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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1887, p. 5

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t:^- /-. Jan. 6, 1S87.] THE FLESH KRTON ADVANCE r SELLING OFF -: T' I'; â-  111 orJ cr t c cnr out my present st'^ck of Mens , Wom- mens ;uid CI lid reus BOOT S & SHOES, I am olTering Throe or V our Hi andrcd pairs at vc ry threat ly reduce d prices iu order to in.ike room lor Sprinj^ Importations. -4(aa WM. CLilTrTOW, Flesherton. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of .u. i -STOVES-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT , STRAIN'S, h^ I ^vzi^ii i'<jT< . ' FLESHERTON. ARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, , .I'll .!..;• / ALL KINDS OF M\\ Mi Mrnii M\ > Siicli 113 Moiminoiits, Tomb Tables, Ilnadstonos C Miiitcr mid Table Tojis â€" in Auioriciiii and lUlian Mai'blu and (iraiiitc, and uiado on Hlioi't notice. Also MantlcH in Marblo and 5I.ublei/C(l Slate, itc, kc. FleihcrUMi, Ailst. 30, 1883. .'^;. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLpW^PIfeMiiHTMENT THE PILLS Purifv the Hloo(UcoiTiict ttll DiHordoni of the Tliflyinvijioratoaml rt)«tori» to hfulth I)('l»iHtiitf*l CoMstitiitionw. Riid ftr« iiiv,itiml>lo iit nil Com plalutrtiiiciduittal to I-VinaloH of nil u^i'm, For OiiMren uitd Ihu h^imI tliuy *ro i>riuu)uH8. THE OINTMENT it.Ur. kaulufivlllbtornuiciU' fi>r lliul I.<'U«.IIa<1 llrrnHt!*. Olil \V<iiiii<1.<, Kon-o niul I'lcrm. It isttni* .(â- out ami ItluMiinatlHiii. For ilixoriloiHur tliu Client it Iuih no etjual. For son/-: THUO.ri, Jil,'f)A'CH/TIS. COUCUIS, COLDS QiandularSwoUluRii, aihl 111! Skin niKpiiscs It linn no liMil; ami for Cuutractod ami Ktifl joints it act» liko a charm. Kaniifacturodouly at ProfcKKor HoLLOVTAT'a KstabllitliBKiit. ^ 78, »w Oxford Street dale Tt'XX, Oxford Street ). London, andaresuKt iit Is. IJcL.'^s. Oil.. 4<. f,,!.. il».. Hn.. nii.l .It'.Lii'li lini ,n- Put. nml may lio liad o( all Med cine VoriilorH tlirou^hont tho M'aird. p^ PHri-hnners .i/KOid/ lank ir. tlir TMhA nii thf f'ofs tt)iil linxrii. Tfih: nililrfxf is not .'.7.;, (h-fnnl Sfrfft, LnH'iiftt, thru itrf :iptiriittf<t. "BELL" UnApproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL&GO..GQelpli,Ont. Sew Butnher Shop in Flesh- : ertou ! Pefch <a IWitchcll, I'ltol'lMKTOli.S. THK u'ltU'i-niuimil iTsi>octfnlty tiiko this nppor tunitv tn aiiiioimci' t'l till' iM"'l''i' "f FlfKli- irtoM iiiirl siiiriiiihilini.' oiim;ta-y.. t.lml they Imvo if ivti'il 11 llnt.'iu'i- Shop in Uh' stnml iiuxtilimr til tli.i Mm-lvlii WiirkK, Kl.l'.SHKKTON". whciu tliov will biM'h'iiK(«l til »not't with nil who fiivor tlioiii i«itli thiiir piitvnnnijt'. FrHsh Mruts uf nil kltidH.iiiKl KiHli,*n.iii Hii'iimiuHiiUH. Rosiioctdilly yoiiri. â- ;f 1»1:T(U * MITrHELI,. J. W. BATES, and Fttriiilu re Jienlcr Undevtakor, VUICSHIiUTON, ONT. KEW LIVEitV! THi; uiitU'rhitnitul lii'^t* to aiiiininiro tltat liolift* Htiii tfil a tivHt-clunrt liivury in tliv stiiinl i)i^ IH)>ito MwwilinwH Hotel. FIoUkm ton, wlmit! llio trnvfUhiq j'tthHc can l»o ancoiniiKKifttt'd with ' gon<I ri^'s and Iioi-poh at inoBt roasouablu |iricM. I Tr> uiu nnd bu convincucl. .t-^-; * i-- ilt«4> t Itufipectfully your«, \ W.H.JOHNSTON. ' I'lushoitoii, Nov. Iflth, 1880. . , jij ,, . -j ..jii From M. Reiley. To the Editor o/ Th Adniun: Dear Sir; â€" I iioticu in the columns of yiiiir vahiubie pui>erof Dec. 23rd, a k-tter fiuiii \V. L. Dixon, (111 tlif (j-o df bis de- parture fntui I'riceville as an answer t<i my k'ttiT of Dec. 2nd. Ml'. Dixiiii 8a3's tliat the ivasoti I oji- IKised bi.s re-eiiy:ageiiieiit was tliat my sen failed to pass the Kutraiice Exam. Now, Mr. Dixon knows tliut be wtu stating an untruth, as I did nnt oppuso him on tliose urouiids at all, but on the tact tliat the niajority of the ratepayers <if the section, were dissatisfied. I am surprised thai a man of Mr. Dixon's standiii;,', would stoop no low as to compare some of the children inider bi.s care, to that fpincinus animal the Lion and be would refer to them as being educated the same way, that is, teach the-.n to allow their keeper to put his head int^i their mouth. Kow 1 uo not believe that oven a lion would be wil- lin<^ til allow Mr. D'a. bead into its mouth much less his scholars. Mr. D. says that he has l)cen very at- toiitiru to his duties and that hu has nev- er boeii oiico late in three years. Now Mr. Editor we did not fnnage Mr Dixon to be late. ^Ve expected hiui to fulfil his duties accordini; to his agreement. Mr Dixon alleges in bir letter that I made a false statement about the marks obtained by iiiy boy, at the last Exam, and tliat be showed them to me ou tba lltli Nov. Now sir, it is a long time from the fust week in .July until the lltb Nov., and I suppose he did nut send for those marks until the mnmunt when he lie.ird that I was reflecting uu him not d4lill!,'SO. In regard to the petition for their re- moval I candidly state that I am inform- ed that it was read to every person that signed it and that there was U" niisrei>- ri'.ieutatiun made in regard tn it. There must be a great change in the tsection since the annual meeting of 1886 if said petition as M. D. said tn remove me out of olUce, as at that meeting out of live candidates I was elected by a largo ma jority. Mr. Dixon's statements in regard to the children uf families in the out- skirts of the section, attending adjoining schools as a matter of cunvuniencu is faUo as the party lives much neaivr to I'rice- ville, than the other sectiiii n\n] certainly tbev itiust have a chiiicu of teauhvr' Wu as Trustees, object til no party sending their children to our school, as b>ng as our Nchoiil is not cmwded, as, a luattur of for them, lint the |iartios ctiniin',' three miles, he can make nu capi- tal out of tbeiii, as they attended our school luwious to his engageniimt as our Teacher. The average he cJaiuis, Mr. Editor, is 110, of this avenge he can only claim 2()'' and Ifis, ttie reniain- dcr. Ueforring to the niatttr.of the Store- k«:epir» of our village. It. is anstouiary with bnsiiifss men to find out the'* they have to deal with, anif iisk the prices to suit. I consieier you ran buy from the iii'^rchiintinf Piiocville, as cheap as in any other place in ('anada to-day. If Mr. I), rcfer.s to nie as the Cliipics ser- vant, 1 must say he is very comjilimen- tary in regard to the people of this vi- cinity. \\ e an; a friendly class of jieoplo here in Pricuville, but Mr. Dixoiilias nev- er any of nur nieetings here, during his three j-ciws stay and I believe the reason he kept away Wiis, that bo was afraid it wmild cost him 2.") cents. With regard to the petition, impairing Ills use- fulneHx, T may state that there was;i nnicli larger one in circulation aifainst hiin on his first engagement, and then b' should have picked up the countge tu resign. Hut I suppose money wi\s tbo oV>j«ct and ho wiinM Dot do so until ?\e had taken twelve hundred and sixty Jull.n'.'* oil' this section. Ueing an old soldier, I bavu learned ball practice and I do not believe in sbnoling at. the tree, when tlio bird has tlowii. If he were bore to face the musk", I would give bim more of it. M. Ukilev. . , : â- â€¢ ;'.'i.l Lost ! On C'liiistnias day, from Flcsbcrton, a black and white Hound BitcL, name "IJi'Ssie." .\ny person leaving Hanic at Munsliaw's, FloHlierton, will be suitably ro\varilo<l ; and any ono retaining her after this date wjU ho prosecnted. l>oiniiiion Elertions. It is now rutuorcd that the Dominion Elections will be brought on in a short time. All the l)ctt<!r. The County of (Jroy is ripo for action, and will send Dr. Jamison, Dr. Sproule and Mr. Masson, Q. C, to Ottawa as it.s repre«entativcs iu the Coiiimoii.H. The battle lioru will be sharp but decisive: and as sure- ly a.s Centre, South and North Grey are now 111 lino in the Local House, just so surely will they be in line iu the Do- luiniou House at tbo forthcoming elec- tions. That UiiKentloiniiHly "Reply" by M. 11. Tiinr.ston. To the Kditiir of The Aitrnnre. When a person \i puUicly attached through the press, it is smnetiiues necess- ary to use the same medium for defence, espocialh' when a public "hearing' caii- uot be obtained in any other way. This being the case now, will you please jiub- lish the fidlowiiig, viz The aliive named i)ersoii undertook to, in a former issue of the -XiiVANiK, "set at nauubt," statcr.ents made in my •parody' concerning a kJ uithern climate which was a truthful account not only based on my own, that of my family and other Cuiiudiuns of various ages, teinperameiit.n, eoinplexioiis and constitutions, but also, upon the etlects p^>duced oil uatives of the iSoutli, all of which this ungenerous writer intimates as being "magniCe<l" and afteiwards says, â- ' 'Tis plainly a biased account," surely, having kn'nvn me all hi.i life, (and about twice his years,) as a truth telling man, not even given to exaggeration. It does not become him who never even saw the Suuth, to use such strong, unfair express- ions ; tr lefer U> others better authority i^-c. How does Iu- l.iiinr but theij are "bjised" in /uv.ur uf the Southern Slates? Mole tb;in once in his "reply" he ber- ri tes his own country, (Canada), convey- ii g to foreigners at leiuif, the idea that it is a cold, inhospitable cliinaie. To shew you how incoiupeteiit to "reply, " or ae- fend the South, I may ivninrk that he closes by intimating that it is a country of "eartli()uakes" '.u which he "onus, (he is) "afraid to go." Now tins is tcorte than anything- 1 wrote, but, nothing more than wlut niay, be expected from a person undertaking I what they are uiupislilied for, 1 wrote I that 'parixly' for the good of my fellow- j countrymen, hoping thereby to save them loss of time, inone}', and health in trying to find a butter country than C.t.s'AiiA which is an impossibility. 1 again remark that those Snutlicrncrs are a kind, hospntable people, may [irovi- deiicu ever bless and prosper ibein, and Northerners also. In conclusion I would advise \V. H. T. to use, and not abuse his jioetical talent, winch I have ever maintained is of no inferior older. Wm. riiii'V. Wiunii^B, Di'c. 4th, 1880. (/aiiadian Pacific Bailway. Owen Sound Branch. Tukiiuj Efiett, Muiobiij, Jiitij Z:th, l^S.'. tioins North. HTATIOXiar Mai 1 jThl Jji> .~MUeil Torouto~7..... ....T.JjaavBi 7 tS»in "lijpmi Cardwell .luDOtiou ' 0*5 " ,fl.10 " j J. Churluhtou _ ;««" 1U5 •• I 3 OriioKo- 1 .\rriv.j lOM 103" - „: villB. ; L««vo lO'iO •• 722 "I o| OritUk'KVillu Juuctiou lit'^ " 7 S4 " k u Shulhlirue IU 5» " »(M " , -^ Z Uuuilalk 112! '• K'lO " g f Kr.KSHK.BTOH 1147" S.S.'i ••; ~ 3 iUrkdalo WIK - U lo " ! | â€" V\'illi«mKforcl li-iiini! :i .â- â- 2 " * cluuiiwortli l'3as " u ly " " Owen Koiuiil .\rrivi' Id.'. " i n'jU â- â€¢ Ooiliu Sou til. '7 " "h"t.\TI<)NK. Kx|> Mall. I Mlx ^ij OwoiiS<.miil Leave 54<>«iii 'iWjim ChatbWoftJi ; 8 IU • | :)U7 " ! >- WilliaiiKfura 6i". â-  , SJO •• S .Maikiliilu ....! (5 47 " :152 " ; - ^ Dinldaltl .„ 7 SO " 4 ril " S St SljcibiirUi! - 7 SI " 4 .**7 •* , ..» § nimiKu villi) Jiin«tioM i 8 22 " 5'rt " , g « oriiiitji)-! .\rrive ] R.'K» â- â€¢ 5.1.5 •' ' «: villo. i L«avo - I 8 4.'* â- * 5.^0 " s "~ Cliarlunton 906 " ,6 13 " , S Carilwall Junction 025 " , CaO •' , "^ Toronto .\ir ive 10 55 " WIG " I W. WH VTE, D. MrXICOLL. Gk.n'lScp't. GesX Pahs. Aor J. B. SLOAN, Has any tjiiantily of Shingles Sic, on hand at his factory, at Eu4^enia. Cheap for Cash. DRTCARTEli; M.C.P. AS., I Int. IMIY.SK'IA:^. SIKCiCOX, &r. FLK.SHEKTON. Offli-o. Strnin'^ Mick ll.'^ia, ni-r. V.'ui.Wricbt - .1.1*. MAKSHALL, DENTIST. GUVDLAT}: of Toronto School of IVntisti y will Ihh at Markilale tliH iHt and :li-d \Vediitf<>- (lay of uacli itiontli. hikI at Flurtliurtoii on the 1ft*. aud :tnl Thui'sday in (*acb uioiith for thu luoctic*.' of hiH proft;Kt*i(Hi, ^cgaU v)i Money to Loan. At C,\ I'lr (-<nt. Inti-rt'd i.ii Sfraujhi Lmin. WITH lutornst pniil v«<jirly,not In advanr*.Nu coinmiSMlon c.inr^cil. .\poly to Av!i;iUEU. TIIOflXBi'RYj I James Sullivan, TlieTiDBmith, - Fleshertor, lifpiilrlnii, KavotrnuKhlnii.and in (act «*«r|i- i tUiiiK in the husimiiiB will rfci'ivo my i |iroiii|it anil onreful Aiteiitiuu at masousUlu |irij,»i<. , I. W H. CVMPAIONE. I.adios trouhled with rimplns, niotchi-s. llmiKh liniiilHoi tiice. or Sores of any ilusuiip- tion. slimilil line MfOriror iV I'lirki's Cnrhuliii Ceratu. It will l»avu the Kkiiuin (lurfoct hnalth. smooth, ultaii anil uooil i olor. Ho sure ami ^;et the Hemiinti, niailc liy MiCiregji;* Paiku. rnvti aSc. Holil at thu DruH Store. KiiKenin, Fioiii our <'i''ii Ctirre-'jioidriit. The festive season come and gone - the tiint', I mean ~ \\hen the poiKkrotis Xiiins turkey and the fat New Year's i;iiiise is the proiiiiiient bill of f.ue iit the festive boaiil. Many a happy sioile, ring- ing laugh, and side-splitting joke has been seen, heard and enjoyed by the cir- cles uf friends, that the Cbi i.-<tnuistidu has biiiuglit tiocether â€" oiite in tlie year. .\nd the children- (lod bless thciu ! â€" how their bright vyoH sparkle ! what screams of delight H>:-S)»nta< Claus- JlMps his presents in their How mens minds surge wi'h wild e.\ cit^uiei t when tleetiuM times ni'.Nnl. The pivst few days have been liU of aux- ioua- care as tu the result of thu vote giv- en f.4r parliament HIT slid municipal legis- latuie.i. Eu^cniuns iu general believe that the right men iiave beiii cent to do duty at the fruit. With what e.ager ej-cs will their work be scanned by the await- ing nk.ultitude8 at home ; and justly, tmi, when «iiie coiitem]ilatfcs the treinendoua issues that lie beneath and beyond their actiiiM.i fraught with weal or «oe. Now. gentlemen - Korke, Cairns- forward march ! |>riive the metal your made of and the wise choice of those who gave you such siicred trust.s. Scliool stalled yesterday in Eugenia. Now the iiiiisy bairn.n will onto' thehoose again. Wo antioipate grand results from tbo new to.uihey. i''ti>'>' ."i .\ l>tj|oncir»s ta Mr. .Toliti Linton J. W. FROST,. LL.B-. Olllcf,â€" Straiii'K Itnililiiifi, Flksueiiton, A. A. ('HK.SM;Y, Solicitor ami Conveyancur, Ufiiidcnt Mana(;t>r. Mil. ITIOST will hv fount! at the Oftlco on ThurMavM as horutofore. r McCULLODGH, BarJ'iafcr, Solicifo?; <\v: oniee, over .>l4'Farland*s Store, Varkdiile. Money tu Loan. MASSON & MASSON^r' 1>A;:iiinTi:us.soMi;;. > L irn.Ksâ€" Owun Soiiml. in Vicker's block. .'oil', u ?>t ; Itrniich otti-Mi i'l ilu^il'dw. ovur Wt-- *ur' i;:«J'i» stoVe. oil l^ruiayauti bacunlay ovor\ I . ( \SSI)N. Q V :,;>SA8S0N". W. JIAKSON S* H. I'r'ratf A* Ci^iurany's fniids to inveat i.? roui )» Ki>:ht pt'r cuut. nviijiKHi HAvns. n.!". kchlis'. rnr.n.w habvi. HAKDS.EUHLIN & GARVIN. ,s'i(.-c.x«ir.< fo I.'i'tdr <(• H'lwlf, B.\1;B1STF.US, SOI.UITOKS, NOTAUIKS I'ONVKY.VNrKUS, ,Vi;. Money t.. t«mn »t LoKi'i-l Itiiti.. of lliti-io..t Oflii_'>ii. li'. Kin)jSlrt;>.'. ' n.Ht, 'li.inlit^i. ^u.oiuf.5i.;i CiutU John W. Armstrong^y Fi,Ksuri;TC'»;. I.Vv Ouky. DIVIHIOX COITKT V'J.KHK. C*1MMISSI0»i:n iu II JC. ('i'tt-v4yau(*or. (tc. Ajjuntfor |>iiribii>>o ju! iMilt' of luiids. AiU'ifti'-cr forC !,.(' tdiu- .iitrt !•* r. B- \- S. Society. Moti*'V to I.« hu nn the iiioAt runi»oiiuli)e ti'nna. Imhifk ur MAUHlAOl' l^UKNHKS NOTAUY rLBl.lC. W. J. BKLLAMY.. TWe. Cf.KUK AIITKMKSIA. (x>yvK r . I .Vf 'EH, < v lyr.v issi i >yEi:. isscHASCE A(.rr, .d'. DKKUS.MOKTliAdKS. l.K.VSKH, Ac iiri-rar- rl mid proiifrly executed. Inkiiraiur ari-.-- trd in nr^t-claas companira. Money to liuU at lowest riitos. /.Y /•f.AS///;/,'7'O.V. TO BR LET OR SOLD.. Halt Khkom ("I'BKn.â€" Ho^rojnr * Parke's Cai hollc CofHtf has hiHin ta-iiMl miOtfuniiil to be the only iiimitiviiouro for Salt Uliuuut, Piiii|.ltm, niot^ftes on tht fiu'O or hands. Cntii. IIutiw. Ilriiiws.or anv Sore thii^ aiithini! else «ill !arsl. Try McdroRorA Taike't. tfarlojio ^'«ratu. ^. B»r l?v«t tke.Druu Stor^,^,,.., ^„"f.,;,,,„, .„, ', , The iimlcniitMii'd offcm (or ule lil« FIâ- ^k i^iuith Shop. Still. lo anil rruliiisoi* niljoliili;^', nt j u roHsoimhlo yrii-v; or will leli^i' Ihi' Miliif to A ! (jood Tiinn It a fujr rentnl. Tlif, r*r<'Prrt\' in «t)ll«itn*ti,l (.11 Colli iiKnouA <lri'ut. KUshctt> n, lietir ;bi^ i^lsniiiiK (»vtor> . Kor ti^ns lUid i.arti<ulsr». niiiHy to tlie pro- ' prietor. ItllllF.UT ft.AVh, got its leg broken one day recently. The 1 JulyJMh. IMO. 807 tf KI»»h»rton. veterinary set it, a^td. the result will be watcbid with intrrimt. C.VT.anTH CUllKP, health and sw** Irtrath st'fflirid, hy Shiloh's Cntarrli Htaii- tiv. I'liii- ,V) cents. Nasal Iiiinclor fr.e. I old at .\Iviliuttl Hall. . „ , . J. E.. MOORE. Caryentrr, Joiiirr, (f Cabi- net .MakAr. .Vlt repair* promptlv A neatly eiecutrd . , shops. Durban) m, next to I«Uchi Tailoriiig.«. ' F1jkl>« and Hpeclflcalloirt ou shorteit ootitin. .

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