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Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1887, p. 4

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,^' -^>-« «k 1 1 I 1 V m THE FLES H E K Ton A U V A N C E . IWTTTQ Tl A T>X^T> may >vi fonn«l on m« Rt 0«w XUlO rArLlO, y. ftnw<U JtConNcWHpalx-f AJ vonulcii Bureau ( lu Sprucu Bt. I. wh«r» .Mly rtUlni •uomau IIU7 >m mado (uc U Ul asW XOOJC THE ADVANCE. KllOM TUK OKKICK, ('j'lin<4ti'iihlStnvty - - Flenlieitoii, Out. T1:i;M8 ok KUHHCHU'TION : f 1 pur aiiMiini wlimi paid striotly lu mlvulico 9! M per liuijuin wht'ii not su paitl A. K. FAWCETT, Editor aiui Proprietor. FLESHERTON: TIHRSUAY. MARCH. 10. 1887, OUR TOWNSHIP FATHKKS. \\ hill till- (jciiial Clerk cnimiieiicoU r Miliiig tliL' iiiiiHiti'8 of previous iiu'etiiii,' • f Council, at 11 o'clock, the following â- .i-ntleini'ii occiiiiiud seuts aroiiml thu :.icoii t.ibli', viz.. Dr. Christoe, Reeve ; Ii.-piity Reeve Holmid, iiiit]i Couiieillors >-\v.ii]> and CainiH. Shortly after«'nrd.s 1 lel'iityRei ve Mc.Vrthur entered and | l./ok Ills Beat. I .Minutes of last ineetili;; a|i|)roved. | I'etifioti from Tlio». Crow, Eu'^eiiiii, j (oiiipliiininn tlmt his pnmerty in thetowu'l . f Kiiireiiia was assettsed iiiiieli liiijlier i lliaii its eiuih value, and askin'_' for ii re- | fund, was and duly considered liy I (oinicil. Moved hy John iSolailtl, seconded hy Will. Hliar|i, tlmt » refund of taxes aniounliiiii to 45 cents be made to Tlio.s. I Crowe. - Carried. | Mc.Vrthur, Sharp, Thai the account of <i. I^ittiiiier for 4A cords wood to Royles 84 50 be |>nid ; also VV. J. Hi lliiniy, Clerk, for Registnitioii under Sec. 2t'i, Chap IHl, It, S. of <)., amounting to 81V 'H), lie [aid -Cur. •Sharp, Cairns, That Report of Commit- tee on Treasurer's Securities lie adopted and fyled. â€" Car. Resif^nation of Mr. .Tolm Whitby, as .\sflessor, laid on the table, when follow- ini; niotioti was put and carried uimiii- mously : Mc.Vrthur. Cairns, That Mr. Whitby j havin;^ placed his re8i(;nation in our lianils, as the Assussor of the ToUnHliip, we tike the op|H)rtunity lai enpress that we iM-lnve (l;That .Mr. Whitby diHchan,'- ed his duty to the Ix-st of his ability, and ill nccordaiice with the statuti;H as ho tiii- derstoiHi them. (<{) That we iH-lieve, tliikt lt,\!'!tfjrTA1riiSnip, n« cWfliile', iM-reii more eipially assessed ; and that notwilhstand- iiii; any contradictions, either piibliu or private, the Township may eongiatulute itself upon the faithful services of our late .\H.sessor. In the mutter of two petitions from the Tyioiie neiKlib<>rh<H>(l, Arteinesiu, the t'ollowiiii; motion was put and enrried : Me.Xrthiir, lioland. That the petition of (ieo. Hiiinie and seven otlieiH he en- tertained, and that the Twp. Clerk be in- ntriictcil to muku ajipliuition to the (iov- eriiiiieiit, as [iriivided in section M and the tw<i followin;; seetioiiH, at the cost of the proprietors of the lands in each con- cession or part of a conoession interested the expenses not to exceed t«eiity live diilluri.- Carried JSidaiid, Sharp, That the p.nrties inter- (sted in petition (from M. .Akitt ami oth- ers) ii.skiiii; for license for Kui-eiiia to sell int'-xicants Iw advised to snbiiiit it to the proper authorities, viz., tlie i.ici'ii.'e Com 111 issii fliers for adjudication, s^ this Coun- cil IniH no coiitrid whatsoi.'ver in the inul- tur, this Council not haun:/ tlil.s counter I'etitioii before llieiii at the tiiin' a con. tiary <ine was |ireseiited, can not now feel It to be tlieir duty to change ti.e i-oiirse thus .-ulopted. â€" Carried, l!y law 410 to amend 41>i>, np|iointin^ AsscKsor, and By-law 411, appointui;^ .Municipal otlicers for 1.SH7, introiliii-ed .iiid passed. .Mr. Wu.. Mcljui;4hry w:i.s duly a) ipi lil- ted AHsessor in placu of Mr. .lolin M hitliv icHiLliied. /'<i//(Hmji<ii». - iSaiiiuel Coleman, il. 1' Irviiii, .bijiii Slidwell, Win. Davis, 11. .M.itthew.Hoii, Robl. liest, Cha.s. IriMii. jr., .loliii .Mlaji, Daviil Htinsoii, (ieo. Ludlow I'hos. Talbot, U. Watson, Tlios. Davi.s \iili. KoKter, .Incob Holley, Price Teetei. 'ieo. Warliiilie, .John I'edldi, Win. lot, Th.iN. Hei ry. Win., <iallop, ,lai. ' ointield, sr , S^iiiuel *S]ij,-iijd''Wii,..lanu.' I'ulloii, .John. ^^â- ^lk(^Jâ- , W., J Wbyte, Will. IS|iuai-8, \Vf|i, NN'-tiyiu, sr, ilunii> .McMillan, Roderi^ilv.Htu^^rt, Ceo. Hiu kin, ('has. Hales. ^:u)i'ud Wuiiuhnb, V\ m Ludlow, .lames .iiihnstoii, <J. 0. Janie.-i, I- W'. Stinson, Wni. Reid, »r., Join Wjiyu, Wm. Meado, Th.«». Taylor, jr., Maluolni McMillan, Malcoljn McDoniihl, fr, John (lowland, llobt. Oliver, .lolii. I •Junpbell, Meil MoKaddun, I'eter Mini, sr. , Frank Thoinpsnn, sr. , Win. Fletcll«r, Richard Whittaker, jr., Jaiiiqp Fisher, Samuel Madu'erow, .Alex, lloliry, James Nash, James Atwell, .lolin Heecroft, .Martin I'hillips, Tlios. Oilbert, Robert .Xeldjuni, Wm. Uo«i>«r, J. W. Ann- stroiu;, (!eo. Miiriiliy, Thos. Kells, Win. Ilutcliiniion, Alex. McDill, Henry Wil- liams, Rolmrt Cooper, (Jeo. Sewell, .James Hanson, Samuel Martin, R. Carrutliurs, John Williams, sr. , Kobt. Oraliaiii, Juliii Weber, and Richard Whittaker, sr. * /â- V„,c J'/.-iiri-.s. â€" Richard Whittaker, jr., Joseph -Aua.suni, I>onald McJMillan, Alex. .Miiir, Dugald Curvie, II. 1). Ir« in, Roht. Shannon, Wm. Blair, Wm. Hill, Geo. Moore, («eo. Stewart, Cliiui. IJell- amy, Ed. Ross, J. McKee, sr., Joiiatliun Hi-kson, .1. li. Sloan, and .las. Stewart, sr. Pouiidkci'perf. â€" Duncan Laniont, Price- ville ; J. E. Marsh, ALirkdalo ; A. Mim- shaw, Flesherton ; M. Akitt, Eugenia. Roland, Cairns, That the .-Vuditors' Re- port be referred to Auditors to insert statements reu'ardin;^ Schirol Delientures, 1^ this Council thinks that the law in- tends that each debenture account should be shown separately and distinct, show- in;; annually the nnnrunt of Sinking Fund deposited as well lui the acciiimilateil in- | „nr lives to Sllll.dir.S ( 'iiN.SU.Ml'riU.N Cl'UK." Sol.i at Medical H. 11. III.) Ifeiiuiiie, iimilo by Mu(iroijurL% raiku. I'ricti in:. Siilil at the DruK Store. 9L,KKPbr:SS NKrHTS. in>i.I.- mis.-rivble by that teirilile eoiinli. Shiloliii Cure is the rtiiieily you. S..1.1 at M' dical Hall. Mcdiiro, ill it I'AiiKK's ('ahmoi.ic Cf.ii.vit..- To the Editor o/ 7Vie Admnet. thK «KV. GKO. li. THAYKR. of Hour- Sir,â€" (Jii reiuliiiji the adventure „f j.lioii, Incl.. »ay.i : liotli iin self ami wife ewe Tommy Culleii in your last i.ssue, re- solved to send yon n fow extracts frrn a letter of another Arteniesia hoy «lio is , l.adi.n trouliled witli I'iiiiiilB!<, HlotcliM, F< ,, , ,.. ,, I Itduijli lliiii'ls or lace, or Sorii^* i>( any dei-tirln- oreman rancher un a "sheep outht in j ti.inVslioul.i use .McCio;,'or .v rarke« riulioilc Wvolililo' lles,iVH"w« HI.- 11,11 ,.,,,v .il ' iiHte It will leavp Ih.! fkili in I'erfcct llettlth, ")omiii„, m, sajs we aie now "'••''^â- '^ „,,,„„i^,,.u.^,^ ,ui,\iiuii<\>:i>\or. Iiu mii» aiul M«t, oil to the winter ranoe some l(i miles from town.' (Rock Spriiij»s) the last '1 months (Nov. and iJecember) have been very tou^li on me 8turni after storm came tearing down the mountnin from 1st lo 15 Nov., soiiietiines I <,'ave up all liippu of .savino the sheep, but have them all 1 Mi'"" >"," ""r''"^'"";.' '"â- ,'"'!','"*'• ,''"'"•„""'!â-  ° ' I, ,11. S.ilt lUieiim, I'lnipli', liiotLhes, Kcujjh Hiiu^' now but lost ipver liOO in th" dilft.s. IlundsDr Fmcc? If fo, tfuMe ii tiut one cnrf. I , I . T 1 , 1 .. ' imriielv. Mel-treuor i"t Tifcr-k.Cs (Tui-holic Curate, my boss lliou;,'lit I liiui iloiie hist late as , k y„ii l.nt trv it. it will oonvnico ymi. U oats otheroulhtB'h«8Was much more. .» very I I'l-Ki-^^ "' "ie l>nn; muu^^ sad aliair happened on Nov. ittli, >w.. [ n^^o veu ever tricl MeC,reK„r .t l'a,ki.-. Car- men wen; llciulill'' for Rock Sprile.'s irom l l"ilie Cenite t..r M.res ,.f any kiii.r.' It l-^ be- ' y;,tel 'liitiht tile vrv I'est preparatlnn in tlie the nioiiiitaiiis North, some 140 mile.-i. i inarkct for li.-uhuu' ioi,l i-niiiij; s,.ms. liiini and struck me at steam boat mountain, j some 70 miles North of town. .\n I was | starting to move on winter ranije, and as I the trail was snowed under, they offered | to help iiie down for their uruli, as they , were afraid of Kctliiii; lost. I said (».K., j and beiiio <mt of inuHt, one of the men went out to try and get an elk or a deer, and a terrible storm came up when he Was 1,'oiie about 3 hours, and he never re- turned. I delayed moving for 10 d.iys Cuts, i'iiiipleh, lili>ti'lii-(-. null is tliu only iiietilt',[ 111 iipplvini4 Cafbiilic Ac'i'i. Soiii at tile Drug Storg for i>o pel- bex. LEITCH8 Tailoriii<r R. J. SPROUL, Ftf'slieitiiit. Houreijaiici-r, Apjinii.'<i-r, I'.i'- U'ttor 'iiiil Moiiftj leuder. Ikeiin, .\t(/rt' (/Kfc*. Ii'ice* mil/ Jl iW.< di-'urn up and yalnatiinif Dimlr on ."hfirtf-tt iiod'cc. Char-' (jca v-nj loir. Api^y to Ii. J. Sl'IiO L'L L, I'oatmaitcr, Fitslwrtnii. CLAYTON'S J^-LESHERTON, It thr yUiri' ti, ,fd ijinti- Ihirur.ix {'oUiira, di-, miiitf ii|i ill (Iv<mI ttijle. shuj, 1,1 rr Flitfhrrtoti . (.'lii'itmii Fioot d- lilioc .Sfoiv,- EAENESS rIARKESS. 11 lerest, for it would be entirely aside from j »i»' »'""'• '""• Kei'rcliint; for him every the intent and spirit of the By law eroat- ''"J'- ''"' '""'"' "" ""ace. He is dead and inj{ the debt.. â€" Car. l{, Sharii, That T. H. (Jilhland be' I>aid 85.50 for surveyinj^ ValVy Ruatl. â€" Carried. Mc.Arthur, Sharp, That the Reeve isaue his order for this day's session of C<iuncil and iiidi^'eiit monthly allowance. â€" Car- ried. * Flesherton pathinastcrs will be ap- [lointed next meeting of Council. Council adjourned hour, done all oiir OKikini; with no shel- ter whatever, and inatle our beds on Iroiu li inches to (i feet of siiow, we however, I doubled U|i heddiiij^ (2 lieds cut) so we _____ ._ slept Hrst-rate, but the ciMikinu, trailing '' * I sheep and drivini,' team and pack horses. From OH, ooH Corr../«w/«.f. | especially ri.lini{, wiw a U-rror. On Feb. 21 as announced, the tea-nu-et- j s^ch is ranchi^. Yours, H. iny for Euoeiiia .Sunday .School wjis held, i The weather was favourable and sleighini; excellent. So the tea .ind eiitertaiiiiiient buried under some airow drift. There was no escape for him as there was no house or timber within 40 miles, and the temperature wiui 17 below zero. ^"or \ Sill t S IIKul (' i H } H f l( ff. nearly a iiionlh we had up no tent at »1' | |^- , , that was on the trail down here. I baked HI I I 1 1^ \\ i 1)1 1 ^ M^ w' in a frying pan mi the open Prairie when J[ W J J ^2>V iV LlllV 1^ \. k^« the wind was blowiiio at least .'(0 miles an [ i,-r I'Sil I T I'l )N ..If }oii want Harness, rtiiiole or "Dmihie, or Horse ]>laiikets', 'A'rnnk?, liell.f, Viiiises, Ciiny Combs. IJruslip.'-' 1- , >• "'' ^'" *;i''i''>i ''"'<' Hanu'fg Oil, call ,t liSt Jlll2lSlllBH''Jir'^^^'""'"'* before purchasing elscwhei-e. II J. WATSON . rill CK V IL liK. FLESHERTON! Is flic III (((â- (' lo <Jcl ijour Vitrifiilli/ i'lniurhU lUuh lltrl,. \ Flour 5-.^ (10 tu 2 In I I'all WhoiU Jll TTuo 7- Spriiiff Wlieut 75 7r, j Ikriev :•.(» Oats ' ... L'7 Peas â- )() lUitler !5 I'l!ij,'H, fri'sli 15 PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR. r//oloQ'f(ijj/ir/-. Flesherton, - Ont. u 5o ! ^ Q «'o I Having' >ipunt HOiiir tinii> in tliu sttidio of ih^ '*^ I fiiiiioMs 'I'tironto I'hi'toKiui'lifr, Mr. S.'J. Dixiit: , â- Â»(» j whiTf I ar(mir**«l viiluiiMo Knowl^•(l^'(' in UetCi: .. * . chiiit.;. I lovl nr.Hiiri.'<l I cnn ^ive i^ood tieuer^i ^ ' '^ NatibluLlii^ii. A ciili ruspfctfully holicitfi!- ') !5 was Well patroiii/.ea, lesultinu in a fair, linanclal success, in aid of S.i iS. Fuinls. The tables presideil over by the la<ly friends Were loailed with choicest viands which were heartily appreciated by the merry tliron;{s collucteil around llieni and repteiiished a'.'ain and ni;ain and their ru- inained an abundance. Tiie esteemed Siipcriofnndent Mr. Elijah Paul, occu- .Vi>vu.b to .\li>TioxiH.~.\ri' yen (lUtnrlwd at , ., 1.1 1 1 nil nlRlit ttiiil ••ri.kcii l^l )-uur rei-« bv « nick cliilil pied the eliair at the church, calle<l the | sciil.riin! niel cr)iiii!»lt)i puin of i ultiiiijTeeiir' If H( I HI, It. I at Miii^ nti'l K'i't ,i I lot 111. .if • .Mr-* Win SHII.OHS CATASKH BKMKDY-» I J]"''*^"'''' ^l'" pesllive euro for Catiirrli. lliptlier'a aud | 1 lU'K .') Ml Canker 8.1I.I al .Me.lical Hall. | Hav.ptT toil â€" _,,L-- ' I Hides A NASAI, IN.IKCTOll fr.e wilh each tot' | Wool * tie of Sliiloh's CalHirh Itunniiy. I'licc ."ill ' SIlCCpskillH (!ent«. iSolJ at Meilieal Hall. 1 (j,.(.u,. HIlILOH'SCrUi: will immedialelv relievo t '''"l'*/'-^''' CMiip. Wliy<.|>niK Coutjh. and llieiichitis. I Cim-keil.'i per pair ... 8..U1 ut MeJicul lla'l. I Ducks per pair 30 5 50 MltS. ISULMKK. Kli»»llprt"li. Sept. ITtli. Ins.". ID DO 111 Oil , f! (HI 7 (10 . Ki 11;- 4(1 "i;* '. 05 09 1 OH (tH 1 !UI n «() ^ r.o »o r.o AT OORDOIV'S Tirp /Vfiedrated pn , -.•••-^JD^GHASESt bi ^UWRAfCf- •- "' ., „ n Jl L K"*'"*""!'" Minnin rm T : .„H.r little »i.ll.r,.rMMm..,i;..telv. liepvii,! ui I Ii .n. XI XI JJMV^ yjXL\;X , J.,u.iiii... l..-.-iouclic, lai/uiâ€" . K.^n e. >' = lu.k Sini,'ill«, and |.|-a\.r b\ ItrV. Tlnl.;idne, It. lll..tll.•r^ ; tb...., 1» m. I,li«lnl,o ,ll„,;,l it. It-f l J..«l.v.„t.,, or ; ny ,l„..s.« .n,in« (mii .1 J.r.t,;..v , ,, I r 1 ' , . .1 1 ,ur,.. l.^>eâ- .^«fy ill,,! IJiiHIb.eii. r,,KMlHl.-.. tl,.. . h'l F Sil F iri'ii\ llvrr, pK. C ....... l.HK • C i«k w II ... f.u.ij 1 >ur. and afterwards displayed to the audience Sl.iiimcli an.l l!.>wul», enri» Wnm Colu. m.ttuns 1 #v*^.-»«f /.n j «/.» , «ml o«Tt;.in t.m .ly. a pro;;rainiiie of some ;i feet loin; by 8 in. wide, coiisistiii'/ of speevhen, readiii|;», recitations, dialogues, vocal and instrn- inental music. The eveiiiiii.'s eiitertain- iiient sutKce it here to say, tbnt the chil- drun of the school and youii;,' men and women aci^uitted themselves creditably in the rendering of their recitiilioiis and dia lojjues and the sinuiim by thu children, under thiMr instructor. F. Carr, fairly cjiptiired the audience, all Rimtnn; s.nne 7 pieces from memory without aid of a iMNik, also the Eiii^eiiia choir rendered loine or M pieces with remarknble oreilit til tlieiiiselves and pleasure to nil nho heard it. Miss M. Carr presided al the organ for the children, iiml Miss .\n^;iista .Akitt for the choir, and jiroud we have talented niusicians in our iiiuint, of no mean order. Voles of ihaiiKH were ten ibreil by the plca.ted audience tip all con cerned in coiitiibirtinL; to tlic .eveiiini;s entertainiiieiil and enjoymenl slid prolit and thus one of the most successful ^ea- meetinus held here was brouy^it to a close with belieilletioiis. CluM'si' lycliiry Mretiim. A nieotiii({ of Imtrons was lielil in tlie Town Hull, |-'lihlieitoi\, on the 20 tilt., for the piirposii of rii-or)4ani/jiix foe the I'linuiiiK of the faetory for. a fiu'llior irni of tliroc yearc under (.he luatiaj^e- mont .it.M''- ('»'"• Stewart sj-. Win 11 it was rnsiilvcd to elci.t oflicors far the eurrmit year, the followjiio wore â- lected. (1. Slewnrl, President W. WilcncU. V. â- â€¢ .1. Itroilio, .Secy. i iiiiih:i 'VOHH. Route No 1 Win. Wrioht., 2 .1. Holly. â- ' 4 )l .\. JollllHOII " -1 .\. Stewart ^ 5 T. \Vri«lit. ' S. I'.vilar 7 C. VV. Rellainy. 8 T. M. Arthur The nientinii thin a>ljonrne) until â- attirday March l«lli at 2 o'clock p. mi. Ik |i the routes v ili 1 e. finally laiil ont iiid the draw iiif. vi u e milk to the fnc- .ory it't. Jas. Hiohu, Sec)-. the (iiiriis. re.liict-s liilliinitiiiitiuii. atul f;ivt'H tone slKleriiTK^ to tile who!.- «\i.t.-lii "Sirs Wiuh. lew's Hoothiiiff Kyriip for chililrrti teethini; i.< ploa«ani to tint tuHte anil H tlm pr.-Ncription of one nf tlio iildiiht iilel liest fi.tinili, pliVKielaiiK SII1I llurseH ill till' I'llite.l StAtet., niel Ik fcr siil,, l>y ull ilrtlk't^wt tbr'iiiulioiit the worlil I'rii-t. tweiity-nve uHnlM n Isittlu. lit* sure anil n^k for • Mini WiNsMiw h HiioririMi Kviiii-, â-  ami takii no other kliel. Yea will liiul nu iis.ii. rtiiiou^ v^i-, NATUaE'3 REMEDY Ti?. .ailneilirK.! ^u t:rs. »f llr Ch.â- Â»v?^ I i^er ( U'« 'ri fii^ef- V *»iiiel..iiil re*u s-lrly with l^e f-tl tl,.»l il it TTno»«.» A..J T :..l.i TT..^^.»- ' .o.l.iii..,lc,l tr ii.ii.ilur-',>.J|.kii..«"ll».-i "BuUlor-, Heavy ana Liernt Hamoss, , ^â€" <>o ^-^ u.^,.. ..i ...s m..„y \\hli,».llr.ishe».l lirryC,.n..'...S.,.vatl>..l,.aml \^^^ 500 000 SOLD A Common Cold I* often the ln'^iiiiiiu;; of neriuui afTee- lioliH of Ike Throat, Itrouchiul Tuhen, Slid l.MU;?i(. Tlierrfore, llic luiportsiicc of rurly ami elle.tue trenlincnt cannot be ovireslmiatcil. Av»r'« t^bcixy IVeloral may alw ayi lie irlieil upun.tvr the »pcedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I wai ^itlaokfd with a dcyere t'olil. wliiih. by iic((lN:t niid (re- iliyiil 'â- \pe'urii'. became Wume. liiially MlllliH' ull iiijf. lull'."'. ,\ rernble roiij-h irnoa folftiwi'it, acioin|i;itiiril by pain* in the chest, from which 1 ^tiircreil liiteiinely. Aflur Irjiiiit v:irioii» nuieilies. without ol'lauiW-' relii'f. I ruinmeiiccd takiii); A)ui'» t lieiiy I'ccturiil.aiid W:ii Speedily Cured. 1 am saii-neii iii;ii iius remcuyytucn my llfv- â€" Jni). Wihilci-, Pawluekct, U. 1. I colli racli'd a (.eVerc iiijd. wliiili sud- ileply ilevelopid iiilo rnciimonia. piuieiit- liik' <la^l,L'el•Ml^ anil olntili.ile >Mnploiii'<. .My pliyMciuii ill once onleiid Ihe ll<e of AVer's Cheirv I'eiionil. His ln>lriictloii' were followed, mid the rf'Ull wan a rtipkl imd pernwini'iit euie. â€" H. K. s>liniiiiuii, Kd^ers I'lijirle, Te.\a». Two yeiiiH ayo I siifrnroil frihii a tevrrc Cdhl which Milled on mv Lliiiirii. I con- 1.11IIC1I Varioui phyvichiM), mimI took the liiedicliies llii) picM lilad, hut nceiM-.l only teiii|Kiniry relief. \ frii nil iiidiieed nil' to try .\yi r's (herrv I'eiloral. -\fler takiic; two III, nil o of this medieino I ivns cured, .""iiiie ilii II I h:ne triveii the IVc- tural to my uhildicu, and consider il The Best Remedy for Colds, Cniiulii, and all Throat niid l.miLr diM'iise-', ei I'j- ii^ed in my family. Itohert Vaiideriiool, .Mi ail\ ille, I'a. .<!onie tiiiio nf;ii I Jook a sli^rht Cold, which, lieiii;; iimlecled, L'reW Worse. :iiii| seltled on my liiin;i, I had a liackiiii; eiini.'h, and wa.s \erv weaU. Those who knew' inc. hi'si conwldeied my life to he ill |.'reiit diiiiKi r. 1 coiiiIiiiikI lo iiilTer Ull|ll I ('eliiliieliced usilli; .\<n's t'll»ri'V I'eiloral. l.ens lliioi i/ne Imtlluof this \:\\- iialile niedliiiie lined life, and 1 feel that 1 owe the prt!si:r\ation of niy life lo its ciiraiive jiow('rs.--Mr». Aiiii l.ockwood, Akron, New York. Ayer's flurry I'oeloral U considered, III re. the one vivat remedy for all dlneasos of Ihtt lliruul mill Itnn-s, mid U moie ill demand than inn other nirlliciiiuiSf I < class. â€" J. V. lioberlj, Muguulia, Aik. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prtparfd bf Dr. J.C. Ay^r fc Co.. I.owrll, MiM. Raid kx I)r«||UU. Vx\t» fX; ill koilUi, ft. the i:elebni'asl *'Hai'lli'Nil till.' ^!fe<'OLL,lKS i srEri.iLTY.aSfe I t'li«iii> f.«r i'lCli. ('till iiMil I'vitiniriiv I Maxwell CniTlage Works. jThos. V. Itluk<ly, { Carriage mul IVaf^oii Maker, 1 Paiiiisr, &c,, &r. I tVlshiis to aiiiioiimo to the public that ho has I Htnrteil ill the \liovc bioiiueHH. .VU orders promptly ami neatly utteiuleit to. Uvpairiiii; I mill I'uiiitiiii,' a spitcinlty. i Shi,|i next iloor Ui.l l.ittltrs lilarlivniitli sho|>. I wlio V ill ilo all work in coiiiieetion to the nlimo I "hop THOS. .\ ltl..\KI-:LV I FOR SALE OR TO RENT. I 'I Oft*"''"''- ''"''"•'''"'â- '•â-  '^""''- â- ^'â- '''"'''"''' •<'• , IW joiiiinu r.,»ii plot of KiiK.iii.i, .'i, aerrs I eluauul, felu-ed. met lili,stl\ -ievileil ilowii. (iikxI 1 Willi of never fiiilim,' waterehisc to house. Youiik I orebaril, just eoiiiiiieiicliiK to hear fruit. Kraiiiu Inillso, loi* htulilu. Streuiii of water on place. ToriiiK easy. For pnrtlculurs api>lv to J WIKIATII Fell. U 18S7. Klinenia P O. SEED OATS FOR SALE. On Lot H. Cou. 1.1, Ortpri.v. limii hushels choic Tartar Outs. Krou II oil froslily liroken laiiil. Will be loaily for clelivorv about ten ili^vs from (late. I'rloe. about 'Jy or ilOei'iits per biiwhel. Feb 4th. 11*7 Iamks CiiwM 01111. l«Kl. Ol'ir otU'ti't.',^ HtUli.tit ,' /'>. t ha\t i t'e //.' /^ifhii uit't tiUii it I '.(yfii.1.1 'I .'nf. it e H'ltnt r? . • <' "lit, •Wt^tn.ttt tin.t i'i:,'i/ -f't.i /. tr'^uSt'l :i'i,h Com- t>!aint to try th s i.t^iuitt 'fiH.^iy. SOMETHINQ N(W CiVCN AWAY rRC^ Wr.ip^s-d arotind every I»'Ulc ,.f l>r. CIi.i..:'s Liv^r Ciin* is 11 v.ilii,-ib.« Vlou-,«h .1,1 .Mc.iical Cliuiu .-titil Keei|>e I Hook tS-i |*a.;c>), ciiHaiiiiiij; over 7ix> iisplul r«;i|i«^^ I proii>,il!ii «.l by inc'liiiit men .iml ilrlr:i;i>u .-isiiivulu- I aSle, .still wxrlh t- n limrs ihe price of the iticiliiine. i TRY CM*:tj Caihrsh Cure. -^ "fc ai'ii iw itive ' rciiirilv. Trier. H't-iu-. TRTCHASt'sKlDNiYAMOLVEtPUtS 3-i!vi«riiox SOLD BY ALL DEALERS ,T. MMAMSOM * CO., Sol* As*iit*. Bratfterd P^lesherton Itleat .llarkt t. 9K1'T.CK)0D| . I'lioruiKToa ha^^^'-^:^ Caoh paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Frosli Mt^ats coiistiintly ojp Imncl for Casli. Orders proinptly tilled. EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and o" tcrin.s of rcp;iyment to suit borrpwer. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in II. C.J. , A^rent lor tbe Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business prominly, carefully and contidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkermaii and Napoleon Streets. HENEY M51LDBUM, AGENT, ^ ,-«£

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