THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Jan. 13, 1887. SELLING OFF AT COST! I n order to clenr out my present st'jc k of Mens, Worn- mens and Childrens BOOTS & SllOKS, I am offering [luce or Four Hundred pa irs at very (greatly reduced prices in order to make room for S pring Importations. WM. CLiAYTOIVr, - Flesherton. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, ki^l:sii joi^'ioiv FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF M\\ d Mmiil Ml Sueli as Monuments, Tomb Tables, IleadstonoB Cuuiter and Table Topsâ€" in Aniorican and It.ilian Miii'ble and Ciranilo, and made on sliot't iiotico. Also Manilcs in Marble and MarbleiKod Slate, tiC, kc. Fluilierton, Aui;. 30, 1383. HEALTH FOR ALL. tlOLLOWA^iitS^OIMTMENT IH)!: PILLS Purify tho Blood, (;orroi:t all Disorders of the Livei'^i Stoixiacli, liidn'j^m, a.nci 13ovvelN« Thoy inviRoratn tiiul r(i«tni-fl tn hfnlth DuliilitAtofl CoiiHtttiitioiiH. aud aro iuvahtable iit all Cmn piaiuttt inoidontal to FeinaluH u( all ii;;uit. Kor Cliildiuu uiid thu atjed they uiu prlculvits. 1^ 11 F I N '1 M E N T UantafdlUblo romodyfor Had Loch, Bad nroasts. Old WoundB. Horefl and Ulc«?rfl. U Infamous for Gout niid Uh'HimatiHin. Kor dinordoi-flof tb» it hitb no oqual. ForSORI': THROAT. BU(h\ CIIJTIS, CUVGHS, COLDS Ulandul«.rSvalliuga,aud all Skin niKOi\"<<» It Iim no rival; and (or coutractod and stifl joiiitH it act!i like a cliarin. Ganufactured only at ProfeHsor Hollowat's RatablliilimRitt, 78, Kcw Oxf«»ril Street (late 53», Oxford Street ). London. and aro sold iit Is. lid./li, W, 4h. Ot . IU.,221.. and Mi. oftch llox or Pot, and may Ijo hud of all Med cinn VondorwihrouRliout tho World. ;|ar Pxirchanert thmihl Uwh t<. >.hr Tjahi'l 011 the Pittn and linxo. If the addrc-vi w not fiSS, Orford Street, Lirndnn. they are .ipiirimif. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. 'riMIi: 1 \V131.I -. Tukiiui Kjjtcl, Moiidtiy. Jid'j Z:th iss.-,. Cioing KortI}. MTATIONM. Mall Ex]!. Mixed Toronto I<gavu' 7 Wmii 4! irnrdwull Jnliotion 1 !)!!•> " ! 0:iO " s CMiiulHhtoll ] 43 " : IH.'> " OnuiKu- 1 Arrivo 10 05 7 0.1 " villB. 1 l.pnvo lO'iO " l7tW" 55 Oi-ani-ovllle Junction loS'.i " ' 7-4 ' â- Sai Hh.'ilmiue llO.'.H " 1 804 " Uau i.ilk Ulihi " 1 Hao" lr.i> null rim • '11 47" ; H Tif. " Mitrlidiilc liaOii" low r Willianisloril • 12iiiin!i 9:iii" cimtKwonii 12;;8 " ;84a" Owen Sound Arrive 105" lOUO" GoinK 8011th. STATIONS. Kxp. • Mail. Mi.xed Owiin Sound Leave »40nm 'i JOpin Chntswnrtl ^ () 10 '• ;)07 â- â- u WllIimiHford 1 av> â- ' 3:10 " Miivk'liile 47 " :i.i2" â- Ki.F.Hinairos 7 02 " 4 no " »? nnndiUk 7 a)" 4»1 " 4 57 " Shclhurno 7 SI " s ^=3 OrftiiKiivillo Junction : 8 M •' 5 ffii " Orange- 1 Arrivo fi MO " r, !ifl â- • vlllo. 1 lioavo ' 8 4.1 " 6 nr. " s»< la " Cardwoll Junction OM " no â- â- Toronto Airtvo If 8 in " W.WHYTE, D. .Ml NK'Or.I J, Okn'i. Hup't. (i EN'I, I'A rIS.AOT Monev to Loan. At 'JJ Per Cent. Interest i,u Hirniyht Loan- WITH Internnt paid yearly, not in advanea.No commlBiiou cliarged. Apply to A>GS||B|l, - TaOBNBlST. J. W. BATES, Fui'iiiliirc. Dealer and UniU'vlakcr, KLIIMHKUTON, - - ONT. ia:lisfflr.li51i5p,Slal)l6!iFr5!rJsts IX iLi:sin:rrr<>\. TO BE LET OR SOLD. Tho nndernicnod offerR for mln his HIack- Kniitli Shop, Stiililo and I'roniliirii ndjoinliiK, ut aruKKimalili' iiilie.or will Itii'i'tlio snim- to a pood nutn fit a fair rontal. This propoity is wfill fitimtod iMi ColIinKwood Btriiot.Kioshcrton, niMir tile planing' factfrv. Kor tormB and partieiilarn. ajiiilv to tho nror priotor. KOni'.KT fi AUK, July 88th, 18S6, 267 tf Klosherten. James Sullivan, The Tiiismitli, - FleshertoD ItopalrlnB. EavetronghlnR, and In fact every- thii,;; in tlia buiineei will rewivu my prompt and careful attonl^uu at ' reaioiuible pricea. Two Fuirmount PoHt-Offieea. Editor Admiice : â€" Is tl.jre luoro thpii one Fairmount Po»t-Oflice ? El'PHRA.SIA. [Yes ; one in your own Township, kept by Mr. Robt. Oit, and one in Marquntte, Manitoba, kept by Mr. Edward McGill. â€" Ed. Advance.] Thermuuieters DifTer. Editor Admitce : Sir,â€" Do all thernioni- eters indicate the weatlier ahke iii tlie same nci^hburhuod ? W'eathee Wlse. [They don't ; and to prove this, the Agricultural Editor will mention a cir- cumstance which occurred in this town on Sunday afternoon, 2nd iiist. Tlie weather was intensely cold tliiit day, and in order to get the exact temperature the A. E. consulted a thermometer hung up on the outside of Mr. R. Trimble's store. It indicated ten degrees ahvre zero. From curiosity wo went straij^ht to Rich- ardson's drug store and examined the thermometer hung out there. To our astonishment we discovered that the mercury in the latter was down no less than live degiee.s below zero !â€" Ed. Ad- vance.! Barney O'llare. We have just received the following epistle from our old friend, Barney O'Hare : Doer Sor,â€" If its no inconvaniencc an' doesn't put ye' til any throuble an' ye' hev no objections yerself, I'd loike til ax ye' if â- Jo' wud publish a letther I've writ on Home Rule. I'lase aiiaer by return mail â€" payin' jioshtage and puttin' the athainp on s'i's it'll nut .sthruy ail till the undhertaker's pobht atiis at OtUiw&y â€" an' I'll sind ye' the letther in toime for next wake's paper af it doesn't no istbray. Ubadiently Yours, Baknev U'U a be. P. S. â€" Don't forgit til pay the pcsht- age an' put the nthamp un so'a it'll sthick good an' sthrong. â€" H, O'H. P. S. No. 2.â€" Sale the letther wid sa- lin' wax an' Hthanip tho same wid yor coat av arrums for fear uv mistakes. â€" B, O'H. Kare Coin. Mr. W. L. B. Ilamlin yesterday show- ed UH a very rare specimen of the Prns sian thalerâ€" a coi,^ valugd at 80 cents and fifty-eight huudruths of a cout. A large percentage of tho coin is compos- ed of the piircHt silver. To 4'orrespondents. We Would like to hear fiom our Kim- berley, Meaford Road and other corres- pondents as often as possible. At the same time we take pleiLSure in thankini,' all our contributors for p.tst efforts. Subscribe for tho Advanck â€" bobt lo- cal isajHir in Oroy. General XeMs Items. Tliero is talk of forming a Iluxaanc Society in Ilainiltou, Spearing is said to be excellent in Hamilton Bay, pike being j)lontiful. The winter scone at the Falls now is said to be the most gorgeous in years. Tho rumor is again revived that Jlr. Dewdney will bo snccooileil in the North- west Covoruorship by Hon. Josoph Roy- al. Fcir'8 saw and shinglo mill at Omc- moo, with a lot of shingles and lumber, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night. John Macdunald of Glongarry, father of John ,1, Miviulonakl, tho well-known contractor, died at Ottawa on Sunday at the age of 80. Work on tlie ice palace at Montreal is being pushed forward rn4iiilly, and it is expected tliat wUon completed it will far surpass llmt of last year. Miris Fiiikle of \\'.iodstcick, daughter of Judge Finklc, was severely injuied in a ruiiuwiiy »uuident...ii Monday, Hustain- ing a brokoii Irg and utlior injurie.i. A iMfetinu' of ca)llt.•lb.^t.s has been held ill MoiiIiim! for till' pnr|)ose of orgiiniziiig a n. ». «ubbi,r company, with a capital of 82()0,C(.H). The work of organizing has been partially completed. Tho pt'oiiiisid to I loi-t a Young Men's Christian A.^suMatimi building in conuec tion with McOill l^iivorsity has received the approval of the Hoard of Oi-AornorB. W. H. Cousin^., the railway mail clwrk of Li)iiiliin, whoao foot WHS crushed on the Grand Trunk Railway a few days ago, has bu^n oumpelltsd to suffer Rinputatioii. C.VrAURlI OUHED, hnsltli and gwoel bienth hecurrd, by Sliilnh'n Catarrh R< in- •dy. I'rjc* i'lilecnls. ' nial lujuutur lire. Sold at MeJioal Ilall. "Thorabury Standard." Our old and esteemed friend, Mr. Farewell, did perhaps the most etfective work of any journalist in the riding du- ring the recent parliiucntary election in Centre Grey. He loyally, forcibly and logically supported the Liberal Conser- vative nominee from first to last, and this fact should not be forgotton by the patriotic members of tho party. All honor to the L'liiuii Stnudard. Last week tho .S'<ii;it/iird â€" which i.s . 'W ill its fourteenth year â€" came out witl a new heatling and otherwise much im- proved. Go on and prosper, old friend ; whatever your critics may say to the contrary, we know your heart is sound and loyal to the core. Don't Lend Your Paper.' In every community there are people who are either too mean or too stifigy to take a local iiapcr. They borrow their neighbors, however, and thus keep posted on current events at other peo- ple's expense. If asked to siibscrilx', they tell the editor it is unnecessary, as neighbor U. lets him have the paper as soon as he is through with it himself â€" sometimes he gobbles it before Mr. 15. has a chance to look at it. all the same. Now, reader, if you are like neiglibor R. just make up your mind that your stin- gy, borrowing friend will have to pay for his own reading in future. Don't lend your paper, except to those who are really too poor to take it. V. P. n. Mr Lucius Tuttle is appointed Pas- senger Traffic JIanager of all tho lines of thu Canadian Pacific Railway Comp. any and will have general charge of all passenger traffic, with office at Montre- al. General Pa.s.senger Agcats of Divib- ionu will report to him. fc2r*The bept, cheapr'* .ii-.d most dur- able Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machinei", Wasliini; Machines, Clothes Wringers, Sewing Machine Needles, and Supplies, for s.ilo at C. Treadt'old'a, next house to Mr. Will. Strain's, p'leshertoii. 3m Mc'inEfion .t Pmike'b Ctniioi.ic Ckiiate.â€" Havii von an old Sor<*. Cut. Ilruiit*. Corn. lUin- ion. ^alt lOiiMiiii. I'iinpio. HhitchRA. Uougta Hanrla or Fn**!'? If ^o. thcio l« l>nt oiio euro, naniolv. MnOr«'i»or & Parko'H Carbolic Cerate. If vo I bot try it. it will ciiavint-e yuu. It cuiits but liGc . at tho DruK Store. Have you ovi'r trio 1 McOroRor * Parke's Car- bolic Corati! for Kori'« of anv kind? It Is be- yond donbi tho very .lent proparati'in in the inarket for healin;; and ouri!;« Sorc^. Uurus, Cut*. Pimples. Idoti-lu's. and is tho onlv proper method of anplviiii.' (Variolic .\cid. Sold at the DrnK Store for 2.V. per box. A IiivKR CrRE. â€" Ono Kinclo trial of Dr. Chsso's I.ivor Cure will ronvince tlic most skeptiiNil mid contirin hotter than liioiisnnda of teKt;iii.>niHl<i that it ii a .sure cuio. M'mI- ciiiio and Ilcripf Biv.k 81. Sr.KKI'LKSS NIGHTS, made miK-rahle by tlint lerrible con^'b. Sliib.Ii'n ('me ii. the r'lnedy for you. Sold at M.dii-al Hall. CROC!'. WHOflPINO COflill nnd Hronchitirt iiiiincillntrli relieved bv Sliilo''" Cure Si.lil at .Medit-nl Hall. A I.ivivo yrKRTioN. â€" Question â€""!' li-'- lifp wortli li'iiie?'' Aiivwer â€" "It all d pen's upon the lirfr?" If lorpid or ir-i- tive it I'au'iB a dull touKli, lanKUid 'oi.lin â- , Dr. C^l,^^e'a I.ivor Cnrp i;ivp9 ho.illb an' bnovancy. Sold by Dr. Cbriatoe. Sllll.OirP VITAMZKU ia what vou o-' for Constipation. 1*< s-* of Appetite, !>â- ^zin'"*-!. and all svniptoma of |)vappp«ia. T'lci- I" and 75 cnts per bottlo. Sold at Medical Hall. \Tivicf TO \lo'nf*:ns â€" .\ro yon d ni-i't r,').i I,rrtl-/.n 1'* • .^i-r r<"t bv s • MfferiTti* ati'l rrvinT «•!♦*) 'in Oi '^f Co* » Tf «'> son' s' "'ice s'l-' "p* a b-ittlo of ' «tnw'i sioothini? 8"T'"n" for r'hil'^»**^n It" v<'iiA |« i'v-alcil'it.'.. Tt will r imot- lOtlo luTnro- l"i!iin.|lnfi»lv f)*^' If. ii>ot>»*»r« : thi"*" (i rt" tntstako a> cores Pvsr-itorv n*"l lli)i'-..h'»». -,».. Sloinach sod Pnive'c ,'nVf,.i \Virid Cr ' »*'<â- fjurni. redliees I»'*1"'M'Mn*ion. a"'' aodnoorffvtn tho iv''n1.» ct!*,".,. ""^ l.iw's H'>n>lil"cSvr"li" '' •• rhUdren t oloa^ant lo tho tsit'- •>•"' (<- tlift ,,r.".^ one of Hu> <iMn«t "•â- ' '^,-t. f..t-nt.. i»-if| n"rs(.H I,, ^^^p T*,,lff,.* vttfr- n,n* hv nO .1-1. (.â- •lute f>>">ii..|inii» •!><> .vo t w^»»ti' fire ertTT* - n liofMo Ilo mir/* a' ' XTfi'i ^\'rv^T,ow'h SooTIlINO Svilt:!'.' »"> nfbor V'l»d. ''"rl'c^ a i..], ol-o.' Te,.'!. 1 â- Mrs Win •'•o-.thi-'; 'iov.. the • <'<:} upon â- » it. It 'â- 'ritp« the " '^I'ftiOlS • -â- â- 'â- ,>« 'nne 'r« Wins- •â- •â- llilrf is 'intin,, of .hvsicln.-. a for <-V rl.l n 1..,. Ill 1.1 ' ,- ' and ta''o WW UlVFRTl^PMrXTS: IV!Eorijisa.g;c Sale! imu im mim. In imr^uiatico of Po^ver of Salo O'otainod in two r-Ttain Morl|;aU'>H to tlu- Veo loi wliiidl V-y tL'ari"-' will bo }iroducud at tho tir.iu of i,ale. There wl'I If sold by V. McCOKMlCK. lUij., AlJCTIONl-.Kll, lly Pnblir .Vuction at Atkinson'B Hcitol. in the VUlasoof -Priccvillc, â€" ON â€" Thursday. .Innnnry '^Otli. 1887. \l the hum- of •! o'clock in the afternoon tho fol- lowing lands and pfi-riis,'s la the Viilaife ))/' I'rirrriHc, In tho County of (iroy britif; i'oiiipo-«i»ii of T.ot Nunibor Throo on a plan of nub division of Lot Nonili'ir Kiftv Kom*. in tlio lli-«it <'nnrMf^i;)n South of tho Unrhani Itoad in tho Township of (llenoli;. in tlic County of (Irov. uiaile l.y 'i'honi- art H. (iitllland. rrovinrial Land *^u> vovut. for ,Iohn I'orcn-on and is nied in the Kcwistr Ollico for tho said Cnnn»v of fUey. Whicli «a#<> I,ot Tlii'u.1 contaiii.s thirtucn avrcn, bo the t,ame luoi'our Uaa. TRKM.S or SALE : Thi..* prop«»vt\ will bo sold Hubjoct to a reserve hid. #PW IS to be paid at the tinu' of sale. #100 In throe months and the balance n*ay remain un loortKiMlwfor thioo year* at oi»,'hl per cent. intfrcRt^ !• or (urtbtn- particniars applv to D. McCfiB- Mli'K, h>i| . Auctioneer, KBANirW WAITE, Prifevilie', or to thu undersigned. J, W. FHOST. VgudM.** Sail«ltor. Dst«d Dm. 90tb 1380. SHILOU'S COIJUH and Coiuumptiun Cure is Hold bv Ub on u cuurantoe. It curea Consumption. Hold at Medical Hall. WHY WILL YOU congb when Khiloha Curo will give imiucJiate relief. Piico lo cts., .30 cts., and $1. Sold at Hal! TH.Vf HACKI.NO COUGH can be »•- i|uickly ctireii by Sbiloh's Cur». We guai antfcc it. Sold at Mi.dical Hall. WILL YOU HIl-'KEK with Dyspepfia and Liver Complaint'/ .Sliiloh's Vjializer i» guaranteed to uure yoa. Sold at Medical Hall. The First Sign Of failin; health, whotbor ia the form of Nij'bt Swi ats i;Dd ^'crvousms^, or ia a sease of dneral Wc;iri;;e-,.< niid Loss ef Ap[Hll!i',^.!iould siigS'-'^t liic u-eof .Vycr'i Sarsapariila. Tills pri; araiion isi mo»t effective for giviii,' l^iij and utren^h to the eufuebled syshni, promoliiij the digestion iiinl us.slmil;.;ioU ef food, nator- in^ tho uervouH fori:(i to tlicir nuriiKil condition, and for pll^if^ iiii,, euricbiug, uud vituiiziug the blood. Failing Health. Ten years ami my In alth bopm to fail. I ws.H trouliUd with a ili-vLnssiii'' Cough, Ni^bt Swo.ils, \Viiikiiis>, and N'lTvoua- ue«s. I triej various rem, ilioa prf»crit)ed by dlffirent pliysiii;m.s, but bii-.iint no weak Unit I could not go up stairs with- out stopping to losl. My frioii'.ls recom- menileil lue to ry Ayer's .»ars.niurilla. whicb I did, aii'i 1 mil ho.v as iK-allliv and strong a.s evir.- Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, iliru. I have used -Vyor'a .Sarsnparllh, In my family, for Scrofula, ami know , if It h taken faithfully, that It will llioroughly eradicate this terrible disoaw. I have alaa prescribed it as a tonic, as well as iia alter- ative, and must say that I boiiostly believe It to bo ttio best hloml niedicme ever oompoundeil. â€" \V. K. I'owler, I). D. S., ai. D., Greenville, Tinn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would be impossible for nic to do- scribe what I sull'ei'id from IiiJi^cstlon and Hcadaiho up to the time I bi-can taking Ayer's Sarsa|iarilla. I \vai uuder the care of various physicians and tried n great many kinds (if lueiiicliics. but never obtained mure than temporary re- lief. After taking Aytr'.s .Sar>aparilla for a i-hort time, my bcadiu;be disaiipeared, and iiiy slomacli perforiue J its ilutlts more perlectly. To-day my health is com- pletely restored. â€" Mary Hurley, Spring- field, M;i3s. I have l>een greatly benefited bv tho prompt use of .Vycr's Sarsaparillii. It tones and Invigoratts the system, n^'ulatei tbc action of the iiif;t»tlvi- and a-sluiilatlvo or^'uns, ami vitalizes the blood. It i'. without doubt, tlio most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. â€" II. 1). John.son, 3fsJ Atlantic ave., liiooklyn, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Pi»p»r«d by Dr. J. C. Aycr .V Co., Lo««:i. Mut. Price SI i tU bottles, SS. o oooouoooooooooooooooooooooooDOOoo ciiiD OF nm ! Ill tlidnkiiig my customers for their libeiiil patronage in tho pa.'<t, 1 have iiiiico plcasiu'c in being still able tu .supply theui with the following ccle- hiuied macbincs, viz., Ti.e Toronto Light Binder. Tlie Toronto Mower. Tile Sharp .Sulky Kal:o. . iiu .\Iussoy Ilaivcstcr. . Ttie .\Iassey .Mower. Too Token Tea. ILu vcstor. Till' Fox Pen lluivoster. ILimilton's (."(imbiuaiion Plow. Toiten'j Ccalie J.>riiuyLt Joinior P dw. Hamiltoirs SciilUirp. Hamilton's II0S8 G;ni'» Plow, Wisners Spring TodIii Cultivators. TiiP Chatlniiii Faiiiiiti- Mill. A full stock of I'liu'Auts always 011 hand. Parties requiring any of tlip above will do well to call ami iiiepcct Mach- iiits, which will be I'oiiiad in Spiouk's warelionse. A. S. VauDQSEN, Flkhmhrtcn; I)OOOOOIK)00000000000<XX>0000(1()000000 "lioroiiiili-llrcil BERKSHIRE BOAR! WITH (.'owl I'ediurce n'lll stand fur leason of IssT.." dt r,ot No III nrst ItntiKR Ka«' of Tor- onto .V tsydcuiiam Uoail, Aitt-'U'.osia. Ti'iius on npplH"»'i«n. (Jil.:ciil JACOll A. Id'.VFR. AT OORDON'S IIAKNESS SHOP rLJjsju:i{r(>\, Itou will find. M asscrtmcnt of Heavy and Li^lit Harness. Whiptj.Biushes. 0>irri ^â- »Ill^^ S»i nt Pads, bh>1 Uio caloor.«ted 'Harnew Oil. " :9ifet10i>L.\RK .1 HPli«'liLTY.!S'«t Cheap for Cash. Call aud F..i«mlne. ~FOR~SALB.~~ •i a(r«« IJ mflea from Kleaherton. (looj warm frame dwolliiiK. 7 roonm.ijood cellar, good ttable a never fallinK spriuK oioek Ternii easy For |>anigulars apply to W. .). HK1.L.VMY, Flaihu. ton' OK to C.W. BELLAMY, Maxkdale. """^ â-