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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jan 1887, p. 4

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The Late Mr. George McKenzie George McKenzie of Orange Valley, Artemesia, passed away to rest on December 14th at the ripe old age of 76 years. Deceased was born in Rossshire, Scotland and when young moved with his parents to the City of Aberdeen where he received his education. When quite a youth, or about the age of 16, he took charge of a Linen manufacturing business. After some years employ there, he was sent to Spain. There he took charge of a factory in the same line. After about four years engagement there he took a position on a Spanish Man of War. Dissatisfied with that life he again returned to the land of his birth. Being then able to speak and write the Spanish language and having some knowledge of French, hew as again engaged by a Linen firm in Aberdeen to represent them in various lines on the Continent. In that connection he visited nearly every town and city in France, Spain and Portugal. After some years of experience in that life he decided on seeking his fortune in the far off land of America. In 1856 he arrived in Canada locating in the city of Hamilton. After about one years residence there he moved into this Twonship taking up land he launched out into what was to him a new experience, Farming. For the first three eyars of residence in the Township, he taught School in the Section adjoining this village and was first and for a number of years Superintendent of the Valley Union Sabbath School. In early life he gave his heart to God and united with the Presbyterian Church of which he remained a consistent member until the Master called him home. About ten years ago, he was elected and ordained and Elder in Chalmer's Church here. He took an active interest in the work of the church giving liberally of his time and means for the advancement of the church and God. Every one had confidence in his piety, he stood spotless and unrebukable before the world. His death was calm and triumphant, he spoke of it as going home. He leaves an aged partner and family who mourn the loss of an affectionate husband and father, but for him to live was Christ and to die was gain. THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. fpf TVQ X> A X>T?T> TniiT tv» f opnit on ttl« at fi*f\, â-²dTenialiut Buni»u (lOSpraue St. >. wber« adv«rilsmfl •ofttnoU BMj l>« bmO* tor U U MMW YQWUQ THE ADVANCE. Is pubUsbud lilvev^&apos; &apos;I""!! HI&apos;S day, FUOM THE OFFll E. Collingwood Street, - - Fleshertun, OiU. TERMS OF fiUHSCitlCTION : 91 per anuuiu wbun paid Htrictly iu advance; $1.^ per auuuiii wUuu uot bo paid. A. R. FAWCETT Miiitar aiui Proprh&apos;ior. PLBSHBRTON: TliaaSDAY, JAN. 13, 1887. POLITICAL POiyTEIlS. TlioThoriit)ury News eats the leek with the most ridiculiius grimaces, and liiiikes the backward Sdiiiersault with the asiility I&apos;f an adult elephant. Like "ancient Pistol" the Newa man (;ccuijies a most liuniiliatins; position ; but he has to eat the letk all the same, "Got pless you !" The "comparative popularity" of Rorke !viid McColman can be seen in the fact, tliU the former took »iiiie hundml aii&apos;l 7n7nty more votes titan the latter. The XeM-s man willploa.<»coniinunicatutliiH/<i(:/ to its readers. Don&apos;t keep back anythiiig, but "eat the leek, Got pless yuu," like a inau. Somebody says Mr. McColman should be recompensed "for at least the loss of one session to which he was entitled." What ! Reccmipense the man whosonear- l^v lost the liding to his own party ! Re- compense the man who went into the field a:»ainst the wishes of throe-fourths of the (&apos;onservative electorate? the man who would not abide by the di.&apos;- cision of las party&apos;s convention, alter promising to do so ? Surely not. A SIGN OF THE TIMES. Mayor Rowland&apos;s election in Toronto by such a sideudidmajoity (nearly 2200) must be regarded as one of the siyns of the times. It is signiticaut of a great change iu public sentiment as regards the liquor question, for the contest was fought out squarely on that issue. It muauB far more than ajipears on the surface, and canaot but be regarded as a great uioral victory as well as the fnrt!runner of gK;at events yet to trans- pire iu tlio history of the cause of Tem- perance iu Canada. Lot every Tem- perance baniio&apos;- 1)0 unfurled â€" "For God, for ilonic and for Country" â€" and keep your uriiior bright. HEXHY OEORGE&apos;S PAPEIt. We have just received the initial num- ber of the new paper published in New York city by tlie great labor reformer, Henry George. It is called The Staiulard, and contains some powerful and brilliant articles from the pen of the distinguished publisher It is issued at the rate of S2 00 per year, and considering that it is edited by one of the most profound rea- sonurs of the age, ought soon to have an immense circulation. We confess our- self dee] ly interested ill the great work Mr. Ge«Mi;e has undertaken to perform. Somebody else said Mr. McColman ivould have been electeil had ho not at- toiidudthat necond convention. Nonsense. It may be true that it bettered Capt. Rorks&apos;s chances â€" the second cimvention, wo mean â€" but Mr. McColman&apos;s absence or presence mattered nothing, so far us the result of the polling was concerned. The contfcKt would still have lieeii between Uorke and Rrown, with ihe same danger (hat McColman might just take enoughi votes to allow the Reform candidate to head the polls. With McColnuin out of the contest, Jlr. Itrown&apos;s would have been an utterly hopeless stru&apos;jgle. His only chance for success lay in Mr Mc- Colman&apos;s keeping in the Held, and the inference is quite natural thiit gentlemen in the Reform ranks W(juld likely bo quite friendly with Mr. McColman ; and, perchance, might urge him to keep in the field. In fact they did considerable in both directions. Tl;e officers of the Association deserve the thanks of every true Liberal tlonsei- v;itivc for their&apos;cnorgetic and well dir<!ct- ed efl&apos;orts during the contest. Mr. Kell.s worked like a beaver from first to hutt, loyally, honorably, and right nobly, buji- portiiig the i.ninineg of the party ; while the other officer! wore lo \heforu in good shape. A word to the authority on "wisdom teeth :" When you crawl out of that knot hole you got into on the 28tli u)t., be careful that you gut your i olitical ptiinters from the Advanck. Otherwise you may have to try to s<|Ui>czo yourself into a nuich smaller crovipi, than yuu did. EXPLA\ATOI(l\ 111 an.swer to enquiries \tliy onr lute popular teacher, Ho|iki|i«, was not iJUgaifed for this year, the following will •mplain:â€" Miss H&apos;s. certificate lapsed Bome yightecn months ago, but by petition to Minister of Education was extended or rBnewe4 for two years. Thus she had not t)ie noceisjiry leu;al qualilicntion to teach another full year. TJie Trustee Hoard ofTered to engngo her for the tirst half of the year, and waited from the 12th of November to the 23id of LeceniUer, up to which date they had received no definite reply to their proposition. On this date tlioy advertised f\)r (i teacher, receiving a large number of applications at shlaries fifj&apos;-eii to twenty per cejit les" than hfwl been offurotl to Miss Hopkins. The young lady engaged, -Miss Gaiiton, coiuus with exccllani. lustiniou&apos;iN, itnd we. tiust she will not tie less BucctfS,sii&apos; than • -â- .<-,â-  •â- - r • â-  her preuecessor. Stop that cough, by the use of Ayer&apos;s Cherry Pectoralâ€" the best si eci fie for all throat and long diseoHes. It will allay inHaiiiiition, .iid respinition, and strength- en the vocal organs. Ayer&apos;s uliuuimca are free tp all. Ask for one. •* rilE PROPHET." The above is the name of a publication printed in the Reeton Wvrld ollice, and published by somebody, whose address is Box 56, Bradford, on the first of every third month, at the rate of 25 cents per annum. .Although the weather claims chief attention at the hands of &apos;Hie Pro- phet, other important matters are not for- gotten. In the .loiiuary number before us we are told amongst other things, (1) that Toronto will get the base ball pen- nant this year ; (2) that 8t. Louis will be the champions of the National League ; (3) a re arrangement of the counties may be looked for at an earl}- date ; (4) there will be a boom in real estate throughout Ontario during the coming summer ; (5) the Scott Act will be repealed at the first seksion of the Dominion parliiiient or am- ended in Hueh a way as to be enforced ; (G) mad dogs will be unusually common this year ; (") A. Pasteur, physician, will commence practicing in Lloydlown ; (S) ♦he (iovernment may give Dr. Chase u gratuity for his success in alleviating pain; (9) Pifdiibition is J(/hii A&apos;s next platform ; (10) the Federal election will come on early in February ; Ac, &c. ad iitfinitMm. The rriiphri has a great head, but we think i\w (ioverniiieiit will need to give it an iminenso gratuity â€" not for "alleviating pain," but to induce it to suspend publi- cation and give people a rest in the pro- phetic business, which has bctin done to death by Vein. Or, Moses Oats, Wiggins, and others. If The I&apos;rophet isn&apos;t extin- guished soon wc shall hear of a great many more mad men than "mad dogs" this year. Letter from Mr. H&apos;. V. l>uiiraii. Wo have received quite a lengtliy let- ter from Mr. W. G. Duncan, denying the truthfuhu.&apos;SS of the statements made by Mr. Sanqjlo relative to Mr. Tlios. Moore, himself, and Washington Terri- tory. He scouts the idea of ^^r. Moore or anybody else Vmnking 81,000 a year, and repudiates with equal scorn, the Btatciiient that >tr. Moore was losing that amount iu W. T. He says that Mr. M. is a shrewd, careful calculator and not given to speculation. In refer- ence to the country g<&apos;nerally, Mr Dun- can says Mr. Sample cannot s)ioak with authority as ho saw but very little of it. In Jlr. D&apos;sown words, "put a greylioUMil after a jack rabbit and tin y will .soon take in all of tbo land seen by Mr. S. &apos; Mr. Dunran Kays ho is iierfrct&apos;y sati^- iiod with bis home an I highly del gUted \vith the prospects. THE LATE MR. GEORGE MeKESZIE. (Specially Contributed for The Adxance.) George McKenzio of Orange Valluy, Artemesia, passed away to rest on De- cember 14th at the ripe old age of 7<> years. Deceased was horn in Ro.s8sliire Scotland and when young moved with his parents to the City of Aberdeen where he received his education. W&apos;hen quite a youth or about the ago of 10, he took charge of a Linen iiuvnufactoring business. After some years employ there, ho was sent to Spain. There he took charge of a factory in the same line. After about four years engagement there he took a position as engineer on a Sjianish Man of War. Disalislied with that life he againre- turned to the land of his birth. Reing than able to speak and write the Spanish language and having some know- ledge "f French, he was again engai^ed by a Linen linn iu Aberdeen to lepresei.t them in their various lines on the Conti- nent. In that connection he visited nearly ev- ery town and city in France, Spain and Portugal. After some years of experience in that life he decided on seeking his fortune in the far otl&apos; land of America. In 18ii() he arrived in Canada locating in the city of Hiimilton. After about one years residence there he moved into this Township taking up land he launched out into what was to him a new exiieri- ence, Farming. For the tirst three years of residence in the Township, he taut;ht School in the Section adjoining this vil- lage and was first and for a number of years Su|ieiiutendent of :ho Valley Union Sabbath School. Iu early lifu he gave his heart to God and united with the Presbyterian Church of which he remain- ed a consistent member until the Master called him home. -About ten years ago, ho was elected and ordained an Elder in Chalinur&apos;s Church here. He took an active interest iu the work of the church giving liberally of his time and means for the advance- ment of the church of God. Every one had confidence in his piety, he stood spot- less and uiirebukable before the world. His death was calm and triumphant, he spoke of it us going honu&apos;. He leaves an aged partner and family who uiourntholoBs of an aiTectioiiutu husband and futlicr, but for hiiu to live waa Christ and to die was gain. LadioB tronbl»d wINL. i&apos;iinpleH. Illntcht^s, Huiijjb hnii&apos;lM or faco. or Soictt of any tlustiiip- tuiu. Kliotilfl ii&apos;-L* MeCiici,&apos;or ,t I&apos;Rrk<-"« Carbdhc Coruto. U will It&apos;avu iliu hkiu in ii<^rft>i-t lloiilth, nniootii, clt.&apos;aii Riiil ffooil color, l^u »uru aiiil K*&apos;t ttie f{uniiiiii-. iiiiolt&apos; by .Mcdrt^ijor tV I&apos;aiko. I&apos;ricu asc. SoM lit till! l>rflr Stoiv S.\r,T ltiii:i u rr urn - Mcfii-* por A I^ftilii&apos;&apos;8 C&apos;l.rliolii&apos; (&apos;ira&apos;i- liiiB liDfii till ri niKl tomwl lo le the only i»oBitlv»&apos; euro f^ir Salt llheiini. I&apos;iiiipb-s. HlotctioH oil tliu (uco or JiHiiiU, C&apos;lUH, llurii&apos;^, Jiruiiot*. or any Sore tbat nntyiliirt elso wtll Ii-&apos;hI, Try Mi!(iri&apos;»for .V I&apos;arko&apos;H Cartoli*? C&apos;crato. 2.10. per box at tbo Drag Store. F r lame. Ua&apos;.k, Ml. or ciicsi,. use Sbiloh&apos;g Porous I&apos;liisttr. Pfice 25 cents. Sold at Meihral Hail. Our Table. Rural CaiHidi&apos;in. â€" This splendid Far- mer&apos;s magazine is rai)idly becoming one of tlio most pojnilar, interesting and in- striictivc journals in Caniida. Tlio .Jan- uary miniber before us contains a vast amount of particularly interosting nial- ter to mcnibors of the (irtiuge fraternily a&apos;l&apos;l llic fanning coiniiiimity generally. Published by C. DUioUctt Robinson, Toronto&apos; at the low prjco of 81 per an- num. Farmers Advocate, â€" This excellent farmer&apos;s magazine, wliich is now in its twcnty-spcond year, lins a large circu- lation, Tbo .January luunber before us, contains, amongst, ti li&apos;;i"t,&apos;o amount of other sclcctnil jijiil priginal matter, a prize e».say by Mr, F&apos;rauk Howell, of St. Goorgp, Ont., cutitlcd, "Is Onr Fn- tnre Husbaurtrylo be Special or Mixed ?" I which ahmo is worth ra.irotlian tlio sub - ! 8<;rijition price. Published by Wm.Weld, I Tiondnn. Out., at Uio rate of 81 per an- I num iu advance. A Common Cold Is oflon llio brgliiiiiiis of (o&apos;rlous nlTfC- tlons of Ibo Throut, IJronchial Tubci, and I,unf;s. Therefore, tlic hnportanco of early and cITuctive treatment cannot be ovorcKtlmatcil. Ayer&apos;s Cbcrry roctoral .nay always be relied upou for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last Jnnunry I was sttsrkcd willi a (leveio Cold, wbii.b, by nenlict and fre- quent exposures, bceumc worse, fiiiully witlini: on my lun(.&apos;)i. A terrible oouirh soon follovvid, neromnsnied by pHin.< Iu tlip clii&apos;st. from >vi»ieli 1 suflVred iulciisily. AfUr Irjiiii; various remedies, williout obliii»iii|{ relief. 1 roinmeneed tukliii; Ayer&apos;ii Clicny I&apos;ectoial, aud was Speedily Cured. I am R,iti«lleil that llils remedy s.nved my life. â€" Jiio. Webster, I&apos;awtuiUct, K. I. I cmilracled a ccvero rold, wlileli «iiil- deiily ilfVelo|M:d hilo I&apos;neiniionbi, present- ing &apos;diingermis .nml (ibHlin:ile sMiiptoiiK. Mv iilivnleiiin at oliee onlered llie If^f of Ayer&apos;n&apos;Clieny I&apos;d&apos;tonil. His iustriietioii&apos; were followid, and tiif result wik a nipiii and pirniimciit <iiri.. â€" II. L. Siminoii, Itogers rniiiie, Tcxiis. Two years ago T fiiffered from a «evirn ("old wliirli scltleil on my Uinu&apos;s. ] nn- Bullid various pliy~ieiiii!s, and took lln^ nieilielnes tliey prescribed, but ncihcd only ti&apos;iiiponiry relief. A friend Indiucd me to try Ayi i-&apos;s (hprry I&apos;li-ionil. After taking two lioltles of tliis niediiine I wiis curiil. .&apos;&apos;inie ilien [ Imve given tlio I&apos;eu- torai In my ebildieii, and consider 11 The Best Remedy for Colds, Conglis, ninl nil Throut and l.iinc: diseiisev, ever used In my liiiiilly.â€" Uoberl Vauderpool, Jleiidville, I&apos;a. Some time niro I took a sliglit Cold, Whieli, liiiiig neglected, grew \voi«e, mid settled oil my linms. I had a Inickliii; cou&apos;^li, and was veiv weak. Tbosu win) knew 1110 best couHii.(cred my life to bo Iu great diin..;er. I eonlimied to cnlTer until 1 coiiiiiii&apos;iiped u«iiiu&apos; .&apos;Svn-&apos;s Clierry Pectoriil. tbtm one liottic of Ibis ral- Uable inedieiiie euied lue, and 1 feel that I owe Ibe preserviiliou of my life to ill rurative iiowers. â€" Mil. Ami Lockwood, Akron, I«ew York. Ayer&apos;s Cticn-y Pectoral Is considered, here, Ibe one great remedy for sll diiieii«e< of tlic tiiiviat and linms, and Is moin In demand tlian (iny other piediidne of Us clans. â€" J. V. Uobeits, Ma^uolia, Ark. Ayer&apos;s Cherry Pectoral, Prepirtd by Dr. J. C. Ay»r)kCo., T,ow«)l, Mua. fisld ij bnifgiaU. rric* |li (U V«Ulw, M. LEITCHS Tailoring: fistablhliment PLESHERTON! Is the place to ^et your Suits made in future. THE MARKETS. FLESHEKTON. Ciircf&apos;ully Corrected Each Week, Plour «2 25 to 2 -iS FallWheiit $0 T&apos;i to KG Spring Wheat 7J 80 Bailey »5 50 Oats ... :i6 &apos;11 Peas 60 Q tM Butter 14 15 E<,&apos;gs, fresh 1(5 16 Potatoes 40 4(t Pork 5 &apos;iC ."j 50 Hay.perton 9 00 10 on Hides C 00 7 00 Wool !0 IK Slieepsidns A 40 .&apos;iO Geese O.&apos;i Oft Tnrlipys 07 OS Chickens per pair &apos;.;0 OHO Ducks per pair 40 .&apos;iO R. J. SPROUik Fleidierton. (&apos;tniretimirer, A]iprnisir, Vcd- luitor and Mt^wy Imdi-r. l)<-ed.i, Mori- gages, lenses tit\d U&apos;iiU dni^rn itp ami Vahiatiims mude on shortest iiiilice. Char- ges re,-;/ lou: AppUj to R. J. Hl&apos;ROULE, Fdstmaster, Fleshertvn. Maxwell Carriage Works. Thos. A. Biakely, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Fainter, &c., c-r. WlfihflB tc announce to tbo public tbat bo lian Atarttiil in the above busiuuMH. All order, promptly an<i neatly atttiiided to. Kepuiritig and I&apos;alntinK a apvcialty. Hliop neit door to .). Llttlo&apos;n blackaniitb abop&apos; wbii will do all work in connection to tbo above sljop. THOH, A. HLAKELY. Iri^leshertcn nieat .llarket. SEl&apos;T.OOOD, . PiionuKToii HARNESS HARKESg. ...If you want UttrmuR, Kiiigle or Double, or Horse Blankets, TuuiKr>.. J3t"lls, Viilise.s, Cuny Combs. Bruslit s or the celebrated llanieFS Oil, call ci examine before puiclia.siii;.; flgewherc. R. J. WATSOiN . PIllCEVILLE. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sbeep. Frcsli Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. CLAYTON&apos;S IIAR\ESS SHOP : l-&apos;LESHERTON. fa the yluce to get your llameiu ColUirs, <£c, tniide up in good style. Simp in If. Clayton&apos;s Boot d: Shoe Store, Fltshi&apos;rton. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER. Fh.olograplier, Flesherton, - Ont HaviuKi*|M>iitHonie time ill thti BtiuHo nf tbe fdioout* Toronto l&apos;hoio(,MKi»tior. Mr. S. J. Dixou. wiicre I Hcqiiin-d valuttl&apos;Io kiiowl«Mlpi* in lU&apos;loii- chiiif, I foei a*(Hurpd I can fjivo (.&apos;ttod Rnnerul. vatiiifactiuu. A call respectfully solicitod, MRS. BULMER. FleHlierton. Sept. ITtb, ISRS. J- â€" â€" â€" â€" â€"^â€"a V-^D? CHASES >*^ t)^HDELIOH taVER HAVE YOU Llwr Complaint, Dyspepiia, Ii dige-iion, rilioa«ne«. Jaundice, Headache, lJiiiin..>», V^m in ihe hick, Co«ivene>i, or any diwax »ruini! from a I&apos;eranaea liver, Ua. tHA«&apos;« Livkk Cuaa w.ll U fuund a turn and ctrtaiii rem- dy. NATURC-S REMEDY Tk» anqualifted ^u^r-n (,f I &apos;r Chrw* l.iver Cure &apos;n Li»er Complaini re«l« » lely wiili the fart lli»t it U compounded fn»ni natur-&apos;ft well-known li*er regulator*, Manouauk and llAKDKi.n N, coinljin.d with many- ixhcr inv.i&apos;uablr rf»&apos;H^. 1. rV-i iiml herb*. I a&apos;lnfl a Kwerfnl cffacl o» it).* V i>l&apos;<t-y<.. S om.Lb, I3owcU unii. oed. 600.000 SOLD (M&apos;tr emi-hzlf milLm -/ Dr. Cluist&apos;t Rfift Baokl- Wirt ttid in Canatiti alone. H&apos;r ivrta/ ft-r&apos;y jrwa, ttwnaM an./ ihi/J tt&apos;Aj ii trt*uf>&apos;ej with LUtr emu-, fiaint to try this txctlUnt rftttttiy. SOMtTKHin New. C:nN Away Fdcc Wrapped aroutitf cver>* iKitlte of I>r.Cha>e&apos;» Liv-f Ctira ii a valuable HouwhoUl MertienI duide and Recip« llook (84 pa^e*), cuntaininK over 900 useful recipe*, pronounced byinc-diial uic-v and dro^cixt^ a*.inva!u- able, and w>>rlli t&apos;n timeiv the price of the medicine. TRY CHAsrs Catarrh Cure, a ufe and poitive remedy. J&apos;rice, 25 cents. .TIY Chase&apos;s Kidney and Livei Puis. •} «•. per box. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS ]j. BOMANSON A CO., Sola Atanta, Bradford Recommend&apos;d by Dr. Chribtoe EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency â€" j fe ^p â€" MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repayment lo suit borrower. FARMS bougjit and sold. CONVICYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in II. C.J. , A^ent lor tlie Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business prompt !}&apos;, carefully and confidentially attended to. Ofhce, Corner of Inkerman and Nai)ol(>on Streets. HENKY MELDBUM, AGEMT. FLESHEKTON. Loan & Insurance AQENCy. MONEY TO LOAN. luBuraiwe effected on Farm and A&apos;lllnpe Diultliiips and coLtoiits. Insnranco mfiiinst Lifjlitning a spooialtv. Drcds. Mf)rt(((i;;;fis, LoaRCfl, Wills, &ft., carcfivUy prepared aud, pi-optrly, cxQQ«ted. QtFjcBfâ€" Toronto street, near To^vii Hall. &apos; .&apos; W. J. BELLAMY, /4ge^^A. ,i 4 A

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