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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1887, p. 8

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CHARD - SYMONS - On the 21st Dec 1886, by the Rev. A. Wilson, Mr. Frank Chard to Miss Harriet Symons, both of Artemesia. I t -â€" â€" / .1 ;^. ./â- ;^: •Wo <. &apos;-i.i:r ««• :< THE FLESHERION ADVANCE [vp. ,• V l.,tj. •«:â-  [jAts&apos;. 6, 18S7. iq &apos; f [Si-. â- Â» L^.-ll_, t «J > . ^ i j ax-M Methodist Aiiiiivt&apos;rsury. Sui>criutciu1ent Armstrung of the rieshcrtou Jiutliodist Sabbath School is to be most hcftrtiily â- and uiireKi"ivt&apos;(lly t&apos;uupratiilated for tlio iiiti;,&apos;i)ilit(Mit uian- ucr in which the vast aufhcin;e were on- tortaiiiod l>y the childreu of h\n Hchool oil Now Yfai&apos;s cveniuj^. It was cer- tainly tho {Jnatost treat, iu the way of Sabbath School anuivt&apos;rsarios, we ever ha 1. How those chonwus raiij^ out hke a myriad of cheeiful, merry, iiinsical silver bells on the frosty iiii{litair ! J?ow -sweetly, how touchinyly, how charming- ly rendered was tlia* delightful solo and chorus, "Tell it Agaiu." One could al- most fancy tliey stood iu the tent and {,&apos;azeU on the dying gipsy boy, as they noted how vividly â€" in voice so sweet and gesture so iratural â€" the scene was presented to the imagiuatinn by the •soloist, Nellie Kmith, And tho recita- tions by the children â€" Ada Syiuous, Â¥.r- nest Symons, Bert Field, James Field, Kdwiii Larjje, AValter Ulakely, Fred LeCianI, Lizzie Field, Kobt. Smith. Fred. Sproulc, llobhic Thompson, Wesley .Smith, Willie Uaruhouse, I&apos;liilip Barn- liouso, Violet Perkins, Bert Armstrong, Susan Taylor, Charlie Muushaw, â€" •weren&apos;t they just splc:ulid ? Tho reci- tations alone were wortli more than the price of admission. Not only were the l}ioces well rucitod, but remarkably good taste was shown iu their selection â€" all containing well pointed moriils. The dialogues ^vcre cajjitally rendered, and tlicir tone in perfect keeping with tlie rest of the program. .Vniong those who took part in tlioni were, Itolit. Keefor, Fred. Ayers, Wm. Bellamy, Geo. Pickell, AVm. Sullivan, Kd. Strain, Lou. Arm- strong, Gertia Buhner, .Mina Bunt, Kdie Bcdlauiy, A. White, Ida LeOard, Minnie LeOard, James Field, Newton Lar|^o, Lena Largo, Violet Perkins, Ettie Ayers, Martha Bradley, Ettie Varty, Flora Powell, Ada Symous, Laura Wilson, Hattie Sullivan, Flora Bichardson. Liz- jsie Field, and Maggie Wliite. The dia- logue which (naturally enough) struck us most forcibly was that one iu which liobt. Keefer personated the editor of the Suiokiugtown Spraid Eitijh. and Geo. Pickell an author iu search of a publisli- er. It fairly brought down the house. BO oxcc&apos;llontly was it rendered. The two little daughters of Air. W. \V. Trimble .sang &apos;•Whom he corneth" iu a most de- lif^htful manner. A (juartette by Jlis.s Ayers, Mi.-s Damude, and Mes.srs. . Sproule and liarnhouse, proved vcrv clia.sto and acceptable. The cantata â€" especially tho choruses â€" was surjirisiun- ly well rendered wheu wc consider that tho practice of it was connni&apos;nccd little over a week prior to the ainiivcrsary. Mr. C. J. SiuoiUo certainly is deserving of credit in tliin ^couuectiou. He is a l;iost patient anj persevering ninsicid in- Ktructor. As a i^ 8. anniver.sary chair- inau, Rav. Air. Ayers is assuredly a suc- cess â€" no long-v.indod spt&apos;cches or any- tliuig i^ that sort to mar the program. ^!onle 6/ the brcthytn of the oloth ndglit l)rolitttVly take a note from Uev. Ayer&apos;rt hook. Mins Clnistoe jircsiiled at tho organ iu her usual happy manner. One of the features of the anniversary was the presentation to Miistor l-Mwin Largo iof a han<lsom(dy boinid bible, for not having l)eeu absent a single Sim- «Liiy in the year from tin; Sabbiitli .School. MiisH Klize Cullens was presen- tod with a well bound edition of Jletho- dist hynms for committing to memoiy the vcrscK during the year. An- other interesting feature was Secretary &apos;Vhos. Claytons report, which showed thehcallhy, state of tho school&apos;s fluauces, tho number of verses rejito I. number of boolis added to the libniiy, atlt&apos;udaiice. iinmber on roll, and «)th<&apos;r imiioitant ] Riticidars, ^;ho«•ing the vonilertul i>ro- gress made Ijy the .scbodl dming tho year IHSU. The oflicurs of the scluiol are Siiuirc Armstrong. S.rvrintendeiit : Mr. .Sept. Good, Assistiuit Siiperintci. "lent; Messrs. Wni. Cl.i. ton and Wni. UftinhonHO, Librarians ; .Vr. Thos Clay> ton, Secretary; and Mr. .&apos;osias Strain; Assistant Secretary. These are assist- el by a larg(> and efficient staff of Tench, crs to discliartje tlu-ir onerous duties. There areov<&apos;r 200 p\ipil s mimes on tlic lejiister, and the verses recited during the past year was over 11,000. The av. erage attendance is something like lf50, w hieli is an oxcellaut showing. Health is impossible when the blood in im])nrn. thick, au&apos;i shiggisli, or wheu it w thin and impoverished. Such cour ditionsgive rise to boils, pinples, head- aches, neuralgia, rheumatism, and other tiiHorilerH. Aycr&apos;s SarHa]iarilU purifies, juvigorutes, and vitalizes the blood. J^,.Sul)ii,-ribe for Thb AbVAXCi now. Only 91 jitir anuuin. .lluiiifii>al Elections. THE VOTE I.V .tRTEME.SlA. fur liee-ce. ChriBtne. Elliott. Wjird 1 73 51 Wmd&apos;.&apos; 72 115 Ward;? 239 3fi Ward! HI 47 495 240 Majoi^ty for Dr. Cliristoe 240 Far ViinwilUiri, Ward No. 1, McArtliur, by aeclannnation. Ward " 2, Bohind 119, McLaughry 7L Majority for Holand 48. Ward No. 3, Pickell 134, Sharpe 142. Majority for Sharpu 8. Ward No. 4, Cairns 84, McKee 80. Majority for Cairns 4. EI.SKWIIERE. Osi&apos;KEY. â€" Old Council re-elected. Mc- Giir. Reeve ; Mclntyre, Deputy Reeve ; Speers, Tayl"- and Hudson. CoLLisciwooD Tp. ^T. McKeniiy, Reeve ; Wm. Kerr, Isi. Deputy Reeve ; VVm. Hewgill, 2iid Deputy Reeve ; and Messrs. Smolser and Luiian, Councillors. Eri&apos;UBA.siA. â€" Thos. fiilray. Reeve, by acclaniiition ; Wm. Fawcett, Deputy Reeve, by acclamatiDii. Counoilhirs, Messrs. Hurd, Boyd, Erskine. Di&apos;NUALK.â€" Peter McGregor, Reeve. OwKN Sound. â€" Morrison, Mayor; Chishohn, Reeve. .Iliiiiiflfrnt Christmas Ciifts. From thf Fhiiaiie^pliia SuiuUiy Times. Mr. Heniy B. Bunting, <if No. 910 North Bi(>:id street, Philadelphia, liaa given ?r),(H)0 for the inaiiitenance in per- petuity of a free bed iu WilLs&apos; Hospital, and a similar sum for a sinnlar purpose to the Pennsylvania Hospital, both in the name of his deceiused wife, Mary \. Bun- ting. In addition t<i the above, Mr. Buntiiij; has donated i*.&apos;t,000 for the mem- orial rooniK for the Old Ludies&apos; Home for Presbyterians, on Darby road. The above named Mrs. Bunting, now deceased, was sister to ^Irs. Wm. Strain, of Fleslierion, and these generous &apos;â- ift.&apos;sof her husband, in the name of his deceased wife, are a grand tribute of love and res- pect for the memory of a noble, virtuous Woman, and, at the same time, stamp him as a uum of judjjuuient, warm ad&apos;uo- tions. and noble, geneMus impulses. Mr. 11. .tirhlriiin Explains. To thr E&apos;tifiir of The Adrnnrc Dr.AK .SiK, "Ou Noiuination day, Mr. Elliott stated, that there was an error iu the printed st;iteinent of last audit of Township accouiilii. Not liavini; seen a printed eo[iy, I could nut thou spe.ik de- finitely aa to the statement m.ule, but h.iving since tlien seen an .-Auditors&apos; Re- port, can state positively that there is no error. Tho written report, attested by the Aud&apos;ti.rn :is uirruct, was made out with dniihtr cash colunu\» : the jirinted re- port is made iu iiin,/lc e:\sl) coluum.s, and, to the uMprajtieed eye, may nvciii, some- what inomrect, but a little thonyht and a short exercise iu simple addition is .ill that is necessary to latiiifv any one that the report e\en as printed is r|nite correct. Of course had tlie accounts been jirinlod exactly as made out by flic Auditora, eiierything would h.ive Imen quite clear and more satisfactory. As to our Treasurer, Mr. Armstrong, I feel it a duty to state tli.-it liis books .Tre kept in lirstclass order, and everythint; so Correct that it is a pleasure to audit them. Yours trn1j\ He.vkv Mkliumm, Eugenia, .Tan. 4, 1887. Auilitor. .4rl(>ni<>Nin <i;raiiB«&apos; !Vo. ri.1>!>. The following is a lirtt of tlmofhcers of the above (Jraiigo for tho year 1887. .Tohu Boland. W. M. Thos. Kells. Overseer. â-  Jas. Ihodie. Sec. &apos; &apos;&apos;&apos; Bobert Buchanan, Treas. .lohn (, Lect. James Hanson, Chap, &apos; , Vi /• .los. Buchanan, Stewart, .v.i ••!.&apos; David &apos;I&apos;lompion, A. H. Wm. IloathC;. 1:- â- &apos; "&apos;â-  " .1 &apos; o , JIrs, ,1. Boland, Ceres. .Mrs. ,1. Warliug, Pomona. .Miss K. L. Brodia Lady A. S. This Orange meets ou the Friday on or before the full of the iiioou, iu each mouth. -Oyer&apos;s Cherry Pectoral is recommend- ed by cmiucnt physicians, on both sides of the .Vtlautie, as the most reliable rem- edy for colds, conf»lis, and all ptdmon- ary disorders. Inquire of your drug- gist for Ayor&apos;H Aliiiauuc. Married. Chardâ€" SvMONs. â€" t)u the aist Doc. 1880, by the Rev. A. Wilson, Mr. Frank Chard to MissHariiot Symous, both of Arteniesia, i&apos;entrc tir<y Election. OFFKIAL UKTl&apos;RNS. ..a Uiiiwu McCohiinu Itcirko. -â- ^rtemesia -&apos;83 20 847 Collingwood 811 273 184 Euphriuiia 134 &apos;.•7 &apos;259 Holland &apos;.&apos;00 21 244 Os.rey :i03 50 102 Su Hvan 232 22 289 1373 495 148.5 Maioritv for Roi-ke... ...112 Tho above figures shew cimclusively how nearly Centre Urey was lost to the Liberal Conservative party through the split caused by Mr. McCoIman. Had tho latter taken nixtti nit>re Conservative votes from the party nominee, Mr. Brown would have been elected by a majority of eight. It was truly "a nice little three cornered" allair. It was wvll iiuiniiged by our Reform friends, and but for the extreme unpo]>ularity of McColman might h.ave resulted in a victory for them. Mc- Cohnan&apos;s unpopularity and the weakness of his cause is shown in the fact that Capt. Rorke took NINE HUNDUED AND NINETY more votes than the for- mer, and at the .same tiaie succeeded in beating his Reform opponent, Mr. Bniwn, by the really handsome majority â€" under the circ.;mstanee8â€" of one hundred and tv elve. Our native Township of Euphrasia did right nobly by giving Capt. Rorke a nui- jority of 125 ; Arteniesia followed with 112 ; then Bullivan witli 57â€" the rest of the Townships, viz. , CoUingwood, Holl- and Gsprey giving Reform majorities. So that in not a solitary Township in the riding did Mr. McColman get a uuijority â€" after all the puffing and blowing of the prcifound journalistic authority on "wis- dom teeth &apos; and "conventions. Anniversary StTuious. The ainiivprsary sermons iu conpcc- tion with the Methodist Sabbath ScIdoI, Flesherton, were preached last Sunday according to announcement in these col- unnis. Rev. Mr. Ayers, occupied the )>ulpit in tho morning, his subject being "Seed Sowing." lU&apos;v. Mr. Cornish, of Markdale, preached iu tho eveuiiig. His subject being "Karly Conversion." Both sermons wore appreciated. At both ser- vices, Sabbath Sahool children occupied seats behind the j/idpit and sang sever- al of their aniiivef,sary pioces very nice- ly- -Mr. (,&apos;layton is selling off boots and .&apos;ihoes at cost now. See his anuouuco- nient olsew here. "BHl" Ortfans at the (&apos;<»IoninI. PATnO.VIZED UV KOVALTV. In musical in.strunients, certaiulv Mes- srs. W. PmII * Co., <.f (iuelph, (Int., luive reason to be proud of tliiHr succes.i, and it is universally crniceded that th«;ir dis- |ilay WHS about the most prominent in their line. H. R. 11. Tljt, t&apos;rinco of W;des, person- ,diy congratulated them on having tho- most haiidKomu exhibit ; the stand itself, a work of art in design and liitting, hav- iu&apos;.; been erected at a, it is sunk of i&apos;CidO. The wo<j<l-work is in enamelled white, and real gold, handsomely carved, and the ilrajiery is in silk plush and In- dian niuhliti. TheManinis of Lome, and H.R. H tho Princess Louisio, after tlioroUL;lily testing the instnurien&apos;t.s made and exliiinti&apos;d by the different manufactiners, deeitled to buy one of the illuniinatiMl pipetop "licll" organs. Tliia .side was followed by others to the R&apos;t Hon. Sir Robert Honrke. Gov- ernor of Madras, India, and Sir Robert .Mfliick, each of whom purchased one of their large and han<lHonie i>rgans. The po[inlarity of this instrument is growing niori&apos; extensively every year in the British Isles, and lui the continent, c infirndng the critical judgment of ex- perts, will) liave pronounced tliem super- ior to all ntlieia for purity of tone and [ileasiug design. In the t!itadel at Qu(d)ec, a "Bell" or- «aii graces its druwintr-rooins for the use of iho .Marcpiia and Maieliimiess of Laiis- downe. and in far dintant Vietmin, B. C , Lndv Douglass selected a "Bell" orwii for her use. Perfection iu these iustruiiients has nn- ly been iittiiiied after years of experience and study, by usiuK the Ijest material and employing leuie but skilled and piactiial Workmen, Messrs. Bell it Co., have Jiro- doccd ail orsjaii without an e(|iial. Prominent English oivjuiists, who have tried them at the Exhibition, jiave been .hdighted vitli them. Tlio Invention, a jou-nal publisiied in London, says : -The ox&apos;.iiiieneo of W(U-kmniisliip, and quality of the "Hell" organs, leave only one ver- dic&apos;t possible to any expert who c:ire» to personallv insp !Ct them, as we have done for oursidves, and we have pleasure inex- pressing ourselves as yreatly pleased with thegeiiuii.o oi&apos;gan tone brought out in their in.strunients. The Music Trades&apos; Journal, says,â€" &apos;â-  That Messrs. BelKtCo. , are now do- ina H verv flourshing business, wliieh oui/ht certainly to be much extended as a rrtsnlt of their handsoiiio exhibit at the Cidinderies. and it is ifrntifviinr t.o note that th<> pidces at the Exhibition have endorsed our opinion as to the excellence of their instruments." We understand that Messrs, Hell ACln., have received the Gold Medal at tlio I,iv- eriHHjl Exhibition, which haa just closed. Krsr&apos;The beet, cheapest and most dur- able Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Waaliing Machines, Clothes Wringers, Sewing Machine Needles, and Supplies, for sale at (!. Treaduold&apos;s, next house to Mr. Win. Strain&apos;s, Flesherton. 3in .McGuK&apos;iim it Paukk&apos;s Cakhoi.k; Ci-;nA&apos;n*.. â€" Hftve yoii an olil Sore. Cut, UrniHc. Corn, iinn- ioli. Suit Hliouui. Pimple. HiotcbeH, Uou^li llaiH^.K or Face? It so, tboni is but one cure, luiuiuly. Mo(iro(;(ir iS I&apos;arku&apos;s CsrboUc (&apos;orato. If you but try it. it will coavioco you. It costs but a&apos;lc. at tli<^ Urui; Store. Have you rvi^r tiled MedroRor A- Pilrke&apos;fl Car- bolic (&apos;orate for sores of any kind? It is be- \iiiul doubt tile v.try best )>Veparation in tho lion kttt for healing; and curiiiK Soroj*. Iturns, Cuts, IMiniiles, niotchop, niul is tbo only proper Tiiothoil of applyiuK ("arbolio Acid. Sold at the Urati Stora for 2.>c. jwr box. A Livini CiiRK. â€" One siiij;le trial of Dr. Oliftse&apos;s I.iver Cure will ciivinee tbe most skeptical and confirm lietter than thousands of testinninials that it is a sure cure. Med- ciine and Keeipe Book Jl. SLEKPld&apos;:SS NKHITS, ma.le miserable by terrible cough. Sbiloh&apos;s Cure is the rerjpily for you. Sold al Medical Hall. For lame, back, side or chest, use Hhilob&apos;s Porous Plaster, Price 20 cents. Sohl at Medical Hail. CROrp. WHOOPlNCi COUGH and bronchitis imnKiliatelv relieve- J bv Shilob&apos;s Cure Sold at Medical Hall. THAT HACKING COT"(iH enn bo so quickly cured by Sliiloh&apos;s Cure. We ^aar- aiitee it. Sold at Medical Hall. A LiviNO QcKsrioN-. â€" Qnejticuiâ€" "Is this life worth living?&apos;&apos; Answerâ€" "It idl de- poiiils upon the liver &apos;?" If torpid or inac- tive it eaufes a ilull, touf;h. lanj^uid feeliiiK. Ur. Chase&apos;s I;iver Cuie nives health and huoyaney. .Sold by Vr. (/&apos;brislue. SHIbOH&apos;S V1T.\LIZEH is wliat you need for Constipation. Jjoxsnf Appetite, Dizziness, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price ID and 7.5 cent* per bottle. .Sold at Mudicsl Hail. AnvioK To .Mo-nrKitH.â€" Are yon distiirbiid a iiiKbt nud broken of your re-«t*by a siek tdiild sutleriii>» and c-ryiuK witU pain of (.&apos;iutiu^4&apos;I&apos;i-i".ll ? If so .send at nuce and ftet a liottlo of "Mrs. Win slow&apos;s Sootbilo! K\ru|i" for Chil.lren Tei&apos;tbili;^. Its value is iiicah-ulahli!. It will r<-&apos;U«vu the }H)oi- littlu HiLtTernr iiuuuidiateU . Di.-pcud upon It, uiotbers; tbei&apos;o is iio iiiistttke about it. It ciiri&apos;.s T)ysontory and Dinrrlorn. ri-f.Milntcfl the Ktoniacb and Howols. i-ures Wind Colic. softuiiR tho (jnms, rtMlucesIiitlainiuatiuo. and ;4ivoK tone and uiier^v to tho whrlt; systoio. ".Mrs. Wins- low&apos;s Stiotbiiif: Syrup" for ohildren teetliinji is plensnnt tothe taKtu and is the prescription of one of the oldost and bust feinalu physicians and iiursoH in tboUuited HtnteR. and Is fur sale liy all dru^&apos;^ists tliroiitjbont th*; world. Prico twenty-flvp cents a bottle. TU> sure and a^k for &apos; MiiH.&apos;Wissi.ow&apos;s Soothing Bviur," aud tsko no (ithbr kind. WITJ, YOU SUFFER with nyspppsia and Iiivpr Complaint ? Siiilob&apos;s Viiiilizer is (fuarantrcd to cure vou. Sold at Medical Hall. Slllf.UirS COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold bv Us on a guaniutee. It cures Consuiupliou. Sold at Medical Hall. WHY WILL YOt) congh when Sbiloh&apos;s Cure will Rive immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 cts., and tl. Sold at Medical Hall. N K W A DV RRTI S KM FN TS. < >-vven Soixncl COLLEGI ATE IN STITUTE WliJiOpcn on Mi&apos;Ni>AV, imii .lANtAiiY, lhrt7. Kxci-Utnt Stuir of Tcttcliorw. luspoctor ollirinlly rtin)rts it tbo lio&apos;^t F^ufiipod School In thn Pvinint&apos;e. ClaflHes for First, Hccon&apos;l ninl &apos;J&apos;hiril CJAss t:ortill«ato..hiiiior and SL>iiJr>r ila- ttu-ulutloM with lioiiurH, mill I,uw tinU Mudiciil MxiiiiiiimtidiiH. At the TeiicIuTH&apos; ExMuination, In .filly IftKt. ftll tilt&apos; FirHt CJnsR C*aii&apos;&apos;.i&apos;lfitc« luid n Iiiri{u )H-rni!iita4;(u>t Seoond and Thlril CA&hh woro KUi:t&apos;u»bful. I&apos;t&apos;fH, &apos;i&apos;.i.iHi for th*i Twriuâ€"puj- ablc at 4&apos;iitraiice. Aj)!*! y to V. \V. MKllCH ANT. M. A. rriiicipal, or n. K. DOBIK. Sec Hoanl of Education. Owen Hound. Deo. 15. 18W. catb bketon railway. ^KCT«)Xâ€" (ilUNIl NaKHOWH TO HVUNKT, TKM>KH Ft>U THE WOUKS OF OONHTat&apos;CTIOK. SK.M.Kn TRN&apos;nKHS. nddrcspid to thft nndor- Fi^&apos;iiud and tMidorHt&apos;tl &apos; Tonilrrn fnr Onpo Bre- t<>n Uailniiv," wtll U> rtM-eivtid at tliiw oftWie up ((I noon oil We<1nu.&apos;<iliLy iho I&apos;Jth day of .Innuary, 1KH7, t/)r rovtnin woiks f>f cfinKtriiction. Pljum and proftJoy wflt ho of>on for ii»«^pretio>i lit till- otlico iif tho Chiof ICi)f7trit^4ir nniT (riMiorfU Mrtnaj-UT of (iovnriniuHit UuilwayK ut <U,tawa, iiiul »l.-;r» nt tilt* (*ni(;i&apos; of tin- Ctt\\v Uriiton llnil- udv at Tort Hawki&apos;Mhnry. <\ H.. on and ftffor tho •27th &apos;iay of Doctnnlior, IHHtt, when the cencral i)pt*rilU&apos;ationK and forut of t^^ndcr nmy he oI>- tiiinfd npon »n>pHfiition. No tiTidor will h« ontortiihii-il nnlfsfi on ono of tito printed forinK ond all thu uonditiouR aro cuinpliod with. Ily order. A. r. imAOiir:v, Hotfreitary. Dopartmnnt of Pailwayfl and CanalK, Ottawa, l.Hh L)ucettil)er. IflMO. Mortgage Sale! Ill purHiumco of Tower i)f Siilo coiitsiiii.Ml in tuo <:t^itulii MortMill,&apos;»fs to tile \&apos;*Miiior which Moi f(,&apos;fjifos will bo jn&apos;oducod at tlio tiino of Hale. &apos;I&apos;llero will ho Kfilil by n. Mel&apos;OllMICK.KsQ., .M&apos;OTIONKIiR, Ily Pultlic .Aiuriion nt Atkinson&apos;s Hotel, in the Village of Priceville, ON Tliiirsdiiy, .Isiituary tiOtli. I8K7. .utile lioiirof i! o&apos;clock in ilio nftenioon tliotol- lowinj; laiuiH tiiid tiroiniso^t in tliu Vninife of I&apos;llccvUU; In tlie Connty »»f (irey \wiun <!oio]iosed of Lot Number Throe on a plmi of hub-divi.^ion of Number Kifty Kour. In the first Conoossioii Soulh of the Diirlinn) Iload in tho &apos;t&apos;ownslilp of (iUinul).&apos;. iu tlio Couiitv of Hioy, iniiilo by &apos;ijiom- iiH It. Ciillilioid. Troviniial Land Snivoyor, for .loliii Forp,&apos;UK(Ui ami is flleil in tlio Tlo(;istry Ofllce (or tlio said Cminty of (irey, which said Lot Three oontaliis tlili-tcon auras, lio tho same mole or loKH. TRIIMH (tv .S.\I,R : Tills |iroi)ort> will bo sold subject lo n icsorye hill, &apos;"nwls to boiisid ntthc tiiiiuof sale. XKKI In tliroc months iinil the haluiiee niav reinalii on iiioTt4<aiio for throe yoarH at oiwht |>or ouut. Interost. For further psrtlcuIarK applv to D. MrOOU- MK&apos;K. Ksij., .\nctioiipor, KllA.VCIH W.\ITK, rrlcuTille, or to tliu undorKlunnd. J. W. FIIOST, „ , Voiidor&apos;i tiulicitor. Dated l)eo, 80tb ISNO, AVER&apos;S f^&apos;LLS. Sugar-Coated Cathartic If the Liver be- comes torpid, if the bowels are coii.ttlpatet.i.ur p d>;,»£«,<ma(&apos;b. fails tu perfunn ita I tiuus -r:*^ A&apos;lUlt^ Ayer&apos;8 i&apos;illb. They ak i-vaUtii &apos;^. f For some years I was a yfctlui ;â- Â» &apos;iJ Complaint, In eonsequenee of M«^iu&apos;\ _ . . -> . .. -jr. nsequ lerul suffered from ttciterul Debility aniVj gestiou. A few boxes of Arcr&apos;s &apos;j.\ restored jue to perfeet beiillh.â€" W Brightney, lIcnder.son, W V:i. For years I ha\e , Ayur&apos;s i&apos;ills Ihim iinylbhi;. . more L ei:se, to Regulat« my bowels. These Pill&apos; T-cniil&apos;l in .ictit,., an&apos;ddollieirworklboi. (, . :»..a!»ed them witii frood ell&apos;ett. ,;asi . f &apos;iueu- matisni. Kidney Troubli&apos;, inid li â€" G, F. Miller,&apos; .\ltlel);b. Mi Ayer&apos;s I&apos;ills cured nio of .Stoiu i Liver troubles, from wliieU 1 liail . n for years. I consider them ihe hi s nuide, iind would not be williout tUi Jllorrk Uiites. DownsvillcN". Y. I w,is atliicked with Uilious T which was followed by J,iuiidicc, and so dau^&apos;erously ill tliat my friend • spaircd of my recovery, I eonini-n taking; Ayer&apos;s PIIIh, and iioon ref,&apos;»ined custoiuary streiiijlh anil vi^or, â€" Joh&apos; I&apos;atlisou, Lowell, Xebriiska. Last sprinfT I siitTercd frrently from â-  troublesome humor on iiiv side. &apos; In spile of every elTort to enre lliis i-ru|illoii. it iii- creaneil until the llesli heeaine catiiely raw, L was troubled, ut tbe same time, with Indigestion, and distre.ssing palu.4 in The Bowels. By tlio ativ ice of a friend I bopm taking Ayer&apos;s I&apos;ills. In a short litiio I wiis free from piiln, my food dlficHicd iiroperly. the sores on my body < iuniueii(&apos;( il heuiinj;, and, iu less ihsii oiie nioiilh, I was cured. â€" Suuuiel 1). While, .\llanla. (j!i. I have loni; used Ayer&apos;s Pills. In my family, and belieye them to be Ihe hi»M pills iiiaile. â€" .S. C. Danli-n, Kiirdi ii. Mins. My wife and Utile ijlrl were t:iken wllb Dysentery a few days iiiro. nnil I nt once bef.&apos;au irivliiR lliem small doM&apos;s of Aver&apos;s I&apos;ills, thinkini; I would call a doclor if Ibe disease became any wor&apos; In ii short tbiie the bloody diseluu&apos;v .topiud, all pain went away^and bialtn &apos;. us restored. â€" Theodore Kslinu, IJichiuond, Va. Ayer&apos;s Pnparcd by Dr. J. C. Ayrr & Co , Lowell, U* Sold by mU DMUan la MwUda*. Pills, MONEY TO LOAiS. At « r»ei&apos; Cent.,:; On Town or Kami Property, 8. DAMtrOK, Klusberten. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi t CARD OP TIIMS! In tli.inking my custoraer.s for tbeii; liberal piitroiia;.;c in liiu imst, I liavc much iilcasure m being still able to HitlHily ihcm with thy foliqwing cclc- biuted luiichincs, vi&apos;/.., The Toronto Light IJindcr. The Toronto Mower. Tlic Hlnirp Sulky Kiike. The Massey ILifvcstoi&apos;. The ^htssey Mower. The Tolten rcii Ilnrvcstcr. The Fox IV-a Hiirvestcr. Maniilloii&apos;s C&apos;oi\ibiiiiitioi» I&apos;low. Tolteii&apos;s CeiiU&apos;o Draught •lointcr Plow. Hamilton&apos;s Scufller.&apos;?. &apos; ILuniltoii&apos;a Boks (.iauo I&apos;low. Wisner&apos;s Sprnii,&apos; Tootli Cultivators. Tlie Chatham Fanniii},&apos; Mill. A full stock of IIei&apos;.mrs always on liHiid. Parties reijniriiiiL; any of tha nbore will do well to call anil iiu&apos;iieet Mnch- iuta, which will bo found in Sproule&apos;s A. S. VanDUSEN, Fl.KSHKHTOX, 0000000000000000f)0000000000000000 Thoroueli-Krod BERKSHIRE BOAR! Wri&apos;Ii UMiwI Potlifrrcr will Ktiiiul f(pr r^rnson of lbh(.;-7 nt Lot No. HI Hrnt Itniiuo Kn^f of Toi&apos;- onf" tV SviU&apos;.uhaiii Uoad, ArtmnuHia. &apos;I&apos;eniiH ou upl&apos;lif^ntion. (^-?W5] JACOB A. LRVEB. AT CORDON&apos;S HARNESS SHOP rLEsnrinoy, Yuu will fliul an asAi.rtiiiGut of Heavy and Liffht Harness, Whips, HriiHho?!. Curry (.&apos;oiultH, Swcnt Tadii, toii tlio celi&apos;iiratc&apos;fi "Hanmns Oil." ^^&apos;^^rOLLARS A ^*l»E^•IAlTy.^% (nioapforOash. Call and Kxaniino. FOR SALE. 95 acres 1^ niilio: from Flcshnrton (loodwanii fmino ilwclllii),&apos;, 7 rooms, uooil cclliir. Kooilktnlili&apos; iinever-tiiilinK ^priiiH CM 1 k. &apos;reiiiii oiisy. Kor partioulnrs apply to W. .1. lii;i,l,.VM\ , I&apos;lu^hcr- ton&apos; or to 0. W. ItKI.Ii.VMY , MiirK.lnli!, #1 A T * . nel4» ftrt l^llrrf*, hiil ITtiiKt who wrlf0 to I&apos;ll \i ^tllii&apos;onJtt^n.l&apos;nrllnml. .Mnlii . .lllrfoHra ImI ; i I I frc«, full iDffirmnlinii nhnut wi*rk whlph ITIf llll lIl&apos;T f"*" &apos;I". ^I&apos;l Urf «t linIiic,ltiAt will p«r M \i ILtU ihem from ^l^ In »r. piir •! ly. S<.m« lm« »«mf. &apos;",.,$â-  inkflar K11h,-r -ex, yaiinc ..rr,].!. Capllftl ri&apos;it rlw|,ilrtr1. T.Ml ftrr licftrttd frt- <<. Tlin«« wbfi ilArt m\ OHM •n •tevlaMj i«r« of •â- &apos;â- ( IHM« r«tluMi, All li n««, X

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