v» J FLESHE ADYANCB. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PBIjYCIPLES, jYOT JIIIJ.V.' VOL. VL, NO. 302. PLE3HERT0N, ONTARIO. MARCH 31, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, E'JITCR & PROPRIETOR. Money Saved ! BY CLUtiE BUYING ! TH - Bits. C'i<r<si.rfi)if( (if Lof/t ii-id Oiliir hiterestin^ Itetlin ijiitlii-ri-il III! The Advance tL>l)orUr». Pay the printer and lie happy. StopH ftro Ijoiiiy tala-n to organiae a Mcclninics' Institute ia Shelburne. .1000 doz. Ku^s wauteil at J. U. An- dersons. Goods given at regular bank- rupt sale prices Mr. .las. Beecroff- lost a fine two-year - I old lieifer a week or so .ago. A feed ' house beini> left open, tlie beast got in and ate about a bag of cliop feed. She died iu a few davs. FOR CLOTHING. Please call and inspect our new stock i for spring and summer. Beautiful pat- ', terns and at aslonishiugly low prices. ;R. TBisinLE. (tf.i i(uu-es more luuncy tci li'ji'p die ;ii'aco "f Europe than it costs to keep tin.- jiopu];!- tion. Blelps Pay Taxes, Suits of Clothes from 3.7o up. ct J. G. Andersons Great Bankrupt Sale. "PIVE )cars in Grey Co. iliis month and a fair payint.i; business cstablislieU ihrou;;!) the generous patrona'j;e of the .jiublic. I'rom Du»!idalk to Holland Centre, on the line, ,dso Maxwell, Pricevilie, Kim- •Jjerlcy, Eni^enia, Travcrston, Kocklyn, Berkeley asd other points have given me a good support. My thanks are due to all transient and home cus tomers. I have endeavored tn desene patronage extended, by honest repn-sentation of ev'ry article soJd ; and my increas- ing business warrants me in assuming thr.t my -efforts to deal houorabh,' at fair profits, have bew! j.ppreciated. I tAvjL.}]. contiooe . m)i«. busi- ness on llie line of truthful representation, just exchange in giving value received, and a fair profit to meet obliga- tions incurred. Stock will be kcjJt complete in Hampaen Watches My name on, WALTHAM Watches, four grades, a few l3ARTLEiT'S at cose pri- ces, ELGIN Watches, and t'he exceptionallv fine made full jewelled COLUMBUS .movements. Watch warrants 1,2, and 3 years, " covering breakages." Filled Gold cases Coin Silver cases, -i to 5 oz., also Silverware 3 & 4 oz. Ladies Gold Watches and Chains, R. F. Simm'jns' roll (.iold Chains, best made, Dra- per's fire gilt. Seth Thomas and Ansonia spring & weight Clocks, a beautiful stock of ^•ilvcrware, hollow and Hat, for table use. Engagement Gem Rings, i8k. Wedding Kings, Brooches, Bar Pins A: Hets, Lockets and Necklets, Cuff lit Collar Buttons, Silver Thimbles, Pebble Specks, Lazarus & Morris, Lenses, Boss Specks. I have $100.00 v;holesale in Specks and c?n suit any s.glit. Watch Rep.'tir book shows ihis week watches and clocks booked to No. 1^33. My work gives satisfaction, is ful- ly warranted & charges mod- I rate. No second or cutcli cIiarL'eK after watches .-.re left. Any one conung 15 iiiiles and not linding my stock and prices .IS this advt. rc|)reNents, 1 will pay legal mileage one way and uxjienaes here, meals A'c. Goods ,ind work Warranted. A\^*. A. U«OW'>', A Reliable JeucUer, ^ilARKDALE, - - . ONT. A fashionable woman's cheek makes a tine billboard for cosmetic adveitise- ments. Any persoD that •wants a â- est, ghould get a position tis cleric in a stxirc that doesn't advertise. Mr. .las. MoBier, of this village wont to Toronto last Tues-lay to take np a po- sitioi. m ft marble sitop. The bill'to incorporate Thornbnry as a t.owu has l)eeu read a second time iu file Ontario L"g''shitnre. "Yes, indeed, my boy." said a travell- ing man, emphatically. •'Truth is stranger than fiction." Yes. I s'pose so," was the reply ; 'but it depends a good deal on who's telling it. ' T!ie Kmperor Willi.am of Germany is the tallest monarcli, being jnst six feet. The clefunct King of Bavaria was the "shortest,' being in di'bt several mil- lion dollars. X man may chin and a man may v.ork Kor tlie teniperauc(! cause all day ; But he can't go a-liKhin' and observe pro- hibition, Becau.se he aint built that war. FOll SALE. 1 gray Mare coming years old this spring, sound, good working either in double or single, in foal to "Farmers Friend.' at Lot 24, Con. 7, .\rtemesia. Apply to Jas. Gknoa, Fleshertou, Out. PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. Brick House "iUxJio. Ten Rooms, well furnished all through. Wood Shed lSx'i'2. 'VIso good well iu wood shed. with four lots. This is a choice proper- ty, and nicely situated on principal street iu village. Will l)e sijld clicap for Cash. W. AV. Tiumulk. The greatest bargains iu mens Lace Btots. ever offereil, now at .T. G. .\nder- Kous Clearing Sale. in births, I'J marriages, and M deaths were registered in the Towurshin of Mulmur during the year 1880. Patâ€" "Phwut is that ye are !;t. Bi.l dy '.'" Biddy â€" "Sure its a bottle of hair re.sthorcr Oi m puttin on mo ould muff. ' East Groy Spring Show will he held iu Fkshertou, on Friday, .^pril 'i2nd. See bills or write the Seeretarv â€" S. Damudc, Esq. , for particulars. .'tt. .\ meeting of the plotholders of Fljsli- orton Cemetery will be held iu the Town Hall here, on Woduesday evening, April 0th, at 7 o'clock. ' 1 t. We hereby challenge the jnmor La- crossi' team, of Fleshertou, to play a junior team, of Markdale, ou or before the 7th of May. By order of Com. R. DouuLASs, Sec. Nothing suggests the arrival of the millenniimi more forcibly than thesif;ht of an old tomcat, sleeping peacefidly by the fire-place with his head resting on a bootjack. WANTED. â€" 2 good steady men, to work at Fra:uing and Carpenter work, Must liavo some exiierienco at the bus- iness. .Apply to .John Whittes, Flesh- crton. '2 1. We are always glad to notice the in- trodnction of first-class stock into Arte- mcsia. We have this week pleasure in noting thiit .Messrs. Andrmv Beattie and Will Burnett have purchased a thorough- bred Clydesdale stallion. "Jn.it m Tim<'." and will travel him in this section dm lug the coming season. This is a very tine animal. The Salvation Afiy stopped in front of a Haloon iu East Portland and began singing "It is water that we want, not beer. ' and tin' saloon-keeper turned the hose on them. And yet they were not happy. The popular Treasurer of the Town- ship of Osprey .losiah Gamey, Esq., took train at Fleshertou Station last Tuesday evening for Ohio. U.S.. where he will sjiend a short time visiting friends. Auction sale farm «tock. iniplcnieuts, etc., at Lot 47. Con. -and N.U.R.. Glen- elg, comnujncing at twelve o'clock noon on Tuesday. April .'ith. .-Mex. McQnar- rio, proprietor; D. 3|cCormick, auction- eer. See bills. I â€"3'', \ span of young 'liorses belonging; to Mr. John Adams, of tliis neigliborliooU. ran through our streets last Thursday at a lively pace. They ran up again the hotel veranda, sm.'ishing two [vsts, then around the bhick and np thronjih Munshaw s field. They escaped nnhtnt. Dr. .Vrmstnjng and wife are the guests of Sijuire Armstrong. The Dr. in as geni.il and jolly as ever, and tells many amusing incidents which occurred dur- ing his trip to the old country last year. Ho will remain here for siune timo, af- ter which he will locate permanently for the practice of his profession. We had a call from the popular Max- well Carriage manufacturer, Mr. Thos. A- Blakely. on Mondav last. Mr. B. is one of the uio.st honorable and strainht- forward young business men we have come iu contact with since wu came to Fleshertou. Wo are glad to know that Ills business is rapidly extending iu all directiouh. Success to you, Tom, old l)ov ! Don't forget .1. (i. .Andersons great Bankrupt .Sale. No trouble to show goods and quote prices. .\uction sale of farm stock, imple- ments, Ac, at Lot 1.'57, Con. 2. E. T. & S. R., Artemesia. at 12 o'clock, noon, on Thursday, Aprd 14tli. I'ositively with- out reserve, as owner has routed )iis farm. Wm. Talbot, proprietor ; .1. W. Morrow, auctioneer. See bills. i A good old deacou in Connecticut was verv i>ious atvl fond of clams. Wlieu ! once upon a lime he aUendod a Rhode Island claui-liake, he overtaxed his cap- acity and was sorely distressed. But Uis' faith iu prayer was not abated, Leaving the party, and going down ou his kuees behind a tree, bo was heard to supplicate ; "Forgive me. O Lord, this great sin of glutt juy. Restore my healtb, and I will never eat any more ulama." Then, after a pause â€" "very lew â€" if anv. .Amen. " FOR Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPEX, f^^c. Go to RILSSKLL'S Noted Jkwei.ky Sto rk, Fi.ksm f.rtox, where vou will see the finest slock .'it Uie lowest iirires in this count\ , and notwi til St an ding the vi>rv Unv prices, thev are il etermined to give r I (lisrount of is iier cent. on all cish sales of $1. oo and over come and secure some of the bar- gains and d on't forget it is the onl\ place to get your Watch- es, Clocks and jewelry Repaired Propeilv. EUSSELIj'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. 5 LBS. OF JAPA.N' TEA FOR ONE DOLLAR ! A CiRNL'INE ARTICLE. at M. RICHARDSON 4 COS. -Am old colored wonieu stood at the station in I'alatka, Fla.. tlie other day, waiti;iM for the .Jacksonville train. Be- side her stood two little twin pickanin- nies with faces as black as the inside of a stoveiiipe. When the old nmmmn's train arrived she exclaimed : "Bress de Lor'!" .Vnd then looiiing down at lior children, roniark( il : "Here, vou, Abra- ham Lincoln, take hold of .Jeff Davis' hand and come along heah, quick 1 " .And the namesakes of tlu" two great stntesnicu of the war joined hands aiul walked away tcjgether as though their names had not expressed such a dissim- ilarity of purpose. W.i'.T.l. W,.. have threat reason to rejoice, that our Wink is proi_;ves.-4ing and meeting with favor in the hearts ot thosci who are brave and strong, to help the teiii- I perance cause alouo ; there are those I whose hearts are true and who dare to I use their jiower to repress the evil 'that 1 brings uidy sorrow and shame to those who are under its painful iuHnence. ' ()h ! how many tears would be hushed [ and how many hitter wor..'.s inis-.sai<l if liqucu' w as banished fnun our midst. We !isk a full iittenilance of all mem- bers and those interested- mi the work foi' Saturday the Dtli, as it is intcude<l having a courne ot readings on hygiene, Liquor and its inlliionce. Con. Skc. WluTc Jlie <'jU Jiiiiips. Would yon like to sim' the end of .tome- thing round '.' (li\" yoiu' «ile a ten dollar yold piece and ask her to call and see Ricliardson's new .Stock of Spring , Dry Goods Ac. Tlii\t War 4'IoikI. Toronin U:„\d. We are glad to see <un- old friend the European war cloud hob up serenely again upon the horizon after a few u.vys' ab- sence. In the absence of the war cloud the horiziui always looks as depressed as an undert,iker'g shop on a wet d.iy. There j is no silver liniiu; to the war cloud, but it / has to be Imcked by gold, aa the taxpay- ers of Europe know only too well. It re- nuESTioxs A\D Axsjri:ns. Answers to .Arithr.ictical Problems given iu .Advanck last week. 11) 5 a, 2r, 30 per. (2) 15 5-19 rods. (3) ,'583200 lbs. (4) ship SMOOOO. eargo 93200. Lizzie .Swanton and .Annie Richard son ausweR.-d all correctly. Rolrt. Kcefer, David Mathewson, and I Wesley Smith from Flcslierton School and Sarah Hogg from Flesherton Sta tion answered thx-ee. Mary Strain and Fred -Ayers answer ed two each. Edwin Strain and .Albert Beecroft third class piijiils, one each. .Iiio. .las. lieiiBon from S. S. No. !), Art. sent incorrect answers but no so lutions. Don't be discouraged .lohnny Try at;ain. Von may win next time. A Fi:W MOltK (JCKSTIO.NS. ' (Il How many posts ft. apart will be required to go round a circular 10 acre field "/ (li) How many required for a square field of the same area .' I (2) A merchant hought apples at (,'l)c. per bag and marked them so that h«' ' coulil throw off 10 "', for a customer ami still jnake 2(1 -V, jirofit ; find the priei . he marked them at. (3) .A stream Hows at the rate it 1 I mile an hour. How long will a hoal- ' man who can row 4 miles per hour m I still water, require to go up the stream I .'> miles and hack a^ain '.' Answers must be at this office by Tuemlay. Solutions must aecompany anHwem iu every caj-e. â€" Matiikmaticai. Editor.] Open Mffting. (('imirihiiUd.) The Royal Templars open meeting; ! held on Tuesday evening was a graml I success. The 'I'own Hall being \v(dl ' tilled. The chair being tilled by F. I Bunt. Esq. The entertainment was well ! sustained by local talent. Mr. W [ Campbell opened the iirogramme witii a month organ solo which brought an ; eucot,.. .A song by .Mr. .1. B.iskerville. brought down the house. A trio by the Misses A. Spronle. L. Armstrong anil .M. -Ayers, was well rendered. Mr. .1. Thurston of Kiinberley, g.ive a short ail dress ou tlw temperance work in his lo cality. The Rev. Mr. Watson then de- livered oue of his i)ithy addresses which arc always well received. Miss .Arm strong gave a fine solo. Rev. Mr. Fei rier was then culled upon to address the meeting and was received with loud ap plau.se and delivered the most interest iug address that has be^'U our privilege to libten to for aoine time. Subject : "TIk' Local .Action of .Alcohol ; its Efl ects and Cure." whieh was highlv in structive. He also briefly touched on the moral, social and legal aspects of the Liquor traffic, the whole address was illustrated by the opiiiif)!is of the higliest medical ami legal authorities .-i-j well as frtuii incidents from real life. Mr. Ferrier is a logical and elTectiv.' speaker and his address will not soon be forgotten by those who listened to i!. A solo by W. Barnhouse closed the mn sical part of the programme and \\as rendered iu his first-class style. .Mi.ss Dainude and Mrs. W. AV. Tr'mble ptt- sided at the instrument v.hich was :i handsome L)oiiiiuion organ. provi<!ed tor the occasion by Mr. D. L. White. A evening, Mr. Ferrier, was moved hv Rev. Mr A vers who made a few ha; ; y remarks, tlio motion was carried unani- mously whieh was tendered to and re-~ ponded to by Mr. Ferrier. after a. vote of thanks to the several iK'rfonor'rs who assisted with the pr(jgraninie. the mett- ing was closed by sinning Gotl save vlio Queen. SEEDS. SEEDS, SEEDS! Received this week, a large supply of first class Clover, Timothy and (iardeii seeds, •whicli will be sold at bottom prices at R. Tbimule's, itf k I %1 iC