May 26, 1887.] THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. I' » Flesherton Carriage Works! W. A. MILBURN. Proprietor. In returning thanks to the public for the patronage ez- tdnded to him during the past three years, the unpoersigned wishes to inform the people that he is in a better position than ever to turn out all work in his lines of business, such NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Court of Eevision ! TuwitJiiii of Arti-m-iiii. Finit nittini;, iu the TOWN' HALL. FLK8H- EUTON. on WEDNKSDAY, l.Hli JfXE, 1887, »t 10 CclooW « m. Any K|ii>ealaiiiteiii)u<l for lie»r- iii^at tfaiH ('onrt to iie |>Uced lu the li&cds of the Clerk, 011 or Iwfure 10th June, 1K87. W.J. BKLL.\MY, M«.vS-.fli.l887. Clfrk. pctlidil. AN' Carriages, Democrats, Wagons, &c. on short notice, in a workmanhke manner and at reasonable prices. All kinds of Repairs, HOESE-SHOEING, AND GENEKAL JOBBING will receive equally prompt and careful attention. Works, next to Planirvg Factory, Flesherton. Respectfully Yours, W. A. MILBLRN, Proprietor Flesherton Carriage Works. .Wetliedist DlKlrlrt .Wertiag. m Mr. A. J. Irwin, a catididate for the lauiistiy, deliTtrc-d a strtnin m the Muth- • Jut Cliurch here ou Wednesday ewiiiiii; â- f l.i>t week, t.. a f»ir cMi,^r);«Uiiii. ' Mr. Irwin is It young man scarcely out of hi* teens, liut he prmiiseg to be an able ex- Iioneiif <i£ the dt>ctrine» of th© church of Ills adoi>tioii at no distant date. Hii sei« iDon, at the "wmd-up" ..f tlio iiroceeilinn* f the District Meeting and Sabbath Sch(Kjl, mis a good i,ne and was listened to with marked attention. His descrjiitiuu of the graiidttur and niai;- laficcnce of Balijlon, its luniging garden*, tlie iiniiienae orva (>f |,'^>Ulld covered by 11, th.- tower of BaWl, .Wc. was i;mphic h!.d iiitere«tin>{. Equally ifmpKic but ]>erhaj)s n»>n- interestini} was his doscrip- ui<n of the tharacterlMiL-s of the preut Hibrew captive, iMniul. Alt<«ether .Mr. I rwjn d^ervca to he <*.n){r»t ulated most l.iartily on the aucceu of hia fint pulpit iff.Tt. Klmberlry. From our Corretpondent, Ulr. <{ L. Thompson has been tc the cil« fi'f his new suiiinier's stock of |jtM>dB. Master Krud. Tiiurston haii Accepted a situation in Tori>iito, The Orange Hall, Kiniberlev, is beiiii; uruatly improved by having 11 splendid stone Wall built under it. Mr. Wni. Mc- Connell atone uiason. Si|uire Stuart will toon more into the village. The liall CInb ia now praeticinfT N»r a big rally. T. IJ.' Carrutherg ha« purchoned Mr. Howe's property in the villa);c. Kiniln'rley can now Ixiaat of two Tom- |>erai<(t' Houses, H' Friend Condy kee])* a <;(K>d Teiu;iurauce House instead of an ho- tel. W. <-. T. V. Mm Hanuali Whitall Smith, of Phila- I'flphia, Sec. of the W.irld'a \V. C. T. 1'., ) ius Miled for England. T1k> W. C. T. I'. • â- I Fort Worth, Texas, Ilu oj>ened a iKiune lor lioiiicle&s Wdmen, The VV. C.T.I', of Xew Zealand, hus .list laid Its second iiniitial cr)nvgitioii. Tluif wa.i a V.iV^K dolc;jiiti<.ii jiruseUt, and .li repoits Were eneoura;;itip, Mrs. Fininif lyeiliT, li lendiiit,' white iiblxjiier iif Ohio, loccutly aildr«asid fotirteeii hmulred i-onvict.>» al the Stati \ ti.itvi.t.ary, CoIuiiiliu.s, uimjh (;oKpfl rn.i|..iaiice. CoH S«i. TEMPEiUNi E ITKM.S. .V tfstiniotiial, uln'iidy uiiiountiuj; to ^r,.000 13 to be ]>n'«eiile(l t.i Mr. Robert Il.iu, the loii^ time etficiiiit Secretary of v)ie Itriliiili NiitioiialTumperaijotLoflmii-. .K Teiiiperaiioe aUiance, siniilnr to tlmt 111 tireat Uritiiin, is Uin-.^ foiiuet] in New Eii^ilaiid by Sir Wni. F. .x. If nan wiil engage in this d««tructive iralhc, if tiny will tt4H>p t.. deunule lla-ir !• .isoii and nap the waK«. of iiilipnty, let tiii^iii 110 loii;.'ur have the law-book aa a pillow, nor <|iii«t (oiiacience with the opi- lite of a cnurt liCBns«^.-â€" Won. Tht»ttuie /V<7iii;;/i<ij/fo(i, Tile Dfvil always Comes nut ahead in a toiiiproniise. l'«iV«. DetKiit, May Ilid.â€" Alfiwl Arnold wn.s killed by li({htenin({ at >Vhiteiiior« hike. .\ hot.'! wiia Iniriail by tin- same af^ency, i.iid line Lena Sililumuiei wa-. futally in jured. Imported Hherry retailin;; for fo per bottle is made in New York at the cost of *>2 cents per quart. The nnui who waliu v.hal he i^ays for will drink luitUT milk. â€" Detroit Free Press. VoluntrrrK. No. C Cottipany. ."list Hatt. will moct at the Drill Shed. Fletthertou, ou Satur- day evoniunH for drill, until further or- ders. 'iS yoniig men wauted to fill up the alKivu company. Apply to .1. J. Field, Lieut., No. GComiiany, Flcsiier- tou. t.f. VOM nVSl'P,I'SI.\ and I.iver Complaint, VI u ha»«' II )iriut«cl (.'uaraii'i',- <â- » evfrv but- tlf iif Sliilol. B \'jlali/.i>r. It Ufver fails t<i care. Bull! at Medical Halt. AUK YOi; .MADF. uiineiablc liy Iii.ligest- ion, Ci'iiniipalitxi, llixzinrsH, L''>ss nf appe- tjl'i, Yt'llow .Skin? bliiKh's Vitulirvr is a pucXive cure. Sold al Medical liiill. SlllLOirSCrUEwilliiunivJiaUh relbne Crniip. \Vhoiipliu{ Cuiitjli, iiiiil I^r.'ucliiliii. Sold lit M. Jicil Ha>l. A SASAl, IN.IKcrOR (no with each bot- tle u( SlrilohV Ciiiarrli Iltuitdy. I'liou ."lO cint*. Sold nl Mimical Hull. 8L1.I:VM".SS NKJHTS, inaJn nil«»r«t.lf l>7 tlii.t lernbln p<iii),'li. Sliiloli'n t'me ih the rrmrdy for you, 80IJ at Metlieal Unll. "HAC KMKTACK," II tnhliii)! iiml (iitirriuit Pi>rfiini< . I'rics 2,1 anil ,'»0 oeuls. )»iil.l Ijv Medical Hall. FOR t'LOTHlNO. Pteaxe eaill aial iiis]KH:t our new ntock for spring and 8uiuTi)*r. lk>»ntiful pat- terns and at astouiAinjjly r«w iiriccH. R. 7lUMBU. (tf.i A Wosiiaarrt-OBOAS. The largest organ and one that playaa Coutrolliug pint of the health of the iiudy in tbe liver. If torpid or inactive the wbolfnystem becomes diseased. Dr. Cliase's Liver c'u>-o is made speciallv for Liver and Kidney diseases, and Is fTuar- nnteed to cure. Beccipe book and medicine tL Soldby all dealeis. CATTLE F6R SALE.â€" Two stoers two years old, two heifers two years old one cow. in caM, clieap for cash. R. TIUMRLE. SHII.OH S CATARUH RKMKDY- a |>n^itive cure lor C'litarrli, liipilx-r'ik and Cniiker Month. 8nld at .Midlcal Hall. nUNOALK PUMP WORKS! Thr INiisli-Hi Jwiiraal. This is H briplil ii.i-tiiKlite iiioiithly, fiir all Invert of music, juoateur or profea- sioiial, ]iupil or teaclittr. It is well priiit- I J, ably edited, and adapted to the wants of iiiusical |>eiiple who seek eiili^ditm«iil iitid enrcrtainnieiit. Each number coii- i.iiiis 8 puj^'es of iiewaiul iiios<ly original Music, iiiid pages Articles, mketches. Let- ters and Reports. The publishers seek to cultivate a love fur the pur*, lieauti/iU uiid instructive. The suliacriptioii price is ^L"*' |J«r year, single copies 10 cents. .Address Timnis, MiKir & Co., Publishers, 4lxford Piuas, Toronto, or order thiuugh yoar uuws at(uiit or miuic dealsr. G. /?. PHILLIP'S, Mniuifactiirer of til kiuilsof I'tMI'tl. Cylinder Check Valve & Cistern Pumps. ()rt)i-r§ lU-^i>eitful1) KolicitiHl uid 6«tlh(actiuii Kuaraiituotl. JAMES SULLIVAN. 'iiii-hiiiith, .\riRNT, FhEHHI.HTON. PUBLIC NOTICEIJ To nil wliaiii it inny < oiu-erii. Kiioiv VI' i''.\ men tlmt F, W K ( llUI^â- r(lK. the Diiiiuji',! nf I'lihlioiti.n. hnv« tin' nu'tdiy fur .KiHSsd^'h c.ii.liratKt TO.SU' lliTTKHS and KKItVINi:. JoHNhONS Hill. I'liihlooULivur I'lIU aii.l the ALL IlKALLMi WHITK OINT- MENT, -THlv- TONIC BITTERS am rouNitiiiitly rocnimnenilcd «« ttio VERY HIOHT in till' iriaikirt tur NBivoiiiiiieiw, Hfnteris, (ieneml linliilin, I-imi. of AiipuuiB. t'omiiluiiiiH rnmmon 10 tlic. f.jumli. b,,x I'AI.KNKSb of com- iilexiuli mid far itit^oar*e» ratiMMt by poverty uf .liM,<^ III luiijuiictii.n with the Tuuiu John- BUSH l.inle I hi<r I'llln an. tlw very host tor livir roiiiiilaiiit ami tRm-ml i1eiiiimin(.'>'nu'ntii of the i.toin5ch. The All Husliii^ Whit« Oiiituiniil 1» Ihi' very lujst for rjiiu iii-uSKeii of a surodiiuuH nstiir*. HiiniH. Hralilii, Halt Rheuui, llarhem Itch, niiilhlalna. ito.iVo V»u hftveuiily to try ibsM great raiuadiet to lie satlsflud. Hold oy W. S. OHRISTOK, The bru^ial, Fleshoitou. TO RK5T. â€"Dwelling Hoiwc- opposite Strain'a block, Flesherton. .tj/iilv on the promiAM. W. vmitiltT. AuvicK T" .MoTBUm.â€" .\fo you disturbed at uiKhl Hiiit broken of your rasi by a »ick child snnrrlui: aud cryiugKi'.li paiu<>((°utliuf;'reeihy If in iMiiut at oin-e an>l fc:,t a bofctlu of ".Mra Wiu •low'n S.N'lliinL' STrni' tor fMldLil Tiâ€"tliinf. ItH value 14 liii-alonl'ibl*'. \t will r4>1ii*v(' thi* pxir litiU>iiiIer<T liiii.itdmlelv L>o|'f<i,l ujio 1 It. liiotliriK: thrre i» i.<< lui«tnkv al'oiit U. Jt curc.i OvM'iitir> nntl Iimrrlnf.i. r,-(^urattK ll;f Stoiiiitch aiMl lli>w, r .f'liren Wind (\ili<*. Koftoin thu Ciiiiiifi, rofliicchjiidiacmuitiuii. and alTu* tone andenerKv tt> th,i whole Hvatoni. "Um. Wliir- liiw'sSootliini; Hvrnp' for ('lirii]ri.'n t«itlilii|i In lik-a^ant to thi- ot..t«-' and 1« th" pri-wrription of oiii- of the old,->-t and lM">t f. niale |«hv«u^fHiiii mid niirii4.'A ill tliu I iiitod Sltttt-.-, and iM for sale hy ull ilru^iHtH llirojijhont tl.t- w.'ild. I*rlcv twtoity-tlvi- c,'nt« ft liotth'. fte «.iir,' and rt«.k f>'r • Mim tVijtai.ow . .Sihjtiii.mi Svai r." and take no other kind. The Appetite Mny be Inrrcincd, th<> Digestive organs streiiptliciied, iind the llowcls regulated, by lakiuj; A.mi's I'llls. These PIIU arc jiurrly vegetuhlo In their comiHisltloD. Tlic.v contain lulthcr calomel nor any other d.iu„'<'rous driis, and iiiiiy lio taken with (lerfeot sufelv liy |>er«ons of all a^'cs. I win a crest sutTircr from Pjupopsla mid Toniillpnlion. 1 li;iil no iipi>etile, b(0:mie pn iitiv debtlltatfil, and wnn con- hlnnlly ainiid<'<l wllli lleadnelie and Pizzi- nesH. ' I «on»ulled our family doctor, who prencrlbod fur me, »t varluun times, withi out iilTiirilinrf iiioie lh:in Ir!iii>orary nllrf. 1 dually I'oninii'iK'i'd lakliiK A.M'I's rill*, )u a short time my dlgcslion and apiwtlte IMPROVED mv liowoln wpre ropuluteil, nnd, bv the tUiic 1 tiltlslied ivvn boxoi* uf theao Pills mv tPiideni-y to headachis bail dUapixiarcd, aiol 1 b'crann' »lrong and well.â€" Uarlus M. Lopuii, >\ llmln!,'ton, l>ol. 1 wn« tioiilili'il, for over a year, with I.o-.!! of Api'ttilf, and tii-iu'iii'l Debility, I romnnMU-id liikinp AvirV Pillii, and, be- fore tluisliiii? half a box of thin medldne, niy appfllii' mid Mrenpth were restored, â€" C. O. t'lark, naubury. Conn. AVer's Pills sre the l>e»t medicine know 11 to nil' for i-epiilatini; the boncls, anil for all ilUia.ii'H oau«-il hy a dlsordiTed .Sloinarh ami l.lver. 1 KUlTered for over tlirie vrnri with lliMilnclK-. Indigestion, and Coiintlp.ition, I had no iippetlte, and w a« w ink and uervous most of the time. BY USINQ three Imxis of AyerN I'ills, and, at the nunc lime iliLtiiiK' iii\self, I w n» eoin- plelely iiind. My diifisllvo orKuns aro now In j;oo 1 order, imd I am in perfect keallb.â€" rhilipLoekwoud.Topcka.Kaus. .Vvpi'ii Villi have benefited mo wonder- fullv. lor monibs 1 t-utlVreil from liidl- j:e»lion iin.l Hoailail!C, wan leslli'iis at iiip'lit, and lind 11 bad ta'lc In my inonib every morning. After takln,' one box of Avei"* I'ills, till toco troubles illimj)- pi'aieil, mv food ilivrsted widl, and my hleep «ai'r.!fie>-hinL'. -lleuiy C. Ucm- menwa\ , Uuekport, Mass. I was rnidl of the Vile' bv tbe n«e of Aver"* Pilli. Tliev not only rellovi-d me of' that painful (Unorder, but pave me in- erea'M'd v i.:iir, iinil rcilored my health. â€" John bai.ouit, .St. John, N. 11. Ayer's Pills, rrtlisii-d l.v T)r .T.r. Avor .^ Co.,Ix)WCill,Mim. Sold bjr slllirucgiiu and l>cal«rs la liMllclaa. NOTICE. Cwlrf of Reruion, Toini.^ii]i nf Ofprty. The f»st •ittinm of tliB CoBrt of RcTirioD. ou the .*-*Kttsi,moiit of ih«7. for the TuwnHhiu of O"- prtty. will ho 1nAi\ at .M AXWKl.L. on TUKSDAY. thcThirtv-Fir»t Day of MAY, It*^. All jier^ons interested will govern theniiMilv * s eoordinitly. %VU. MI1.N !•;, Tp. Clark. May Qth, IfVf. Money to Loan. At rtj I'er ( Vii/ InU'iett t-ii Sti,tii;l,l Lmn. TITITH Interest imid yearly, not in advanea.No " eoiuuiinioii ch«r(,vd. Apply to A.t^KlEK. TUOUMtlRl A.tiction Kale VALUABLE FARM â€" IN Tin;- Township of Artewesia. Under and hy virtue of the powurH of sale in certaiu >fon4,'ates made by John Kiiiher and David ^V^li^e, to tlio Vendor s »hif.V •ill Iw pro- duced at tho time of Hale and 011 dofMiU iu pay- ment of the niouuy'it tllurel<\ aecorod. There ajll Ih* otTei-ed for sale hv Public ,VlKtioii at Hl'NSHAWS HOTRI,, in thffVilla^lb of KLES- IlERTON.ou .Hondity. 30th dnv «r Hay. .i.D., 1.SS7, IW:, at 2 oclrxjk, p in , li;.» .\ S. rANTlfSEX, .Auctioneer, the fuHowins j*0|>ert>> Vti : I>ot numt>er |,'>9, in i^ic«MMiiou t, .N.E.T. 4 H. Itoad. in the Towutihip of .\rteiiiei,ia. aontaiaaia ^ av'res more or leti» ne..Yly all of \MMeli arf said to be cleariHl. On thepreiniH,-a affe naid ?^l»e a frame haru nearly new atid a h^ hotme. L,auda ar« w»'ll watered, by a kiiiall bpriiig t're**^. There ia aHinall orchard <nl the pren:iiie*, whicli are well fenced and are on a pood iiravel rowd wiUiin alW>nt one mile of Kleatierton, TKHM8: Ten per cent, at tiiiia ol aala. flftaeu pBi* cent, within one nioiith tiulance to remain on Mort- KSMe for five yeari. with inteivl ut f i per cent, yearly, or Mich other trnns as ii.ay he arranged with tbe purchaser at time of sale Kor fiirthev p-irticaiars apply to W. J. IU:U.AMV, Emi. FU^llurlo^.ol t.. MOSS, KAU.aNIJKIUr.K i ll.VK'.MCK. Vtiudor'a Bolicitor'a. Toronto, Uar IMh. UMT. DR. CARTER. M.C.r. JcS.,Oyt. PHYMH'IAX. SI R«;E«^', &r. FLESHERTON. OfBce, iitrain'a block, Uenldence. Win AViighf * a.' MAIL CONTIUCT! SKALKD TKNOKliS. ».iart*^»"*d to tlic Votit- tiiA-stfr (ieiurnl. witt !»«' rtHcivi'd Ht (Htrnmi tmtil iHM^ii. oil arth Mftv. iNrtT.fortbocointyanoc of Her Majfsiy'A Maili. ou a pnipustMl Contract foi' four vvarh, 'i tiinuH |Hir vtnk each way, b^ tut'i-t: Puii'lalk ai:.I Utiple VnVity frviu Iho Ut Jl'IV, lU'Tt. Thf rouvovauc'o ttt W unnU- in a voliiclo or utk%tirwii»o vU., Kiisljiirott and bhriKJtfy- The MdilK to luiivo Muplv Vtilii.'> eVtTv Moiultiv. Wtnl- u»Ml«y aihI Krlilay, at K a.itl.. ana travelling via.. liA<lJ«fro« aikI HhrJiiluy, iwrivt* at DriMitAlk at U'.10a.m.,(>r lu tiuia to nxmet't with tht* Mail tiaiu pHNMlct: Noitb. 'Ik Iuavv UuutlHlk as kckiu A^ I'.Ktublf ftttt'r iXi'finMj;t' t'f >IttiU ajuI Arrive Ht Maplv Vrtllry nlShin tilrott hoin-.i mul l4'n iitluulfi AftrrwnidH. I'lijituJ iiuti.'fft itiutAiiui'iL,' fiirllit-* inforniA- tik'ii AD to f)n Uti'Hi.' of piij'..(.i'.l ruiitiHvl may 1m' BfMi, Kiiil M^nk ft»nii« cf rcTKlor innv l>«» oIk tAiriMl At Uie Tost (^fllcev of Duudklk, Mvplo Vallvv, ltAU}«ri«A au<l hliii^Uy DANIKI. SPKY, VoHtOtHco In«i'octor. roAt-office InApecter'a OtHoo. l^wrnc, Apvir Itttli.lHMT. Tun iio.VDsrKit ktalmon, U •-/.5~\.:- J BILLY v.! wit) U^ve UiA own iitAbltt iu KleKliQitoo, on MOM».\Y, MAY aJiul, 1*^*7. at 1^ o'clovk lUHtu. and prtKitHHtto l.liileyV tiottl. Maxwell, w!ior« ho wlU rt'iuAin vv&r ulfltit. Tri:sl)AY, will lu^'t^ to Juuatbaii Irinh'a, Wuro)iiini, fur nou^, thfiico to Johu^Wn h Uoto), IJuud&lli. whero ho will riuialu till TlfUrHday uicriitiiif. THrilHUAY, will return u. Floiihcrton f*ar tb« uieht. KUIP.VY. will iifococKl to Atkinsou's hotel, ViiL--vill». for uoon. And roiurii tohliown stahle ftir llin nif^'hl. HATl UDAY, v.iJl proi-etd to MArftli'w h<tt«l, MAvkdnlu, for u<K>n, and return tuhii* uvkhkiablt.' in KluHbcvton, where bu will ronmin till the rol- ic'wiu^' ?don<lAy. Tht' ftlmvo route will be oontiitiusl iluring *ho seasijii, lieAllh and woAttitir iHJriulUii!^. Bespription and Pccliftree; HII.LY V . foAli'fl JuiHi l«t>i IskT V H dark da^'i'liMl hAv. stnnds 1-^hAntU H In.. Wf*l((hfi ll.'io pfiundit. and for lAoie. lauMcle, Httlo and AotioM, <'Annot bu »urpA9ifi(Hl. was hired b) fluAr (Hit jr., dttin by Ki'unL'tt. iiud tlani Sy tU ) al Ci\i4Hio, Jril daiu b> Bloor'fl >fu9sunpBr. TERMS: Toin^mo a foal i^lO.tXi.payahle March l«t,H«S. Heaaoii mare. *H00. payable la-,t round oi lioi-ae, or uui later tlmu July liiU, Iss?, If nut t^eii paid aaid iiiarea will he chai-ited an inmired niaren, Kin^'le k-up f O.iiO, payable at time o| »crvlc«. All Umu-. not retniund rih.'ularl> t" horm will b« I harnml as insured maret. AM nccideutd to uiareu at ri>-k of ownora Ownerv tivin« their niariiK to xaid horau and knowioK them to Ixi af- Itlited Willi uiiv ci.iitanion»di~e»>o, Kill lj« U.ibl« iu duiuugua, tlrooiUH Fee <to ceuta. JIfutiistviu MIRSIIALImL.II.^^ D i: N T I s T , (IKAPUATK of Toronto School of Dmitiatry ^J will be at MarkJHle the 1st an.l Unl WeihiuH-- day of eAch mnitth. aiul At Fh^-^hurton on the \ht Aiid ^rd TbursdAv in ouch month fortlia practice of his profeHbion. ^^rgal. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. liarriiitrr. Solicitor, Vonrt'j/aiirer, OBice,â€" strain's Hnildlng. Flesiif.htos. A. A. CHESLKY, .Soliaitor and CoLieyaneer» lieaideut Manager. MK. FKOST will tw found at the Offles oi^ Thumdavs aa her< tndre. A. 8 VANnUSEN, tiwiier. OEO. GLASSFORH, (irooiii. Maxwell Carriage Works. Thos. A. Itlakely, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Painter, &c., &f. WishflB to announce to the public that lie has started in tho shove buainoKS, All orders promptlv and neatly attended to. liipalrlut; and Paintinii a npecialty, Hhop next donr to ,1, tdttle'a hlnckmnltli ahop, who will do all wo.k in coonoctioii to tho above '""!'â- THua. .1, UbAUHLY. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, SoUcifor, cfc. OBirr. over llrFarland's Store# Wurktkilf. M<»ii<>> tu Loan. MASSON & MASSON, .\RUMT EUS. SOI.UITOKS. *c, I Orn'Ka- -Oweo hound, ill Vicker a block - 'Milett M,. Kiauch (4U,;u hi Markdale, uvur ila FHi4aud'^atore, on /lida.^aiid baturday everj' J MASH**, QC. R. MASJO.V W.MASBON. N.Hâ€" private d- Coiniiany b fiffW* V» i^*«»t at from Six to Kl^hi par cent. KmiI iluoiuf55 (Carrtsf. John W. Armstrong;! Ft,K«iu.urii!i. Co. Obk.t, DlvmiOW COfBT CLEKK, CO.MUIKSIONEK lu n K., fonveyaarer. *c .\gcntfiT parpliaa- aed aala »f lands. Appraiser for C L. C. Coui- aud F, 1", 1! d: S. siociaty. Money to U>an ou tho moat raamiiable toruia, 1»m kh or MAilfilAtiR LICKKSEB. NOT.UtV PLItLlC. MONEY TO LOAN. At «J Per Cent. On Town or Farm I'rpperty, S. DAMl'DIl. I'ieaherton ANDREW McSIRR, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, FEVEK.SH i.1i. 0\T. ~W7J BELLAMY7' TWr. n.KKK AIlTKUKSI.y. COyCSYJ M'Klt, i\>MML^SloyjiI<, /AM i.'.LVf'i; A<1T, <;.â- ('. DI;FI>S. .MOKTOAfil^S, l.KASKS, <Sr , |>rer>ar ad and properly e.xeeuwd ' -*" ed in ar»t-cla.sscuinpauiua owest rates. luauraiice aSec- Uuuuv U> leudat GET YOUR MEAT t-FKOM.i- Fetcli Si. Mitchell,: CENEKAL BUTCHERS, FLESIIEKTONE |S*Ca8li paid for fat cattle, &c., &c. ^EW LIVERY! THE under'iriicd hoj^s to announce that kjcha» started a nral-class I.ivery hi tho ataiid op- l>oait« Muiisbaw's Hotel, Flcbhortou, wlioro the trnvelliut! pul>lic cau be accommodated with good rigH and horMis at moat i«aaoaal>lo prices Try mo and he convincoit. Neapocttully yonra, W. H. JOHNSTON. FUshottou, Nov. lOtli, IStaD. Plctnrr Framing, Xeatlij, Clrpajjhj iV' Quick- III Ihinr. by J. E, MOORE, purham fjt , Op;iOi<lte Claytou'a ."ihop "BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. OATALOOUES FREE. BELL&CO,,Go(iipii,Oiit. -f-1i i[ 11^ .V'^