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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1887, p. 4

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h THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE mnv ^o found nn nio ftt Geou THIS FAF&K 1'. Ilii>vi!U£(:»'xN>'W>i{iitw.-» AdvcrtlBlnKnurwauUuaprucoSl.), wht'.reiiavcrtUina Cuuuucu muf b« uudulur UIXI WISW XOBIC THE ADVANCE. Xii i'ublitibed lilver^' Tlitii'sclay, FiioM TBB Orncn, CUlntiju-d'id Hired, - - Fleaheiton, Out. TEllMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : frl per uiiiumi whou paid strictly in ailvauue ^l.rjO per uimuiii wlicii uut so i>tiid. A. E. FAWCETT, Hditur and I'mprietor. PLESHEETON: THUltSDAY, JAN. G, 1887. AFTElt TtlK BATTLJE. "Wlien the hurly-burly'B done When the battle's lost and won." â€" Sii.uU':HP£AnL. There is a nice little three cornered contest in Centre Grey. Two Tories iiiul one Hetormcr running. Now is your time ye Liberals of Ceutre (hey. â€" Grei/ Review of)i,^rd Dec. It was truly a nice little arraiige- laeut all tlimugh, but it did not work quite us well us ilie Review and mauy others wished, and, indeed, iinticipal- c-d. The Owen Sound Adocrtiter was also quite sanguine and jubilant. They can now console one another with the fact that, on the whole, Mowat has been sustained â€" on the strenj^th of liis gerrymandering and the Catholic vote. * * The laggard way Centre Grey elec- tion returns came in, might lead some I'coplo to imagine that we lived up in the neighborhood cf the North I'ole. The night of polling day, full returns fioiu constituencies all over the Pro- \ iu'je came pouring in ; North and South Grey being heard from among the rest. 13at Ceutre Grey gave forth uncertain sounds, and it was not until two days after the election that wc hoard anything definite ; and even then wc had to send a private despatch to Owou Sound to ascertain the fact â€" so wild and indefinite were the re- ports in circulation. * * * Mr. Brown, the Itoforni candidate got a majority of 88 votes in Colling- wood Town.ship. Thus, tliion{,'li tiie defection of McColman, the Conserv- ative majority of 189 in CollingWDod Twi>. was reversed in favor of tlie Re- formers to 38. The misrepresenta- tion and falsehoods of the AVirj had undoubtedly ROiucthiiig to do with this. What did the year old liircling cue about the Liberal Conservative party in Centre Grey, wlicii it did its level best â€" in coiij unction witli Neil McCohnau and others â€" to play into the hands of Mr. Brown and the Ue- forin party ? Houncc the npUttcrt ! * â- â- > * Mr. Tho.s. Andrews, of Thoiiibury, i.s the gentleman who, at the sicoiid convention, shouted out that hinisolf and the other delegates would make Mr. McColnian keep his pledge to abide by the decision of tiiiit con/cn- tion. And yet, in face of all this, Mr. Andrews went straiglit from that con- vention on an electioneering tc/iu' for Mr. McColnian, and against the very man he bad, on his word of honor, pledged himself to support ! What does Mr. Thos. Andrews' word of lion- or amount to anyway ? It is politi- elans of this stripe who reflect discred- it upon tlio party to which they pro- f^'ss allegiance. * * * And Mr. \Vin. Walteis, of Colliiig- wood Township, is the niiin wlio so savagely attacked us from the public platform on Nomination day, aneiil an editorial in The Advakck, headed, "The Traitors." Amongst other tiiitn^s, he said we were a "hoy who published a newspaper," appending a very strong ojitiiet to the statement. Boy though \k mcky bf, we are pre- pared at all tim^-r-»n the platform or thi'ougXtho press â€" to sracossfully de- fend omself against tljc i.ltacka of all the jToli^ioal tricksters.tlu^ haye cv^r fumed asd raged aj» us oii^ any. puhljc r,lalforin :^ Centro, Grey, \yiiy did apt. Mr. McColpwn'fi orfjBii, tlrp Nan, c^gly to our editoriaMn it» ctthimus, foot totli? auction, when ample time and opportunity was afforded it to do so ? Why did it keep hack the fact tiiat Mr. McCohnau pledged himself to abide by the decision of the second convention as well as thelirsf? Why did Mr, McColnian pledge himself to abide by that second convention's de- cision, if he had no intention of keep- ing his pledge, made in the presence of 1!);) representative Conservative electors from all parts of the riding ? Let us have "the truth, the ichoh ti-uth, and nothing but the truth" m tills matter. If we have wronged Mr. McLolinan, or "Mr. anybody else," convince u» of the fact, and we will make the amende honurahle. lint we baveu't, and there's where the rub comes iu. AltTEMACSIA VOl'yVIT., 1SS7. rollowing are the members of our Townsinp Council for the year 1887 : â€" Dr. Christoc, lieeve. CDU.SX'n.I.ORS. J. McArthur, Ward No. 1. .1. lioland. Ward No. 2. Wm, Sliarpe, Ward No. 3. II. Cairns, Ward No. 4. Now, gentloiiien, the ratepayers ex- pect that every man of you will do his duty ; and as the editor of this pajjcr purposes reporting the procectlings at each meeting of Council in future, your course will be watched nitli in- terest. While wc want you to be as economical as possible, we certainly do not desire to sec you niggardhj in the expenditure of our money. ])on't let our ma!,'iiiticciit gravel roads fall into disrepair. Don't let pathmastcrs put dirt and mud on the roads where gravel should be. Don't bo penny wise and ponnd foolish in letting jobs. Better far to pay a good price and have the job done iu a substantial manner, than to give starvation prices, thereby cncouragiug slip-shod work and costly law suits, for broken limbs, kc. Lay out liie TownHbip funds ou those roads and bridges, kc, where it is most necessary. See to it that the assessment of all kuids of property in the Towiis!iip is made ou an equit- able and just basii». Don't trust to hearsay, but exnmino for yourse-lvcs. The past record has been a good one ; kt the futiue be still better, 'iiie Editor has conchxled to keep iht Township i'ftlhers conipany during the coming year, and give the result of their delibtiations to tlio public. If tliorc'n II I\f>It> iu ft" \ our coatM, I rnlc ye tont it ; \ cliiolV (iinnii^ yit tHkln' notuH, And. faith, hi.' II prunt it. J' It or E IT. It is amusing to hear «»f tlic Thorn- bury A'dcs claiming the largest circu- lation of any paper in Mast (irey. liald assertion is not proof. Why the Sews hasn't the slightedt shadow of [)ri>of to produce, as it knows about as little ancnt the circulation of its county contemporarioa as tliey do about it, which is soying very Little. Why not make an aflidavit of its cir- culation and challenge the other pap- ers to do likewise ? Just put up or shut up, Dro. Starrett. FLKSIIKliTOX STA TIOX. Interesting and reliable iiifor"iatIoii comes to us from the depot, that the gentleman wlio told us oiico, that "the constant, dropping of water will wear a stone," is nwking himself very con- spicuous by exhorting people not to sub.sciibo for the Aov\xci.:. W'lial l.'eiter could be expected from a man whose insolence to his employer's pa- trons is f?o well known ? And what better evidence of the fearlessness and honesty of the course pursued by the Advanck. than the opposition of such persons'? ITS "IXTKiySIV" VALVK. We try to give the people a paper they can read for its intrinsic value. â€" Tlwrnhury News, In the light of the i-ccent political contest in Centre Grey, subsci'ibers should get the New« for about 5 cent* per aiiuuin.. As a prophet, its editor is a most lamentable failure, and as a gatJiorer ojiievv^s, 1« i8,iu many capes, ve.»;j' unre\kible. The /\(dvance stuck by the nominee of the convenHun from first to last. Had it followed the un- patriotic course of tiio Ktws, Mr. Brown, the lleforin Caiidida'.e, would in all probability have beea elected. The Advance is always lojal to its own party, and impartial and just in its dealings with opponents. This cannot be contradicted. ; i i' GrlevaiK-c R4>latins; to Public .1l!itl«Ts at .llaxwell. Will Mr. Jiunes Buckiiieliani, of this plii"", please expl.tin in detail liis griev" ance iu regard to the expenditure of tlio public iniiney in tliis School Section, kt the lute annual meeting the Trustees and Auditors rejiort was subinittod and adopt- ed without any objection. Mr. lUickiiig- h.*xni being present, and after the close of the meeting, he went around the ratepay- ers telling them in an under tuue, that tlie Trusteug IJoard was a nest of rotten eggs, full of corruptioii and must be bro- ken, also that the peoples money was im- properly used. Tlie ratepaj-ers oppressed by taxes &.c. For the benefit of the School Section and reputation of the Trustees surely Blr. H. will Mjake matters more public, and as he sets hinisidf u|i as a model man and n christian, who would do unto others as he would wish others to do to hiin, an ex- planation is demanded, as the Trustees do not feel inclined to have their reputa- tion tnnipitred with, in any such under- hand manner. Wkslev Long, ' School Trustee, Max,well. Maxwell. From oMr oi'it Cifrrenjunnlnt. The annual school meeting was hold here on Wednesday of hist week and there was (juite a lai-^e attendance. Mr. E. McCalluni, wiut electid Trustee, Mr. D. K. Fvcston, retiring, Mr. D.D. 51 cFar- lane, elected ivs noditor. Mr. C. A Drunimond, the new Teach- er, commenced his duties on Monday and we lA)pe lie may jd-ove as successful in his management of the gcluiul ns his prede- cessor. The municipal election on Monday, [mHsed off ill the usual quiut manner, liut th«:ru was (>nB iivw feature noticed in soeinu some of tho LftdT^ vot*r» eom- ii:g out to record their vote tvT Ae best men. At presont it i.s ri)[H)rte»l titat the old Rcere anil CounctT are elected. The yiHiiig iiieii who left here some time ago for iMithi'_;m> wport times good. VA'ages fn^u 17 to L'L' dollars a nmntli. We are pleimed to see our old friend, Ri'T. .J. W. H. Mifhie, homo on a visit. Ho preached tn the Mo thodist Church on Sunday evening last and was listened to with much attention. For Toilet Use. Ayer'n Hair Vigor koi^jis tlio lialr «o(t ami pliant, impart.t to it the hiatro- and freslniPs.H of youth, causes it to grow Juxuriatitly, crn<licar«'s Dandruff, cures all sialp ill.icasos, and is tho most cleanly of all linir preparations. â-  WppjQ Hair Viu'or has ([iveu me Mltn O perfect ^atisfIM:tioll. 1 was nearly baUl for six years, duriiig which time i iiscil many liair prepariitlim.s, but without success. IiHlcotC wliut littln hair 1 had, was growing tUlnner, until J tried AyerV Hair Vigor. I usetl two bottles of the Vigor, rind ray head is now Well <'over«d with a new A'owth of hair. â€" .ludsoii It. Cliapcl, Pealipdy, Moss. |JA|P that ha.'* become weak, Rray, riMin and faded, may iwve new life and eolcir restored to it by the use of Aycr's Hair Vigor. •*Mr(ialrwa» thla, failed, and dry, and fclront In largo quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor Htoppod the fallin;:, and restored ihy hair to its orlKiiial culor. As a dressing fi>r thu hair, this preparation lia.s no ('(pial.â€" Mary N. Ilaiiiiiiond. Stillwater, Minn. VIRflR y""'h. and U'auty, in tho â-  lUUrl) appcaratico of the hair, may be preserved for an indefinite period tiy the use of Acer's Hair ViRor. **A dis- ease of the scalp canwd my hair to be- eoiue harsh .and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing; I tried seenind to do any (food until I commenced usina Ayer's Hair Vigor. Tlirei: bottles ol this preparation restored my hair to a hcaltiiy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My .scaln is curnil, and it is also free frciiii daiidruiT. â€" Mrs. J£. R. Foss, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor Bold by DrugglsU and Porfunicr». pKaFKCT RAFKTY, prompt actlou, and wonderful cttrativn properties, easily place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list of popular remedies tor Sick and Nerv- ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail- ments originating In a disordered Liver. I have been a (jrcat sttfferer fron Headache, and Ayer's Carthartic Pills are the only medicine that law eyct piven mo relief. One dose of these Pills will qulclily move my howtds, an*l free m,v head from pain. â€" WlUiara L. Page, llichmond Va. Ayer*8 Pills, rrepure'l bv Or. .t.O. Aypr ft (â- o.,I.owell, Mut, Hold by uU Dc;i«n ta^wUclu. . LEITCHS Tailoiiiis: Establisliineiit FLESHERTON! Is lli.e place io :^ei your SuAls mnde in future. THE MARKETS. FLESIIEUTON. CnrcfuUy Corrcrtvd L^tivh M'ceh. Flour ?2 2.5 to 2 25 Fall Wheat cO 72 to <» lo Spring Wheat 72 Q lo Barley fiO 5u Oats 2(5 2(1 Peas 49 'mi llutter !4 I EgKS, fresh Ki l(i Potatoes •!« 40 Pork 5 25 5 50 Hay, per ton H 00 10 00 Hides « 00 7 00 Wool 10 It! Sheepskins -lO .->(; Geese (),') 05 Turkeys (17 08 (thickens per pair -iO HO Ducks per pair 40 ."lO R. j^spruYuL." Flesh' riiin. ('(/invi/.onvi", .l]ifir(ti.iir, )'iil- uiitiir iiud ilfino'i/ lender. lleMn, Murl- fimien, leiixes mid II'IIIh dritx-n li]) iiiul Vidimtidus vHtde on ^Imrtrft nnfiee. t'liiir- ijes reni tiiir. .-l/'jilij tii It. .7. l^l'ltOUl.E, I'vst muster, Fleshertnii. Maxwell Carriage Works. Tlios. A. Blakciy, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Paintrr, &c., &r. Wlnhes to Announce to tlie public tb&t be liK Ktartuil ill tho al>o7» biiHiiioHii. All order. Iinniiptlvand iiuatly attt-iidod to. lli'iifiiriiig HU.I I'aditinK n Bpeci.ilty. Slop ncrtdoorto .I.I.ittle'! Mockunilth ("hop. tttin will du all work in coniioctloii to tho above Rli"l>. THOS. A. ni.AKELY. IT'lesherton Meat ]}Iarke(. SEPT. GOOD, . PHopnmTon Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. I'Vcsli Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. HABNESS i - HARNESS. ...If you want Hariiess, Single or ^' Double, or Horse lUaiikets, Tiniiks. IWdls, \'ii)i.ies, C'nriy C'oiiihs. IJinsln - '^ or the culebiated llarnes-s Oil, call A -u exmiiiiio hefore purchasini,' elsewhere. 11- J. AVATSO^ . PKICl'lVILLK. . - X' . CLAYTON'S IIARIVESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON.-' ' v' ^ It the place toyetyctir Harness Collars, <fr^ .' iii(i(/e up ill ijijuil style. j . ,* ' . ij)/i»;< Id W. Clayton's liovl ti Slwe StorCy , Flesliertott. PHOT06EAPBY. , -'j MRS. BULMBR.: Fliolo^rapher, Flesherton, - Ont. * Hftvin),' »)»t'iit soiMo time ill till' Ktiidio of t)»« fniiimm Toronto l*hf»to(,'rni»lu)r. Mr. S. J. Dixon, wliffi' I aci|uirf(l VHluttblu LiiowU'<lniJ in Iteton- cliiiiL^, I f<!il Hssiircd 1 CHii h'ivtt ;-'i>oil (jeuertll KutiHluctioii. A call ruspettfuUy nolicituit. Mils. BULMFK. Sfi>t. I'tll. 1H«,'., TBlnElEBRATED ft ^w^unn I cu ; â€" ' i .-^D?GHASES. GUfE HAVE YOU LiTer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Iodi(!e«ion, Ililiomnew,. Jaundice, Headache, Diuinen, I'nm i" lh« Hack. Coativeness, or any disease arising from a dera»;;ca liver, Dr. Chasks I.ivek Ci kk will U found a aura and certain rem. dy. NATURE'S KEMCDY The uni|ualificd succe«i.f 1). Cha«'» I.iverCure in Liver tunniUuil rests » ilely willi ihe fact ihal it i* eoin|»unile<l from lialurr'swellkocwn liver regulalor>, Mamjrakk ami II,\Ni»r.)-ii>\, coinliin'il with m tny other tnvaltialile pwli-. Iiarlis and heTh«. ha<'ii>|t a • powerful cffecl on the Kidney*. S.iOTictl, lloweU and lilood. 600,000 SOLD Over mi'/utif million /•/ Ih. i. katr't liriift Bix^r wrrr totii in Caniu/a aionc. tt V w.tnt f.'try man, vuomaH and chil.t wkfl is trvuhitJ '.i'iiit Liltr Cam. pltUnt tc try tkit exCflUnt rtiittdy. SoMtTHiHO Mew. Given Away Free Wrapped around every iHrttle of I >r. Chnsc*s l.iver Ciit« la a valuable tlouiiehold Medical (iuidc and. Rrciix- Itook (84 pace.), conlaininf; over 300 useful recipe.. pronoum-etl T»y medical men and drugcisi.. as invalu- able, and worth ten time, the price of the medicine, TRY CHASE'S Catarrh Cure, a safe and po-iiive remedy. I'rice, 35 tents. JRYChase's Kidney and Iuver Pius ^s cis. per box. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T..IDMANS4>H A 00., Sol* Aganta. BrMl«ertf\ Recommend'el by Dr. Christoe .,,\ â€" EUGENIAâ€" Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates ot ini:crcst and on ^. ,- terms of repayment to suit borrower. ^ FARMS bought and sold. CON VEY.\NCES of all kinds properly executed. ' • • COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in li.C.J., Agent ' f for the Norwich Lire In.-iurance Society. All business? â-  •'' promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. . '..Vo Office, Corner of Inkcrman and Napoleon Streets. .• i- i>r,<<.. HENEY MELDKUM, • ,;^C I K â- â€¢t\ 'If,.- «r <t PLESHEETON. Loan & Insurance )i.^ â- â€¢~)H i AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. AX 6 A.IVI> 6> I*JSIi CEIVI'.. Insmaiice effected on Farm andiViUape BuildiiiRs and corstents.. Insrtran?*' agaiiiat Lightning a specialty. Deeds, .Mortgages, Leases, Wills, Ac, carefully prepared and pioperry executed. Office,â€" Torontoi*trect, noaw Tamn Hall. W. J. BETLIj AMT,. AgenL trJ â-  i ^â- t wm I' 0: •'»>- 1

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