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Flesherton Advance, 17 Feb 1887, p. 5

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Maxwell Maggie A., daughter of Duncan Heron who died a short time ago. Although only a child, has been lingering with that fatal disease, Consumption, and died on Monday last and her remains laid beside her father in the Methodist Cemetery on Wednesday. nr* ! V THE FLESH ER TON ADVANCE [Feb. 17, 1887. ^ > » - l â-  â- â-  » I I !â- â- â-  I â- it^g LOCAL SKKTCHKS. 2&apos;o t/ie Jb&apos;ditur iiflhe Advance. THE UOTAL TEMPLARS. This Society wliicli is silso among the fureiii( ill HtjKlierton, in rojrteHentwl by Fiiuiitaiii Council No. 14(i, tile HUcct&apos;S* of wliicli since its iiistitutioii in October 1884 witli 23 cliiirter iiienibors h<is been so re- iniirkable ah to astouisli ti\C must sjiufjuino Wld encrj-ttic of its iiifmlj<*^aiid is looked Xipon by the tein|jeiaiico jxjoijlc of <Jiey as tlie ceiilio hom which tlte most oarn- ost »ikI pioi;res8ivo work in tlie Tenipei- iiiice cau-iu ciu;iiiiit«8< The projjresa of tlie Cuniicil at tirst w.-us slow, and not until Aliirch 188<> when in conjunction with the other Councils of this county a District Council was formed, the lirst inoetinir beint; held in Kimbcrley when it was deterniinou to take hold of the Tem- perance work and push it with vi}{or un- til it Wius an ultimate sueces.s. From thiit period till tlit! pt-osont time. Fountain Council lias had u steady in- crease in nieiiibership which is at |)re«ent 85, with several applications now to hand. In its membership are many of the most earnest worktri in this county, cverj- week brings solicitations fi^oni the sur- r(iuiidin<{ loailities to the District Coun- cillor (who is a member of this Couiicil) to conduct Temperance nieetii^is and which are always responded to witli pleas- ure being always ably assisted by the inenibership. The Society is one that couiinant&apos;.s the respect of all who have ever joined it. From the time the candidate for ad- iiiissioti steps over the threshold of the Cuuncil until he has received the linal in tlM iHittatioii hu is so solemnly iinpris- »ed with the cirnestness of the work up- on which he has entered that it can nev- er be entirely efl&apos;acf^d from his memory. Tlie business of the Council is conduct ed in a manner .similar to that usual in every well re^s,&apos;uluted society and its busi- jiess charactiir tends to lie of Kieat service to the youth for instruction in thor(JU(;li busisioss habits. Tlie O.-od of the (hder is well sustained with cntertaiumenta which is calculated to imprcpve and refine the minds nf the members. The great jirinciple of Total abstinence never being ioat sight of, every exercise tending to the advancement morally and intellect- ually (if all the members, such are the so- cial features of this order. We nowcume to the Beneficiary Olasies wliicli <if Ist the sick and funeral benetit fund which is open to all Royal Templars phy- sically and sound upon the |>ayment of a small entrance fee and the monthly |iay- nient of a sum fixed according to the ago at date of ajiphcation, as per the follow- ing graded scale : From 10 to .S.O 25 cents. From 35 to 40 30 cents. From 40 to 44 30 cents. P&apos;rom 44 to 48 40 cents. From 48 to 52 45 cents. From 52 to 55 50 cents. Fof which they are secured in tUe nniomit of lj!.5.00 per week fo»- males and $3.00 |ier week for females for a periinl of not less than one week o • more than twelve weeks continued sickness, also a funcrid benefit at death of 850.00. Death bene- fits are also conferred on nienibers in irood standing :â€" An applicant for a death benefit must pass the medical examina- tion and the ballot of the select Degree, li.iyinc; the initiation fee imposed by the Degree where he seeks a<lini8sion. If ac- cepted ho will be raised to the Select De- gree, ...>d receive his Certifiuifo on pay- ment of an assessment, according to age and amount as per the following Liblc : forSMo »1080 jaocio elms A, from IC to 2.-. SO 41 SO .-K) »1 (10 •• n. " &apos;i&apos;itoao 28 .w 110 •• (;, •• :ioto.>« OHO no 1 uo &apos;• D, " S.&apos;,toM 34 OCT I H.&apos;. •â-  K, â- â€¢ 4010 4.&apos;. oas 07s 1 sn •&apos; F, " 4.&apos;. to 50 « 85 1 70 An .assessment of the same amount will he duo and payable on the tirst of every subsuiiucnt month so lorn; as the inemher remains in the society. In case of i&apos;er- MAUBNT total disability for life, one half of the dc itli benefit is advanced during life, and the remainder payable at death. Only one de.ith occurred during the last six months. The Kniglit Teim)h;" Degree which is also tn<! //((»â-  I lit (>:di r vlcpartiinMit which secures benefits to its. members of a simi- l|ir natures and equally liberal up to their sixtieth year. These advantages have jiroved a bnhvaik of strengtfi to the ordei- and have been the ineaii.s of making g&apos;ad the hearts of many widows and orpheiied children who would otherwise have been destitute. -Another department claims the atten- tion of this order which although last HU&apos;iitioned is not by any meiins the least iuiportaiit and is devoted to &apos;" White Cross" Teinplary. The name is a peculiarly happy one. &apos;i^lie i(7u7(! ..f the iniro Alpine snows, of the dolicale lily, of the indestructible iilarblt^ The cms.s that einboilies for ua till- truth that the whole moveiiient is hasod on the ])eiffet malilio&apos;d of our Lord. &apos;I&apos;finpldrij consistent with the ti- tle of our Older, and suggestive of the chiviilry, which sent the sons of (Miristi- aiiity in discipline, stn^nutli, and organiz- ed force to lif/ht and die for the holy ae)iulcliiire. The \\ hite Cnisa Toipplav&apos;s vows are. Foii, Ciir.isT&apos;s Sakk and liv His Hki.I&apos; : I. To treat all woineo with respect, and (iideavor to (irotoct them from wrong nnd (leurodation. 2 To ciuleavor t J .pat down all inde- cent language and cosu^.s* jests. 3 &apos;I&apos;o liiaintain the law of purity na 6[iially bindinsr iipoi men anil women. 4 To eiidovor to spread these priiici- jiloK aiooti&apos;.&apos; my companions and to try and ii"lp my liKitlnTK. 5. To use every pssiblo menns to&apos; fulf)l the command, &apos;Keep tby.mRI.P pure.&apos; Siicli are the ainis and objects of this &apos; Hoble order, wu welcome ftU good and •;*&apos;ue itt^jn and women to our. ranks, and likewise usteem all who are engaged in this noble work it matters not by what name they ai e called and the hope is that by unitt:^] action the day is not far dis- tant when the drink traffic will be driven from this fair Doininiun. -..â-  .1- Maxwell. Frifm our of 11 dirrespoiident. The coming Klections are causing con- siderable excitement here and a very largv vote will likely be {tolled on the 22ii(l. Magsjie A. , daughter of Daiican Heron who died a short time ago. Although tMily a child, has been lingering with that f;\tul disease Consumiition, and died on Mt>nday last and her remains laid besida her father in the Methodist cemetery on NN&apos;ediiesday. What might have proved a serious ac- cident but was happily avoided, occurred on the people returning from the above funeral. A young who thought he owned a very fast horse undertook to run him past some other teams, and in doing so the horse ran against Mrs. Robert Heron, knocking her down on the ice from which she received some bruises of a slight nature. Mrs. Milne of Toronto, who has been laid uii here with Inflanmtion of the Lungs, is now in a fair way of recovery. Mr. F. ^&apos;chiii.iinan is laid up with a sore leg. Two of what is said to be Dudes fmm Fevorsham, drove into our village one day last week and stopped at the hotel, where they found a few of the same spe- cies engaged with dice and bad whiskey and soon all hands becnino jovial. The horse was then brought into flio hall of the hotel, and between Dudes, whiskey and horse, they enacted what they called a good tune which may be imagined bet- ter thdft described. A grand Tonipenmce concert wag giv- en in the Methodist church here on Mon- day evening by the Royal Templars of Flesherton. The church was well liilod and a veiy enjoyable evening sjMjnt. Quite a number have given in their names and a Council is to be organize<l in this place. The chair was very ably filled Viy Thos. CJamey, Esq. A bounteous spread wa.s provided for the visitors at th* real, deuce of Jcvhnson Little, Biq., to which ample justice was done. Prof, and Fairy Morgan added considerably to Ihe inter- est of the proceedings by rendering a choice selection of their most popular songs. Messrs. liariihouac and Ruxaell and Miss Christoe also contributed mater- ially to the evening&apos;s enjoyment. AVER&apos;S PILLS. Sugar-Coated Cathartic If the Liver be- comes torpid, if the bowels are constipated, or if the stomach fails to perform its fuiuiton.* properly, use Ayer&apos;s I&apos;llls. Tlivy are iuvulDaDlc. For some ve.-sTj) I was-a victim, to biver Complaint, In conseiiucncc of aIUcIi [ sufTrred from tleniMnl Debility and Indi- Rcstioiii A few boxes of .\ycr> l*lll» rostori&apos;il me to perfect fieallli. â€" W. T. lirlghtwy, Ileiidersuii, W. Va. For rears 1 have relleil more upon Aycr&apos;s I&apos;ills tliau anythiug else, to Regulate my bowels. Tiies(> Pills are mild In action, and do iliiir work llioioui;lily. 1 have used them with ):ood ell&apos;i&apos;it, in v.imh of Itiieu- matlsm, Kidney Trnnlile, lout I>vs|>epHia. â€" G. K. Miller,&apos; .\tll(l)oii)Ug!i. Mii.HS. Ayrr&apos;s I&apos;lils cured me of Sloinaih and IJver troubles, from whieli 1 iiad siilTeri-d for years. 1 coiisiciiT liiem tiie Ijesl piils made, and woiilil not lie witliout tlirin. â€" Morri.s Gales, l>o\viivville. N. Y. I was sitaeked willi lliliiius Fever, wlileli was followed liy .laiindire. and was go unn^&apos;iTously ill that my friends cle- gpaii-cd of luv recovery. I loimnenced takini; AVer&apos;s I&apos;ills, nnd soon re^raiiiiMi my cuslonnny streii;.-thi«iid \ i^;oi-. â€" Jolui C. rusluniary sti&apos;eii^&apos;th.tHii<l \ 1^ .&apos;.ittison, Lowi li. Nelini.&apos;.ka. Last spring I sutrercd fcreatly from a troublssome liuinor on mv side. ° In spite of Bvoi-y elfort to cnre this eruption, it in- creased until the llesli became entirely raw. I troiihli-d. at the same liiiK-, with Indigestion, and distressing jjuins in The Bowels. By the advice of a friend [ bitran tnking Aycr&apos;s fills. In n short iiini> I was free from pain, my fond dlv;e«te<l I&apos;lopi&apos;ily, the sores on my boily eiinMiMin&apos;i&apos;d lii&apos;iiliiii;, and, in less ilnoi one nmiiili, I vva^ cnnd. â€" â- .Saimiil 1). >\ bile, Atlanta, (is. I have loiin uvd Aycr&apos;s I&apos;iiN. in my family, imd belirvc lln&apos;m to he the Ix-s&apos;t pills inade. â€" S. C. Daideii, Dardin, Mi»». My wife and little girl were takfii with Dysentery a few da\s iiKo. niul 1 at oneu l)ei;an fivin^ tlieiii smiill doses of .\ver&apos;s I&apos;llls, thinkini; I wenkl i;ill a doctor if the disi&apos;M&apos;ie Ix&apos;eanie any woise. In a .liort time the bloody dfichaiyes stopped, nil pain wont away&apos;, and heallli was restored. â€" Theodore Ksling, Uichniond, Va. Ayer&apos;s Pills, Pnp«red by Dr. J. C. Aver K Ce , I.jiv«ll,M«». Sold bj all Dealers in UixllUne. 1 I&apos;-ld* *r* wftwe. Vll Uii><# who write •» s in-on ^r^.r^rtlpini. MiM«»,wlll fe««l»e rr^&apos;^, fiiil mtwrninon nboni woik whieb r«n do. unil lire m h.&apos;iin.lhiil "111 p»T ih«ni from »,â- . 10 13 (>•&apos; &apos;••T- &apos;&apos;â„¢&apos;* &apos;"&apos;• „ r, » i, • rt.y Elih.r m. »n»tw M oW. CeirfWl »o« r«>|"l"l Vnii«r«M«rl«lftt.. ThoM ebojun M <>«• • SELLING OFF AT COST! I n order to clenr out my present st jc k of .Mun.^, Woin mens and Childrcns ijQQT.S & SIIOF.S, I ain olffcriiiL , Three or Four Hundred pa irs at very g reatly reducod prices in order to make room for Spring Importations. HKTTfl, CLAYTON, - Flesherton. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT i STRAIN&apos;S, glciUral DR. CARTER. M.C.I&apos;. &S.,()N-T. PIIVSIt&apos;lAX. SIKtEON, &c. FLE.SHERTON. OUice, Strains block licsidsuae. Win-WrighH Jfutbtvy. J.P. iHAR»tHALL.L.U.»S DENTIST, &Il.\l)U.\TK of Toronto School of Deististri will bu Rt Markilalo the lui uml :ira Weiine«- dny of oach niimth. and at Fliwlicrton on the Ut and .trd Thmsday in eacli month for the practice of hia profefision. ^rgal J. W. FROST, I;I;.H.. liarrnfter. Solicitor, Coiirri/aiicer. Oaico.â€" strain&apos;s lluilding. KlkshkhTiN. .^. A. CHESLKY. Solicitor and Couvcyaucer. Hehident Manafler. .MK. FROST will bo found at the Office on Thunidavs u.^ heretofore. P- McCULLODGH, Barrister. HolicUor, 4&apos;c- Ofnc**. over HcFUrland&apos;i* Store, Mark ^iilo. Money to Loitn. K f ^ K S II K I< ^1^ < > >&apos; FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT, MASSON & MASSON, B.^BKISTKItS. rtOiariTOKS. do, OFKIOEii -OWiMl SoUUtl. lit \ iCkcr*3 l)Iock r.)Mlott St.; liraiu-h »>lUc« in MHrkiialo. over Mi- Kiii>**rHl&apos;H storw. ou Friday and Hatunlay c\<jtj J MAHHON.Q.C. S.MASSON. \V. M.\KSOS NMi.â€" I&apos;riv&lo S: CuiHp&n)&apos;M fuuds to luveitt h( froiu Six tt) EtKht per oiiut. ^H$incs.5 (Eards. ALL.KINDS OF M\\ d Mmii M\ ^ Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Hoadstones Cjiinler and Tulilu Tops â€" in .\inoiicau and Italiau Miiiblc anJ&apos;jranile, and inado on sliort notico. Also Mitiitlos in Marble aud Mii&apos;bleizcd Slate, .tc, &c. Flu.thorton. Au;,&apos;. 30, 1883. "S?" HEALTH FOR ALL. HOllOWAyiSPHLSi&OIMTMENT iHl:: TILLS Purifv tho Hlood, correct all L)i>iurdurH of tbo Iliifer, Stoinneli^ Ivicln&apos;y»^, nnd JfowelK. hoy invifirorateand rontoro to hoftlUi Dobilitntod CoustittitioD^. and Ar« invaluiihlu in all Cum plaii^Oi incidental to FvnialoH of all tiKUH. I&apos;or Chilurun and the t\^vn\ tliuy ivru prtculuKti. THF OINTMKNT lR&uinfal1il)Icroinody for Had Lc^&apos;h, Had lln^asti*. Old Wonndn. Snrof and Ulcera. It iKfauiousfcK (}>iut nnd UlioumatlHiii. Kor dtsordurn u[ tho chu-vt it liait no oqual. ForSnUI&apos;: TIlKOAl, BROA&apos;CHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS QlaMiliiUrSwelliiipi. and all Skin nisnaniiH it han no ; and for oontractwl and *tlif iointa It acta llk« a cliaiiii. M iM&apos;ifa&apos;-tiiretl only at Profi&apos;inor Hot,T,o\r.\T&apos;H KrtnMitlinicnt. TS, New Oxfortl !*tr«rt (liife .â- >»:». Oxford Street ). I.oiiilnm amUre !ioId at 1». lid.,29. 9d.. In. fxl , lU .?2n . niul lii pboIi Iiox or Pot. mul iimj Ho lin.l of nil .Med fiui> Veiidom tlimuRlioiit tho World. -T*" PtlfclMten uluiuU Innk U. >hf Lahii on the Pol.i <i&apos;ul liif.-n. If fhc »Mi e.i.i u not •"i^ .&apos;, ()-rfi)rrt Strrrt, Lotulmi. tli&apos;-ij nn- fpuinmx. Canadian Pacific Railway, j Owen Sound Branch. &apos; J &apos; 1 M K T7v ] 1 1 ^ It: . Fakinj Kjffvd, Monday, July ?rth, IKSd. &apos; (â- oins .\orth. John W. Armstrong, Ki,Ki>iiKiiToN, Co. Ounr. DIVIMOS COUBT CLEBK. COMMISSIOKrit in B. K.,ronvi&apos;yaiun»r, tlCc. .\;;t&apos;nt for imrchu» acd aalfl of lands. Appraiser for C L. C. Con. aDd F. FH. & 8 Socioty. Monojr to Loau on tiif moat reakoiiablo tf rum iKiirKii of M.VKliI.\(&apos;B LICK.NSl&apos;.S. NOT.VKV ri&apos;BLIC ANDREW McGIER. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, FEVERSH4.M, . O.M. W. J. BELLAMY. TW?. CI.KUK ABjeMEHH. cay Kjr.i xcei:, coMMLssioyEi:. issrK.iycE AGT, m:. DKEDS.MdUTG.AOKS. liEASKS. Ac. proror ed nuvl |irop«rly exocutoU. Inisuraucs aO< •&apos; ed in nrotclasacouipaaieii. Mouu)&apos; to liud aC owrat ratt&apos;H. \EW LI VERY! THI&apos; nndiTsiKocd hixs to announce that be hi&apos; ktarti&apos;il af\riit&apos;ClaKH Livory in tht. stand up jio^ito Munshaw&apos;s Hotel, FIcHlii&apos;rton, whero tlio travolllng public can b« accommodated wii!^ koikI riR8 and Iiossuh u:i molt tearmable | rici« Trj in*&apos; bihI bo convjhcod. lloppoctfully yours. W. H.JOHNSTON. yieaborton. Nor. 10th, IKM. Pictare FraniiB?, .A&apos;eailfj, Chrapltj <V&apos; (Jituk- Itj Done, bif ^ J. E. MOORE, Durhiiui St., Opi>uHitu Clayton a IlaiiuHa ^ht\^. MONEY TO LOAN. At O I»er Ceil*.. On Town or Farm I&apos;roperty, S. DAWDK, Ploshurtou u BELL" ST.VTIONS. Mail E.R. Mixud. < Toronto I,uav« 7 46ain 4 5Jpni t&apos;lirdwull .lunctiou 9 iH " ."HI •&apos; Chiiilostoii 9 4:1 " 4-." £ OrimKn- &apos; .Vrrlvt. 1110.&apos;. 7 03 •• n ; villi). 1 IjOAVH 10 i» •• THi" Orantjuvillo .function.... loM " 7 :i4 •• S-i ; Slu^lhnrno 10 .w •• M04 •• "Z &apos; liundalk 11 ti " h:ii) •• Is l&apos;&apos;i.K«iii;iiroM ,1147 •&apos; H -..-, ". .Miirk.lalo lHUi! •â-  &apos;.I 111 •&apos; 1^ WIllilUU.Hf.iKl !l-.!ll:iiuv u :fj " Cliia-^wnrth VI !» •• 11 41) " Q Owfn Sound Arrive &apos; 1 O.&apos;. " 10 ao •• <>»iii» .Smith • ST.VTlONS. Kxp. "Mijir Mixed Owou Souiul Leave 1 A46ttin a40|ini .... Chiitsworth . 1 C 10 •• :i 07 â- â€¢ u Williainsford &apos; r. 2.^ •&apos; .n:to " ^ Mivrkdalo. 1 n4T - a .12 " Fl.ltKMrHTON 1 7 oa - 4 00 " 5§ K .0 Duiidalk \ts,- 4ai " &apos; 7 .11 •&apos; 4 .-.7 •• I? Orausevillo Jiiiictioii.... 1 H2S •&apos; r> as " II OriinRo- ( .Virlvo 8J0 •• 5.V. •• = 5 villii. 1 I.<(avo 8 4.1 " r,-,r, " Jt. 06 " fi i:i " CardwoU Junction........ 1 33 " B.SO " fi Toronto ArrlveHO.IS &apos;• flio &apos;• V,\VHYTK, D.Mi Nicni.i ; Oe.:«&apos;l Snp&apos;T. GKS&apos;l.t&apos;ASB.ArtT : J. W. BATES, Furniture Don lor and Undcrtd l^cr, KLKSlIKr.TON, - CNT. ThorouKli-lUxd BERKSHIRE BOAR! WITH KoiMirodijinn will «t,ii"l fio- K&apos;dson of lMH(i-7 at Lot No. HI (Irst Uiiiuin l:ii<t of Tor- onto ,\: Sydrnlniui lloud, .VrtuniusiH. TtsniiK on appliuBtion. (USS-Sl,&apos;-.) .JACdH A T.HVKU. "for sale. OiR&apos;^rn-* 1^ ntiltss from KIt?s&apos;.iertf>!i. (iood wnrm frame dwt&apos;Ilmj;&apos;, 7 rnoins. i,mhhI rulltir, ;^oodstnblo a ncvor frtilinc ^prin^&apos; creik. &apos;IVrms msj-. Knr \ partionlarH apply to W, .7 UKUI.AMV. Hasher- &apos; ton, ur t<i C. W. HKIJiAMV. MarkdnU | BELL&CO.,GueIpli,Ont. New Butclit)!&apos; Shop in Flesii oitou I Flesherton.- James Sullivan:, M:ne7 to Loan. *| The Tinsmith A.^iV Prr Cruf. lnt-rmt-,.n .Slr,ti.,l^t Lx,„. ! ^ "&apos;^ HUSmibU, TT^l^H In&apos;or&apos;.st pnld vuifly. not In advanp&apos;-.Xo , •&apos; >coininiii«lnncnarK»<K Appiv to ; i.uaiEit. - TiioR^iRinY.: BiMinhinR. KavotronEhinc. A"<1 f" &apos;»*<•* nvery- tulnR in th« hufiinttfiH will rttcviv* luy prompt And cnrHfnl fi*.^ntiou At rutkSouftUle ! i^M. Petch aR IVIitahell, VJlOl&apos;UtETORS. . "pitK rMl.>Hiiunid rcMp.&apos;ctfnlly take thjK oppoi * tuuit) to announcu to tho ]>uopl« of Hi »h ovton and NUrroundiiiK country, that thc<> have •tartml a llntohor Hliop In the staud aext door to the Marhl. Woik-. Fl.K.SHKUTON, wlier.. thev will be pli.«-^tHl to meet with all who fnv.r thti&apos;m with their patroiiaRiv Fresh Meal* of ail kluda.and Flah, Ac. In their NaaoD* UetpoetfaUy Tonri, VSTCH 4 UITCHELJ^ i » .&apos;.m^i^^^:"^ â-  ».i.l^...J!.„„,

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