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Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1886, p. 7

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WOK* TWO BNOL.IBH UlktLM They Tr.rrl ,Mo !!* i. Ave>M W CCk Hu.ramllnr eVMeenr, Two young Kngllih women aruved in Philadelphia tbe older dy who are mak- it g a trip of 6,000 mile* to vt id a til d> detention iu quarantine, tad the itory oi their cxteritLM ie probably ULiqat, Hay* lb Philadelphia I'm,. They MI goii g from Gibraltar to L n.dou by way of New Tork. root* not often taken, bat ODI which will be Men wai tb* very btt tbuy eould ebooee. Th*y were retiming from Trieete to England after a three montbi' yaohtu-K trip in thu Mediterranean. The A-.obor LiLe iteamer Alt xandria earritd them to (iibraliar, ai which port they were to joio a B jmby mail meamer boaod (or the Thames. Gibraltar, bowtvet, tbey die- covered had tbe day before their arrival there been quarantined agatnit cholera. None ot tbe peteengere were llowed to lead, Mid Ibe mail* were taken from Ibe teener by mtane ot ineinuneati reHamb- ILK flre-tonge and thoroughly looked be- fore being handled by tbe poit-cffioe people). Tbe young women were told thai then London iteamtr would not arrive for a week, end tbat dnring the interval they moet retide at the quarantine matioo. They eabmilted to the inevitable, packed ibeir irnnki.andeaid farewell to their friend* on tbe Alexandria. What wae almost a tcream ot eonitarna- lion we* uttered by tbeie travelleri whin tney were rowed op to the quarantine etation and found that it oooMettd of a ortiy old mod-ioow, rooflee*. duly id bedleee. Thtre It Uy, anchored oal in the middle of tbe sea, ezpoeed to tbe wind* ot heaven, the epray from tbe billows, and any ebower thai ohoe to fill. Above it proudly floated Ibe Britith Union J*ok, (or Ibe mnd-ioow wae placed Ibere by the Biitiih Government, itB *ole provision for quarantined passenger*. There w no one on board tbe mad-neow, II teemed hardly likely tbat any one could hvn been found to live on it, for, having been in eervioe (or many yean, it had been deeUred wortbleee by gentlemen engaged in tbe mnd-traniportalion buiaeee. Tbe diegueted traveller* learned thai it tbey went to live in tbe MOW food would hi.- brought oat to them daily by boatmen, bat all the boneework moet be done by tbime*lv*e. The eeet of living would exceed the tariff ot tbe beet London boteL Resi- dence ib tbe mud aoow looked M Iboogb It meent death (rom expoenre. " If that boat ien'l fit to oarry mod," remarked Ibe young women, " it aettalnly ien'l fit (or ue." Then they ordered tbe union to row them back to the Alexandria. A (ew bonre later that eteamer wae on it* way to New Y.rk, taking with It tbe London bound tiaeeengere. They epeot their transat- lantic trip oompoeing a plaintive letter to Ibe London Timti, reoiting tbe etream tanoee of the quarantine outrage. At New Tote another iroubie awaited them. In ennoier people on the Meditcr ranean dreee in ololhee about ae thick an moiqaito netting. Tbeee were tbe only kind tbe new arrivale bad with them From Gibraltar tbey bad telegraphed lo London for their warm fall clothing and overooaM to be cent to Mew York, and tueee promptly arrived on another tenner al Manhattan. 0( ooarte tbe Mew York oactomi people grabbed tbe traoke at ooee, ae tbey were unaccompanied by any pee *ngc r , and demanded doty. The youun women Ihereopoo made a eolemn declara- tion tbai tbey woold not pay a eeni, became tbe trunk* were them and (cr ibeir UHO, and the tact that tbey were on a d tiered eteamer tbe reeolt of a mere aem- dent. Tbey eav that people who go 6 000 milee to dodge qaarantine are not goioK it be beaten by a mere euetom-honte ofBoer Tbe flgbt, bowever, Mill regei. I . .1.1 . aurrfc New*. Tbe jubilee fond of Ibe Congregation aliit* of New Booth Wei** cloned with Ib* goodly amount ot tl94 360. Dean Butler, ot Gloneeeter. ba* been appointed to the vacant maettrebip of Trinity at Cambridge, a Crown appoint- ment. Bev. Charles Bbaw, Dundee, formerly ot Kingborn, be* received tl 100 toward tbe proposed monomenl to King Alexander III. Rev. H. P. Parker bee been oonieorated a* Biebop ot Eaetern Equatorial Africa in euoceeeion to the late Biebop Han n ing ton. Pnnoipal Oairne took part in and prayed in German at the induction of Herr Martin Loeher, of /.inch, as pMtor ot tbe German Uborob in K llnbnrgb. Tb* flret Knglmh marriage at Antanan aiivo, tbi capital ot Madagascar, wae eel* brated on Hep timber 9tb, in Faravohilra Cborob, between Min Andenon, daughter of Rev. DC. Andcreon, ot Glaegow, and Riv J. 0. Thorn. Oanon Liddon has presented *600 to 81 Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, in aoknow. ledgmenl of hu gratitude (or being rleoted Bubop of Edinburgh. He wiahee eome tbing ol a laeliog nature M be provided with the gift. Mre. Vaadny, a lady o( independent miane, bae been fined tl and ooeie for in- decent conduct in Bl. John's Chaab, Man- chemer, by creating dislurbanoe and pat- ting her thumb lo her noee end txtending ber finder* at the minuter and eoogrega lion. Bat declared *h* would go to prison The I . leoutive ol the Liberation Society urge tbe preeeiog ot diMetabliebmcnt M (lueition of praetioal politics. They intiit tnat it ihonld b* included among the leg!*- lative ohaogee wbieb are oMcntlal to national progress. Th* movement, tb*y ay, ibould be conducted on broad and ra tional and not on neotarlan ground*. Qr*at ipeed bae been attained in tbe manufacture otnflti; 130 barrel* oan be rolled in an bout by one machine. They are ilraightened cold and bored with cor- responding speed, and even the rifling Ii now done automatically, eo that one man tending six machine*, can torn oat GO or 70 barreln per day. Witb the old rifling machine 20 barrels wai about tb* limit ot a day -H work, but tbe improved machine* attend to anything after they are once started, and wben the rifling is complete ring a bell to oall the attention ot tbi work- man. He ii tboe enabled to alien* M many as an machine* at a time. " Be* here, Tom. It look* at if you were rying M cultivate the Widow Baleted.' " Wen, Charlie, to toll the truth, I am A mri xctiaBee. Kiug out your maddeel, menteet petji, Ob, iilTer cblmae ot Oraoe! For tbrou^b your umlee will ibine to-day Tbe (lory ol bar faee ; And Mad forth from the orftn loft A PMD blithe nod gy, For the, tbe bella t ( all Ibe year, Will wtdded be t<.Jy. Bine loud I Thu oletr metallle eonnd Ie mutio In ber ear, Tie like tb jlngl lug of tbe gold Tbat lUaJI be bun Ible yew I Auo. yellow tuu, eblne bright co-day Above yoo gray cloud or. Look like a tweoty-dollar piece If you would plvaee bar belt. And yon, wbo failed to fain tbe Tbat he bat woo to-day, Kail not at lain, aod talk of death In thu romantic way. II yon bad made the higbeet bid 'Twoold be your wedding lawn. But now tbe auctioneer Ie tbroujc, " Sfee'l gome, going, gone I" Ernnt Dt Lancy Pitnon in Lijt. Oaveel *>r a l.riir r . Hero ii a truthful representation of a California arreit, trial, oonviotion, appeal and revenal of verdict. A man had robbed a ooaoh running between Btoekion and Bonora, concealed th* money (all h* eould oarry) about bi* peraon, songhl ipdgicge not tar away, and in Ibe night bad rieen, etolen a horn and ilruok bee line acne* tb* country toward a etation wbere hi oould gil quick transportation to San Krenouoo, intending to itart tor borne by iteamer. He belonged to Arkansas. In the morning tbe bore* and rider wire muted. A party etartod in [unoit, and in twenty-four hour* bad bte borae broken down and him corralled. He eaw his gam* wae up, and coolly awaited th* reealt. Tbe parly over banled him al early dawn. "Good mornin', etrauger." " Good mor n'." " Bee anything ol man about your size traddle a eornl mare, lookin' a heap lik* the one yon rid* ? " " No, I haven't." " Ttaai'ia purty good mare o' yoorn." " Yee, ibe'e worth cool flve hundred. but ibe'i a II ltd winded now , eay, muter, I'll give yon fivi hundred clean boot for that one o' yoarn and itcp the deal " H* wa* making a good bluff, and although h* knew that b* wa* reoc gaiied hi* ofler woold well pay (or th* broaen down hone and he hopid that bit moniy wonld save him. H* coon ted wiibont hi* boat. " Tbai'i a etraighl blind o' yonrn, pard and it straiim as to com* in, bal we're bar, and bold you ovtr. Yoo lo k a little played out a* well ae the mar*. K yoa jeel git down and jila oar parly it'll itretob your leg*, aod tuabbe yoa need ilrttehiug all over. He Masoned a trifle, bat obeyed in dog gediileoe*. Tb partner* all dismoemted and the sp"kermn, approaching, threw over hi* bead r nooee, pae**d in* other end of th* rope over the .imb o( a trie that ovenhadowed tbtm, acd oalled the other member* of tbe party around bien. Th* culprit ttood erect , net a muscle quivered. Now. pard. I* tverytbttg all right ? Doee it fit your neck looordiog to II .y Ie ? " All right." 14 Have yoo got anything to say why thu Mills pieoio a-bonldb'l proceed?" NotbinV' 11 Have yer gel any word to lean to y* (rieude? If yer bav*, make it short, (or we've got to break oatap ineide er tei at)*****." Toe ulraoger naiaed hie eyea from Ibe ground for the flret time and looked bti ael'-appointed Jjdiie acd executions! steadily in thi ITU tor a momeoi. and thin drawing from his pocket a crumpled lotte spoke with a (light tremor of voioe : " Per bape yoa are a netter icbolar tbao I be>. I yoa Joel read that and be kind enough to answer il I'll tell you what to aay." Th* executioner bad already passed the coil of rope to hie oomrade* and they bii drawn It laat. He took tb* letter, and a* the parly stood around him ready to run up ibe culprit al ibe flret eigoal n* open* il and read aload : B , Arkenta*. January 19. 18 M. D.-sr Sin Jamtl, For long weary montb I have waited (or new* from yoa einee yoa lael kind letter to yonr old mother. OH' bleu yen, Jamie, and aoiwar my pray* Ibal tbi* letter may reach yon, thanking yon for yonr ever inouchtful care o( me ii my old age. I received tbe money, and I ki pi me tiom acre need. Bat ono* mor* t look into yonr (ace and feel that yon w*r near m* would obeer my old heart mor* than to possess all tbi gold in California. Whin are you coming home? Ton pro miaed iu In Ib* apring yoa woold com back to m*. May God proiper yoa an return my deer boy to my arrxn before' die. From yonr loving mother. . He began tb* latter In a itrong, olear voict, but before tbe eloeing word* hie mad ing wae hardly audible and tear* itood in th* *y*e ot the rough m*D wbo liiten* breatbleii to it* content*. Tbe rap* ha lacked until it dropped from the kaode o bi* comrades and a* tb* breath of mornia milled the leave* of the trees above Ihim and Ood'i BQuliKht ihimmered dow through the opening bougbe, melting tbei beatte to pity, th* thongbtiof aaih w*r bniy bringing momorie* ol Ibeir own boy hood day* and mother'* loving prayer* Blleooe for a few minntee ; then, reverent! folding ibe soiled bit of pep*r, the read* passed it to it owner, and wiibont a won lipped th* uooee from hie neck. In toni a* gentle as mother'* be aiks : " Wai you going home, stranger ?" "Yea." t " Good-bye " Tb* etraneer dared not trait hi* voioe in tbauks. but drew from bie bell a inoall bag of twenties and offered it to ibe leader. " HOM ?" " No ; take her, and good bye." He mounted the mare and ilowly movei away, while th* party watched him oat o sight ; then turned end silently retraced their slspi to camp. The oourt 1 adjourned. Bottom Commercial Hul!rtim. I Illlc f.||,.' W.rld Far away, and yet eo Dear, livee a land wbere al bare been, .-. Played beeld* iu iparkling waiej>. danced along tie meadowa green. Where tbe buey world we dwell in aud It* uoiie* only aeoui Like the eebo of a Mmpeet or tbe abadow ol a dream; nd It grown not old forever, eweel and ycuog it ie to-day, 'Til ILe Lund of Little People, while Uie bapi>y children play. the tblnge they know and *e there are eo wonderful and grand, 7hing> tbat wlaer folk* and older cannot know nor undaratand ; n the wuode they meet the fairlee, flnd the giant* in their cave*, se the palace* of eloodland, and the mermen In ibe wave*, Know what all tbe birdie* ling of, bear the eecret ef tbe flow'ro. For tbe Land of Ulttia People i* another world than oar*. One* 'twa* onr ; 'til oan no longer ; for, when nnreery-tiaie is o'er. Thro Ibe Land of Little People we may wander never more. Bat we near tbtir merry voice* and we eee them at their play, And our own dark world grow* brighter and we aeem M young a* thov louuiog u'tr abore aud meadow, talking to tbe bird* and now ra, Tor the Laud of Little People 1* a fairer world Uian our*. 01 the i w nlv Free dent* who havt panned away four lie burled In Niw Yolk Bute. Arlbnr tleepi in the Albany oemi tery, M artin Van Bonn wai buried in th old burying ground at Kindirhook, Mlllan Fillmore'i grave ie in Foreet Lawn Uemi tery, Buffalo, and Qeo. Grant'e remain* U In tomb at Rivenide. June* Mouro wai boriid in the old Second Aveno Cemetery, bat the Virginia Legislator* ba hie remain removed to Richmond au " hurled in Hollywood Ocmotery. Nearly 140 tec* ol borax wore tbippei ait by Paoiflo coact work* lt month. 4 ' A K I t OK WDdrini t>tec*very Haeto in ike noun i. In. ml >!><> (Correepoodeuoa Ban Fraucisco Oall II may be thai Dean Bwif I was inepired 10 wme Guiliver immortal travel! by egeod* and tradition* brought (rom Ame- lia* to England by adventurer* of tbe tialeigb and Gilbert iotaool, it appearing from a recent duoovery that a pigmy raoe at one time lived and died upon this eon - nueut Tbe duoovery spoken of i* that >t a traveller in the region of the Grand Oanon of tbe Colorado River, in North wesleru Arizona. Thi* traveller il at present viiiiing Cheyenne, and from him yonr corespondent oblaine parlienlar* ol tail singular "nod." Tbe gentleman ie a veteran traveller, and hae grown gray in tbe climate of many region*, bat say* that be never experienced a mure genuine enrpriie than wben be oame upon th* traoes wbieb eelabli'bed beyond all qoeelion the *xiat eoee, in Ibe obscurity of long past age*, ot lilipniian raoe in tbe wilds of Ar.iana. Th* adventurous narrator had been wan derlog (or so cue time in tb* Arizana moon tain*, bunting, n thing and exploring Hi oame al last to tnat portion of the lernflo chasm of tbe Colorado now known ae ibe Maitl* Oanon. Here, eduoed by the wild and grand beauty of tb* inrronnding*, b* pitched bii adventurous eamp for some urn*. On* day while on the trail of a deer be nolioed some nuMUur ind*ntatioa* in a lofty eliff ot marble that overhung th* onatm. The** Indentauona presented *oob a carious appearance to ibe naked eye Ibal b* oeaeed Ib* pur-uii of bie gam* to exam in* them ihiongb hi* fl*ld-gU>*ee What wee hia aetooiehmenl wben tbe gleeee* revealed regular path* oat deep in the face of the solid marble These path*, though deep, were very nar row, having mare the look of trtoehe*. Al! tbougtat of bie deer DOW forgotten, tbe hunter turned hi* eager attention to the to veitigatioo of bis singular discovery. He had noticed ibal tb* path* or branch** all tended toward a deep reeeee moated high upon the face of tbe ol fl. Accordingly be began ibe aecenl of ibe cliff (rom the land aide, and alter an hour's sever* toll *tb4 upon Ib* lammil of ins diur eminence He bad marked well tbe pin MOD of Ib* rcoene in the faee of the eliff. and wae delihted to find ibal the descent from tbe enmmil wa* Us* periodical** i* the direction of tb* locality be lougbi than elsewhere He could even dtaeern a specie* of platform which lee-iied to b* elioatoc exactly al tbe mouth of tbe rices* Scrambling back by ib* way he bat! moeuded b* proceeded to hi* camp aod r* turned with a long and *ioat rope. Fallen Ing tbie to tb* trunk o( a tiorm-beaten pine wbieb etood upon tbe summit of tbe el fl he carefully kno '.id it al dtstaiot* ol twelvi to fifteen inches, lowered It over Ibe dg* ot th* prieipioe and trailed bimieli to us etrengih. Hand under hand b* went winging over tb* d zxy and periloue dopib* ol Ibe terrific Marble Canon. Al la-t hie fool tote led tbi rooky platform in front o tb* reeve*, and he found bimitlf al hi* goal. Aad now singular light preeectec iteelf. In front of him wae a miolalare dwelling imbedded in Ibe reeet* Tbie dwelling We* perfect In all >l appoint m*nte, though tboee appoiotminta war* ol th* rudest kind It had ewrtainly been faabioned by homan bands, and tboee hand*, though (mail, bad evidently been indnetrioa* and guided by intelligence Tbe marble dwelling boasted doore scarcely fifteen inebee in height, and tbe tin] windows which lighted up the from win loaretly the epao of a baby bend These door* and window* were nothing more than hoi** in tb* wall* of ibe dwelling, and through tbim the various apartment* eould be i**n. There were accommodation* apparently (or some eigbl or ten little persons, and scattered abou wen many otenula of use and ornament Tbeee thing* were fashioned (rom tb* clear veinsd marble and bore the look o( child ren'i tori rather than iht household goodi of grown folk. Tbe path* which converged to th* entrance of the dwelling from al part* of tb* oliff faee were tome ten or twelve inches in depth, and mmt have been eat with enormous labor by men whoa* Mature could not have exceeded a toot Out adventurer, after concluding hie obeervationi, grasped bii rope, and alter a perilous ascent, again stood opon tbe eammit of tbe migbty cliff in wboee feel the pigmy raoe e( old bed hollowed and hewn tbeir dwelling-place. Who these little folk were, bow tbey lived and how they died, are eecreli buried forever in the mighty tomb* ot th* pant. They may have died one by one in tbe eooree of nature or tbe raoe. like tbeir prototype* of old, may have been raided and devoured collectively by crane*, a great number ;.' which birds frequent Iho locality. clear* ...! An. Venizoela ha* had a bower ol blue and red hailstones. Two of tbe largest casting* in the world' arc to be Men at Nan and Kamakar*, Japan, the or,* al the latter aUa* being forty -neven feel high, aod tb* other, at Nara. being fifty-three and three-quarter feet from the base to tb* crown of IIH bead. The statue al Nara ie enppoeed to have been enoted in the eighth century, bit it wa* destroyed and re*aet kboejt 700 years Bine*. In endea- voring to reoatt il several miahaps occurred, and when at last eoeceae came ome (ew thousand tool ol charcoal bad to wuaed. Tb* easting, wbieb iian alloy of iron, gold, tin and copper, i* eitimated to weigh 450 ton*. It I* confidently predicted that in flve rear* the magueeinm light will be a* (ami- iar as i* the electric light to-day. lie high lost bee heretofore been a icrioni obetac *, but tbit ie laid to be now removed r y a ntw German process wbieb bai reduced the price from 140 to 18 a pound, witb a proepeoi of mil further cheapening. A wir. of moderate eize equal* the light cf seventy. flve marine eandlee ; the cost i. now bal little more than gas ; no expensive works or e tree t maine are rtq aired, and il absolutely eat*. Thi magntaium U limply burned in lamp* provided with cloak- work movement to (eed the ribbon ot metal regularly. If th* claim* of old daseent were jo*. lifiable eonre* of pr:de Ibe human raoe ibonld del elated 'n being assured by the wise mu of the British Aeeoeialion thai authentic prcof has been discovered in some Welsb eavs* thai men icfB'Mently developed from ibe ape to manufacture lint implement* cxiated on ibi* planet 140 000 year- ago. To na it U a m*l- uieholy rtfldotion thai we abould lave taken *o prodigious a lime . attain *o imall a result. Even wben the duration of ibe raoe ii eo limited to tb* 5.000 year* of biitory, th* ooieoco* can Hardly b* considered ae satiafactury, and there u something [rofooodly depreeticg in tb* sadden addition of a eerie* of anee Mre wbo spent 384,000 year* in time, indeed, but in making no other mark in tbe world. fall Mall Oateiti. A striae of paint*, which are made ready for oi* eimpiy by ib* addition of cola water, have lor come Mm* paal been too oeefully introduced abroad, th* paint thus produced drying, tile steted. with a flue, bard surface, wb'Oh, although mixed only with water, ie impervious to r .i u B d uninjured by (re qu*nt weebing*, even with diluted disinfectant* ; ae oil and turpentine are alec dispeneed with, the** painw have the additional advantage of being (ree from objectionable smsll. They oan be used (or txienor work on wood ae wail a* on brick, plaster, iron or stone, aod tor interior* ibey are of eooree peculiarly applicable Tbe pain I ean Ukewia* be reduced by oil wbiob prodocee a bard and glossy eurfao* II ie tbuugbl that Don- poisonous and wash- able pain as will prove of peculiar adaptation (or tropical oonntrieo generally, wbere laanlinae* and freedom from infection are particularly requisite, bat when ee i* wet. known, tbe application of tbe ordinary oi paints and distemper* u neglected iin.r . .1 Carewee. In 1786 English Axmlneten were fir* made. Hoi il WM BO* until H ibal a loom wae c instructed wbiob would produce a Bromle carpet ; and just bere I* an exceedingly lotereeimg aneedots, wbiob baa been banded down from father to aoi as an invtoUbl* truth : During 1 730 aod 1736 John Broom travelled through Tour nay and Urnecele, undying Ib* lien whieb wa* >n*n known a* th* Brussels stitch. Iu Bmeeel* | artioularly weaver* were el thai lime making a oerpct named after the town the BrneMle cupel Broom eludied with moob *arneetueee the myitery of the manufaciur*. and flnall] mads the aeqnainlanee in Toumay ot i weaver nnderetandlng tbe secret He and this weaver immediately repaired to Eog land, and near Mount Skipet, Kiddermin *s*r. they put up the flr.t BroHele loom to 1719 Tbey operated in absolute seortoy bat in lime tbeir m>Jtu oftranji wee *z p )ed. Broom and bie Belgian workman labored nigbl and day, and, itkeicg well known where Ibeir operation* were con dueled, eome tnterprieing fellow climbed to tbe window, aod nigbt after olghl from bie perilous perch outetd* he iludied the operation* of the micbaniim within uuti h* was able to carry away in hie mind a model of th* Bruweli loom. Denver Triiunt. Omaha Girl" Oh t I have mob new* for yon." Omaha youth" Han yonr (alber ooniented : ' " Ye, and what do you think he baied hli faith in your character on ?' " I'm sure I don't know." " Why, be aic be had alwayi notioed tbat man wbo i* thorough in one thing it thorough in every thing, and b* bad found yon always blackened your boot-beet* jOlt M earefnlly e Ibe (route ; Ira't it luoky ?" ' Yes, indeed ; I'll raiee tbat bootblack'* wage* to-morrow." Omata World. Thi Court of Appeal* n tbe Stale o Illinois have just given decision wbieb moel commend itielf to the common seme ot every boaioeee man. Bait wai broogb to recover payment for work ordered b] Ibe defendants ovir a telephone wire. Tbi defendant* pleaded Ibal Ib* contract wai not binding because it wae made over a telephone win. Judgment wai renderei agaiuil tbe defendanee in the Circui Court, and an appeal wa* taken. Toe Court of Appeale affirm* tbe judgment oi the lower Court, in an opinion by Judge Thompson, wbo *aya, in part : " Tbe tele phone, although ot very recent invention bae eome into inch common nse that we think tbe oonrte may properly lake judieia, notiee of tbe general manner and eneni to wbion it i* made nee of by Ibe businexit community. No doubt viry many import ant bniineu oommnnioationa and trancae tione are made every day by telephonic ootnmuuioalion of preciiely the tame character a* that of which tbe witnaee wa* allowed to tolify in this oaee. A pereon ie galled op by one deeiring to oommnnicale with him by means of a eonoaetioo of tbiir mpcctive wire* through what Ii known ae the central office, and eonverutlOD nine*. It me; relate to moel importan maltert of bneincee. The UM of tbie initmment facilitates butiooei lo euch at ixtenl tbat it would be very prejudicial to tbe baiUwn* community i( tbe eonrte wire to bold that bueineee men are not entitled to kot upon tbe faith ol beine; able to give ib evident* to juriee ripli** which they receive lo cornea umoaliona made by iliem pereoni at tbtir nioal plaeei o( baeineat in tins way." Henry Thornton moved bie pitting room Move to tbe imobe-botu* laet April. The other Jay hi cleaned it, preparatory to patting if up attain, and found among tbe . aebe* hva eoal* that tpuM have beer, imooldiring for ilx nionthi. lie bad burned hickory wood in the stove. i <i ai's < keirch fl* w Mr*. Obarlee Turner,, widow of th* late ember of Parliament (or Livtrpcol, OM iveu 1100,000 toward a peneiuo toad tor gtd aod mvalid ineombiaw of tb* dstceec Evangeliet Btm Bmall acd Bam Jooe* will commence an tvaig*iutic ioar aeroes ns continent, eon,meneing wilb a eerie* of iMlinge in the Meibodiet okiuetii* ot lotion early in January. U China, a* in ell Eastern oontrk*. th* 'lind are namerooe ; ant hithe rto. *o (at ae ereonal reading has been ooneBrned, tb* Bible ba* not been for them. Moved by eeire lo *npply tki* wan, tb* Rev. David Imitb, of Grtiniby. ie ingaged iu bringing ui an imboseed Bible tor tbe Chinese MgwV Th* ma*tenbip ot Trinity College, Cam- ridge (Euglabd). bae been oonftrred upon Jr. Muntague Butler, tb* Dean ol Gloucester, and il ii ginerally conceded bal to fill what u admitted to be the chief lademieal poet a belter choice eonld bardly have been made. Dr. Bailer w 61 ear* ot age. r'rom liXO until a year ago wae Beadmatter ot Harro* School. lanow fl'juriebed under bin *an. Dr. iutler I* a brilliant eenolar, and it is bekeved tbat th* beet reaolu will follow rom his appointment. Encouraging new* bee been received by ie American Bat lisle from their mitaion n tb* Oengo. Th* convereton of a man and ki wit* a year ago we* tb beginning if a revival, whieb ba* now efftetcd large umber*. Th* people brought their idol* to b* ourned, aekiog th* qoesniao, "What :nai w* do to b* eevtd ?" No bniidiLg was Urge tnoosh to hold tboee w*o *ome to ie etotion to near the goer, el, at d set vieee ere held in ibe open air. Tb* mission- arise are n j iaing over seven hundred eon- erl*. Tbk t20000oetded by tbe Kogliih Baptiil Mi>*iuuary Bceiely to renlac* Ib* iroperty destroyed by tbe Congo fir* tow week* ago hae been not only euOeetibwd, but paid. A -ihcrn 'I i, I ait. r, i To fully appneialr -it* one sbcnld i<t*n to bit v jior. Y o i.< Vrr ean really now whether you iike a mule or not Mil yoo bear mm uug 1 attended a mate riLOert ai Cbiekamkoga doricg tbe war. Tbe waggon irato waa in Th* male* wer* staived for water. Tb* gallaitl ;iebnrne we* protecting Ib* rear. Tbomai pr*eri him hard. Tb* music or pro- rrammi opened with a soprano tolo, and then swung into a duel, and then prauced iC into a trie, (ollowed up >y a quartette, atd tiding wiui lull Morn* of the whole army train. I didn't hear th* wi. >le tbing, tor wbeu I earn* to ibe- regimental eurgaon a* standing over me f mnel m* powerful reetorallvee, and I heard mm aay I might poeeibly get out agate, inoogn I would never b* a well man. 1 bav* been in plaee* where N took nerve to aland inch a* falling cut of a Ibre* ttorv window aod having been tbroogb tbi Niw York Ex- change, and having tpent p*rl of a day in a boiler (actor y, snd nave oven on one or two Hat Jay eehool txcum >ue where tbe crowd were all girla but I never knew what noise wa* till 1 beard a lot o( army mole* bray. I'ytriiu'g i TMM / Gattttt. A n.*i. . An a atomatee horn ie being pal np on the lamp poet* ILI Brooklyn to inpply ib* public wnb poetage eiampe, poatal eard*. a pencil and poetal letter envelope*. Any hour of th* day or oigbt a eitieeu may go to one of theie b lee and drop a peony into il. at wbieb i hire will appear a postal eard and a pencil wilb which to writ* a letter. If h* ba* a letter lr*ady written and merely wante pietag* iremp to mail it, b* may droi two peuoie* in tb* box, at which, prteto, two-cent itamp will com* out o( n The** convcBieol box** are already in on in London, and are much liked Ibere Tbe boxee in Brooklyn are an improvement on tboee in L>ndon. They look like writing deeke, aod ai* 75 inebee high bv 17 inebee deep. K.on boa n divided n i ' **viral drawer*, on* for tamp*, oi e for poetal eard*, on* for tamped envelope* aod one for Utter paper. There ii a ipot for dropping a coin over each drawer. When Ib* propr coin drop* in, It **i> in motion a bit of machinery wbieb roibee out tb* article wanted. A Hrr, 1, tl frnail.r I r Here ie an example of ibe aituteneee of Mr. Justice By)** ae an advocate . Once b* wae tor tbe defendant In an action tor breach ot premie* of marriage. Tb* plain- tiff proved tbe [romiee to marry, and thai th* defendant bad married eomi on* elee. Th* oaee teemed a queation of damage*, bat Bylee put two queitioni to thi plain- tiff : " Did not hi prooiie* to marry you wben bit father wai dead .'" " Yee." " Ie his fattier dead ?" " No." " That i* my caee, my Lord," laid Bylee. "But, Bro- ther B)le*,"iaid tbe Judge, " h* be* mar- ried *ome one lice." "Well, my Lord," aid Bylee, "hi* wi(* may di* before hi* father, or afterward*, and he may outlive them both, wben il will be time to fulfil tbe promim." Tb* plaintiff bad, in faol, alleged to her pleading* an abaolnte prom- ise, and Ib* proof of a conditional promia* wa* what wae called a fatal variance, which Cv/uld not be amended. I niurr. < . n c . .1 . , I r . Speaking ot th* dieapp*aranc* of eon- juror*' confederate*, Ibe Saturday l.ri-i'w eay* : " Tb* lael inetanae we beard of ihmr us* wai by a wandering magician who WM p*t(orming in tb* imall*r town* ot Tixae, and who wae very properly punished foi hii lack of art. In tbe oonree of hi* enter- tainment b* mad* a marked dollar disap- pear (rom handkerchief beld by a lady. Coming down into the aodiene* be picked out negro and said : " Tbe dollar will be found in th* pocket of thi* *olored gentle- man." All eyee were turned toward the colored gentleman, wbo roe* and extended hi* broad, brown band, on wfaiob were half a doaen email corns. When Ibe magician cam* oloie to him tb* negro eaid : " Boee, beah'i yir change. I ka* had two been and t eiab outen del dollar yon tola me to keep in my pcokel till yoa called foab It," The Grant monument committee hav* rL.Mved l*VOOOfor a memorial In New York. His laid that tk* euabuiiaetn for a fl 000. 000 monument bae subsided, and that a mor* xoeleit deeign treatel greater favor.

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