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Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1887, p. 1

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SAMPLE - In Artemesia, on Sunday, 6th March, the wife of Mr. John Sample, aged ____ years. [We extend our sympathy to Mr. Sample in his bereavement.] f ./ "^ z y^ **?7«»t .p. â-  ADYANCE, % "^^^^ VL, NO. 299. TLIUTII BEFORE FA VOR •&apos;_•• p,. , . _-- _^- _^^&apos;^-^^ ^^J&apos;LES, jYot MEA â- " FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. mIr^" 10, 1887. A. R. FAWiJETT, salt- It /i&apos;:;>&apos;«-f«;-». also ,.f »i 11 """"Pii Umckbiinu) tlie H(). ytiiii]&apos;; SH Addie Anu. yuHrs siijue tliiH&apos; «o niiicii witiiuHsc&apos;d Watches â- a â- â- . I keep tlio only Aujuricaji &apos;â-  ,."" &apos;"&apos;^«&apos;&apos;&apos;n«. Clothiuf, of ail >&apos;.w^r«M.„„.„„„,, iX-JS&apos;"-""^ """&apos;"« .â- â„¢...- r-,;- •«&apos;- .„„„ „„„ r«k.,,.„,„,..„^ri ,„, ~ wj.wuv ., ,|„,i « Z&apos; &apos;•&apos;â- â- I&apos;m. * I -^ . I "&apos;i&apos;("&apos;ilICU(l til M acre fanu iTTi: T I ^^T*""**&apos; ""* *&apos;&apos;^&apos;««&apos;*<-&apos;« Arf .,.,3s,a. for «alo. A^.ly to Mr M Ut I o&apos;clock, by K.chard8on, Fle«hertou. &apos;laud Mo E3IT0R & fROfRIETCR. Ulo,,l;)yii proacJier &apos;"I Tiii,s(|iiv Kov H, &apos;iliJl&apos;, tiiu :<iv It Ill&apos;s residi J^&apos;lifor Jdmucc : Dear Sir eiim (iiirs. { tiiDo LooJi ()ii(; for &apos;••woiJ. It wHUe a.n.„;,„cod&apos; jevouiiii; iioxt, i A â- â€¢arely has death visitt-d ;«»*&apos;»»&apos; to y„„ the an.swor to inii.i,.,liato iH!iylil.,.-u tioij in -Iliireh- tilt- netk. paper „f Jast &apos;"• say »2,78i. lours Truly, ^^Jfi^TRK.UXiOLl A Bible <t.Ksfl\7„7 juts :f J! - ^ A. . cuiimlete stocli WatcJicB, Ctocljs. Silv -are. .Jewelry .t Snecks ia Jn, „, ,jf &apos; ^&apos;"&apos; » fail to 8,.e the p^.jAudurponisoffcriiif,. r witliiii ISmilca.&apos; ONT, Sis tceniH &apos; oi-;at Proton bargains J. o. ^VrishtH stand. lyre, under ; <5rey Farmers&apos; In Filb< er8&apos; and millers sh Stutiuii «>«<m. I&apos;rotou StiU,„u l>"U&apos;t fail to i^;;..^.Uo.WCedarlo«.,jLot:,H.c James "wpurtially. M,. p. ,„ &apos;"&apos;"&apos; of z.,ore than ordi. Ai-ijly to â- :---«r column, ,r;^;ri^: pr :c- â€" "-&apos;S": *â€" lpW.etoxC""*"&apos;^"&apos;--- taâ- â- LoJ&apos; .J*"&apos;&apos;" &apos;&apos;•â- â€¢&apos;•"&apos;"J c-»ta. to. .^&apos;&apos;â- &apos;"a>,dS-ayod",„t,,,T,„,„Halli Fl i- c i «i<Btt»i M.\RKDALE, CiRD OF &apos;Ms ! !-♦ I 1 ^fn&apos;Ptrance hall hero ^&apos; ^&apos;y. which ,iveH it ,uite a cosy, bom j &apos; "^^^^^^^^^^ -â€" 1 &apos;T "-"&apos; &apos;-&apos;" --"-. to Klesherton &apos; ten dollar suit or overâ„¢&apos;/"!: &apos;^^ &apos;"^ f^ &apos; &apos;&apos;.&apos;" &apos;&apos;»!-"- "&apos;" l-lpit of the MSodis^ LtZ"" ""&apos; "&apos; "" "^&apos;=""-&apos;- - (JeukiuH, „.. an old lady of aboafc 70 &apos; ^&apos;&apos;?" «^&apos;ther. lard of Tliaiik.^ the Tn thanking my cu.stoujers for thcin -r " •upplytht 1.1 with th&apos;. foliovvingcel^-; m>. C. wrWr]ii{17t7«&apos;&apos;iro~U~Ittcudiu8 biatadmachiues, viz., , I the Toronto School of M.Miicine, c»me ir --"or overcoat for fiye L^&apos; IhllT&apos;" "&apos;"&apos;&apos;"&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;* "&apos;&apos;"&apos;« &apos;&apos;^^^^^^^^ Wyou„,iHsthee„tertainm,anti„ w„od^ &apos; "•• .mcerely thank the FWiert, i Mr„Ju.><.ntlio,,u.tob.equics,,f ;&apos;:""*• . u.~..i.._ ... &apos;"y «"" an 1 »«u«,„„«,.>i^„J^„ le Jonluv" .- - n . .111. .Tirs Such kiiidu Al.» sympathy, rcam,„t«.,.,nf.; i" ... H.r.;:,r ^;*« z â-  »â- --.. «^ „ »»n an 1 ruspe.t. nijtjt. &apos;"HN n&apos;HlTI.V. home for a few days vacation ou Satur- day last. Mr. Milucr, Mayor of Brampton, aud Mr. Dick, Register of Peel Co. aud founder of the Braiiiptou BaiiuiT, died at their residences. Brampton, last week. The Toronto Light ]»inder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky llak.?. The Masscy Harvester. The X!a:-;.<i&apos;y Mower. The Tolteu I&apos;eu, Harvester. The Fox Pi^a Ilarvesler. Hamilton â- â- â-  C&apos;onihiiiation I&apos;low. Tolteu&apos;a Centre Draught .loiutor! A good farm over iu Holley&apos;s ueigh- Plo^. Ixirliood. .Vrteiiiesia, to rent. Call ou Hamilton&apos;s Scufflors. Mr. Roger Lever, Klesherton, for partic- Hamilton&apos;s Moss tiaiig Plow. nlars. See odvt, iu another column. Wisniu-&apos;s Spnii&apos;&apos; &apos;I&apos;ontli Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. Next \veek we will publish a few iu- A full stock of Ukpaiks alwnys on torcsting extracts from p. very "newHy" &apos;"&apos;•"&apos;&apos;• I letter received by a friend from Mr. W. Parties requiring any of the above&apos; H Klder, who. with his family, is visit- will do well to call and iuepect Mach- &apos;"K »" California. ines, wiiich will be found in Sproule&apos;s warehouse. The second youngest child of Mr. Wni. llaruhouso, Fleshcrton, accideii- tally swallowed a small glass bottle one day last week. No serious results have, . _ "/ aj- yet, followed the remarkable occur- o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo â-  reuce. A. S. VanDUSEN membcridiip werulaid ou the IU.>coriler&apos;H table. The growth of the ItMlga during tile I last year has been steady and sub- stantial. , - Fl.KSHKKTON. FOlt Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPEX, dc, Look here ! You can buy factory cottons for U cents ])er vard, all-wool scarlet fl luuels for 10 cents per yanl. Heavy factory Hanucls from 19 to 24 c, Dress goods from 5 cents i>er yard, and all goods cheap at Richardson Jt Co&apos;s Clearing Sale. The Royal Templars s|K>ak very high- ly of the inauncr iu which they were treated by our town line friends. The Courert held in the l^choulhouse in the evening was a grand success. Very few school sections iu Orey possess better native talent. The Klesherton vocal- ists %vere iiiiich appreciated. .\ny one in need of Watches, Clocks, ,Ie\velry, Silverware, ^Spectacles, Violins, Pil)es. Purses iic., will do well to call at Russell&apos;s noted ji&apos;wehy store, Klesherton, whore they keep the finest stock at the lowest prices in this county ; the only place to get your watch repaired proper >y- The TemiK^rancti cantata, "Lost and Saved, " under the direction of Prol. Morgan, promises to l)e one of the fiueHt entertainments ever given here. You should see it. The band will be in at- tendance in full force and give some of their best selections, ou Friday evening I 11th iust. I Spint, u&apos;l&apos;o r, "To 1 &apos;"&apos;&apos;"â- &apos;• â-  &apos;&apos;â- â€¢ i &apos; """"&apos;•J&apos;^ &apos;^- ^8«&apos; â-  utt»-u »uiiT» ,«u&apos; «}i<ityrf<&apos;il ^(..•&apos;wv^u.i^. I , .. ^... ,„ij;^~:;:::^r=. ^- -- I wood with his bend, sinitaining two i Pktriaroh. occupied the chair very acvey .seriouH gashoB in the scalp. The vehi- i^hly. The program conHisted ..f a cIiok • cic was righted an<l driven to the Sta- [ ,i„d varied selection of vecal and nistr tiou, whore Dr. Christoe was 80«m in i montal niusic, readings, recitation, and .i attendance. | regular oldfanhioned spelhiiK mateh. ,., „ -., . ., ! Mr. C. ,/. Spriiules uuitar solo an.i Tw-.1lurrow ^l|{ht. ....„ ,, , ,„ ., &apos; nill Laniphull R m(mth urgan Toniorrow (Kriilayi night, under the auspices of the La<Iics&apos; .Vid of the Pres- Go to RUSSELL&apos;S Notrd |i-,\velry Stc^e, Fi.ksherton, byterian Church, &apos;lere, the really excel- lent sneriMl Dramatic Cantata, "Lost ami Saved." will he reiiilereil in the Town Hall. Klesherton, under the im- mediate (liiei&apos;tioii of Prcif. Morgan and Mr. las G. Russell. Wu think we can safely i>rnuiise the p\il>lic a good treatf â€"one worth nineh more than the price of admission. The cantata is full uf rich Temperauct.&apos; gems, contains a num- ber of sparkling choruseN. ami a rich vein of humor runs throughout. There art! three acts and some six in seven scenes. Viewed from a jiurely ilrama- tic staud)ioint, it is liiteresliug iiiid sprightly ; including lln^ vocal and in- strniuontal music, it furnishes a delight- ful evening&apos;s entertainment. The mor- al tone is sound. The presence of Klesh- erton Ihass Hand will add much to interest of the concert. .Vilnii.ssioii Zi> See bills for particulars. where you will see the iiiiest stock at the lowest prices in this eountv, and notwith&apos;^tandini;- the very low prices, they letermined to "ivc a discount of is "er cent, on all cash ,&apos; are t ^Ve regret to learn that our esteemed noighbor, Mrs. Symons â€" sister to Mr. Win. HaiuhoMse is prostrated with ill- ness. During her brother&apos;s illness she exerted herself beyond her strength - the more especially as Mrs. Diiriihonse &apos; the hotel strictly aceonhui V as visiting friends in Toronto at the | visions of the license .lot. time. Mis. Symons speaks in feeling says he can furnish amply terms of the great kindness of the pi&apos;o of Klesherton to her. Hut she de &apos; serves it all ar.l more. solo Wcr..: intereslinc features. Miss Christoe ih-t er Kany lictter. M&apos;»» Kawcuit recitei. Well. Klesherton Brass Band .sureuude,l the untirt! c<>ni)&apos;nny. Reficslinieiit.s \v«|,. serveil about H :.&apos;!<) and they were of tji.- 1 best kind. We nearly forgot toadrl, that Mnst<;r Krank Vaiil.)u.&apos;)eii :ind (ieorye I Pickell carried off lirst and seconil prize < respectivuly in the spelling iinitch. I The merchants of the village of Ulytii * learnt a lesson by exjieriiMice. .Vfte: i struggling along for several years, Ih/* j publisher of tho newspaper there wan ] compelled to c|uit because tlu&apos; iiierchantr. j did iiot;;ive him si:thcientsupiiert. Thev thought that a paper woidd be printei&apos; &apos; there whether they supported it or not. &apos; and a jiaper was no use to the villagi I anyway I The jiaper cea.sed piililieiitioo I anil now these same inerehaiitssfe tliii: j big mistake .and th"y are eoiupelled tu I put their hands in thiiir pocln t.s t.o !ii&apos;l)> to start another. I&apos;hey will i)eiliup>. tl,.. have to spend three times as mucii to i/iie 111- 111 . I estalilisli It as would have been mr.s sary to givi&apos; a liberal siip[iort to the muh cents, children 10 cents. Doors open I they allowi;d to collapse. A conteuipo at l:iH). to commence at H o&apos;clock sharp, rai y discus.sing on this matter wimls it. by saying: "It is to be remeiiiheiii&apos; that it costs nioiicy to run a newspaper, i. 1 â- Â» I 1 land if support is not iiccordeil it. the •III bill pha tic l»<Mlial. i journal cannot exist. This impoiMir. Mr. i;. Linley. hotel-keeper. Maxwell, &apos; matter will present itself iu ipiite a .iii- all.-d ,vt our ottice on Moiidav and gave f&apos;&apos;"&apos;"&apos; &apos;&apos;«&apos;"• &apos;&apos;^&apos;&apos;"&apos;&apos;â- " &apos;^ nothiiio tl.,i:, a-. ists the [irooress ol a town more than .i, llewsjiaper, and the fact should beboriie &apos; in mind." ,, , ^„,.., .^ GRE.\TSAT.E. around the honsi! at all. a â- 4 c a most eiiiphutic ileiiial tu the state- i ineiit of our correspondent that ther<! I was any dice-throwing in his hotel, .says he does not allow dice to he but tries to run pur- .&apos;=ales of $i.(io and over come and secure .some of the har- ^j;ains an d don&apos;t tor^ct it is (he only place to ^et your Watch- es, Clocks and jewelry Repaired Properly. EUSSELL&apos;S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESH ERTON. Karly on Sunday moriiing last oiu&apos; streets were iu such a slippery condition as to render pedestriaainiu a ililhc iilt and somewhat dangerous The .Agricultural Kditor measured five feet ten inches of a sidewalk on Colling- wood street iu the space of about three seconds. He then took |tho Jniddle of the road for it. where he maintained an ecpiilibriuiii in keeping with .solf-posses- sion and dignity. to the pro- T / - t I 1 Mr. Linley .I&apos; <^ &apos; &apos; Andcfson haviii- proof as to! chased &apos;&apos;^^&apos; -Stock ol 1). I", the tnithfulness of his statements, and ; Wrii^ht&apos;s al aUCtit)!! ill Toroll asks us to recpiest our correspondent to i tO, ilt 5^ CeiltS Oil tile dollai vf&apos;trai t his statemonts or he will havewJU fo]- [\-]f^ ncxt ^O daVS Sel to ajipcal to another trihuual. \\\ .Mr Linley wants, he says, is lair play and eipial justice meted out to him with oth- er citizens. IMod. S.vMPi.K. - In .\rteniesia, on Sunday, (Ith March, the wife of Mr. John Sample, aged- years. (We extend our Kympathy to .Mr. Sample in his bereavement. ] &apos;the entire stock at piiccs neV- icr before heard of. • Thu Goods must be sokl at some {price as I do not intend stay- ling longer than wdl clear the ! stock. So, to Kct the benefit I of the best choice, come earI â-  LY AND OFTEN. I WRIGHT&apos;S OLD STAND. \

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