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Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1886, p. 5

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Another Old Resident Gone We are again called upon to record the death of an old resident of Artemesia, Mr. Alexander Cameron - of Lot 86, Concession 8, who died quite unexpectedly on Wednesday morning, the first of this month, having been only slightly indisposed for two days. Mr. Cameron was born in the city of Glasgow, Scotland, some 72 years ago. While he was young, his parents returned to their home in Inverness-shire, in the highlands of Scotland. The subject of our sketch was an active and industrious lad, and before he was 20 years old, got a position of trust under the Duke of Bedford, which he held for several years. He was well acquainted with nearly every place between the city of Perth and Inverness - particularly on that old picturesque road through the "Spital of Glenshee." When about 30 years old, Mr. Cameron took unto himself a wife who survives him and now mourns his loss. Soon after his marriage he came to Canada and lived a few years in the Township of York. he came to Artemesia over 30 years aog and at once settles on the above named lot, where he has lived ever since. Besides his widow, he leaves one son, Mr. Wm. Cameron, who owns and lives on the adjoining lot; ;and three daughters, who are all married and have families. The deceased was an active and industrious man, of frugal habits, and in easy circumstances. As a neighbor he was well liked, being very obliging and ever ready with a kind word. His remains were followed to the grave by many friends and neighbors, and laid to rest in the little cemetery at Salem church, where he will sleep as quietly as he would have done if laid in his much loved but far distant "Glenshee." Artemesia, Dec 6, 1886. DEC. 9, 1886.] THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. Another OM Un>i4-ut Com . (Hy a .tyocinj ( Vvfn/*Uor. ) We arc again called upu to record tin- death of ail uld rutadont of Artunie- in., Mr. Alexander Cwaeron of Lot 86, CouceHmon H, who dial quite unexpect- edly ou \\Yilnesd.-iy uioruiug, the first of this month, having been viuly idigiitly iudiMjKjsod for two dap*. Mr. Cameron was born iii the city of <-las(;uu, Scotland, souie 72 years a^o. t ho was yiuiiio. his pnu&apos;iits retni n d to tlu-ii- ho nut in InvorwsH hliire, in the )ii&apos;.;iilitiids of Scotland. The subject of our sketch was an active aud indus- trious lad, and before Ac vaH 20 yearn old, not a jwsitioii of, trust wider the Duke of 1 V. iim d. \\ luravhf hehl for issv- oral years, lie was \v(<!r&apos;ac<jimiwtod with ne.irly rvery placo brfcrflun the who have tried to do any work among drinking women, mutt admit the painful truth that a small number of such, com- |iarativfly, are ever reeoveied from the habit of ill-inking. \\ ln-n we think of thin and think, t<>". of the hereditary Uiut, the craving for drink, transmitted from t hei... Bioltiera tn their children, and the lives of sin which, too ufton, follow, wedo not wonder at the alarm expressed in the To the Free and Independ- ent Electors of Centre Grey ! GENTLEMEN : The time ii at hand when you mil be called upon to exercise ynur franchise in the selection of a repre- sentative to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. The duty which you owe to your country, to yourselves and to|>oster ^ , , , . . , i t J*JMI*. ** a \f\Mi n\ i w < .llivt V I rtJWVCI report of the H..ue of Lords Committee j ity dem aiids that you eiercise that privi- on iateni|irance in these words : "Intern- j legs) with a calm and settled determination peranoe suiting women is increasing on a j to adtauce the best interests of our fair cale so vs*t, and at a rate of progression sto rapid, as to cnimtitute a new ttfttocich and danger." While this is true of Kii land hnvf we not reasati to fear that our Canadian women ar licit free from this vice I Evi-ry uintrict visitor knows that the poverty in so many homes is not solely because "Father drinVs," but often be- qukw &apos; &apos;Mntkvr ell every thing for whis- key." And tin- di niLiii:.- ain-iii; women ia not continud Ui the poorer classes, for do you not know kulieiof wealth and position, who arc a constant ciuso of anxiety to a few yearn in the Twar-ip of York. &apos; falnil - v n &apos; M fr "- ndi **** of their infmt- He ca&apos;me to Artrn>esm over 80 yrors j "&apos;"" &apos;"&apos;*&apos;"">< There are homes where ago an<l at once m-ttled OH the ahvve I the fat her dare not allow his daughters to city of I&apos;citlj and InvuruosH i>ar%nlar- ly on that old ptcturostjutt road tlirujjli the " Spit:il of Ulcnshee." When about W yeari old, Mr. Cameron took unto hiniHclf a wife, lio survives him aud &apos;now moiiroH hi* iosn. Soon after hi* ; niarriage lie came to VJ*naua and li named lot. where he lias lived ever -n.&apos; i- I&apos;.i - idi i his widow, he leave* one won, Mr. Win. Cameron, who owns and lives on the adjoining lot; ami thrco i daughters, who are all married aud have I families. Thu deceased wax an active ami industrious man, of frugal habitH, aud iu easy circumstance*. A -, u ucixh- bor he was well liked. Ix-intf very old n, iu and ever ready with a kind word. His remains win- followed to the ",ruvi> by many friends aud neighborx, aud laid to rest in thu little cpniutery at Salt-in church, where ho will sleep as quietly as In would have done if laid in his much loved but far dmtaut Art< mesia. Dec. 0. 18HC. Gleoahee." AH 4ITKAI. i<> WOlUIf. BY MM. A. (HIHHOLM. tVhyjihould women work for this tern- fcrance cause I For the children&apos;s sake. To women is largely committed the care of children iu thoac first years of their lives when im- pressions for good nr evil are readily re- ceived, and Whit* easily formed. Dur- ing this time fntnciples may lie firmly 1111- liedded in tls? Ireah soil tlmt shall mw t br .1 Iieilne axamst evil, a barrutr betweni &apos; thrin nnd wrung in tliecominu yean. attend an evening |>arty, lest they may disgrace the family by taking too much wnif, ami thus li*o control of themselves. Do we think of theae things as seriously as we nuuht T Why tbould wrimen w<irk for this cause ? Fur tlie safety of home. Home is em- phatically tin- kingdom of woman Hut to ensurit a perfect home it is necessary t&apos; purity and peace should guard the threshhold, that ".bin; unholy may en- ter, and that the noise of the worU&apos;s utriiy |>aa not through. The liquor traffic is the awwed enemy of the home. While thu .-xist not one home it absolutely nafe, not oa household ia quite free from dan- ger. Tins enemy does not scruple to en- ter the rightful kingdom of woman, 10 rob, murder, snd to destroy, and to lay in -ruins all that before was bright and beaut- iful NVh&apos;le this ia true ought w not to do sll in our power to tar the door against thu destroyer. ? A bird will bt quick to discern the ap- proach of the a*r|iit, and will spread its wings over the nest to protect its nest- Hu&apos;.&apos;K, and shall ww not shield the dear ours in the home nrst fnam the approach of this si Tpent whixe nature it is to kill or the sake of sxjeiety we ask tkr wo- ltin of our country to 1:1 vr their mlliu-n- Mothers, think of nur re*|>onaibility in thi. matter. If our children see the win, &apos; t;!ass on thu home table, in the aidi&apos;tK>ard, at our evening paniei, will they not think wine drinking rii;lit and safe, and will there be any fear of that Inch at th last bitcth like a aerperrt and itinxeth like an adder 1 "The hardest blow I evtr iwceivud," said a devoted mother, occu- pying a high social |isition in our land, "was when my eldest boy turned to me iu answer to my expostulation with him about taking too much wine, and said, "Mother, you know I loarned to drink at home." Recently, a member of one of our ch ris- tlaii churl-hen, a lady of wealth and re- finement, but who had followed tlm pre- vailing custom of hiving wine V. h table, and ut all aocial x il( l&apos;Tiiws "ss calked to pass through a very bitter el- perience. For smnu time tho had been anxious about her eldest son, who had prown 1. 1 be wild. But one day a message rame to her from the city gaol, sling her to ex j i nc to hur son, who hud been found fighting, iiinler the inltaence of bo, nor Nhe hurried lx> the place, tlivre tn meet her darling K ,y, tlsc olio in whom her fondest hope* had bvn centred, and for whom her bntrhtost dreams had been so uiniiy times thought out, tho In.y she had always;jlit of as trur and &apos; Mir.- nnd j.i.n- r , find him battered, bruised ami bleeding, a HIM! example of the transfor- mation which strong drink can produce. Home one. writes, "It ia sad to bv dianp- pointud in those we lov. " l.ut who can tell the auony of Hint mother&apos;s heart as shu Kioked at her shattered idol, and cried out, "My son, why svill you drink and break my heart 1 I shall not soon forget kis reply, "liecnuae you pave it to me at home, 1 1 1. it Ii IT." nor can I forget the mo- ther&apos;* face as there came over her aoul the awful realization of all that the thougt- IcssncM of custom had done for her boy. As we |>asaed out aliu said. &apos;&apos;No more wine at my table, God helping me." Hut while i-li i M i in at home may be kept, it w too late for the eldeat born. To-day he it a wanderer from home aial mother and i..d. While human hearts and human prayers follow him, Uod&apos;s mercy aluoe can save him. Why should woman work in thii cause t Fr the ake of wostMi. ThoM of M S .ci-ty is luule up from the homes of our hand. If sll home* were peaceful and pure, society would have no evils, and our ne.svs|xpers would need small pace to tell of moral wrecks, murder or ani.-idf . Itet until that tiirc shall come, there isnrod for thu iiiflueitcu > f true ear- nuit womeu who ahall so mould si>cieiy men snd wnmen shall !> made nob- ler and Letter fur >H-II . in tlieir prmenoe. Allovorour country homes are c-.uwtant ly M-inlini( out their yiiiinc men into lnn ini&apos;M, into society, and day by day wr are nu-rtiiij- these, receivin); them into nur homes inakinu&apos; them welcome to our parlors. What shall our influence be up on them t A i;i imii! man comes to a city with good reroiiMiiendations ; hu has hii;li hopes, g*t into u gixnl btiainess, is made much of aiiiotii; friends. He is a pure man, auch aa mother* wmild choone as roni|Mii- ion for their awns and daughters. As he apenda liis evenmijH in our homps. those evi&apos;iiiii^i that would otlirrwise lie very dreary-, what will our homes do for him &apos; Slisll woiiii-n who rule noeiety use tln-ir iiiniii ucf t<> iliKa{i|Hii<it all the briuht dre.iinit <if flume who love him? Will women nnd motors use their inBucnee to hriiiR |in to the heart of his mother, to check all hia lnvh aspirations, and it oasy fr him to becmne a victim to this appetite fur drink ? Not that this is ever intent mnallr dnf, but thu hintoiy of Province III the heat uf party strife men of impulsive tem|>eramenta are apt to overlook the real issues involved in the 1.1 vi. MI present, and to allow their judg- ments&apos; to become warped by th mere "shiboleths" of the UK AH pant. The in- terests f our country, the advancement of intelligence and the humanizing influ- ence of our coinnon Christianity demand that we lay aside the religious strife* and party contentions, which have so loni; dis- turbed and distracted the National mind, and that as sons of our common country, loyal subjects of our beloved Queen, we KO "hand in-hand" together ; mutually in- tent upon the achievement of a higher civilization, a purer morality and a more liberal Christian sentiment, and while tiinilv maintaining our own righti. yet willing to grant the same privileges which we claim for ourselves to those of our fel- low countrymen who nuy diner from us ii> creed or nationality. With tin- view of giving effect to these eotimenU, I beg to announce that I am a candidate for your suffrages at the com- ing election, and I respectfully request that all my fellow electors who shsru these sentiments, will by their vote and influence do what they can to secure my election. It is proper that you should ask, and it U right that I should declare, what my opinions are in reference to the issues which divide the "parties " in Ontario at the present tiii.e In the mini I am in accord with the general course of legislation pursued and with the principles enunciate&apos;! and carried out for somu years by the Mowat admin- istration, and if elected I shall deem it my duty in the interests of tlie Province to sustain the present (loverninent : reserving of course to myself the right to judge of each measure which may be brought forward, upon its merits, irres- pective ot the source from which it may emanate. I am free to admit that with all Gov- ernments there is a tendency to unnecess- ary eitravagance against all such tend- encies I shall deem it my duty as your representative to raise my voice and t x ert my influence. In reference In tin- school law generally, my opinion that reieiit laudation has )>een largely in the interest of the teaching profession, and that the intermts of the public whkh ought to ho pnra- iiioiint. havlrto a certain uitent been ig- noii-d. I am of opinion that the present "holi- day" terms are t.... long, especially to niret the requirements if ruial coiniiiiiintie*. and tliat some change is desirable in this respect. Of (lie ninny ini|>ortant ijuestions which claim attention at tlm particular juncture it is nn|Hsihle within the rompam of a abort address to speak with intrllii;ence and precision : During the canvass however I purpose to discuss some of these with you , t t the public meetings to lie held at central points throughout tin- constituency, when 1 li"|- to ha\e the pluasura of meeting many of you anil forming acquaintances which I trust will be mutu- ally agreeable and lasting. I fcare the honor to be. Gentlemen. Markdale. Yonr obedient Servant. Dec. 4, lrWt> \V.M UltOWN Important %&apos;otlrr. Mr. Mackenzie I>nucnn. of Kiifonia, IK Hole agent for thr following highly re commended articles ai this Hi-ction, vie., Kinery Knife Slinrprimrs. a most intcful doiiK&apos;stic inipleinent, which will not break <-.i-.&apos;!\ on .vrount nf a .tcrl ro.l which rum through it ; Scythe Sharp- i-ners. uhirli will put an cd^t- on scythes in half tin- tune an ordinary tone would ; and last, l>i:l not leant. Patont t&apos;aki- (iriiltlli-H. which have been highly in THK AI>ANCK. 8t. To the Electors of CENTREGBET ! GENTLEMEN. The writs for a (jeiiwrnl Election for the Local Legislature will be issued im- mediately. < In Tuesday the 21st day of December next, the Humiliations are to be made and Tuesday the 28th day of December fixed fr |H>lling. Having received the unanimous uouiin- atimi of the lnr".e*t und most influential Conservative Convention ever held in the Killing, which met in October last, and having since received the most encourag- ing assurance, of sui>|M>rt from the electors generally, 1 beg most rea|>ectfuliy to an- nounce that I feel it my duty to accede to their wishes and accept such nomina- tion. I have been a resident of the Riding fi thirty eit;lit years. During the great er pa;t of that period ( have been, m r.- or less, actively em;ag,ed in the adminis- tration of ynur municipal affairs and while occupying prominent positions of trust in your County Council I have invariably been guided by a desire to protect and promote your interest*. My long residence in the Ruling and practical knowledge of thw working of our municipal institutions enable me the more readily to anticipate your special require- ment, represent your grievances and ob- tain relief from oppressive legislation. If elected as your re i Tentative, I will endea- vor faithfully to discharge my duty I y giving effect to wholesome loculalion. and will advocate a more economical adminis- tratiou of the tinanceiand of the Crown diimain. As there is not space in a short address to fully explain my views I shall endeavor to attend meetings in the vari- ous Townships of tin- Hiding before the elections and tin re discuas in detail the various questions now In-fore the people. In conclusion, I shall advocate e<|U*l nnhts ai.d privileges to all classe* and creeds of uf her majesty&apos;s subjects. Being a reside&apos;it of the Hiding and like many of yourel-- i-a engaged in farming operations, our interests are identical. I shall do my best to advance them. Relying upon your cordial and generous support to elect me as your representative I have the honor to be. < o-iitleincn, Your obedient servant, JOSEPH UORKE Clarksburg Nor. W, 1*W6. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. &apos;1&apos;IME T KJfft, Monday, July ??*, tSS:>. i.oinu V.rili. Mai _BTATIONS i Toronto Lav I anlwull Juucllou . V itt C harlc-.tou V4J lirauKu- AITIVB . 10 U6 Tills Uv . 10 HO UrUNoville Junction low StiellMirne 10 Ml iHlll&apos;lalk 11 Kl.BHHKHToN 11 47 Mark.Ulv ............. lou Willi&iuiford l&apos;hat-..rtli It. IK OWMI Hound AmW 1 Oft South. Ks|. uwm Koiiinl Lsav* ion Caauwurth Ut " William- f..i. I S* &apos; M.ik.lal.- . 6 47 " KLKnKTO I T Ot " Huii&apos;lalk TIM " 8h.-llmrnf T U " i&apos;ra:irll] Junction... I " Oraiuie-i Arriv* ISO " vill- i l^air ... . . S 46 " Charleston U6 " fardwrll Junction 9*ft " Torniitn Arm* 10 M Mail Mis>l KOVUi i S OT " i. S .10 " .1 vj 4..; : 10 .&apos;. si &M " ft IS " 630 " HIO " I W WHYTK. UBM&apos;LHcrT. U.MiSK t&apos;LI,, GEH&apos;L PASS Aor. J. B. SLOAN, Has ?.ny quantity of Shingles &c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. CARTER M.C.P. AS.. ONT. pnrsirii.v SIB;I:O>, A. . FLESH EKTOX. O(B<- Slraln&apos;t block Hnl<li-ncr. Win Wright v Dentistry. lM trnbld with 1&apos;impKx. Blotches. Kouh hn.I nr t*rr. or Ham ( snjr isnsvta ti<iii. ihoulit u- Mrilrxgnr A l&apos;rk Carbolic i , rtc It will !,> ill,- . kin ii |wr(ct hi-slth. mnooth. rlcan snd looH color. H urr ami K-I tin- Kt-innn*. msrte by VZ. linger A 1&apos;ark* I&apos;rio* 1* bold *l Ibe l)ru 8tor. J.I&apos;. MAKMIALL. L.I).* DENTIST. OHADCATK nf Toronto Hehool of will I..- at Mark.lal.- th Ut an.l Srd Wswlswi da> uf rai-ii in&apos;inth. and at I- l,-lir tou on tin* lit su<t Irit Tlinr.&apos;lav in erb month for the prsctic* j of his profi^sion. KAI.T UHKI-M c KII. \l. (,!*. .r * Parkos r*rlM>lic < rrt.&apos; lia bvcn lin-.l su<l found to bo tin 1 "!ily |>o-<itl t-ure for Halt Khmnn. l&apos;ini|>lr. HluttlKl on tin&apos; (r ur haniU t&apos;utn. llurin. llru.e. r snv H.<rt> t&apos;il n..iMnu .:.. will li-l Tr> M.i.r.v..f .1 l-itik. . iVr.lo lie por b >x at the l>rn< Store. \inn r. r" MuTHaas. Are yu dltarl<d a iK&apos;ht and lirokru of VOTIT n-.t lijr a sick child HIT. Til t anil i-r>liiK wiMi palnnK&apos;nttnix&apos;l"-. Hi &apos; . i<l* ur rhest. UM Hlilloh&apos;s V&apos;ici 2.&apos;> cnts. Hold at }&apos; >r lit&apos;iie. Porous I&apos;hiHlrr. Mi.hrixl Hall. CHOI P. WHOOl&apos;IN&apos;t CO! (ill sml make < HroncliiiM iininlit< h rrlixvrd by Sbiluir> < urr Sol. I st Mr.lic.d Mall. FH-iT HACKINO IXH&apos;OH can I* so O&apos;lii&apos;kli fur^&apos;l liy Shil &apos;li&apos; (&apos;ur->. We RUsr antfr it. Sold nt M ,1 .d Flail. aiilfurllisl and rr>lii with |>aln oil tiltnix 1 vein &apos; If i M-D<1 at one* andgrt * U>ltlof -Mrs Win slew&apos;s otalMHyruj (ur i hilu.-u Tovthlni,- Its nlnr l Incali-&apos;ifahlo It will r. 1 . \ th> nr little sufferer Ininuwtlatvlv He|>rinl u|>nu notUefs. there i n ailrlaki about i&apos;. It l>>-i.liT) ami l>lrrh.i. r.^&apos;iUt." the s>> .inJ Ilow-l". cures Wlnil C&apos;ollr. o t ! tiif llains, ntaoawInfuuBssatloB, aadilvwXnsvi Mid innTk&apos;) l the whtilo --.-t^iii "all- Win- low&apos;4 H.&apos;it)iinil Hyi ftp" for chlldrvll u-rtl&apos; iv is "luAiAiit t ili t-witt- an-l MI the ifw* i nr&apos; i&apos; "&apos; ;&apos;i .M,&apos;t aii&apos;l lit fi&apos;ina1e iihysn i an- wd smravs la Ha> OwlMsl IMtsf , swjd f<<r :< by all itrxtuisu tlirowbvtit Inn wnrlil. r .1 l\..nt> A V < miu a boUls. !> sure a>ml a. ( i Mil. \Vr.i << KO..THIKO vail-.&apos; ami takv no..tbr k -i.i j. w. FROST, I.L.B.. /<! |-|f< I&apos;. Sli/li I/Ill&apos;. < oil I . |/>l ll> , r. on. -Strain&apos;s Knllrtinr. Fti.siiraT&apos;v A. A fllKsl.KV s.,llrlt..r n4 I&apos;minjraiirer. arr. Mil KltuMT will Ix foun.l st tb> Oc < : Tlmrvdavs aa herrt &apos; P McCOLLODGH, Barrister. Sol id fur. OfUrr. r. .1 ud.ii. . MrFarland&apos; Stwrr, Monr> to Lwau. A7 HARNESS SHOr MA8SON & MASSON, U\KK1->I KHh 11 OK- Ar "i I r I - lin Bound. 1:1 \ |rkr s I&apos;ii&apos;ik &apos; .- i!tt St llrsll&apos;-li ofric, in Malkilalr, over Mf *., ind * k t"ri* on Fridsy ami Hatordsy , ry Ml i . \SS.IN. gc s UAHSfiN w MA- S&apos; II -1&apos;nvaU * Cnmpan) lun.N to invest st rum sis to l.ulii |ir cant. Yos will onJ ah asmcrtnicut of Heavy and Lisrht Harness, Wblpf . nriinliiM. Purry Coti l. Hwt I&apos;sd*. sod tu<ivl<-t>ratMt"Har!.< .&apos; oil. < 01 1 Viis \ NVi ! Ml I > -V- Cheap for Tash Call ami Kiaminr Rnt&apos;-hPr 8&apos;mp in Plesii- IM&apos;tOIl &apos; Kii.nwis HAILS, a. r.x-HLtx. rnFii..w OAI.VIS JANDS, ECHLIN & OARVIN, >&apos;iir,vjuiors (o Isni&apos;irr .i- // M.<i. BMtlllSTt us SOI.1C1T(M:S. MOTM.IKh COHVKTANCRllH, *s Mono i" 1 i an at l<owr Kml^* uf mturot OfMn-s. 10 Kln( Mi n i l!^i>l, Tuiulitu. PAUPRICTURS. "tliany men, i; i veil yean after in many of our (jos|t tuinperance nieelni&apos;js, pnivm thst tlm is t. i I&apos;lily true. Mnuy younu men date their downfall from tlit&apos;nxt evniii|! spent in society in a strange city, fur while they could resist thu temptations nf younu mmi com |ian ions, tlu&apos;v have not horn able to refuse the wine g1;us at the hand of their hostem In view of all these facts, so mid, an pitiful, fnr the sake of women, our sisters, for our owu aake, for the mke of innocent children in our homes, for thu sake of othor women&apos;s children, and other home*, and for the *ak< of society at larpe, in order to lead men and women, a* bet w may, towsrdn all that is pure and holy, away from ail that is deliating and evil, ought we not to pive our influence and uuractivt Wlpto this letuneraiio* work ? Wnnlrd. Cl.RMKNT i^- Co., OF 48 WRI.I.IMi;TON Street, Toronto, or 81 St. Krnncois- Xavier Street, Montreal, want a Itenernl Aw&apos;f it They nro the rxclusivu owrnvrs of the S.-holield&apos; Patent t&apos;;ikp (Jniblle, tint Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpener (known as tli i " Carver&apos;s Friend"), the Emery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay Eye- Sw Wire Curry Comb, and other special- ties. If you want to make money, write to them at once for an outfit, and to se- cure what territory you can hiindle. A I.IVIMI Qruwnixs. Question -"Is tdii life worth living?&apos; Answer "h all if Irf-iHs upon the livw ?" If Uirpid or mse tlve it canirs a dull, tough, lamrnid f l,i,i&apos; Dr. Chas*&apos;i l.iv- r Cure nivt b*allb and buovmi ) Sold bv Dr >&apos;i r. .. SHII,nH&apos;8 VITA147.RB is w|..i vno n~4 for Oonstipalinn, Less nf Appelit* Pi ./ m.-t and all sytnplnms of l>vsppsia. I&apos;rinti Vo and 7.&apos;> cralt r" i I. i.i S.I at Mryitai Hall Till: ".n.|er*lct*l n-.lN&apos;ctfti&apos;ly take thi oppor j tuntt) t > ainioniii v Iu llt<- i ."&apos;|&apos;Kr >.( I )i-b arton aud snrroiindii&apos;K rnuntr> . that tlirj liar* i Si vrtHt a Mntclier Shop in in >t"f1 next&apos;locr | t the Mart&apos; &apos; \Vorks. II l&apos; 1 ^ 1 I HTlIN wHe>- tli&apos;-v will li- (ilxueil to meet WHIi nil wb favor them wllll tlifir |>atrii!iK.&apos; Kresli afsata of sit kinds. sml Fish, itr In thxlr scasraf . i Hes]iactfully ynurs. PKTCH.VMITCHr.I.I. Card John W. Armstrong, FiJlHJIKKri&apos;N. Co. OaJCT. DIVISION cm i;r cj.kjiK. in>tiihMi M r. ii II Tl . (&apos;onv*)aiicer, Ac AKI-UI lo* |&apos;uii ha n-< --ale nf lands A|t|>iai-i-r li-r C I. < i , m aafl K I&apos; II * H S.X)|M> Monet t" ! an i n ll,.- inntt rrauiial>l li-rins IMI i R . r 1IAKH1 M.K Lll&apos;I.XSHS XOTAKV I&apos;l 111.11 "W.~JTBKLL.\MY. Ir OLKBK KTtl-n FOR SALE. 9^ arrp 1^ miles from Kl*h*rton. 4*fxxf warm frsmr ilwtlllnK. 7 r<HMiis.|nod nrlUr. cooi1ftt*>>U never failinii >i>rlni rrrvk Tn# tT. For partlrulars i>|i|y tn \V J HFI.MMY. Fleslioi- (on-nrtoC W. BKI.I.AMV. MsrkHnl* \srHAW&apos;K If.&apos;T. ,fC MHUTIiAttrs I.KAM Ar pr^rsr SV P<| ii<1 proprrU ir -ute<l Intnrsnc* fTf to.) in nrt-claM conio*nirs Monry to Itndst low>tratrs. I::i: I:::, V.siliS; ":;:.:;: i.v r/./;.sif/;ir/o.v, TO BE LET OR SOLD. Thr ninlr>it I&apos;ril uflfis for talc his Mark smith Shrtp, stutiln snrl !&apos;rrn.i,- al)oluiiif. st a fwatMMM* pviva : SW will lesvrth* ISHII* to * Or*l man t s fslr iwntal This pr. |.. rif In wnjl sitnativl on I..HIM.W " &apos;I stn t.Kltshvttos us*f tin- |>l*nlne fsctr\ FVr tvruis anil |-rti.-n t si&apos;ply to thr pro rlr ROHF.RTtlAKK Jnltkttn. \mt tail FlMhrtoa At Honey to Loin. I&apos;-r C,nt WITH :-.II.T -it paid ji-srlr . not In adtnanr* Mo ooTnuilsslan ohsrgvd. Apply to A.CR1KB. - TIIOBMilKV. J. E, MOORE. Carpenter. Joiner, # Cabi~ A net Maker. All rspatn promptly s> tsatly shops. Durham HI. rait to I-.ll.-h Maaja sad M|inaUMi i sbortxt noti*. i*ct*4

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