WRIGHT - In Flesherton, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr. D. E. Wright, merchant, of a daughter. MEAFORD ROAD MATRIMONIAL - Mr. E. Lomas has again after a short widowhood, entered the marriage state. His partner is Mrs. Cooper. The boys celebrated the joyous event by giving the new married couple a grand musical serenade. DEATH - The grim monster has again visited this place, his victim this time being Mr. Wm. Pritchard who had been ailing for some time past. Obituary BADGEROW - At the residence of her son, Samuel Badgerow, Esq., Artemesia, Feb 8th 1887, Keziah Badgerow, aged 89 years. [Deceased was born in the state of New York, U. S., of Pennsylvania parents, on Oct. 19th, 1797. She lived there until her marriage with Mr. David Badgerow about the year 1817, when she removed to the state of Kentucky, where she resided about sixteen years. From there she came to Canada, to Markham Township, where she lived until about three years ago when she came to Artemesia and put in the remainder of her life peacefully and calmly with her esteemed and highly respected son, Samuel Badgerow, Esq, one of the leading yeoman of this section of Grey. She passed calmly away to the eternal world on the morning of the 8th inst., and on the evening of the following day her remains were consigned to their last resting place in the Flesherton cemetery, whither they were followed by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Deceased was a faithful and consistent member of the Baptist Church from the age of 16 years until the day of her death. Her family consisted of five sons and six daughters, of whom six are living. The four eldest were born in the state of Kentucky, the others in Markham Township, Ontario. The youngest son lives in Michigan, U. S., the rest are citizens of Canada. Our esteemed friend, Mr. Samuel Badgerow, Artemesia, was born in Kentucky. The husband of deceased (also deceased) served with distinctin under Capt. Culver, during the American war of 1812, and took part in the memorable battle of Queenston Heights. he received a pension from the American Government after his discharge, and this amount was sent regularly to his wife until her death.] â- ir- r ."f !»• V ; % 7 M / I 1 id It 1- id n Le .e n FLESHERTON^ ADVANCE. m^ TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR"-" PRIjYCIPLES, J^OT MEX." If' * iff ' « 'â- VOL. VI., NO. 296. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 17, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, "'f,Z?, PROPRIETCR. Hampden Watches I kcop dVw only complete stock of Amtrita'n Watches, Cbrks. SiWer- -ffarc, Jewelry & SpecliB m llik sec- tion of Grey. Can do better "cash or rrcdit" for the public, tliau any Sew- tUor withiu 15 miles. SPECIALTIES :â€" Wedding Rings. Difficult Watch Repaiiinf- i T5t - Bits. ; Conaifling of Imi-aU <ind OHier Intcrestiny j Items yathrml hy The AdcMice j liipurttrs. I Mi88 Annie Clark returned home to I Orangeville yesterday. ; Remember Rod Riding Hood in the Town I{alt here to-morrow evening. 1 VOTE FOR DR. JAMIESON ON ; TUESDAY NEXT, FEB. 22. Master Will AVhclau is driving the I mail stage again. I Mr. .Tackbon Radley, of Pt. Hope, ban i been visiting friends in Artcmesia and I Osi.rey. I And still the people unite in saying â€" "Get your Flour and Feed at Kecfer's, I Flegbortou. S. Damnde, Enq., is attending Grand Lodge of A.O.U.W. in Toronto this week, in ]>lacc of A. R. Fawcctt, who waa unable to attend. KsTlie bert, cliuapust and must dur- able PiaiKis, ()r;;ans, Sewing Machines, W»«liinK Mitchines, Clothes Wrineers, Skiwiii|{ Machine Needles, and Supplies, ftir sale it C Trendt'i lid's, next house to Mr. Wm. Strain's, Fleshcrton. 3m (|bite a large number of the Royal ONT Templars of this place went out to Max- well on Tuesday evening. !â- ' â- A Riliable JtxctUtr, MKRKDALl. I „ ^ ^ „ . OTOM5^MOO^ooooMo55io6535M^| »«« '•y "-oforcncc U, our Maxwell items, - •- â€" I and were successful in getting suflicicnt CAfiD OF TilA?iRli!i^'^' ^'"°""''°° "'""°"°""'' Letter received from Mr. M. Ricliard- BOn, re Dr. Landcrkiu's statements. Too late for this issne, but will appear in our next. We have been obliged to leave over otiter intcrestiug matter on account at the very crowded staiteuf aor oKmi! us. In thaukiag my customers for their i-ibeval patrooaj^ in the past, I have xnucli ple*sarc m bciug still able to supply tiiein witk the folVowiuj^ cele- brated luachiucs, viz., ' ' "'" â- ,*" The Toronto Light Hinder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky IJiike. . j- iTLic Massey Harvester. The Massey Mower. The Tolteu Pea Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. ,• Hamilton's Combination Plow. Tolteu's Centre Draught .Jointer ;i?low. • Hamilton's ScnfHers. A namber of our citizens attended 'Hamiltairu Hobs Gang Plow. parliamentary nominations || Durham 'Wisner'a Sprinff Tooth Cultivators., last Tuesday. There was a» immense The Chatham Fanniag Mill. ' gathering. Dr,Jamio8on aud Dr. Lan- A fall stock of KErwuw always on i derkin were duly nominated, and on ^•i"^' 'iiNifi' j Taasday next it will bo for the electors Parties requiring any of the above 'of South Grey to say which of tlio gen will do well to call and inepect Mach- ' tlemon they prefer sanding to represent ines, which will be found in Sinoule'8 1 *'"'°' ** ""*"*• ^'*^ t^''^^'" ^^""y No other spring medicine has won for itwlf such universal confidence as .\ycr's Sarsaparilla. It is the most powerful combination of vegetable alteratives over offered to the puUic, and is ac- knowledged by the medical profession to bu the best blood puriiier. VOTE FOR DR JAMIESON. •warehouse. A. S. VanDCJSEN, Flebheuton. j seriouaiy euijuir â€" Ilcfornicr and L'onser- I vativo alike â€" whether they can trust ! Dr. Laudcrkin again or not. In face I of the terrible blunders lio has comuiit- I ted, we hriDustly do not think be m to O oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo ; bn trusted in matters political. WATCHES, vCbiik/, JeweleiV, ^ilverwcii'e, ^I)e^'â- , &d. The finest and best stock of Waltham, Elgin, Sprin^- :rield, Hampden. Illinois, & Swiss Watches. New Haven & Seth Thomas Clocks, weight and spring. Jewelery, (Wed- ding Rings), Spectr.clcs, &c. to be found in this section of country^ is at RUSSIiLL'S Notkd Jkwelkry Store, Flesh- •ERTON. None but Genuine Watches kept in stock which bear warrants from 2^^ to 5 years. Just received a very large consignment of Clocks which were bought for ca':h, so you may expect bargains all of which bear warrants from i to 3 years. A very fine stock of Silverware, Ladies' Rings, Chains, Necklets, Brooches, Ear-Kings, CufT-i'mttons, Bracelets, Scarf Pins, &c., of the finest quality, at lower prices than you can get them for elsewhere, and also remem- ber the only place to get your Watches, Clocks & Jewelery repaired properly is at Rnsseirs IVoted Jewelry Store, ' Flesherton. â- •â- 'â- .â- " â- â- •â- â- ''•- " ' â- •â- -â- -â- ., Mr. J. E. Moore advertised for a ser- j Little Red Riding Hood. I instance it effects every ratepayer ia vaut girl in Thi; Advance last week aud , This charniin.,' operetta was rendered ' the Township. as a matter of fact was deluged with in the Town Hall here, last Friday even- ! In ooncliwion I daresay some will say applications for the position. It only . ing, in a manner which reflected the high- i that Ijecause I was one of the rejected cost hiiu 2.') cents. Who says advertis- [ est upon the musical director. Prof. Mor- 1 applicants I speakâ€" this I utterly deny ing does not pay ? gan, and every bijy and girl that took and say that my only reason for writing CONTRA .ST DR .JA~MIESON'S P*'''' 'u •*• The choruses were given with this letter is in view of all the facts GENTLEMANLY TREATMENT op a*U"and rualisticness which delighted which I have given that the proceedings OPPONENTS WITH DR. LANDER- ""^ ""''''"'^ *"'* '''"®* ^'"^*' round after are altogether incomprehensive to my KIN'S VIOLENCn. Births. Weightâ€" In Fleshertoiv.ou the IGth iri«t., the wife of Mr. D. E. Wright, merchant, of a daughter. Lef* Oyer. Letter from Mr. Japiee Brandcr, Pri('«villo and other niat^ unavoidably crowded ont this issue ; will appear in oar next. round of genuine and unstinted applause, self and doubtless will be to many others As a musical director, Prof. Morgan is a ' ^ **"rely some one of the remaining brilliant success ; and as a vocalistâ€" tak- | half dozen applicants woh worthy a ing age into consideration- Miss Fairy i ye^rs trial at least and also that those has probably no superior in this Province. | ''^bo should be the guardians of the peo- The solo by little Richard Russell as | ples interostn continue in the face of "Butter Cup"â€" a child only five or six ' pa#t iucompetancies to run this branch years of ageâ€" was simply wondorf id slid i of the public service in the same inade- created an enthusiasm sildoui observed tl"ate manner. Don't Bet With Hlui ! on such occasions. Mr. Win. Dinwo(xly niiwle a capital wolf ; and Master Wni. Bellamy, as Rubin and Master Geo. Pic- kell as woodman diil well considering | everything. Miss Klla Ooidon as Grand- Respertfnily yours, W. G. PlCKELU â- Flesherton Feb. 8th, 1887. * ARTEMESIA ELECTORS! TURN A certain gentleiimii is working a nice inamina was splendid, while Miss Frances ! '^^^ ^^ FULL FORCE ON TUES- Beccroft (died the rW.. of Mamma tu the^^J NE.\T AND GIVE JAMIESON, general satisfaction of all preseut. Mis* Lizzie Richardson made a chariiiing little scheme in order to entrap Conser- vative electors. He approaclu^s his man, talks politics and finally induces the victim to make a bet, wiiicb. of course, "Rose." In fact every one of the »ch(M)l i (Validates his vote. This little racket children who took pan ainuittcd theni- ib being worked for all it is worth in .wives most creditably, showing that Flesh«rton's juvenile musical talent is of no mean order. Fairy, as '"Red Riding Hood," was a decided success in every particular, maintaining her well deserved reputation as the Queen of juvenile vo- calists. The operetta histed precisely TUB ANTIRIELLITE. A ROUSING MAJORITY. IT IS YOUR DUTY AS LOYAL CITIZENS TO SUPPORT GOOD GOVERNMENT. certain localities aud we take this op' portnnity to caaCon supporters of Dr. Jamieson against betting Bed Ridiiic Hood. This charming operetta will be ro- I>eat«)d in the Town Hall, Flesherton, Obituary. B.^DGEROW.â€" At the residence of her son, Samuel Badgerow. Esq. , .-Vrtcme- sia, Feb. 8th 1887, Keziah Badgerow, agul 89 years. [Deceaiied was l>oru in the state of one hour and gave unbounded satisfaction I ^'^^ ^"f''' ^- ^- °' Pcunsylvania par- by special request, to-morrow (Friday) i to the largo audienc« asseiublod on the !""*«• 0° "*=*• ^'•♦'*'- l'^'^- *^''*' ''*"'-''' evening. Doors open at 7:80, perform- 1 occasion-so much so, that it will bo re- 1 *'*«''^*' ""^ ^^^r marriage with Mr. David ancc commences atAg'dock. .Adniissicm 10 cents. In addition to the o]>eretta. Professor Morgan and Fairy will give a number of Uuiir choicest selections. Miss Christoe accompanist. KupprcMloa au4 la»iiirt)fity. Our contemporary tho H'tald in a somewhat hyaterical article asks "the honest elector" if he ap]iroves of mem. hers of Parliament abandoning their principles aud suppressing their con- victions. Of course ho does not. But this is just what he sci's Mr. HIake do- iiif{ on the trade question. That mem- IK-ated, at the special re.n,cst of many 'â- "ailgerow about the year 1817. when she removed to the state of Kentucky, where she resided atxiut sixteen years. From there she caiuc to Canada, to prominent townsmen, to-morrow evg. Mr. IMekell's Letter. To the Editor nf The Adnmce. Mr. Editor, â€" The question arises in my mind aud no doubt will in the niiuds of many of tho ratepayers of this Town- ship, why has the old as.<ics3or been re- elected in preference to six other appli- cants. This would not seem strange were it not generally known that the assessment of this Township is in a most deplorable condition aud shows beyond a doubt that tlio present assessor is a thoroughly incompetent ofBcer. Should bi!r of Parlianioot is not only abandon ing his own principles and suppressing | any one doubt this fact ho has only to his own convictions in order to prevail visit the clerks office and si>end an hour on protectionist!! to vote for him. but he looking over tho roll and then if not is endeavoring with all his might to per- convinced that what 1 say is correct, I suade other members of ParUamcnt to will admit I am mistaken. In addition do the same thing on Iwth tho trade question and tho Riel qnc.~tioD. If the Liberal platform were an honest ex- pression of the principles, convictions tu this let us go bock to the court of re- vision last spring when it was plain to all that the assessment was very unequ- al. After doing all that could be done and aspirations of the leading LiUirals i on that day it was found necessary to and tho great majority of their support- ers, it would l>o a very different one from what it is. So iiiiich is this the case that the whole Liberal pliitforui from one end to the other may be con- sidered a ])latforni of suppression and insincerity. â€" Montreal I>aUy Star. Mr a ford Bond. From our men Corrirpomlrnt. PoUTlcAi-â€" .As already noticed in the .\liVAN<'E, Dr. I>aiiderkiii was in heretioi- have a sjiecial sitting in order to try anil make some improvement upon the work of the assessor. This caused a great deal of unpIeasantiicsK, also the expense of an unnecessary session of Cofincil which in due time will ap]icar in tlie Auditors report and loss of time I to purtiiM summoned to attend as well las naicli ill will arising between niem- I Ixirs of Council and ratepayers by put- I ting the assessor work upon the couu- I oil. .And even this special attempt to ing to show to the people that ho was the [rectify the aKsesssment was largely abor- nian that they should send biitk to Otta- ative by the determined stand the as- wa to frpre«eiit (liim in the Dominicpii | essor took in opposition to the council. Markham Township, where she live^i until about throe years ago when she came to Arteiuesia aud put in thu re- mainder of her life i>uacefnUy and calm- ly with bef estot'iuud aud highly resixjct- ed sou. Samuel Badgerow, Esq.. one of tho leading yeomen of, this section of Grey. She passe<l cahuiy away to the eternal world on tho morning of the 8th iust., aud on the cveuing of the follow- ing day her remains wore consigned to their last resting place in the Flesherton cemetery, whither they were followeil by a large concourse of relatives and friends. Deceased was a faithful and consistent member of the Baptist churbh from the age of IC years until the day of her death. Her family consiHte<l of five sons and six daughters, of whom six are living. The four eldest were born in the state of Kentucky, the others in Markham- Township, Ontario. The youngest sou lives in Mielugau, U. S., tho rest arc citizens uf (Jauaila. Our esteeiued friend. Mr. Samuel I^dgcrow, Artcmesia, watt . born In Kentucky. The husband of de- coasetl (also deceased) servetl witli dlH- tinction, under Capt. Culver, during tho Anieiican war of IHl'i, and took part ij tho memorable battle of liueeustoii Heights. Ho received a pension frou the American Goverumeut after his dis charge, aud this amount wan s^ut WM'-'' larly to his wifu until her death. Adtici! to MoTmnt â€" Are you disturbed »t roght 4Ui) ttfokvii of your r««t bv a sick chiM ,, ,. Uf HI Ti' I. I 1 1 ; .. â- â- «iinrrilig»lut cryili£;wl!!i|i»iti of ^nttini;T»i>»h â- â- I'arluuiieiit. Mr. M Hichurdsoii showed Jsow at that time it was apparent • if „,,p.iia «t one. ami yet • l>c)ttl4. of â- Mrs. Win most conclusively that he was m.t and I that no two of that council were more l''"''««~"hiD«.s>r.„.- for Cl.il.lron T.«U.1.,»: ItH vKliin In JiicalculaMn It Hill n^tli'vi< thu poor littlt! HufTorfT iirinuHliatrl v. n»'|n»nd upo!i It, tiiothern; thoro ih no ?niHtibkt« about It. li curfli* DyiHiitcry ami Diarrhii'a. rcuuJkti'A th<T Htoiofti'h and Bownia. tnires Willi! (.'olic, toi tliiit ho had Ukoii .1 very niistakpu fK>licy (l4.tcrziiim;»l to havo a chiiiif^c and get oil several of the gruut quuatiuns of the the nsHcssuicnt of ArUMuesia iu pru{)er diiy, more esjieciHlly in condemning the shaiio if they were agaiu given thepow- j tho (iumt, r<Klu.-e9lnnamm»ti.>n. amlclvuKtoin. Government for .illowing the I.IW to take er than two of the assesâ€"'- „r,..,„.t 1 .»n<1 cerRvto the whol.. ,v.te,„ -Mr, Wl,.- iU courao in tho Roil mattor. \ HUppurtfisâ€" thf third huiii MATHIMf»MAL.â€" Mr. E. LrfHUllS haft ' \vho urohably did not give tlio inattor ' inul nnrReH in tho rnitrd state**. tnu\ {9 for m1 , . _ 1 . .... ' bv all dnmri^tf* tbr'tiiyhdii* tho world. Pric" I tWPMty-flvfirtintfi a hottle. Ite »turt> and nhk trr often â- « to (iums, retluoeslnflanuuation. and civc ^ or than two of the assessor's present | w,''soThU?KV^^,Mr'for bMldrrnT..ril,ing „ pleaNAtittothn taste aiiil Ih Uin j»re».cri^tioii rf fMiH (»f the ol<lo«t anil hest fttinale iilntticUvH a new man again after a short widowhood, entered due consideration, the marriage state. His partner is Mrs. i Now it is only a short time since one Cjiopcr. The boys eelclirated the joyous of tluwc men told myself that I ought event by giving tlie new married couple a to apply for that otiice and sai<l to Bie grand musical sert-nade. j "you could sit in your own house and Death. â€" Tho grim monster has again ' tnako a better assessment than we have visited this place, his victim this time bo- now." ing Mr. Win. Pritchard who had been j I want it uiidersto<«l that I thorough- ly resfHJct and esteem our asses.sor as a man and a geiitloinan but after years of experience and ample opportunity for improvement it is evident that for this othcu he is an utter failure and a failure Mnx WinkloWh Suotiiino Sviicr," aud tako no other K'..:<]. ailing for some time past. "HACKMET.\CK," n lastin;;Rnd fraursnt perfume. Price 2.'i and .W cents. Sold by Medical Hall. A NASAL IN.IEOTOIl free with Moh bot- tle of Hhiloh's ("atnrrh Heniedy. I'lioe flO cents. Sold al Medical lUIL FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 1 AA tfccr*»«. fn'iiit; Lot '.il, Com 'J. Vrti-rninirt. n\- IvU jottrtDK Town i>n>t of KHRouift. .t5 aoriH rloartHl, feDe<Ml. and rnohtlv HiuMltttt dowu (uH' I w«*ll i»f navurfailiiitf wat»rrlo»»o tnhounu. Yoiu k* orchard, jnut rotmiioiuinr to beat* fruit. FrAiru* hinitii', Ifig Htatttu Btronm of wntor on plhcc. Tormneasy. for varticutars apply to J. W. HOATH SEED OATS FOR SALE. On Lot 6, Con i:i, n^jiruj. l.oon himhoN cheiru Tartar 0«t«. Rrnwi) (111 frwi-lilv hrn)i"n Ian I. in a public officer in anv department is ' win be raady for doilv.Tv »t)oiit t«u i'nv« fjt :n ,.".,. .1 ilato Prion, (iboutlffl or JOofiita imr t.M.ihM) ft serious matter and lu this particular >»b.uu, ibsrt Jaiuts COAwrotkU. \ (4 '.A . 4 ,;?f|- l^i.