^â€"^^ ;t v*r' •fVi FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRLYCIFLES, A''OT MEAV VOL. VI., NO. 295.'' -' - ' ," FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 10, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, "';°r5p'« PRIETOR. ^. â- . '. I » ! ? â- • . i* • I ! k-'- ) â- k ' h •?â- •â- ;. 1 I' I / V .-J- 1 I / dtof T't - Bits. C<»/i5i.sfiii<7 of lAtcnl and Other Interesting Keiiu ijalhcred hy The Advance Iteportert. Servant Oirl wanted. Apply to Mrs. J. fi. MooRK. Fleshprton. Otet ronr palling cards printed at The i AdvaSck OflSce. : 1 Mr. Thos. Millen, of Heathcote, wo < tn town this week. I hW ,'3l.-)- ; On tn t>'f' Mass Meeting !ii the Town , lltfll on Saturday. Oct vonr Printing dono at The Ad- ^VANcn Offloo. Watches I ,1 II » â- . • 'I keep tlio only complete ditock of i .\inencau Watches, Cfeciit. Sihvr-; vare, Jewelry it Specks in tliis soo- 1 tioii of Gipy. Caxh do bettijr "eRsti or: credit" for the pn^ilie, tlmn any Jew-; oiler within 15 miles. , SPECIALTIES :â€" WeddiiJg lUugB. 'Difficult Watch llcpaii-ing- A RclUtbU JtutlUr, •MARKDALB, - - CWT. BODTK f: SHOES RKLLINa OFF iCIIEA? AT W. CLAYTON'S. Mr. .\lcx. f^fotlmrd. of Priceville, in- tendrt going to Uritisli Coliunbia ihiB tHiit«r.' • '^^'(> ' arr' f;1a<^ to know that Master WIH WiH.nn li.is reooviroJ from lii» re- cent severe illncHH. Mr. Win. .Iftf|;ms. of Sinelianipton, is vi»iting his sister, Mrs. Unhiier of tliis placo. Cattle fair on Monday vma not largely ; attended ou account of inclement wea- ' flier. [ Miss Lizzie Lonard, of this Township, |ls viKiiiut; lior sister. Mrs. IIcnr\" Wil- |sou, of Plielpston. oooooooooooooooooooo6o«oo««oooooo I CAIlFi TIIAis ! ATI arc invited to arttciri the Conser- vat' .0 Mass Meeting in the Town Hall, â- at '2 o'clook, ou Saturday. Qnite a nnmber of pooiile from this locality attended Dr. Laiii'.ei-kin'si*rice- vHle meeting laM Friday evening. ,T .1 1 . . T n - I Miss Annie Cliu-k, of (>vai)2i'villo, is In thanking my customers Toj- Uiei.-^.,.i,iti„^, ,,„ ^^,,^j„ ^j,^ ^ it Fawcett liberal putiomigc in the ^just, i Imve-of tliis town. .much plcasiue lu being still able to ^„^ ^in the pe»|>1e n»ite in saying- gupply them with the follornKg oe+e- , "Oct your Flonr ami Feed at Reefer's Bring in your »o<h1 for Thb Advanck "before the snow flies." One cord and , _ a quarter of good preeii wood pays for i ^'"" 1*-'*' Friday evening, and that the the ptij)er for Vi months â€" freight paid : latter '•darep't taki; up the glove. " 1)}' ns. j This is false. Dr. Cliristoe was not in j â€" ; I the hall at the time; if he had been. An Omnge soiree and concert will Ik) Mr. Hrown's l)oinbastic cliallrngo wonlil given in the Orange Hall, F.ngenia, on have been promptlv iti .^jpted. Dr. Tnf^diiy. March iMi, 1887. Further I C'hristoe is no coward u-M Mf. Urowu particulars 4^ !«• piven on posters to I knows it. ! j ' bo issned iifdno time. â€" ' â€" Ma^s 5ff<*tii)u:. A nieetincWtlie Ratepayers of S, 8. ' The Couserviitive Ma-, .Minting, an- No. .'•), wiin)^h(l.I i:i tlu^ School House ' uounccd la.st week to >.u >• place in the on Friday. F*y. Iltli. 1SS7. to couliriii ; Tuwii Hall here thin liM.- lav) even- selection of Sit. or select new Site for ] 1,,^, has heen i)osH.Knieii and" will bo Scliool Building. Meeting at a:M p. ni. i hold in same place on Saturday after- ,„, 1 7~ " .' T "" â- noon at "2 o'clock, l".ith iiist. D.'Creigh- rhcanuualtea.me«ting.inconnoolion t„„, y M.P.P. for North th-ev-whoi «n h Kngenia Sabbath School, will be has no peer as a debater in the Ontario ' held in that place Monday evomng, lilst I Legwlative Assemblv-and others will . lust. A Rood pr"K>-am Tea nervsa L^.i^e^^ the electors "on the great ques- i from 5 to 7 p.m. See bills for parUcu- 1 ti„n„ „f the day. Dr. Landerkin is in- 1 '''*• ! vited to bo present. .\s this ]iroini8es i to be one of the liveliest and most inter- \ estiug roeettugg c^f the ci^inpaiyu in i it a biuted macUiuf-a., vix~- \ Tlio Toroi^te Lijjht ftudeB, Tlie Toronto Mower. Tiic Sharp SnlTjy Rak.>, The Massey Harvester. , Tl>e Mafisey Mower. The Toltoii Pea Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Comhiiiatioii Plow. Tolten's Centie l>rftught Pointer Plow. Hamilton's Scufflcrs. 'Hamilton's Doss Gaug X^low. VWisnor's Spring Tooth (JuUiTators. The Chatham Fanning Mill JPles^orton. T>je Tclogtaph office will b«i close*! at "6 o'' clock p.m., in fnture, unless a bonus of 2.') couts each is given to keep it open later. LADTES\ MISSES * PHTLDREN'S I BOOTS SELLING OFF VERY CHEAP AT W. CLAYTONS, 2 t. The. Stifle, for February, published by M. nieliardson, Flesherton, is a very liandsomc number. Issued free. Send fcft a eopy. j A good farm in Artomesia is advetkis- «d for sale or to rent in this week'u is- .,,,., , _ , sue of Thb Advanck, by Mr. J, W-. A full stock of RfiPAiiLS always on Hoath, of Eugenia. Read it. Laud. I â€" Parties requiring any of ths above I,.^J"":^"*:|T/ I"'*" «';! ,, , . ' I. Tames Crawford, of Osprey, has Will do well to call and inepect Mach-l bushels for sale. Read his advt. iucs, which awH be fouad w Sproule's j ^^^oro in this week's issue, warehouse. else- A. S. VanD[JSEN, Fl^ESIlERTOK. No other medicine is so reliablo as Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, for the cure of coughs, colds, and all (fwrangonients of the respiratory ovgaiiK. tt relieves the asthmatic and coiisupiptivc, even in tui- 'â- ) oeoocoooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo | ^a^^^.,- ^^^^^^ „f ^^^^^^ lATATCHES, Cloiikjs^, Jewelei'y, BilvcrNVeU'e, Bpcx,. $Li. •11 â€" "\ The finest and best stock of Waltham, EI.<,'in, Sprinj;- lield, Hampden. Illinois, 8i Swiss Watches. New Haven & Seth Thomas Clocks, weight and spring,'. Jewelcry, (Wed- <hng Kings), Spectp.cles, &c. to bo found in this section of country^ is nt RUSSELL'S Notld Jewklkrv Store. Flesh- erton. None but Genuine Watches kejit in stock which l^ear warrants from 2\ to 5 years. Just received a very large consignment of Clocks which were bonglit for casli, so you may expect bargains all of which bear;warrants from i to 3 years. A very fine stock of Silverware, Ladies' Rings, Chains, Necklets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Cuff-Duttons, Bracelets, Scarf Pins, &c., of the finest qnality, at lower .j)rices than you can get them for elsewhere, and also remem- ber the only place to get your Watches, Clocks & Jewelery .repaired properly is at Go to the Mass Meeting in the Town Hall, at '2 o'clock, on Saturday. Get your picture framing dono by Mr. J. E. Moore, Flesherton. See his new card advt. We have received a letter from Mr. \.' G. Pickell, re the .Xrteniesia Assess- orsJiip, whicli will be published in our next week's is.sue. Mr. Jas. G. B««.-ill is attending the Grand Council of the Royal Templars of Temperance pX St. Thomas this week as representative of Fountain Coimcil. To>niorrow Night. Don't forget thf l)eautifnl operetta of ' "Red Riding Hood" in the Town Hall, | Flesherton, to-morrow (Friday) night, ' in vtiiich the wonderful child vocalist. Miss Fairy Morgan, and 40 of our Pubhc | School children will take part. The 1 operetta is highly spoken of wherever it has been given. Admissi(m 2.5 cents ; < children 10 cents; lady and gentlemiui, ' 40 cents. Be sure and go, and bring j your sisters and your cousins and your ' aunts with von. ' i It is Fal84'. Somebody has been busy stating that Mr. Win. Brown challenged Dr. Christoo to si>eak on the Riel cpestion at Price- "My little son, tliree years of age, was terribly afflicted with scrofula. His hi-ad was entirely covered witli scrofu- lous sores, and his body showed many marks of the disease. A few Imttles of .Oyer's Sarsajwrilla cured hiui," â€" W. J. B«'ckctt, Ilymera. lud. South. Gr^ty, ^^j^^urs shuuld make p^iiik to turu out ui fuU force. Explanation. At the reqnoflt of a largo number of PricoviU« oitizens we have re-opened nACK.\fET.4fK." n U.tin^Via frtgrant I ^,"'" columns for ab"ef contiiiuation oi perfuin". Price S5 »ml &0 f^jlfV*. 80IJ by * "" "" "" "' ""' ' Medical UaR. I<4rrt <ftVf r. "Local sket'Ift^f." )e(|ter from Kngen- ia, and a largo qnnnttty pf other matter crowded out 'his neet but will appear in our uo%.i Islnf*; JL_ , i^"- Mrnford load. Dr. Lauderkin spoke hero on the P9- litical (pi<>Htions nf the day on 'rue>'.du last. Ho was followed by .^^ l^charcT. son. K*K]. . of your town, who j^ave one. of the mo.^t masterly «jh 'ches ever de- livered in this neiglabo;'hood--conipletc- ly rtyriring the Refwrn candidate on evtxy point touched.^ tin »0(1 fl«K< ,UI... ^pseirsi IVoted Jewelry Store, Fiesbertpn. 'f;^^'- " 4(iieen or Ktocutloniiits." Miss McGarry certainly deserve^ this title, as the larg« and select audience which assembleid in the Town Hall here last Wednesd^^v evening ('2nd inst.) will be nrepared to. ^stify. She is simply faultless as an elocutionist, and fairly carried her andiiuicx! by storm. The ejj- thiisiasin was u^lxjunded. One mom- ent her and!|tors wvro inove<l to tear^, the next (^v. \v»\l? convulsed wiUi laughter ; itnd (rv)ni ^rst to last the Kif plausc that followed each recital ai^.l reading was deafening. Her selections hunioruuB and pathetic â€" were chaste and appropriate ; her manner, graceful and rc&iied ; her apjiearance, dignified and coininanding ; her general demean- or, quite una£f(K-t(Hl and natural. In short slio 18 queen '" 1 sphere nature s<Mims to have peculiarly fitted her for. Her powers as an elocutionist are sim- ply marvelous. For instance : while she was reading %\\o "Tjittle Hero," in which the mate c^ a vessel, with a fer- ocity (assumed) (ilmost unparalleled, threatens tu hang a little "stowaway, " liecausdiu will noj confess that he has bwiii "stowcil awiv\" by one of the sail- orsâ€"during which ail old Yorkshire sail- or prasjis a handnpilve, intending to use it witli a voiigeanpe if the mate dared to j (â- arry his threatf^ into effectâ€" one gentle- 1 man in the auditinpci w-as so "worked up" 1 that he came ue^rly shonting out, "Give it to him with VhS handspike, the old , scoundrel !" j Miss Mc(iarry was eflScieutly sustain- 1 ed, in the musical department, by Miss \ Christoo, Miss .\riiistron<4, Miss VauDu- i sen, and Messrs. Uussell and Barnliouse. Miss Mc<iarry was rejwatKilly encored. Mrs. (ijerdruiii, President of Kleslu rton Women's Christian TenijM'rance I'tiioii â€" under whoso auspices the entertain- ment was given â€" occupied the chair, assisted by A. R. Fawcett, of the Ad- vanck, who is a Life Honorary Member of the Union â€" and very proiid of the fact, l>c it understood, as he was the tirst, and wp beliovo is the only, Life Honorary .Member in Canada to-day. It is pi^tliape nee<11ess to add. that sliould Mies McOarry favor us with an- other visit she will be greeted by a bnni{>cr house. A >»AS.\l7rivJKOT6ii Tr^TwiFh Mch bot- tle of SliiUih'x OMarrh K«Di<>tly. I'liee 50 pp))l«, Hul.1 «t Medital Hall. the school controTersy, although we must confess wo do not see what beaefit U« to be derived from ao-doiug. Nearly all the writers have indulgciT more or lest; in matters outside tiio quostioB tX is.sue, which renders it extremely diffi- cult to know just where to wind the >«fiAir up. Mr. Dixon cbMWMl to fall I into Ibts orror in lii..« last.' iimTnow sev- eral parties claim the ri^dit to reply to the new i«sues raised. Notliinjj ^ttl 1^ n^nse \/ i;ff*i<;e ti <rll- (opr^n^i wou^l in- duoc, u^yi do this, for wo ♦re in no way intfrcsited jicrRonally. One thing we â-ºâ€¢hall insis,, upon, and that is lirrrxtxi. Letters exceeding one ciduiuu will in- variably lie boilo<i dov.ii, or left out al- together, at tlie K<litor'rt discretioo. Further: if new issues are iutrodueed by any writor opposed to Mr. Dixon, the latter will bo allowed space fur a reply. From our f,im Corre.ifxihdrnt. Laat Saturday evening' there was a very exciting muutiii)( lielil in tint school house here, discussing whether tlie "text book ' or the "Ross Hilile" should ho used in the school. Koine pretty tall speaking t<M)k place. Filially a vof<. was takcii, in which it was kicked out of the school. We noticed a mistake in Kiinburloy Items last week, vir., innte.id of T. B. Gaiidin sinafns with U. ' D. 'Carruthers, T. B, Carnitlicrs and R D. Cnmithers K&uit. and Mrn, Alduns huisiciaii not Miu .\liloii%. On Wednesday last. Dr. Sproulc M.P., and Mr, McCohnan, ex M.P.P., spoke in the OrHiii;e Hall to a very large audience on tlfH political questions of tit* day. Mrs Thurston, has gone to Toroiito, t<. visit her son for a few weeks. iiiixtioec Frotii our oirn (\'irii)mndcnt. Tlic Quarterly Meeting in connection witli the Diiiidulk circuit, wa.s held last Sunday, Ket.. fitli, at 1IT:;)0 o'clock. .\li.ss Mary .'oliiisoii, left here last week for ('olliiiuwood, to attend the Ctdlet;iate Institute, there. The lUiV. .1. .\. Dowler, of Homing's Mills, occupied the pulpit of the Metho- dist chuich liero. HahUith .'iOUi Jiiii. Mr. .loliii P;ir){a. of Fevershaui, is \ visit mil friends and acipiiiintances herv. • Then) bus been h «ic.it amount of I sickiirss hfi-e Iiitely, but 10 far no deaths I hiive occui-rcil. I Air. Edward Ross intends building a large frauie bam next nuiiiiuer. Krpiy to Mr. Wm. Brown. To the Editor 0/ the Adrttuce. Dear Sir,â€" Markdalu's would-be M.P. is evidently upoiling for a fight and is u. fair representative of his w.'m itrj-man. with shelalah in one hand end dngijim.' his coat through the fair, shouting â€" "Will any gintlenian havu the kindness til thread on thn tail av 1110 coat ! " Failing to attain the coveted positiou. where â€" The apphiusu of li>t«ninf; pcnAte« to coiiimiitd his eloquence might have had scope and play, he, to use his own simile, has dr- Rcended ''/rum the dizzy heinhts t>j' grote- qyie nrefxunptimi tn the Imrer arptht I'i drioellirw imhecility " to whsi;k Markdaie Scho<d Trustees. What an eleirant, elo (jueiit sentence that is surelyâ€" '.hat vin< framed for tlie Legislative halls and nerei intuiided to, be wasted ou a few insigniti- cant villuLyrs, whom lie calls " empty hi:id». What brain tortures it must liavi' cost iiini 1 It is ditticult to decide which to admire iiujst â€" the 'â- yrotcsifmnrss " of construitu 11, the " imixtdUti ' it betr.iys, or the recuIessnesH with which he waste> li:* learnui'.', logic (*) and eloquence oe. thi' devi.t.^d heads of the ."school Trustees. He begins his letter with " dedueimj axiuiiu. '' We always tliought an axiom was a self-evident truth, but the gre.a; Markditle Dombastes Furioso says no â- lohiiston. Walker, Webster and Wurct- ter are all wrong : I, William Brown, ei- ScJiool Te;irher, deduce my axioms, ami the pteniisos I lay down are the 'saying". ift shrewd observers. In^ his first so-calleil axiom he states hi« inability or difficulty to distinguish be tweeu the wisdom of the wise and thi- tolly of the lisir-brained simpleton. Now. C(mimoii sense people have no diSiculty in makint; such distinction, or, to lue hir own phrase, " drawini; the line." Tlir common sense of the electors of East Gre.v drew the line quite distinctly and clc:irlv in the late election, when they had a saiu pie of each genua to choose from. Bui William's inability to draw the line is ei plained in his second ]>arugraph : Ht- states the desoent fa>m " grotesque pre- sumption " tu " drivelling imbecility was '"imperceptible." Thus, doubtle ipeaks feelingly his •xperience and gi 'at l«aat one reason wly he found i ilUtult to distinguish wisdom from fe Having iniMcd his vocation as lev'islatiir. he has now ttimed preacher and take* his two " sxioms or proverbs " as he cnlN them, for s, Wxt The Book the Mark dale Trufiices have placed in their schnol ctmtains a rare treasury of proverbp. which have been the admiration of th<' wiMW>dgi>od of iiy ages, but William oouldi wt tind anythmi; wise enough there fpr a text, so manufactures what hr calls proverbs for himself. His senuon (?) is an attempt to throw ridicule on the Bible and on the Trustees in placing it in the Markdale School ane thg^ authorizing what the Government nt Ontario had left unauthorized in defercnc to Romish influence. The letter is an il lustrstion of how far jiarty bi.is and pre judice can liliiid a man. who, atone timi had some credit for intelligence and a Ut tie i<."'ning. It contains no argunic.u and is unanswerable with argument, but. the res<dution that ho attempts to ridicul.: is eleicant in phraseology, rextonablu if, argument, loyal and patriotic in soati ment, and in its sturdy independence in claiminu for themselves and their child reii their constitutional rights as Bdti.iii subjects, is in bold contra^ to the jiaccii spirit and truculent subserviency c* men who are willine to forswear all ptofesseo principles of rii;ht, nnd are ever rr.vly to •<ell their nati<mal birtliricht f..rii iik-»« of JMittage. «». N. TvOOKFK. Ar>vin» TO Moximis â€" Are yn rti<tnrbo<I i-t niulit Mid br<iken of tomi rw^t hv m sick I'hii" â- iiitTorUif; iitiil cryiiin with pain nfe'ntliUKTri'fh ' If «o fond nt onr<> and evt a Iwittle of 'Mri" Win «tr>w« Soothliii.' S^-rtiv' fir Ctiildn.!! Tii-thlnt Its v«lii« i. liirslpiilshlr. It will rcllevi. th. Poor littlt! Hn(T(»r»'r iini(i«ii«toIv, I>*»iw»nil v.prn- it. inn«li(>r": thpre Is w mistake at^it It It C'.irtiH DvHimtirv and Diarrhnft. rtu-iUt*. tli. Htoniach and MowpIs, riirr. Wind rol:r. .oftrn- th« Oiims. r*wtnres Tnfli*nimation, and civ«». inn.- ftnd encirvv tn the whole sv.t#ni. â- *5fr* Win. low's J^ootliinR Syrup â- fiT cliildrcr Ifi-tMnc <â- p!i'asnnt totho t'asto and I. tlip prf-sfflrt" 'i < '^noof the old*w»t and lM».t feTnal»» nhi.icis*.. nnil niirso. In the I'nitfd States anil I" for •«'. hy all dnicaistH throiichnut th.» w-nr'd. I'rir' twoiity-flve rent8 a iMittle. Pe stiri and n*k 'r 'â- Mns 'W*TNsi.ow"a Soorrnvr. Synrp." »nd tak.- noothsr kind. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 1 on *'â- 'â- •"<• '"'"C I'"' i*-*. I'm! e. Artamisia, aU- AV/w joiniim Town plot of KuRenia, V, acres cleared, fenced, and mostly scodfil down <\not> well of nevorfaillnHwaterclosnti. hniiae. Yoiurf orchard, Juat ceniiuMioins to bear fruit. Frame ha(is«, log Btable. Stream o( water on place TorniHeasy. Kor partitulnn niinly to ^, ,, „ , _ J. w. H(JATII. »eb. 1.SS7. KiinoiilaP. a SEED OATS FOR SALE, On I,ot 6, Oo» M. ().pr»y 1 ,100 biia'iols choioo xirMi"^?"" "â- **?• *""""'" 'rwlily broken land. Will l>« rM.<ly or .!j»ii,ory about ten <1ar« from "•.Vi ^•"'â- •••Hflitttoriin.j.i.Mper husbel. F.U«W.l*n â- J»»». C»AWT.«D. A I.nsB Crai.â€" Onn siiisle trist "f Hi Chast-'s Liver Cure will oonyinr.. the' mo»' skeptical and confirm twller liis-i llions^nd- of teslinioniaia that >» ts a snre •»». Meu- eiine anil Kaeipe niwik II. Salt Rwrrcv Cinr.u-McfJreci'r * Pioke - rnrlxilioCerateba', he.«»r).>d «>n' loiii'd to 1 .• tlio oiily t« u<i^w eiire fpr Suit Khensi. Plinpl*. niotciAVl eu the face or hands. Cut", nurn . liTnUeS:'hr any Sore tliat nothinifeN.. will hes: '»>»'Mp(lrecor* Park... ("artollo Curate. Ht p»T tx>» at the UruR Store. with IMluplH*. Illotehe. Hor.^ .if a'ly de.prip- I.adic<i troirbled Konnh liand. or face ^ tioii,»hould n«e Mcdn-dor * Parke's Caibi, ,, Cerate. It will lasre the .k.n I" perfect hraltl . so Mvith. clean and coo.! rrlor He snre an.l r. t theitennine. n>-..''- I'V Mcflrecor* Para • Piii,- ifw. SDKtat the Drugstore. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made raiaerai;.- bv that terrible •ongh. Shil'b't Cure i* lb* rrufdy for j«n. Sold at Medical BalV â- A J. '*,...«? ,.'♦â- â-