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Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1886, p. 3

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THE RENT TRUST] Four Irish Leaders Arrested and Their Funds Seized. IMTTEB STRUGGLE LOOMMG AHEAD. The Government and Nationalists at Open Warfare. A last iTimrttdux > night'* London cable sajs: The /H/M \ic.i gay*, commenting oo the arrest-, at Loughrea yesterday : " We regret tliat the Irish Nationalists meditate ojieu ilffiance of the law. We emphatically state, that Knglish Liberals can have nothing wliatexer to do with ..ut- rmgc, dishoni-stj ur r.-si-iann t. the laxv. Tlif C.overnmeiit xvill be driven from oat arbitrary in l foun.-ther. Further arrests nay beexpn led Lord Hartiugton gav the Mil istei-K the cue at the Unionist .-.m lereiice. and they have taken it. There can be only one eii'i to such a jiolicy, but much trouble will preof-de it.' The .U. ruiii-i I', -,f urges the Government to folloxv up the blow at every hazard to the needful end. Tile C'Aniifff/c says that should such a drastic remedy fail, it would Is. reasonahle for the (i'lvernnn nt to apply for fresh powers, and auch an appeal would not lie lade in vain. The Ihiily />/,../<;/ li say* that the strong, TCKOlute action of the (ioxernnn-nt will deserve to win the all but unanimous approval of the country Messrs. John iMllon, member of Parlia- ment for Kant Mayo; Win. OTiriun, edit T f I'liilfd JVc/iiii.f , Mather Harris, im-mln-r al Parliament for Hast t.alwax. and Ilsxid Khisrhy . imuiilx-i of 1'arliament for Smith Galxvay, were arrttited to day in the town of Loughrea. (' ,'inly Galway, charges! xvit! ooiisipir.e 1 ;. to defraud. The prisoner* have been acting a- trustee* in conducting the "plan of cam[iaign," and haxe Is-en re oeiving from dis-atisried tenant- ihe reduced rents refilled by the landlord- .r andlord*' agents. At the time of maki!._ the arrests the pihce took away from Mr Dillon 110O, wUich hu lutd raouivud m trust from the t.ii.oit- The four gi-ntlem<i were taken before a magistrate and re- majided for a xverk. AJI imui.-use Nati -inalist liemoiistralioi wa* held at I.oiighrea to-day. Father C'un nincjiam pr> i. !-.!. and u number of ,t!j. clergymen ami Me*rm. Killon, D'Jtnrn Harris and Khcehx, were on the plat form. A large contingent of Lori Clanricarde's tenant* were present. Messrs. Dillon and O'Hrien addressed th meeting and then opened the Natioualis lent office*. Hundred* nf tenant* came forxvard and |mid their rents. Siiddenlv the |Mlic raided the office*. Inspect J>nxn-s. i/. 1 the dis iimcnts am books, and am -ted Mr Dillon. It alleged that Mr I>illon was roughly trcati- by the Inspector. Tlie, |iohce pi. pstair* and took ixwstrssion of mure in, me and d.> nun at- They then ai-rentad Mr O'Urien, and nft.-rxvnrd Messrs. llaiTis am Hlnielix The sjiei -ific charge agaiust th four gentlemen IK that tl.ex xx. . - tt hid. lie t!n- terrains in. I to ,mx' fill ivii's!. Mr. I'llliiii struggled wit lns[>ector l>x-ies for posscssnm of the ren money m-i/nl l>, the latter 1 i_..-!it|eiin-n iirns,u->l gave hail lu $l,m*jc ! It is rumored that tlie police ha. icted to pursue a Hinular course m t h ? of other Nutio.iali-t rent colleft'irs. Th* Nuti'i'ial League N.i.h ts hnxrdeci 1- In . -intiiitie their presH-nt tactics, Isevm at Ihem xvill left ve iMihlin to iimriow (> various parts of Ircl;i:id for the purp>- o . ; 'if t.-ai.its ,.f ( ,,'r.. '1 i wn hel<l t> day nt Mitchell- R- triixteea would stimulate ami help the lovemen* instead of BnppreumK it. He 'an nur|iriacd that he and In-, fellow runtee* liad boe* atiowod to give bail, an ley wero thiiH enabled to uontinne tin He looked forwanl tu waken i u 1 English public opinion aKamat the arbi- arx arrest of ineniberH of a legislative r^auization. During the proijreng of the ineetintf at ui(hre* yesterday, at which MuMr. >illon, O'Hrien. Harris and tihuehy were rrentod, Mr. Shoelij received a HIUIIIIIOHS o appear and show cauue why he .sin mid otoe bound over to kci-p the peace, be- of a npuecli he made recuully at . and which it was clainuxl was eal alated to arouse disorder. The Moritinif \iir< nay* it hoiieH th- (jo-. rnnicnt will grant the arreHtcxl men a fair rial and luave the lomiti v to dec-ide In- ween the leaden of the rent in iveii.i-nt n<l truir intended victiniR in the interim. Ttir Lord N, i-,.,, < I..M.I \ \VafthiiiL!t<>!i Je|>atcli Hay* : Mr. Nicol un^smill. of Toronto, is hen- with hit vife. Ills inissi,.!, to Washington and his requeut visits here ixrc in connection with he claim of the heirs of James Crunks, ommonly known -. the l.ordNelson claim. The firm of Kincmnill, Cattanach Symou* rcpreHent the heir* of Jume 'rooks. The claim hai been before Con- grew for fifty years, and hns been throiikih 11 the vii issitudes that attend matters of a irivate nature. It had been both favorably and unfavorably n-jKirtcd many time*. Its in sent status is favorable to its cnnsidera- : ion at the preatnt session, and the Com mittee on toreign Affairs to whom the rlaim was referred, are about to report it o the House. The heirs of William Crook*, a brother of James, have ai-o been joined n the claim and will come in for their iropnrtion of the money should Congress - the liill during the |ire*eiit ms I.. I.T..I ll.M.lll fill <iai.eral I'.'Vith told a New York reftorter: !u Canada my rei-eption was inal to that if the I'riucjoof Walt* when ha wan Un-iv. lixevyUvlj ttirmd out to nm-t me; it wa* an ovation from the time 1 crossed the line. aH much innvcil. of course, and w IN|I to return my heartfelt thanks to the Cana- lu:.s. I II.IM noticed that the women liere can't King as xvell, or don't, rather, a* tile English xionien. It taken the Knt'ish women Ui bin^. Our BOII^H? Oh, we lake any tune and make it sac red. I remember MI. i a captain asked me if he could us the tiiu. "Champagne Charlie.' I drew th liiu- at that, bscaust obampagnc sug^ehlx IruukeimesK and Charlie wan too familiar. Some time afterwards I was carried away by a song, and asked what tune it was. It wa* " Champagne Charlie." I never object now to any tune, so the words are all right A WHOLIC.SAI.I-: rolMt.NKIC. \in--i ..I . M.III Mho Is tuir|;e<l XX , li I'olxllllllk I ..III. . (ioxerniiienl l)ete< ti\e Murray IIUH mail'- K'thi-r clever arrest, the evidenco ugainut the aecuned yerwin !K-I:I- of the ino*t |>i tu. ciiaraetei-. Dr. \\alu-r McKay, ni the township of Middluton. neur Courtland, 14 an extensive stock raiser and control* a large tract of land embracing several him Ired acres. In July. IMS.-,, svvcral of his uttle. many of them thor. uiv'hliri-iU. and consequently valuable, di-d in a remark- ably myiterioiis manner. Thoy would be all right the night Uf ,r. . next ni.irnmg they would IM- found d> .id in tin- jia^lnio lields. The mortality .-oiitiniied ut iul< r vuls until two or three montlisa>;o.unwiUvls f fifty head in all |ierislii!i>;. iniluilmn calveb, Hheep, tiftis'ii 01 !w. uty cows, .1 MlHI bull, and a maru and colt. On July -'.lid lust nine head of cattle wen- found dead. Dr. McKay tlureii|H.u . omniumottlol with the Ontario (invernnient and Det'<-ti\. Mnrray wan given charge of the eatw. Sus picion pointed to a mail named Robert Mor- row, who rents a farm in the vicinity, ai.d w h was known to have repeatedly made tlirmts against the din-tor in miute, at a dispute In- had with him gome time previously. Morrow^ dwelling was watched .IP 1 'he man wan ob*er\ t-d t.>l. a\e he premises at 1 a.m. and proceed to Dr. McKay's pasture fields, when he sprinkled a w! ite substance on the ground near the gate through which the Htock generallv sid. After Morrow departed 1 the substance xvith u (ajK-r and re- paired to Dr. McKay's house, returning ihortly after with a lamp and twoaHiat- int*. The "powder" wan inspected and '011. .-I to be salt. It was left where le|ited, and next day two or three more ttle died with all the symptom* of having been poioued. The salt was then gatheruu i p. and, together with the rluid from the viscera of the cattle, was forwarded t > 1'iof. Ellis, of the Sih.Hil of Practical Science. Toronto, for analxms. The I'ro- 'eor f iund that the five iiackages of salt and xiaU of fluid contained large .|uantiti'i if Hi'Aenir. AH soon as he hail e un-d tlie result of tlie analysis Detective Murray >i*ded to SIIIKK-. and, Hecuring a xvar- am for Morrow's arrest, a|ipreheudcd him lay and lodged him in Sun. o.- jail. I h- 'learing has been nljourm-d until Fri- ia> 1 1. How of I'rof. I'.lis U-ing prevent to stifv a* to the result of the analysis. r'l an, limrt. r.-nt-. A and town. Mewrs. < ) ('onn-irHiid Flyiin, men liers of I'arliiiiiieiit , nnide aildrt>Hsi***. A n ohttion in hvr of the plan of waa adojit. >1. Memirt. I >illon AMI! < >' Itrii-a at rifud r Jin to-d.iv. llttt ! frniotiisthrlied .vn hurt phy-i'-ally . In addition to tho trouble whii h tin- iicntlenif n had yesterday I*nii;!n-i 11. thev met!i an accid.-nt > the raa'i haaw . the hune drawing the . i on v.-hi'-h they were riduu; holted. and hot were throVn violent!) to lit* uroiuni an conaiderahlv Itruiieil. The f.rjir, s\ : The Hum 'if !WMIM:I-->- !i:i- IMMMI |>Hsse.|. and the ment had no itltrriinti\e unUxH it woiil irtiil'if v itttlf Ix-forc tin- world." There- H n nini'T tlmt t!i of I'nir.-il 1',1'i'nl to-day Inimedls n portion of their plant fioni the office* that p:i|>er. Th" <; ..... niiniiit hasonir-rpil -.-r<-t |>r. cautions t i IN- taken in serniu< In-h lull: tary < in;>s v. ith uniinunition. Mr. Itrn-ly. n-tnr\ .f the Insli Pnrlin mrnlary |iart\. utateil that a iitinilx-r Irinh < '"nun n -s li:ivi siurtid for livla to tako charrtf of tho iwiipm.'ii. whicli they will prosecute \ i, .: I'isl.. T.i.' Nati.iii.ilist- arv lAiiKhiiiK at the stn|v<lit) of the (wilire in not acting wmtipr tlmn they did They mii;lir liavi- HI \Vf<\ mnm thousn - pounds hy tnkint! ncti m aarly. Mr. Dillon waxr >. li'i. ! to his room t i-dy from tin effectn of the runii way accident. Helookeil weak :\nd weui n-.|. He will tti nd n nice: ing on Lord Kennmrc srstaten at KUlarnfi\ on Siiuliu II- will iiiii.'v.inep at the Iieagiu- nis-tiii(! in l)iillin on Tnesdav whetrwr or tu t he will five hail, andtlierehy fOin|M 1 t'lfl aiitlinrities t i try him before his rwoKTiiaaiiw* nn- mtreatixi. Mr. O'BrlMi'f haod* were tan nn<l his left arm praiii*d in the rnuawy wcident. Mr. O'Krien snystliat profiting by old ]ni- ittiii'-:, when he iv. ix number nf pi. lice- men in plain clothing nt the Lou^lircr meeting, lie imidc arraiiijeinents for thr nn(:t: if lilt- d. illiii-iils and liioiicv of the Ijiiie. ll<- intends Ui i outinue the rum. rmiK" with caatimi mid cirrinsiiiix tmn. He will iiiei'Jc at Lonjjford on Hunduy, and Sir '1 li-imit-- I'.sin. >nde wilNiH-nk ut Oorej llt-tiKi-H. Dill in. irHrieii. Sh.s-hy and Harris have decided to nrm-eed ii^iiu-t the |..'i . of l.iin^hri-ii f ir the reco-. ( i\ ,i,' the money and <l'X-iin>enl- -. i . I tin-re xcMtei- Hay. Me<r. Hums HIM! Hhoehx t i-d\ df the ('appatigue t-state.* in Cor;, County (ialwny, Mr. (t'lliicii. in an interview, wild the Lonithrea (xilire only s-'iired i;i-i .if tin*> of rent moms r" ixt.l l.y. tin- tru-U- -, U. \- d t!i- opmioii Hint th TfT'it- itii'-i of I -lie IC.olii... >.-.. ('. U. ( illumines, of Chicago, has been elected President of the Lake Erie A \Ve*uni road. It is stated thai tl SssessmeiiU on the stock yielded over i. which xvill discharge the losing debt and pave the xvay (or the receiver's exit. It 1- stated tut l.u.-ias TuttU-. liem-ra I'aHseniter A^ent of the Boston \ I.owel r->ad. ha* been offered and has a, t'ie ) .i-it inn of (.inn ml Passenger Agent o the Erie Railroad. 1,1 the plsx-e of John N Aiiliott. rwiijiftd to accept the c.mirms sionerslnp jf the Southwestern 1'assenger Ass mil >n. Mr. Tnttle is spoken of as a milroad man of greal ability. Pa's Whi-n. Mr. Featlierly." said Bobby, ignoring ither'n sifJKal to kcrp still "didxoi ver !i"ar pa win- "No. liobhx," laughed i'esthvrly, in vr have had that pleavure ." " Well, you will," went on Dubby. " 11 told ma that h* leu: ?S lust ni^hl am h. -x|iectfd to whistle for it." -.Vcir lor .Snll. The Frcuch CJuxuruiuent uost lh tax payers t0,000 every htr. T1IFSI - IIXSX I I s.l II KTC-. Th*x stnn.1 KJIIH- i.:,-eMeil hy s tank of flow'r ir r-eiiriuus passers l.x , And she WTXS r!x 1ni; all !HT womlrons [Kut'rs i>f hair, an.l l>row. ivnd hi 1 , nu.1 * lieek. and ex To lake him oaptivi- in her no-sli ,.f eharms. TUis (jold lOCkcU I*.;, -this sldlUMlll suuime Win* trained soul Vm-w n,, UIM.-.III alarms. Hut paid II.T hniM hoaiau" <H> 1>x day Anil ho hail, rli-liting. mwtilit tilts nioinen -'.!.. t Tu lay Inn heart and fortune at her tert Ijikr kniwht of 'd.l. ii>.. i one ki he sank. His brave yoiiu^ exes inrntd upward u, he And thirstily, like one cin:haiiteil. .Irniik Tin rich wine of her oul-^nsiisrine truce She XliUleit Hot. l> .It 1" .'irnl With fretl/lell X6Mt The word* which all her ardent \<irr .lis.-l-.-, Then. v be pran" to cUu hi r to tits breast. H. r tei th fell d..i. and hit him ..n the i .-.- Vn.l. u\ In* turn.s;! and vanished from In All Ismc tlmt Klitterxl waa not t.s-th. I knew Mr. Kdwin l:..Nirman, of Knnllev's Lake N. V . ha-, ii photograph of his mother himself, his daughter, her daughter anil hi hul.x. The picture reprcsuiils five genera tio: -. all in good health, 1 H"M llVNXs..\s MCW IIOOK. il. h. :'i'i Inrk, that warhlcst hlxli aliove tli low!) in -t ' u. -.r M.k that liranle-t uierrilx I'x the rtelils Ilia (I. t.xxev -.-i irinc to flu- kv ' o. erarM In I ir. st ' ' > l.-v*. nn. I lite, how wtar}' am I ami how 1 1 |..r rwt! , -Tlie m. liniment to John H. (ioiigh n H.I|K- < inietery. Worcester. Mass.. hi liesn placisl in position on the family lot It is a plum but tasteful and siibstiintia aronphngiis of grmnite. Itisaliout 4 fsc in height, on a base aUml (ijj by R^ fuel and surmounted by a cap alxmt ."] by '.' fis-t. On tin- middle of the front of the Nur H the naiiH- " (lough " in large letters A ihtiiimitte* has lii-eii organ i/ed xxith th view of raising a fund f.u a women's am girU oU. ring to Queuu Viutoria, in hotio at the . r iflth year of her reign. Donation .)f froii. one psiiny to pound will h i,.,..,d The (,*ins'ii will de< ide th nature- of the offering. All the great ladie are helping the movement, and commit!., h.x,. Iiecn formed throughout the country Mr. Hilmont intriHlm-isI a rt-solation i Congress yesterday author) ,dng the I'n-si dent to ap|~mit a commission to tak. endeiioe in relation to the IOSS.-H am injuries mrli.ted on American fioheruici l,\- th> action "f the nonunion (!ov< rumen in i)i-v>|.< tin.: lln- I aiindian tishcricx troll tliiur ilk'gal di^u ,MOin II W tJT N fe.Uk. A recount will U- demanded n, the Winnipeg mayoralty elect ion uu U-hulf nf Aid d.incH. A recount wa hail m tin- alilcrmunic contest in Ward :i to.Ui. re siiltmg 111 a IIP between Callnwu) and Miller for alderman. The returiiinij ofln-er will give the catting Mite ti morrow The number of emigrant* wlio arriveil in Winnipeg ln-t year wait I l.'Jli.. Keturaing ollu. r Kutlu rfunl )>romiaes to give a decision in the Kockwiiod i-le.tion on SatunUy. A recount will be applied for m St. Clement-. Ill St. .lames' Parish, two in lie* froin the it>, this morning, a man named John \rin-trong shot himself fHtally in tlu- licul with shotgun. He was in his own hoiiv at '.he time, and then were two young men in the room adjoining They heard Ann- .umaiid his wife arguing excitedly, im- mediately after which the rr|x>rt .<( nun wan heard, and tln-v then found Mrs. Ann- strong with her liunbaii.t's bleeding and lift h-ss head in her lap An in.jue.t will be held to morrow, an it is conniderMl there are siispicious i-ircuinsttiicfH attending the case. Walter* A Baker, of Prince Albert, have obtained a verdict for V>,UOO against tin- Canada Pacific Railway for Urns sustaintil to goods through the tire at Qu Appellu station. The Department of Interior have issued notices that in Dutfemi Kenervi'. west o) Hiil Kixer. and Kat Ki\?r Reserve, east ol Ki-d liner, after the 1st day of January 1"7. t'ie even mmibrrcxl section* reinain ing available shall he OIM -n for . .rdiimr\ Ii.inn-Htead and |-i. i inption entrx to al applicants, whether Memiomtes nr other wise, who are. eligible. I mil tin- 1st o January. Imwew-r. the e\.Iusive ri^; 1 Mennoniteu Oiall continue, and until Ilia time all the even- numbered sections remain ing iindispoced of in thesac reserves will b* open to hotni-xu-ad and pre-emption .-ntry e\clii-]iely hx Mennoii itr. The prix of r- -.ding in hamlc-ti m to continue to be accorded to all Mcmioniles who may obtaii A II..-I ..I liriuikar<l>. r.dge Woods, though known chiefly as a ,:rix. r and jurist, was a Hiu-ci-nsfnl . -Idi. r. He wan a major-general of voltmteers and saw s >::] liard atrxice m (Grant's MI^M ~ t it PKIKK RKIT1I.F. W llh Swallowln* a < amo I ii .. ii , XX liol. \ I .ins., i Nova S.-..tia| (lesuateli sa' -I : undreiU of nun aro engaged -ar. I -tig r farmer ( 'axcner, who lias hi <-n uiissiug a fortnight, and have failed to tin. I any ra.e "f him. He left his honst- .it duk. IIH, la tighter heard him ealhng, ;. i lielp rom tlie Sjioda adjoining tin hoi. , She went to the door and shouted in reply, bat oould not understand where he was, Ithoiigh hi* cries and groans were dis- tiiKtK heard. '-"ie ran to mini. Is, rs for telp. Meanw. .! darkiu-ss ami a snow storm set in. whule di.-i .-t was aronaexl next day ai.d the woodn f-r many ml. s thornHghly scoured. The general ipmi. m is thai he ha* been swallow ed by a huge -rjient mid taksn into the lakes. An -xe w itness of reliability said while ii-i-eiitlx iiniiiiig to ('aiiHu h^ saw nuiethitig which pi>eared t. > ^n old dry 1"U acrosM thr road, but when he came near to it the reptile, whose heaU xas on one side of tho road and UN tail in the woods on the other id, . i;a\e two '.r three sweeps will 1 its tail mill ilartcd into the forrst. making the lirusli ,-rash. Tln-L-lx seen,, d to l- the si/4- <if barrel and its HOgth from twenty- rive to thirty feet. It hail a fcriw-i.Mis- ^ head. '!!. -er|-nt has long been a source of drea-i tu the people m that !>x-alitx I'opillar M-lrlK-r anil \i. I>r. Carlnh Kinlay. of Havana, contends that vfllow fever is by iuocn- lutiiiii which is largely |-rf .r'msl by homestead entrs in tlie IJner Reserve prior to . :l-t. rn the 1st or Raxt dav of January next. Tin I lt\ Clerk to day decided tin- aider manic tie in Ward No. -I hx voting for Mr. ( '.illiv.i..\ , who replaces Mr Miller. CAHK. ii-| . . Th IVrui.> riliclil u( a sli k< anailUu I iieili III A I' .1. -.patch wain : Th..-- I. a stonemason. 31 yean of age. came to Detroit from l<on, Ion, (Int.. with \\\- w ife and four eluldmi four month* ago and re.r. d i|Uarter at .'MIS Kast W'K1 he judge says that one . .f his n..>t me!!iorabl experiences during the war wa* the si^bt of a host of drunken me::. It . -urrid on the morning after the captu-c of \ i. k-burg. (treat i|iiantiti<-s uf wiiskv xver*- stored in the city and the vnt..rioiis army xvas exceeding iirx They went for the li.|uor with a xcngranot'. and u h. u (V kuiniaoinsl a soldier to .rae the soldier wax too mellow t.. ) . - form that dnty. Another was culled, and he n|s., failed. After various xaniixtti mv- t" find a sober soldier (ien \\',MK!S <M\r up ^ust and aaililleil Ins own hor- II sax's that a* he rode through the to. s,u VI.IHKI me-ii ynder the intlm-h-e ,.f xvhisky. Vicknburv is now tlie s<-em-.,f one of the iixiln-st prohibition agitations in the e.cintry. Atlanta t'>ni*tttHti">i. "H,iiiif Kind ..l ... I o. :. A little girl not ii years of a; yesterday on Wabash avenue. Sin - far from her mother in the .1. '.>,!. W lien sin- found that nlie was hein^ help- lesaly sxx-ept aliuii; hy th. lnis\ tln-..i,_ of l-li strians. she did not IN . .>:r. friirlit- " - d or los. her childish s.|f jNwwssion. Itoldly walking i i^ht uptothetirst |K.|I. emun -he saxv. she thus huu : You IMI-I be *')t:ir olnur folks. You draw just IIH. pnpi. I've I'Jfct my mauirua. and I i-i-'i i. "i .. i-ild pleas.- take me home. She ultimately retkchod hSHiic. It ams-ar- th't in. fi''i. is a |.lii-enmn. and wild. s'i. saxv an ofiioer dressed as she iwil s.-en him, slii- ;'. .uu'ht. as she a/y-rwanl explaine<l, "he must I>K some kind 'At an uncle." ' .li'Mrtuil. il" wan getting along coiiifonably : until one xve<-k ago, when the moth, r died m i Inldtiirth The father then kMUl to show signs of m. XX..IK.. .-. mi i i. inhtnirs took rharge of the r: For sevi rl dux- |Mtst the nfigliU-s .'.i.l uy signs uf life abuut the pl.x , . and x. -terday morning some of thr-! u xi-r ! 'h>- l-.iiusr. Thev found ar?ai r t> in ahp!|e -I'tidition. TJie four clul ln-n had oten stricken down with -*ri, ' oin , a girl of :i years, was dead, tin Ixiy wan on the xerge of death. a;.d th, other txvimeri' low with the dise.i-. T he father was lying on ths bed xxith I i- n. r<n. 1 hi- 1'isir ('.mini- i .., st Onot notifltd. and nteps were t -k p-hiv.- the auffeix-rM. Tin 1 1 i- y isuonrid) i. -I lio|-lesi. \- exteiimve .l.-p-it.-f pure asphallum has beei. .iis.-oxer.-d ie-ar Thistle Htatin. in I 'tali. Il i< worth fill a Ion -. the ex- |naeof niiniut.' is ulxmt lo cents. Photography is suggested as a means of .hscovering syui[>loins of disease before tuey are otherwise per, -eptible. In eruptive disorder* its use is particnUrlx practicable. ' 9nd- paper '" ii now made without thersaiidor |iapi-r. <ilas is pulveri/ad ami lifted on iiiiislin. which ha* been . nil with a .-.wtmn of gin.-. Itislwtter iiii.l more Jumble llian the old-laslnoued -..llld ll-l \ > .tin m. tor for a street ar. which in ihe i-ar itelf, and not as an insW- peiidciit engine, has been workeil out by Mr. .lariiian. :. L::KHaliuian. It is nlacui under the car Utwecn the axles, and doe* not interfere will) the ,-, nstnn ti.'ii nf the car. The diminish- ' pr.xlu. tn.ti in nitUl work xxas ill utnxtid rec- ntlx hy Pr. Percy n i".: i *-l-ln~- t" the British in.) St.s-l !: :itnt.- l.x tin- statement that a gross of steel pens, formerlx ,-ostmg J:V.. iniiiht niiv. be pro.luce.1 for s , ,-ntt Thecimt of making gold chains has Us n re , I in .-.I t.. xx hat it xvas. Th" nit- ' -oat nig iron with alut:-.i:iinn i- -sud to I- hav ing a large iiitroluction, a Kunsen burn, r xvith a blast or :.iufM U-mg for the operation. It is found |Nilde hy tin" iinans t., mannfa tun- various artli ! - ' t he di. *'' '" t d for daily u~ . the coating ..f stimuli... )' ^ them a silver whit. In-tre The TTI- oxi.liw under tiorinal coi.diti MIS, stand ; ordinary heat nnd lakes a hut, is.lish. Vrtihcial l-atlier is IH-HU. prepai .l.ilm I os | Vl I x t.omv s tulle by M A Hostoii . ..i, i;..i,i,,.,i ,.| Hrlin-w Nhark In The kiln. I i.l- Tiie kilted regiments in the army nfi n iniiumliei -the l-Mand7*l ( the 7*1 and 7th. the7lh. theSlst and '' <d. tin -.1-2.1 and 7.">th , mere "numlxi < : h. in os coimls for very little, for xilnl. regiments engageil in recent wars in ulncli battles iiere frii|iient and fatal li.ixe oulx one " honor" for the entire war. w-liu !i were out in more remote military operations have " honors" for exerx hattlo tiny t.^>k part in Tl linking" of Huh land regiments Inis made it im|Nissll,le nou toestniiiite then honors accuratidx ; lint m ls.ii U .f .,!,. the linking took place, thev thus : I'.'nd. II hounrH ; 71st, 17 ; 7--'nd. I . 7:trd.:i ,74th. \:\ ; 7:,th, I ; ; 7th, l:i ; (lint, !1 ; '.r-2nd, !'_> , !rd, r,. On il,. l u Tomtnx Sax, Mr. l-'latpurw, you ami much at play inn baseball, are you Mr I ixxho is payiiit; his ml. h, .-,-:,, Tommy s xiftcrl \Vell.mi.Totuniy.rmno . \)s-!t . I, ill whv do yon ask? Tommy Oh. just 'cause I heard ma tellm' Julia that you was an awful poor catch, i /. s. Artificially grown duckx are aaid to he the Usi fattened and plumpest bird- r. llo-i .n market. The largest duck |NIIII| 1,1 A mi M ic. i is ixt South I '.ust. MI, MasKin-hiisi-tts. xxher. 7.IXH) haxe ht>eii hat, lied this S.-UH..H It is only a few years since patonl iiu-uba. tois found their xvay into public n<.' ... ami now tln-v form Ihe basis of a large industry. |.s|, rt t<-h *ay : So:,.. u .. a.'o n New York |>|r puhlished n x er> . I- ii r advert iscmeiit of its oxxn i-n m I MS psrtly m the fc.rm of . I M't-s bond for 1.(IK). anil incluo.d - J m fn m .". t., 1. -s. Pieoss it leather are xv>*!u-d, cut. Uuled inalkaline itli ex. Ins hliTic a,-i(i, a .1 xx asln-d - - rui.xe *'.\ ' I To this MI S'ldi d sinews will, h u . tn -ated sin.ilaily, and steamed in an a d bath until they are somewhat lilV The nit liils ,xre then I intu sheet K, UN'ifctrtiisl on Isith A ith a concentrated solution of alum. ni-tnrcs of Cabin*! oSoers, and in one! " : 1 tii.- up|-r .ii'f.v., r,-.-eixe- a thin c.t ... .. r. -I., i,^,..-. ,i-,f tli.-inmilsv ot ' '' *'"""' Wltl ' c " rbo lond, of the |m|ier'M cir, illation, n Nu I - dphide. '.Ms-. M . M . Olilsoii. xouiitf Swede, -s.iilf.1 | A derma n jpnlMMT pssj| twenty xears . I .s.o.iw with Ins bride. All ' .'lym>J tin l.a'oits and cbaracli i itics DlOOey, ..""." .row us. he ex. li.n. of a evrlam sna:' ,. d this nit. r. -t hmk linOI -_ '-.v fur what he luppoatd ' ing 's>ct rsapeoti jU ' >. tii- I'ii-itic coa*t to b.' a cvrtitiuatv of e>|iial vahn- o lie "f Amcrn.i, x .;.. .. r is found m nrrat aisln- 1 i'i rliis, -oniitrx. To day he pn-M-ntcd aliimdanie, it i pi-.-xi ' ii|>'H b> a c-rta4ii th pi.--e of |ix-r'to a brofear and the fish which s>boon<Ia In the Pa. -in.- U.-..K -.i:i!l- xx.i- explaiiieil to him. Ail he '. As ail id m escftp:ng irnin its formidable knows a* to who Kw him the ix ix .-r'in. . j.nemx it hs>>- bien prox nled xxith an ment s that the man was a Ilehrnv The the hack I. The same snail is swindle xvan |-r|>t-lratisl m some public ' found nn 4 e Atlantic count, exactly like its far \Vrstf n n'Otlur in exi r\ |rtleular . \ci | d that it h. s \ I tin- reason for this i* that tin re is n.. n-s|Miiiiling ! !i ') prey II|H,M it m the Atlantic ( >cn.i. Kluating brn-ksi urc i.oxv manufacturid in Krance. the mat. rial o. -xi i. '. th. . powd being a kind of earth found i.i 1ns- cany . . onsistn _ of i,S parts ef sandx i .ir'h. I'p "f imigiiesi.i, 1 1 of xvater, 12 alum, lime and 1 ir..:-, It^xlialis a clav like dor und. xxhen sprmkltsl xv i'h xvater. thr. . .1 - out. a light, xi Inti-h sn.ok,.. ! is mf.|. culprit was found gq.liv. liut wss tt |,,,, v , ,, ; '!" 'i:v and tl oti^h i: |,. M . S aN,,,, .,, ,,,1,,!, tin option of tweiiti btilies or of leavin thelocalitv for tin- U-alitx's giKnl. He left. exchange nrl'n-e m < ilas^ow Il lie I....U Mi. I I...I. ... iini, ..f the ln-,or\ ..(I, . Out., tin- A'li.ititrr sax - The lit-- d xx as m comus-tion with .f \\i-stmmster bridge in Is-J-s 1 . the pio'n . r thief itealinf! an axe iM-longing to a workman. Me wns , nptured L. 1. x i My rick, the arctiilret of the lind. w,is i htmexl lo a ntimp all night .. --.I only xu'.li u hlnnket. Next niort court of justice xras improvis-<l. R- llrr fa Wa Oliler. " \\hat pn-tty children xon hx. tin- m-w minister to the proud mother of thn " little ones. - All. nix Intlc d-i-.r." said lie, as ho took a nirl of " up into his lap, "are you the oldest of the family ' No. ma'am." responded the htt Ie mi, with tin- usual accuracy of rhildluvxl. -niy pa's older 'n me ." M. 1'itul ll<r<ilJ. ,f its weight its Imik is scarc.-lx dimin- i-lled (tricks -i>lll|ios-d of tills siil. resist xxater. unite | rfictly x. ith in, siibjeitt lalteration from the beat or cold, and the baked dim r from Ihe ui.- IlK IM the soi m 0. s i'i '.' x xxhlihtli. .|inre from tli" tir.'. Th. ;r strength i* a little inferior to that of i>ixrini'iu bricks, but l.lla \\heil.-r Wileux thus sings r I -r latest crTusion : 1 I-.-.I th.-r.>a<lt.i lia|,| n I" .! s sin one know it. prav'' I w s*. .tw.dliiii; theri- when the m..rn was fnfr. Hut >. on In, I wiinU-rnl away. Ami to think that the |s<or dear girl alMim ii y eat married ' a cruel wurlil ' . ..nlv Woe s -,s. I - Kailx Thursda-, mornnii: the liniment The remarks of Count xon Moltkc and .lolm Swillmc. at . \tlaiita. lin . xvns luirm-d lien xon S, hell. ndorfT. War Miniater, on Aiistiian Ainu, have excite.) the ire of loxrn. hmide were Mr. Sxxillmg. his xnf. th. and three children, all of whom it \vs the Vn ima |i*|s-rs. which draw the infi-r- snp|sis,.d xvas burned to d.-nlh I'ruiicis encc from the general tenor of tin- li-liHte SA iiders was arrested ami confessed that lie in tl ..... nn miss ion ha vim; the Mill tun I', ill had crushed in the skulU if the slis-|iers, under consideration. Dial the Crnnaii (irix saturatiil the IsMlelothes xiith cmil -ul. crnment attaches xaliie to tlm Austrian applied the mutch nnd left I 'it i/enssci/.sl iillnin. e only as H menus of leweiuni: the tin- murderer nud carried him off to lynch danger |.> (ii-riinnix shouM she be attacked inui-h ^ r. |'\>i' ." '..tln-irxi * I- lrrpr.i>r Trrr. The '..i is a curious tree, .1 -|i.s ..f ( ' .-on- t.M-tisl ap|n-arni HV to u I of almul txient x f..'. whi< h is said In Mr \V. T. Tliielt..n hxii lo l- ab*,.lnt.lx illilestriietlhle b\ file, Illld XX Inch Sll- in lariie distn fs in South America xvhere the dry pasiuren and brush are burnl t\xn-e a xear. and , very tlun; in tho wax of vegetable life i- ! *!- \ ! .- i!h the i linn of tln- It is definitely rsccrtaincd that .1- sons were . .'i the n-hajing banpie Atlantn- - . Friday at Ihe Ilex, I, ,i lr him. The Sc.itclishaxvl. in-teu-l o- oxercoat, and the Highland .-ap and sin .imers make a fashionable cost um* worn hx mine New York society young men. when -In- MB1 : -Itorp Clltt House Sun Kill: xix.d and T, n . le dr.. I'rof . Ply in Karl Cham'. President / of lUrvard ( oil. k . , .!u d ..n Kri.lav ex-.-mng from Hright's) ! i I'' .f Cha' xxas at \Vorc.s>'. " . li-.H). He was .. or n<l s ohwk npon wrtl '' r "' notl ' "" ' ""'itic M| n Kussiiui intirfi-n in - \\ lnl.-(i"rmaiiyausxilsj I...HIS Sleiub-v. * I"""' cirgarmaker M Mi I'laSci In thi- i-xent of w^r btweii a larne family at Itislbank. N . I, has fallen AtiHlria and Hnssi.i. the former would l- heir to f aOO.OOO by the death of his i isolated. | in Germany. by t xi . . i M m

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