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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1887, p. 3

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<-â-  !-,â- ' â€" a -\ TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. The Moiitreul City PaHseuger Hallway :j3r CJomiiany has dc lured a half-yearly divi- dend of 5 jx!r cent. â-  J Notice haw heni r<.'oeived by the Dominion Government thut tlie Fisheries Hill of labt â- eesion, which >\u8 reserved for the sanc- tion of the iiiiiH^rial authorities, has received Her Mujiaty'H Banctiou. A stranpe pro^eediug iii rejwrted from Montreal, the stock of a dry goods firm iavinj> been seian ut the instance of a firm in Winnipeg to sutisfy the debt of an em- ployee of the Montreal house. The funeral «{ the late Mr. Jostice Kani- •ay will take phitt to-day it! Montreal. The Practice Cojrt in Montreal was adjourned yesterday mornin;; till Monday next, out of reepect for the uiiniory of the late Judye. A meeting of college professors and others interested in the proposed College of Pre- eeptors for Oulario was held in Toronto jBtiterday, when, after discussion, the nchema was unanimously adopted with aome slij^ht amtndmeuts. Lioiit.-C^ol. .lacksoM has finished all the llOfiinesa connected with the transport ser â- vice of the Northwest rebellion, and made Us final report to the Minister of Militia Be left the capital yesterday for London to xeenme his duties as Deputy .\djutaut-Uen- •ralof No. 1 military district. The Governor-General, accompanied by Iiftdy Lansdowne and their resi>ective •nitts, will make a prolonged visit to Mon- treal daring the carnival. Capt. Streatfield 18 now in Montreal to hire a residence for the vice-regal party, whose visit will last about eight weeks, during which an elaborate Toond of festivities will be held. The Ottawa Board of Trade yesterday discussotl the question of discrimination iii freight rates against that city, and decided to co-operate with the Kingston lioard of Trade in appealing to the steamship oom- pauies at Liverpool for redress, the railway MOmpanies in Canada having stated that through fi-eiglit rates were fixed by the steamship companies. A farmer named Tinuey undertook to cross the track with a team yesterday moruuig in the station yard at liotliwell while the westbound m"xed was shunting. The train, which was backing up at the time, struck his sleigh, knocking a boy about 10 years of age, son of .lamea I'ljm- iag, shoemaker, of Bothwcll, off the sleigh •a the track, the wheels of the car jiassing •ver both arms, crushing them to a jelly. No hoiK-'R are entertained of his recovery. In the trial of the cadets and officers of the Bulgarian army for conspiracy af^ainst the regeucy evidence has been adduced â- howiug that the defendants were in com- xnonion with the Russian Consul. The Journal <le» Debatu renews its attack on England, which it accuses of being the only power whose couduct has aggravated the trouble which has culminatetl in the li'eseut crisis in Houtheastern Kurope, and declares that she has souaht to embroil Anstria and Uussia in the dispute. The PofH?, in receiving Christnuis con- gratulations from the College of Cardinals, â- poke at some length of the ixmitiou of the Church in Italy. He protested against the anti-clerical n>ovenic:it which is being car- ried on in the country, and said tiie Holy Bee was now despoiled of the last ren\naiit of its patrimony. The only lllwrty left to him was that held by the Roman pontiffs in the eorl lest ages. The halian Clovern- menl, he declared, assisted the laity in nnduly interfering with the admiiuMt ration of the Church. It had ex|ielle<l rehgious bodies und had tolerated an organizcKl hos- tility against the Vatican. Kh the head of the Church, he must continue to protest against the position in which he in placed. Mr. ISIaine is confined to his room at .\u- gngta, Mo., with a severe attack of rheumatic ffmt. Mr. Hradford Dunham, (iencrai Manager of the Haltimorot!^C>hio system, yesterday tendered his resignation to President (!ar- lett, who accepted it. Cards have been issued annoimcing the marriage of Miss Mary N. Bhennan, of Horwalk, Ohio, and Kurrhanl Austin Hayes, eldest son of ex -President Hayes. The wedding takes place December aotli. A claim has been fileil with tlie Interior Department for a strip of jmblic land lying along the lake front in Chicago, comprising about 'M acres, and valued at }1.'>,(NK),00U. The Secretary lias taken the papers, and •will consider the matter, argument ujKin which will shortly begin. Wm. Warner, well known in Hridgeport has been quite intimate with Mrs. Mary Jjyncli, a young married woman. A few waeks a^ Mrs. Lynch went to her mother, who lives near Newtown. On Wednesday evening Warner called to see her, and dur- ing a quarrel Warner shot Mrs. Lynch through the heart. He then left the house. About H o'clock yesterday moniing lie re- turned to the house and shot himself. His body was found lying across that of his Ttotini. He left a note in which he gave the cause of the nmrder as jcaliiUHy . Filmore .lamieson, a prominent resident and business man of Hidgeway. N.Y., was instantly killed there on Miuiciay by a train on the New Jersey Southern Railway. "While driving across the track one of his horscR balked. The train struck his team and waggon with terrific force, killing Mr. Jamiesoi) and one horse and knocking the waggon to pieces. Mr. .lainieson's house was at the side of the track only a few feet from the crossing. The locomotive cut off Mr. Jamieson's head and hurled it down the embankment, nearly to the feet of his wife, who was a witness of his horrible deivth. She is insane from grief and horror. The total strengtu <-f the Northwest Mounted Police is now one thousantl men and nine hmidr"d horses. The remains of the late Mr. .Justice Ilam- â- ay were interred yesterday in Mount Uoyal Cemetery, Montreal, in the presence of a large asseniblagc of mem!<erH of the Bench and Bar and prominent citizens. Iloke. tho bank defaulter of Peoria. Ill who was committed for extr»«lition a few days ago by tlicMontreal police nuigistrato, will he handed over to tho United States authorities on the 2nd of January. Messrs. HIckcrdike and Dolorme have made an otTer to tho Montreal City (!oun- cil to take over tho cattle markets and bftttoirs on a twenty years' lease, paying therefor $10,flOO a yea»- and all the annual charges in addition. treal, and the citizens living along the water front are ren-.o\ iug their effects from the lower flats '-o i'laces of safety, as a Uood seems inimi:.e!:'.> The reiiidei:ce of the late Sir Francis Hincks, on St. Autoine street, Montreal, was sold !3 the Trust A Loan Company yesterday for S10.150. The property ori- ginally erst 832,000. Dr. Henry Andrews, of Brooklyn, com- mitted suicide by shooting himself yester- day v\-hile ;n a fit of <lespondenoy. The fan-.ily of Joseph Seidlote, a carpen- ter, of Cincmnati, consisting of himself, wife a!id C-year-old sou, were poisoned yes- terday by tatii.g canned green {was. Seid- lote died last i.iyht, but his wife and child may recov-jr. Seven 1.1'.: s of silver were put into the Pacific E.\press Company's car on a Miss- ouri Pacific train at a suburban station in Ht. Louis on FrWay evening. On the train arriving at Kt. Louis it was found that two of the bars, viilued at 92,000, had mysteri- ously disappeared. Charles Burger, a fanner, living ten miles south of Bushville, Neb. returned home from frvvn on Christmas evening and found his wife and three chililren dead in the house. His w ife had been subject to temporary fits of insanity, and it is sup- pos«xl that while out of her head she killeil the three children and then cut her ov/n throat with a razor. Word has been received from the Hocky Mountains that two cars of a passenger train broke away on a steep grade. They ran back duce miles with tremendous velocity, v, hen they jumped the track, and • ""ning against the stumps were badly smashed. McNally, the express messen- ger, was killed and also a passenger whose name is not known. Twenty passengers in one of the curs were badly shaken up. Mark Haddix, a well-to-do farmer, living near Osbon.e, while intoxicated Thursday night, jumped aboard a Cincinnati, Ham- ilton dr Dayton Railroad engine which stixxl at the station at Dayton, Ohio, pulled the throttle open f.i.d started down the main track. X train of freight cars were coming in, and the engine collided with them Three cars wti-e wrecked, and the engine was derailed. Haddix was arrested and held on a charge of grand larceny iu stealing a locomotive valued at |8,000. The S^vi^s Bundesrath has |>assed a resolution ordering the frontier guards not to (wrmit tho exportation of Swiss horses. .\ number of Buddhist priests have visited General Roberts and offere<l their assistance in the pacificationof the country Serioi;B differences exist between the Cabinets of Vienna and Berlin, and Hcrr von Tisza and Cannt Kalnoky will insist that the situation be cleared up, and that Prince Bismarck be a«ked to declare whether Germany is an ally of Russia or Austria-Hungaria. The Paris Tit- ps says tho owner of a French fishing smack at St. Briteux is suing the Euglisli Government for indem- nity for lossei whicii he claims to have suffered by the action of the Newfoundland jKjople, who prevented him from fishing off the north coast of that Island. The Diiihj TtWijrofli says Gen. Wil- loughby, the Malagassy agent in Kuropu, has been instrnoted to stop negotiations in Paris for a lon'.i for tho Hova Government. .•\lthpuj;h the railway service in Germany was rostor .1 yesterday morning, traffic is still serioiii-lv biccked, especially in connec- tion with Chriatmas deliveries. However the snowslorni was a God-send to the nnemploycil, as thousands of men are employeil in clearing the streets of Berlin, for which v.ork they receive SJ marks |)er day. Tho Vienna oon-egpondent of the Ijondoii Tiiiiif says Austrian statesmen declare that the niaintonance of i>eace is entmly de- pendent r.iioii the action of the Czar, and, as he drinks, delirium tremens may at any moment cause him to commit an act '^f folly which would precipitate a war. .\nstria must be ready for such a contin- gency. The I'ffter Lloijd says the Czar's fear of the Nibi'ists is excessive. He is suspicious of everybody with whom ho comes in contact, iuclnding even his wife and childrtn. The Rocky Mountain Telegraph Com- pany's new wire i« completed from Medicine Hat, on the 6anada Pacific, to Fort Assiniboine, which is connected with Helena. T!ie electric circuit is now com- pleted in tho Northwest, east and west from the United States via tho Canadian Pacific. CURRfiNT TOPICS. I'l may not be (enerally remembered that next year is not uuly the Uoyal .lubilee, but IS also the jubilcoof the electric telegrapii iu England. Tlie first practical telegraph was worked bet Veen Kuston Station and Camden Town oi^ July S.'ith, 1887. .\t the recent ijnveiling of the statue of Richard Cobden, in St. Peter's Gate, Stock port, England, one of the most significant inscriptions displayed by the people gath- ered in honor of the event was one which read : " Thanks to Richard C!obden. wc get as much bread for *! as our forefathers got for a shilling." Mil. P. B. KrsT, a civil engineer, who has been in China for seven years, has comu to the Pnited States to sixjiid a few weeks with his relatives. He has Ixien engaged in raUroad work in Formosa for the Cliinese Government, and says that upon tho acces- sion of the young Prince to the throne China will adopt the Kuropean railroad almost universally. Wk learn from L'Klcrtririin that a M. H. Dunville pledges his scientific reputation to the accuracy of the following observa- tion : If two glasses of water l)e placed, one uiKin the north iK>le of a powerful magnet and the other upon the south ;iole, in four or five iniimtes the former acijui'es a slight alkaline reaction, while that on the south (lole becomes siightly acid. TiiK ex-Empresf Eugenie rtcently paid a private visit to Her Majesty Queen Vic- toria at Windsor Castle before leaving for the continent. Tho ex-Empress oijy stopped in Paris to dine and then went on direct to Turin. The Empress, who is in p(K>r health, will remain in Rome till after Christmas, and will probably pass the winter in Naples and Palermo. Mil. John M. Lafun, a man of prodigious pliysi(|ue and an enthusiast ab<mt gymnas tics, says of the cigarette-smoking youth of to-day : • Why, an army of the young meu of to-day would be utterly useless ; a regi inent of Roman mothers would lick tho whole of them hand to hand. If this cra^;e goes on the next generation of .\mericans will he as puny as Bushmen. " An interesting discovery was maile the other day by M. Quentin-Bauchart, of Chalons-surMarne, on a bookstall of that town. This is the " Office ile la Divine Providence," the sole comfort of Marie Antoinette iu her weary captivity at the prisons of the Temple and Couciergerie. The book, the binding of which is much worn, contains on a fly leaf the following inscription, dated October Kith, 4.30 a.m. : " Lord, have pity on me '. I can no longer weep save in spirit for you, () my childn-n ! Farewell, farewell ! â€" JIabik .•VNToiNrriE." BimioKT DtNN, of New Yorkjhas no faith in wills and Surrogate Courts. So, be- lieving herself to be dying, she transferred her savings bank account to her niece, .Mice McCa'^hy. But Bridget rccovere.l, and now .\lice reinses to return the money, anil the bank sustains her. Moral : Make sure you are actually dying before you transfer \our wortdly gixids. If yuu recover your health you may not recover your property. .\ NMiiiNAt. demonstration in favor of Home Rule will bo held at Edinburgh on January I'Jth. Resolutions will be pro- jKised to the effect that tho timehai'arrive<i when National Legislatures should Ix; granted to the res|)ective nationalities foMiiing the I'nited Kingdom, and the national business of Scotland should lie niaiiagcd liy a Legislature uit4'ting in Scotland, with free control over all jiurely l<K'al and private Bills, and with an Exe- cutive responsible to it and the Crown. Tin: largest coriioratioii engaged under the British Hug at this time is the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation CimiiMiiy Exclusive of vessels now under construc- tion, the comimny's fleet amounts to •2(X).000 tons, costing nearly t;il,000,0OO sterling. During the mail cont''act of the last seven years they have li. id down H'2,000 tons, at a cost of JK'J.SI'iO.OOO, and exiiendetl in renewals betwi-en tlOO.OOOand tCiOO.OOO. Altogether, m the sijveii years they had ex- |.endod in new ships and improvements in old ones fJ.SOO.OOO, or about 1 100,000 [wr annum. At tho recent annual meeting, it was stated that the business of thu com- pany had iucreased sb far as the increased numl)er of the passengers carried: but the receipts therefrom had been less b»'cau»e of the largo number of return tickets. The company liad suffend to the extent of £lM.nO<) by the great fsll in exchange dur- ing the |iast twelve months. J. 0. BATTKnsoTi, Ir whose granite quar- successfully practised not only in the chief French prisons, but in Russia and Japan as well, is thu exact measurement of th ; prisoner on his arrival -it the jail. His waist, the length andwidtn of his heail, the left middle tiugcr, the left foot, the out- stretched arms, the three other fingers of the left hand, the left arm from the elbow to the wrist, and the length and width of the ear arc measured, and the color of the eyes and any particularities are noted down. A photograph is also immediately taken, and by these means the many mis- takes which have been made by trusting to a photographer only are avoided. The fact that during the two years since this mode has been in oiieration ti'M habitual criminals who presented themselves under an assumed name have been identified in France shows that M. Bertillon's method is sui>erior to any other. A i.i:axi) soiree has just been given in London by a B»x;iety of French hainlressers, entitle 1 the Societo dii Progres dc la Coiffure, when gold, silver and bronze medals were coin|)eted for, which created a great flutter among the fashionable fair. I'here were sixteen artist comi>etitor8 who brought their models, and twelve judges, artists of mature age. The scene of the tournament was Mme. Tassaud's gallery, where at a long table sat sixteen lovely girls, with looking-glasses, etc., beforethein. A. signal was given, forty-live miuutes allowed and away went the scissors, the operators twisting, plaiting, frizzing, adding a switch of hair here and a frizette there to build up the pile. To pass to what is most interesting to ladies here, the present style as laid down for the coming season ( .e give it as translated from the Frenc .) is the denii lugue or me<lium, neither the catogan drooping on the shoulders or all the hair drawn up towards the face. The front is frizzed a little and goes across in almost a straight line without com- ing down at the side of tho face. The remainder of the hair, with such additions as may be deemed advisable, is arranged in a cluster of rolls, plaits, curls and bows, and at one side an aigrette, rosette, plumes or bunch .>f ribbons. An to combs, the greatest lil)erty is allowed in their use â€" diamoml, i)tarl, garnet, etc., as well as pins put in here and there in an informal ar- rangement. In fact, a woman may wear two or three combs if she Iiap|M'ns to have them and stick them where she pleasj^s. Diamond aigrettes with espreys are in fashion, also bows of gold, pink or blue ribbons, with the espreys in the centre. One of the most beautiful heads at the soiree had as ornament a bunch of frosted silver dandelion clocks, which were beauti- fully light and elegant. Ve Liitkilful TolMiCKaiier. (Ho calloUi (ur tiis I.ady Luva.) 1 lie li uteru» are iiliiuink', my love, my dov.i .\wav to thu hIkIu let » lie }u(U!li|i '• r. r a rid. I am inninf, my duve, uiy love. .\iid 1 vu l>ruui;lil out my llttls tobutg{au ; Sii put on your bluuket coat ouick u may to, .Vnd come ti> tlio slida and toBoKitan with me. Come rido uii i.iy litll« tubotigan. Tlio north wind is bluwinj;, my love, my dcve. It is siileiKlid lob'iiJKaniug weatUor ; .So lot us be noiuit, my dove, my !uvt',. Ami slidx nnd t<'bu;^an together. Oh ! hasten my peerleHs one, oil let us jog, .\ud dash down thu slide on my llttla tubuf, linsli duwu uu uy little tut>vgi;ui. iTbey sally f< rtb unit reach tho s:iUe.> .Vt last oil we'rti wliizzin;;. ir.y lovo, my dovo. And down thu steep slide wo are dRMbL.t; ; Hear thu air ii»>s usSziriug. my love, my d ve, \ud on we an HlKshhiii ai:d cni»hu.||. Were neiiriuij tlio Ijoti' in, aha I i,e are there â€" ]| Hal whore's my tol)c^gi.:i, and where aro ycu, dear '/ Where's my lovu my !i'.t!.j tob>.-j|,'&u '/ ii;mur(;e< from sn"W heap a;;il gui' s wildly aroui.d.) What can have occurred, my love, my d. v»! ?1 With somutbiUK I miisl linvtj (Xi)lidtd I musl have I'een tlnrr!e<l, my th>ve,Uiy lo\o. And must have in;!,';il(ully i^'iided My Vehicle, uiado Ire)i:i tho bark of a lew-', My little ti>buttgan, my littlo tob. (j-. Hut wtiere the deucu is my foLiggaii ? Ah I new I es^iy you. iny love, inj dove, Uut who lu tlio iiiischivrs that teller Wlm walks HO elo»^e l-v you. my d(>ve, my love. It's that bruCu of n c!crKâ€" that tuller. \h ! woe uu; unha|ii>> ! now hi-i-ieward I'll itiig^ Kor iny love 1 have Inst, and my littlo toboi^ ; ' Yes. all suiHht:ed Is my lilt'e lob^ it,-t;an. UOIIAI.. VuuiiK fellows, liive car ; ere you ko to tho *li4il W ith your Kirl, leani t,> stAM-T, tur .i dutf. r No lady can earo for, sitd if y<tn ( iMi't tjuidd \*}\iv tohoK^ftU you'll certainlv n;tfer, As m> ht-ro above, wlto«,e unKlciilnlnet.s co!<t lliiii 'the lo^!. of hik Kirl. ftuil Ltefc:-!. s h- r he V>stâ€" Ho hist his Ir.tle f,ib«i:i^Ati. Facta In Kjnall Kpaee. Cents are so scarce in New "Ifork that a dollar is bting for ninety-two of ^ them. I Our cotiiitry is bigger than China. We have 3,00'i,i'">0 »iaaro miles, and China has only 2,000,000. Of the .'.HT St ndenU at the University of ries at Westerly, R. I., a profit-shariii« Berlin.Germony, 149 are American, a larger; system was adopted last Januarv, says number than ever b«'fore i there has Iweii no trouble this year with The Mexican army, when on a war foot ing, has lCO,!i(i.S men, divided as follows : Infantry, 1:11,022 ; cavalry, 'iS.TOO, and artillery. \f«0. Russia's public J'iO(»,000,0(»0 vearlv over »4,000,0tib,000". held in (Jerniany. â- V iliangi! of H mills JXT ton a mile in the freight rates cuiTent on the Michigan Cen- tral means to that road a gain in gross earnings of Jl,0OO,COO a year. debt increases about and is now something About oue-httlf of it is .A Sure .'ilfcn at Agr, my dear, what's the matter ?' •• Why kindly askeil a lady of her friend no the employees, who, as far as he knows, are 8Btiafie<l with the arrangement as well as is the company. If when tl" time of settlemeni. comes next month the workmen are satisfied, the arrangement will Iw con- tinned on sulw.antially the same basis. The Westerly plau provide<l that after the ex|>enBes have bben paid an<l a dividend of (i [ler cent, on the capital invested, one- third of the remaining profits shall be divided among the workmen proiM)rtion- ately to their wages. The number of men employed in tho (juuiries is mU. It is safe to say that the marriageable girls in Bolivia will not serenade the mcm- dli, 1 feel I'm beginning to l«ok quite >„,rs of the present .•\sseinl)ly. It is not old,' was the mournful reply. I tiven likely that the distinguisheil legis- Nonseuse ! Whatever put such an idea bitors of that Hepublic will find many into yonr head 1" " Hocanse," was the reply, " I notice that whenever I cross Broadway the iiolicomon never take my arm as they used to do." â€" Judye. Equal to the EmerKeney. .'\ii irate female seeks admittance to etlitor's sanctum. " But I tell you, madam," protests attendant ; " that the editor is too ill talk to any one to-day. "' Never muid, yon let mo in. I'll do tho talking."â€" Pucft. tho the to Thirty-one thouBand six hundred and twenty-nine immigrants arrived in the United Btstcs (hiring November, against Tlie St. Lawrence is still rising at Moii- f 20,070 on November last year partners incliiictl to dance with them, rhey have just passed the following law ; " Nooflioer from the rank of sub-lieuteminl to captain will be allowed to nmrry unless he can prove that the lady with whom he wishes to marry imssesses a <lowry of 84,(MX)." This throws tho onus of the sup jxirt of the ofticers on the weaker se.v. Fortune-hunters are despiseil in most countries, but especially in South Amcricra. The Spanish-American press vehemently protests against a law that makes the women support the warriors, as being dis- honorable towards thv former and unjust towards the lat^uf. Tun latest methixl of identifying prison- ers, which has been intrcKlncetl into Francis by M. AlphouBcUertillon.and which is now A C'lilld's ( hrlstiiias Story. The following story, published in the Chicago .Ycici, though bearing many indi- cations of the handiwork of ICugeiie Field, of that journal, is attributed to a girl of 11 years : It was a sad sight to see Mrs. Jamison and her little family gathered about the fire one Christmas ive, for she had been a widow for twenty years. Yes, twenty yeors before had Mr. Jamison, her hus- band, set sail on u ship for a foreign land and nevermore had been heard of. The snow was falling fast and the wind was howling without. " Alas," Mrs. .lamison said, as she pressixl her hungry bal)e to her bosom, â- â€¢ I fear we shall have no turkey to-morow. ' " iVhy not. mother '.' " asked Robin, a bright lad of 11. " Listen. " said Mrs. Jamison. " 1 have uoly thirty cents left. To-day 1 pawned ni\ jewels, and thus we are cast upon the mercy of the colli world." Mrs. Jamison wept bitterly and so did the ciiildreii. •• Oh. if Henry were only here," nioaiie<l Mrs. Jamison. Henry was Mr. Jamison's name before he was lost at sea, never, never to return. Hy and bye Mrs. Jamison said : " Put on your fur cape, Lucy, ami take this thirty cents and go down to the grocery store and buy one dozen eggs. It is all the money 1 have, but the eggs will allay our hunger, and ki>ep the wolf from the door another da)." So Lucy, who was a beautiful girl of l.'i, jiut on her fur cajx! and Robin went with her. Having bought the eggs, each of them took an apple, when Mr. Sinclair, the kiiid- liearte<! grocer, was not looking, and with joyous hearts they rixle home in a street <ar. While Lucy was eating her applet she put the bag of eggs on the se-at, and sud ilenly a big man euterwl the car and sat down (Hi the bag. Then Lucy began to cry and Uohin, too. "Children," said the big man, in kind tones, " why do you weep'.'" ".\ltt3l" said Lucy, "you havo sat on our bag of eggs. " " Never mind the eggs," said the man ; " but tell me, have I not heard that voice Ix-fore, ami have 1 not seen those features .' Is your name Lucy Jamison'.'" " Ves. sir," said Lucy. '• Then look uisjn me, child," cried the man, " and tt 11 me if you do not know me. Ha.i time and sorrow changed me so that my chililren ilo not know mo'.'" " I'sthcr, father!" cried Lucy, throwing herself into her father's arms. It was indeed Mr. Jamison. He hail been wrecked on a lone island for twenty years, but a passing ship picked him ui> and liiinight him homo. He was very rich, and oh I what a happy imH-ting it was for Mrs. Jamison and the children. They had turkey for dinner and cranberries, and lived in iieace all the rest of their lives. A t'nre fur < lilIblalnK. Prevention is better than cure for chil Wains as for everylliing els<!. A very hot foot bat li every night for a niontli. followiil by the ino. t vigorous rubbing, will usually cure <'old feet and set the blood in goixl circulation in the extremities, hut if the chilblains come thoy may he successfuly tieatcd ill several days. A good ointment is made of castile soap melted in a little rum. If from rubbing the skin be broken tho rose siilve is very liealim!. Camphor icH cures some chilblains and the various cerates are suited to those of other people. PeplH'rmint essence, cologne and alcohol areieccomnieiided to allay the stinging and buriiing oi a frostbitten heel.â€" /(iwfo/i â- *â-  At the session of the County Council of Giey held last week, .Mr. N. 0. Campbell, of Whitby, was appointed to the vocant insiH'ctorship of South Grey in place of Mr. William Ferguson, who recently resigned the position. LATE SPORTING K0TI8. TurC Mr. W. H. Wilson, of .\b<lall.ih Park, Cynthiana, luis purchased of his partner, Mr. P. S. Talbert, his half int< n st in the noted trotting sire. Sultan, by the .Moor, dam Sultana, by Delmonico, oavii.g thtre- for 810.000. They paid L. J. Rote, of San Gabriel, Cat.. i(15,0i)0 for Sultan Inst stun- iiier. The horse his a record of -.'M. Mr. Don Swigert's ill luck with his stal- lions seems to have no end. First Virgil died and was followed soon after by Prince Charlie. To replace them Mr. Swigtrt sent to England and bou(;ht Kingcraft and Rutherhill, two horses of fame and great prunnse. Yesterday the steanibhip Lake Superior, sailed from LiveriO< I on De<'. nth with n number of passe ngt is and a valuable cargo, iiicludiug twenty-two horses and twehe [Hjiiies, among iiien; King- craft, who was somewhat amiss when shipiied, died on the sixtii day out ai il was thrown overboani. The weather frein tho start was very bail, with heavy seas. Tho price paid for Kingcraft was not mado public ill any of the English pape is, hut on this side of the .â- \tlantic many p-rscis in terested thought that Mr. Swigert nnwtc a somewlmt iiiiwise purchami from the stand [xiint of age alone, as Kingcraft would havo been I'.i years old had he re.iche«l Ker.'ucky s.ife. The Htfil fees for British «t,klUoi.« <.«u tinuo rnormoiiH. First of all cotnes Her- mit at 81.J."iil. Then come Petr.irch luid (iaiopiii at jT.'iO, Robert the Devil and St. Simon at S.'iOO, George Frixlerick, Muster Kildare. Melton, Springfield, Touthet and I'licas nt S'.'.'iO ; Ueauclerc and Tho Miser at S'Jilo. Chipiaiivale and Zeloc at 81S0, antl un endless number from that down. MUeftlaiiroUH. li< the bicycle race in Minneapclis at the end of the forty -fifth hour the seore stood : Morgan. 'i'2i miles ; Shock, 't'2i :;iiles ; .\rinaiiido, 400 miles. Of the seven contestants today ill tho 7'2 lioni walkii^g match Guerrero, who was in the load Wednesilrtv, is ipiito lam(*, and llegehnan is doing the great work o( Uio day. Strokcl is als^i going fast. The score at •> p. m. was : Strokel, 217 miles ; Hughe-.. •Jli; ; Guerrero, "il.') ; Hegtimau, •JO'.) miles 7 laps ; Vint, 'iO'.l miles 'J Iai>S ; Golden. I'.m miles; EImiii, llHi miles. tells ••On Why Slie I'oiiiteil. A school teacher from "out west' the following laughable little incident : Christmas day I was invited to dini:er at the hoiiie of ,i farmer in the neighborhood. Ile had a large family of children, .ind I was not the only guest, several familits in tlie neighborliocHl having been invited, " Just lieforc we went out to dinner, a lO-yearold daughter of the family, a favor- ite pupil of mine, came into the room and began si'ently counting the guests, pointing her fingers at each pt'rson as she coiinte<l. "As she stiHHl near me, 1 tliought to give her a little lesson in etiquette, and whis- iwrctl : " ' Don't point, Milly ; it is not pelite.' " 'To my amusement and the chagrin of her mother, she instantly replied : â- ' Well, I guess ma told me to, 'cause she's afraid there ain't mince pie enough to go round, and she hopes nobody won't take two pieces.' " Personal I'otiitN. Hon. Mr. Eraser is improving in health. Wushingtoii Irving Bishop, the mind i'eader. says that he is in delicate health. Hon. Mr. Mowat is greatly improved, and after a little rest he will be completely restored. Mr. Gladstone, according to Mr. Labomhere. is at pres<"nt engaged on a work ciiiinected with the Olympian religion. A llml IIUHbancrs Present. Hogley What are you going to give your wife for Christnnis, Scrooge'.' Scroogi -Soiiicthing usefiil. A ton of ciial. a ham and a |)air u{ slippers about seven sizes toi> big. Hogley What gisxl will that do her'.' Scrooge She will have the satisfaction of presenting them to me. â€" 7'/ii(ui/c/p/iiu Call. ^ "Judge Jennison. Please call at my house. It has no number, but they call it the county jail." So wrote Harry McKillop (formerly of Hamilton), to the presiding judge of the Wayne Circuit (^ourt yester. day. His Honor did not go to McKillop's "house." l>i-lriiil .Vru«. It is likely the case against McKillo|v that of taking away furniture which did not belong to liini from a house which ho rentedâ€" will be dropped. ««-' %^ !«â- ; ''

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