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Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1887, p. 4

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i ,4 It r t! I : r -THE â- HBHWaHHaS FLESHERTON ADVANCE sems CHEAP # AND THE WELL ^ DUKABLB t KNOWN â€" :â- .'.. SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale as usnat First-class value in ever}' flepartmont. Agsnl for VICKER'S EXPRESS. All parcels left with .him will be promptly and carefully attended to. B OOTS &s HOES ! Having received large aaditions to my Stock, I Lave a good supply on Ijand of Summer Goods. LAJDIES' WEAR.â€" A fine assortment in Pmnclla, French Kid, Uoat, rolisli Calf. 13ufT and Heavy BooU. MIBSES AND BOYH WEAli.â€" A lai-gc variety of Laco & Button IJoots, Shoes and Slippers. CHILDIiEKS WEAR. â€" A very large asaortment of all sorts aud sizes. MENS WEAR.â€" I have Buff, Calf aud Enamelled Balmorals, Oxford Tics and Btrong Lace Hoots. FOR PRICE AND QUALITY, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. WM. CLAYTON, - Flesherton. FLE SHBRTO N. MARBLE WORKS: E. YANZANT, ALL KI.NDb Of !laf'ole ad MmM Mi Such UK M jiiiuiRiilj, Tomb Tables, lleudstunrs Counter and Table Tops â€" in American ami Italian Marble and (iranitc, and made on short notice. .\I.s(j Mantles in Marble and Marbleized Slate, &c., iic. Klesli.!rt..n, An,-. 30, lH8:t. HEAI.Tir FOR AI.L. HOLLOWAV^S PILLS&OINTMENT J-«ivoi* Till: i'lLLS rtiiifv tlio lUuo'l.c.Mi. i t ail lUrioi loM of tlio It .> iiivit{nrMtn Aii'l roHt')ri' to Iii'Hlth DcbilltKtt^nNiiiHtJtiitionH, and nix llivalualilu In nil Vutu liliiintM liitiiduiital to KtMiiatuft of ull a^uH. Koi Chiliii uii mul t lui &^*i\ tliuy aru |trlci-luttK. TlIF OINTMENT I-' aniuftlUMu rciiiti'ly for liit'i I<<'nii. Had Mn-KKtw DM WomiiJk Kni o>* aii<l I Icith. U is fainoiih for (iuiit au'l lUiouiiiHtiHiii. Kur tlU' j'lift-h of tll«<'nrt-t it )iu^ no eiiunl. J'orSOI.'E Til UOAT, niWACJllTIS, COUGHS, COLDS (ilaiiUulAr.SwtiUin^H.&jul nil Hkiti DiHoaftus it han nr> rival; niirl for coiitructL'd anil HtilT ioiutH it ActH lilte a otuinii. Maniifacturad only at I'rofesRor Holi.owat'i Kstnblirihinunt, 78, New Oxford (itreet (late 5.1:1, Oxford Ntrrrl ), Loiidoii, u:.<l arc Buld ul Is. lii.,2>i. UiI., 4«. M., 1I« , 22m., ainl :!-1s. rarli II. <« i,r I'.'t. uml iiuiy be liuj (jf nil )Ii, t'lii« VunilorN tliiuu,^lt<>\it tijo Wnrlil :*•" Purehn$i-r$ Atmhi lihik U. >hi- Liihfl mi thf I'nl.i itml /.'•<./â- (.<. If the itdilii:u I'.i not ,";,'(.', Ilrforil Sfr'i'f, Lnhilnn, Ihrif hii' ipiirii'ii.i. FOR SALE. The uii(Iir«it;iui«l ):iis Whito AfU lluttor Tuba , liud Cliunid fur halo. JOS. MrCOUMK^K, -J4 fj). FluHhurtiin. NAS'^,L^ALAi CAtarrI- POSITIVE CURE CATARRH. iilVFH linmedlate Rsliof Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. KA8Y TO imr.. ' Mot a Snuff, Powder or Irrlti.tliii,- H.inl J. Trica to ct». and f l.OO. If not oblalniiblo ut your druj- plsl«, »rnt prfipald on rcccllit of jirico. Ad,'.risJ ''ULFORD X CO., Drockvllle, Ont. J. B. SLOAN Jldii (Uiij qiuintil\i of S}iin-\ gles, <^T.. on liantL at En <J cilia. , Oh«.'tij> lor Otiwh. imm imm tif HUpuriur <|uality, for Orange and (jtlier Sooioties. Order eaily. W. M. TEG ART, Tliorubury, Out. j J. W. BATES, luiritihiii IhuiLcr mid t' iiilciiu kcr, KI,i;SIIi;ilTON, - ONT. FARM to RENT. ADrolMMi llolby H fnri]i,.\iti'mcsia. Almilt W) aci I'- i:lrn I ,'il lUiil in (,Mnlil rttllto of cnltl- vation. i'laiiit! buust . fi aniu Inirn, fr.inicKtablo .'^inall urriiar<l. Wi-li watrTcd. I'towin^' noarly I all (loriii ill tliK fall. I <ir toi tiix anil full |iartlou- lar» apply to IIOUKU LKVIiJl, Kluhliurtun. Also a Farm for Sate. I FOR SALBr I 0) aortiH 1} luiltib fioiii Kluhhciitoii. (lomlwana i fraiiiu (Iwnlliii^', ^ ioouih. ^'ooil ctilliir, KootlKtalilo , a iitivur failing' t«)>i-inf;{ oniolt. Tdiuih uftHV. For I iiarticiilnrH npplv to \V, J. IlKliLAMY, l-'loBliur- .ir to V \V. IIKI.LAMV, Mtukiialo. James Sullivan, Tho Tiiismitli, - Flesherton lloiiairinu, KavutriiiiKhinK, and in fact evory- tiiiiiK in thu liuHJnoHH Hill rtmuiva my jiioinpt and I'arnfiil attuntiou at reaHouublu pricus, fntrra 1> a WQ mar *>• round on flla at Ota. AHID rixCJBia )•. AoweUACu'tNnwspauef Advertising Bumsu ( loaDmocSt. I. when MirprilalDa asnmsu BV iw «•«• (or a Uk IISW XOiuS THE ADVANCE. lapubliabed Kkom tuk Urru-K. Oollingwood Street, - - »sAirr<oi», Ont. TF.UMS OF SCllrtCfcU'TION; •1 jiur anauin wlicn paiit atrictly i»ad*«iic« $1.04 pi'T unuufii wliun not bo paid. A. R. FAWCKTT, E'litiir (fill I'liiiiriftor. SEEDS, SKEDS, SEKl)S! BuceivBd this week, a largo inipply of first class Clover, Timotliy and Garden I Hoods, wliidi will bo sold at< bottom PLiESIIERTON: THURSDAY, MAY. 2(5, 1887, In glaucin{» over a luisccllaneouB pile of pamphlets hn our office the other day, our eyes fell on one, the title page of wliieii n ad as follows , â€" "Paperi read on Stibhalh School Work bf/ure the. tSiibb<ith School (7oncmfirin of the Owen Sound Dittricl of the Alrlh- odist Church, held ut Owen Sound in May, 1884. PulUnhid hy Request of the Conventiort," One of these papers caught our attention. It was entitled, "The Relation and Duty of the Clinreh to the Sabbath School. By Rev. W. A. Strongman, Ph. D." It struck us we had read or heai d it read before. Let US see â€" ah, yes ! to bo sure ! The self-same "paper," word for word, let- ter for letter, was nad in the Metho- dist Chuich, I'leshirton, on Tuesday evening. May 17th, IHS?! What a re- markable co-incidence ! ! ! The many warm friends of Prof. Morgan and Miss Fairy will be jjleas- cd to learn that they have bten carry- ing city audiences by storm with their beautiful singing since their visit to Flesherton last winter. Tho Prof, and Fairy sung at a 'remporanee m.'tt- ing in the city of (iiie|pli, on Moiulay evening of last week, before a very lari;e and select andieiice. The(tiielpli Diiili/ llcntld thus speaks of the sing- ing : "The eaili"r part of the evening was devoted to a musical |iriv.,'iiim, consistio',' of .-I'lli': nnd dncts, by Prof. V. II. Morgan, abliml uii(( hij du;i,:,'iit.r, Ljttlo'Faifv, ;i l)ii;;hl child of t.K vi II yi.'iiiH. 'I'lii.s 1 oitiun of tl.i proeecdinifs excited great surprise and admiration. IVw were prep.ii.Ml f ii .'^nch a ticat. While Piof. Mor;,'Hn (iliused, lairy lUlighlid cviiyonewitli her singing. Sin' is pos.mssfd of plirli- (imi iial ])iiwers iif SOU'.,'. Her voici' is of iiiai vclloiH coiupass mid swi'etness and under thotuii'-h control." pricea at R. Tbimble'b. (tf; Boos Y.)i'ii (>('*Ri>. â€" Don't allow a cold' in thp hcHfl to slowly «nii siiicly nin into Catiirrli. w hpn you can be rnrcd for •J.'ic. by 'Hsinp l>t. Chase'd Catarrh Cure. .\ few applicHtii'nsi CTirp ini<ii>ii-nt catairli ; 1 to 2 hiixi'H ciircH oriliniry catarrh ; 2 to Tt boxes in t'liariiiitii'd to euro chronic catarrh. Tr; it. Oiilv 'lU cents and sure cnrc. Sold by all di'iilt-rf. Of If .iitrisT's ('(ni\i:u. ThiM niiiii (lin's net Huiokc â€" in fact ho iicviT liad a ]ii|ic in Iiih inoutli in his life. Ho abliiio llio vory tlionglit of tho "nau- .â- â™¦(â- iiin wi'i'l " II,' Hiij.i t!io (if toliaoo I niakca i>e..|ili' milluw â€" and n:,dy ! Of eiiuiso ho in a laiiiity liiiniiilf ! cliiHoly ubMurvu his |iliiitiii(r5]ili given iiliovu and yiia Hill lio ready to acknow- li'di;o as much. '• Yoiinsr <'lliiinx." Thi.s notitl prizo takiiiu ymiiii,' Tnittiii;< Stalliiiii, thii pimiorty of Jnnioa T. \\ ilsuii, Esq., Kiireuiiiiit, will nmko the aeaaon of 1HH7 it» ^;i\i;ii licliiw. ''ViiiinK Climax" is a haiidsoinu animal, fnur yt^an) eld, sir- ed by theoiloliriiliil stallion, "Valentino," dnni by the oijiially nntod "Old Wiirnni- liia," (imported). It will thus be soim that ho coined from a lonj; linu of illus- trious anooutora. Followini;is theroute : â€" INFondav, will priioeed to John Woir's for ono hour, llniMi! to Alliort Holl'.s, Ei;- rcnumt for noon, tlienco to Potor Ruid's for night. Tuesday will iiroeood to John no*>son'B for noon, thouco to NoMo Wilsoii'H for (Miu hour, thunou Imnio to his own stablu for iii^dit. Woilnesday, will jirucoud to .Tohn Bat- oholor's for no<in, thonnii to the MeCul- loiiijli House, Dundiilk, for niijht. Thni-silay, will iirooood to Mr. Scott's, Proton, for noun, thoiice home fur night. Siiturday, will prooeeil to Lainont's Hotel, Pricovillo, afternoun, thencahomu to his own stiiible. The First Sign Of f;il!lna hoaltli, whether In the form of Si^ht Swrali and Nor^ousncHS, or In. .t leDitc of Gtiicnil Weariuoss and Hoi:* of A;)i)c;i;e,»liju!J »iisgfe.-.t the u«cof .Vyor'i fiarnaji.-irlll ». Tint prepnnitlou i.s nio)>t efTevtlxe f-T piu'nj tone and strength to tlio cafcibltd sy.Mim, promolini; the di;;cstiou and lUilmihitioD u( food, rcstor- hii l!io nirvoB.* lon-cj to lluir normal cuiidiiion, aiul for punfyiiig, euriuhiug,. aiHl vitullziut; the blood. Failing Health-' Ten veafH II1.-0 my health lnijnM to fsrl. I was tioubltd with u di»ire»«ini; i'ou<1i, Ni,{hl .^wcai-, Wtiikneiia, iind Nervous. nens. I tried varlooK reiuedlen prencribrd- by dlrtiTcnl pliysiii:in.<, but beeaiue »o woitk llial I eiiiiid nul ifu up alairs with' out «to|iplmj to renf. My friemN reecni' niemtod nie to try AyiVs .Sanmparflla, wliii'li I did. ami 1 mn liow uk henlthy ami •troni; n< ever. â€" Mrs. E. L. WlUlums, Ale.\undriu, .Miua. I have used .^ycr'u .''sr^miiarllln, lir tcif fiAnilv, for .Scrofula, and kiiuvv, if It I^T tiiken fuilhfully, tlmt It will thorou^'hly eradicate thIi terrible dneane. I liav u uNu proserllM'd it an u tonic, an well a< an altcr- ulivo, and must say that I bonesilv belltâ- ^a It to be tho be^t l)lond uwdlilne omt compounded. â€" W. F. Kowkr, 1>. D. S., M. i)., Cireenvlile, Touu. Dyspepsia Cured. It would \y lmp<>inlli!e Tir me to d' - scribu what 1 (Utlored from I iKligeKlloii and Ileadatliu up to tlni tiniu 1 be>;:iu lukhi.; Atir's Sarauparilla. 1 was under tlie i-ic! of variout plij ^iiliun and trtrd a i;reut many kiinU (if inedlelno, but iiovrr obtalncij mor« than temporary re- lief. After lakiUR Ayer'^.Swapnrilla for a hlinrt lime, my hoadaclie disappeared, nnd my sloinueli perfunnetl lladutieii iiioru perfeitly. To-day my health i.< coiii- |)letulv ri'ntored. â€" Mary liariev, Spring- field, Mubs. I have been prcntly bcneHlid by tlio prompt u.u of .\yur's hurMipadlla. It tone.H and invij.'oniti-.s the»y»tein.ret;ul«te< the action of the dii;i'stive and aisiiuilath e orean^, ami vitnllzi'S the lilood. It 1-. wliliout iloulit, the mii»t reliablo lilno.! pnrilier Vet dlncovered. - II. 1). Johnson, is3 Atlaiitlc nve., nrooklui.X. Y, ..Aycr's Sarsaparilla. rr»par»d l.yDr. J. I'. .\yer & Co., I.ow»ll, Mjj«. rrlruSti Klx bottlui, VS. THE MAMETS. FLESllEUTON. Cirrfiillii t'orfertvd Eitrli WicU. I'loiii R4 (10 to -1 '20 Fall Wheat #0 85 to » iMI Sprim; Wheat 85 IMM) Ihuley U 00 00 Oats Uj •.':> I'cas 47 47 Butler '.'Jj \2\ Eggs, fresh 10 !0 Potatoes busli 60 oO Pork 6 75 5 7.> llay.pcrton H 00 10 OO Hides C 00 7 (K) Wool 'JO 20 Sheepskins 40 6 M\ (Jeese Oil il6 Turkeys 10 10 Chickens per pair I) .15 .*t5 Dneks jier pair '.0 O ,'',0 /IT GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESill.RTOS, You Will And au aiicrtineat of Heavy and Lisrht Harness. Wbipa, nruubnn, Curry Coniba, Sweat Pads, and the ci lobratt it "llarnesM 1)11." ^!fe<'OM,AKH A SI'i;tIALTY.*'<; i'liviLp fu) i'ttHli. Call mill 1 \aniiiio. , K. J. SPKOUL. Fltihtituu. Cimrnyaueer, A}il>raiiier, in!' Hat yr <iuU Money lender. Deedf, Mmt- ijayen, Ivuse* â- md WiU» drawn vp ini'i VuluMtium made. m\ nhvrtest notice. Chtrn- (jet mrij luxe. Apf^y to Ji. J. HI'IiOULK, Foitiiuuiter, Flesherton. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP!: FLESHERTON,. Tt the place to (jet your Harness Collars, 4't, made up in i/ood atijle. Siwp In ir. Clu%jtt/u'a Boot do Shoe Storey FMiciioii. HA6NESS HARNESS. ...If ^vju want Harness, Single ori INjuble, or Horse Blankets, Trunks, Uells, Vali.scs, Curry Combs, lirushes or the celebrated Harness Oil, call k »xauiine befone ptirchasing elsewhere. R. J. WATSON . PRICK V ILLE.. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR, riwtographer, Flesherton. - Ont Kavinti i<I>vut aoma timein the atudio of tLt faun u- T'lionto iniotonraidier. Mr. 8. J Uiiou . wbarx I acquired valuable knowledco iu Bofuu- chini;. I feel aaanred I can civo roo^ gKJera; t satislactKU. .\ 0*11 reapectfnlly aollcitetl, MRS. RULMER. Kle»hiMtoll. Sept. nth, IBSS. TRI ^"CHASES J LIViR HAVe YOU Liver Complttinl. I)v*|>rpMa, It dijtwlion. I'ili<m<neM, JiUTMlur, Hrau^hc, ituiinrM. l'*in in the lUcli. (.'â- "wiv. Ill--*, t)r *ii>' tli-^ea,-^ jtri^uirf from a dctaiiSttl livrr, In- ( iiahk*< I.!\i, ; fL Kh w U be founii ix lurc mA cvrl,i,:i fiti '\y NATURr*S nCMCDY The uiui'.-ilificl sui.;-»-»..f iJr. Lha*e» Liver Cure in I ivtr Vo.t>|.|.iii t tc-i* -wicly Willi the f^ict tlut It i* conni..u ... ; ir -Mt tiutir -*s ^v,!M.iiown liver rci;ulal<jr«, ^IA^Ilâ- ;^.â- :' »' • !<vv>:*i"n, tomlin'-*! with m.iny utUvr II. « < xd''^'^ r'-wx.. U\t\,i, ami hrrl«. having a unwer''ul eiitti on i i- i iilnrv*. Siumaih, Ilowel* anU 1!I(kki. 500. coo sold Ox'f*' OHi-h-i'f tm .i.^'t 4\f /'/. i'/tast'a AV i/rf /?iH>A/ wer^ tj.'.i in Cui.u^it (j't/it*. tt'e tttunt ci-f*y man, tM^OTdt .tf-f .'.//,/ tc'/fi> if trr-u^'e.i xviih Livtr Com- f^aint tif i*-\ :h t tn'^.-'cHt rrmm . . # SjMETHma New. Civcm Awat Ftcc \Vrapi>«c1 arout'devery N.>nleof lir. Ch.x«e'» Liver Cure 1% A vjlua '!c 11 >uich'jl(l Medical dutdc and Ktctpc llixik ^84 |>a{c-), >.ijiitaiiiiiig aver scxj useful neci^xs^ pronouTK'il li)' iiiciliial inei. :intl (.Ini^gi^^ti as invalu* •ble, and worth t«n timet the price of the medicine. TRY CNASE'S CATARRN Cure, a safe and po itive rciiirdv. l'ri.;(*. a, t.(-nt^. TRY Chase's Kidney and livEfi Pills '^ ctv per }<ox. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T. E0MAN90N A OO.. Sol* A(*nt», Bradford ineshcrton Meat j)larke(t S. Sl'IUIT, . . I'aoriiiEioi:. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on l.;indfor (^ Orders promptly filled. EUGENIA' Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interesti and, on terms of rcpavmont (o suit borrower. FARMS l)oufj;ht and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds praperl'y executech COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.}., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business, promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Of&ce, Corner of Inkermau and Napoleon Streets. HENEY MBLDEUM, ASENL •<•.â- â-  'â- â- / •â- .-::/ :.r V •^1 â- â- '* i

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