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Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1886, p. 8

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. [Dec. g, 1886. t 1886-WINTER-1887 In addition to other lines of Boots & Shoes, I have a good supply of WINTER GOODS! Consisting of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Gum Rubbers and Overshoes. Ladies Bubbers, Overshoes and Flannel-Lined Boots. WIYI. CLAYTON, - Flesherton. HEARD'S CARRIAGE WORKS I Fleshert^n, May 28th, 1886. To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts are honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies, Carriages and Wagons. By our I unit praeliral ex|K-rieni' and rarttul attention I" tin vaiita of the trade, and the best in Ulaklliu a bugK) whlcli ha* uo MUlK'rJ UJ ll *!>' material, we have nuccvedutl ll bolioitiug your ordum. II AHDSIMIHIAOK WOHKS Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, _ FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, All Such us Monuments, 'I'm (.' Hint,-!- aii'l T.ible Tops in Aineru-ikii and Italian Mul'le anil (intnite, itlld niinli on short n iiin-. Also MantleR in Marblu and M ublei/oil Sliit. , A. i-., Ar. rtoii. An,-. JMI, HEALTH FOIl ALL HOLLOWA\S PILLS^OIMTMEMT LHKPJLL8 I'urifv tho III. ..I. i orract all Uimrdvni < tho , r-ii :i h. urul I ;. ,\\ , : - . orHteaiiil restore to ImalUi I)<>l>llltatinl Ciinntltiitlnni. and aro invaliialilo In nil i , m plaiutiinoideot*! tuFi'inalutof allatfo. For Children mul tliv aifuci they ara ]>riceli> THF OINTMENT or TUd I ,.-;;-*, it ad Hr*t. ()l<! WonnrlN. (iout and It) ii-ii niKt.- i:i lor flior<tarn of the ('h ^ nrnl I ' .TH It iirmoui for it had 110 eqtiA). ForSORKTHR(M7. UROACHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS lliiKi, and all Skin niwaM U hax no rival; and for contracted and atlff joinu It a- ti like a ebaroi. Ranufacturedonly t I'rofon'or II..I.I.OWIY n Kitlilliihinnt. 78, New Oxfrd strrrt < laic :, Oxford Ktrrci >. London. od ar old at In Hrt..Si W. If '.I , Mt .ZJ.. aiM.VM. c)i P"i nr I'ot. and may be had ofallMrd cl'i V>ndfira thrnURhont the World. Purchottn thovlil Ux,k fc tfte LiM nn tt* 7V><j ,in,l Ilostt. If the aildreu it not 5.M, Orfnrd Mrr't, l.,,H'l,m. thty turt .;>m I..IM. TO BE PUT liV COlltT. In another week R large number uf ac- count* which have been sentuut during the past two months will be placed in court for collection unleat paid into the handa uf the publisher of this paper befure that time. II mean l>utiea. If any OIK- is put to trouble and expuise, therefore, they can only blame themselves fur it guudneaa knows we have been leu. lent with them in the past, and have given them every chance to avoid cota. T< thoae win. have alwaya promptly paid their little billi to us we return uur siii- curv thanks. "BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. OATALOOUU FftEI. BELLA CO. . J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Don't Fail Tn attend the entertainment to be given by the Royal Templars of Temperance in the Town Hall, Kleahertiui, Ui-iin>rrow (Friday) evening, aa it will be undoubte- dly tin- IK-HI t-M-r (riven here. It. Tone up tin HVHU'iu ami improve tho ap|-tit<- by taking Ay.-r's Santaparilla. It will make ymi foci like a new person. Thou^amU have found health, and re- lief from Hiiffcrinu, by the use of UIIH Hn-at blood purifier, when all other uicaiiH failed. oiiii. HIM. ma. . We. have rrcriveil from the drip I'rin- ting utul I'uUtshiii'j Co., of Toronto, a copy uf their celebrated Canadian Com- ic Almanac for 1HH7. It more than 1.. . |f- up the reputation of tliix Annual, which han now reached it-, eighth year. the ^ variety of the. illuxtratioiiH, and tin- lir-t i-hi-. . li.n.-n U-r of the hiiin erouH matter nntking it a decidedly at- tractive book. Kverybody will want it : and itn price will not be au obHtaclc. Th'nioli i-iybt pa^c*H of inatt< r have bceli added, it still xellit at 1U rents, and may IM- ha.1 from the publishcm or at the bookntorcH. li-iri. i 4 ,.im. il. The Hoyal TemplarH of KaHt Orry met in District Council at KimU-rley on Wednomlay. There was a lar(>e attend- ance nnd tin- jinn i-nliiius were of an in- ii ii lino cluiiiii ii i . I Ii -.|<i-itoii wan largely repr'M-nted. The cuncert in the cvt-niug was ii sure.- . The 1-leNli- <-itoiii:in- who link pai t a<-i|Uitte<l tin-in. M.-hrs i-n.litalil'. i s]M-riiilly Vr. J:iin< <J. ltiissc-11. in tl at siil( -.;. llutrli Operatlc-blirlcH(| ii' Imsinr-s. Ha. ha! !,...i nild I . i-i!. Mr. (Jen. Kerfi-r will n| en out III tint Flour anil Feed Limn-si in .Mr. l p I \\n_-lit .1 *.ui'li"uae. Kleherton, on Mon- day next I at, xi ln-ltils. Mr. .liilni (ionlon went to On en Smunl yesterday to or^ani/.c a lineal Triup lais C.illllril. Tin-: AnvAVi-K has mort; dcirand. at pri sent, for Rilvertisino spire than it lias ever had. The n.iiiiieijial contort in Kiif>pnia ward is likely tu IM- as kwn as ever this yt-ar. Nothing new in connection with I Ii shcrt.iii wiird. Order your hoi. day | rintiiu^ in j;ood time at thin office, where you can have it executed in the l>est styles of tin- art. and at city pru Hon. Mr. Foster ii (till awalin^ the re- port of the commander of th* exploratory expedition. KrarThe best, cheapest and m able l'ini>8, Orxani, Si-wiug Machines, Waahing Machines, Clothe* Wringers, Sewing Machine Needle*, and fctipfihc.a, for nale it C. Trendgold'i, iwtt SWUBU to Mr. Wm. Strain's, IHeahertuii. 3n> A bran new tirHt-claaa Or|{an, contuiu uu aix seta of reeds, urnad urgan. Triple and I HUM couplers. Suid Orguu is very suitable for Church or Family us* and is ottered at very great reduction. Apply Mr. W in". '2t to C. Tn-wlkioiil. next hnuae Strain's, Fleahertvn. WHY WILL YOU eongb whsn Cure will (rive itumediatx relief. l'ri* in eta., 50 els., and l gold at Me lc l Hall. 8r.KEKI.ESS Nli, UTS. mad* nsjsrrable by that terrible cough. Slut. ,|r CUM- it tin repedy for TOO. Sold at Medical Hall. A LITBU Cos*. One sinnle trial ul I>A Chase's Liver Cure ill convince the nont ikeptieal aud,-oiitinu better Hun tlioiuaii'U of t'-slnu.iiual-i tlint it < a lure out. Mcd- oiine and Itecipe Ilook VI. Have you ev.-r Mrtiregor A Parke'i 'ar- boliu Cerate for ftonm uf un.i kmtl' It U > \iiin1 iloulit trie lory l-^t ).re|iKraliou ill tl:e nnirkvt for haalin^ ami ,-uril.k' Snre<-. Ilurii". i u- rini|>la. Hlotflirii. and U the only |>n>|<r method (if an;ih ilii: Carbolic Aci.l. Hold al tile I>rllK More for iV |Mf bol Mi. in .ui & I'viiki-'n Ciiiii.i ic Cr.imr Have you an olil H^>rt>. Cut. Hrul.'. Corn. HIIII- iiin. Salt lltii'um. I'nniilr. ltn.ti-lii">. KniiKh BaodsorFace? If ' tnere in tut oin- rtire. naiuely. McGregor A Fara'l Cartx>lic Cerate If you kul tr> u. it will convince you U cit> but <5c at the Ilrux More. WILL YM SI KFKR with |)y>i'p*ia and I.iver Co ii|'liiillt ? Siiiloh's Vimlixer i Knarinitenl tc> cure Ton. Sold at Medical HaJI. SCROFULA Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and I do not I. Ili-ve tllat Ajrr't Santapirlllm h* an vqual an remedy for StTofuloui 1 1 ii morn. It It pleasant to take, (fivri utreDKlh aii'l \ ik'ifto the body, nil |inxlii<-e more |*rumnent. hutlrur, re- ult than nny mrdirtne I ever tiled. E. 1 1. u in-., .No. Ululate, O. I have uaed Ayrr'f SirnapariUii. In in i fam- ily, for Scrofula, uml kiin . If It ll taken faithfully, It will { IhorouiclilT ITaa1rjtl ! thli t-rrihl- dlneM*. \V. F. Fowler, M. D., Uraenvllhi, 'J'enn. Kor forty \er I have Nuferi-.l with Ery- ilprliui. I have trio<l all iiorta uf rrmwilei fur tny r<iiii|i|:iint. but found nu relief until J For furty yi;ini, A vcr'H Cherry F'eotor- al has Ix-i-n ili M str.-itol to ! the most rclllllilc fi'lill "I; III tix< . for colils, i-nti^lm, anil liui^ (lisi'iwi-s. Slight CII|I|H ^Innil i not tic in ol,., t, (1. Tin- 1 ettoral will prevent their Iwoiniuo; thr. uic. lief until J 4 HH Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with /'/mil ma irn ( '<>rrr>i>(in<ltnt, Then- Ims IHMMI coiimdernhle sii-!.:n-s hero recently. Mrs. \V. liiiMicx, wiio lias lioon ill for sc.ntr titno. is w>nvalesccnt. luintio^e lind rcprcw iitntiM-n at tho C'cmw'rTativu dcnioiiHtration in villr ri'c*'iitly. The C. M. S. S. |ic.i|ili aro litiHily on- ;'.i^i .1 |Ti | (iriiin for tlirir cnU-rtainnicut which in' n - off on tin- '.i-Jinl inot. SiH-cial i x :nio ( .|| h t ii- scr^ ioi-M are l>eiii(> In-Ill litre by Kcv. Dr. Strtmfrinaii and Mr J. \V. Maliood. Mr. (i. Kirhy ban r;ot out tlie timber for hi* new Htnro, which in in tho courtio of erection at Proton Station. MiHg C. Atchison hs U-i-n unpaged an Teacher in S. S. No> il, Proton. i"i.ii-riii-ii in\ii>n> to UK went. < >tiawa* Dec. 7. The Minister of Ma rilio and Kialicrios has of laU) recicrud quite anumlier of enquiries from Labra- dor and N foiindlaiiil fithernten rv^ard- IMI; the dinc-overy of t>lak cod in th Pacific off the Britiah Columbia coaat. The tiahennen are iatenaely interested, ami if the glowing reports of the deep aest ffaheries arc onntiruied, it U Mpected man/ will mure tu the Welt in the ipriog. After Ukini! ten bnU tin of tin. in. .Ii, me ( am completely ruinL Marv <'. Aiueiuur.v, Boekpoit, M.-. I ll.ile "Illli I' I. fnf years, from Catarrh, which ";i MI M'vera Ihut it ili-ntroyeil my appetite mill wcakmeil mviyntnn. After In- i in; other reme.llei, ami ij.'tlliiu 1 no relief, I lii-i;mi to iik' \WT' StiriH|>urlll. :i ml. In a few inonlli-, u ,KI ured^ SiiMtn !,. i ook, IK# Ml >iiv K|., II ll!.-!'i ili.l-. M i-- Aver'i Sur| l -MIK-I inr to any Mood purlner that i' Imve ever tried. I have taken it fur Serofula, Canker, nnd halt- Klii-iiin, anil rn-elvej iinn-li lii-netit from IU It In L-i'ii-l, nio, for a wrik tnmwh. Mllll* .In* IViroe, South llrnilford. Mud. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I'repand i.y IT J r Ajn f. Co..I,owll, Ilaaa. m* Si ; alx botUes, 5. To Orangemen and Others. Till: u'-dprilftnnd i prepar .1 to fnko onli-ra lor p inti".ll ki'i :of ANMiltS In the bi)M *t . .< i>f till' aj t. - ml n \niirorditrfi *ar ly Omdwork cuaranl Carn<>;e I'alntlttg promptly attanaed to Call i. urn r W. .!. TKOABf. Imrton. nvcr Milliiirn ' Ca ilageXVo k MOMEY TO L At * >! c vm. Ou Town or Farm 1'r. i . . i 'i. UAMI'DK. KloilnirtoB. \i;u rPHK nnilitrrU.nod '""K" I ninrniiirc tliat hebae * ktartvil a HrntclatH l.ivi i) in tim rtmiil op- IMM-itu Mtmsha'H lliiti-1 rliKliniton. wh>r the IraveDinB pnlilte run !.. lu-eommmlatrd with good rina and hnre* nt n:t r.-annnaMo IM iet Try me. and bo cf>nvinreil Hotpcctfnlly yonri, W. H. JOHNSTON. PlMbortnn, NOT 1Mb, 1M. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertot* Repairing, HawtrmiRhttiK.and la la<-t ever*- tliinu In tho bualuvai will m. CATAHBU lUhl'.iV lw*lth anil swerl'i Ki-jiirrJ. l.y hl.iloh'ii Catarih lUm- ay. 1'ntit Ml aU. Niuua iujector lire. Su'ld at Medical llll. NKWADVKUTISKMKNTS. STRAY 'HEIFER. "~ L* traywl from ttr< urvnni-e* of thn c innCTrt Olxit n. Ut Con . North Hood. 'ri. NriMia.! \eur nil) Ili-ifci, dik ei colour, on wliityliiiKl foot. la>t (n nlnuit Jil dctcbtr Kinder will IM. rwwdrd. ELIZ4HBTB ITORTOS. LOST CATTLE. OTKA YKDfroui Ilia pramboi ol cluund 9 ml. Lot U1U. Cui lot, Kiist T A. .-t. Uoart. Ul jSXthon. about lat July, lhH., two biHitltfl Hi-i torn. 1 Mi'tir partly white i'.h rfttt ears and rwl A>Ot* All) perilutl Kivilltf ftlfl'riutlt loll leading to recover) uf above will ir rewarded JAMKK MU.1..S. ~~STRAY HEIFERS. CAME t.i the (.raieof tho iimleraifiipil about the end of ,)uK. two venrlir;' Ri-ilMn. >>ue |d ami wlntn. aullbe OVMr m-mlt nil uliitr. Owner can have tKeaini> by |>n>viu( i>ru|>erly aud paying X|>t'ntte. M liril. MY. IMC Oth. W(K. TENDEKS will l luviUil if<-w dajfi. for llir eiiimtriletlon of tli,- S*i li"n .il tlie ( n|i Kr ton llailway ext.-ii'linK (ruin fin <.i iiij.l Nairow t-> s\ .lne\ . a di-*tiiin-i' of about 4'i lullitii. Thl preliminary notice ihgiTen in order that on trartors .leMrint,' tu U'lidur for the work may lnnrBM npimrtimity to examine tin: lovation I. -fine the wiulr i-ett in, llv order, A. P. rllt.'.ni.r.Y. Hccretarjr. n.-l-t of Hallway* and .'iinal- Ultawa. J.tli N,.v.. INML. Sale frompt ninl earoful rua*onble > I an iun at I'M.II r nnd by virtm- of the | "\vnr of iftlr. con tainud in a certain tuorU;ue. which will lie pro .lured at the tun. n! alv. tin .1 ill bcoffvre.1 for Hale by Public auctiou, on saliir.l.n. l, . i ruin i- I ..I i, 1MHC BT J. W. MOKHOW. KHy. Al CTIOSKKR. Munahaw'B Hotel, IS TUR VILLAGE III Kl.a HKKTuN. At the hour of one o'clock noon, tlio fullowiuy land* naliu-1) All and liiKular that eertaili pnn-el orlrax-tnf land aud preuklnom, ntuate. I>IIIK ati.l l-.-ii.^ 10 th. 'I u ii- lop uf iKprev. lu th.' i uub t> nf i . rey . aii-l I'rin ii.i-t- i'f i (iitKrto. roiititiiiiiii.- \>, * * Mireimmt one Ininiir. I n.-n - .. m .-r lean, and I'.-lliK roinj'oM ! of Lot Nn: 'h r inn- in 111* nwlae) ConieVloll l ald 'I r iihlnji i f '^)iet Th |'r|i..>t> nil! In olTt-riil lo. -al. . l,j, , tt.. a rr i -rt\i ' 1.1 Irrn ticM . uf sm'..- Tin |rr , -nl of tli jiuriha*,* m.iny t-. l- pid I" tin- \>ni1ura' H...iilej.r at lli.- tliiiDi.l . :.n,,. . lln *aut t9 |'rr re: t t- ii ;u;-' lialiiin-?t .'-' 'iiri-il I. \ nr-t Yoitk'i-'.- in* i III.- i\li< ^r |.^nil* f*r .'i ),'Mi u .1 -i intci . .( at tli* rat* of ajar cent i .r |..i-iil.- lull \.i I) Kor ftartiier put ilai ua of ale, apply. to Ml MICK. TII.T. Mil. 1. 1.1! .V i IKiWTHKU. 9U K inn Street i: Hati-d at Toronto thin !K'M ilu> '1 Nn%e.--iLwr, 1HH6. AUCTI01V S.1L.E or - - Valuable Properties! by \irti.< nfpot - ! sale ei'nt.-.inrd in i ,-rilun MortKufi . which ill lie I'ri-hi. . .1 at tho tin ..... t -li . there \. : I ...... ; I M Tm~da>. -(1st December. iSHtt. At 11 o'clock ill the 1 >relli<i,M. l>> JOHN \V MOUK(I\V, \1 t:Tl(lNl:lH. AT MIM-IIAM B II :Na> In the Village *f Fleslicrton. THK rol.i.'iiin i M I. hot NnmlM-r Tliirlh-Twii. in tin Sisth Con Melon of the Townahlp of Ari< .ion ,nth <'unnty of I.TI'V, cnntmmn^ nnu hundr*i acrod, more cir IVM. II. Lo NllnilMT I Inrt; I i|'M ni'.l Thiitv Nilif In the Ninth Conri-i-. loll of tin n< '' Arteniehift. con till I) HIM -l><' :iL-rrf .inorr'T lor* TF.HMH:()n Truth uf the |>i:nbm> mount to he panl flown at the tn ' > tu> i,t; < . N'nilii. within tl.nty il> ti., i , :i';--i . .r... V lialani r to hr erurixt In n fir- t n.orttnt-r mi th- provrty. hearing iiitermt nt tu. !M' of 6 pi rent. |ier Hiiniini front tin il,i> . f -ulr CfttlilitlolM will lx< niaile 1- nou n at the tiliiu nf lalo. Fur farther parlicului-. n|i|iiy to KOIIINMIS A. d'hlill.X. Vi-mlori' h'>'lrilcirti. No. Unchurch Htrect. T<>noNT RURAL CANADIAN AMI 1 II II CANADA PHE8BYTRRIAN, $2.'H> Fur r<i)H-r.< Fitr JHH7. TbU iiBlliai kulile UlTlT In cnud to ol.I, nn well a. snw biilii-eribom. Tn CU.AIIA PRI-.MIVTKUIAN m prnnounrcd Iw Ulc "Ii adinc ilt iii'inuintii MA) i HpiT In I'ana da," In now In UH blX'lF.lCN'lll year of puI'Mi-ntion and In all UK department* will bo ln-ttor tHa evtw durini; the cnrnniR year THR K< HAI. CiNAi>u>. alKiut to enter HD it* TKNTII VH, I* "tylrrt tho A||r lonltliral author ity of the Douilliititi." in a Uii;r ;t'J y]> pa|*wi with <1e|'itrtmnt to unit the varied tattu* and tu lieliMiinI lnM r> )n>me Bnbtertb* for both 1'apitrH now and aa>vi Si on Addreni : C IILACKBTT HoniNSON. S Jordan Street, Toronto Thorough Hrnl BERKSHIRE BOA R ! nyiTH aOod rHT will tan<1 for >ean>n u/ iSMN-fat 1 ill So HI trt Hant,- Ka>> ( Tor OSito * Hyd*uli*ui Road, Ai t. uionla. Tarmi m Iteanoa. JAi OH A LBVRfi 1 : -. n i

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