SAMPLE - In Artemesia, on Sunday, 6th March, the wife of Mr. John Sample, aged ____ years. [We extend our sympathy to Mr. Sample in his bereavement.] f ./ "^ z y^ **?7«»t .p. â- ADYANCE, % "^^^^ VL, NO. 299. TLIUTII BEFORE FA VOR •'_•• p,. , . _-- _^- _^^'^-^^ ^^J'LES, jYot MEA â- " FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. mIr^" 10, 1887. A. R. FAWiJETT, salt- It /i':;>'«-f«;-». also ,.f »i 11 """"Pii Umckbiinu) tlie H(). ytiiii]'; SH Addie Anu. yuHrs siijue tliiH' «o niiicii witiiuHsc'd Watches â- a â- â- . I keep tlio only Aujuricaji 'â- ,."" '"'^«'''n«. Clothiuf, of ail >'.w^r«M.„„.„„„,, iX-JS'"-""^ """'"« .â- â„¢...- r-,;- •«'- .„„„ „„„ r«k.,,.„,„,..„^ri ,„, ~ wj.wuv ., ,|„,i « Z' '•'â- â- I'm. * I -^ . I "'i'("'ilICU(l til M acre fanu iTTi: T I ^^T*""**' ""* *''^'««'*<-'« Arf .,.,3s,a. for «alo. A^.ly to Mr M Ut I o'clock, by K.chard8on, Fle«hertou. 'laud Mo E3IT0R & fROfRIETCR. Ulo,,l;)yii proacJier '"I Tiii,s(|iiv Kov H, 'iliJl', tiiu :<iv It Ill's residi J^'lifor Jdmucc : Dear Sir eiim (iiirs. { tiiDo LooJi ()ii(; for '••woiJ. It wHUe a.n.„;,„cod' jevouiiii; iioxt, i A â- •arely has death visitt-d ;«»*'»»' to y„„ the an.swor to inii.i,.,liato iH!iylil.,.-u tioij in -Iliireh- tilt- netk. paper „f Jast '"• say »2,78i. lours Truly, ^^Jfi^TRK.UXiOLl A Bible <t.Ksfl\7„7 juts :f J! - ^ A. . cuiimlete stocli WatcJicB, Ctocljs. Silv -are. .Jewelry .t Snecks ia Jn, „, ,jf ' ^'"' » fail to 8,.e the p^.jAudurponisoffcriiif,. r witliiii ISmilca.' ONT, Sis tceniH ' oi-;at Proton bargains J. o. ^VrishtH stand. lyre, under ; <5rey Farmers' In Filb< er8' and millers sh Stutiuii «>«<m. I'rotou StiU,„u l>"U't fail to i^;;..^.Uo.WCedarlo«.,jLot:,H.c James "wpurtially. M,. p. ,„ '"'"' of z.,ore than ordi. Ai-ijly to â- :---«r column, ,r;^;ri^: pr :c- â€" "-'S": *â€" lpW.etoxC""*"'^"'--- taâ- â- LoJ' .J*"''" ''•â- •'•"'"J c-»ta. to. .^''â- '"a>,dS-ayod",„t,,,T,„,„Halli Fl i- c i «i<Btt»i M.\RKDALE, CiRD OF 'Ms ! !-♦ I 1 ^fn'Ptrance hall hero ^' ^'y. which ,iveH it ,uite a cosy, bom j ' "^^^^^^^^^^ -â€" 1 'T "-"' '-'" --"-. to Klesherton ' ten dollar suit or overâ„¢'/"!: '^^ '"^ f^ ' ''.'" ''»!-"- "'" l-lpit of the MSodis^ LtZ"" ""' "' "" "^'=""-'- - (JeukiuH, „.. an old lady of aboafc 70 ' ^''?" «^'ther. lard of Tliaiik.^ the Tn thanking my cu.stoujers for thcin -r " •upplytht 1.1 with th'. foliovvingcel^-; m>. C. wrWr]ii{17t7«''iro~U~Ittcudiu8 biatadmachiues, viz., , I the Toronto School of M.Miicine, c»me ir --"or overcoat for fiye L^' IhllT'" "'"''"''''* "''"'« ''^^^^^^^^ Wyou„,iHsthee„tertainm,anti„ w„od^ ' "•• .mcerely thank the FWiert, i Mr„Ju.><.ntlio,,u.tob.equics,,f ;':""*• . u.~..i.._ ... '"y «"" an 1 »«u«,„„«,.>i^„J^„ le Jonluv" .- - n . .111. .Tirs Such kiiidu Al.» sympathy, rcam,„t«.,.,nf.; i" ... H.r.;:,r ^;*« z â- »â- --.. «^ „ »»n an 1 ruspe.t. nijtjt. '"HN n'HlTI.V. home for a few days vacation ou Satur- day last. Mr. Milucr, Mayor of Brampton, aud Mr. Dick, Register of Peel Co. aud founder of the Braiiiptou BaiiuiT, died at their residences. Brampton, last week. The Toronto Light ]»inder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky llak.?. The Masscy Harvester. The X!a:-;.<i'y Mower. The Tolteu I'eu, Harvester. The Fox Pi^a Ilarvesler. Hamilton â- â- â- C'onihiiiation I'low. Tolteu'a Centre Draught .loiutor! A good farm over iu Holley's ueigh- Plo^. Ixirliood. .Vrteiiiesia, to rent. Call ou Hamilton's Scufflors. Mr. Roger Lever, Klesherton, for partic- Hamilton's Moss tiaiig Plow. nlars. See odvt, iu another column. Wisniu-'s Spnii'' 'I'ontli Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. Next \veek we will publish a few iu- A full stock of Ukpaiks alwnys on torcsting extracts from p. very "newHy" '"'•"''• I letter received by a friend from Mr. W. Parties requiring any of the above' H Klder, who. with his family, is visit- will do well to call and iuepect Mach- '"K »" California. ines, wiiich will be found in Sproule's warehouse. The second youngest child of Mr. Wni. llaruhouso, Fleshcrton, accideii- tally swallowed a small glass bottle one day last week. No serious results have, . _ "/ aj- yet, followed the remarkable occur- o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo â- reuce. A. S. VanDUSEN membcridiip werulaid ou the IU.>coriler'H table. The growth of the ItMlga during tile I last year has been steady and sub- stantial. , - Fl.KSHKKTON. FOlt Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPEX, dc, Look here ! You can buy factory cottons for U cents ])er vard, all-wool scarlet fl luuels for 10 cents per yanl. Heavy factory Hanucls from 19 to 24 c, Dress goods from 5 cents i>er yard, and all goods cheap at Richardson Jt Co's Clearing Sale. The Royal Templars s|K>ak very high- ly of the inauncr iu which they were treated by our town line friends. The Courert held in the l^choulhouse in the evening was a grand success. Very few school sections iu Orey possess better native talent. The Klesherton vocal- ists %vere iiiiich appreciated. .\ny one in need of Watches, Clocks, ,Ie\velry, Silverware, ^Spectacles, Violins, Pil)es. Purses iic., will do well to call at Russell's noted ji'wehy store, Klesherton, whore they keep the finest stock at the lowest prices in this county ; the only place to get your watch repaired proper >y- The TemiK^rancti cantata, "Lost and Saved, " under the direction of Prol. Morgan, promises to l)e one of the fiueHt entertainments ever given here. You should see it. The band will be in at- tendance in full force and give some of their best selections, ou Friday evening I 11th iust. I Spint, u'l'o r, "To 1 '"''"â- '• â- ''â- • i ' """"'•J'^ '^- ^8«' â- utt»-u »uiiT» ,«u' «}i<ityrf<'il ^(..•'wv^u.i^. I , .. ^... ,„ij;^~:;:::^r=. ^- -- I wood with his bend, sinitaining two i Pktriaroh. occupied the chair very acvey .seriouH gashoB in the scalp. The vehi- i^hly. The program conHisted ..f a cIiok • cic was righted an<l driven to the Sta- [ ,i„d varied selection of vecal and nistr tiou, whore Dr. Christoe was 80«m in i montal niusic, readings, recitation, and .i attendance. | regular oldfanhioned spelhiiK mateh. ,., „ -., . ., ! Mr. C. ,/. Spriiules uuitar solo an.i Tw-.1lurrow ^l|{ht. ....„ ,, , ,„ ., ' nill Laniphull R m(mth urgan Toniorrow (Kriilayi night, under the auspices of the La<Iics' .Vid of the Pres- Go to RUSSELL'S Notrd |i-,\velry Stc^e, Fi.ksherton, byterian Church, 'lere, the really excel- lent sneriMl Dramatic Cantata, "Lost ami Saved." will he reiiilereil in the Town Hall. Klesherton, under the im- mediate (liiei'tioii of Prcif. Morgan and Mr. las G. Russell. Wu think we can safely i>rnuiise the p\il>lic a good treatf â€"one worth nineh more than the price of admission. The cantata is full uf rich Temperauct.' gems, contains a num- ber of sparkling choruseN. ami a rich vein of humor runs throughout. There art! three acts and some six in seven scenes. Viewed from a jiurely ilrama- tic staud)ioint, it is liiteresliug iiiid sprightly ; including lln^ vocal and in- strniuontal music, it furnishes a delight- ful evening's entertainment. The mor- al tone is sound. The presence of Klesh- erton Ihass Hand will add much to interest of the concert. .Vilnii.ssioii Zi> See bills for particulars. where you will see the iiiiest stock at the lowest prices in this eountv, and notwith'^tandini;- the very low prices, they letermined to "ivc a discount of is "er cent, on all cash ,' are t ^Ve regret to learn that our esteemed noighbor, Mrs. Symons â€" sister to Mr. Win. HaiuhoMse is prostrated with ill- ness. During her brother's illness she exerted herself beyond her strength - the more especially as Mrs. Diiriihonse ' the hotel strictly aceonhui V as visiting friends in Toronto at the | visions of the license .lot. time. Mis. Symons speaks in feeling says he can furnish amply terms of the great kindness of the pi'o of Klesherton to her. Hut she de ' serves it all ar.l more. solo Wcr..: intereslinc features. Miss Christoe ih-t er Kany lictter. M'»» Kawcuit recitei. Well. Klesherton Brass Band .sureuude,l the untirt! c<>ni)'nny. Reficslinieiit.s \v«|,. serveil about H :.'!<) and they were of tji.- 1 best kind. We nearly forgot toadrl, that Mnst<;r Krank Vaiil.)u.')eii :ind (ieorye I Pickell carried off lirst and seconil prize < respectivuly in the spelling iinitch. I The merchants of the village of Ulytii * learnt a lesson by exjieriiMice. .Vfte: i struggling along for several years, Ih/* j publisher of tho newspaper there wan ] compelled to c|uit because tlu' iiierchantr. j did iiot;;ive him si:thcientsupiiert. Thev thought that a paper woidd be printei' ' there whether they supported it or not. ' and a jiaper was no use to the villagi I anyway I The jiaper cea.sed piililieiitioo I anil now these same inerehaiitssfe tliii: j big mistake .and th"y are eoiupelled tu I put their hands in thiiir pocln t.s t.o !ii'l)> to start another. I'hey will i)eiliup>. tl,.. have to spend three times as mucii to i/iie 111- 111 . I estalilisli It as would have been mr.s sary to givi' a liberal siip[iort to the muh cents, children 10 cents. Doors open I they allowi;d to collapse. A conteuipo at l:iH). to commence at H o'clock sharp, rai y discus.sing on this matter wimls it. by saying: "It is to be remeiiiheiii' that it costs nioiicy to run a newspaper, i. 1 â- » I 1 land if support is not iiccordeil it. the •III bill pha tic l»<Mlial. i journal cannot exist. This impoiMir. Mr. i;. Linley. hotel-keeper. Maxwell, ' matter will present itself iu ipiite a .iii- all.-d ,vt our ottice on Moiidav and gave f''"'"' ''«'"• ''^''"''â- " '^ nothiiio tl.,i:, a-. ists the [irooress ol a town more than .i, llewsjiaper, and the fact should beboriie ' in mind." ,, , ^„,.., .^ GRE.\TSAT.E. around the honsi! at all. a â- 4 c a most eiiiphutic ileiiial tu the state- i ineiit of our correspondent that ther<! I was any dice-throwing in his hotel, .says he does not allow dice to he but tries to run pur- .'=ales of $i.(io and over come and secure .some of the har- ^j;ains an d don't tor^ct it is (he only place to ^et your Watch- es, Clocks and jewelry Repaired Properly. EUSSELL'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESH ERTON. Karly on Sunday moriiing last oiu' streets were iu such a slippery condition as to render pedestriaainiu a ililhc iilt and somewhat dangerous The .Agricultural Kditor measured five feet ten inches of a sidewalk on Colling- wood street iu the space of about three seconds. He then took |tho Jniddle of the road for it. where he maintained an ecpiilibriuiii in keeping with .solf-posses- sion and dignity. to the pro- T / - t I 1 Mr. Linley .I' <^ ' ' Andcfson haviii- proof as to! chased ''^^' -Stock ol 1). I", the tnithfulness of his statements, and ; Wrii^ht's al aUCtit)!! ill Toroll asks us to recpiest our correspondent to i tO, ilt 5^ CeiltS Oil tile dollai vf'trai t his statemonts or he will havewJU fo]- [\-]f^ ncxt ^O daVS Sel to ajipcal to another trihuual. \\\ .Mr Linley wants, he says, is lair play and eipial justice meted out to him with oth- er citizens. IMod. S.vMPi.K. - In .\rteniesia, on Sunday, (Ith March, the wife of Mr. John Sample, aged- years. (We extend our Kympathy to .Mr. Sample in his bereavement. ] 'the entire stock at piiccs neV- icr before heard of. • Thu Goods must be sokl at some {price as I do not intend stay- ling longer than wdl clear the ! stock. So, to Kct the benefit I of the best choice, come earI â- LY AND OFTEN. I WRIGHT'S OLD STAND. \