/* 4 % THE FLESHERTO>v ADVANCE [Apr. 7, 1887; New^ Goods! I have received a large assort- ment of Spring Goods, consisting of Gents, Ladies, Misses, Boys and Childrens Boots and Shoes. I am oflerin'^ them at prices that for quality cannot be beat. CALL AND KXAMLNE THENL IVWr. CLAYTOltf, - Flesherton. CHEAP « AND ^ DUBABLE ! T HE W E L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from uniiersigns'*'. STOVES. TINWARE. &c. for sale as usual First-class value in everv deoartment. STRAIN'S, K r ^ i: >« H K I* T X FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS: E. YANZANT, ALL KINDS OF I Marble d Mmiii Wsrlis, Siicli as MoimmeiUs, Tomb Tables, Headstouos Cuuntcr a;nl Table Topsâ€" in American and Italian Mivble and Granite, and made on .short notice. XIso Mantles iu Uiipble and Marbleized Slate, &<:., <&c. Flusherton, Aua. 30, 1883. SST" HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS Purify Ihe Blood, eorr«ct ftll Di«oni«r« of th9 Livei'^ Stoniacti^ Ii*<ln'yH, unci J3o>vel«(. Uf) bivi^'ir&teftnd restore to boAlth r>ebiUtat»<l CoDHtitutions. Aiid aro luvaJuAble in all Com plaints InoltltiUtal to tVuialeii of all a^eii. For Children aad th« aj^inl tli«y art* pric«losB. THE OINTMENT IiitiiinfalUbtanmeJr ftfr UriI Log«. Uail Itivaitii. Old \Voniic»».9nt»< »iid Ulcen. It iafamoattor Uout aDdl'.hvuinatism. For disordcn of tU* CiMvt it liu nu oqual. ForSOR/': THROAT, JiROACIUTlS. COt'CHS, COnj)S UlanilularSw«lliui;>,<ad all Skin DiHouefi it h«.i iio rival ; cad (or coDtracMd and itiB joint* It acta Ilka a cbarm. MiQuflicturoJ ouly at ProfMsorWoLLnwAT's K«tabli«hiTWiTr 78, New Oxfloril Street < lute 533. Oxford Street ), London. »adarosold at la. lid.,Sjt'S>d.. Is. (xl., Ua.. 9Sx.. aud 33A.emh »o\ or Put. aud may b*>i«d o< all Med cine Vendors tbrougbfont tfao World, 1B»" Purchasers $ki>M /ooJt k 'Jte LaM on the Pot* a»ui Akr>w. If iftt addrets is not .TS.?, Oet''i''l Street, London, thei/ or" fpurioiLi. fO RENT Off FOR SALE^ CHEAP. i'Oacre farm, 14 acres cluareil. Apply to' M. RICHARDSON. LOST" NOTES. I Al.I. partion arc liorcby cautioiiml a,;ainn ni"- Kotintiim JortwonotPB- oucJor Jj'.'iti.drawu IU mv fav >r liv Mr. Hillock, and tlu- otbar fur ( â- *li. drawn in my favor In Heur) Dowu. botb now duo. a>» tlie same haw been lost or mis placed l.y in.'. J W HODOSON r >!iai;t'Tii»s. -Tho I) iwi UDte i* not duo nnti â- â- J ird Miircli, 1SK^; tlio Hillock uote ia now due. HomiUK'a Mtlla. Marcb Slat. INW. , J. B. SLOAN //(.w a/i[/ (]u a II tit II of Shin- i>7<\v, cfc, on hand at Eugenia. Cheap 4oi* OttMli. I hereby ca\iti<^n Miy porHon axtiiiist negotiat- . tng lor R note for ^\\ iu t»vor of SRimiel Martin, wliiclt l«ll du« ti)>uut 1st Nov., I8t)t. at* I itavv nut rt»OdiVk-d vhIud for thr sAiny. JOHN SHKUWOOD. ;it. Kuiiotiiii IVO. To Farmers' d Millers'. J. W. BATES, Furnitui'e Da'uLer aud Undevlm*iC!in,. FiaiSHEKTOX, . ONT. iFAEMtoEENT. ApJOlMN(i HoUe_v>t farm, .\rteiu«s:*^ Abon HI) fti'rtiH ck-nred and in ^u<Ht <«tiite uf otilti- , vfctiou. Franio hoUM'-frantebarn. frftiiieNtablt*. I Small orchard. Wt-U wmerod. VU'winR nearly all dune in the fall. For tornm and tull iM^vticu- lars apply to UOUKK l.KVKU. Vtesbvrton. i Also a Farpn for jSa/e. PFOR SALE. 9i aoro-* U milofi from FloRbortoii. Cloodwarni franui dwt'lhnK. 7 rooniR Kood celltir. goodntablu a never failinK spring creek. Terms oahv. For partionlaiM tipplv to W, .1 l*KLL..\MY. Flesbuv- tou. or to C. W. UKLLAMY. Markdale. An I'utold Ho«« Tbare are unknown dopcbs in the fauman soul. Aud oar them w&ttteH of waters roll ; There are w edtt untold, all oorer«d o'er. And vuuiiibed dreama that will come no mor«. And iJVDii of thought and memories fnir. And ouce-lcfv©d treasarts he >uried there â€" Hurit»d «o ded{> ntiatAi Alftiwiuiriess waws, Tli&t mortal e> '* «»nau3 <race Hitiir yravun. Low down »here they lie they are paarded well; Of their itecrer presence none caa %t>U ; For eves taa*' tyrighteu, and zi^a y t»mile, Aud the be«rt with uaguiifh bv torn the while. We litth; drnftA ^«ih«ti tb« maHk is worn O'er a heart ay suflanng and anguish torn, Of itH silent utreoccVh . for who can know Thti i^aaiei de^Cha of an UDtoId woe '.' .\h '. Maof- the burden silently bear Witii VidHD^h repreiMed and thu vuiceleas pray- er, And mun&ur not through tb« lonely uigbt. But bra^nu^ wait ^^r the morning light. WUl it ever couie. and shall we ever know Whv tholtay was so rough and dark below? In thv wordd beyond, where the way ^rows clear, WiU ift brlKbcer b^ for the darknebu here ? TTbe above lines have been published at the revueiit of a friend of Mr John Sample. The aad and sudden death of the wife of the latter is well known to .Adtancb readem.; "WKHT \ of :n, Cou 9. W (mASI) WATKU POWEKS in Kugoni Hnd a number of Ttiwn Lots. Write to DU 1 L'iiOY, r.M at Kast Selkirk, Man., or to B. Uc 'l..rURDY', K)iq., Kugf(uia«^ >ud a«»wer wU) b(? snathe at o iv^u- FOR SALE. ^^^^^ Sullivan, .Arteme-ia Ai.o TWO THb Tlusiulth. - Fteshertou Ki'I>«i' infl. KavetionsbinR. aod in faet urary- tbi'it III the buBiuesK wili receive my |/:a)lfpt and caieful altentiojg ^„ rafaonajVla ]>ri^*. "That RoUrr .Will." To the Editor of The A'hatice. Haviii!{ notic'd an ftem in the Advamce aifitiiting the necessity uf some oue build- in'^ a roller mill in Flesherton. I would if you will allow tne space give a few ideas on tliat subject. I am satisfied that it would be a benefit to the fanners who drive so far to (?et roller flour, and also to the business men in the Tillage so far as convenience is concerned. But am not very sure as to the i;reat amount of money t^i be made by the proprietor of the niUl. I believe the writer of that item is quite correct when he says that roller flour has come to stay as people i;enerally want Homething that causes them the most trouble to k;ct and tiien is not good for them when thev have eot it for ueneral health. He remarks that a great many men will condeiu roller flour aa unhealthy and then no &ni buy a barrel to use them- selvea. There are whole families who can ;:ive advice but fail to practice it themtelves. He says *ton« tlocr is a thins of the past. So it is. But how was the flour made that our father's and mother's tell us of, that thcf used twen- ty years ag»i that was ju.sv as good and niiulc as lii:ht, white and w»oleaome bread,, as Idio roller flour of to-Jay. There is n."> getting; around it. There was just us gMid bread before tliore was a n>ller mill ;« there is to-day, .aid 8truiit;er men aod healthier women than at b>!eseiit. 0»e thing is' certain, that peufK.- â- «ili"' nsv) rri- ler bread arfcixitiiiually^Miii^ tt> thestotie niiiU to get Graham MC- nnd cntckwl w|)<;at t" help to ui:;ei<t tiio fine d..ka°. Why meJical men te'l u» tkat man ia-.tfce only ui'.iaal posseaseJ of a stoaiachi 'that will digcsvfinu. pure wheat flour »ti all. So muc.ffor man. Bjfctlien the Hoose- wifu 9.ty» it is so white otid we must have it even an a risk of Docttir bills. I am quite well aware th.-\t it is white and also that it ia as dry as a chip in twenty fiur hours afttir it is bake.i. Then h» »iys that the millers who 'niFe roller mills are fairly ot>inii g money . ^Vell, I am of the opinion that he doot .not. .vImmiw much about the business of inillini;. 1 am per- sonally ac<{uailited with sonic uiAlers wlio were the tirstfto put in roils ^vi«o are fin nancially far Jii>m healed. Let lu fin I, out where tli^ir vast pn)fita cmne fiii:;i» AVe will taku wheat at (Im market price, 8.^y To cents )»er bushel mkI the miller grinds twelv* bushels fur oiic of toll t mnd suppose he tfikee in one hundred- b'i«hel- a day of grists every day, on an ai-erage fortheye.ar; but before goiug any fur- ther, I will ju.*t say that there is not a single null in the County of Orey that lakes in thatanMiunt every workim: day in the year but S'appoge they do, they just make $0.35 per Iff out of their gristing. But some one ii>yo«r:«tiui( tiaue will not pay. Well *e will take the Merchar . miller who buys sSsnt and ships flour to make money of. UtM liim take a glano« at .1 M"iitrt'.al or T^Vroiito paper and com- l)are the prices of flour in either places and he will find that the fli>tir sent to Montreal will luvt stand t!ie fr«ight over the gri'st C. P. R. that we hean so much talk about, and I can buy tlui some grade of flour cheiiiH'r in Toronto tiiaH I can in Flesherlon or any other village in this vicinity. I would l>e plei\»ed to K.- shown where the iinuiense profits come from in milHiii;. The writer attended a .Millei-s' Conven- tion hold in Toronto alH)ut two years ago where all the (»i'onuTwnt Jlillers of I'lita- rio where pri«nt, wvtoii a large petition signed by all pn'se!it,and sent to the Do- minion Parliament pttitioiiing ihein to phace a duty of 75 ceirts a barrel on all American flour comini; here so that they could ship Ontario floar to the Eastern Pr<.>viiices at a living pri>fit. And what was the result J They turned a deaf ear t« this request, and .why ? Because our M.P P's genei-ally voted against oiir in- terests and to the interest of Quebec. I thiiik I xm safe ill a saying that at prea ent tlic OnUrio uiilKrs are the most abus- illation and we become desperate. D.irnl ed class of bumneas men to be found, ' open our mouth in such a cutting wind when you take the vast amount of Capi- | Shall we fall cJT? Our nerves refuse U! into consideration, that they have in- i Tlie stewmAO no th» fnmt end of the t- v,:sted in their iiiiUs. Tlien he says that Iwg-lyiswf Uoriwutaiâ€" in fashion of anci- one reason why Flesherton haa no roUer «Bt «Msr8hip cust.uu. has his hands on the mill is because the proprietor thinks that nose of the tobog. and with an adroi; people will all go back to the stone mills : twist, [MUia the wood-pile that seemed t. nieiuice certain destruction. Anotlie.- twist, and a snow bank ah.xjts into our face. We fly thmught spaces .ilight some- wliere after bounding over the heads .i some half a dozei) less fortunate fellow beings ; and raise one paw, scrape our again. Be that as it may,, I r.iu of thu opii ion that he has other reasons for standing as he says wit'n his aims folded. Mr. Flesher is a man 'hat counts the cost first and the profits afterwards. He is evidently thinking of that yO.25 cents per day with tlie wages and board of two i ^e. and finijoarself safe and s».ved by a men the interest of his money in\ ested friendly snow bank. in the null the large amount of insurance he would have to carry to be at all safe, together with other incidental expenses. He is also machinist enough to kiiow that a roller fnill is a very complicated machine and shan't lived, and that a man wants at least twelve per cent on hia money to in- vest it in a roller mill, as it ia only a mat- ter of time till he would have no mill. There are other capitalists than Mr. Flesher standing with folded arms. For iaatauce thete is a rvdler null needed in Dendalk. and there are ukmi there quite capable of building one., as far as money is concerned. And anf amount of good wheat bought there by 'Me grain buyers that could 'oe ground into flour. AlthouRh head first, we punched quitu a tunnel therein. How provoking as that iniachievous crowd giglesat us "have another rid«:'' Not any thank you. we reply. We have another engagenuut w v must bo off. We suddenly remember another mocking giggle from those girls and to prove we're no cowaid, we take .i seat again and the pleasurable excitement prevails and we dare the trip again, and are fascinated with the sport again. And why â- ' We love the tobog. .\DvicE TO Mothersâ€" Are you aisturbed »•- nijiht and brok n of your rest by a sick cbiUi sufferiuuand ci 'ingwith pain of Cutticg Teeth If so send at once aud ^et a bottle of •Mrs. WiL «iow'R rM^tlHxit; Svrup' fur Children Teething: Its value ia incalculable. It will relieve th-- poor liatle auffernr immediatelv Depend upo: it. mothers : there is no mistake about it. It there, as well asaiiv other place, aiai whv ' I cure* Dvaeutery aad Di»rrha;a. regulates the . . â- , â- • Stomach and Bowels, car** Wind Colic, softens because those men canui>t see there wa;(, theilums. reducesInaammatton.anJ giveatone ... 1 I, ti ,;j_. :* . . . V . and energv to the whole svatem. "Mra. Win».- out and know well tilot it coats Vto muck r„, ^ sol^aig byrup for children teething :. fj make a barrel ot tk.ur w;lh a .tiller miil , pleasant to the taste andis tiie prescription ^f one of the oldest and best female physicians und then sell it at s«y $4.CMI. .\nvthiiig : and nurses in theVnited States, and is for sale , , * ~ by all drugKists tbrouKbout the world. Price that costs too much, to produce, means , t»eutv-ave cents a bottle. Bo sure aud aak Tor ruin to the producer. One great cause ] â- J'^T.l':^'-^^^'' *""^""" ^""'-'"â- " """ """ of there not being more pdler mills is the ^ ininiense cost to bu'Ul one in Ontario. , Beos Tocb driRU.â€" Pout allow a colJ The wnter IS aciuaiiiied with a miller who. j?"'^>'«»t"' *'"''•" T'^ '"rel.v run int. " . . Catarru. when vuu con be cured for loe. h) currespooded with jsnic American firms, | uging Dr. Chase* Catarrh Cure. A few who furnish n liet ludl machinery and j applications sure ineipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 found that on a 5(i. barrel iiuil there was boxes cures ordiawy catarrh ; 2 to .5 boxes ; 18 (.•uartuiteed to cure euronic catarrh. Ir. $1,500 of a reduction in price over the i j^ Ouly a.") ceats aud sure cure. Sold by cheapest estimate he could gvt,iii Outari'j. ' all.dralera. So the Canadian miller is f'.-tged to pay I ' ^ ' '~ that $1,500 mure for hi*, niathinery or | ^OR DT6VEPSI.\. and Liver Complaint. ., ,,. . i r\ . \ ' e vou have a printed (jaarantee on everv bet otherwise v*y i> ner oen.t Duty before , ^,, ^,, g^.i^ji;., vualuer. It never fails t. Sold at Medical Hall. SHILOH'S C.VT.\BKH REMEDT-« positive cure (cr Catarrh. Pipther-a aud Ciaker Mouth. Sold at Medical Hail. he cau gee fr»:n *he Americans. So he is ' cure, batween two fires, his own being the hot- test, so It IS plain t.i see that the Ontario -H.iCKMET.U'K," a lasting and fraersn-. , , , , , j^ perfume. Price 2o and 50 cents. ^oId tv miller is a highl;. lavored iiidividua. 'V%e« Medical Hall. he cann(<t i^et a roller mill in his iwu County without lie |^>ay half as much more i aa it is wt>rth, or paying tiie 26 per cvnt | ol Duty on the American machijk.-ry while tbey glut his maj<Oi:» with their ' I flour, I may say coinpanitively free of i ^ Duty. It lie had said that the mill fur- i nishers w.re cuii.mg money, instead of j. l«-,,„, 7^,,^;«d'w*h'pimpl^ Blotches, the millers, then he would be near the i Rough haoila or face, or Sores of any ^esorip- . ... I tioa, should use MoOtmnor ^ Parke'a C&rbolu- poiiit. Ill couclusioii let me ask what is ' Cerate. It will leave the skin in perfect health u . . 1 .- .1 n 1 r smooth, cleau lutd WO..HI color. Be sure aud itet Pnitecau.n doing lor the millers, and if I thenenuine. n;a.»« bv .McC.regotil'arke. Pri.je he tli;iiks niv statements are overdrawn, ' 'i^- Sold at the Drug Store. I ~ HI let him enquiie .f .s..nie reliable mill . s^i.t Rhbvx Ci hko.â€" Mo<.;refer <x Vaike • ..,„... 1 „ ,„ 1, .«, *â- â- T ..... ».â€"..,. Carlwlic Cerate has been tried and found to le owner and see how far I am wnmg. the on'v positive cure for Salt Kheum. I'in.i.le.. Thanking you for the space I have t.tken ''"otebos ou the face or han.ls. Cuta, Biumk ^^ ' j Biiitses, or any Svire that nothing else will beal. THE REV. GEO. H. TH.\"i'KR. of Kour loju. Ind., savs ; "Both myself aud wife o«f ;#iir lives to SUII.OU'S CONSBMPTI0> CCREâ€" Sold at Medical Hall. up 111 your pivper MlLLEK. The Siwift Tol»ogK«p. /â- 'roH* oil) oioj '.iwne.</x;air'it, . GOGBM.k TCPOGCAX CLCB. Eugenia is one >< the place* in this world where natiin.' "uipears to !.*e Ihi-m lavisli in her gifts if . the roniantio, the picturesque, the U^roitiiul scenery, and not )e«a their usef ^'.i and pleasure - en- hancJing pi'ovision.s. in fact it seems as if they were thrown utgether in one heap. .\lino8t all the iviiuirements for the hap- piness, life and health, and sport giving favours, in. irtidn could wish. Forinst,auce the silvery ice, for the gliding skate. But our attention ot late has U-en diverted from those minor aiiiusements t> that. more recent p;istiine. toKitfganilig- What lovely natural toUxggnii, tlkles Eugenia p. LSaesse.^. On the i..*«ei:5tbeaut- iful evenings, with the slides ir> inagnifi cent condition, what jovial crtiwds gath- ered ti> t4ie suiniiiit of yoii<!e» hill. When we arrivefi on the scene, we were greeted with, "haae a toboggan lAe M:^ and Mrs. ' ^"ell, we hHike.'tat the long steep iiiclin. tti sparkling ice, the sheen of which seoi-.ol to daz/.le our eyea. We l(«iked at the toboggan, viz., two haiid- .sleiglij, built with a view hi ^lnâ- ed and streiigl.i. .\ 1- ft. Elm p!»nk oi«5 sleigh under e.ach end Imlted ot-.v;acouiiinHlious vehicle surely. The slumts all ri'ady and aa many youiigmcn aii.V Jiaidens, old men and wi'iitirii pile on its can secuiv a seat, some 10 or 12. Then the word is passed all ready. Go- Our heart is suddenly i-«l|iitatiiig aft if in great cxcileiiiciit "T undei- a love sick spell, in the ]iresonce of the 4?eloved. But as we hear the quick cut of the tobog. on thu ice, aud catch a glimps of the fence posts as we fly past on with ever increas- ed velocity, we clutch with instinctive ettio-t to our seat We are momentarily increasing our s|)ee<l and as we try to Unik ahead uf ! we've rushing on to the edge of the precipice at the falls. The sins of unr {KLHl li fa flit l>e#ore our aroused imag- I'i > McGregor A Parke's Carfcoiic Cerat«. .Jv pur boT at the Drug Store. The, First Sign Cf filling jiekJtli, wlictlici la t'.ic f.-^nii u* i >;;Iit Swea»=uid ^â- c^â- \oul^â- c»^. *(r iit .t "I n.o of €Jen«rt4 S-.iriiKnu-au,! â- !.•>.>• of .\ p;».Ii;e. should nvwsest tlu; .«*• ^>i .V> er -4 S»r..n;iarilla. Tilts pn'iwratwa -is most ejeillve for giving ;,â- >.• und ttrcuij'li l.> Ihe enfeebled system, promolin:; rh-j iI!^-c«llou and :isilmiI;i!io» of foo»l, rcstor- i;iS (lie Bor\ous forecs to lUelr noria..l v.iiulttioit, and far purifying, curichiu^ aod yiitadaing tlic blood. Failing Health. Too yeara si.'O my lieallh l)oi:n:i t.jfeii!.". 1 w:w. troubled Willi a disUeolUr.' <.tHi;|h. NIglU .*>vveais, We»kn^iia.-.iiKl Ncisoas- iii'iwi. 1 iried v:irioiis reiui.die!i prcscallu'vl l>> diSureut plivsivians, but b. iiintc fw waiklliat I could not (to up sijirs nk iflt- niit stoppiiiij to ivst. My mi'lul' ri..».om- niiHldi-<l iiic to try .Vyer '« Surs»iiari!l;i. wliicli I did. 1111(1 1 iim now hs iKiilihv and alnintf a* eM-r. â€" Mrs. E. L. \\ i:i|juis, Alu.\audria, .Miuii. I have used Aver's Sar».apariilLi. In mv f:iiiiily, for Srn»hil:i, and know, if It U tikvii faithfully. ,tliati h will tlioiMU^hly er;idic!aetbi> terrible «IUoa.«e. 1 liaxealso pr,.S(.rilK.Hl i; .o:i.leuic,aH well as an niter- alive, and WUsLsiif' tliat I lioiu>sl!> bclicM! It 10 l>c the • 4e<t bliiinl liK'dlriiie ever conux'iin.intf - W. K. powlcr, V. V. S., M, I>., Oi-eenv.Hc, Tcuu. Dyspepsia Cured. It ivBiild bo impossible Mr iii'! t.) d< • »cribir*-"«hat I sintered from Iudi^-e«iio;i mid fleiidaohe li;> to the tiino I'lH-jtaii t:ikin;{ .Vyor's ti:iis..»pnrilla. I w;i< umlrr the care of '«rious physiei^ms iiiid trie.l a h'reat niauy kinds (if uiediciiios, but iicier ohtaiiH."*! morn tlian tciiipo,~arv r.- licf. After tiitiiig Ayer"sSar-uparilla for a short tinitt, my liendaclK. disappeared, and my sloicuoh porfonned its duius more pirfcetly. To-ilay my heiijtli Is etini- pletelv restored. â€" Mary Harky, Sprinv;- llcld, Mas.s. I have been gt«itlv bi-iiititetl bv th.- prompt use of .^yer^n. S.irsapHrilla. It liiiU's snd invigorates tli6Hyslein. ntlilates the riclion of the diitestive "and assimilaliv c ore^ns, niul vitalizes the blond. U i-, without doubt, the niu.st reliable Idood pnriiK-r yet dLscovereU. - II. 1>. Johusoii, iksJ .Vtlauiie avc, Ilrooklju, >«'. Y, Ayer 8 Sarsaparilla, Preparwl by Dr.I.C. .^yar It Co.,Lo«all,Mass. Prtc« Ot ! al* bo«U««, •». 4> y»A A .â- •^â- w^ >iW*' ^*