7- VI If FLESHEirfON ; ADVANCE. / "TRUTH DEFOHE FAVOR"-' PRIXCIPLES, XOT MEX." VOL. VI., NO. 304. "^ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. APRIL 14, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, Money Saved ! BY CL08E BUYING ! TJt - Bits. Coi'iUthig of IaK'iI ni.d Otlier hiferesiing ItvHU ijnthrri^t by TItt AJnince UepHirtefi. I I)r. Hixon, 0^ Priceville, gave us a call on Monday last. â€" -I4 Mr. Look out for Band Concert on Friday, April ^'ind. See bills. T'lw StiiV- is a haud>4.>me luciitii'y fashion paper issued gratuitou.sly by M. Hicbardsou & Co.. Flesherton. The Malcolm Ferguson follows the ^p^ii number, just issued, Ls a beautv. i plow on the Brown farm near t Icsher- q^j ^^^ f^^^ ^^ Richardson i Cos store. ton this year. Mr. Smith, the famous Markdale bar- Mortgaye sal. of raluaUe proi>erty at ^er, will be in Flesherton on Thursday Atkinson's hotel. Priceville. on Thurs- Mr. E. K. Bidiardsoo returned home j last week from Owen Sound. I ^»>'' Ma.v_5tli^ .See advt. and bills. Get vo^^^e BiUs jmnted neatly ! ^I»>^tP^e «*!•'*' f valuable property at at The .^DVA.vcK office, where yon ,,,,J Munshaws hotei^Flesherton. ou Thur, ue-\t. Court day. to attend to the wants of his numerous ci;stomers and the pub- he "enerallv. Streetsville ha.< now its uwu l.>,.al j a- per, the Beview. whi(d» is a cretiit totL> place. Every we«?k it comes to ou.' sauctum brim-fnl of short, snappy, .spic .â- local and district news and well written editorials. Its about the tirst txchaBj;o wi.. pick np to read, outside cnr own county. Its a d.i;sy aad no miatato about it. Helps Pay Ta\ef5. "PIVE years in C.rey Co. this inotitli and a lair paying business established throuj^h the generous putrona.ijeot" tlie piibhc. I'rom Dundalk 'to Holland Centre, on the line, -»lso Maxwell, Priceville, Kim- berley, Kn^enia, Travefston, K'ocklyn, Berkeley and other points have ^iven nie a good suppoit. My thanks are clue to all iransient and home cus tomers. I have endeavored tn deserve patronage extemied, liy honest representation ot ev'ry article sold ; and my increas- ing business warrants me in assuming thr.t my efforts to deal honorably at fair profits, have been appreciated. I shall continue my busi- ,T»ess on the- bne of. rr^ijilijl representation, just exchange in giving value received, and a fair profit to meet obliga- tions incurred. Stock will be kept complete in Hampden Watches Mv name 011^ WALTllAM Watches, four rrades, a few B.\RTLK TT'S'at cose pri- ces, ELGIN Watches, and the exceptionallv hue made full jewelled COLUMBUS movements. Watch warrants 1, z, and 5 vcars, "covering breakages." Filled Gold cases Coin Silver cases, 2 to 3 02., also Silverware 3 & 4 oz. Ladies Gold Watches and Chains, R. F. Simmons' roll â- Gold Chains, best made. Dra- per's hre gilt. Seth Thomas and Anscyiia spring (.S; weight Clocks, a beautiful stock o\ Silverware, hollow and thit, for table use. Engagement Gem Kings, 18k. Wedding Kings, Brooches, Bar Pins t\: sets, Lockclii and Necklets, CulT t^ Collar Buttons, Silver Thimbles, Pebble Specks, Lazarus & Morris, Lenses, Boss Specks. I have ijioo.oo wholesale in Specks and en v.iit anv s."/it. Watch Rep.-vir bodk shows this week watches and clocks bot'kcd to No. lijj. My work gives satisfaction, is ful- ly warranted & charges mo<l- tiati'. No socoihI or catch cliar^f,') jiftcr watchoa ai-e left. Any one coiuini; U'l iiiili's and not tiniling my stock ami prices a.t thi.s lulvt. roiircsents, T will pay legal imleasjo one way and nxpensos here, uiculs »Vc. iioods and work Wanantcd. j A litlkMe JeicfUer, ^I.VKKD.^LE, - - OXT. have you'- choice of "cnts." RutacH't Noted Jewelry St<ir« is the : plikce Ui eet S|iex â€" they keep the famous I K. Laur.iKce Spex t can tit any sight. 3t , Our thaukii are duo to our ({enial frioi;d. Mr. \. M. Gibeon, for late copies of Scotch lepers. dav. Mav 5th. See advt. and biiis. Sealed t«ju«J<'rijw»!itetl for repairs to Town Hall. .hu alvt. elsewhere in tiiese columud. Mr. Jos. McOorvack, Flesherton, ad- vertises White Ash Butter Tubs and Cburus for solo Ja this week's .Vdv.vnce. Special att<?nticn is tiirecteil to the advt. ill another column heaiiej "PhNu- -Voficf." The sterhu^ renie«lies thereiD coutaine<l are now offereti for sale at thf Medical HaU.Fleshcrto!^. and are h.^h- ' Iv recommended. Mr. T. Bates, of Saiilt St. Mari«, is visiting friends in Flebhertou. He lookis as hearty aH usnal. I>>>n't fail 111 dnip iiitu Riutiell's, Flesh- 'ertiiu, and liHilr at I'.is fine stock and re- [iiieniber 25 per cent, off for the next 30 days. 3t Flesherton i>tatioa Annual Spring Show of StalHouK â- will be held on Tues- day, .April 19tli. For fidl particulars, sec bills. Mr Geo. S wanton was vUcted .School Trustee on Saturday last, ui plare â- ! Mr. W. 0. PickcU rcsif^ncd. Very little interest was manifested in the meeting;. preseut. Plant vuur s^pring aunouucements in The Advance. Tbe .soil is fertile and xhere were not a dozen ratei-avers the returns rich. Sow judiciously aud early. Five ewes belongiuj; to Mr. .lol.n K. The "Maple Leaf SinJlin.^- Ass^xia- Jamieson. Artemesia. dropped thirt<-vu tion ha<l a match with pupils of No. 3 i^mbs this sea-sonâ€" .nit- . f tl.e ewes .Iro... on Thursday last. The Leafs were ^i„^ f„„r „f the n'au:!xr. am! anctlur ^''••'""*»"^^_ three. This is as remarkable as ;t is Mr. Maynian Wliite. of Collinsfwood true. Township, sold a three year old colt. sired by a celebt»*«>«l Perchron stallion. to Mr. Keefer, of St Vincent for ViOO. E;ist Urcy Spring Show will be held in Flesherton. ou Friday. .\prd 'iUml. Sec bills or write the Secretary â€" S. Da- mude, Emp â€"for particulars. .St. FOH CLOTHING. I'lea.-u- call aiMl iasp«ct oiur new- HttH:k for spriuf; aud soiuiner. Beantifnl pat- terns aud at aittoaishiu^^ly low prices. H. TaiMBLK. (tf. ) Wc omitted to mention last week the renirn home, from "C" School of Infai.- try. Toronto, of our yoon^ frieud-«. Mr. W. J. Davis and Mr. Joseph. KieW. Botli young men sjjeut thrte moi;;!** in the Military Schixl named, aiil. what is more imjxirtaut. carried off honors v.i tlie shape of lirst-cla.ss c'ertificates. The voimjj men are worthy meujlx-rs ct Fltsherton Volunteer compauvâ€" Mr. •.'. FiciJ holdin:4 the position >'( Bn>;!er, anJ, no <loubt, Mr. Davis will be pro- moted to the ]x>sitiou of a noa-commi.'-- sioued officer- \u. 6 Cunipany. Slst Batt. The luenibers ol tli» above company will meet for ilnll on Saturilay eveuiu),;s at 7 o'clock. -IJ recjotts wanted. Apply to 1. J. Field. Limt. X Watch Pazzle. In how iiAny Utferent positions arc tl:c hour and uiiuute bands of a chnk or watch directlv over each otlier ? Will Medical Uall, Ple^tliertoii. is the place to get your t'itLi and Garden See<is cheap aud good. Set; anuoun<.mcuC elsewhere iu thwo columns. .\uction sale of farm stock, «c. . a; Lot IXtX 13-4. 1st W.T.AS.lt. Aru-me sia. coijiiicnciny at 1 o'clock on Satur- day. .\priM6th. ltW7. For particulars some of tbe .\dvance readers auswtr see bill. â- >. Canuiujiham. propriet<.>r : this question ? \. S. Vandusen. auctioneer. ": â€" - ~~ Our cattle fair broc.^lit together i Died. Hazxkd. â€" \l his father s resitlence, .\r temesia. on Monday. -Vpril 11th. l>ra- ji»r Hazardâ€" son of John Hazard. Ks»j., T«p. Collector â€" a^eJ 23 years. • Deceas».-<-l was a youu;; mau of many sterhug qualities and universally respect- ed. His parents have the deep svu-pa- I The social iu the Melh.Klist church, t^v of the public in the sad hour o: -I week Iffore last, iu ai<l of choir fund, their U-reavement. -F.D.l i I ^ w4jj ;», ^L!,.i|t^raUf vin^ siioccs^.. jj IT t>e|uK , -â€" â€" ^â€" ij , realixed.'T&l^copy of above was m«- J * '.t^fWPlir. -I laid, and hence its nou.api)«arauce in | The other day, \^iaile crushins -^omc â- * last week s .\dvanco- '-'''â- ''" *' ^'â- ^ •'â- lliclc»iu>;'s, -\rt.me-M.i, The [MsopK. ol this country, for thirty 1"'*" * number of buyers and sellers uiilea aroimd, ha«e c.iue to' the cnclu- on Monday. The alU'udanco was not «...., ihttt Rusaeil is the 1!. »s watchmaker >*" '*f«e as usual, however, owiuji lar^e- and jewellvr. ?â- > always take your watch i ly uo doubt to tl»o sUUe of the roads in to hiiu. » 'Si I some parts. POSITIVELY^ FOR I If all cur friends were like Mr. Fred. Gee I'he .Vdvancv would siHni have hW circufation. Within the past few <Iav> ' he has sent us two subscriptions, and is I ou the war-path for more. Li>nn life to tearing the riesii badly K-twcea the you, friend Ciee : .ind may your shadow i (,and and cUkhv N. boucs broken. never i;row les.s. j d,-. Kerr, of Max«cil. «as called iu auti -Mr. .J. W. Heusou. of the same Town ship, nvt Ins arm badly hurt. He was ^weepinj; up >ome of the xraui from uii dcr the miil. when hi... coat sIee\o caught lu the gearino. draumn in the arm and 30 Days Only TH.-\T THK Great III Slaughter ! (">f Watches, Clock.--, |e\vcliy, Silverware, Spc\, etc.. at Russkll's Xotkp Jewelry Stoke, b"lcshert^-n, will continue. Russell has just returned fixmi the cii\, where he has secured some bargains never before known ::i this section oi â- country â€" in fact it is impossible to compete with Russell. â€" , .-Ml his goods are marked in tlain iigcucs, .;: \ci'y low prices and, for the next thirtv davs only, he is .ictuallv going to give 23 per cent o(T oa all cash sales over $ri just imagine the finest grade (,>f .\morican Nickel .-M.inn Clocks at onlv i $ J, sold everywhere at ^.2.30 and J?-;\S '' 'i«i finest f.rade ' of Platcil Chains, beautiful patterns, fur Si Oo, sold every- where at 2.2^ and Jso; the finest make of Clocks, beautiful Walnut Cases, from !?2 73 up to ^S.so. soKI everywhere from 3.50 to 10.00. We aie not making ein)Ui;li on these goods to pav vour mileage (M' meals, neither will wc !.:ive vou a meal TO IWTCH YlH U Cl'SrOJI, but offer y«u.«'»T .;.«../.< .if '?(â- 'â- ..•â- . 1 /m-Y ic/.,t< yui i-i/ii i;i'^ them fur fUcirhrrf .' The tiiie.st make of Solid s.iui Swiss Watciics from iJti.ilO up ; and tlie j^eiuiiiio .Xmcrioau Watches from j-'i .'h) ii|s beanui; Waiiants fl-'Ut •..^^ to 5 vcars. t^""Wo keep oidv the u;eiuiiiic ..'ooils, wlni-h bear l.'iii; waiiants. THIS "IS THE OUA.Nt'E OF Vol U l.U'K ! FOR TlllKlV DAVSONLV ! .»s we iinist clear tlieui out bet'oic the arrival of our SunniKr .--tock at that d.'ite. Ill UEr.MUINt,;, everyone knows that Iviissell's woik alw.-ivs L;ivcs satist'action and lus woik lia.s already yiieii him the name of t!io boss watchmaker and jeweller ill this section. Dl»N'T F.\ll. TO ^'.\1.1. within the next ;>0 davs and secure sonic of theOKEAT HAUCAINS NOW OFKEinNG. RUSSFLL'S \oU'd Jewelry Store, FLESHEHTOiN. i A larye ^atheriiij^ 01 youi;t; {H.vpie as- â- icniplcel at the rcsi.icucc of Squire -Vrni- strong. 0:1 Wednesdav cvcuiiifj of last week, to do honor to Dr. .Vrmstrou^ and wife, piior to their depaiturc from I Fleslierton. .V very ayrex'abic cveuinj; was si>e'Ut b\ those I'reseiit. Mr. -losepii Ward .i:.! so.'i.e wall pap jeriujj for .^ilâ- s. Wooiibuiue. at lileulJeKI Villa. Enyeiiia, and the latter w i>hes ns to state that the job wa> pert'oniied iu a skilful and worUiiiaiilike inaiiuer. Mr. Ward will be only too willino to be kept I'U-y at this or aiiv e;lier Ueiiii;.! labor. M;~< Mittie FiaiKc. the ccUbrated St. I'hoinas elocutionist, will oive oi.e of I'.er jjraud cntertainineiits in the Metho- dist church. Fleshciton. on lliiirsilay c\eiiiiif;. .Vpril 'iSth. I be cli.>ir will as- sist. .\dniis.sion only 1"> cents. Tickets arc now ready for distiibutiou ; secivrc one bofovc the rush. One of ouv popular .Vrtenusia ai:ri- ciilturists had his hair cut clo>e and his heavy beard sliave-d off 011 Mv'udav by the Miir.vdalo ton^oi-ial attisW^ ^an\ I'cople won Ik red \\ ho t!,e UijflH|^ the p. .V. a was, .lud whelher it wSS 811 In- ilian or a white miiii had been aftir his scali>. Mressini the woiiiidc<l Arm. The patient is now doiiij; as well as could be expect- c.l. Fur ItrilMi Coliiuibia. Mr. Edward Stone an I taiuily. wiia I his brother. Henry Stuuc. left by the t p. 111. tram on Tttesilay. en route fir British Coliiuibia. the form.r to si-ttlo 1:1 Ins new home, the latter with the in tentiou o. levatinj; a homestead there should he tiiiil the cliii:atc and couiitrv suitable. Wo wish thctu e\cry sUv cess. â€" F. CiKK. .vr.K vol" MAI'K n.is,i;u;=' by Iii.'ic--: 1 u. C.''isl;p.kii.w., l>i.'.'iu.-><. I.,i».< , ; .i|i. till. Vi'Ilow Sk [•ooiuve cure. Shdoii < V'tnl.'ir ;, Si'id at Mciili^al Hiir. Flesherton is about to lose aiuahi r exe'ollent family in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mnut and Miss Mir.a limit, who will slu'rtiy remove to Maikdalo. Mr. r.unt. wlie> sjot s to till an eniia^e- nient with Dr. Sproulc. M. 1'.. left for that place on Tuesday last. Mrs. %ud Miss Hunt will not take their departure for a few weeks yet. MctllWlHUl * I'ASKK'S CaHHOI-IC eRlUT* â€" Hiive yon an oltl Son*. »'Ht, Bruiso. C'ora, Hnn- i>'n. 8»H Uhi'iim. Viiuplo, Iliotchea. Kou«;h Huinls or Viiot''* If !,i», thtfru is but ouo cuvi, iMuiolv Mclin^or * Varki«".i Caitiolle Cerste. If yoii but trv U. it wi)'. oi»»viuc« you. It ugsts but iM . lit llii> Urim Stoi tt. \ Sneak TliU'vos in FlosliortoH. We did not tluidi t'ure m ere .u y ot :'..'• above cl.uts to be •'â- 'iin.I ;.i Vlc-sherti'ii. ' but i-ee^elit eveiit.s Iiave il;.<icocd tlie ilr- sioii. Frid.iy nii;lit l;vst a 'oaue id :.ias-i ^larue) in the fn'iit u;i..!o\v of b'i> cii'ft » restaur.iiit was sm.ished and some c.'nlectioiicry stolen. Tuesday iiisjlit .111 • •tiler pane of ^kuss x»;us smashed into I'lau mc:it.s and nion, confectionery alistn(iti>i ly certain vouihfid sneak tliieve,«, w l.^ ha\elveii â- â- s]>..tted" and will certaiti'y be _\aickcd u-,> 'eefoiv the Ivak if thedai - ireu us exierinieltt is repeated. Tl ;s ,, the li:'th time taat tlie w •utloâ- .vâ- slll,ls;,il,:,- slle»'^â- llliet iiiaiiia has been illlllllv;til 11 . but the Vouiii; viiitabi ikIs can rest assuied that tliey have j;ot " to the ci.d . f the tether." Catarrh, when chri>iiic, Woomes ver\ otVensive, ]t is impossible to lie othei â- wise lieabhy, and, at the same tiiue, ai flictcil with catarrh. This dis-vure'cable disease, in its most oWtinate and dAiic;ei 0U8 forms, can be cared by the two of Ayet's S;usapnrilla. '':M X ^^iftU^aairtUili ^^j^jl/M