\ Apr. ,7, 1887.1 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE '(*' r \ I, I • { \ W.f.T.l. ''/or OoA aiui Home atui A'atiee Laud," liord of Hosts : Thou livlm: liMd Who buIcl'Mt Cht- u&tioiib in 'I'Uy liiuid, IfUffctf uovf thi) ufforlb tliut art' iDAdf Tor GoJ ttuJ Home ttn<l Nillivrt I-mn!. ' Kor Ood"â€" wo would Thy lov« protlal*'. Aud HiMjiid our davi at Tliy couiuiaiid, IirftAthuoii iifithuii: our h>v« jnflnjiio I'or-Oud aud Homo and Native liand. â- 'for Hoiiie"â€" ourtwjlvei* wo uludly Kive To Turin tt world encircling band To war at;aiiwt HtroiiR drink, andlive 'Kor Uoil and Hume ami Natiro Land. 'For Native Land 'â€"for thy dear nake Wb Kill the fatal foe withntand. Maieh on in ntrenifth. the kingdom take Kor Cod aud Houiu aud Natlvo Land. rUthtrlon. â€"T.W. QUESTIOXS AXly ANSWERS. Jn our auswurH tu last week's prob- loiJiK, typof^raiihitial <«vtorH occurrud in iiuiribors 1 4. Thc-iMiifwer to the first bliiiiilil liavo beou 5 ac. 2 r. .tO yds. iu- Mtuad of .1'/ jier. The uost of cargo should have bcou .Ki^OW not ,li;,iio. Klizabc-tli A. Cameron of S. S. No. 9, ArtcniGHia, Kcut corroot HolutionH and niiswurH to No'h. 1 aud '2 of issue of Marcli 8lHt. AuHwers to last week's liroWeras : â€" (1) (a) »89; (b) 440; (iJ) 80 cunts per bag. (B) -2J hours. Thu following! pupilK have sent cor- rect answers to thu number of questions indicated by tliu ligujros following their names. FROM KLESWKUTON P. S. F. VanOusen (1), Fred Ayers (1), Martha }(e >tty 111, David Mathewson 1 1), \Villi« Sinclair CM, Auuic Richardson ('2), Liznia S wanton (1). FROM S. 8. .so. 8, AHTKMKSIA. H. Aikins ('i), Anniu .\ikius, J. J. White, Frankie Stewart, and Newteu Large one each. t'BOM S. S. so. U, ABTKMKKIA. Maggie English ^3). [Thu fir.st part j( the first example fieems tu have puz/.lcd our school child- ren. No one HO far has given it a solu- tion. Wo ho(H] to see a ntill greater interest iu this departmeot. We are surprised that a greater number of our Flcshertou pupils have not shown up. Formerly their solutions came to hand at noon on day of issne. â€" Math. F^n.j A KKW MORi; gUKSTIO.NS. (1) What length of rope tied to a stake, will l>e required to descrilie a cir- elo trnclnsing half an acre? (Auh. in ft.) {•Z) A box is 8 feet in. long, -Jft. Bin. wishw to live f.»r i!<iiiiit<iii.R nrve tluui i high ami 'i ft. 1 inch wide. How niucli yjrdul «.7/aii(l tin- pro.'iuiit iiixiiienl 1 zinc will it take to line it inside, cover ,, 1.1 ^ c I 1 includc'l (.^us. in so. ft. I It m*y be to the pr.-t of nnn>e„1y,mT ^^^^ ^^ ^„^.„^ ^^^^ \ ^-^^^^ ,„, ,^ ruadbr* to consider '\ lutt leaHons why Uiid by so doing gained '20% of cost. For such persons sliouM avuil thenuivlves of ! how much should he have sold it, to insurance in one or other «f theet socio- I «»'" '^% "f selling-price '/ -,, I (4) If the third of (i he 8, wliat must Thu reason." •"- â€" â- ' For The Adiurux.) LOCAL, SKETCHES. Ol'B INSfKANCE Al)VANTA«BS. Tliia title, "L<»cal Sketclies,'' was re- .'eiitly used by Home other correspondent, but as it expresses so well the intent 'yf these uccasionuU, there will be no neuti to chani^u it on that account. For relixious, bcnevulent, social and educational institutions, Flesherton can iihowr as high perceiitapce as any i)laco we kiunv of. It lias an active connuctiun A'ith and |iart in three Mutual Kehef so- cieties, whicli offer to its citizens ad >°nii- tages <.f which our forefathem never con- ceived. The " Ancient Order of' Unitwl Workmen," tlie " Uova' Temfilars •< Teiikperunce,' and the " Siwu o/Zt'einper- aiicu," each have features 'Ajf •'.rellence that call for tiie attcnti'in '(if every ilioughtful person and of every one who the fourth of '20 be ? ties. The reasons ;ire â€" Ut,~yit/<^tcai. -Plain -a titc light we read in I Tini*t!iy 6c. 3v., " K any pro- vide not for his own, aiiti especially for those of his own houxw, lie liath denied the fafih and is worm: than an intidul," and ca6li of these societie.t is inteliiled es- ]>uci«Ily and t^hiefiy tu enable men u> inaWt'provisioh for " their own." 'Jtiti, â€" IlatUj)nd anil iiVuiiotnic. â€" Reiwon .iiid economy conibiim to inquire of us to iii.tke tlie utmost use of whatever I'mvi- dence may place within Our reach, airJ it V, uuld he as l>ad policy tn let sited tisiie pasa witliout sowiii;{ or harvest time wilh- 'Ut reapiiii;, as to live withif WMy reach ,i svcui'iiiu insurance and still not uta it. .Alike tlifty are thu nieani of meeting a i;eu<l which will surely bu felt some day. 3rd, -i/»m*B(W«ii<. - The needy are al- â- Aays with us, anil of sueli the " widow tnd thu fatherli'sx " are |Hjinta.-d out MR , most desurving. If a respectable widin% i .iiid hoi numerous cliildicii. In nwl need, Knorgy will do almost anything, but .iPIMtaleJ tu y.>u for help, yet «<>tild not | jt cannot Cxiiit if the hloo<l is impure lefuse hur and stillle worthy-of-H human n,„| ,„„»,., ri\ti(^h\y in the veins. A slight cohl often proves the fore- rtinner of a complaint which may be fa- tal. Avoid this result by taking Ayor's Cherry Pectoral, the best renie<lv for colds, coughs, and all throat and luug diseoaoH. We ]>romised tu discuss th<^ qnestion of a Mochanien' Institute for F'lesherton at greater length Uiis week than Wst, hilt our corrchpotideiitH ha^» got aliead of iis«Md *'l<l<K'ked UH out" â€" as it wore, 0) to siH-ak. Iti'tter luck next time. Privutr RfHldrnrft for Malc« Hrick Hous<t '28x85. Ten RotJM well llnishixl all through. Wood Shod 11x2-2. Also gfiwl well ill wotxlshed, with fonr lotH. Thifi in .^ clioicu pro]>crty. Mid nicely aitutatc^d on |iriiicipal street in village. Will Imi sold rheap for Cash- W. W. TniMBLK. ii.'ime ; and in each of these societies each l^yuient you make generally go>js diiect and entire to help 'ho " widiM; and the t.%thsrluu." Herein is solved one jihitse of thu question of systusiHtio lieiiuvoloitce. 4lh,- /ij/yiriitivi/ mil/ V'^ynxw/â€" A (Kir- sou whom others arc depeiidunt Mikhi, if take)! Iiy dangeriMH •tckiiua.i. will i^Ktar- kUy imu\ aiixioMi a^MMit'thu future ><'' tfWoio who may soon bo Wft 111 a hfird, i-uld A'oild ; and if there b«) lie provision uMide i>r them, that auxitlty will In^ greatly iti- crnused atiil will hinder leciwery. Mis- t'iry recoids easiM of ileatli through " aheer anxiety." And » lmj(», through | iiiiiely foresight, an insurance h;ut beeii etreuled, thu burdoii is 4'ollud away in this rea|i<:ct, and tl>o mind at iieacu gi'untly helps to heul the body. • I'Ai, -A/u/u/ CiNi.iiafi'/ii 7. '- Alost jteoplu coiiitsMiM lliu man who spelnls oii milfish iiidulgeiiii! what hi^ijiiuiilii umh. Such a iitaii is generally and Justly lu^arded lui 11 •M'llish coward, iiut if tlinsi- wlm con- duiiin him Hpuiid on aiiiliilioii'i ti.-iitures '>r tiiiall iiidiilgenccH wli,it Woiihl pay the cost ol an iiisiirame policy, and ho exposi' thuir hived ones to the risk of diistitiition, tl.uy are not miicli lietter. One man ne- u;le'.t4 "his own" uhile willi them, and Mioiuty Justly reyaldn liim ax an oiiti'.ast. .Vnother iie-^leola tlie opportiinity iif pro- viding for Ilia own and when lie is gone tl. uy come tu want. Which of the two In llio most miilty I Dooh rosponHibility to oiir loved oiii'N end at death ? Is n ipien- tioii that many )iuk> '"it le»' ri'ali/A.' its true aliHWur. •Ith Jiiinuiilir I'thritij. Hin is the a.uiioe ot all iiiisury ; sdlllslinnNH is I ho I'Meiico of all am. Si.>lli.'«liiiens in its dom- 1 '.lie iw|Mii!ts can he only by mm- iiiiiu lovii, and such love kx\\\ only lie de- vulmied and niaintainuil by systematically â- euking tlie goixl of others, and in few ways can this be done so well as by pro- viiinu for loved ones Ixinelita in wliieli f hii (irovi'ler can never »haro in a material , j| Tblmiuk naiiae. Kvery arHUHSinuiit |iaid should be There is nulhiiig so good for cleansing the bliHid and imparting energy to the system as .\yer'H Hnrsnpnrilla. Price II. Six bottles, %!>. Hold by druggists. SEEDS, SEED8, SEEDS! Ileceived this weak, a large sn]iply of first class (.'lover, Timothy "'"I Oarden scodx, which will be sold at bottom prices at II. TitiMaLK'i. (tfl Danlrl In the LlonN* Urn. A rinii old speculator iiungiiied that lie know all about art, whereas he was an iu- norainlis In regard to OTcnthing, in fact, extept in making money. 'Hiis old fraud determined to make a valuable present to Ins Honiii-law who was a preacher. It HIM suggested to hiiii that an oil Itftiuting riipresunting Daniel 111 thu I.ioiis' Den wouhl bo \ery ap|irnpriate, so an older wiui ^i^ en to a painter t<i pii'diiuu tlie work of art. It was almost tiiiiHliid ..hull the old .speculator was eallud V) 111- speut. It rii|iiimuiitud a I'losM section of tliuden v.'itli Daniel walking about ainoiig tliu liiiiiH. Wliiiii the old niaii saw thu pic tiiru he lefuHtd to take it. Hr inaiiitcd tliat if Danli'l na.t in the I>eii neither l>o ' iior the lion.seoiilil besieii, and tin' artist ' li.ul tooover tlielionHaiidi.)an. wilhathiuk I'oatof black paint. j When tliii soU'in-law was pieMiilvd ' ivith the iiiuture he was somewhat dawd I ' to know wliiit It repriHeiited. "Iti'ej>iesiii:tsDanieliiithu Lions' Dull,'' I rejiliud I ltd art critic. "Will I don't see either of tht'in." "'I'lial iiiakuit no diHereliru," said his fntlieriii-law. "They are in thui«. I saw uiii myself." ' 'FOR CLOTHING. Please call and iiiH|ieet our new stock for spring and siitntiior. Hrantlful pat- terns and at astonishingly low prices. (tf. I ... .....u. ..!,..> oit... tli.i liiuipiof aiilHaliliuaa I McltHMitoS A I'tlllUf's t!»MlliH.le ('KB>rK.- ali arrow shut into tlm huartoi suinsi uuhn „^^^ ^,, ,,^, ^ ,,„j Hrnl.r. iVrn, llui and a sa'Titice on the altar of true love, lion, lialt lilioiiin. rimida, Hiotoliua, Itauth • ' He laid down Ins life for us " and «• I Hand.ot Ka.a? l< ao. tb..i« u Imt onr cnra, ••<> â- "'',, . 1 u .c ii/_ naniely, .Mcdreijor * I'arkn « CarlxiJia I'erate. best Imitate lliiii when we make txiln llfB |, ,„ , (,„( „j j, n whI eiiuvinen you. It uu.ta »nd death to minister tu another'* gotid. I but tu«. at ibe UiunHlor*. KuBs of Temperance. Following are the ufticers for current quarter ; â€" .Mr. J. E. Moore, W.P. Aljss Lizzie Fawcett, W..\. Mr. C. J Sproule, Rec. Scrib«. .Vliss .S, Smith, .\8.Hi8taiit Roc. Scribe Miss Christoe, Fin. Scrilie. Sir. W. Latimer, Treasurer. Mr. W. Leitcli, Conductor. Mias Gayley, Assistant Conductor Kev- Thus. Watson, Chaplain Mv. Joseph Ward, Sentinel. Death of Mr. Thus. Gordon. The citizens generally who were ac- quainted with the Veteran printer, Mr. Thus. Gordon, will reyret to learn thitt he passed away to his last rest at msin to- day. For the past two yean ^^- Gordon h.'u been gradually failing, w*cl this be- came more apparent within <fle past few months, when it was evident that even his rueu'ed constitution cmld not much longer withstand wear of Time whi(?h bore so heavily upon him. About five weeks ago he was almost entirsly confined to his bed and was scarcely able to be ofJ!: since. The cause of his death was heart disease, affuravated with drwps-j- latterly. Two years a^'o Mr. Gordwi retiied fro«. print- ing after having l>een employed -sixteen years in this otilc^. •. At that time he was made the recipient of a present 'and an address by tlie employers and ea<ployeeS of the oAice, who held him in high esteem, as also' diu every one w ho knowhim. He was a staunch Reformer, and although iiuvfr taking an active part in isilitics, he took a lively interest in them. At the time ot his death the deceased »'as in his 74th year. }!•â- leaves an ai,'ed •fi'Iow, in feeble healtl^'tu iitourn his lua*, but uu family. ]Mr. Gordon betran his career a« a print- er on the Si7th of September, 1827, when he eiitcr'd upon an apprenticeship of seven years in the Courio- now the Courunt otf- ice, Eli;in, Morayihire, Scotland. On the completion of this long term of ser- vice, under articles, he removed tu Lon- don, where he lived thirty-four years, or until he imigrutcd to this country in 1807. During; his stay in that great niutropolis hu Worked on the Sun, the Murnin'j t'ott, the OiNKirri, with Messis. Ibbitaoii it Pal- mer fornineU'en years, and in utberotticea. On coining to Ckiiada he went straight to Etot» ou acvou«| lA his farutliur, Xift Uta Mr. Andrew Gokdon, being a resident of that village. lf» only lemained there however, a few months at that, working for Mr. John Smith, now of Ouelph, who then published for a short time the Guulph C/iri/iiie/i', and for the late Mr. Culhiden, who owned the WrliingUm Tinu», not long since defunct. .\t New Year's, 1804, he came to Guelph and worked on the old .-Idi'irfider for a time, and suhsu(|Ueiitly on the ATfrciiry. At thu expiration oi two months he returned to Elora and worked a short time in the 7'iin<'«o(tice' After removing to Uuelpk, aUitit eighteen year* axo. he worked on this paperuptotheSflth November, 1884. Thtw It will Iw (uun tli;it Mr. Gordon waa aotively umpiuyed as a printer for the hiiig (leriod of 57 years, and at the time of his retiiviueiit was probable the oldest printer in Caiiaila, so that in the death of Mr. Gordon tht craft hues one of its oldest inemberH.â€" (/iicff>/i iKiUy Hrrniry. [Mr. .lohn Gordtm, of Flesherton, is a nephew af deceaa«>4. .'\bout oneyearago be attended theguUleO wedtling of ddoeaa- ed.l ff«Hl»y. That is .lohn lluik ill's motto, and a giiuid one It is. If yon have a jdaii, carry It out to-il>iy ; if you hare Inien meaiiin|{ to do a certiin kilid net, to write a gentle letter i.) mako i^rall that will carry com- foit, do it Ill-lift^. How oft«ii the day drifts by wlilc wa go iilioiit our every day duties III a half IwUiaruy of benumlied will power. I'p, tlioil, Ui-ii<i>i, and aeeoniplish soiiiclhiiiK ! Down goes the temptation thu pampered put sin- uunquere<l to-tiuy Just as It \iH.i lieginnint: to draw its sIuk- i^IhIi i'oiIs iiluiut us. The windows of our higher iiutuiu lly open, and in pours the sweet, pine air, straight from the skies. Let tlie past bu iiast ; yesterday is dead. It IS bright, liviiifi, gloriuiw Tu-iiAV. NEW A{)VKKTlSK.MKNTi>. ^UiUcuI. FARM for SALE j â€" onâ€" TO RENT, BEING Lot 170. Con. 1 meaia. containillK Went T. * S. lload, at*«- .OU acres vK-ared and in Kood state of cnltivation. Well'^V itered. Or- chard. About 2J milen from ^Jfr-frertoii. P<*- full portleularu apply to thu undorvigiied, JOHN O'MKLL^, FlcHherto*. DR. CARTER. MCr. .V: S., O.XT. PlIYSIi'MX, KlKtiEOX, &c. FLESHERTON. Office, BtrHiij'tt bluuk. UeMclt-uce, Wtu.WriKht * FARM FOR SALl. HcutiGtry. I J.I>. .>l.tK.SHALL.L.U..S DKINO I-ot 1S%.' Ut K.T.-i- S U . ArUmiWia. OB-fe ' '^^ I r .. I I T D K N T I BT , ,1 "'"" ''•''">,l'7»«*'e>7«"- eoMt«l»*TiK » acre.. | n KADI' ATE of Toronto School of Denti.tr, all cleared and in a .rf^i htate .<^c:iluv«tion. , tf ,v,ll be at Markdaie the Ut and :iid \v"l."l .Nover-fa.linKstreaul "Wster runi.*jrp,« fariu; , d,v,.f each month, and at Flenherton on the iVr s'a''r';,^ii';i!'w'itL":t^;nL:':;ki.r,U" u.u'e7f l,r,'. i •iv;'"' j'/-!^;-^- '" <-" -•"^ "" "â- • -""-• underneath 1^>k House. Hiood ^i\ and free ; oi ruh proieioiou. 'from froAt. P&rt pAyuieili! â- tSAvu, ^:iie ou b&I- auco. Fur full pa ' ' riicularit. upulv to X). l.Vhitk. Ant.. ^f(\i\l Mortga^fs ^ale ! In {hirMuanei' of iKfw,/'.- of sale coutAined in a cerliwn Mortift'n'e to c^r^ Vendor, wliieh Mort- ifaffet'itl he (q-oduced at the tiuie of bale, there vill bo KoM by L) .VlcCOUMU'K. Ki>q.. .\uctlou- eer. by I'ulilic .\uction. at .Atkinson's Hotel, iu the village of Pbickvillk. on TbiinMtay, .'May .'(th. 1KH7, Attbuliourof ^ o'clock in iho uft«jriioon. the follontn^ Lands and Ih-emiKOh in the Villa^'o of I'licwTiUt? in tho ('aunty of Gruv, IwiitiK com- pared of part of I^ot No. 4 on tlto S'ori)) skkt of hincardint) Street in the naid Villaijt* ot Vtic^t- viUu more particulurly iWcrihfd an fu!)ovs : C4iinnu)ncfn}{ tit n |H»iiit'.VJ f«**t Wentof thoKriutki Kast <;orner of »aJ>i l*ot numlwr 4, tbencu \V e«t- erlv 4G futtt, bu tliv kmmih utoro or Ivhv, Ut a point J9 iw< from the South W*i»t cornor nf 9uhl L<»t number 4. Ibencf Nnrth*T/jr JVIft'et. Jk* thr Karuo more or leita. to a point VI feet from rear of nmid I Lot. thi>nor \VeHt4*rly 32 fe**t t'> IVincerin Strout, tht;nct' Nof^hcrly \i tvvt U* rear of bitii Lot. Dieneu Kiwterly 7> fot*t. ln»t,ho taiiieinori' or l«i«, ti» H point M feet fmni the Kabtern boundary uf aaJd Lot. thence Hoiithurly ld> fvet, be thu »anie more or Iuhm, to the ptaou of coiumonciuf; C<>ii- taininff l>v ndnieaHurutnciit 8Hl'> fttjuuru jurdn. Inj the »anio more or lo»K. Therp are on the urtr- niiHes a K<>od li story fraiUi: huihliuK, njso ^) i«ft K 40 feet, with cellar un<lern*>«t.h u^ttl an a Mtoru and (Iwt'Ihnfj. oecupvmt: one of iht^ N-ttt buMiticHH â- t*ndii in the Village ; alHi> u fraiUi' Atublu aud a good well. TKiuia or KAij^ : Thisiiroperty will bi'BoldHUbifcCt to a r«»or%-»d bid !tf)|H)rcent of the purchase m(»nt*y ti> he p«id at the time of hale tu th«> Vendor h Solicitor «Dd the balance in one month thereaft.^<r with- out interent. Kor further partlcuIarH applv to 1). McCDU- MK'K. Khc| . Auetiom-cr: KllXSCIS WAITE. FricerfUe; or lo the unduriil|fne<i. J. W FROST. I j. W. FROST, LL-B.. ] lUtrviiftrr, Solicitor, Vnnrryaneer, I OlHco. â€" Strain'ii liuildiug. KtseofHToN, ] .\. A CHESLKY. Solicitor and CoBveyancar. llcaideot Mausger. I Kit. FKOK'I' will bu found at the Office o> TburstlavH an huretofofe. P McCULLODGH, Barrister. Solicitor, ifc. OIBce. uvcr MoFarland's Store. Markdale. Money to Loan. MASSON & MASSON,~" BAliitlsrEKS.SOLK'ITOBS.Jkc Offk'ksâ€" Owen Suund, in Viekor's binck [ I'oulett .St.. llranili ..Ilii-o in Uarkriale. over Me Fsrland's more, on Friday asd Saturday every I week. I J MASSON. g.c. 8. M.\ssa.s'. w. massos. I .N Hâ€" i*rivale,V ('.>m|kAny'a lunda tu inTost at from t)ix to Eight per cuut. Flesherton, April Int. IWT. Vendor • Huliuitor. Mortgage Sale ! of ViMe Villip Pf!«rty. lu nurauance of power of aaie ooDtaitsed Iu a i eertaln MurtfPiMe tf> the Vendor, which Mortt^ace ' will h* iirtwiueed at the tiiee of Male, there wTll ' henildby AS VANUl'SKN. Km. Aiiailonear. by ruLlio Auction at McsaiiAWsliuiix iu the Vlllime of KI.KMJlKllTdN.c.n Thursday. May Stb. 18M7. At the hour ol j o'clock in tlui afte^tnoon. the lollowint; landH and prciaiitvH lu thw VIUkk" oi FLKhHKHTON iu tht* County of Urfy. bfln|{ compoaed of part of \a^ nnuiber 161 ui tho lat Hautfe North-lCaat of Ibv Torouto and Kydenbaiu hoau ill the To«n»hipcf Artentcsia and uiav be uiureiKirtfcularv ktrown uk Village I.otN tiuiut»oni :i and 4 on the l4outh KahK mde of Coll trtf; wood Htreet, in the \ illKf{e of KloHtiertoo. an htiil out hi a Hurvey or HulfHlivmiou ol aanl lA>t uuiub«r 151 nihde ny \Vm Hprv. KKq . V X* S and re aur- veyMl and a man or plat) thertmf made by Tho- man H <iilHlniiil. Kmj . I' X.H which map or plan < in r«Ki«lure<l in tlie lU'^iHtry Ottiue of the South Hidiiix of Kaid Ct>uuty of Orvy, and dated theHth day oj \nK»**t. IHTO. nnd coutaiuinfc by a<lniua- â- urMttcnt alwut 4 â- >> Acre, Ih) the banie uuire or Icot. There are on tire preitiiaea a blachainith iihop. Hiae lVx:tt>fe«>t, a framu buildiuu UHod aa a Hakh and d*>or factory, :H)x.'ft) feet, and a frame dwellinjc kouKf TKUUt or tUI.E : Tkla p«%>4>erty will befolUaubjecttoarMarved bid. tft) i**r «â- '»"* of the purchase Dtoney to b« paid At tUi* time of naht t>i tht* Vrutltv's Holicit- or artd the balance lu 1 iMitith thereaher wtUi- out lateruit. F«r further pariioiilkrH aniOy to A. S. VAN- Dl'Sli'N, Ehij , Auctiunuer, hleuhcrtua; or to the uadcmlifued, J. \V KUOST. Vend(.4 atMiticitor. Kleehortou, April Ut. 1W7. AUCTION HALF, OK VAl.UABLK FaKM l*ro|>orty in tho TownHhtpol Kiiphr&ala. In the (kiunty of drey Theru will Im> oiTereil tor HuU by I»iiLlio .\uctiouut the UKViUC HOl'SK. inthe \ illaK.'.if TH«mNHritV. in tlie founty oforoyon KniUAV TlIK KUUITH HAY «>K Al'UIL. 1MH7. lit the himr of Iwm oth»ck it) tlie a(t4irn(K)ii all und ^in4:!Ular that ceitaiit paroul or trad of hind Hltuate in the «aul Township of Kntihraala, contiilninK ott> hundred! acreti more or le«)i ounpoiMtd of Ihe Houih half of lot nuni< lK*r 'J tu tho kcL'ond ct<nt-uituion ThiH deairable »>rotH}tlv lleK about nine milcH froiu KlvMlierton, our anti hhatf utiles from Kiih'fUia. aud two and a kalf mllen from kimbwrley, and haa ervut- eil lh«rtioiv a tiewtnt lot; bonne dO x â- A\ nnd b*rn (pAri ftuniei ^:t X 44 whii-h are tuitl to )h) In a fair (itate of repair The property Ih wel) ^9l%- ortfd with a k«uk1 hpriUM «ii*»ok runnhiK through it and ronvcnientl> t>)tuHt(ed at to trikv«11ed roailn. There iit a t>maU orchard uihm) the luo pertv iHtntainluK ftlMMit A\i\ fruit treeii. Th« HotI iH of a elav hwm, aUnit Â¥> aore'« arc in a fftir otato of cultivation Tho ntnive pren)iKeii will bo i>lTorefl for mtlv uuder aud liy vlt tuu L>f a pow- er of r-iile contained in a certain nit>rtt;iH^ (which wjjl Ih« nroduced at ihe time of nal**' and will be ofTarml tor Male Hubjnot to a rtmrrvA hid. TKItMH Mild uonditiouH made knowu on dav ol nahv K.'r fmther piirtieularH applv to F M CIlAinVlCK. VeiidorN Solicitor Be«tt\ . <'had wick. UlacVBtook A Oalt. :.H WcUinnttm Street Ka^t, Tort'iitv. Dated at Toronto thiitard day of March A.l)., 1HH7. JuoiiKjiG ifanls. John W. Armstrong, FiEsiitiiTON, Co. Qvir.t. DIVISION (.'OfHT fl.KRK. COMMISSIOSIlt In h K. OonveyaiK-or.Ac Auentfor rurrhaii- aad >aiu i^f land*. Appiaisvr lor C L. C liin- snd V 1*. HAS .Secieiv Money to Loan on the nioBt rekaunable terina. I&sikk or M.\JtI(I.\(iK UCENSR8. NOTARY PUBUO. MONEY TO 1*0 AN. A.t tl I*ei' Cent. On Town or Faini Pro|ierty. -S DAllUDK, Klekhorton ANDREW McGIRH. Issuer of Marriage Liunsss, FEVERSn.4.1l, CAT. HI.KI'.I'l.l'.SS N'KIUTS. mailii iiiisrruMe liy tliikt lernlilu «uii|;b. Sliiloli'a Oiire is the raiuKdj («r yoq. Hold nl MedioiU lUII. A WoM.riu I'l.OiuiAN. Tlif InrKest iirsiiu mill on* Hull pluys a controllini; pnit of tlm liiwltli uf till' liud; IS tUc livur. 1( t<ir|iiil or inactive tlii' wlnilc system becomes dineaseil. I>r. t'lmi-e'N l.lvet Cure is lunJo sptHiially for Idver nmt Kidney lUaeiisi'a, ami is giiitr- Hiiteud to iiiiie. Ileretpu book ami uiediciuo »l. Solil liy all tleiUi IS. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP, Cl.lBJi AHTrUKillA. COX I E Y.i ^•^ Eli, < '< IMMISSI < >S£}i. IStflKASCK AUT, *('. DKKUH.MOU'r«AUl-:H. LKAHKK. iic. prerar vd and properly executed. Inmirauee ancc . • d in flrst-claaiicotBii&iiics. Jdunev to lend at o west rales. 6ET MR MEAT â€" hrB0.«-i â€" Fetch & Mitciell, OENER.\L BrT0HER5, FLESH EllTON! tiS^CftHli pniil for fat CRttlf, \i'., Ai.'. HIIII.OHBCrUK will luiiMHlU)><ly ruliov* Croup, Wlw.o|ilnH Conuii, mud Drvinobilis. SoU at MeJioal Uftll. Mortgage Sale, OK VALl'AHl.K K.Vli.M I'ltOTI-.U 1 Y I I'ndor jHiwor of Sale i-oiitnliird In u oertaln inortMlkMo loailu hv one Win 1liiiid\ tfi the Vendors, whloli will bo iirmluoiHl nt fhi> time of nalu, will he sold by 1 iibllo Vuotioii at the t'ltOWN Hortn.. in tin- VlUmii. ot I'KU'K- Vll.LR on riTKSr>AY. APIIII, 1*. l.iW \t 11 o'ol<K-k a.m., tilt* followitiH valuable |>i-o|ierty, vii. Lot niiiiilwr thirty in tlu> IM coiico<iitoii south of Durliam Roiidoontriiiiiiii,' flfty noro* nioro or loRH. and iiIho tho Bonthorh thlfty-llirno and a- thlrd iinrea of Lot thirty in tho nrKt i'«<ii ui>rth of the Durham Koiul lu the Towniihip of Arte- nitwtft In tlie (N^iintv of Oiey There will ••lno hii mdd under MortusKo anadr hv .\nKUH Mi-lrfian ihin wifoLilliHii .MvM.oau.lote- iDi; therein lo bar hrr ilowor.) at the huiii«, Itaie and place, tlie tollowiiiK propertv: LotN •um- herti t>iroe and fonr, on tlie south Hide of ihe CoUlnKwood Uoad In tho VlllaRe of Prtt-eyille, being part of the I'ottii plot ot rrloi'Vllle. Tstius naiiv aud >vUI tMi made keowii uu (Hy of sale. Kor further liMticulani ainily to M .1 KKNT, Loudon, (iDtaii*. ^KW LIYKKV! THK iinrleraiiic«1 l>e,^H r.o annouuce that he na« •tertvd a Ar<t tiaas I ivory fn the at.ind cp ponlte >!uniihan1< Hotel, Flenhcrton, wluuo the travellliiK publft can be acoommodatrJ with i;oim1 riKH and luncH a% inost resioualde pxiciS. Try vie and tie ^)Ilvince,l. Ho*pBtii."v y» atH, W.H.JOHNSTON. Kleehpirton. Not. l»tl». ism;. Picture Fraiiiiiig, Xoatlii, Cliropty <V (Juick- tl/ Ponr, hu J. E. MOORE, Durham St., OnKnitc (.'layttiri HnineMi Chep "BELL" Ufuipprotched for Tone and QnaUtjr. OATALOQUSa ntKK. BELL&GO.,Giieip)i,()iit