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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jan 1887, p. 4

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Maxwell The death of D. Heron has cast gloom over the entire neighborhood as he was a man respected by all who knew him as a consistant [sic] Christian, a kind father and a good neighbor. His remains were laid in the Methodist cemetery, on Wednesday. The funeral sermon will be preached by Rev. W. Farrier on Sunday next. THE r&apos;LESHERTON ADVANCE. nnTTCi 1} A V>im maT b« rnnnd on me nt <3*a, ».tU.a rii.rXtD) p. ftuwcllft Co&apos;s NeW8[wpe( AdvtTl UlDK Bureau (loaprmjeBt-l. where aUTfrtlMna ceutrocu uuur Ue uuulii (ur U Ul NJ£W \&apos;OBl£ THE ADVANCE. I.s pnNlsliol Klioji TllK OFl&apos;U&apos;l;, C<illiii&apos;l>roi>d titnrt, - - Flenhertou, Ont. TKKMS OK SUHSUltlPTION : S^l I&apos;lT iiiiTuiiii when paiil strictly in lulvaiicc â- r L.^U I&apos;ur uuiiiuu wiifii nut ho I&apos;liid. A. K. FAWCETT, Editor and J&apos;ropiictur. FLBSHERTON: TIIUKSDAY, JAN. 27. 1887. n r &apos;,":.s 77 o .V. I B /v /:; r. i vti < .s. Tlio Grey luviiir lias rusortcil to very <lucstioiiable tactics iu couufction with the tloction caniiiaiKH in South Grey â€" tactii-s whicli are not in keopiiif; with tl&apos;ose atloiiteil liy tlie founder of that journaL Surely it is a sorry Kiiectadc when journals of any iiolitical strijie re- sort to uuwarrantoil and baseless ridi- cule in order to holster i!]) the cause of .•I j^entlenian â€" however worthy he may lie ,is a jirivate citi/eu â€" whoso imrhiiieiit- iuy record has been dimmed by uuiiar- donable blunders. If the AVW.k- seelis to a<ld lustre to the career of Dr. Laudcr- )iin it will have to go outside the politi- cal arena for its material. Crediting .m opiionent with sins he never commit- cd, and giving him "virtues" he never |>o.ssesscd, will not have a tendency to ckvatc its own candidate, or cause tlic lieojilo of South (irey to bury out of sight the jiolitical misdeeds of their late I eprvsentalivo. l)r. .Jamison is quite above and be- voud the of the I{&apos;&apos;rii u- ; and wliilo the latter is shooting off its little pop-gun and hugging itself witli tlie de- hision that every shot IS taking ellcct, the former moves serenely along, un- conscious of the puny assaults of his journalistic opponent. It will be time for the /iVri&apos;i »• to criticise Dr. .lauiisoii \\ hen the latter has done Konvthiiig to merit sucli treatment .• but not other- w ise. unless it is governed by oilier rules than those which obtain among gentlc- lueii of position and respectability. The "Probable Address to the KUc- lors of Soutli Grey&apos; applies w ith far greater force to Dr. Landerkin than to 1 )r. .Tamison ; but wc would be sorry indeed to attribute all the motives, liinted at and plainly stated tliorein. to ( ithcr of the gentleuieu. In this njspect llie Jhriiir writer exliiliits bad fastt-and ;&apos;. very large stock of that article whicli some call presumption, but whicl^ is (li signated by others by tlio more com- mon and forcililc aiipelation, "clieek." &apos;i&apos;ho "Address" is supposed to convey idea th:it tlie Conservative nominee is a j&apos;olitieal weathercock â€" ready to face whichever way the wind blows ; in other words that he is "all things to all men." .Never did artist paint a picture so un- real and utterly inconsistent w ith tlie "original.&apos; Dr. .laiiiison liad tlie "back- bone" and the manliness to boldly and emphatically inform the members of the Conservative association of South (jrey, tliat he would support only those mea- sures whicli were in the interests of all classes andconditioiiHof his couiitrynieii. no matter from what party they might mianate. And he had the honesty to .••tatc this hcfure the ballot was taken, lie also stated that he would never go to Gttawa bound by "cast-iron" pledges to support the party, right or wrong. Will the kindly contrast Dr. .laiuisou&apos;s positipn witli that of Dr. fjauderkin â€" the gentleman who felt liound to follow iu the ftotsteps of Jlr. !!lake. although Sij- I&apos;Ji&apos;hard Cartwiight Mid other ilhistriou&apos;i gcntleiuen were pa- triotic enough, and pcssessed of sufliciont "back-bone" to vote witii the govcrn- iicnt on the Rcil question, regardless of sneer or menace. In eouchisioii, let us suggest that the Ivriiv get up an- other "address" cm taiiiiiig a full ac- count of the siieeches and voting of Dr. Lai: lerkin on the hanging of the Jletis traitor, Louis Ilicl, and on the "Scott .\ct amendment." It would form ipiite an inteiystipg chapter in current litera- ture. !^ I&apos;lesbcrtoii Factor.r. The annual iii(&apos;,.t,iyg of the patrons of iliis fa.ctory for the pur|i(ise of ivinding up tjlt) yiai&apos;!) business^ lyas held in the Town- Hull, Fl&apos;JSherton, oji Tue.mlny 18tli iiist. The mnor^ read by .tlie Secretary, iftated that (J)t&apos;-c bad been delivered at the facto!;y dining the pastsiaaou (>08.1t98 \hn. of milk, from which tlieio was iimiui- fiictured ()2,H17 lbs of cliecse which wii.s sold for $(ilO().:i7. The total cost of ruii- liiiig the factory was Jl.J.&apos;W.ll, leaving f&apos;.(r the belieht ot the Patrons, Hf>7<>.ii(i. soys Of TEMl&apos;liRAXVi:. The Animal Mretiny of ihe Oraud Division at Krainpton, The annual convention of the Grand Division of Ontario Sons of Teuipenince wa.s opened Tuesday in V.iamptun, with a large atteiidancu of delegates fnuii all parts of the i&apos;rovince. The (J rand Scribe reported that during tlio year l.&apos;i.&apos;l divi- sions reported, and the number of mem- bers ropoitiid was 7-17. The aggregate of the year&apos;s w.irk is as fi>llows : Nuinhur of new uieinheis adiiiitlt&apos;d. .8580 .Vuiulior of mi&apos;iiibcrs reinstated Kitl Number of menibers withdrawn ... !)!>1 Xuiuher of ineinbers suspended 9.14 Number e.\|ii I&apos;d for violat&apos;n of pledgelOi) Number expelled fcu&apos; other causes... 21.") Xuiuher died ;i4 Number violated the pledge I&apos;M The G. W. Treasurer&apos;s reiiort states that the total cash recei]its of the year, including Js^ll.&apos;^ from the National Division for propagation, was g^l 1(1(1, and the t.itid payments .SOIill, leaving a balance of in hand of ?137. There are some outstanding accounts, lioHover, of .95!)&apos;l, which have to be mot. The election of olhcers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : G&apos;.NN&apos;.l&apos;., &apos;I&apos;liofi. Webster, of I&apos;aris, by acclamation ; (l.W. A., S. Holland, Bradford; G. Scribe, W. H. Bewell, Whitby ; G.T., Geo.M. Rose, Toronto, by acclamation ; G. Clia]ilaiii, Rev. II. S. Matthews, Pickering ; (i. C, L. W. Tye, P.raiiipton ; (i.S., .1. S. .John- ston, Kingston.â€" roioii/o M&apos;urUl. .\yer&apos;s Pills cure constipation, improve the appc^tite, promote digestion, restore healthy action, and regulate every func- tion. &apos;I&apos;lii?. i.Miilicine is pleasant to tako and gentle in its operation. See article in Ayer&apos;s Almanac. ArU&apos;iiK&apos;sia A^rifiiltiiral .Sofirly. The annual meeting of this Society was held in Flcsliertoii on Thursd.ay the l.&apos;itli inst. Although the day was cold afid stormy, tin re was a fair turn out of the niembeis. The Auditors&apos; Report slinwud the total receipts during the past to be84l5.7C>, disbur.seiiieiits 8:^22. (i.&apos;J. leav- ing a balance (.n h.-md of 8!l2.!»:i. (»f the total receipts, ?7.">. 7i"> was cnllccted for a plowing match, of which i?(;5.;(4 ex- pended for that purpose, leaving .?!).81 as a start for iU, other year. The following were elected officers for 1887 :- President, R. Gliver ; Vice-President, D. McMillan. Directors :-- A. Stewart, M. Ueiley, .1. Stewart, .J. Rrodie. G., T. Con- key, D. Harrow, G. Swanton, .J. (i.iw- lai.l Auditors : â€".1. Gordon, .l.W. Matins. At a meeting of the Directors, which followed, .J. Biodie was re-elected Secre- tary Treasurer. Muxwol]. Fioiii our own Corres)iuiiilntt. For the last three weeks, the weather has been very stormy and cold. Tlie roads were almost impassable. ( >ur mails have been delayed. We had only two mails from the east last week, on account of the trains bciiur snowed uji. lint our .Januaiy ha.s t.ikeii away the greater jiart of snow, and tr.afic is now ditiicult on account of the roads being too rough. The death of D. Heron has c.ust a gloom over the entire neighborhood as he was a man resjiected by all who knew him, as a consistaut Christian, a knid father .and a good neighbor. His rcumins were laid in the Methodist cemetery, on Wednesday. The funeral sermon will he preached by Rev. W I&apos;"&apos;ani(M&apos; on Suiid.ay m^xt. Two fires occured in our village last week, one at Mr. J. Kortoiis and one at the Methodist Parsonage. I5ut tliey proved to be only the chimneys burning. And yet they caused rpiite an excitement. The dwelling&apos; of Mr. Saiiford Tuck, was flooded on Siuulay and Home snow slicivel- ing had to be done to allow the family to rem.ain in the house. Dr. Kerr&apos;s hou.^e was also threatened with a flood, ))ut there too, some exer- tions were iisi.&apos;d, to let the water off. The Hoods were caused by the heavy r.aiiis of â- Satuiday and Sunday. Mr. Thomas Maxwell who went to Michigan some time ago, was »jxpected home last week but has not yet arrived, and his friends are very anxious about )um. Our schoid tcacl^er Mr. Drumjaiouil, •.gpoars to bo given gendrnl satistrjction anvL yry.wisli him every surf ess. A Jijr&apos;s Sarsaparilla is prescribed and roco;»eiid-.&apos;il by eminent physicians, and is takou with jierfect saf&apos;;ty by old and young. P&apos;i clransing and vitalizing ef- fects are siue and sjieedy. and it is uiii- versal&apos;y i.mcedcd to be the most effec- tive of all bicofl pnrifjfv^, iNliW ADVKKTISKMKMS. IMaCF.VILLK nilLL &apos; The Neil&apos; Mill is now com- pleted and in full work nj; or- der. The RoLLF.K Process is thorough in every respect, and a full lino of rolls. The Eijkl ash Pace&apos;linaii For any q&apos;dantity of Wheat. Positively no credit will be given in the (iRisT Mill. The SAW Mill is doing splendid work. Bring in your log:: and yoii can get the lum- ber home with vou. First class I&apos;LANEK and Matcher. Mr. lohn McLeod manages the Saw Mill which I hope is a sufficient guaran- tee for good work. ROBT. McGOWAN. Jan. 24, 1887. Auction SalF$ I&apos;lulcrnii&apos;l by virtuouf a |»>wt*r of .-iiilft contniu- etl in R )&apos;«&apos;i-tfti!J Mo»-tt,Mti(&apos; wlii* ji will be pro- duct&apos;d ul tbc tiim* nf mile, thuru will will l>L-s<.l.l oil TliiirMlay, 10th day ofFeb.* IHK7, .\t I&apos;l o&apos;(rl(Kk umm. !>y .I.\S. rilUMl&apos;SON, AULtioiio.r, at the aLOin: H0TI:I.. in the TOWN OF COLLING WOOD. All l)int ciMtiiiii mn-&apos;l uf liiml MJtimto in the Townshtp 1*1 CoIU.&apos;ikw^&apos;^mmI, in tbu (.&apos;ounty «if Oruy, aii<l bt&apos;in)j ruuijhtKi-d of tbn vtiHt hiilf nf I*ot No. 2» in the Uli cnn<-c^sii»n nf tliti uaiil Townsliii). i(thfr\ in^; tlmrcout ubiiput two uurun apiiropriutiMl fur vonrlh. THKMR:â€" Ont- Titntli (if the- inrchnKo mnn<&apos;y t<> be piiiil (town .&apos;it liiii tiuif of !>ali;, twu other lontlis will. in thirty ilnys thiTt-iiftur, iind tli<j biiliihi&apos;i&apos; thrri&apos;ol t&apos;» b-&apos; si-riin-d bv B HiHt inort- t:at<o on the proju-ity, bemiiij,&apos; iritorc-^t nt tlio niLe of ^ pur cont. poi- aiiiiuiti Irointliuday of Hlllc. (N)iiilitions will bi- niado known at tlio time of sale. For further partifubirM Hpply to IIOIUNSON A- ninUKN. V«ndor"-< Si^lieitnrs, No CHChmch Slruot, TouoNTo. Day and Night Duriii;,&apos; iiu aoute attack of liroiichilis, a cciiscli&apos;ss tickling in the tlnoat, iind nil o.\liaiisthi};, dry, hacking coul&apos;Ii, afllict the milTircr. .Sli i&apos;|) i.s banlslied, iinil great prostration follow.s. This iliscaso is alsu iittcniUil wUli lI<jar.»cnoss, and .sonuliiiu&apos;s Lo.<s (if Voice. It is liable to become elirouio, involve (lio hinj{s, and tcriuiiiiito fatally. Ayer&apos;s (,&apos;lieny rcitUnal nlFords speedy relief and rurc in ciisis of liron- cliilis. It controls llie di;^i)ositloH to couyli, ami hiduccs iTfrrshini; .sleep. I have hwn a |iraclicing iijiysiciaii for fwi&apos;iily-foiu- \i&apos;ars, iiiiil, for&apos; the |i:ist twilvc, have Millcrcd from aiiiiual iittacks of Hriini&apos;liiii«. After e.\liau»tiiig all tlie usual rciucdirs Without Relief, I trli&apos;il Ayer&apos;s Clicrry reetoral. Jt helped nie iiiiniciiialely, niiil elliiicd n spi-cdv eurc. â€" ti..Sto\eiill.M.O..Cariollloii, Jliss. Ayer&apos;s Clieny reetoral is dccidrdly llio lic&apos;si r( iiiidy, vvilliiii my kiiowlivL&apos;c, for <-liroiili! Hi&apos;onidiilis. and&apos;all liiiij; diseases. â€" Jl. A. Uu>l. M. I>., .Soiilh I&apos;aris, .Me. I was altackiil. last wlnlcr. Willi nsovire Cold, wliicli,.fioni ox|iosun&apos;, t&apos;rcw worse iiiul liiially .sriilial on niy Liinns. Hy niirlit .sweats I was rrihici&apos;d idniosl lo it tikelclon. Jly (&apos;oie.;li was incessant, and I freqiiinlly S|pil Mood. Jly plivsici.&apos;Ul lidd me lo civc up liii«iiiik«, or I would not livo a incinlli. .Xflci-lal.iiii; various reme- dies willioul Vi&apos;lief, I was finally Cured By "Jsing two linlllrs of .\yfi&apos;&apos;s Clieny I&apos;ci&apos;lorrd. I nm now in pci&apos;fi&apos;il iicallli". and alile to rcsiMPc liusiiicss. after lia\ iiiL&apos; lii&apos;oii )iro- noniiciil iiicur.ildi&apos; with (oiiMiiiii.llon.â€" S. r. Ilciideisoii, Saiilsliuixli, ri&apos;iin. For years 1 was in a dcdiiip. I Imd weak lini,!;s, mid siilViii&apos;d finni Uiiinclijti.t iind Catarrh. Ayci-&apos;s <;|iciry I&apos;celoral re- tilored iiic: to lioalili, ami I have liccu for a lout; lime, eoniparalively vigorous. In ease of a mildeii&apos;Void 1 &apos;always resort to llic I&apos;celoral, anil find specilv relief.â€" Kdward K. Curtis, lintland, \L Two vears ai;o I ...ulTcrcd fioni a severe bronchitis. &apos;I&apos;lu- plivsiciaii Hllendlm; mo lieeaiiie fcnrfiil liial tlic disease would ler- niinali&apos; in I&apos;lH&apos;innoida. After Irviiii; vari- ou.s nii&apos;dicincs, wiiliout licnctit, lie tinnllv jiroscrihed Ayer&apos;s Cherry I&apos;ecloral. wljicli ndievcd mr at onec. I coiiMiiueii lo take tills medicine ii.sliiirt lime, anil was cured. â€" KriicstColton. l.o;,&apos;unsport, Ind. Ayer&apos;s Cherry Pectoral, rronnri-d l.v rir..T.r. AvrrfcCo., Lowfll, Mnm. Bold by all liruggUli. I&apos;rlce tl ; ili tretilci, ti, I .,- >;â-  &apos;â- â- â-  \\ . LEITCHS fW\ •EE2g E:<(ab!i>i!imeiit FLESHBRTON! I.s ihe jtlcicc io acf your Sitifs made in filiate. THE MAlUvETS. FIiESHKUTUX. CafcfnUij Corvt&apos;ctcd l-lacU U&apos;l&apos;i-k, Flour S2 &apos;ir, to 2 •i.^ Fall Wheat fO 77 lo 80 Spring; Wlieat 77 80 l;itrlev ;!,0 50 Oats &apos; 27 &apos;.&apos;8 Peas f.0 SO Diitlcr !t 55 KLjgs, fre:di IB &apos;O Potatoes 40 40 Pork 5 r.O 5 50 Hay, per ton 8 00 10 00 Iliiies G 00 7 00 Wool !&apos;! If. Sheepskins 10 r,U Cieesc 0.5 05 Turkeys 07 08 Chielaiis por pail- 20 HO Ducks per pair 40 50 K.T SPROUT^ 7 Fhshirtoti. f &apos;oncci/iiiircr, Ajijirnixvr. V&apos;lil- itiitor tiiid Miiiii&apos;ii l<)i&apos;l<T. I)ir<lx, Mi»-t- fj&apos;Ojen, /crtOf.s (l;i(/ Wills ili&apos;dirii n/i iDid ruiaatioUH mail&apos;- on flmrfrst iiotiri&apos;, Chur- ijes lie/;/ loir. Applii III I:. J. ^VllOl&apos;LK, Poiitiii&apos;H&apos;lvr, T&apos;hrili<)i"ii. Maxwell Carriage Works. Tlio^. A. HlakeSy, Carriai^&apos;c and IVa^qon Maker ^ Painter, &c., &r, WislioH to aniiuuncu to the luiblic tlitt ho has started in the above hitKiiii>HH. All ordtT. proNiptlvund nuatly attendoil to. KupairiiiK and r.iin&apos; inj; a spocialty. Sho]> ni&apos;Xt door to .J. Little&apos;s MacliyTnitb flio]!- wliu will do all work in coiint&apos;ctioii to the nlinvo f^boii. THUS. A. Iir-AM:LY. Flcsherton Meat Market. SEI&apos;T.OOOl), - riiomiK-&apos;oii Gash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats coiistimtly on liaiul for Casli. Orders promptly filled. HARNESS EARIES^„ ...If you w-.iiit liann Fs, Siiitjle (&apos;! Doiilde, or Morse lUiuikets, &apos;J&apos;ruiik.^. J>ells, \&apos;, C&apos;ui&apos;ry Combs lirusln > or tiie celelnated llanieFS Oil, cull .v examine before purchasing elBcwhcn . 1^J.AVATS0^, r KICK villi:. CLAYTON&apos;S KLESHERTON, 36 V Li titi&apos; jilaci&apos; to (jet ijoiir y/iinicss CVfcirs, <( â- ", iiuidi&apos; uji in ijood atijte. Slioji ill W. Chiytun&apos;a Boot it Shoe Stvn . Fte^lortoH. mmmmx. MRS. BULMBR. T&apos;lioio!^i&apos;a])lier, Flesherton, - Ont. navin^&apos;f>y>t!nt rioiui> tiiue in the stndio of tin* fnuimirt T<*ron.o r:i<.tr.f.;i jiniirr, Mr. K. .J. Dixon . wlu^rc I a<-()nirt-d \&apos;:Oaublc Kn(iwU&apos;d^&apos;e hi Iteton- cliiiij:. I fftd a.-.sured I can t^ive pood fiouerai :(atiHi&apos;ui;liu8. A call rcHprctfully Kolicitcd. MRS, 15ULJIK11. fie dliirtor&apos;. Sept. I7tli. IHa".. ^A J)? CHASES HAVE YOU Liver Complaini, I))-.«[)t|f.ia, JndijicssJiii, tiliousnes". Jaundice, litadaclie, l;iuiiiw>s. fan in llie Hack, CoslivMicvs, or any litMra^ .siis-nt; troi-i » Renins..! liver, Dr. Chase&apos;s l.lvl&apos;U Lckk w.II ke (muM J. sur.» and certain r.-in&apos; dy. NATURE&apos;S RC^f:EDY Tie umiuallfied sutcsi cf Dr Chase&apos;s Liver Cure ir.&apos; Liver Loinplaint rc>l* ^^ly W&apos;lh thefact itn.t il i* coirpuuiided fr*>ni n;itvirr&apos;s wcll-kiiowtilivcr regiilalor- , Mandkakf. ami li.MH:t,i<&apos;N, conihin^d with mai.y other invaluable I&apos;ljolr.. Lirks a.&apos;d liirh^, l.a- ing a powrrtal efTecl on ti.- K Id.ivyv, S .&apos;inuLh, IJoweU ana llloud. &apos; 530,000 SOLO Oj&apos;cr ant-half mu&apos;.&apos;um <â- / Dr. ( liasr&apos;s Rr&apos;ifr Bontt UMrt >»id in CaHtuta attmt, ll&apos;( nuint d&apos;ffy hmm, VMtmnn anti chiiU wlw it tti^uh.ed xvilh Lit&apos;tr Com- f taint io try this exctlitnt rem*iiy, SoMETHiNO New. Given Away Fcee Wrapped around every lK.ttle of I >r. Chase&apos;s Liver Cure is a valiKibIc ll(m^ctto1d Mcdii^il Citiidc and Iseci]>e Book (84 pages), cuntaininf; over 700 useful re<:ipc^, pronouin:e«l by medical men and dru^cist.^ asinvalu* able, and w.jrlh ten limes the price uf the medicine. TRY CHASE&apos;S Catarrh Cure, a safe and po-iiive remedy. I&apos;rice, -i^ cijiils. JRY Chase&apos;s Kidney AND LivEn Pills, jscts.perbox. SOLO BY ALL DEALERS It. BDMANSOM k CO., Sola Agsnta, Bradford&apos; Recoiiimeud&apos;d by Dr. Christoe EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency &apos; ^tf â€" MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on term.s of repayment to suit borrower. FAlvMS boti;,nt and .sold. CONVEYANCES of all kind.s properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business jHomptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Oflice, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENEY MELDEUM, AGEf^T. PLESHEETON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. Insurance effected on Farm antl Village Buiklinfrs nrd co:.trntP. Insurnnco a<!;ninst Lif^litning a spopialty. Dpofls, Mortgnpc^, Tjonsos, Wills, kc.., carofnll}&apos; prepared and propnly oxotutcd. Office, â€" Toronto Htirrt, nnar Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, /l^gGAzL

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