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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jan 1887, p. 4

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THE FLESMERTON ADVANCE. â- dTrra T> A TJ'P'IJ mV *>• '"unil nn me at (Ma. lUXD JrilJr£<lV p.RowellftO.j'sNewspaucr •Muncucur ki« made tgc U Ul a£W XOBib THE ADVANCE. Is publUbed Kvery ""Fhtirsclay, From ink Okik E. VMing'Mood titmt, - - FUshertou, Out. TKUMS OF SUBSCltlPTION : (1 iier aiimiiiL wlien paid strictly in advance! f 1.00 per aiiuuiii when uot so puicl. A. K. FAWCETT, i^ditor and Fruprietur. FLESH'EKTON: THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1887, J) It. JAMISON. Before 'lie present year has closed the gciitlemau, whose name is at the head of this article, will have had au (il'.portuuity of becoming bettor ac- quainted with the good people of Ar- toiiK'sia than he is now. In tlie mean- tiiuo It might uot be out of place for u.-i to tell our readers what we person- ally know of the worthy Doctor. Dr. Jamison lives at Durham, and, Klthoiigli wo caimot furnish our read- ers with his photograph, we can as- sure them tliat it is worthy to bo plac- ed slue by side with those of the truest and best public men in the county of Grey. He is a conservative in politics, but riglit here let us say that he is a politriiau of the most liberal and ad- vanced type â€" advocating what he be- lieves to be in the interests of all, ro- ^ardlcii. of political complexion, creed or nationality. This was precisely tho ground tak^ti by him when one of the most enthusiastic conventions ever asseml>lcd in South Grey, unanimous- ly selected him as their standard- bearer for ♦he House of Commons. None could but admire his honest and manly conduct on that occasion ; and when he goes to parliament as our rcprosontative, it will be with tho full consciousness that he is uot bound by cast-iron pledges to vote for measures contrary to liis honest convictions, .simply because they may happen to eniaiiato from tlje payty of hi^' adop- tion. Tiiis is the kind of a repre.Hon- tativu we want lq Soutli Grey ; and, alas ! that there are uot more such moll within the borders of our great Dominion. Dr. Jamison is a gentleman of broad unil liberal views, andean speak with inleiligcnce and force on tho great and vital public questions of the day. He is young, possesses a laigo amouiii of sound vital energy, is well versed in politics, and gives expression to his views in that calm, logical maiinor, wliich carries weight with iiiielligeiit minds and commands the respect of friend and opponent. In every we consider liim a man of tlie people, und one who will use all honest en- deavors to promote their best and truest interests, without fear or favor. While he is courteous, kindly and warm in demeanor, he yet prcsorves that dignity which we all like to sec in our public men. He has also en- engh "back bone" and decision of character to warrant steady and un- wavering adherciice to right principles, "through good and evil report." Such ii man is the cominij reprc- seiitii.tive of South Grey, in the House of Commons â€" Dr. Jamison. "TnEJl/J IS BALM ly (ULEAD.' "The Tories are thankful for small mercies these times. Jlowat has not been defeated, on the coiiliiiry, lie has come back from the people with an iiicrenaed majority, the Quebec Min- istry, having vainly tried to save it- M)!f by patching up a coiililion, will have to go. Province after province has been swept by the Grits, but yet there ih l^alni in Gilead. The School Trustees of Artemesia and Piattsville liave forbvd4#n tlie use of the Eoss Hible in thciv .schools!" â€" Brampton Thanks, friena Tye ; but we're not greedy ip Artemt^ia, and \vin gtuer- qusly re.s,eAve 80ij\e of the b•^lm for your c^VA usie on.tjie evening of 22ud February, next.. Pir lam«. back, xid^ or chext. uho Sliilob'a IkirouB HltRtcr. Prico iH.wiiU. Suld at Mlt'dieu} Hall. Mli. THOMAS ANDKEWS. We have rccoiv(;d a letter from the above gentleman, in which ho denies most emphatically that he supported Mr. McColman after the second con- vention. On the contrary, he says he worked faithfully to secure the re- turn of Capt. Rorkc. We krc glad, and, no doubt our readers are equally pleased to know that Mr. Andrews is in a position to vindicate himself, and show that he is as loyal as ever to his party. It would be a sorry spec- tacle indeed to see many of the best men of the party following in the wake ol Mr. McColman. We would publish Mr. Andrews let- ter in its entirety this week were it not that it came to us in a sealed en- velope, aud without instructions to in- sert in the Advancf.. A post-card from Mr. Andrews is all that is neces- sary to eusure its insertion in next week's paper. nOMlMOy ELECTIONS. His Excellency the Governor-Gen- eral has dissolved the Fifth Parliament of Canada. The writs will be issued at once for the forthcoming elections. Nomination day, Feb. 15th next, pol- ling day, Feb. 22nd. The Toronto World, of Monday, says : â€" "The dissolution was decided upon at a Cabinet Council on Saturday. Tho session was a lengthy one, lasting from 2 p. m. till C. Sir John remaiued at the meeting till 4.25, when he went to Ernscliffc. Everything was settled, however, before he withdrew." "The Ministers have their various duties in connection with the Ciiin- > paign assigned them, and they will leave fcn- tlicir respective provinces at once. Hon. John Carliiig left for Lon- don on Saturday night. ' "Sir Cliarles Tupper, whose am'v»l in the countiy is anxiously awaited by the Government, is spoken of as the new Minister of Finance." "If tho now Houfco is called togeth- er shoriiy after tho elections it will get to work about the usual time, to- wards the end of February." "The now voters-' hsts are all now completed, and the dissolution is for t'le purpose of giving representation to the 250,000 newly enfranchised vo- ters creati'd by tholate Franchise Act. The .\dminiRtnition waited until the lists were all ready." Iscs or Advcrtittine. Uiiiler the nl)ove heading Saturday's (rtdlii; contained tlie fellowing : "What do you think of the practic*! result of uewspaper advertising?" asked a Glvhe rcimrUr of Mr. Thus. ThouipKon, of tho MaiiiniDtli House, and one of the larHost advertiscrrs in 'J'oronto. "Wo believe in newsi)aiu'r adviirtising as the best means of reactiiii^ tiio public. We tliink it gives cliaraeter to a business man. One gn^at desideratum in tliis couuection is honest advertising â€" that is, never ad- vertishig wliat one does not possess. A very common custoni is to write an ad- vertisement in an olBce in a g(^Heral sort of way. This is very absurd. A n^an oiiglit to find out just what goods in a particular deiiartinent be wants to put before tlie piil)lic, and lie must take care tliat lie has tliosc goods on hand when ho advertises tlii!ni. There is nothing more annoying to a cnstomer tlian to come into your place for an article that has just been advertised and t'> be told you are out of it, and tliat what be saw was merely an advertisement. Sucli advertising oujy causes advertisements to be discredited, and brings no result to the advertiser," Frozen. On Satjirday night last Mr. Wni. Me- Gorgan, of tliis town, a t( amster in the employ 0? Mr. I). l''l( iniug, was biidly frozen. It appears that McGorgan had been di>'.nl:ing, and at a lato hour start- ed for his homy on Stc Marie St. He got as far p.s fXva dqor noarly and tlien fell into a snow drijt, where he must have remained for some time. Donald McKnight a neighbor, heard somebody making an out cry, and going out ho found McOorgan lying in the snow with his'lmjids and ears and feet badly frozen. Dr. Sjoiiheu attended to the case, and the victim is likely bo around again in a short time. â€" Collingwood Enterprise. A MOltAL CYCLONE, JSugenia Cnptinrd b;/ the Tem- perance Army. A moral cyclone swept over pictur- esque aud historic Eugenia on Tues- day evening last with irresistablo force. An army of Temperance work- ers from Fleahertoii and Kimberley moved rapidly on the pretty little town, and shortly after night-fall the place made a conditional surrender. Tiie condition was carried out in thi; shape of a grand free entertaiutnent in the Methodist church, in which some of the best talent of the places mentioned was brought into active service. It was one of the best enter- tainments ever given in Artemesia, and assuredly the best ever given in Eugeuia. Prof, and Fairy Morgan were present and fairly earned the audieuce by stol-m with their grand singing Messrs. Kussell, Baruliouse, BaskcrviUe, Pickell, Watson, Milburii, Bunt, Moore, Gordon, and Misses Christoc, Damude, Armstrong, Mrs. Gjcrdrum, and otl>eiH from Flcslier- tou, sustained thoiir part of the pro- gram creditably. The Kimberley clioir rendered effidciit service, alsO Messrs. T. B. Carrutliors, T. G.Thurs- ton and Benjamin Carrutliera from tho sarae place. Mi?,? Philp, of Toron- to, aided very materially in the mu- sical department Master Carr Mes- srs. Carruthers, Pickell and Miss Liz- zie Fawcelt recited and read. Rev. Mr. Corcoran occupii'd the chair in a most pleasing maiiiur. Mr. F. T. Carr delivered an ailinirable address. At the close about forty persons sign- ed the Teinporancc pledge, so that tins great "moral cyclone" was not without its results. We think our Temperance sociotiis might very prohlably go more extensively into this mission work, .-^ud they will, now that the ice has been so success- fully broken. Moaforil Kond. Frum o\i.r oxiM i\/ncspuiident. The holiday season has corao and gone again and 18y0 is now one of the by-gone years. At the ani>i><«l school meeting M. D. ThompRon, w.ts electud TruBtee in the room of Mr. A. Jolin.soii, the retiring one. At the same unetiiig a resolu- tion was passed, advising tiio Trustees to discontinue the use of tho so called Ross Bible or Scripture selections, authorised by the Minister of Educa- tion, and use the (/Jd St. James Uible instead. The Xmas tree of the Wesley church Sabbath Soliool was held on Tuesday evening last and considering the state of the roads and extreme cold weather was very well attondod. The proceeds amoiuitod to § I. '5.00. The gifts were handsome and well appreciated by the pupils. Those having the choosing of the gifts evi- dently understood the art of pleasing. For Tdilet Use. Ajoi'S Hftir Vi<;(Jr kcc'iia the liairaoft (ind pliitiit, imn.ait.s to it the lustre and frp.slincss of youth, causca it to grow luxuriantly, oradicafi'S Dandruff, cures all .scalp disoa.-4(^R, ami in the most cleanly of all hair proiiuratiims. A YppjQ Itair Vi|;or has niven nie MILn O iH/rtiN't .-..Lisfactioii. 1 was lu-ailyliahl for six y ars, durinp; which time i used many hiiir preparations, hut without success. lacle(ul, what littlo liuir 1 had, Wivs yrowiuj; thinner, until 1 tried AVer's Hair Vij;or. I used two bottles of "the V'i;;(ir, and my head is now well covered with a new (;rowth n( hair. â€" Judhoii IS. Chapel, I'eabody, Mass. HAIR ''"'' ''"â- '' •'"-"me we.ik, Rvay, nnin and faded, iii.ay h.ave new life and co;i>r restored to it by the uan of Ayer'rf ilair Vigor. "My hair was thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in larRO qinvntitieM. Ayer'a Hair Vigor stopped tlio falliiu;. and restored my hair to its oriffiiial coh)r. As a ilvessinji for tho hair, this preparation ha.s no eipial.â€" Mary N. Ilaiumouil, Stillwater, Minn. VIRRR .'^â- '>"t''> i""l beauty, in the W lUUn^ 'appearance of the liair, may be preserved for an indelinite period by rlie use of Ayer's Hair Viffor. "A dis- ea.3e of the scalp caused my hair to he- -conie harsh ami dry, and to fall out freely. Notliiuji I tried seeinod to do any good until 1 commenced usina Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three tiottles ol this iirepai-ation restored my l.air to a liealthy ('ondition, and it is now soft and jiliant. My .scalp is cured, and it in also tree ^oii'i danaruff. â€" Mrs. E. It. Foss, Milwatikee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by DruggisU! and Perfumers. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH und Bjt<>ncliiti<< immediately relieved by ilhiluh'a Ci'aro tiuld at Medical Hall. Pkrfbct safety, prompt action, and -wondorfid curative proportie.s, easily place Ayer'.s Pills at the hca<J of the list •of popular remedies for Sick »nd Nerv- ous IIeada( lies, Constipation^ and all ail- ments originating in a di-sordered Liver. I hav been a preat .strfEerer from Keada ii â- , mid Ajer's Cathartic PilU are tin only raedioinc that has ever piven me relief. One dose of these Hills will (piickly move iny Imwels, and free my head from pain,â€" William L. I'age, Iliehnioud V a. Ayer's Pills, Preptrad hy Dr. ,T. C. Aver h Vo., I.owoll, I^W. Sold by all Pulenlif !y[«|dlcine. LEITCHS rw\ ra iloriiig EstnMi^ihiiieiit FLESHBETON! !.s /he place to s^et your Siiita made in fuinre. THE MARKETS. B^LESUEUTON. Carefully Corrected Each Week. Flour ?2 25 to 2 2& Fall Wheat ?U 17 to 80 Spring Wheat 77 80 liarley 8.5 50 Oats 27 27 Peas 50 50 Butter M :5 Eggs, fresh JO 10 Potatoes 40 40 Pork .-J W) 5 .^0 Hay, per ton 8 00 10 Ofl Hides tW) 7 00 Wool 10 1(> Sheepskins -10 .-^f; Geese 05 0.5 Turkeys 07 OH Chictens per pair 20 Hff Ducks per pair 40 fiO Flfsheitvn. (.'oiirci/.oir. r, A}>i)nti.-icr, I'al- uatar mul Muwii tiinlir. Ui.M.i, Murt- gnijri, leaxrn itnd D'lVf.s tlnDtti i(/> oiitf F((/i(afiV>ii.'i made on .^/lorfcsf imtlce. Char- ges very luir. Apphjti} Ii. J. l^FKOULE, Fudiiuxster, Fleshcrtun. Maxwell Carriage Works. Tlios. A. Itlakel), Carriage and Wagon Maker, Painter, &c., &r. AViHhos to announce to tliti public that he has started in iljo above business. All order- proinptlvaiid n«atly atteuOod to. liepairing and Painting a RpDcialty. Shop noKt door to J. Littlx'ii blacksmith ohop' â- mttn will do all work iu connection to tho above alwip. THOS. A. liLAKKLY. Jri^lesherton Meat Market. SEPT.OOOD, • Pbopbietob HABNESS Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly tilled. ...If you want ilariiea», Single or Double, or Horse Blankets, Trunks, Jiells, Viiliscs, Curry Coniba, Brushe.-i cA- the celebnittd Harness Oil, call k exaiuiiie before purtdiasing elsewluii . R J. WATSOl\, PEICEVILLE. CLAYTON'S UAinESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON. Ii the plate to get your ILirnesa Collars, tie, viaie itp'in yood style. Slurp in fC. ClayUm'a Boot d: Shoe Store, Flifhntoii. PHOTOGRAPfiY. MRS. BULMBR. Fhoto^rapher, Flesherton, - Ont. Itarfnp KiH'iit KOiitr tiinu In the Btndio of tlie fainuiu Toi-uiito riioto^nijilicr. Mr. S. J. Dixoi;, wiiurtt I Hcqiiired valiiubio kiiuntod^cu in Uotou cliiiit,'. I frol asKurttd I caTi ^'ivo ^'oorl [,'uucru] satibfiictiou. A call roKpertfiilly Rolicittiil, MRS. LULMER. Flesherton, Sept. 17th, IHRi. ^*^ \)f\MDELIOH EtEBRATEt) c^ jD? CHASES HAVE YOU Liver Complaiut, Dysiwpsia. fnc'lrtstion, rilion«ne«, Jaonditc, Headache, WuinrM. I'am iii the liack. CosttvL-nesft. or jiny disea-s« aiiKini: fn>oi a deranKcd* liwr. Da. CsMM's l.lvtK LLlia w.ll be found :> sule and certain rtin- dy. NATURE'S RCMEDY •Jhe iiniDialifled succeis of 1 <t Chased Liver Cure in Liver C\»lipl»inl re'K s.kly wilh ihe fact ihat it \* compounded fr.)ni nalur-;'.* well-known liver rcftulaturs Manokakk .\.so iJAM'iao'N, condjinrd wuh many other iiivaluoUe nxji-. l,;irk» miiU hrrb*, l-«*ii)g a powerful effect on t'l.? Ki-!ii.ry*, S om:.rl.i Doweli und nioud. 600.000 SOLO Che- tint-half mUlioH «/ Pr. Chatl't Ke- f>f /Ttfcil Vttre ioiii in Cttnaifa aJonc. li'f war4 tve'jf man. vtoman and iliiU wha ii tri^ublid -.vtth Liixr C'utn- filaint to try thit exicUcnt rtmedv. Something New. Given Away TrU Wrapped around every boltlc of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure ' it a valuable Hou«h.)!d Medical Ciuide and Recipe" Hook (84 paoe.s), containing over :ioo tiMful recipe^ pronounced by medical men anil drURKtt.t% a& invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. TRY CHASE'S Catarrh Cure, a safe and po.iiive remedy. Hnct;, 35 ceitls. JRY Chase's Kidney and Lives Pills. '5 "s. per lox. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS jr.. BDM ANSON A OO., Sola Aganla, Bradfor# Recommend'd by Dr. Christoe â€"EUGENIAâ€"- Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of Laterest and on terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in II. C.J. , Agentr for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. AU business promptly, carefully and conftdeiitial]3- attended to. • ' .^ Ofificc, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENEY MELDBUlVr, kGiEHT. FLESHERTON. - • Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. Insurance effected on Farm and Village Buildiugfr and coi-tents. Inanrance against Ligbtnim^ a specialty. Dcfrds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills, &c., cai-pfiiUy propai-ed aud properly?.' executed. Office, â€" Toronto street, near Town Hall. 'I' W J. BELLAMY,. >4^e/7L. \

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