Death of a Venerable Lady We regret to have to announce this week the death of another one of our most respected citizens. Last Monday evening, March 14 Mrs. Francis M. Wright peacefully and joyfully passed to the world above. Grandma Wright, as she was familiarly called by our townspeople, had been gradually failing all winter, but was not seriously ill until two weeks before her death, when she was attacked with senile bronchitis. She died at the residence of her two sons, Alfred and John Wesley, on Adams street, in this place. Grandma was in her 78th year, and was never ill but twice during her life. She was the mother of fifteen children, ten of whom are still living. Five of them attended the funeral, the others being so far away as to make it impossible for them to reach here. She has thirty living grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Her descendents are scattered from the Pacific Slope to the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. She was a native of County Carlow, Ireland, and left her native home with her husband and oldest child in 1832, since which time she lived fifty years I Canada and five years in Kirkwood. She looked much younger than her years. She was beloved by all who knew her, for her generous, goodnatured and happy disposition. . The great love and respect for her was manifest by the large number who visited the house to tender their sympathy to the bereaved family, and to bring floral offering as tokens of their love. Many of the floral offerings were very beautiful. At the head of the casket was a very large pillow of white flowers with the inscription "Our Mother" in the centre of it. At the foot of the casket stood a beautiful floral representation of the Gates Ajar, which was sent by the young ladies in the employ of her sons in St. Louis. There were beautiful offerings from Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Hughes, Miss Wilson and others. This death leaves a vacancy that will be long and sadly felt in her sons' home, as she was so devoted to her family and they to her. Among the many sweet reccollections [sic] of her last hours will be her prayer when her speech was very difficult. It was only four words, but contained a world to her and her children. It was, "God bless my family." Her family expected her to live fifteen or twenty years longer, as her mother died at the age of 98, her grandmother at 103, a brother and sister at 86, and she leaves a sister who was born on the first day of this century. Her husband, the late George L. Wright, died in Canada 1868. The family purpose removing the remains to Oak Hill Cemetery and lay them beside his wife. The funeral services were held on Wednesday at the Methodist church, and were conducted by Dr. Godbey, assisted by Rev. Mr. Lewis. The attendance was very large and the ceremonies very impressive. After the services at the church the remains were taken to Oak Hill and there consigned tot heir last earthly abode which she requested should be in Kirkwood, near her two youngest children. (Mis. U. S. Leader) Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLellan, 4th line, Melancthon, celebrated their "golden wedding" on the 17th inst. Among the number killed, during the recent terrible hotel fire in Buffalo, was Mr. Wilson Purcell, brother of Mrs. W. A. Brownlee, of Mt. Forest. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE mmim idMb jl»ti_J-J !!«â- •««- •ffTTTQ "D A T>T?T> may ho fi>un<l on ftli* at Owj, 4averlUlQ4{Hur«ttiUH>Hpnice8(.v whfr* Kdv*>rtliiiqg THE ADVANCE. It puljllnbud Kverj' 'I'hurscln-y, KllOM TUB OtKItE. CiUiuiju-iHMi titrtet, - • hfulierton, Chit. TEUMS OP SUIlS(li:»TI().N : tl per niiiiiiiii wlieu paiil »tn<(lly i'l ailvaiuc • : 30 i>tr uiiiitii;. \ilu'ii jrot so [..fid. A. jH. fawcett, EiiUar and J'roprietur. FLESHERTON: TilLKSDAY. MAllCU. 31, 1887. f MEciitsic:-;' is'srirrric i (Hi I LEStlHJlTOS. The imiiortaiice of a Mccliunicrj' 'T:..-'.itulu to a coiiimiiiiity such as this iMii sfiUfcly bo nit(.'(i too liif^lilv. It I !uc-<'S within tlie reticli uf ull'.s i!.i bist standard literature. It creates I thirst fur lliat knowledge, wl.iclun- .iln.s the mind and ennoblLS tlic in- I' lUcl. It drivis out pernicioiLS ••din.'" trash, and subslilHtis thirtfor works if standard fiction â€" works of real ni> r- it. Hiicli UH those (]f l)icki-ns, Scutt, Thaclaiuy, llciii, ('ooptr, ISallftiitN ik , It'je, .',;e. And all thisi' biiif lit.s can fc obtaiiiid at a irillini; indivi<lu,tl outlay. Why do we Jpeak of tliis niatlei , -»tin;,' tlial Flesliertou is n<jt blessed \\ilh bueli an institution'/ Simply b.'cuuse We are of o|)ini<>n, tliut in a Ji.w Wi'cks this fhsideratum will be an acciiniplislied fact. Messrs. Dickenson & Co., wliolisale 1/ lok inijiorti ra, Woodstock, have (m- Murdid us n',arly (lOl) vry can fully -Llected works, represeiiljuj,' tfce tasti .i ( f all classes iti the couiiur.iiity. For instance we (ind work.s in history, .'â- (.icnce, natural history, hioLTiaiihy, tl.i olo;/y, Uicdi'.ine, law, etioin ttt , lie- lull, ,\.c., lie. Tlu.sf books arc' sdit ( II ai>|irobalioii and the bulk of tluni -caic fully Kelecled by an ( iTirii lit c.)liin;lttee â€" Would foini a sjili iidid ii'.;cli us for a Mechanics' Institute I.ibiary. We wanl our citi/.tiil to lakr hold of this niatti'r with a vim uiul cariKstiKss that will ensure huc- Ciss ; ami wc: ar'-- of "jiiiiioii, that mir a^'ricultural fiiutKl.-^ will Iriid a hrmty â- iJ|)inj,' baud. Next wick we .ball d..-.cii-.s the mil til r iiioic full',. Tin: Till III. Till Hanover J'utt did misijuoti' uh, it.s a.sserlioiis to the contra, y notwith .landing. I-ast Week the J'ont, in en- tIraMiiinj,' to |)iove tlial it wa.i collect, -aid: â€" ••Here is wiKit r\:,; Ai»\A\tK (hd say : â€" '•We did nil in our (loui i to Kecinc the rfctiiiii a.s M. 1'. for lioutli (irey, of Dr. Jaiiiirhoii." Now here is what we actually did say â€" an 1 if any one doubts it, let tl:.'^iii exam iiie for thcmselvis in our LiUu of tlie .".id iiist. : â€" "For our own i.iirt, then, we are fiank to confrSB, that, in ran- junction iiith olhi r Aiknuiin Liberal (.'on»i:ii:alii.ii, wii did all , in ol!v [Dwer to bucure the rctur;., a.'i .M. 1'. for South (irey, .f Dr. .lamirson -n ^'entiLiiian wlio, m h:^ [irivate and imblic life, lias bcji,! cliaiiu.lcrized by a strong dcsn-o to liew to the line let the chi[).H fail who e, tluy may." 'i'liere it isâ€" word for word, loiter for hlterl And yet th , Hanover I'oti iU: llie astonishing cheek to assure us tlwil it did not iiiis(|iiot« ns ! We had rtioiight tlifre was only one journ- alist (ho called) in the county mean I noii,/li to dcsccLd to such deliberate falsehood, but It .;<C'inR lit: liuH <|UitO an ardent disciplr in thi' seiihe of tlie J'oi.1. If tli'ire ill still a sjiark of iionor rem.diiiuf? iivtlio ITiinoVer man he will ilo us iho* simple -juntieo to aekiiow- It'd^u Ills error tlirou','li the saiiio tuoi). iuni by which ho has traduced wh. A N \S\T, IN.)K'"rOn fr.'o wiih |..cli l".t- tlfl iif Siiiloli'i ('Atarrli ikmeii). i'rioe AO ctau. S>jia »i Mtiditfhl iJall... , i, SIlU.OH'SCt'UK will Immedifttply rolioTB i;riMi|), Wliiiopiim (-iHi},'!), nml Ilr.'iicliilis. Hold at MuUioul llu'l. AUK YOU MADK inmomlilc by In 'i((ii«t- ion, ("iiiiHiipiitioii, Ill/./.iiifii". Iii>ii» of nppi'. Xlt«. Yullow Skin? Htiilnli'H Vilalizer in a nusilive onru. HM a\ Miiitical Hull. Death of u Vciierublc Litd}. Wu rv^'iet to liavu tu iiiiiiouiieo this wttek tliu (IfHtli of another oiiu of our most respoctod citizuns. I-iLst Monday evening, Murcli 14 Mrs. Francis M. VVrfglit peacefully and jnytully passed to the ^iirld ahuvo. Oiaiidnia Wriylit, as she was familiarly calleil by our towns- people, had been gradually failing all win- ter, but was imt Ki^riuusly ill until two Hteks before her death, when she was at- tacked with seiiih' bronchitis. She died at tliu residence of her two sons, Alfred and John Wesley, on Adams street, in this place, (jiandnia in her 78tli year, and w.aa never ill but twice during her life. S,ho «;i.s the niotlier i>f fifteeen children, ten of whom are still living. Five of tlieiii attended the funeral, the tilliers being so far away as to make it impossible for tlicin to reach liere. She has thirty living Kiandcliildreii and five great giiiii(liliililreii. Her de.scMideiits are .scattere<l from the I'aeific Slope to the inoutli of the St. Lawrence Uiver. Shu was a native of County Carlow, Ire- land, Hiid left her native home with lier husband and oldest child in IH.'li!, sime which time she lived lifty yeais in Cana- da and five years in Kiikwiiod. She looked much younger tlinii lur years. She wiui beloved liy all who knew her. for her geiiemus, guodiiatured and happy disposition. The gifat love and respect for her was manifest by the large luimber who visited the house to tender their sym- pathy to the Wreaved family, and to bring (biral oflTeringas tokens of their love. Maiiv c'f the tloial olferili^'s were very Uaiitilul. .\t the head of the casket wa.H a very larye pillow of white flo'.*ers with the iii.scription "DMr Mother" in the cen Ire of it. .^t the ,">... t of the casket stood a beaiitiliil florai n|iroseiitalion of the (iates .\jar, whi li was smt hy the young '«dies in tin employ of her sons in St. liouis. Tlnue '.Tere beaalifiil otli rings from Mr.i. Chambers. Mrs. Unfiles, Miss Wilson, and others. 'Rliis death leaves a VKcaiicy that will be hmg ami sadly felt in her sons home, as she was so devoteil to her fioiiily and they to her. Aiiiiiiii; the many sweet rec- collections of her last hoiii's will be her prayer when In r spen li was very dlHi- cult. It «a» only four words, but con- tained a world to her anil her children. It was, •'(iod bles.s my family." Her family expecteii her to lui' titteeii â- i twenty years longer, as her mother died a'., till! age of !I8, her grainhiiotlier at \[)'.i, a brother and sister at Kli, and sln^ leaves r. ster who was burn on the tirst day of-^l.;4 ceiitiii i . Ill r hitfilianil, the late (ieorge Ij. Wiii;ht, d.eil !f Cnnada IHIJH- The family pur- pose mnoviii'.^ the reinains to Oak Hill Ceiiieteiy and lay them liesiih' his wife. Till! fiiiieial nervnes were held on Wed- ne.sday at the .Vletlmdisl ehureh. and were coliiliieted by Dr. tiodliey, assisted by Kev. Mr. I.ewi.4. The atteliduiiee was very larni' and lln- ceremonies very im- pressive. .\fter lie* 'lei vices at the chuicli the remains were t.ikeii to Oak Hill and there con8ii;ned to ihiir last earthly abode whioli she reipiested should be ill Knk- wood, near her two yonngest children. - h lHuooii (.Mis. I.'. K. ) /.<ii</f f . Hnv« you over tnuil Mr(trii|{ur A rsiki-'n Ciir" rmiiti! fur mires of ftiiv kimr* It la In- )i>liil 'loiilit the VHfy tiiiht pie|iur.ttltili in tin* iMitrket for lieiillnu iiiid eiiilui^ Suinb. Uiirn... t iits, I'liiipli'M, nlotcli'-H. Hii'l Ik tliu iiiil\ poip.-r iiiethiKl uf npplviuK' t'lirlioIlL' .\clil. Hiil<l iit tlu< Diuif Htoru for -S'lv per liox. Tli4> (;oldfii SUlv. 'i'liere in lililll) u rent on tliu ruHil l)f life, If W(3 only wollltl htop lu tiiko it. .\li.l liiuiiy Ik tone fliiMi tilt! Iiottitr isliil, If tliu iiiieriiJuiiH lieiirt would wtikt, it. I'o tilt! !-llllliy soul lliiit it full of liope, Autl iffliiiHu l,uii iitifiil trust iievor fulletli, Tim prtiHh Is Kriieu Hiitl tlui tUiwiirs Hru loii^lii 1'lioui;li tliu wintry ittoi in piuvitlhtli. Hotter to liopo, tlnitit^li tint i'IoiiiIh Iihiik low. Ami to kui'p tilt! eyiii! HtiU tiftud, Fill till! hwuut liliit) sky wiil hooii peep tliroui^li W'liuii tliu oiiiiiioliH i-kiith urn riftuil. 'rllertt wiiH nuvur u iij^ltt v lllinut it itity. Nor an itvuiiiiiK Hillioiit a inuriiini^ ; .Villi tliu iliirku^t tioiir, tliu provei I, nou.i, Ia tliu liour hufuru Miu iluwiiiiifj. Tliure in iniiiiy n f^'oiii in the ptitli of lilu Wlii' 1 Mu piott, In our iiUti pleaHiire, Tliiit Ih rlcliHi- fur tliiiii jewuliHl eiuwii, Or tlu! iiiifor'H lioarouil trunhtiru ; It iiiu) III] the love of n littlu ehiltl, Ur 11 imtthei '# priL> er to lleitven. Or oliI> ft lM.|ii,'ar'h i^rHtefiiJ tliHlikfi I'or a laiii ill n.iter t^i-.un. itotter to wesvti in the weh of life A lirlb'llt ulnl h'olilell lUliliij, \iid t'! tlu (iod'!, will with a ieai]> liearl, ,\ild liiiiitlH tliHt lire hri^ift mhI willliit;. 'I'han to hiiiip tiiu iluiiiiiilo III .-or tliieaiis Of our oitriouK lives a!>iiiiiiui, .Vnd tliuii lilaiiiti Ileavon for the taiiijlfid eiuls, .V|]il hit and fe;ritU'u ami woiidur. Aycr's Harsapariiia wa8 the first sue- ; ccHsful hliioil nie'''"i!!i' evi:r iilfered to the public. This jToparatiou is still held ill the highest public eHtimatiiiii both at Ikiiiic and abroad. Its luiracii- iiiuuH cures and liumuusu sales show t.iis. \Hk your druggist for it. UUtrict News* Dog poisouing is still the mania in Col- liiigwiHid. XottttWtt, a small hamlet in Xottawa- saga township, hiui a roller flour mill. Mr. .\lex. Mitchell has been re-appoint- ed bailitf of the Thoriihiiry division court. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MaLellaii, 4th line, Melancthon, celebrated their â- 'gold- en wedding" oir the ITtli iiist. Mr. ./ohn MuNalley's bam near Han- over, Out., together with ail the contents, was destroyed liy tire on the llHli iiist. The Shelburno people are making a big push in order to establish a mechan- ics' institute iti that place. There have been a iiiiiiiber of business failures in Shelburne recently. The latest WiUi that of Irwin Hros., planing, furni- ture, anil undertakiia! men. Among the number killed, during tlw recent terrible hotel fite in Hutl'mlo, was Ml'. Wilson rurcell, brother of Jlrs. W. -V. lirowiilee, of ,Mt. Forest. Mr. Stalt'oril, one of the proprietors of the Kiclunoini hotel, Butlaloâ€" recently destroyed by fire â€" was formerly a resident of the town of Colliiejwood The lircce Co. tre.isurer recently ab. sconiled. His bot.ks Iiave since been audited and as far its can now be learned there is a short.-iLTe in" ?,'>,<)0(). Fuitlier developenicHls arc expected in this re- spect. Tw.i ileers attenipteil to the rail- way track, between I' and .\lleii- ford, while a (i. T. It. train was in motion a short distance in their rear. One deer cro.ssed safely but the other cjiiiie in con- tait with the engine and wius kilkd in- stantly. The Mt. y^y.i! <rii/,(/ii'.advocil'es the formation of a local b.iseball league, the ••circuit" to iiiclmle Teeswater, (ior- rie. l.i.itowell, I'.dineisoii, Hairistoii, Diirhain, Holsteiii, Mt. F'Jresi, .\Tthur and Fei'_;iii. Wliy ii'i< 'ak..* in Fleslier- toll ? The drama, "â- The' lj.'.st Loaf," was re- cently renderetl twice by the .Mt. Forest .Sons of Teiiipcraiiai in that town and once 111 .\ithur. It ."eored an success. The same drama was given in Fleshertoii a year or twn ago and will likely he repealoil at an early date. (h-iiti'f'vill' I'ust : Liveiyniaii I jfoiis f'llded lii.-i tent like all .\i'.il> .iiiil silently stole i.tvay bust Thursday eveniin;. 'Vhe dolorous wail of tlie eonliiling crediti r is now heard in the laml, but the debtor w'oiih! ciiiie ill for a portion of the wafl- iiig were he not Ro : liy. -V livery is ap- parently not a very slable iiistitlitioli. Forci^i: 1lis.>-i»ii Kyiiiii. i'Voiil .\i|!' 1 ..//. Iilj.t,.ll H i.kl'L Kroni Ilfiitlit-ii latltt^ afer-lnlK the ery Of iiiillioiiH who ill liontlUf;!! piin*. 'I'tiey livn in (laiklless, ailil tlie>' dlu Without one rayol Unlit Divine To them the liiclieht Klft wu owe, IWt<|Uuatli)Hl it is hy Clu'iHt, our lleati, 'I't, htiar this trt li.Hiire we tiiitht Ko, Or Huiid another in our stead. tliir huturs auil our hrothers true, lothein tK.! Wool of I.tfeileelaro; '1 ill's 1*11111 Itir UM, our 'vorK to ihi. .tiiiUiotl liatli IduhKud tliulr labui-s theru. Ami hhall wa halt mid stay His hand, H\ Kluwiini^. ..ein^h unlielief '.* Shall wt. lie;,'leel olii l.itrd's eoliinianil, Anil nil our fntuiullvus witli i;>iuf '.' Nay. now to lliiii who lovml ns bo, Siili.-laneii and ^trell^'th wo'II eoniieerato; No other 1,'l'irv will wu know Thiiii at Ills cull tu woik and wait. Flr.<l„rl„„, 0„t. â€" T. W. HAi.r IlHKi-M f'riiK.nMc((ireKor f: Parkt's C.ii Iiolii' tfrute lias hittii tl led and found tu he tllli onl\ poHltive enre for Salt Uhollin. PinipIeK, lllnti!)ieh ui! Mri faeu or hand<4, t'litt, ItiiriiM, lliiitHU,!. or any St,<e tiiiit iiothlni* else will heal. I'ry .\le.o|!pir ,V I'arUe h CifLolie Cerate. iUe. per liox at the 111 iii: stoiu. 11 â- ; UN Ytica ( Iion't allow a dUl ill I lie hear! to slonly ami surely run into I'.'itarrli. »lieii you can iai cure I for '2'>c. by ilsilii^ III. Chase's ( atarrli I lire. A few appliealioiis enr. iiisi|iiint lataiih: I' tu *2 lioxi's cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to ."i boxes is puHrnuten.l to eiiie olironic cntarrb. Tr it. (Inly 'J,"i cents "JkI suie cure. Sold by all dealers. LEITCHS Tailoring Es(iU)!ishiiieiat R.J. SPUOUI.. Fleflurtoii. Cunviiiiiucrr, Ap^n\\tir, I'a ' niiiur ainl iluwy Inuler. ihiiU, iJtr- 'laiji'i', teases mid Hills (Jruieii iifj'imi Vtdnntiiirs nwd' IIT shi>rtcat ^intiif. I'lmi - i/i',« n-i>i liiii: Applii tu li. J. ^i'i»'0^y.i..â- J'listina.itrr, Fhshirtun. CLAYTON'S PLESHEETON! j3^y|^j,;X,S SJSOl > ?' J.v tlie ])lac6 fo 'Ji'f ijdiir Siiil.s made in fiiliiri'. THE MAMETS. FLKSHEiri'UN. Ciiri-fiillji Cin-nctftl Kurli ll'ccU. Flour «2 (,() to •! 10 Fall Wlieal tijlU 7() "lO <» 7S Spring Wheat 7(1 D 78 Harlev »' •â- â- > 48 Outs " ... (! L'li '.'6 Teas (I 17 i7 liuttcr (I '. 1 ; 1 l-:ggs, fresh VI '--i '• Potatoes 4l» W FLESHERTON. Is tjie I'hur tfi yet iiimr llnnms Colliiit, li. „ linn/'' ii/i 111 't<ivl kIijIi;. Slii'P in W. ('ticjtijh's lliiiit iL ^hoe Stoi-^, FlfAnd.r. Por!.. Hav.tK'r ton.... links Wool Sheepskins (leese Turkeys ('hickeiis i*r pair oO Ducks per pair ."(i .5 t;."; .f) i;.-. N 00 111 Oil (i 00 7 (10 , !c. li; t1 10 II Til, .) 0.". (15 II (I.S (IS EAEIESS â- HAEKESS. ...If you want Hanitss, Single or Double, or Horse Dlaiikets, Trunks. Dell.';, \'alise.s. Curry Combs. Druslies or the celebiatcd Harness (Jil, call ... e.xmiiiiH' beftiie purciinsiiig elscwiifre. it J. WA^rSON , Pill cr. V III LK. AT GORDOWS r ' PHOTOGRAPEY. 1IARNE.SS SHOP MRS. BULMER ILESUEUTOS, Yon will l\n.l n.ri a^^i rtiiu iit (^f Heavy and Lieli: Harness. ( Whipf. IlrilKliuit. Ciirrv C. ilI-.^. I tlnxfl. Iiiute.l llano it-at I'atlh. untl rjl " ^^•M'OLL.IK.S ,1 .Sl'i;riALrY.i?'fe Chi'Hp for I'usli. Call aixl rYaiiiino. Maxwell Carriage Works. ThoN. A. KIali<>I.v, Corna'^c ciiui \\\ii;oit Maker, I'aintcr, &c., C~r. WiAher, to annoniiee to the puMic that he ha» htartetl ill the ahove InisineK.s. ,\I1 order*! pruiiipth and neath attundud to. Itepairii. ,â- ! ami I'alntlni,' aspeeialty. stiiup iKoit iloor to .1 I.ittln'ri hlac'ivnilih shop. who will do all work in eoniiectlon to the Bhut\< shoji. TUDS. A. m,.\Ki:i.v. >KW Ai»VLurisi:nL>T.s. CJiVlJ'I'ION'. Iheieliv eaullon anv purnoii ai^ainst ue«,.ti\t I ill.; itir a note l..r ifl... in lavor el Samuel Mai tin which fi'll tlue aliont Isl Ntiv, li>«., i» 1 have Aut rueeivud value lor the i-aliie. .JOHN SIIKKWODI). at. I'UKuiila P.O. To Farmers' d Millers'. FOE SALE. Wl-.SI">ior:i:i, Con. l). .\i-toni«>ia. .Mmi TWO (ilt.t.Mi W.K'rK.l! POWKllS in Kiiuenia. alil a nunilier of rown Lots. Write to lUt. I'l UKV. P M at i;a.-.t Selkirk. Man .or to U .Me. I. I'l UDV, Kni . Kufjeni.i, and an>.wer will ho made at o nee. Ari!TI()N SALH OK V.Vbl'.\HI,K F.VltM Property in t ho rowiishlp ,>i Kuphra^ia, in the Ctuinly of Orev. 'riiere will hu otierorl for sale hy Pulilie .Vmtioiiat Vw IIKVlUK HolSl:, 111 the Villat;»of 'rilollNHiuv, iu the tfunty of (irey. on l.'lilll.VV 'rHl; KltiHTH PAY OK APItll,, 1MM7, at the hour of two o.loek in lli>! afternoon all ainl hii);!4ilar that utirtain paret 1 or traet of land situate in the said rownsliip of Kuphrasia, containii k one hiiiitlreil aeres nmre or loKs eoin|ion«il of the south half of lot nnni her 'J .11 the sei-und eoneeHsiuu- 'I'his desiiahle prtijierty lies aliont nine miles from Kleshortun, four ami a hall milts from Kii^enia. anil two and a half iiiiluH from kiinl»#rlev, and liaM ereet. e I thereun a hewed luK lioilsu 'ji X ai and ham ipart franiei'i:! X 41 whli h are said to he in a fair state ol repair The propel ty in well wat u.etl with a Ko^iit spring eiueli ruiinin;,' tliroiii;li It and eonvfiiitntly sitnadnl as to tia\ulluil ittatls. 'I'hert. Ih a i-iiialt ori'liuril upon the pio- pt rt\ containlm: ahout sixty iriilt trees. Thn soil N ol a elay loani, ahotit III .lures are in a fair statu of eMllilu^ion, 'I he aliove premlsita will lit- olTtire.l for sale under and l'!y virtue of a pow- er o! sale eontaiiieil ill te i-ertaiil mortfja^e (whifii Hill he pi'odiieed .â- >* the time of sale! and will he ollereil for sale sulijeet to u reservii hid, TI'UIMS and eonditions made Known on day of sale l-'ur further pnrtieiila|;s aiiplv to !â- :. M. 1!HAI>WICK. SoiitloisSi liilior. (ioatt\. ( had- (iait. 58 Wellington .SUecl Kftst. 'rorunto. Dated at roronto this ;ird day of Mareh .\.l).. IH«7 J Tiiotoilva ])hev, Fksherion - Out. Haviii;,' '.jH-iit rti'iiiu tii:'e in till- studio cf tin. fiiu.i-,- T .lonto li-.otcK'iiipIu-i. >fr. S. J. l)i.\f .. wlifiv I u< .niitLMl valiiuMf Viicwlcil^;*' in \\vU . ilMiif. 1 till iissined I uAn tiw Kooii tiiit r * "itti^liictH It. A c-all icf liL-ctfullv M>licitt-tl. Mi;S. DUI.MKl!. Kle rtoIl.Sept. I7th. !>«.â- â- SL "','1 • ?! '^ ^ . nP^ HAVK YO'J I. l'v-i>«-]',:.i, I' (ii."**;i'n, I iliou"-.--'. I))/.'..!!'*". I"- II It" 'I'C i^-'-* i, •. *- L â- <'•- *â- â- ' >*« ^n^ll^i ^ >^. " I lU I i..rl., ' ' .*\-. s hi:.. GOO.OCO COLD fill clVtLL u" I â- 'â- ' I .* \ -. s, Luwci* -: i J.>uii<-!icf , liv.iu. Vi (.'o'>iiv> iir-*, -ir ..'AS llVfT, I »K. I tIA.l. • a..!,! ctrit.t.ii t> 111 ''v. I.iver ».',,.ii;.Li.*' t .1. - (.1/ w ill tl-<- t-m ll.. t it 1. *'» ' [mil â- I â- : t;>.i'. !â- 1 1 I ' . V*' C. k:i..*!iIim'( ic j;uUlor M\M'I. \\i M- t' .k-t I . V, . i.lliii^li .1 \»uli Ifi.W t oth't Ml Down liluol. ih-' r i^ni'f'it 'f mi> <"i UV i<»('/ /'/ f It 'I't' f 'I " nvw*/iM .!•.â- / I 'i//./ u-iit I /-JaiHt tJ try t'l Stt^t .V S3MCTHIN2 rihcvv. C:v:n Aw; y Frce \Vr."\p;>eil:iri-'>rid ci't-ry^flilf fl" I >r. C''. I.'ivcr t'lir- Uu v.i)uahc Uuu^th iltl t.uule aiul Kccii^ I'uok IVl i'.i;f-), c*'nl.imiir^ o*rr ;oi.> ii*pt"ul n-Lipt' . ]iri)iK>t:<i<ivl I'V nie\!ical iiu-n aiwl tirii4f:t->t^ asinvulu- ftbic, At 1 Worth trii liirio l)ie imt-c uf ttic liicUictiie- TPY C»<a:£'3 Catarrh Cjc:. a wife anJ po i;»\; reinr<i\ â- I'ruc. j> lclIn. TRY CHASt'8 Kidney ahqLvei Pius ^^^-.s. i»cri>ov. SOLD DY ALL DEALERS T. 8DMAN80N 4 CO., Ool« Ag«nt«. Bradfori •c. 11 1' U'tftt fitr Mi,t". tftilfKi:-. Meat Mai'ket. SKPT.aOOl\ I'llOl'l *^&^S& Cash paid for fat Cattle anc' Sheep. Fresh Mcnt.s eoii.stiintly on liaiidfur Cash. Onlfrs ))r(mi)itly filled. KOU HYSI'K I'S1..\ ami I.iver r,iinplainK voil have a priiiti'il piiariiiilee on eveiv hot' tl" of Shilul.t* \ itali/.er. It never fails tlo eiiie. Ht.l.l at Meilieul Hull. • IIACK.MK lAMK." a laHtini,' aiul frnifraiit perllliUf. I'riee L'.'i ami Til) oeiita. Soli hv Meiiieal Hull. â-º . «.^4 - . AnviiK 111 .Viiiiii.:«iH Aro you distnrhod at iii|!lit. iilitl itrokfii of >uin- lei't l>> a siek elii\d siinertUK and er\ iii.vwiili pain of t' ultimo 'I'ecth.' It so siind at ont:i. juel gel a liottle of "Mri. Win slow'sSoothinu Svriip" lor (!hllilreil TeetlliliK. Its vahlu Is i4ealeiil,il,lii. U will rellovu the lU'or lili'le Hiilff ror ininiedialolv. Depeml upon it. mothers: then- is no niUtake nliont it. It eiires Hvsenteiy and Diarrhiini, re;;iiiateH the SItiinai'li and Howels. iiiles Wind Colie. softena the limns, reilueos Inllainmation, and uivestoiie iiiiil oneiljv to the wiiiili! syHtoiii- "Mrs Wins, lows HiiotldliK Svrup for eliildrell tiiethiliM is pleasant to the taste mill is tile pruseription of one of tlie oldest and host feniHle physieiaiiH and nnisiiii iu ih.i I nitml Statie^, and Is for sale by .11 ilrUL'ijiHts tluoiiL'hoii* the world. I'riee Iwents flveeontK a l).it;le. Bo Mire and ask for ' ^.HB.'H rtouiumo 8VBUI'," and tak,., no other kind. SHILOII'S t:.\TARKH KKMKDV-a pohitive cure for Catarrh, Hipther'a iiui> C. ukvr M«utl).. BulJ at .Nle^ical lUll. EUGENIA' Real Estate Agency I\rONEV TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and o:\ terms of rt^pnyment to suit borrower. i'.'M^MS !)oti,t;ht and sold. CONVKY.ANCIiS of all kinds properly execMted; COMMISSIONER for taking .i-flidavits iir liiC.J., Agent for the Nt:)r\vich Fire Instuanc* Society. All busine."?:!. promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HBNET MELlDRUM, ^^ '