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Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1886, p. 4

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The infant child of Mrs. John Clark, who left here to join her husband in Michigan two weeks ago, took sick on the journey and died on their arrival at Otter Lake. They have the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. I.*! Every &apos;Phuraday, K MOM TUB Orrica, - - flakerto*, On(. TKHMN OP SUBSCRIPTION: 1 per annum when j>aid strictly in advance. W M IHMT aauuin wlivii nut MI |>akL A. R. PAWCETT, KJitur ami Proprietor. FL.JBSHBRTON . THURSDAY, DEC 10. 1886. i III. TRA1TOKS ! .Vail McColnmn&apos;* Double Shuffle. There i* a big traitor in the Conser- vative camp. The fmct can no longer be diaguisea. Neil McColiusn in a trai- tor to hi* party and in full harmony with the Reform party. Now for the proof* : We have it on undoubted authority, that a petition u beina ucrttly circulated among Kefttrmtrt and July<il Cnmtnativei caking Mr. Brwn tu intti- irntr/i&apos;im thr jirld a,iul allow MrCalmati md Rorke to "Jigkt it out between (Am* !" What dooii thin nieau but that a dutunt wntltrtt-ituinty cx-sts between Mr. Me- Colman and the Reform party in short that thu former is prepared to sell his constituency body and bones for the sake of getting voten. There ia a deep laid plot OB foot, but we much mistake the Mmper of the honest and intelligent Conservative elector* of Ceutre Grey if tiier do not consign Neil McColuian anil his Hsal followers to the cold shades of *crusJ oblivion. Away with the traitors! Another large Stock of those famous Daadoj axes now to hand at M Richard- son ACo&apos;a. Ftnaherton. Left rer for > \ t H < k . Keremhaiii correspondence ; rpurt of initial meeting <if R. I; P. No. 282 ; &apos;Education and Politics," a special con- tributi.-n from Maxwell . LettUr from Mr. W. L. Dixon, Priceville, re school spatters ; l.-it. r from Mr. R. McGowau, aneut saiae matter . two letters from Mr. Wm. Purdy, Winnipeg. Again we ask coiitispoudenU U> be brief ur we may tie obliged U> condense lengthy articles at >ur owu discretion. Letter. To Ou J5JU.T ../ Tkt Admttee. Mr. Editor, We cannot refrain from ini>ralulalu)K vu ou the fortunate event that adorn* your columns with suuh a model i>f ambiguity, equivocation and cor- rupUuti of l.nisjue as Mr. Reiley&apos;s letter. I&apos;aragiai&apos;h tint states, that his colleague* wanted Aim to cmilradict them ; that a chasms M wanted. What chaii|{e ? fa il a chas>ge of climate, or government, "r raltgioa, or what ulae, that >t an annual meeting lit will |>rove, &c. ? What an- nual meetini; T II it the annual im-ci mi; f the l?lh of March, or the :*>!!, Uov., at which an Irishman renounce* hi* na- i. nality, joins in a bowl of bne anil the havoc of a haggis and declares himself a Scotchman T Tu follow the lionm-nse of this rigmarole i* tuo tedioun, hut tlie rap i (he climax is when the lion take* hit own head into hi* own mouth to retain it, for if he took any other inrniber into it hr would lose it. This beats Barnum and shews Mr. Kiely to be a student of the aonjuror, hocus-pocus, and legerdemain. We would advise him to change hi* text books for Robinson (?ru*o and a**uiu tin- study of orthography and rht-toric un- der the appropriatr tuition of Crusoe&apos;* fnat, for Crusoe&apos;s goat i* Irinti and wan educated in &apos; ould Trinity," and knows that she ha* u good a right to her own pinion as any goat uf any other nation aluy ; and an Irishman receiving her con- genial instruction for nix months would be in no danger at all of failing at the entrance ex >uni nation. We are at a loss to know whether the llkttuMsV of the whole production is not Chat of * Gibraltar monkey rejoicing over the recent receipt of ita annual instalment uf Elliott&apos;s bounty, or the frantic rage of the offspring of miaani&apos;s am at being bungled in Uie shoa**ig by Mr. Kit-ley ! For among other high Machiaveluiii <|iial- i&apos; -iti&apos;ins, he prides himsetf in the opinion that he MM saw* an aaa. TW. iIU-tul abilities displayed in this letter .oiiilu :iot Stand comparison with the intellectual abilities of podiug hatuSd Ut Wflit jii.l-r au old gttoae far gtme in consump- tion. And what else could be ext>ecte4 from the man who raad the recantation (in a public speeuh) of his nationality on lh* Wth Nor. lint. swat lntfd half A gallon if >>rea, deruured a h*Mis, ami declared hn.islf a Scotchman of theO Reiieydan. Now, in conclusion, Mr. BdrU*. if you that ap|M>intin,Bj thi* man trustee uf is ilot.appointiiig the /<>z toguard , ju*t say so nt ill? At>\ AX:H CkfsH ! Id a> r arrs ""he Canadian Pacific Kail way. alwayn :!&apos;. the comfort^ of the travelling pub- ax. at heart, offer the following TSJTY K >ral "7(1 ----- -* tor CliriatniM am I H &apos;> YcrH holiday travel : Hdi i rn tic- k. - nt single, fsve betwem All atatioiu 114 .ts line. Dee. 25lh, 1HH6. #*\ to rr v&apos;H&apos;i ill Dec. ZTUi.lROC. (ad on Jan. If* 18^7. good to reji.yn ttf Jn 8rd. ifj( lae M APiin*lur,i. Dec. tJ, and to return l..i and Jan twt, IHtJI^, MR Jan iUl 1HH7 r New 8ods this A Co&apos;* aiwcIL From (Xir oiro Corrttpondent. K ma and |x>litics have engaged Ute luin.U f the people here fr sumt> daya, IK! on Wxiueada>y evttuiiiK of last >!> a public nift-tiiiK was Imld iu the < nn({e ball, wheu the must prominent ijurstions uf the day were discussed by M~asn. Rurke, McColnuui, and Spruule, the Cun- aervatire candidates, ai.d by Measra. Bruwn and (jilray, Keforru. The hall was well tilled by a most intelligent au- dience i-mfi-r to hear buth aides uf the diacuanioii. Mr. D. K. Prestun beiny chairiuaii made every endeavor to show fair play, but as there is a black hep in nearly every flock, one also appeared at this lueotiiig, whu seemed determined to 1. 1 every mie know hi* ruwdy (jualitiea, by making a diaturbance and annoying rmt li siioaJcun and hearers ; and all agreed in saying that he iliuald have beeu put out. Three of the young men of our village, viz. 1 Kaaford Tuck, Wm. Long and T. Maxwell, left here last week to work in the Michigan lumber woods, as they think that X:n>iml Policy gives better times there than here. The infant child of Mrs. John Clark, who &apos;left here to join her husband in Michigan twn weeki ago, took sick on the journey and died on their arairnl at Otter Lake. They hare the sympathy of the entire neighborhood. Mr. Robert Heron has been h n _; very ill with infiamatiun but is now in a fair way to recover. Mr. J. 8. Kuaaell, a very wealthy far- mer living on tin third line, has become denuded in mind, but from what cause it appears none can t.-ll. His mother, a very ayed women, is the oniy one tu at- tend him. %! Frokl kimhrrle). The residence of Mr. Jas. Knott was destroyed by fire on the 1st inst. All the contents lost except a few beds. Mr. and Mr- Knott were away from home when tha fire occurred. Tin- origin of the fir* is unknown, but is supposed to have arisen from a defective stove pijie. A highly appreciated and instructive Ircture was delivered here by Bev. Mr Watson, of Klcsberton, last Tueaday, the subject being "Mr. Spurgcon." After the District meeting of R. T. of T. on the 7th iust., a very successful social was held under the auspices of the Kimberlvy Council. Tliaro were many friends of the temperance canst; from I*lesherton, who reudered valuable assistance at the evening entertainment. Addressed were delivered by the follow- ing geiitU in, n : Mbrwrs. Corcoran, Avers, Ellis, Uiclu. Hammond and ethers. On with the temperance cause ! A clear head ia indicative of Rood health and regular habits. When the body ia langued, and tin- mind woika sluggishly, Ayer&apos;s Cathanic Fills will assist in the recovery uf physical buoyancy and mental vigor. were greatly applauded and received an enrorr. Prof. I &apos;fitter -mi. no doabt, mis- Roal 1 eni|il;ir < unrrrt. good audit-ncc aascmbled in the Town Hall, Fluttlierton, lat Friday < veu- ing, to en joy the Royal Teuyilarn fwcond annual roucert. The |tigraiun> waH fairly KUMtauiud thruugbout. la Uie tir&apos;t | &apos;Hit MiiwfH Cliriatue and Ayem creditably maintaineil tht-ir exoellant a vocalists in the rendering of a difficult piece- although it is but ri^lit to remark that a slight (liscord waw noticoable ; owing no doubt, to insuf- Auieiit prai tire. Minn 1 >Hiuu<le and MihH VauDuiien were very happy in tlieir sel- ections. aun almost equally a.- happy in their respective rundfringH. Mi Aggie Lpitch Hang a pi. u well suited to her voice. Mewtn, Vantaut and N. A W. Campbell fiirnmhed instrumental Mtlec- tiotiH which wt-rv vnry acceptable to the audieucv. MCHST-* HarnhoiiKe & R:iHclI appl . I &apos;fit the train or was suddenly stricken by a severe cold, or a touch of the rlieu- uiatiHin. for he failed to put in an ap- pearance. "The Fruits of the Wine Cup, from a purc-ly literary and drama- tic point of view, will never rank high. There is an incorupleteiitits and lack of force aUuit it which will prevent it ever becoming popular. With such indiffer- ent material to work on, we must nay that thu liwhes and guutlunian who tooU l-ixrt ai (juitteil tlM-niHclvoH remarkably well es|cially Mr. Jas O. Russell and Miss Alice Bellamy, hotli of whom por- forineil tueir parts more; like urofosaioo- sln than amateorH. Mr. liaruhousc miuli&apos; a capital "Mr. Hamilton," es- pecially in the first ami lant HCUIIBH. Mr. Gordon wan natural an.) <>afiy in his rop- rewnt.ition of pi OS|KTOUS Mr. Baily ; as was Mr. W. (&apos;ainpbell in the character ( Andrews. Mr. K Sullivan will maUe a good ovt>r in time, but pnmng of n)iks %iul other facial contortions wan not in harnmny with Hit: i)rO]r repre- Mcntiitu Hi of tin-. Yankee, Jeremiali. Mr. |i rUanrdj.J ll throughout and .-vi dentty posMOSMB a well traiiuyl niemory. The sketch "Dutch Juatioe." in whicli Mesnra. J. H. ttosssll. W. Barnhouse and J. Onrdoo wrc central figure*, cre- ated much mwrivBent, IteiiiK wall per- formad. Russell rsmkma rare Ilntcbman. "Uod save the Qliaon"cIoie(I Us* cuter - taiummit. don* for Embroidery, Rrading, or Arcoeus Work I&apos;hiHli, Satin or other material, fey M. E. Writer*, yntrrs. Oysters either in Bulk or Oyster Rnppers, single Plato o<- Olaai, at ntEcanrr&apos;s, next door to llnss-ll> jewelry itore. Corns on* eoms all. A Live 4 oni|iaii). We call the attention of our readers this week to the mammoth advertise- ment of the North of Scotlaud Canadian Mm t Co. iu another page. . This Com- pany has been doing busiuesa for a long time iu this section, being first intro- duced here by one of our old townsmen, Mr. J. W. Henderson, of Toronto, who ix now Chief Inspector for the company for Ontario, Manitoba and tRc North West. Their {>ouular syittem of lending money and tlieir mode of doing buHiueaa is a household word iu this County and uei-.lh no further comment from us. Our respected citisen, W. J. Bellamy, Knq. ( is the valuator for this village and vi- cinity. l|Ilcs for Sale. The undersigned has -!" barrels of choice Spies and Rnsueta for sale at a reanonable price. M. R. HAMVOMD, Poat Master, Kimberley. Scrofulous humors, erysipelas, canker, and catarrh, can be cured by taking Ayer&apos;s Sars4|>uiilla. "1 have used this medicine in my family, for scrofula, and know, if it is taken persistently, it will eradicate this terrible disease." W. F. Fowler, M. D., Greenville, Tenn. Auction Male. Farm stock and implements, without reserve, at Lot 148, 1st Kast T. 4 8. R, Artemesia (near Klesherton) at one o&apos;clock sharp on Thursday, Dec, VUir.l, 1N86. W. J. Davis, proprietor ; A. 8. Yandusen, auctioneer. See bills for par ticulars. SHILUH&apos;8 COUGH and Consumption Cur* it soM bv ns on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. SoM at Medical Hall. Sore Eyes Thf eyes are always In >yni|thy with the body, ind asTord an rxcrllrnt Index of IU condition. When tbcrtri become weak, and the lidi influmi M an. I tore, U Is so evidence tbst the nytinu hu become disordered by Si-rofulu. fnr which Ayer&apos;s Barsaparills is tbc l-t known remedy. Scrofula, which produced a painful In- flanimallon hi mj even, cauerd me much suffering for a number of > rani. By tbs a<l t ice of a pbyelclan I coniinritrrd takliw Ayrr&apos;i Ssrsaparllla. After u-in- tbis meUiclue a (hurt time I wu cvmplelely Curtd My eyes are non In a nplcndld condition, and I am as well ami lroii M ever. Mrs. William Osjce, Concutxl,N. II. For a number of yean I wan troubled with a humor III my e.Ve*. und w uuable to obtain any relief &apos;mini I commenced ueinK Ayer&apos;i&apos;Aanaparllla. &apos;I&apos;hU mnllcins has t-8"f i-d a rompM* me. and I brlitie It to be the ne*t of blow) imriders. C. E.l&apos;ptou, Nashua, S. II. From childhood, and until wlibln a few Bnnitli. I bsvr uem alHli(|*d with \\euk aad More Eye*. I hate ucl fur Iliew eocnplainto, with bcmsjelil mwilix. Ayrr*s Bariitparilla. and <-ou<lilri It a 1:1-01 l>lood uurUkr. M. C. I&apos;lilHlps.Hilovcr, Vl. I suffered for a ymr srllh iDllnmnis- tlon Iu my left c> -. &apos;Tlirre uk-era fornwd on the ball, dc|irl>in^ me of tl^bi, uiul faulne irrrt (win. Aflri inini; many other f .-nic Jio . to purpuae, I WM flnally Induced to use Ayer&apos;s Sarispai-illn, aud, By Taking thrrc bottkn of tbls mrdlrlne, bavr W n snllrrly cured. My MI^NI linn hcea rs- ton-tl, and Ibrre i no >r|(n nf hirinn.inj- tlon, irnre, or nU.-r In my r\e. Krmtal T. BOWCD, 8uar Tn e HMgn, Ublo. M &apos;I ui-.-liicr. ten yean ol &apos;, wax afflicted with <-n>fulu Ho&apos;rv K>. IMirlnc tb< last two vpan xlie nctrr mw llxlil <>f any kind. l&apos;li\ irimi, of the liuli.-^t -tan.liiiif txerti-d their nkllt, but with no |>rnimiirut lUCCfM. OH the H-I iiniint liclrrtM&apos;n of S frlrlld I pill&apos; IKIM-I) u iMillh-of Avi-r&apos; Sir- sapiirillu. which mt dmiirbter cumniriicrtl taLhur. Ilrfore Mne had uwtl Ibe third IH.UII&apos; bor *h(kt wan rrttornl, and hr can BOW look steadily at a brilliant Ifclii with- out | mill. HIT cum i eiilii|>lfte. W. R. SuiherlD<l, Evsuirellit, Sbslty City, Ky. Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla, r. J. C. Ayr a Co., I .ow, II. MM. 0M b; all DnnoKMe. rne> $1 . eta Wai... fa. 0000*K)<M>o<)tlOOOoOOOOO<>OpOOOOpOOOOO Ilillll TIIA\K\! Iu thanking my customers fsr tlieir libpral |>a:rnnage iu tiio past, 1 lisvc much plrnsure in being still able to supply 1 1 .1 in with tli" following celc- brnted iii.i.&apos;ii&apos;in i-. vis., . The Toronto Light Hinder. > Tin- Tonuitn MOWPI*. Tin Sli>ti-p Sulky Rnki>. Tin- M..SL v tlttrvestt-r. Tin Token IVu rts>rTa. f. Tht.-, Fo^ iVa HVTJSII f . ffaniiltiMi&apos;s Conil-: iHii.m I&apos;lo-w. &apos; I&apos;l-nii-e l>r:inxlit -lointer Hannlton&apos;n SrufHrrs. " Hitinii&apos;.tii M UasH <i*H&apos;.&apos; Pln. Witlipr&apos; Sjiriiii; T(Wtll ( &apos;nlti vtorn. Tur CbfttliHtu FaniiiiiK Mill A fill! Stock of HK.PAIIIM alvrnyK OH band. any of Ui abov will do well in eall and inepeci Mach- ines. wbieli will be fraud ja wareltoiiiw. A. 8. VanDOSEN. LEITCHS Tailoring Establishment FLESHBRTON! /* the place to $et your Suits made in future. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. r,i ,-. ;,,//;, Corrected Mnch Week. Flour ?2 T& to 2 26 Full Wiu-at ?U 72U>0 7.. Spring Wheat 072 076 Uarley 80 50 Oats ... 26 26 Peas 47 45? Butter !4 &apos;,& Eggs, fresh 10 16 Potatoes 040 040 Pork 5 W 5 6" Hay, per ton 800 800 Hides 6 00 7 00 Wool 1 1C Sheepskins A 40 50 lives* 05 05 Turkeys 00 007 Chickens per pair 020 <>:&apos;<> Ducks per pair 40 fiO Rrj~SPROUL7 Flrikfrton. (\inreyanfrr, Apyraiitr. Val- luit-nr Mid Mtinry Iritdtr. ftrfit, Mort- M&apos;/&apos;j, Itatet and H&apos;iU$ dr.iiru tip anoi I&apos;li/ii.iriotu mndi on iluirtttt notier. 1&apos;hnr ,> very ,&apos;.-. Apply to K. J. 8PROVLB, 1&apos;i-ttmiittrr, Flethtrtuti, Maxwell Carriage Works. Thos. A. Blakely, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Painter, &c. t err. WUhei o announce to the public that he hae rtod in the above buelneei. All order" pruiuptlv end neatly attended to. Itepairlus; and l*aint IIIK a pecialty. Shop Hi-it door to J Little&apos;* hlKknuilth (hop- who will do all work In connection to the ebovn H>. THOS A HI.AKKLT. Flesherton Meat Market. 8KPT.OOOD, . 1&apos;iu.raiBToi ~ia".~ ~~ &apos;**^5!V.. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. HARNESS HARNESS. ...If you want Harness, Siugle of Double, or HurM lilaokete, Trunks. Jfulln, Valisen, Curry Cxtiubs. Brubi or the ci&apos;l-limti&apos;l Harncta Oil, call * examine before purchasing elsewhere/ K J. WATSON . PftlCE V1LLE. CLAYTON&apos;S II ARXESS SHOP ! 1TLESHERTOH, 1 1 tht flacf In iirt yimr Har+tt* CMnrt, Jot, ntude ii&apos; in juod ityle. Shop in M Clayton Hoot A Hkoe Sttn. PHOTOGRAPfiY. MBS. BULMBE. Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont &apos; ll ;nc|M.|it <uini- tin)* In the ftinoan Toronto rtiobttrapher. Mr S J I>n re luquind valuable kno&apos;f rt-- in Hr of * DillD iu- , I fee)] ueured I ean give Koort (eeieleJ iatletactloo. A call reipertfaTly M>llclUd, MRS. BUL11ER. .Sept.lTtk.lSHB. HAVt YOU Lier CnBfUnl. DypT"&apos;. ln.ltin. 1 Itendicc. HeMiecli*, OtllilMte. rwM in Caetiwetu, or &ny dieeM ftriinf &apos; ~ li..r . III. CitxH&apos;i l.i Cime will I wd cer um rje* dy. NATURE NCMKDV TVt vnqulifced uicctie uf In ( !- i Liw Cere . I.i&apos;tr CoapUinl rnl> ileiy vilh lh< fed lhl U I* from Ml ure&apos;i will-known ^lier rt|ullor. etaer int uAMe root*, hjifc* ainl Krh. f^&apos;ind * fetrcrfal effect on lh Kulnty*. S.txnuK, Dowtle n* Woo*. 600 000 SOLD Dr. CAeM&apos;j Ktnft ffati .< MV / n<-r eeee. i< ImbJtJ **lA Lmr Cfm- II by Ikfi iMnfffml itimttff. WnpSMd around mrf boli of n r r haie&apos;t l.&apos;ntr COT b rmlukto HoMkeid Mdk-al ( iuidr >nd Recipe leak <*4 Mtf}. lieilliliie| ever MB oeefcl i~n< ejenoejncml b>y edicel and tlninimi at mvmii.- H. and worth Ma UBM> ibt prii.< of The nwdKtne. . HT ClUU-S llTMM Cm. A ieft and pMti*e Seaesir. Price, I) > mi v JITOlUf&apos;S KMMT4MIMS WlU. e}cu.perbem, SOLI* S)Y ALL DC ALtBS RecommPiid&apos;d by Dr. Chrtetoe EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency ______ isss; . MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J., Agent lor the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Omce, Corner of Inkerman and Napokon Streets. HENRY MELDRUM, AGENT, PIiESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. AT 4.ND 04 PKIt OS>aSS900000T>OOOOOCK>OOODOOOOOQOOO I Insurance sffeettd on Farm and VUlasre Bnildin^* and contents). Insnra againat Lifrbtninf a peew>|ty. 1 Deeds, lfort|(s;ei, LaMt, Wills, A*,, earefnlly prepared and cxecatad. Omai, Toronto strret, near Town Hall. . J. BELLAMY, Agent. - - , - - ..

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