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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1887, p. 1

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Obituary Mr. George C. Hind, nephew of miss T. Hind of this village, died at Detroit on the 23rd inst. he was well known in this place, as he was reared on the old homestead near the village, and, after leaving school, spent three years in the employ of Mr. R. J. Sproule, as clerk in his store. He was married and lived in Detroit. He leaves a young wife and two children, who have the warm sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. /« §â- '>â- / FLESHERTON- ADVANCE. .*.-â- 5 'TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR "-" PRIJVCIPLES, jYOT MEJV.' .â- â- :â- â- . i VOL. VI., NO. 290, iM' FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JANUARY 6, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, 'proprietor 6 ^M, «;â- :. "i ii.. Don't Fail V- 4? â€"TO CALLâ€" , t,- .1. . . ' i And inspect my large and] carefully selected stock of «-ery | ' ne Goods, at real reason- able idces. \Vatches,Cloci<s, Jewelry, '-'^Iverware, Novel-; ties, elc. . itest Styles, New- e: t designs. Ladit^ Gold , Watches and (^ueeo Chains, Gent's filled Gold and Coin, Silver, Have added to my j Steele, the latnous "Colum-| bus" W-itches â€" direct from j the Factory. Everybody ] v.-clcome, whether you buy or, .â- not. ",i I . . ... nil , 1 Tit -Bits. Ciirtiniinfi of IahhI nini Olhrr Interestitiy IUii%$ yathrral lij The Admitce S,tporttr$. Mr. 3obn SPECIALTIES. Fittinj^ Specks optically^ •difflcult Watch Kepairing. Goods and Work warranted. A JttlUMe JevtlUr, M.VRKD.\LE, OKT. Periwical. -'â- ' j,;V* Ni.xuu, of Clit^gfticdnsy Towiisbij), was in Fleshertou 0:1 Friday last. Mr. Cantou, vS Lockfort, N. Y., and Mr. Colvrell, of Barrie â€" relativeii of Mr. Colwell Carson, .^rteincxia â€" gavo us a call on Thursday last. Mrs. liic-liard Green, of C'oUiu^'wood Towusliii>, is visitiiij^ Iicr parents, Mr. niul MrK. JoHojih LeOard, ArtomeKia. Mr. C'liaM. LindHay, of Shclburno. and Mr. NcoIaudH, of sauic place, n&vo us a pleasaut call uu Monday la.Ht. Master Xewtou Jlendcmou and Mifw Bellamy, of Toronto, a-'- "iKMidiiig the liolidavH v.'ith friends in Flcshertou. Master Willie lintled({(!, of KnpliraHia, was visitiii); at Mr. llol)t. Kawcttt'H hero last week. Jlessrs. Joseph Field and ,1. W, Davis, of tlie Flushertoii voluutior company, lelt for Toronto on ^loutluy lust U> take a course in the 'â- C. School of Infantry" there. Thii,y will return aliotit the 1st of April. Havin;j socnrud the ftorvioeti of a good Cabinet Maker, rupairiu({ and ordered work will receive prompt att«>ution. â€" J. W. Bates. Mr. Wm. Hewgill, ,Jr.. of Colliugwood Towusliip, (javn us a call yesturday. i... „.j ,, .- ^ ,. â- , ; . •••â- t' WINTER STOCK! IS- We Invite Everybody to See it. Incomparably the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here. M. Richardson & Co. as*. â- FLESHERTOIT. The Agriouliur;.; Editor vill furnish spicy reports of the Joiut^s of Artomesia Conncil iu future in tkeae columns. Sub- scribe now ; no ratepayer should be without TwK Ai>v.t.NCK. We rejpret to learn of the illness of our ^euial yduuj^ mail driver, Master j Wm. W'hol&n. He has bc'^n uuable to I attend to hi8 various duties for some tinic. We hope koou to see him around a^ain. polls. Hu was disappointed in l>oth cas- es, but that did not prevent him crowing long and loudly in the Owen Sound Ad- ividVr about the Reform majority in Ohatsworth and tlie Towushij) of Hol- land generally, Wonder if John will crow as much over the defeat of Mr. John Cameron in the recent municipal election in Holland ? Guess not. Our good friend, Mr. Woodburnâ€" of Gleiilield Villa, Eugeniaâ€" sold a four month old pig to Mr. Muushaw this woek, which weighed one hiuidrcd and forty-five ifomids. 'Rail for Artouiesia Correetiun. In publishing the names of the officers of Eugenia L.O L. last week, the name of Mr. Henry Meldruni apjiearod as W. M. instead of H,mry Williams, and the nuuilicr of uieul>er^i was placed at 3,> in- stea<l of SH. ' One of uur com|K)sitors accidentally made these inistakes iu iiut- tiug the nianuDcript into type. Holland .lluii'ripal EI«>rtiou. Mr. John CaiiH'Mii waa dcfeateil in the co:it0St for the Rcuvealiip iu tliia Town- ship, and Dr. Oldham, of Chataworth elected. Mr. Cameron waa rne of the wont popular n>unici|ial men in the Coun- ty and tilled the |M>tiition of Warden a few years ago. His defeat, therefore, by a young man like Dr. Oldunhuni, would seem to iihew that the latter is a very pojiular'aiid ri«^i~f ublic man. A Kew Frnture. As tho AgriOulturnI Kditor puri>oscs attending each meeting of Artcnicsia Township Council during the year lb87, full reports of the proceedings and de- liberations of tliat body will U; pub- lishc<l in The Advance. This mokes a new anil interesting feature in our paper, and every ratepayer iu the Township should subscribe now and get the full beuetit. At (be Cireat \orlliern. Mr. James T. Wilson's horse, ••Young Climax," was awsrded 1st prise in 3 year old Roadster class, and '2nd in Roadster, at the (treat Northern Exhi- bition bold iu Collingwood last fall. Through an oversight tliis fact was nut jjublisheil before. Obituary. Mr. Gt'orge C. Hind' nephew of Miss T. Hind of this village, died at Detroit on the '23rd inst. He was well known in this place, as ho was reared on the old homestead near t!ie village, and, after leaving scIuh)!, spent three years in the employ of Mr. 1{. .F. Sj>roule, as clerk iu his store. lie was marrie.1 and lived in Detroit. He leaves a young wife and two children, who have the warm sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. the attention of a g.)ssipy old grandmoth • er, let alone ti:e presnraiituous and coc- ky baggageman, who has, on more rli.-iu one occasion, exceeded his duties. Wil. Ham and Jimmy are tit companions tru- ly, aud ought forthwith to resolve them- selves into a "Che.stnut Combination' aud make a tour of the Dominion. A Folittcnl IMvl.sioii Court Clerk. It tho worthy Fifth Division Court Clerk were a luliticiau, we know jioople who would raise a most tremendous howl. What tiicn should l)e said ulxmt the Chatsworth Division " Court Clerk, John McDonalil, Esq., who recently stmniieil Centre Grey in tht interest of Mr. Brown 7 Mr. McDonald was very anxious alwut two things, viz., that Neil McColnian shoidd keep in tho f^eld, and ('2) that tho said MeC\>lmau should take a sufficient nnmlx^r of Tory votes from Capt. Itorko to let Mr. Brown sail in with flying colors at the hea«l of the A Htatlon Yam. Wm. Walker and family have left Fleshertou Station. This is the geutle- ' man who was ini]K>rted to the Station I about tlio time of the School arbitration ' in the Town Hall here, and wlios<' fani- 1 , ily helpctl to swell the numl)cr of school ' children iu the sialntrlian retreat. Wil- 1 liam, however, knew a thing of two, and | the other day it became known that he , waa aboat to leave the depot for |{ood, 1 , But William could not depart without 1 leaving some remarkable "footiirfktS in I the sands of time." Accordingly the C. r. R. baggage man whispereil some- thing in William's ears ami soon the whole neighhorhooil knew the purport of .Mnimy's whisjier. Of course William i a<lded considerably to Jimmy's yarn, so that by the time it r«>ached our sanctum it was that outrageously incorrect wo| could not forbear a gentle snicker â€" al- ' though, lie it remeiiiln'red, the varn was delilK;rately calculated to ;'ijure us. The whole yarn origiiuite 1 from a stjitemcnt by the (.'. P.B. baggageman, that we had toM hiu) one story and the station agent another, alsjul somo freight on a Our- don press shipped to us last winter; while, at tho .-.uine time, we could most solemnly and roverontly take our affi- davit, that We have no rf'\,l.l,vtutn ii-hat- imi; of having so f<)r;;otU.n tho position of our worthy friend, the station agent, as to speak to this insolent baggageman alx)ut matters wliich concerned simply the agent and ourself, Aud ovuu if we had, tho whole yarn is scarcely worthy Still Leading' tlie liiulc ! RUSSELL ! INSFIl|GIICD:iSAXI)|IM|PI!l(;ii New Goods arriving every weeek. Our Winter Stock of Silverware, \'iolins and I'\-incy Goods have arrived, and are selling,' fast at the Low Prices. Any one in need of Watches, Clocks, Jev/elry of all Kinds, Spectacles, Silvcrwave, Fancy Goods, Violins, Pipes, Purses, Razors, &c., will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, Fleshcrton. All Watches warranted from 2^ to 5 years ; Clocks from 1 to 3 years. Watch Repairing a Specialty, and a perfect job guaranteed every time, at Rassciris \o(ed Jewelry Store, i > ' Flesherton. t !»:«:"';»»f:| t;i -ui «,-« cti-ft ticji :iii/iyi.-._ i The AnditorM* Report. Mr. Meldruni is .(uite correct in what hu says alsiut the .Xuditurs' Reports frr 1880. The copy furnished was made in diiuUe cash columns, but through some inadvertence the first two i«M;es were run oir on the press iu sin<//< cash culunin ; wlieii, in older to have the whole pamph- let uniform, we continued the single col- umns throughout. This, it suems, has cause<l Some confusion, and provoked a critical analysis of the luinijdilot at the hands of >lr. \. Elliott on Noiniiiatiou day. As Mr. Meldruin truly ol^crves, "u little thought and a short exorcise in simple addition ia all that is necessary to satisfy any mie that the report, eren i« printed. i.t >|uit<i correct. " But the avei- age cri'.ic is usually very slow to ackiiuw- ledge himself in error, although his criti- cisms limy have been tho muan^ of caus- ing widespread inirinten>retatiun. A.\ AGREEABLE Sl'RPRlSE. ADDBESS ASD PKESENTATION TO MIIS UOP- KI.NS. A youug laily from Oakville has beua engaged as Teacher iu the junior depart ment of the Flesherton I'liblic Sch(Mds. and entered npou her duties last Moc- ilay. riirough some niisundorstaudiug with the Trustees, Miss Hopkinsâ€" the late efficieut^^d i>opular Teacher of that oopaTtfiieni â€" ^ttw* "not r« engagcc Last evening there was quite a gatln'.r ing at the residence of Mr. (ieo. Keefer here, when tt suitaiili' present, accomp- anied by an address, was presented to Miss Hopkins on behalf of members of till Methodist church. Sabbath Schoo:. and the various Teiiiperancu organi/.i tionsiii till' town â€" with all of which tin- talrnt<'d young huly was proiuineul!;. iili utitied. The foUowing is the addrois, which was read by A. R. Faweett. o TuK .\dvance, the presentation b« in.; by Mrs. Gjerdrum : â€" • 7'i. Mi>.<S. ./. Il>,,,lins : ' Wn,T Madam-. â€" On behalf of mem lH>rs of the various Temperance organizations in Flesherton viz.. Women's Christian Tempi niti' e Union, Royal Templars of Ttiiiper.iuc . and Sons of Teinjierance, allow n- t" present you with this Watch as a shi;li'. token of tho high est<!eni and re«|it'ot in which you are held by us, individually and collectively. During your residence amongst us, we have learned to esteem and resjiect you for those estimable qualities of mind and heart which are only to bo found in true womanhood. Your xealouB, earnest, and jiersevcriny efforts in conneetion with tho causo of Temperance have l)<>en recognized and appreciated at their true value; while I your lal>ors in those greater spheres of : usefulness, tho Church and the Sabbatli School, have been, and are, deserving ol '. the highest oneoiniumsof all true (iis» i. pies of the greatest of all Teachois â€" Jt!KUS Christ. We trust and believe, that in all your future life the sliKhtesf shadow or t!;e darkest cloud will not deter you from fol- lowing the iiidde, woiiinniy line of iiutn ii yoii liave thus far so suoce.s.sfully pursued. Wishing you a briulit, prosperous and happy new year, and aisuiing jou of our best wialies fur your future welfare. ^li.ts Hopkins imide a brief but very Imjipy i'e[ ly, in which she tliuiiki-d tho.»" I who liad tluis nnienilieied her iiio.-t [ heartily and ii.isured them that she Mould always have warm and pleasant recollec- tions of her many friund.i in Flesheitoii. Mr. Will, Irwiii, rrinciiial of our I'uli- lie Schools, while eXpre.HKiiii; his regret .,t tlio departure of Miss Hopkins fioui Fleshei'ti-n, extended a Qoidial wclcoiiie to her successor. Miss (ianton. Air. ('. J. Sproiilc. spoke in a siniihir strain, at- j ter which tho ni-w tenclier. Miss (luiitoii, h:ia introducvvl to those prwent by Mit4 Hopkins, N. (\

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