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Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1887, p. 4

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'•>• THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. >- - 'i../> » I nnTTCI V A OTm nur M ronnd on mo at a«a. XtU9 Jrillr Xiu p. ftowell k Cu'i HewapBpef •OBUMU BUtf k* mad* Mr U » iUIW VOSJC tÂ¥e advance. Xb pubUshod livei'y 'riiursday, Fhom the Office, â- CoUingwoMl Strtet, â-  - FlesherUm, Ont. TKltMS OF BUBSCKIPTION i tl per auiiiiiu wliiiii paid strictly in advance $1.60 per auuuiu wlit-n not so paid. A. K. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. FEB. 24. 1887. Mr. Braiider's Letter. Tu the Editor of The Adnttice. Mr. Editor.-In reply to '•The Tatch- ".r," I feel like apologizing to yourself & »«e;iiler8 fot occupying apace in the columns «jf yo*jr valuable paper in again taking up tliia matter. Am ulaJ yoU have decided to jjive us the [jrivilege of replying to his base and cowardly attacks which he would not have dared to make exccjjt tiiiiikini; himself sliielded from reply. He Haunts the streat truism 'Truth is miLihty' and yet Iiis communication is on- ly remarkable for its absence and he ban- dies about the name of His Satanic Ma- jesty with a very near friend. The Teacher thinks he kept his religious op- inions, or the want of them, very close, only speakim; of them to three persons in this section in three years. The opinions expressed to me were total unbelief in the fundamental principles of Christianity a.s held by all the branches of the christian church of which I know. Of the case of measles to which Thr Tenehi r refers I will state the matter and leave the public to judge who acted in a spil'jful manTier. In the latter end of the winter 188C, my children took the lueasles. As soon as we were aware of the disease they wore removed from school and isolated from our business. The attack was light, their recovery soon completed, not requiring any medical at- tendance. After their recovery, each re- sumed their usual duties and were in contact with the school children from day to day, both in the store and on the street for between two and three weeks before •returning to school. The Teaclier went to Dr. Hixon enquiring about the risk of cootJiiiion. The Dr. informed him there was no risk a week or two afl(:r recovery. In the face of all this The Teacher com- pelled the Trustees to move in the mat- ter and demand from me a medicHl cer- tificate. The isolatitm had been so com- [)lete and the can^ so groat, there W'as not another person who took the measles. \Vt declined of course to procure a certifi' cate and quietly took the cliililien from school. Now, Mr. Editor, I leave your readers to judge who acted in the spiteful manner. Tiiere i.s a clause in the Sclioo] Act which says ''any scliohir that has had or has been exp<ised to contagious di.'- ease." Now, three- fourtlis of tho schol- ars were exposed, if there was any ri»l'. Before our children returned to school were they all required to produce a certi- ficate '( Nay, verily, and the poor teach- ing machine hides himself behind the school act. Tho Teacher rcftiinds me very much of the servant who wna lacking in common sense. Ilis master wrote hi.s orders in a book. In discharge of his lUitits, .fohii would frequently coiiault Iiis book. Ono day his master fell in the river and called John, John, help ! ere 1 cirown. .lohn answered back ''wait till I sue if bets in the book !" This Teacher ;ilso makes the .-statement that I acted as a bitter enemy, which is utterly untrue, as I never inter- fered with him cither directly or indiiect- ly. . I knew n(it anything of, nor had 1 any haiul in getting up cither the tirst, Kccoiid or third petitions for his ronu>val until the third was circulated for. signa- tures when I exercised my right as a rate- payer of tho section. He, Tho Teacher also states that I wrote over my own name to make the public believo I dirt not instig.atc the Prowler articles. This Mr. Editor is false. It , appears to nie Prowler is quite able to t.ike care of him- self. The shoddy Tgacher threw down the gauntlet . by insiiiuatioii.s against the business men of this phice, such as no gentleman would '•c guilty of and tbougiit ;is well to deny hi.s creed which he thduuht he had kept very closely covered in this section and then ho found mo to the front quite "headstrong" to shcpw anything underhand and false. He tells us I do not attend church because the uiiniifter asserted his authority itc. Again The Teacher makes another false state- ment, I retired because the Methodist minister made two falne. charges against a coniinittoe of. which I was a member He also states ho attended Sunday .ser- vices. VVell, we do not know whether this in true or not. In the history of the past we are, informed that Satan prosent- ed himself on siniiliar occaa-ionsi... Thia Twacher gives part of an account of ^ lbs of tea, perhaps I can supply the other part as I recollect an aiiotioii sale iuii.Hhop in the village by some »hoddy â- i(' p 'ddlers I know not whence they came, out of course the Teaclier attended them nightly, his [lurchases were numerous, re- markable and nearly as ancient as Meth- usahib, such as few other teachers would carry home. In fact his satchel was a complete curiosity shop. Ho persuaded our cook to use a drawing of his tea- There was very little tea drank that morn, ing, I am satisfied there never wivs any connection between that and the tea plant. The poor fellow gives us to understand he was taken in and we would advise him to leave off dealing with those trashy peddlers and deal with reliable houses, as we have in Priceville, particularly Braiider's. This Teacher seems hard to please, First ho objects because those who signed the petition did not bring some charge against him and now he blubbers like a school boy wo tell him what we think of him. For the last quarter of a century the Olubc has been saj'ing. Sir John must go ! The Mail ditto Mowatt must go 1 Still they are there. But when the ratepayers of Pricevillo said "The Tei.,lier" luust i/u he had to get up and git. Hoping I have not trespassed too much on your space or the patience of your readers. I remain, yours respeetfuUy, Jamw BKA..vnEK. "HACK.METACK," a lasting uad fraRront perfume. Price 25 and .'iO cents. Sold by .Mc^dical Hall. X NAS.\I, INMKCTOU free with each bot- tie of Shiloh's Catarrh Ucmedy. Price .")0 cent.s. Sold at Medical Hall. Next week, besides giving complete re- turns for the Dominion and a tabulated one of the Vote in the three Greys, we shall review the political situation in South Orey dining tho recent contest. In the meantime all the /(ic^s in connec- tion therewith are being gleaned from re- liable sources. A WoNnElirn, Oiin.w. The largest or^.in mid MiiH ili'il plavs a controlling part of the health o( l\w X.My is the liver. If torpiil or inactivp the whole jystpm becomes disiasi'd. l)r, ('licsp's liivi r Cuic is made spicially for Liver and Kiilncy disoast.T, and Is giiar- iiiilc'cd to curt. Itfcuipe book and medicine ?1. Sold by nil dealers. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMTDY-a poKitive euro fur Catnrrh, Piptlteria ami Canker Muuth. Sold at Medical Hull. Hat.t Khpum rcui'.n.â€" McGroRor & Parko*« Carbolfo C't-rato lias been tiind and found tu be the 'iiily positive cure for Uhouiii, PiinpU-B, lUotcliMH on tlio faco or handfl, C'ntK. lUirnfi, HniiKrH. or any Soro that nothiiif< else will heal. Try Mcdrecor * Part<e's Carbolic Corato. 25c. per box at the DruH Store. SHIL(»H'8CUHK \vill iiumedialely relieve Croup, \\'li(toi»in;i Couglj, aud Bronchitia. Sold at ModiCiil Hull. .•\nvicF. To .MoTHi'aJH.â€"ArB you disturbed at uiKJit iirul broken of your roht I)y a sick cbil<l suut-rinj^ and eryini? with vain of Cnttln^ Tenth? If BO Heiid atoncij and liot a bottle of "MrB. Win xlow'a Sootbinu Syrup" for Childrt-n Tcinthlni!. U:t valutj Ip incalcuriibltt. It will rulievo tbu poor little suffen V Iiiiiiii-djatoh'. Depend upon It, inotburii; thuro is no niiBtakc about it. It cur«« DyHOiitory and Diarrb<i;ii, regulates the StonVacb and Howols. cures Wind Colic. softeuH the (iunip, rodut'O-s Inlljanniatlon. and uivestone and energy to tho whole pyBtcui. "MrK, Wins- low's Sdotnin^i Syrup*' for uhtldrun teotliiiiK' iH pluasfint tothc taHte and fs thu nrt-ioriptioti of one of tho oldoRt and best fonialH phvRielanB und nurseH in tlin Ihiit<>.d Htatu^, r.nd ih for Halo by all tlruKKi^l^f^ throudliont tho w>rlil. Prioo twenty-five contf a bottlo. He but*! and a^k for •'Mns. Winslow'b Soothing Syiit'P," and take no other kind. The First Sign Of fullhi;:; lioaltli, wlirllicr In tlio form of Niulit Swciita and ^^'l:l•voH.^^l•s^, or In a seu^c of Gi'Mcr.'d WeuiiiiesH :iiid Loss uf Appclitc,. should su.^igC't the use of Aycr.< ,Ssi''a|iiirilla. Tltis prcpiinitlon i.s niust efTeelivo fur glviii^j touo und strciiulh to llio eafcublcd system, pronioUu.^ tliu di;;c>llou mid itN.similatiouuf fooil, ri'stcir- iii{ tliu iiiTvou.s fi..i-<-i 3 In tlifir iioriiiiil ooiiilitioii, ii'.ul for i)in-lfylng, onricUiiij, und vitaliziu;,' the blood. Failing Health. Ten yeiiiBii'-'o my licMlth bo?iiu to f:ill, I W;is tVoiiblnl Willi ii (.lisl.i-i."^.' ColluOl, N'i.'lit .Swi^iils, WcaUni'ss, iiiiil Nervou*. iius>. I liictl varii>iis roiiieilio.-* iircviTibtd by dKTcrciil pliy<ici;ins, but bi'cMiiici so wc:iU Hint Icnn'ld not fro up Miois willi- out ftoppbiL,' to rist. My frlfiidt rocoiii- mcniji'ii mil Id try .\yi'r's .'^;ir.s:ipiirillii, wliicli I (lid, :iiiil I iiiii now us hoiillliv iintl Rtroiii; »-i eviT. â€" .Jli-s. K. L. Wilfiuiu-', AlexaiidriM, Jliim. I have usoil .\yoi's .Sarsapiirilla. In iiiv faniilv, for ,siiTi)fiil;i, ami know, if It k taken fMillifiilly, tliiit It will tlioroiijclily oriulli'iitelhis t'Tribleilisi'iisp. I liavii iilso pri'scriiicil it ns a tonic, us wi'll ns iiii nlli'r- atlve, iimi imisl sny tliiil I Iinnosilv liclii'vo It to be the bot blood nuiili<'i'iic ever conipoiiniliil. - W. V. I'owler. 1). D. b., Jf, 1)., Gn'i;uvillc, Ti'iin. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be imposKiblo for m^ to dj- scribe wli;it T siilbMed from Indigo.stii.ii and Ilpudiidic up to the tinu- I bi^-iiii tiiUlnir AyiT's S!ii-sa|i;iri!lH. [ wiis uiulur tlie rare of various pliysii'iaiis and iiitd a frri'ut ninny kinds <'if iiii'dicliics, hut luiver obtaiiii'd more tbnii tumpoi-ary re- lief. After tiiklii^' Aycr'sSar^apurllhi for a Hliort tiini', my lieudacho disii|ipraiTil, and my Mjiiiuih performed its dutii's iiiiiro prrfeotly. 'I'o-day niv lieulth Is com- jiletelv iiistoied.-^Mai'v Ilurlev, .Spriiiff- lleld* JIui-s. I linve been greatlr beiiefltrd bv tlin prompt lisii of AVer's Siirsapiirilhi. It tones und iiivl'/orales tlio sy.«teni , ii'iriilntes the act ion of the dlijestivn imd assimilutivc oi-^'uiH, und vitalizes the blood. It is, willioiit doubt, Hie most ivliublr blood p;iiitlir vi't dii<coverod.-TI. I), .lobiisoUf â- .m Atluiitic ave., Itrookljn, X. V. Ayers Sarsaparilla, Pr7iiarod hy Dr. .1. C. Aycr ,<: Co., I.owoll, Mnsii rrli'u m s six bottles, •». MEDICAL HAMi'S COLUMN. BOOKS, Books, Books. EVERYTHING NECESSARY FOE SCHOOL PUi'lPOSEiS. SCRIBBLERS, SPELLING BOOKS, SLATES, PEITS, PENCILS, :-AND-:- School Bags ALBUMS AND SYMN SOOiv0 ! A LARGE VARIETY BIBLES! TESTAffiENTS ! S FIRST QUALITY, AND A LARGE VARIETY. Wall Paper, CHOICE PATTEUNSAND CHEAP nORDKltlNOH, t'NSUil- PASSE ALL THE LIU DING PATENT Medicir leS. A LIMITED QUANTITY OF -irGOOli-:- TIMOl'HY SEED WAHrED. PRE8CIIIP CAREFULLY V 'IONS T UP. Cair and see for Yourselres. THE BEV. OEO. H. THAYKR, of Bour- bon, Iiid., nays: '•lintli iinsidf ami wifi- nwo our ii.:;s to SIlir.OII« CtJNsa.Ml'TIU.N CUllE." Sold at Medical Hull. Latlios troubled with Pimples Biotclira, Ruut,'*! handH or fftce, or Sores of any descrip- tion, should UHo MoGruffor & PurkoR Carbolic Coratu. It will loavo lh« hkiu in porfuet hualtb, sinonth, cb-aii and j;o("1 color. lit- surr and yul the f-tnintnt', nutde by McCircgorA- rarku. PrTco 25c. Sold at the Drun Store. SLKEPLESS NiailTS. ma<b- mis*»niMe by that terrible rouyh. Shibdi'» Cure ib the remedy for you. Sold at Medical Hall. Mo(;iiKGon & PAiUiK's Caiibomc Ckhati-:.-- Httvo you an old Koro, Cut, Uruihn, Corn, Huii- ion, Kait Uhuuiu, Pimple. Hiotehes, Kouf^h IlaiidH or Fiit^o".' If HO, tbure is hut ono cure, immuly, Mo(ironor & I'arku's Caibulic Curate. If yon but try it, It will coMviuce you, It costs but li.'ic. ut tho Dnn' Store. Have yon over tried Mcdrt-gor it Parko s Car- bolio Curato for soros of any kind? It is be- yond doubt tho very hewt prupanitit-in :n tho niarkot for healing; and uurint; riuit-s, llurns, CutH. I'impIoH, IMotchcH. and is tho only jiropor uiuthod of u\>plvbii,' Carbolic Acid, hold at the Drug Stor« for iI'jc. per box. LEITCHS TailoiiBsii: PLBSHBETON! Is the place to ^et your Sfidts made hi future. THE lARXETS. FLK.SlIEPvT C<i rrf'tt 1 1 1/ Cot't'cv.ted Fldiir I'iill Wheat Spring WliL'nt "arlcy Oats Pons Butter Egos, fresh PotlltOL'8 Pork Hay, per ton HidoB Wool ShenpfikiiiB G(?n.s(? Turlipys Clik'kcns per pair Duchs poi- pair ON. lidch »2 UO $11 Tot 75 (1 !;o -IH (I IG 15 10 SO 5 «0 10 00 C 00 10 40 ft."* 07 ;io no IVveh. to -Z 10 .0 75 7o 50 -JS 4(S -.5 IC xo 6 OH 10 "'1 7 00 IG 5<; 05 i) r,7 n HO so AT GORBOrVT'S IIAllNESS SHOP FLIiSlTEnTOy, You will (liul nil B'^sCrtnu'iit of Heavy and Lieht Harness. Whips, llrii!iliu!i, Curry Combs, Swo«t I'adH, ciikI tlio uok'liratoil "Harnc»H Oil." !S!«crOLLARS A SPEl'IAlTY.i^% Cbeap forCnsh. Call am] F.xamine. Maxwell Carriage Works. Tlios. A. Itlakely, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Painter, &c., &r.. WlKlifiB to annouiico to the imblio tlmt ho has Btartod tu tho ahovo bnsinuHH. .Ml orders proiniitlv anrt neatly attoiidod to. Ilopairliig anil I'aliitinR a si'ocialty. Sluip iioxt ilonr to .J. Little's blaCkvinith ahop. wliu will do all work lu oaniinctioii to tho above hhop. TirOH. A. IlLAKELY. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 1 nn iWM-os. heilis i.ot 24, Con. !l, Artuniisia, ad- ivu joiiiiiiK Town plot i>f KuKuiilii, :a a"ro? cleared, foucoil, and mostly Boodud liowii, (IhdJ Willi <)( nRVorfaiiiiiKwatureloHutoliinise. Vcmiii,' orctmiil. just cninmoneinK to lii/ar fruit. Frnmu hoiiBu, loK Btable, Htruuiii ut wattir on placi-. Tormaoasy. Kor paiticulnit. npjily to J. \V. IIOATH. Fob.9 1«S7. KligolllaP. O. SEED OATS FOR SALE, On Lot fi, Con. I.S, Osprny, l.flOO bimhids choice Tartar Oats, ^lOwn on fi-o»lily lirokon laud. Will bii roady fordeliviiry about ti'ii ilayB f.nm date. I'ririn, about2aor .â- lOctnts piir buHhol. Feb. 4th, 1IW7 ,Iamfh CnAwpoiiD. R. J. SPROUL, Fli-sherton. CiiiivciiiDiccr, Apjt^-discr. V id- iMtor and Momy lender. Uctdn, Mort- (li(iji:i, U-iiset and M^iUs draion np 'iiml yidiiitioiix muilr oil nhortest viitii-e. 'J'lir- (ji'i vvrtj low. Afiplij to Ii. J. SI'JiOLLL. Postmanter, Fle»liertuii. CLAYTON'S II ill\ESS SHOP I FLESHERTON, :;::, tu till' jihtce to yet ytmr Jltirnent Collars, «tc, nutde up in good utijle. Sliop in II'. Claytvn'ii Boot iL- Shoe Store, , Elesliertini. HARNESS HARNESS. ..If yon want Harness, Siiitjle or Doiiblo, or Horse lilankets. Trunks, 13e!ls, \'ansc.s, Curry Combs. Inrushes or the eek'bialid Hanit-BS Oil, call & examine before purchasing elsewhere. K J. WATSO^ . PllICEVlLLE. photography; MRS. BULMBR. Pholoi^rapJier, Flesherton, - Ont. Haviuf; Rpont Konie time in tho titudin of the fauiouH Toronto piiotojjraphor, Mr. S/J. Dixon wh*ac I Hfijuired \Tihiublo knowledge In lletou- chiiiK, I feel nssurcd I cnn (jive gord ponerai liatirtfactioii. Acull re^pectfnllv RoUcited. MIJ8. 15ULMER. Fleiberton, Sept. ITth, 1885. ^->I)? CHASES \^^ OftNDELIOH HAVE YOU Mver ComplHinl, T>y*p*;p^ia, liidipyMinn, I'-iliouxnoM, J.lUliilii:., licaiia^:..., llliil.^•^^â- . l..n in llic liiiclc, C'lSlivt uc-n, or my disc;,^ pilsirm frmii a iirraii'.'.d livtr, lis. i;i(A'.K''i l.lvtrLuiis \r.\\ lie found a >iiti and ccrtam r'-m i!y. MATJRE'S REMEDY Tbe unquaUlRil >u.,;, »<â- .•.{ 1 'f ( liaM'. I.i»cT Cure in Liver Cuiuijlau.i ii:m. • If'.y wiili ni-i fact it it cori|iou^iiltd fr..iiiii,i;ur-%".IM>nown liver rrRul.ilor'. MAMiKAKr .'.Ml IMni'P.i.I"V, coml/irt'd with nmny citlier iiiva^uj.,!!': r->.>'.. Si-.rkit ami lirrb*. 1 a»'inn a tinwcifijl tffiucl on iiK- Kiil It )*, .S >, IJowcl* und Illood. GOO, 000 SOLD Orrf out-l-alf ihu.'i0h / /â- '/•. Chau'i I\t>i/tc Tiookt • VJtrt i.)ld in CanUifii nicitt. It'i »"int r:f'y «M1, Koman niiif i7;//ii' rvfnr it /rvir^r./ '.vith i.ittr Com* i^ainl to try this cxcc.itnt yemtdy. SoMETHiNo New. Given Awat Frei Wrapped around every Ijotlle of Vit. Chiwe'* l.ivet Cure*. is a vaUialiie IlouM:!iold Medical Guide and Kecipc- Uook (fi-t pn;c^), cuiilaining over soo uM^ful recipes, proMiniin od liyinediral mm and drUi;Ki^t« as invalu- able, and worth icn timei* the price of the medicine. TPY CHASE'S Catarrh Cure, a safe and po^itive remedy. I'rnle, 25 t ';iil'^. .TUy Chase's Kidney and Liver Puis js ct«. per box. . SOLD BY ALL DEALERS It* BDMANSON * CO., •el* Ac*n«*, Bradford JT'lesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, PRorniETon Cash paid for fat Cattle and Slieep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Casli. Orders promptly filled. EUGENIA Real EstateAgency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repayment to suit borrower^. FARMS bought and sold. • . ; . ••'•^:' ! CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J,, Agent for the Norwich Fire . Insurance Society. AH : business, promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. OSOsQe, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. Iff* I HENRY MELDRUM, -*f- â-  C*i r^ ] ,! % f â- â- \ + I K 'ii iil^'"'-vti- n/A - .l(«wn ;** I 't'VlV,"'^.. r'"' \ !

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