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Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1887, p. 1

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FAWCETT - In Flesherton, on Sunday, Feb. 20th 1887, the wife of Mr. A. R. Fawcett, Editor and Proprietor of THE ADVANCE, of a daughter. 1^&apos;^.:&apos; f W>f&apos;V ;4 f-^&apos; t^^ -i-T-&apos; IH.-V •*»* M 41 ^ ADVANCE. â-  i&apos;.&apos;.hJi ;,._., â- ;:;&apos; VOL. VI., NO. 297 ^ â- :": f â- â-  -. ,. ti mUTH^HPOME FAVOH"-" PHIjYCIPLES, XOT M£A r -&apos;^•â- -â- A i .-. „ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 24, 1887. A. R. FA WCETT^ proprietor. Hampden Tit -Bits. Covsiatuig of Local and Other luteresiing Itetni ydtiieifl &apos;&apos;!/ TAe Admnce Repttrtera. 1 Get your Flour and Foe<l at Reefer&apos;s, Flesberton. Mr. J. AV. Henderson, tlio onerf;ctic >&apos;orth of Scotland Inspuctor, Toronto, \vaa in town on Tncsday. • â-  &apos;I &apos; AVc liad a plim^ant call from otir old frit^ud, Mr. II. Bull, aue.^tcnsivoTliorn- fbury iimnnfacturer, ou Tuesday last. Mr. J. W. D.-.-.;s, of C. School of In- fantry. Toronto, was liomp on a visit tbiH wtt<k. He rtiturnu J ou Tuesday 22ud. I Birth. FAWCErr. â€" In Fleshertou, on Sunday. Feb. 20th 1BS7, tlie wife of Mr. A. R. Fawcett, Editor and Proprietor of The Advahck, of a d»u{<hter. LunI Naraiiley Eilitor Adv&apos;ince : (1) When was Lord Macanlc^, the celebrated EukHsIi his- torian and essayist born ? ri\ When did ho die ? Sri&apos;DENT. [1.â€" 1800. 2.â€" 18i)9.â€" Ed. Advance.] Servant g.rl wanted, apply to Mrs. W. Irwin, Flesherton. >Ir. Wm, lieudurxou, Itas a ^uod farm Ih Osprey to rent, with privilofje to ten- ikht to cut and sell wodcI. Spo advt. Ilccep Ihe only (?omi)letc sl^Jt of|«l«^wbere^ &apos; .•!^&apos;;&apos;,-&apos;^ Y &apos; &apos;!&apos;â- " &apos; &apos; Aratricvin Wali&apos;lu^s, Clocks. t$ilvor- A f^raiid tea uiuctinf, aiider tlic auB- **â- &apos; pices of Preshytorian c&apos;.}mrch. will be &apos;held iu Fuverbhani, on Ti:cs&apos;lay, March «lier within 15 luiku SPECIALTIES iâ€"Wedding.Rium, Difficult Watch Repairing. \ f ""j „ ware&apos;, .laweky & Specks iu this tioti ot (Iroy. Can do bctt.^r ••cftSfi-oi â- credit" for the pnl»lic, tlian imy^ Jew Joumalisttf. The Old Quebec Daily Mercury comes to us in ail oniarged and inipruvud form thus giving cvideiKx- of renewed vitality in tile hands of Mr. W. J. Magnire its youthful lOi.litor and I&apos;sblisher. Repairing. ,i.„^,,, ^W&apos;. A. I3«OW]N, M.A.RKDALB, . - - - ONT. Itith next. A ^uod program has been prepared for the otcaBion. Mr. T. W. Wilson, of this villaf,&apos;e, went to Detroit ou Thursday last, where he has been un<,&apos;at{ed to work for some j time in a larf;e oarria^o factory. He will probably return to Flesherton in antnmn next. I&apos; â- O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOflOOOOOOOl 13&apos;Tlie be»t, clieapest and nicrt dur- j able Pianos, Or;;ans, Sewing Machines. n 1 nit AIH rni I life • | Waghinp Maohines, Ch.thes Wriui^era, I A 11 II llr lll&apos;WKN &apos;i^*&apos;&apos;&apos;>"<;^^»<&apos;<>>"e ^«&apos;&apos;<^><&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos; ""<i &apos;"^"ppt&apos;o"&apos; /•&apos;;*-«â-  ir»r »alu il C. TreiidL&apos;nUr.s, next house to . -^-, |](r. Wm. Strain&apos;s, Kicsherton. 3lu In thanking my customers forUieir] It is a good rule to accept only snch liberal pati&apos;onngo in tlio past, I have |f>j«liciaa» as sro known to bo worthy much pleasure in boiuf; still atle to|orconi!rioncc. Tl has Deen tl-p expor: supply them with the following cele- *«"<=« "f ^l"&apos;"&apos;**&apos;"&apos;* ""&apos;t Ayor&apos;s Cherry Pectoral is the best mciiciue ever used Everybody iio«1» a HfTi:j<; medicine. By nsiuf^ .\ yer&apos;s Sarsap.otilla, tlii> blood is thoroughly t-lw^ii* d apd iuvit;orated. the apiK&apos;tiM <ttnuo)<l. and tlio systrm jircj/arod to VesJ^t&apos;tlio diseases jiccnliar to the Kunamer months. Ask for Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla. Take no other. "Squire NiHlib." This chariuiun little atory. from the facile iicu of our genial and ta]eiite<l friend, "/)raco« AhiAm," will appear in our next week&apos;s issne. "Squire Squib" is thu Deacon&apos;s latwt a^d, vve believe it is l^s hctit contHlwtioii. It lias l>eon especially prepared for tile columns ot TllK .\DVANUK. t ) t brated machiuea, viz.. The Toronto Light Binder. Tlie Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky Rake. The Massoy Harvester. • The Massey Mower. \^ / .Tlie Tolten Poa Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton&apos;s Combination Plow. Tolten&apos;s Centre Draught .lointcr Plow. Hamilton&apos;s Scufflers. Hamilton&apos;s Boss Gang Plow. AVisner&apos;s Sprmg Tootli Cultivators. Tlie Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of Rkpaius always on for throat and lung diseases. Mr. Ephraim Shaw and Mr. Robt. Wright, of Collingwood Township, fjavo us a pleasant call on Wednesday. It is the intention of the former to send a raagnit&apos;KX&apos;ut stalliou (imported) out through this section during tlie coming season. The circidation ff T^ AnvANxr. is going up. Two (jiiitda eAra were order- ed (by tudcgraiiln to spumieuco this week. Supiiort yotn: homo paper, lie- cauKu it H.ipjiorti; yoit^jH^imc ^Ji/stries and li&apos;iiiTs tu prfiniott the best interests of the locaity in whicli it is published as well ati the surrouudtug districts gen- erally. Wo aro glad to loarn that Mrs. Win. Rntiodgp, sr. .of this place â€" whoRC death was hourly expected for some weeks â€" is getti&apos;ig l)ctter. Hers has been a re. marknhle caso and shows how stoutly a strong constitution will combat disease in its worst forins. hand. Parties requiring any of the above i will do well to call and inepect Mach-| Sunday before last 217 scholar. -.Hd incs, which will be found in Sproule&apos;s teachers of the Methodist Sabbalh warehouse. j ^&apos;^^S"&apos;- Flesherton, were present at I thciNregular afternoon meeting. This A. S. VanDQSEN, i speaks well for the elUeiency and good Fl.EHHERTON. > maiiagc^Bieiit of tlio ScliDol hv Su)ieriii. â€" â€" .. .. . â€" â€" - â€" : tendeut Armstrong and the otlicr ofii- o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I ^.erg. We should bke very much to see a mechanics institute itartod iu Flesher- ton. A large stock of excellent works has U;eu forwarded to us by a Wood- stock publishing hoaso for in.spettioii ; and from tin; gcncnuis offer imuie by the publisher, a siibndid library could be established herewith a tritliiig out- lay of eapital. The works are to bo loft with u« for a .short bme when they will bo returned. "Strilo while the iron is hot," gentlemen. Sill JOHN mnaa -WATCH &apos; dlodk^, Jewclet&apos;y, ,F>ilvehvki&apos;e, ^i)ex, &d. The finest and best stock of Waltham, Kl<,&apos;in, Sprin<][- field, Hampden. Illinois, & Swiss Watches. New Haven & Seth Thomas Clocks, weif^ht and spring. }ewelery, (Wcd- din;.^, Spectrcles, &c. to be found in this section of country is at RUSSELL&apos;S Notkd Jf&apos;a&apos;klkrv Stokk. Flesh- EUTON. None but Genuine Watches kept in slock which bear warrants from 25 to 5 years. Just received a very large consignment of Clocks which were bought for caoh, so you may expect bargains all of which bear warrants from i to 3 years A very fine stock of Silverware, Ladies&apos; Rings, Chains, Necklets, Brooches, Ear-Kings, Cuff-Buttons, Bracelets, Scarf Pins, &c., of the finest qnality, at lower prices than you can get them for elsewhere, and also remem- ber the only place to get your Watches, Clocks & Jcwelery repaired properly is at Ruisseirs I\foteiI Jewelry Store, There is a growiig dtiinand for a lar- ger public hall in this town than wo now possess, hi fat Flosliprton is grow- i&apos;lg to ho a big heiithy boy and is in. chii &apos;d to wear Ion pants. The pla<;e has outgrown the iieilties atforded by our rather autiijuteii Town Hall for pntcrtaiiirnonts aa sm-.h like. Even ou Divisiiiu Court das its seating etipacity is often overU.>;eil.What we wiuit. tlure- lore, is oither our .&apos;owu Hall enlarged and modornizeil touiit the times, or an entirely new struenro erected on the latest and most aproved architf-etural plans that can be lepared to suit our altered cirouiubtau«s. Which shall it he f IUmI lUiliiig Hod Krpentod. (By mir Juninrlocnl Rtportcr. ) This beautiful oirotta was porforni- &apos; cd iu the Town llu, here, last Friday evening. The chilrcii wont through their parts \vell-;von better than the tirst tiiae. Tht>.vrtn ot Itluo Dells, Rose, Butter Cup, Jraodinaninia, and the Wolf were eiiciwd ami respi>n(ledto in a very pleasing nnner. The Flesh- erton IJaud was in ttondauce and en- liveno<l the procccclgs by giving some very beautiful airs. After the cantata, Prof, and Fairy Mo;au gave some cx- cellant selections, \\ich were very much appreciated by th- audience. Miss Christoo presided athc organ with her usual i^raco and digty. Notwithstand- ing the rough weatk- the hall was well flUed. &apos;»t-i. &apos;fl<Rnl:i-i •I&apos;fS Flesherton. I ARE YOl! .M.\1)E iteratilfi by In.&apos;igoRt- jion, C.onsii|i«tinn, Uiai&apos;sis, bdsH ef appe- Itite, Yellow Hkin? Oohn is a . uoaitiTe vuie, Ijold a|^eili|&apos;Al ilnll. !^A Conservative Majority, 45 ! District Deputy Gra id Ma-ster. A Sweeplns: Majority in Face of At the meeting of the Cirand Lo.l|!e i Treuieildou.s Oppor«ition. of .A.O.U.W.. held in the city hall. To- &apos; routo, last we ok, our popular townsman, S. Dauiude, !.s(p, was appointed Dis- trict Deput) &apos;>ra«d Master of Dufferin \ District, which comprises the Counties \ "^ &apos;"^ Kreatcst political struggle over of (Irey. Bruce and Dufferin. Bro. Da- ! w&apos;tucssed in Canada is over, and both luude "well deserves the distinguished Parties have breathing time enough to honor conferred upon him by our breth- &apos;^"""t &apos;*>eir respective gains and losses, reu of the .Vncient Order of United i **^&apos;^&apos;"&apos;&apos;"&apos;**&apos;""&apos;&apos;&apos;»« *1»" "f^co and revenge" Workmen. The Orand Lodge could not &apos;^&apos;â- >" &apos;° Quebec ; the wild secossion cry lK»ssibly have made a better selection in &apos;" ""^ maritime provinces ; the borrow- the counties named He will fill the &apos;"« &apos;^^ Government planks re the N. P. ; position with cre.lit to all eonccrued. &apos;&apos;"^ miwreprewiutation inconnection witli ^ I the national debt, and a thousand and â€"^â€"^-^â€"~â€" otn; gro-isly exaggerated petty side is- OHr Old DoK Tax. sues, the jieoplo of Canada have .arisen Some vears a?!o thci &apos;â-  V as a tax of $1 in their might and extendeil the warm loviad ou all ttie do, â-  in ntohertou. : ri^bt baud of ixjwor and fellowship to Tho ass.&apos; -sor called on utir weil-kuowii i oitr truly great and grand old man, boot and shoe dealer, Mr. Wm. Clay(o«, I Sir Joha A. .Mac<lonaM. siying, in effocf, and after neing throiigli tUc iwual rou- i "We lieliove your policy is coudocive to tine of (piestions, asked Mr. C if ho pes- 1 the progresM and xrowth of thia young ses-sed a dog. Mr. C. of enurso replied b it sturdy and healthy nation ; we have that he did, whereupon the tar of $1 no faith iu the no-policy (except stolen was duly imposed and paid without a : N. P. planks and "race and revenge cry") murmur. Some time afterwards, Mr. I statesman, Hon. E. Blake." Clayton discovered to his astonish- And bo the battle has been fought and ment that he was the only man in the i w..n by the Conservative Government village who contributed to the dog tax j by the splendid majority of 45. fund â€" although it was well known that , . NOTKS. there were some thirty or fortv canines i -.,/-. /, . ^ »» . ... . , ,. , ;, , &apos; -*!â-  &apos;-&apos;â-  Cameron, a prominent Reform- in the village at the time I It seemed&apos; i n i .. â-  ,., ..^ ,. , , , ,. .. er. was badly beaten in West Huron bv that when the assessor made his visit, , .._ r> . <^ ... ,, ..i &apos; ,, ,, , &apos; 1 Mr. Porter, Conservative. Mr. Hem- all the dogs, except Mr. Clayton&apos;s, were ing (Reformer) was completely "snow- awav visituig "their sisters and their&apos; .i ..„i ... • d i u ». ». /-, â- > â- : , , . , , , I "*&apos; under in Peel, by Mr. McCulla, cousins and their aunts, or had chanH-L-,„. . .â-  ... .. â-  , .. , , , , &apos; , , * CoHScTvative. which was ccrtaiulv the c<i hands and were owned by ijavties I ..,....• » • iu u , I ^ , â-  &apos; , J. ^-\- I (jioatsst victory m the whole contest. whose names where not on the a«»( ^ Mr. Hector Cameron, Reformer, was aten Roonie. sessment roll. Mr. C. very naturally tried to get back his dollar but it I.a.l ^&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;^" &apos;" ^^&apos;&apos;&apos;** Middlesex, by Mr. been irrotrievnhly iuiorporated with the Township funds. There seems to be something locking in the municipal machinery, for it is a well known fact that many of our Town- ship by-laws are mere dead letters, or, at best, very seldom put in operation â€" something like the ilog tax we have al- luded to, ill fact. liy the way. has this log tax ever beer, ri&apos;pealed &apos;.&apos; We slioulii like to know for wo possi&apos;Ss a dog our- .sulf, and -if the by law is to l>e enforc- ed this year â€" we wouhl like to be cog- nizant of the fact bi^foro the assessor conies around. Kx-Speaker Wells (Reformer) was de- featotl iu East Bruce by Mr. Cargill. Mr. James Ma.s.son, Conservative, sig- nally di feated Mr. Allen (Riellite) in North Orey. Mr. Robt. Oilray, the Toronto law- yer, got badly left in East Grey by Dr. Sproulo. Ur. .Sproule&apos;s majority in East Orey is given at 0(X). Toronto returiie<l three Conservatives, Hamilton two, Kingston one, Loudon one. Ottawa two, Montreal three. The Olaht says Sir John has "appar- ently Mree majority ! ! !" Of course the GJo/>- is very truthful paper ! It is edit- ed by one "Deacon" Cameron. T»r. Laiiderkiii (Riellite) has been re- elected iu South Grey, although .\rtc- mesia rolled up the luagiiiticout majori- ty of one hundred and forty-nine for his opponent. Dr. Jamieson. Line* in llciuor} of l!rs. .ll)>\:u>. dcr .llcliilyrr who died 1st Dc- CCUlbcr. |.H!H«. Oh ! niotliur, doarvit, kiiKlvst, bikt, Tliim ait inmu ti> tin inMirt&apos;tiil icst, lulo till) lunii^k&apos;iis < ( thv lllubt ; But we ari&apos; left »loiio Thou&apos;i t frco from iiviry I&apos;ari&apos; mi J palu : Mow fuii uo wl^ll Ihff buck i\^>x\\\ &apos;f .Villi yiit tU Willi liciirt-brtukliiK palu Wii Dtty, "Clod&apos;s will budolio!" Ill oavly iuf«n(:-y thy hand l<t"l uh uloiu&apos; tlip t*>&apos;U(>uu&apos; stiAud, For &apos;twii!.;i Hill tliiit tlioii shoiildst Rtaiid K widow. »ad. an I Idiio. God oalU&apos;d from uk a fatliur duar, Itilt did nut luavu us ^« ithout chuvr, Itut <lay by day. thrmi;;Ii ,,iir lii&apos;e huro, Uuljiod tiiuu to luad UH on. Wlipn T.ii woii&apos; troublfd iiore, nud tried, AVhiiio cuuld \vf po. as to tliy ^ide? Tboii Kwettly tuv&apos;st. atnl xw&apos;vr duuied, &apos;iliy loviii;( Hyiiipathy. Or. tf o&apos;vrjovfd by soijir huccohb. Wliat lipK llko tliiu.) oiMild- luaino and bless? With rc&apos;V.&apos;rnntial t«&apos;ndo^!ll•^H. Thank Hod no fnivoutly ? Wlii&apos;ii othiT friend&apos; couKl flck&apos;o prove, N > (diil&apos;l couM sin «;,&apos;ninst thy !ov*&apos;â€" K&apos;on a*» our chanKi-ltixH Kricnd iilHive â€" Thou we&apos; t thu xaniu trno friond. E&apos;en ohcHild the outsido wuild nitiro /Vllow its fri&apos; ndship t(^ t&apos;xplri*, Thy raro, thy lovii, cnulil uovi&apos;r tire ; Thou lovodbt UK to the end. We couli] loKu a sister, friend, or brother, .\nd sadly (jrieve i hut, oh! <lrar inotlier. No brothel. Hitter, rtieiid. or other, t&apos;nti fcako thy sa.-red place. Ill thoe we&apos;ve lost our stuy, our (juido. Our ii&apos;infort. ioy, and all beside. Ood holji UH all to reach thy Biile, And see attain thy face ! And now, a« thrcuRh the world wu roam, KHtlu:rlrss, rnutliL-rluss. sad anil alone, We ni or cai return to the Kameboluvcd home. For thou canst not ^reet im. Itut loiiiunib&apos;rini; thy worda, ero death cloned thy eyes, We&apos;ll jircss upwaril, &apos;midst aniileo, aud &apos;mldat xiKhii, Until beyond those fair blue skioH, Thou there shalt meet UB. An&apos;l bid UH welcome home a({aln 111 lieaven, where we shall know no pain; Where we shall know tliy present Kaiii, ] .â- \iirl never more repine : Uut round the brifjht Hiii i^loriona tbrnne.â€" With lather and mother, each daughter aud Stone&apos;s H*tn â€" I _. . .,.&apos; W(i nhall no more fed sad and loiio iTIoeviUe Ill felloWBhip divine. I iiv Mary muImttiu. Majority (or Jauiiesou, 149, SOITJI CJIKY KI.ECTIuy. Tin: vAto in .vktkmksia. Our Township did right nobly by showing her disapproval of the un- statesmenliko tactics of that extreim^ party man and Riellite, Dr. L.aiideriun, I.M. P.. to tlv tut&apos;.e of 1I9. Tho rest of the riding nf South <irey. however, I Counterbalanced our efforts by electing I the Riellite by a majority variously es- timated at 80, «j, i-lii, and l;!,&apos;). hi 18M2 Artetuo-iia gave (leo. .laokson, K.sii. a majority of 111, v.liile in the late con- test she gave Dr. Jamiesou 149 â€" a clear gain of thiriy-fitx. Had tho other Townships in the riding boon equally as loyal to the eaus«- of goo<l govern ment Laudorkiu would have been "snowed under " beyond tho shadow of a doubt. Itelow we give Jamioson&apos;s and Ijandc&apos;rkin&apos;s majorities in Arteinesia. â€" The complete returns for riding will bo published uext week. ulTisios. Jauiloron. Landerklu&apos; maj. maj. Flesherton 40 Stiuson&apos;s 88 Thom|>sou&apos;s 49 Eugenia 24 Markdalo a8 Vaudelour 27 ..19 ..1«J &apos;â-  &apos;"Hi, &apos; >lf^ r&apos; "^"^

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