausouia Clocks now ia stock, bought close. Mr. James Bell, of Bell's Lake, is the guest of Wm. Strain, Esq., Flesherton. J. G. Amlersou, Markdale wants 'M,OIJO lbs of Wtiol. Sfrs. C. J. Leitch, is visiting friemla in Owen Sound. 4 lb pure uncolored .lapan Tea for $1 at J. G. Anderson's, Markdale. Mr. Theakson, jr., of Collingwr-pd Townsliip, calle<l on us last Monday. Kiiubcrtey correspoudtiuce and other matter loft over for next week. The best 10 Sc I'J^c. Prints in Canada at J. O. Anderson's, Markdale. They, will be sold below the \ " Terrible Bargains," prices at least 15 per cent. Mr. M. Kicbardson is haviu^j a neat double verandah added tu his residence on Svdenham street. It is easy to come down when goods are away up. I don't do a catch busi- uess. Straight dealing ensures success. I shall stay on that line. Small profits, modest prices. I secure pat- ronage through low prices. Assort- ment Complete. Send for quotations. If I Jo not $ave you monry I will make otiier JemtUert take cott. IS years at the trade. SPECIALTIES: Watch itepairiug, Fitting Spox. Addrets Box 5, MAIJKDALE, ONT. S.\Y, H.VLLO THEBE ! ADVEKTISING PAYS! Of coiirHu it does. Just pi&iit aii wlvortiHu- ineDt ill TiiK Advancr aud nee (or yourself. HuudrtjilH bave tlonu w and wuru b«utifitted. Mavu you a farm yuu want tu Boll or luut? Ad- vurtlBo ill Tkk Ai>Vi.vrK. Have you anythiUK under tlio Bun you want to soil or tnwie? \n iidvertisuiuent in Tim Advanck will brinu you custouiufH every time. Do you want to buy any* tliiuiJ or hiie bulj) / .Wvurtino iu Thk A»vanck every time. Address or call on A. II. Kawcett, Advanck Office, FloHherton, for temiB, &c. Mr. Fof;arty, of Toronto Township, was vi.sitiuf^ at Mr. Wm. Fetch's last week. It will pay yuu to go 10 miles to get 10 lbs of J. Ci. Anderson's famous 40c. Tea, 'i'dc. lb iu quantity. A brother of Capt. ijpruulo of our junior lacrosse ktiaiu has l)eeu spending a few days iu Flesherton. He Uves a short distance south of Barrie. White and cream OrUnUd. FUmneinff with otlier goods to match at J. G. An- derson's, Markdale. One Cask Rookingham Crockery ware one Case Taible Cutlery jnat iu at M.. Richardson <k Co's.. 1.075 doz. of Now Dress and Coat But- tons, good patterns all colors, from "J to .') cents a doz. at M. Richardson iK Cos. Bro. C. W. Rutledgo, of the MarkdalG StaiuUml, gave us a pleasant fraternal call last Tuesday. You can buy Factory Cotton for 3o. and print for 4c. a yd. at M. Richardson & Co's. Mr. J.. H. CampaiguQ got his eya blackened at Flesiterton Station on Th>irs<lay ovojiing, while practicing base ball. Mr. Harry Thompson, of Copp,. Clark & Co., Toronto, spent Sunday with his sister-in-law, Mrs. S. Good, of ^Flesher- ton. We had a very pleasimit call from Mr. Abbs, of Stayuer, â€" son of tllc e»tecnM«l Methodist minister there â€" on Saturday last. The Medical Hall. Flesherton, has just received a tine stock of Paints of all colors and utiier goods. See- column announcement elsewhere. Groat bargains in Dress (touds at .1. <* Anderson's. Markdale. 15c. Dress gu /..s for tOc. •i'lc. DresK goods for 15 cents aivi other hues fumiily as low. IF YOU W\\NT FiRSTCLASS ROLLER FLOUR GO TO KEE- FERS FLOUR & FBgD STORE, STRAIN'S BLOCK. I Wo were sliowu some stalks of grass this wf-ek tlireo feet in heiglit, grown on the farm of Mr. ./as. Bueiioft, m ;ir i Flesherton, and taken therifroni on tii*" !28th Mav. .•" Mr. Wm. Guy, of Maxwell, and Mr. Jas. Beccroft, of Flesherton, will accept thanks for bunches of fine rliubarb sent to our ofiice since la.st week's issud. Rev. Mr. DeMill, of Osliawa Ladies' â- College, i)ri'ach('(l in tlio Jlotlioilist , Church here last Sunday niorniag Mr. H. D. Irwin preached iu tlie same place 1 in the evening. Great SMASH in CROCKERY prices. Complete Tea Sets in Wblte Stone Ware 44 pieces for $1.05. It beats creation how they do at Richartb>ou & Co's China Hall. M. li' hard^'^u iSi Co. have rooeivud lanotlu .BO* *hat famous ;iOc. Tea whicL tney will uo"- sell for -I'm. a lb.. ] and a new N\igasaga w:orth "iric. to be I sold at 'Mc. a Ik Call 9fid got samples. I The Valley Road is now an accomp- lished fact. The next thing is to see to it tliat the road is ready <'ur general traffic bv winter time. APPLES, DATES 4 FIGS. BIS- CUITS * MEALS OF ALL KINDS AL'W'ATS ON HAND AT REEFER'S FLOUR AND FEED SJOllE. It was .Joseph Fi 'uself who.load- ed the gun just xploded, anil after it was >.ande<l to " -.u by Daviil Bates. Wc arc asked to make this (!or- Irection re gun explosion ifa. A week's Advance. o 000000000000000000000000000000000 CARD OPlHAMS! In thanking my customei'S for their liberal patronage in the past, I have much pleasm'e in being still able to supply them with the following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky liake. The Massey Harvester. The Massey Mower. The Tolten Pea Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Token's Centre Draught .lointer Plow. Hamilton's ScufHers. Hamilton'f Boss Gang Plow. Wisner's Spring Tooth Cultivators. The Cliatham Fanuiiif,' Mill. A full slock of Rkpaiks always on hand. Parties requiring any of tlis above will do well to call and inepect Mach- ines, which will be found in Spioule's warehouse. A. S. VaiiDQSEN, Fleshehton, o 000000000000000000000000000000000 PRlNTINCi! YKH. OH. YRS! IT WILL PAY ftll manners of t>©rson9 who road thiB advt. to Mut bhoir Printing (luiiu at Thk Advanck Of- ftc«. FIorthortcMi, Oooil work at houost prioos every tini^ I .\ dollar savofl ir a dollar oarned â€" i»o the proverb gooB. PaniphlotR, I'uBterH, Cir- culars. I'rot^rrtins, DodKors, Str«auiorn, Bill HoA^, Note HofulB, Uocuipts, Noto Foium, BubI- xiOfiA CardH, ViHiting Card*t, Laboln, TagH, Ac, Plai^ or Colored. Addro«fi or call on A. K. FawosH, Adv&ncb Offloe, FloBhortoii, for terms. APVERTISB in Tixe ADVANCB Noted Jewelery Store, FLESHEETON, i I .1 Has the only First-Class Stock of American Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Wedding Rings, Spex &c. between Shel- [burne and the Sound. Hampden, Columbus, Waltham^ Elgin, and Swiss Watches, bearing warrants from 21-2 to five years from $7.50 to $25.00. Fahys, Waltham or To- ronto cases 2 to 5 1-2 oz. Wc never ask any more than $16.00 for a P. S. Bartlett 3 oz. coin silver case, some deal- ers have the cheek to ask ^17.50. Ellery's $13.25, while other dealers ask $14.50. Lower Grades from $6. go to 11.50. Ladies & Gents Gold Watches. All kinds of Am- erican Clocks at lower prices than elsewhere. The fact is, other dealers cannot begin to compete with us notwithstand- ing the fact we do not sell at auction or trade on the church. A fine Stock just arrived at lower prices than ever. Always take your Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry to RUSSELL to re- pair, the only genuine WatcKnUiler & Jeweler in this section of country. Come right along and secure some bargains. It will pay you to come 20 miles to deal with us. You can save 25 per cent, by dealing at _, . RUSSELL'S \oted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. South Grey Teachers in session here to-day and to-morrow. Splendid pro- gram. Don't fail to hear Mr. Tilley's lecture to-night. Especially nliould there l>e a large turnout uf young people. Free admission to all. XOno Cask Jiiscuit Stoneware, Dinner and Bruakfast Setts from «S to lOa pieces per sett, one Cask Toilet waro 4, U and 12 pieces per sett, direct importation, M. Iticliardson A Co. Tho woollen hnsiness is bound to boom, this summcfQu Flesherton, as wo have tho statcinqiit from W. H. Flesher, that ho m ih^tci'itjined to give everybody satisfaction â€" cHpecially in custom work, and is roilnciug prices from last year. Tlio beat brands of Roller Flour, Feed, &c. that can possibly be obtained are kept for sale by Mr. W. W. Trimble, Flesherton, next door to Clayton's boot k shoe store. Look out for 'announce- ment iu these columns next week. One Cask of French China Tea Setts, (told lined and beautifully ilccorateil, direct Importation, M. Kicbardson & Co. It is a well known fact, that Wm. Ihchardson lias been and is at present time the most successful seedsman in this section. Ho buys nothing hut the best in the market. Call and see him. I have had satisfactory evidence of my success in the seed business for years. â€" K.KW. The tramp season is upon us. As soon as you perceive one of those fel- lows open the front gate and lumber along in the direction of tho front door, let "looso the dogs of war upon him." The Advance keeps a shot-gnu loaded to the muzzle with buckshot for tho ^bonetit of those rascally nomads. A largo! stock of New Cashmeres in Black and Qolors itO to 4*2 inches from '20c. mftfxfp at M. Itichardsou & Co's. Wo have nufch pleasure in noting tho fact that tho Deemerton Creamury was awarded a Medal and Diploma, from tho Colonial and Indian ICxliibition, London, Knglaiid, 1880, for hlittter ex- hibited and iiiiiniifacturcd by them. Wc have no doubt tho jjatrons of the ooin- pauy will be greatly pleased at tho good news, hkowise Mr. Daniel .Schmidt niaiia}»er of tho Deomcrton Creamery. "l{ah" for Carrick. â€" IKin'Avr/o/i Teles- „"/«.'. Olio Cask of English Colored Tea Setts, beautiful now patterns, direct im- portation, M. IlicbardsoD k Co. Just received at R. Trimble's, 1 Car of Fine Salt, a quantity of Potatoes, and a case of Long Clear Bacon. .\n Editor's labors are seldom esteem- ed or compensated. A lawyer will give you five minutes' advice on a topic and clmrge you $5 for -it. An editor will t^ive you advice on a liimdred topics and < charge you 5 cents a copj' for his paper. -Vnd very often 5 cents given to an ed- itor would save S.*) given to a lawyer. In fact no other Imsiness men are so universally robbed and swindled out of their labor and capital as the country newspaper publisher. â€" -V. Y. Sun. In our story columns last week ap- pear'id a short sketch titled ".\ Back- woods Story, " the scenes and incidents I'ouni'i'lod therewith being laid iu the ii('i;;liljorin){ towuships of KuphraKiaand C<illin;;wood. Since the ajipearance of the story in the Mirror wo have been creditably informed that it is the pro- duction of Mr. A. K. Fawcctt, the editor anil [iroprietor of the Flesherton Ad- vance. Such being the case wo desire tu acknowledge our indebtedness to that' gentleman, and also to compliment him on lii^ g.bility as a delineator of pioneer life and chnracter. The story, we are informed, was written tor "Forest and Farm," in which journal it (irbt appear- ed, and from which it has been copied into nearly all the papers iu Ontario. . Wo trust this apology may bo satisfac- tory to that journal as well as the auth- or. â€" ifaifiinl Mlrritr. Thanks, brother, for the correction ; also for your genur- ons criticism of our humble effort in tho line of story-writing. EnKlish Church Service. To the Editor uf The Adnmee. Sir, â€" On Sunday 'iUth iust., Divine service was held iu the Orange Hall, Flesbortou Station at SI p. ni. . by the Rev. Mr. Edgerton. of Dnndalk. I'lie hall was well filled and a very appro- l)riate sermon was delivered by the Rev. gentleman. The chants and hymns were suiif.' under the leadership of Mr. F. Gee, Mr. Geo. Moorhead presiiliujj at the origan. Tho music was well rend- ered considering that only one xiractice liad been had previous tu the service. Thu Rev. gentleman announceil that service would be hold at the same time and place each Sunday in the future. A vestry meeting is announced to bo held at Mr. Cole's house, Flesherton, on Monday the (Ith May, to which niem- bers of the cogregatiou are cordially invited. Meeting at 'I o'clock, p. m. Cakadun Climatk. â€" Tho Canadian climate is particularly productivt; of Cold in the Head and Catarrh. In fact Catarrh to-day is more prevalent than any other disease. The discovery of Nasal Balm places within the reacji of all a certain means of cure. M- .4-* ' 'â- i I' / > X Ir it.