1886.] THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE 1880-WINTER-1887 In addition to other lines of Boots & Shoes, I have a good supply of WINTER GOODS! Consisting of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, G-um Rubbers and Overshoes. I*adies Rubbers, Overshoes and Flannel-Lined Boots. WM. GL. A YTOWT, - Flesherton. HEARD'S CA1UMAGE WORKS ! Fleshert, May 28th, 1886. To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed towards the manu- facture of Carnages which shall he the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large* additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies, Carriages and Waggons. By our long practical xuorieno And caret u) attention to thw wants of the trade, and the s-est UJ 11 material, me haw iiuccce<Ud iu making a buggy which baa no MI ng your ordurt. iiirrinr HKAKU' AKU'H CAUHIAGE WORMS Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, IV.- >. IK MI Ion In I'm <\ ill. ftrbool. A largo Dumber of the jiarmts and fricndx of Education in Priceville, a- Rcuibled nt tiio School HOUBO on the 'find initt. to manifoHt their cxteeiu and friend- ship to the prtMMnt teacliora Mr. W. I. bixou aucl Miss K. 1 1 nun. who are leav- ing the -i -I Mini ax leathern. The pupilH having entertained tliu visitor* for an hour or more with recitations, dialogues and reading, short atldroHsefl were made by thu visitors prem-nt. Then the ti lu-lii r-. were called to the (rout, and Mr. Dixuii was presented with a beauti- ful eight day clock and lianditoniu watch chain and charm. Mintt Quun with a large chrorno album and rich gold lock- and chain and tho following addresH >va n H'l to both tcauhcrH by M.--. Han- iiuli .Sullivan. Dear Teaehrr: An the time in ap- proaching when we filial! be called upon to -.1 UT the rclatiouH that havu HO long exinted between us, our minds revert to the many happy hour* itpcut nnder your tuition and we feel that we cauuot let the opportunity pan-, without giving you some tilting mark of our appreciation of your Hcrviciw in our behalf. During the time you have occupied the jxmition an Teacher* ID our school, Ynur pleasant manners and kindly ef- fi.rti to make Hchcollifr attractive, have won our sincere friendship, and in after ycarx the {-leaning roininlHct-nced of tho days si* nt an \ our pupil*, will afford UR gratification tud happim *s. K in the I'n-t by our act of carusraKuewi or disc- [.flu i..-i' we have ooo*kiued you pain, or in any way. ti.arr-.l the i>li-vmrt> you ahoulii fool (rom a s. nw of having zeal- oimly done your duty, we beg "' > "" to ailriliiit*- our neemini; negligence to the thonxhtleKHnoHB of youth. Your court*- i.iis Iwarinp, temperate- habits, and strict- ly moral character, have during our ac- quaintance, not only been worthy f our imitation but have gained for yon, the admiration of the bettt part of tin- com- munity. \\ i- therefore beg of you, Mr. liv>n and Miss Qnnn. to accept th. - im-iiu-iitiM-H. nnt on account of tin ir in- triiiKic value, but n~ token* ofextrrm. from your loving pnpilH. Signed '-n be- half of the Khool, LOTTIE ROBERTSOX. HnliKUT S, MiCinWAM. HANNAH STLLIVAN Mr. I >ix. ni replied on behalf <>f Mi- Uuuu and liimwlf. in auitahlu toruiM. V L, KS 1 1 E ItT< > N . FLE4SHBRTCN. MARBLE WORKS E. VANZANT, ALL al.SDft OF Such m Miiiiiiinrnt. Tnrr.h Table*, H 4tonfi Cmid tar ntiil Table Tops in American and Hal 1:111 Marble ami (iranitr, and made on short notico. Alno Mantles in Marble aiid M'lrbh-i/.cil Slate, Ac., Ar. Flealicrton. Aui{. ItO, 18H3. HEALTH FOll ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PI US & OINTMENT THB PILLS ftrilv the 111 00.1. correct all Dlnor.lcra f the an<l } ii(!'>ratoan* itor* to hnallh Oel.illtatoJ r.)nlitiition. ami an- invaluable In all Com plaluUiiK-lduBbal to Kumaloaof all ai|a. >rChlMn-ii aiut tho aKwl lh*y ara |>ric*l*s. THE OINTMKNT . . Viuti.l. (*onl and Iihitnn.atir.in. For dlftonloni of the Client it )>* no r<|ua]. For SO UK TIIKO.-H, VROXCHITIS. COl'dHS, COLDS OlandularSwllliiR.aild all Kkin niiwaam It haa no rival; and for oontracud and stiff joint* It act* like a charm. Kanufaeturad only at Profrnwor HOLLOWAT'H Kl>lilinint. 78. Nf w Oxforl Mtrrct < lair '.:!::. Oxford M r. , i ). I . ,,l.m. .i l ir<.ol,latU. LJ<!.,. M .. (VI. II* ..Ma., anil :Ha. oach Honor Tot, and may hi hail of all ifed clnf> Vsnrtort throushout tho World. // Ihr aildrtxt it tmt r.rch<t.it*r thuiilil ImJi d. </i" LM 011 tin' I'nln ninl /Hire*. , r >,13, OfftiH lilrfrl, l,'t<'H. thui nf n/iiirwn "BELL" Unapproachcd for Tone and Quality. OATALOQU.M FRM. BELL&CO,,Gnelpli,OiiL J. W. BATES, and Furnifitrc Denier tfndtrtatcer, LadlM troubled with IMraplna. lough haoU* or facv. or Bores of any ilMoni>- tion.ibouM un.i McOrottor A 1'arkv CVboBS Cerate. It will Ictre the iktn In )*rfect hoaJth, uiuoih. clean and goo<l color H ur anil i,-t ijenulni- made by Mc(irfor& r*e>rk* CTMS USc Hold at thu Dru btoi*. HALT Hart'H Ct lu>u.-UeOr*(or * I'arke i Carlulic Cerate ha t<vi u trleil aud fuulul to h* tl. i- i.nly |K.iitivi, cure for Halt Kliruiu. Piru|>K<, hi >irh* on tho face or hauiU. Cut*. Burin, ltruie, nr*H> Koro that nutbuii;le will Ueal. Tr> McOriwos- A 1'arku'i Cartulio Cra<4. c pr bov at toe llrnf Btoru. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. Aiivnn TU MoTUKiia. Arw yoa UturtxHi a Uhl ili'l lir-.ki-n "f >.-ur rrt t>> a >lck child iflfritit; an.) errlnf with pala nfcuttiniiTevtlr.' If luKnulaioncvaod ut a bottlt uf -MTM Win low Huolluii^ bvrup (ur ChiMmu Twithini; Iti valuu U iuealcuhibln. It will relii) tho | poorlittlvtulTureriiiiuiiMliitt.lv. Depi-ml ujiou it. UK. then; then- I* no unmake alxjut It. It curt Uyntgntary anil nmirh.i , nxulatr* tin- Stomach and H. >!. i ur,-. \Viii I Colia. *.ft-m tin- ( . Mini.. rliirrlunainiuation. and k'lvo. ton* anil f nri(v to th9 whnlft .\-t.-Mi "Mr Wiii- low HoottiinK Hj-rup" for chil.lnn tuelhiuu i l-li nt t.itln -.>!,' ami In til.- pri'.ori|.lli>n of on of tin- ulilvnt anil ht female ph>lclanl anil nurae* !: the t'ntti-il state*, and i fnr ! by all druiotl'ta thriiiiuhnat the world. l'n. twenty fivuoenM IxitlU. H<- ur,- ai.'l af k fnr Mu WiMLuWa SOUTUUO 8iatT." and take un other kind. Ju/y UuloK >orth. 1885. STATION K Mail Kip Mi-: WILL YOU SUFFER with rjjipcp.lt ami I. iTi-r Complaint '.' Sbiloh'i Viialiirr it guaranteed to cure juu. SnU at Medical Hall. OWT. \ilil r. and I'n -i nlati.iii. On Thurxlay afti-rii"ii lat tin- [>u{>ils nf the FU-ahertiin Public Schools pr*Mnt- ed their Teaehen, Mr. \V. Irwin and Miu H..|.kin, with hmiilwinn- napkin ring* and Xmaa card*, ?coniiianie<l \,\ the follow iiii; addreia : T Mr. Iririn, Pr'mriunl, and Mitt //;> kin*, AiuutAiit Tfarhtr af thr Fttihrrton i;,ij>.- .*/,/. DEAR Th\< HKK, We f.-l that wo ciiuld nnt aJJuw UM fBpsMMit yar tu ctv, wiUi">ut roci'i.'iiir.iiti{i!i amno iiiHimer, y -r arduous, c-fticHMil and faithful avrricea in "ur U-li.-Jf. \V M*J t., |.rtxiuiit y..u, Mr. Irwiu. >viJi tin. fi:ij.V.m nnt: nnj i'hriit- inaji onrd. Mid rii Mtaa l(ii|ikinii with a mn.ilnr t->k-nif <HII ijnititiiili' Via kiinw that true r'h ia iit iiieiuurvd )>v i;nld or lilvi-r atanilariU. I'.nt m- U-ln-n* ihat it ihiniM be rm>2nizcd in inch a manner iu tn .-nrry ii.tn tho futiirv, | !. ^.int m. m oriel- nu-miirit-t "f duty fnithfuily p-r- formed and |.ni|>erly a|>|irpciittt-il. Again aaturii)!; you "f our urnfnuiul urat itudt* for your |>atieuco Hitn and i'ni)<i.ti.ii..-i> towartU n*. We nnw in concluiinn, i-li ynu a im-rry Cliriltinai and a tinuhl, prn|>rr<iiia ml micctiiitful New Vi:ir On U-half..ftliu School. T.IZZIE RICHARDSON, MAMIT. AYKH.H, KTTA AYBKM. "! vn-i trnnlilc-l with an iTiijition nn tny fin.', w lin-li \MS a source of con- slant annoy auro when 1 wi-linl to np- pear in company. After \\MHK ten dot- UGH of Ayor'i SarsAjmrilla. thu hnnior i-ntiri Iv (lisap)M5arcd." Mary M. Wood. 40 A'lains Ht.. Lowc-ll. Maw. licit, chea|>ot nnd nimt dur- ahlc 1'i.in i. Or^ani, Sr^m-,' M.i, Uinri. \Vasliin:.' Mnuliintw, fluthu* \Vriujer, Sewing Macliim* XuiHlleii, and Supplies, for Halo it < '. Tr-Jjf< >lil'l, next h<>u*c tn Mr \Vin. Strain'*, Ficahvrton. 3ni Mi (|KK inn A I'mKv. , CKii'ii.ir On* TK - Hn\p vim AII oll flore. Cut, lifi-.v ('orn. MUM Inn. halt I'.'n,- ,in. I'iuirls. Ilii'trlio. Knuch >liMl.U >.r Ki" r ' If no. thrp in Ifllt Olio < ur.'. nanielv \l,.rc^.ir * l'rke' rrvillr Oratr If vou hut try it. it will convino* ynn. It cotti Inn iV Hi tto DruK Ktorr lUvn you I'Vi-r trifl MrOrcffnr ic Varko ( r Mto Carat* tar <"r,- of n\ kin.)'.' u I* > ymi'l il-.Ml.t th,> v.-ry N't |rnpAr^tlnn tn ttlit inmk.-T fur h.-nliuf Anil rurintf Snrn. Mnrn^. l'u(. I'iii'|.l.'. IU.itoln-.aiKl Imlif only |>ropr mi-Ill. <! of |>vl; Ini; Carlvillc Aclil. Kolil at tlie Drn|) Storn f..r iv |>r bai. A I.ivxn Crar. One ninglA trinl of Pr. Oliaw'n I.iTrr ^nrr- will r.-nvinre Ilie rnoul *kriti'*nl and cniifirni hrtt^r th>i tli m-Mi.U of tcitironiiiKl* that it in a nre ourr. \l-,\. ciino nn'l IlrriiK 1 tloi.V f I. SI.KKI'I.KSS NK1HTS, ml* iui<.rablp hr tli.it Iprrilile ooii(;h. Sliilnh'i Cum u the rdiimly f.>r ron. Si>M At M<-ilirul Hall. K ir lini-. bank, id or chwit. nst Shil^h'l 1'oroiu I'laatcr. P'ic* fl oenU. Si.M at M. ' , i llall. ( uot'H, WHOOPIX< cornn ami Drrnchilii imniniiRtelv rlif(>d tr Shiloh'i < 'ur,. Soli) at M.-.li.Ml M.-iM. THAT HACKING CO! UH run lx 10 nnii'klv ourn.l hv Shiloli'" < iir>. Wn RUnr ante* it. Sold at Modiral Hall. A I.IVINO (JvFUTiox. Qurition "I thii lifo worth living?" An'-wi-r ' It all do- r>en<\ upon the liror ?" If torpid r inaa- live it cani.'v Ailnll. tnngh. lanpulil folin(r. Dr. Cl>a*i>'i I.i\.-r Cnn Rivtt health and buoviinnT. H.-.I.I lir Dr. Chrito. SMII.On- VITXMZK.n i. wha vm, n ^H for Coniliual in I,oBnf Appi|t> |ii.-/in- and til vmpti-m of DTp<-r > >i*. I'-"-., in and T-. crnti per hottlf. Sold at M,liral Hall. AVER'S ,t PILLS. Su(ar-Coat*d Cathartic K tLe Uver cornea torpid, If the bowels ar constipated, or K tha stomach /ai!< to perform lu funrtloni properly, u Ajrr's Pills. The; are Inraluable. For some yean I wu a victim to I.lver Complaint, In conaeuucnce of win. h I iuu>re<i from General Debility anil Indi- gestion. A few boxes of AVer's Pills reitoretl me to perfect h-*liu. W. T. BrightDey, Ilendtrrson. \V. V ... For Trar* I have relied more upon A)f r's Pills than aiiythlox el*e, to , Regulate By bowels. Th<K Till* in- inll.l In action, anil do thi-ir work thorouKlily. 1 have used them with EOO<! rrTi-il, in eawa uf Khcu- matUm, Klilney Trnuhlr, un.l I'. |<-i.ila. 0. K. Miller. Attl. i-.-i-.u<li. Miu.*. Ayer't I'iili curt-.l i t -i-.m-n-h and Llrer trouble*, from wliirli I hail aiilfi-rtKl for yean. I '-n-i'li r tin -in ih< I..--1 pills nia.fi-. nn.l wi.uM n-it !>,- \v itln.ut tlu-m. Murrls <Jit<-s, 1K. mvlllo. N. Y. I was attackrtl with llili- u. Kerer, which wu fiillowt-0 l.\ J.uiii-ii- .-. aii'l waa ao ilanri.-rnii.ily III that luy fricii.li ile- *[.irv.l of m'v rrt-ovi-ry. 'l r .inmrncml taking Ayrr's PIIU. ami noon i><ain. .1 my cuttoinary atn-nflh anil li;i>r. Jubn C. , 'Lowell, N, l.i u- L.I. Toronto Cardwell Junction t 4S Ortii|{*- . Arrire . 1 'Oft Till*, i L*av*> wao Ornuville Junction.. loW ' Hhclburue ,104 Uundalk II l ' Fl.lkHKHTi>X '11 T ' Mrk.lal.- .KOK ' WUUaiueford lii|. Cliatuworth Ow.n Hound Arri! 1 05 ' (130 8 45 7 M HO4 ' ^ J 49 ' liii ' CiolUK ^ hTATIONS l^-avr 'Sfwn fliauwortli . IO - Wtlliaioiford ...... *a Markdalo .................... 7 " Hi.HHr.nTON TOt " Kuudalk T * " li'lhiirne . 7 41 " M " USD " ti " . ille Juuction ..... (>ranii- ' Arrira .. ...... Till*, i I^ave . Charleaton U(* Card writ JoneUon Torouto ..... Amv. 1046 WHYTR. D. ,,.! i , OaVLl'u* AOT i 8UT " ' ' 3 5< " 4 M " 411 " 4 M " 6 *) " 5 SS " SM " 8 U " . W " 10 - J. B. SLOAN, Has ?.ny quantity of Shingles, &c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER, M.C.P AS , (INT MKI.ION. Sit.. Kl.KSHKUTtiN. OrSw, Htraln blix-k Ke-i.lenr*. Win Wright Last spring 1 sufferrd prrMlr from a tpiuM. -wiine luitunr mi ni\ ai'li-. ' Ini|.lt of every effort to cure t!i! rruptiun. It In- crraaeil until HH- rlr>li IHI-IIIUI- rnllreljr raw. I waa trouMeil. it tho .inn 1 linn-, with Indigestion, autl ilittrculng palo* In The Bowels. By the adt lc of a friend I l-van Ukha* Ayrr'a fill*. In a ih'.rt thin' I wai frve from |>aln. my f...l ili_'.-.r,-.| |T"i>-rlr, the Son-* mi my bx.lv eniiinimrml lii-itlinir, and. In lew than nnr month, I w* currd. Samuel 1 >. Ukitc, Allauta, (ia. I have I'.nir uard Ayrr's I'iiU. In mj family, and believe tln-iu to br tb l.<-t pllli iumde. S. C. I>anleu. Dardrn. Mia*. My wife and little irlrl werr taken with Dysrntry a few day> uo. and I at nnce bik"in iclilni; them .mull .I.... nt Ayir's I'lll*. tbinkltiK I wnulil !' i ..K-'or U the dln'im- L" .tine any ir*> . Ill a ibort thin- the bloody dfi'hr.-s Uoppi'd. all pain went away, and luillli wai reiturcti. Ttieotiore tiling . Klcbniond.Va. Ayer's Pills, rnsarad br Dr. J.C. Ar'rfc C' , Lowell. M >r mil ilnitisU'tj. J.P. MARSHALL, L.l.* DENTIST, IlAHt'ATK of Toronto HchooJ of Dmtiatrr will tx. at Mark late tli" 1-t n-l .'nl \Vr>ln> v ut i.*")i niontli ami al KU.^hi.rt< -n on the 1*1 i'l .i<il Tbur\Aa> lu ua*:h mouth fur thr jiractic* hU i'r..fei.i"ii j. w. FROST, LL-B.. Ktirrlittrr, Solicitor, Cnnwytinrrr, Offlco. Strain i Huil.llnB. Fi.i niraT -N A. A rin:sl.i:v. Solicitor anil Gon) anew. ll.-.Mi-nt ManaKer Mil FHOHT will l... f. nin I at th Offico on Thurftava an hr*-*i'>for P McCDLLODOH, Jliit-rister. Solicitor, <Vr. <>..'.-. over Mrlurland'H Sturr. i. :.ilal. . ..!!.> to I . ATT CORDON S HAKNESS SIIOP You will Rii'l an a. rini :.( of Heaw and Lisrht Harness, llntBiic*. Currr t i'ii.li*. sfnt 1 '. tb< colt- bratu.1 "l!xint--- < A MEt lALTY. (or ('%!. ('ail K Kuan tin*. Nnw Butflier Siiop m Flosh- MASSON & MASSON, i > ,. -.SI-KK-. s.ii.n-rrou-. A. \* Orrit OWfti s.'in.rt. :u \uki-r* block i ..tii .1 .it . HrancUtiltii n in Mark'lal*. o'er Mr . -r . *tor. on itila> ami Salur.lav even ' Pclch *. MAMHON W mn|>an'i fnn.li t<> lnet at r. - - .. s.i ao Kuibt I..T coot. n -WIN ntNna. n p K. MI. IN map.w OABTIM HANDS, ECHLIN & GARVIN. X'icrr.voni tn iMV'lrr if' H'tli'l'. B \HUIHTK.H8. SOUriTOUH. NOTUUKX. i >VS ^.V^N<^K*. Ac Mou-y to l.i.an at I ...,-.! I. !...( iMterMt Olflonn 11 Kii<K>ti i r!*t, 'lorouto. (TartU. John W. Armstrong, rY.tmxRTi-N. On. Or.rT. ntVtSION i.-ofliT CI.F.BK. < t.\nil^S|.'Nr n A' InM R , C"D- vinr-r. *e. Aprnt fi>r juircl)**.. :!! ul> of |M>I|I> \|'|Mi>'<r tor f I. C Crni ii ' K r H A n Nonrtv Mnv> tc IA an ' n II. l>'u tiiiiii> l>i >n i.r M\l.KIA<iH >OTM!\ VflU.U' fliiii'l!! THI'.'in-tor^laiiKil ri-<|<. ! I "I'VIIT ttltlfty t" niili"ii-.'-. t.. tlii- i>-.'vl.' "f Kle*h- nrtou i\lnl Hitrr..iili<llHK cutltitrv . that thc>> hav tartod a Batcher Itbap in tl-n tv.d ne>i 'o<.r l i Hi, M.\rK" \\,.ik>, KI.KSIlK.l.T.i.^'. wl.r tliev will I". |.li*"i'il to meet wit Ii nil w* 1 '. f\,r thooi with tii.'ir |i itmrad- Kn-'i M,-H>- of all km. I- anU Kih. A r lu tli.'ir>uanuii.'. ItMpeetftilly voun. W. J. BELLAMY, v . -i ,I/;T, DKfl>S M<>r(T<Mni: I.KtST'S .^i- | ri-rar .-I i,n 1 |in>|H<rl v i*M**it4i(l lnirnr.- afrro- tod lu(lrt-claucuiu|>auiM. Uuury to Itndat lowntrat*!. FOR SALE. 0^ acriMi 1} inili>* from I'li-hi rton. IM...HW franio .Iwollinu. 7 rcoui!*. K'"'l ft- I'm , I.IMMIPI a ncvor fillin(i'ritii; i-roi-k T i"i < l<artli-iilarainilv l" w I MKI I \\n (on'ortoC.'W IIKM.AMV. Markilnl*. For GOLD M* an .sui.on aCo ,roriiui. '"* rail lafnmmkm ihtr e *n. aad llt*l I Ititm (inn i la as > !. wi /.v ri.i:sirnnr<>\. TO BE LET OR SOLD. To, .r. .!< f. mn al if*t U" 1 ' '"<- Money to Loan. Th* *rnlcrcr>*l nffr' for >alr lit* I IsrV imlthHhnp.mahtoand rrrminr* au)olnii t ... nii'at.r-l . . i n. . nr wtil l*a> r the sin ton I nn *t fn-r r.-.ilii 'II it ln|,-Hv i. rll .in*tfi "n <*,,| lint; wood utrrct, Vlihi t. r. n0r\r tb* |>tauliiH f n t T - . nj pankulan, aupti to the pro T I'L*' ' ]>rlU>r JtiUMh. I** KfHiKH - if 'K. l At <-'i / WITH lntrl |>*M joarlr.not In ailranr* So oommlailuu obarfxl Apply to 1.4.RIKK. rilORMI Cn/n J. E. MOORE. Carpenter. Joiner, cf net Maker. All rpalr* proniptlj A oratlr hopi r>u'hain nsit to Ilt*h s Tsiluru < 1'laot aad Hpif)catioBs on ihoUctt ootic*.