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Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1887, p. 5

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" 'f^lIlT'" THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [Feb. 24, 1887. : V* m % r I I â- j- h*M. 1 I ii OKprcy Council. The sucoiid nieoting of this council wa8 held at buverghaiii <m the 14th Fel).,l.S87. Members all i>ruKuiit. Minutes of last meeting iidcii)teil. â-  ': By-Law 149 appointing Township ofti- •ccrs was passed. Oversoera of Highways. J. Jackson, G. Oruniinett, H. Black, T. Taiisloy, J. McRau, R. Key. C. Napier, W.Sprott sr., E. Nurnian, W. Gipgimjr., J. Irish, J. 'Cronibie, S. Priddol, J, Moore, A. Ken- ny, R. G>Tiy, J Blakey, J. Gordon, F. Winters jr., J. Silloy, T. Heatty, J.Doug- las jr., H. McLean, J. Wheeler, E. Mc- Collum, J. Clinton, D. McFarlane, H. Lamnnd, S. Scott, T. Gnmey, W. Guy sr., J. Keid, R. Kinner, H. Soniberger, L. McDonald, A. Robertson, J. Tnksti^r, •G. Hale, R. Kernnhan, C. Edwards, J. Conn sr., D. Loughead. T Stephen, E. Hanley, J. Crawford, H. Davidson, M. Dand, J. Parka, R. Milligan, J. Bowins, -J. Crawford, J. Silley, G. Ottowell sr., W. Mullen, R. Pinch, T. Brown, U.Stoll â- J. Froetliy, C. Barbar, R. McGirr, Q. Miller, N. Fergu.son, E. Currie, A Cani- •erfin, E. Gosneld, 8. Taylor, VV Hamil- ton, W. Service. Fence Viewers. J. Winters, W. Sproule, J. Freethy, J. li;lliott, H. Mc- Donald, H. Hudson, Vt. Armour, G. Al- .ister, W. Kinner. Pound Keepers. R Davidson, E. Lin - ley. E. BlauKstock, J, Nowiove, R. Brownlec, E. Mcl-ean. â-  ' • ' â- '* ' ' Speers.McIiityre.â€" That the Clerk be instructed to draft a by-law to detiiiu the â- duties of Fence Viewers. Taylor, Hudson.â€" That H. Roberts be refunded 71 cents taxes collected assdiown ill error between .4ss. Roll and schedule. Taylor, Hudson.â€" That By-Law 241 be and is hereby repealed. NoTK. â€" This by-law reduced Statute Labour one third. Speers, Hudson. â€" That the Clerk in- struct the C. Treas. to erase ilie taxes of 188<; charges against Lot 16 Vic St. VV. Feversham and that the same be paid to the Tp. Trea.s. Taylor, Mclntyre. â€" That the collectors time bo extended to the next meeting < f Council. Hudson, Mclntyre. â€" That tho Audi- tors Report be .adopted and printed in the ii'.iiiutes. Orders issued. J. Sterling 68ctii. tjple- gram. H. Roberts 71 cents refund of taxes. M. Curts Auditor 811.0a C. McLean Auditor $7.00 Council adjourned to meet at Mcln- tyre on 21st Muroli. Population per assessor's return im; 3171 AsRosscd value of real property 9 600.300 Pei-sonal 4S70O $044000 County tax for schools 8470 00 Trustees tax for schools 4087 50 County and Township tax 5151 15 ToUl taxes 89708 66 ASSETS. Balancaon hand 5 Feb. 1887. . .8 29 30 Arrears of Taxes 4970 20 84999 02 UAnlLlTIlW. County Rates unpaid 83r)5 20 Wm. Milne, Twp. Clerk. IiiistioKO. Frum cnir awn Corrnsjiondent. Dr. Jamioson held a l'olitic.-\l meeting nt S. S. No. 4, Artenie.tia, to discuss the great political qiiestioiiH of the daj', on Thursday the 17tli. Tho Dr. was lui.sist- ed by Mr. .1. Ried of Toronto in dfl'.'ud ing the John A. (rovciiunrnt while W. Hanie,s, T. Wright and W. G. Pickoll spoke on the Reform side. Mr. H, Ariii- slrong occupied tho chair. Tho meeting was a very orderly one considering the lunnber of "Ueil Iliads' which attsndad it. Tlicre will be a clioi^so factory built alwut one mile north of hero in tho spring with Mv. T. T-ilbot I'li^^ident. Mm. Jame^Patt'in, who lias beirn, very ill fur siimi' wnic back is recovering. Tlmn! WJLS 11 imrtiii;; hold ill S. S.. No. 4, .Arfi'innsia, last Sahnilay to consider whethor tho Ross liihlo was to continue to be road in the school or not. We were not there but have got a full account of the procuedings. Theni were aliout forty of till) j'atepayors iitoscnt and ipiite a dis- cussion followed nud as there were mutin- ous, plebeians the crowd the wind got very high and the terms "Sor" "Shake you like a rat" "Rebels" were froipiuiitly used. Aitor tho wind had been exhausted the following resolution iiipved nod pas.scd tliut the whole scripturqs and nothing else be read in the «ish(iol. Surely S. S. No. 4 will be relig- iiiUf after this.. lit ON YouB Oi'ARu. â€" Uoii't allow a cold in the lii-a'i to slowly ami surely run into Catarrh, when you ran he cured for 'iHc. by usiiiK Dr. Ohase'6 Cabirrh Cure. A few apjilications cure insipient ratairh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinnry catarrh ; 3 to ft boxe« is (guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only •Hi cents and sure core. Sold by all dfaltri. FOR PYSPKHSI,\ and I.ivor Complaint, you liave a printed nuurantee on every bot- tle of StiUoV's Vitalizer, It never (ails to cure. Sold at Medical ilaU. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O'enti'e CS-i'cy EIjECTION. Dfremltr L'Sth, lUSti. .^bKcraot of i^tatoinent of F.lertion I^XPflnFefi, tncir.Teil by unrt n>i Imhnlf nt JusKi'K RuliKE, F.aii.. aoanilldateMsaid Rlectiun. I'fiia P. intiiiK «70 :« •• r.iv..ry 3 00 " Hi.iit of M«il« : one " rei'Hinal EXjiuntes 42 00 «124 .14 sipiie'j. JDsrpH nor.Kn. rnmiiiuto. M. UICHAUDSO.;, FinBncinI ARcnt. CHAS. It, MonitK. Iteturniiii; OiBcer. Owen Soiinit. Fob. 22na. IBST. &AIIM to RENT. xyjyj ouprey, about 03 acres claarud aud in good HtHte of fill tlvtit ion: aIjoiU Ii. acrrs seodcd uoHii ; ynmif. orchard, about flO ti'et-s, coinmonc* fntr tn bear. Ooiid hoyro, stotio Mnkhf)ui*e. Stables, Kood vattr. l*rivlla«e of cuttinK and wAllnif; wood allowed to tenant. For term* and particulars, apply to WM. HKNDKRSON. 3t. Wareham P.O. J. B. SLOAN Has n.ny quaiiiii]i of Shin- gles, ^c. on hand at Ea^enia. Cheap iot* CJash. LITTLE FALLS Saw Mill ! IN FULL OPERATION. Special attention given to custom work, so that parties delivering log.s to be sawn, can have their Lumber for return load?. SAW LOGS BOUCillT. WM HOGG. Feb. 23rcl, 1887. Day and Night During an aoute altuck of Itroixliitl't, a ccasclesis tickling tiv tho tlii'uat, and an e.xliuusting, dry, liiicking rniigli, alllicC the sufferer. .Sleep i.s l,)anl.'dicd, and great prosttralion (oiio\v.>. This Ji,'.i'a.'<i' Is iiNo attended with llouraencss, iiiid '.oiuetlincs Loss o( Vulce. It l.< llabli! to hecomo cliroiiie,, Involve tlic liini,'s, iiiiil lerniiiialo fatally. Ayor's (lurry reeiimil alVords speedy relief and euru in iiiisos of llitm- cliitis. It controls the (li!i|>o>itioii to cou;{li, and imluees refrei.liliig sleep. I liavo been a iiraeliein^ i'hy>ielaii for twi'nty-four yeais, ami, for llie piist twelve, liavn KUlteieil fiDiii iiiiiimii uttaeki of ltn>nc;liili>. After e.\liuii.''liiig all tlio usual remeilles Without Relief, I tried Aycr's Cherry reetnnl. It Iielpeil nil) iiiniieilialely, iiiid ^Heeled a s| ily cure. â€" ti.hloveiill.M. I).,' anolltoii.ill-i. Ayer'sCiierry I'eeloral N ileeiileilly tlio best' remedy, wiiliiii my kilowleilps for chronic llroiiehitl-i, ami all liim; <li«ea-t;s. â€" .M. .\.Hiist, M. I)., .Sonlh I'aiii, .Me. I was atliieked, last winter, willi a severe Colli, whieli, fioiii exposiiie, urew Wor»o und linally setlleil on my l.iiiiiis. Ily niiilit (.wcats I was rediienl almost to a skeleton, Jly ( 'niii;li was ini'essaiil, und t freiiiieiilly spit hloixl. Aly |iliyslei:in told nin to five up luisiiievs, or I would not Hvo a !''onlli After tid.iiii; various reme- dies withoui relict, 1 was linally Cured By Using tw,Oi,botlles of Aycv-s (.'lieny I'leloriil. I inn now in peiYiet heallli', and aide to resume lui-ine-*. after lliiviii;; been pro- noiinei d ineiiiMlile xvitii (.'oiisiimptioii.â€" S. r. Henderson, .'^atilsliurgh, I'emi. For years I wa« In a deeline. I li.-ul Weak Ulna's, and stiirered from HmiieliitU and (alarrli. Ayer's ( lierry Pectoral re- stored me to iiealtlt, anil I kuvi^ lieeii (or a loii;{ time eoinpar.'itiviOy viiforous. In case of a sudden eold I iilwax s n-sort to the I'eetoral. and liml sinedy relief.â€" Kdvvard K. Curtis, Kutlaiui, \'ti Two vears nsro I siiU'ored from a severe Tti'omhftls. Tile plivsieiaii atliuulinx me heeame feurfnl that tjio dlsesse wiaild ti'i- tninatc in Pneumonia, .\fler trving vari- ous medielncs, without henelit, he tinallv prcsrrlhed AVer's C'hern- I'eelond, wlilch rellevei^nie at onee^ I continued to take this meilieinn a short time, and was cured. â€" Kniest C'olton, Logiuisport, Ind. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rr<'p»rrU tiy Hr J. ('. Ayrr fc Co., I.owcll, Mata, Bold by all DruigUK. Price llj ililMXtlMiti., SELLING OFF AT COST ! In order to clear out my present stock of Mens, Wom- mens and Childrens BO OT.-> & SHOES, I am offering Three or Four Hundred pairs at very greatly reduced prices in order to make mom for Spring Importations. VITM. GImAYTON, - Flesherton. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, t'LEKHEK-TOlV, FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, 6ET YOUR MEAT t-FRO.H-i Fetch & Mitchell, GENERAL BUTCHERS, FLESHERTON! C=s'Cash paid for fat cattle, &c., &c. ^cdiral. DR. CARTER. M.C.l'. .!c.'^.,O.NT. PUYSICIAX, SIRGEO.X, &c.. FLESHERTON. 0(Bc«, Stralli't hlook, Kesirtenco, Win.Wrigbf* gtuti^try. J.P. MAKNUALL. L.U.S DKN riST, GltADfATF. of Toronto School of Dentistry will he adL^f arkdalu the iHt and ard Wedncit- (layof usvh iuotith, aud at KleHbei'tou on the 1st sud 3rJ TUursiTiky in each month for tho practice of his profesHion. J. W. FROST, LL.B-. Btii'fiKter, Solicitor, Conveyancer. Onlee,â€" strain's Building, FLEsnKKTON. .K. A. CUEaLEY. Solicitor and CoDveyaucar. Kfltidrnt Maua^jer. Mil. PR08T will iMi found at the Offlco on ThQTMdavs as her.^tofor^. AU. KINDS OF ? Such aa Jloiiuinciits, Tomb Tables, Hcad.stonea Conntor and Tiiblo Topsâ€" iti American and Italiau Marble and Granite, and made on »hort notice. Also iLmtles in Marhio and Marbleized Slate, &c., ika. Fiusii^rton, Aui;. 30, 1883. Health for all. HOLLQWAV^PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS Purify tbo llIooU, corruut all Disordsra of the Liver, Stonincli,. Ivlcln'yw, ixntl JBowbIk. hoy invigorfttoan'l roHtcro to health L>oliiilt«H»d Cnn-vilntionH, an.l nri* iiivalnHlilo in all C'oui plaints iuuiduutal to Kouialus u( all a^vt. I-'or C'luliiruh and tbd oaetl tiisy aru priculvss. rHE OINTMENT (lOiit rtiid Rht>tnuatiHin. For MitionU m ot the ('he.4t it hsn iw visual. ForSOllE TIinOAl, BROJ^ChUTlS. COl'UIlS, (CQLUS aiaMdulnrSwollIiigs.nnd all Skill DiseasiiK it hn> nn rival; and fur eontraotml and •tlir joliits it tMftn like a oharui. M.iniifactured only abProfuSAOr IIoLLtiWAT's Hiitabll.'.lmic nt. 7H. Now Oxfonl Street <lal«> i»:W. Oxfortl Sirrrt ). l,on«l(»n, aud arc sold at 1». IJil.'Js. 9.I., ti>. r»I . lis., 22n.. nnd m^j <',i(li liox or I'ot, and m«v he liml of all tied «in,' Vendors thronchont the World. ^30* P^wclutten slunMI'tuli U 'hi- Lahi-I im Uir Sfntii niul Hoxki. If the addrfvi U not .'/.!â- ','; (hfnril SfifA, Liitulmi, tJuri ari: »/>Hri(i«j«. Cauadiaii Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. Tiikitig Hjfecl, M<md,nj, July 27.lh,.lSSC. GoliiK North. ST.VTlUNH. Mail Kxp. i MUud. tiironto Luavu 7 tAatu 'l.^))>In ( .trdnwll Junction Charliiklon., OrauHu- 1 AriiVB ville. I* t.oavo' OrHHCUVili* .luiiottou shfslhnrnti IJuiiilulk . , Fi.rsTii'.iiTON, .,„ ,, ,\[arkftrtli^ Wlllianisford Chatttworth Owuii Sound UtIS â-  10 Oj luviu " 'lOM •• MW " juiia" ,.. 'ittT" '13M" liaaipn! .. ItaB" ArrivB 1 OA " O.W • 43 ' 7 ii:t • Tii • t M ' HIM ' H .Mil ' S 1.-. • 9 10 â-  9S« ' 9 W ' 10 30 • -"-1 J. W. BATES, f.- I Furniliiic healvv and lli Undertake/', FLESflKHTtlN*. - " . OXT. 3 = 3 5^ Tliorou>;li-Hiiil BERKSHIRE BOAR I Goiiicr Hfmth. â- â- â- â- > ' HT.\TIl)NH. (fxti. I .Mail. Mixed Owon Sound... ......tioavo filUani 'JjOiinii ChatKwortli 8 10 • :i07 " I WilliiiiiiHtord I oas â- ' I S.tO •' i Mftikaulu ., 947" S.'ii " Fi,K,su;nToN 70a " i 406 '• D'imlalk TSO " • 4. HI " 1 Shiilburne T^ •' | 4.^7 " > Ornni{uvillo iliinotioo 623" 583" Orniinu-l .VriiTO , ] 8 30 " 5 ;i,'i " , vllln, I l.oavo i845" .'S .W " Charleston I 90S " 6 1!) •' I Cnrilwtill .JnnctJon ] OilS " i ftUO " Toronto „, .Arriye.lQiB " i « 10 " WITH fCHHl I'odit'rcc will Mnn^l r..r n.nfoil of l»«tl-7 at Lot .\i>. U\ Urst Haniio !:«!<' of Tor- onto iV Svd.uliam lioud. .Vrtc'iiiusiit. Tuiiiis on ainilicntiou. JACOB A. LP.VEK. apvlicntum. (!iK3-ai») FOR SALE. 9* acrc< 1 J iniliis from Flushortm. (iond Knrm f rain,, dwell ing, 7 vonni*. fnod ii'lUi, i;(ioil«t»l.lo a iH'vorfalliiiu'mirlni,' iTcok. Teiiii« «n»y, Kor liariicnlHr^aiipW to W. I liKlil.AMV, I'losbor- ton, or to t', \V. li);LL.\.\tY, Markdale, W. WWIfTE, OWlSitp't. D. McNICObL, Orn'i.P*«b.Aot M-inev to Loan. .If ';.J Per f'riit. Int-ri'M ,.n Stnthht /.ofiti. nMTH Intnroiit p.iid yearly, not in advanoa.No '• cominisiiou cbariiod. .Vpply to A.URIER. - TIIOJtKBI'RY. James Sullivan, TheTiusmith, - Flesliertoa Hanairing. r.avxtrouKhinii.and iiifart evrry- ttiiiiK ill the huHiiiens will rorolvn my prompt and earrfnl stteiitloa at rawtxiMblit prices. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, <fc: Office, over noFarlaiMl's Store, Markdalc» .Honey to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, BVUUISTEKS, SOLlCtTdltS, Ac OKricEs â€" f)wfln Sound. In Viokor'n blocK Poiilstt St.^ Uranch otilce in Markdale. over Mu Karlaud* store, on I'riday and Saturday uvury week. J .\LVSSOS, q,C. S. M.VS80S, W.M.ABSON N II,â€" PriTate A Company's funds to Invast at from Six to Ei«bt par cent. John W. Armstrangy FLKsnEHTON, Co. Qnitv. TVIVISION COI'UT CI.ERK. COMMISSIOSEU X' ill 11, U.. Conv.?yaiici'r, Ac .\Kent for iMircha.- avl "air of InndH. .Vppraiipr fi>r(' I.. C Com anil K, H, B. A- H, Socii'ty Money to Loan mi the iii.iHt reasonable titrni.. Isst ^.u of M.VItUlAtiF. Lk'liNSKS. NOTAUY PLliLlC ANDREW McGIER. Issuer of Marriage Licenses,. FEVER^^HA.W, . •NT.. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. Ct.rilK AKTKMKSH. Q(\yvEYASi'Ei:, coMMissioym:, LS':iUliAy('E AGT, df. •FV-;Ki;ii,MlDRT(iAaKH. LEASKS. itc. prepnr- i* c.i iind properly executed, InNuranre stffc- fd iit rir-«t'claH8ccinpaiiius, Money to lend at owuxt rates. XEW LIVERY! TliK uiHlnntiunix) 1m>»{« ti> aiinoi.nuti that ho hA« 8t<irtud a f1r^tclasK Livery ill tlto stand op- positn MiinsltawH Hotel, KltT<^litirtuu, whurd tUo tr&wUiit^; )>ublic onu bo accoinisMlated witD eood rIgB atid borses at niaat riuuiCDablo {>rice*. Try uio and bo conviuutd. nofipectfully Ntnirs. W. H. JOHNSTON. FK'Khcrton.SoT. IDtn, liwo. Piftiirc Framiii!;, .A''eatLy, Choajthj <V' Quick- til l)/nir'. I)ti J. Bs MOORS, Dnfhnln St , Opposite Clayton'" HarnesB Shsp. MONEY TO LOAN. ^Vt « I»oi* Cent. On Town or Farm Property, 8. DAMl'DK, Flasbarton. t"BELL" mm Unapproachetl for Tone and Quality. OATALOQUE8 FREK. BELL&CO.,Giieipii,OaU l^ ^ A« |i«ite_^ai^ ,,|f.WV^J**^. <'*"-V^' â-  iiiiiiitfa Mfc I I ritt ^ '

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