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Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1886, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. It publUticd Every Thursday, Kin > M THB OrriCB, <'uJ/i<i:;i(v<t/ Street, - - Fltihertoit, Ont. TERMS OF 8UM8CKIPTION : II per annum when i>nl itrictly ID advance. 1.5O i >t T mi huiii when iii-t BO paid. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor aiul Proprietor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, DEC 9. 1886. Sin-Til GKKY INSPECTOR- ATE. Grey County Couucil will meet in Oxven Sound on Tuedaynext, Dec. 14. Amongst other important business to be transacted, will be the appointment of a Public School IiiBpector for tbe SiHitli riding of Grey, to fill the vacan- cy caused by the retirement of W. Ferguson, Esq. This is, in the pro- gressive age iu which we live, a po- sition of much importance and respon- sibility, and the necessity for a careful selection from the several candidates for the office, will be readly seen by our County legislators as well as the public generally. Among the candidates for the po- sition, we notice with pleasure the name of Mr. I'. W. Chadwick, Principal of .the Stratford Model Schools, and one of the Examiners af Toronto during tin recent examinations there. Mr. Chadwick is a gentleman cmincutly tit i id lor the position both because of his high educational abilities and because of his long residence iu South (jivy, during which time he became intimately aquaiutcd with our educut- i requirements in his capacity of Public School Teacher as well us in that of a shrewd, wide-awake and far-seeing citizen and ratepayer. He was born in South Grey, and, as a natural con- sequence, has always taken a deep in- terest in our affairs educational and otherwise. Since his residence litre he has tilled many important positions. In 1 882 he received the following let- ter from Mr. J. A. McLellan, High School Iiispector and Inspector of Nor mal uud Provincial Model Schools- one of the most distinguished scholars and gentlemen iu the- Dominion of Canada -which shows the high estim- ation iu which he was held by that gentleman : Vorkville, tio'th Dec., 1882. 1 >KAR SIK : \Vill you let me: know at once whether you will accept the .situation of teacher of the primarv class i Ijo-. s i iu the Ottawa Model school. Salary $800. Yours truly, Mi. Chadwick. J.A. McLELLAN. Owing to limited space we have only room for the following tfslinioni- jiU, whicn, however, Rjeak volumes: Priceville, 14th October, 1876- 1 have great pleasure iu certifying that 1 have known the bearer, Mr. C. W. Chadwick, for quite a number of years first as a pupil in one of my schools, and subsequently as one of my must active and ssuv.^.-Iul Public Meiiool Teachers. From tne opinion I t i. i.nil of his iii'ln.-ti v, tact und ability while in my district, I would him l vn pleased to nee Lini 111 the school of my own section, in case the pies< nt teacher there w.-i . leaving it. W. FERGUSON. Inspector, South Grey. 'Frtiin Hev. P. Wright, II. A., Member of Stratford School Board.) i hereby In ur glad and willing tes- timony to the superior literary and [>i <, ft 'SMonal qualifications of Mr. C'had- ttirl., by virtue of ./liiuii he igh'tt<>d to iill any position the most difficult ami llie niott responsible that Public SC!HX>]H |>u .* nt. Having visiU-d liis school hern and observed his methods of work both as Model School Master and Principal of the Public School, I can confidently j>c.ak <>f his tirol-class abilities, his excellent system, his earn- est und enthusiastic spirit aud the conscientiousness in the discharge of duty. I regard Mr. Ckidwick H.I em- inently qualified for a Public School liis|K!Ctor ; indeed I know of uo qual- ification for that office of either a phys leal intellectual or moral kind that he <lo( not in a high degree posset's. Stratfoid, Dec. l<Uh, 188:). Mr. J. C. Morgan, M. A., Co. In- tpeotur Simcoe and Towns of IJarric u'l Onllia; Double medalist. Uni- Toronto ; writing under date of Aug. '24th, 1880, says : His attainments, already acknow- ledged, have been put beyoud question b v bis late success at tbe First-class Examinations ; his order and discipline arc absolutely perfect, mode of impart- ing instructing excellent, manner with his pupils remarkably good. He has met with very great success iu prepar- ing pupils for Entrance and Teacher's Examinations, and each school of which he lias assumed the managmeut has, in turn, prospeied under his i minis. 1 have not at present a position in my Inspectorate of sufficient importance to offer ; were such a position vacant, I would be as anxious to retain him as I believe, he would be sorry to leave me. Failing this, 1 can only do my utmost to obtain for him as good a position as can be got, feeling assured thai the Trustees, parents and children alike will be equally with himself, ben- efited by his acceptance of it. I know of no position in a Public or Model School to which I would not unhesitat- ingly appoint him. I forgot to merit ion that his capacity for and readi- ness to undertake work are alike very uncommon. I look upon him as one 'f the best teachers I have ever met. Many other educated gentlemen speak iu a similar "train, but it is not necessary to go into any further details. We have simply to add, that we most respectfully submit these facts to the County Councillors of Grey, who will, we firmly believe, make an intelligent and popular selection from the list of eligible candidates who may make ap- plication for the South Grey Inspecto- ratea position we, with many others, arc anxious to see till li d by some gen- tleman who will do credit to our rid- ing aud the County generally. 31 tt. McCOLMAX. Notwithstanding the positive proofs repeatedly produced as to the legality or constitutionality of the Convention which selected ('apt. Rorke as the Liberal Conservative standard-bearer in Centre Grey, Mr. McColman has publicly asserted his determination to take tbe field as a candidate. We did not expect this. We thought Mr. Mc- Colman would be bound by his word ifl honor to the intelligent and influen- tial representatives of that convention. We thought, that as soon as he dis- covered the perfectly legal manner in which the selection had been made, he would gracefully and honorably unite witli the party and aid in putting the nominee at the head of the polls with his usual ar!.,r and zeal. Hut ;c have been disappointed. He has broken his word of honor, and hus uc- t. d in a manner which merits not merely the condemnation of the Lib- eral Conservativve party but of nil honorable mim. It is the duty of all true and straightforward Conservativ- es, therefore, to present a solid, nn- ln-oken phalanx to their opponents during tin: approaching stru^'li', and by putting Capt. liorkc at the head of the polls with a sweeping majority, drive would-be "party splitters" into the oblivion to which they belong. "XOXK SO HIJMt AH THOSE n no nn. i. \OT SKI':.-- The Mirror may argue, the Thoni- bury Nt'imliinl may drive its convinc- ing logic IIOIDO with irresistahle force, aud the ADVANCE may admoniah sarcastically or otherwise but the Thornbury Nnn still jogs along at McColman's apron strings unconvinc- ed ; perhaps uuconvinoable. The Newt will not deign to take our "political pointers." belie /ing itself ID be a walk- Dig encyclopaedia in that respect, and alxive receiving advice from its con- temporaries. That's just where the .\ru-i makes a grave mistake, or any other newspaper pursuing a similar course ; because none can claim immu- nity from error. Hut the A'. makes a much greater mistake when it blind- ly swallowsverything Mr. McColman says, without, apparently taking the lenut pains to "get at the bottom" of the affair itself. McColman makes a statement, the AY>r echoes it , Mr. McC. makes anothei, aud the Mm produces another remarkably similar echo ; aud so on throughout the chap- ter. Now if our contemporary is go- iug to repeat the echo biwineM, and take its cue from the words whicn fall from the mouth of Mr. McColmiui, why it is welcome to do s> but it will be a solo without contemporary ac- companiment. Journals which think for themselves aim I'd be something more than mure echoes of individual opinion. Let the A^ioput that iu its pipe and stuoke it ; also ihit, that "there are noue so bliud as those who will not see." THE GLOBE'S OWX CIlEST- M-T, Mr Joseph Rorke, in an address to the electors of Centre Grey, is good enough to state that he is the unani- mous choice of the Conservative con- vention, a statement somewhat hard to reconcile with the fact that a ma- jority of the legal votes of the conven- tion were cast for Mr. McColmau. Saturday'* Globe. Nevertheless the statement of Mr. Joseph Rorke, in his address, is per- fectly correct ; whereas the statement of tho Globe, "that a mojority of the legal votes of the convention were cast for Mr. McColman" is incorrect. SHILOH'8 COL'OH and Cnniuinptlnn Cure is M H br tin "" a guarantee. It cnrti Consumption. Sold It Medical Hill. A V C D ' C M T Q R O Cathartic Ql I I Q I I1_L.O. If tbe Liver be- eomci torpid, If tbe boweli are couitlpated, or If tbe itomscb faili to perform Iu fuuctioni properlT, UM Ay IT'S I'illn. They are luviluable. For tome veon I wu a victim to Liver Complaint, in rorutcinuMire of which I tuffrrril from General l>. bllity and Indl- geitlon. A few bexai of Aver'i I'lllf rentored nw to perfect health. W. T. HrlRlitiM-y. IleiMierwD, W. Va. For Tear* I bar* rrllcd more upon A) er'i I'llli than anything clue, to Regulate my tiu ']-. Tlioae I'llli HFC mllil In action. and do ttifir work ttinr<w^hly. I have uwd them with ir'"l rffn-l. In :'.!% of Kh'-u- mnilnn. Ki'lni y TrouMr. anil l)\<pepla. O. K. Miller, Attlflx.roimb. MOM. Ayi-r'n I'HN rurrd m<* of Stutnarh and Liver trouble*, fnun Khirh I had unnVrrd lor yrari. 1 coiuider ih>in the l--t pill* made, li nd would not In- .vitlmut them. M"irii i,:ili-. liniMiMil.- . N. Y. I wu :iti:u-ki-il with Illllouii Fever, whirh wan followed by Jaumliee. and wai 10 dnnKfrowly ill that my friend* de> upain-d of nn recovery. 'I commenced taking Ay r'i l'ill>, nnj noon regained mr cunlituiar'y treiii'th ami vlt;ur. /vhu I . Paltkon. Lowell, Nvbraika. Lact prlK I nuiTcrcd grratly from a troublononu- humor on inv Hide. lnnplU of every efforl to rure thin eruption, It In- crruvil until the rli -h herame entlreljr raw. I n troul)li'd. at the :ime time, with Indltfi'ntlon, and diitrrsning paint In The Bowels. By the <1vic<> of a friend I h<vn taking Ayrr'n 1'illt. In a hort time I wan free from piiln. my food di^eMfd pr<>|MTly, the ore* on my Imdy coinnii'iii'id timllng, iid. 'n IrHn lli.-m <>< innntli, I wai cured. Samuel l>. \Vhiic, Atlaula, Ua. I have Ionic u*fd Ayer'i I'ilU. In my family, and bvlir\e them to be the best pill* madc. S. C. Darxlen, Darden, Miia. .M v w if.- uid littli' L-irl wen* taken with Dyiientcry a few duy> avo. and 1 at once U'Cuii iiivlni; them irmili diiMta of Ayer'i Piiln, iliinkiiiL- 1 would call adix-tor \i tha Hir;i>e lo i ;iini- unv worse. In abort linif i lie IjUxxly dUcharces Htopped, all pain went awav, and health wan reitored. Theodore Htlf, Hlcbmond, Va. Ayer's Pills, Prtptnd by Dr. J. C. Ayrr li Co., told by .11 1>, .Irr. la M41ciM. O OOO<X M H >O< >< >OOO<MKWX)O<M>OOO<>OO< IOOOO CARD iff mm i In thanking my custmnorfl for their liberal patronage iu <the pnst, I have much pit ,1 -;ir. in being still able to Biipply tin in with th following cclc- bnitc-d machines, vi/., The Toronto Li^ht Hinder. The Toronto Mower. Tin- Sharp Sulky link-'. The. M;ts*!-y Harvester. Tho MaHscy Mower. The I'CH H.u-vostcr. The I-'ox IVa H.irvestcr. Hatnilton'K C,)int)iinitii"n Plow. Toltrn's Centi'c OTangllt -lointer Plow. Hamilton's Scnfflers. Hamilton s Ho8 (inn 1 .' Plow. Winner's Hiring Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham FunnitiK Mill. A full stock of IU.IMIKS always on hand. Parties requirjii|{ any of the above will do well to call and inepect Mach inea, which will bu found in Sproule'B warehonse. A. 8. VanDDSEN, Pl.BSRBBTON. LEITCHS HARNESS Tailoring HARNESS, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Establishment FLESHERTON! 7* the place to get your Suits made in future. THE- MARKETS. FLKSHKU'PfJNV Carefully Corrected Enrh It'et Flour ?2 '25 to 2 Fall Wheat $0 7'2 to Spring Wheat 72 Barley HO 50 Oats 27 '27 I'tas 47 4 U Butter !4 If. <Ks, fresh 1 !6 Potatoes n 40 40 Pork 5 75 5 15 Hay.pcrton MOO 800 Hides 00 7 00 Wool 1 1 Sheepskins 40 5C Geese 0.1 05 Turkeys 07 Chickens per pair '20 KO Dneks per pair 040 0.10 ...If you waut Harness, Single or Double, or Horse I51anl:ets, Trunk*, Bells, Valises. Curry Coml*. I'.ruslu + or the celebrated Ilurnesi* Oil, call .t ine before purchasing Slfewhfie. R J. WATSOIN . PHICEt ILLH. CLAYTON'S iRMss siior: . JrtJSHERTON. //rtiw ' 'M<rt, Af. style. Shop iu H'. Cliytun'i lluut J Shut Stuir, t'lethtrtun. PHOTCGRAPRY. MRS. BULMBE. Flftlurtuti. R. J. SPKOUU rtuti. I'linrfijitHC'T, .-lj;j.r<ii.vT. J'nJ- Kin/ .Voll'l/ '""'''". Itrnii. M"lt- I Him. lemu'i iiml tl'Ms irVmrii up nuJ mtttl' oi flmrifxt imtirr. I'lmr- jet vtr>i lua. A rl Ay to R. J. HfMOULt, l'<i$tiinutrr, Flesherton, - Ont Hiving vput Honie timt* in the ntnilio of th* faniuux I'. .nnti. I' ^i*e!..-i. ilr S J UIIUL. : wl)re I fMxjuin-d kliow1fld|E in Kutuu flniii.. I fuel mril I can tflve i: > KIII*' MIIS. Pl'l.MEH. Kle.horton. Bcpt. 17th. IH.V, Maxwell Carriage Works. Tlios. A. Biakcly, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Painter, 6-c., &r.. ntiKt to announce to tbo public that ha ban >t*>rtc<1 iu tbe above biuinaw. All order prnin|itlr and neatly attvudocl to. TWfttlEBKATED prj y>JD? CHASES . .-V O A IS *~ J- -* Klni|iiixt door to. I. l.ittln'N hloekpn.lth ohop who will do all wotk Iu uo'iimutinn i" th |K,VI- .hop. THOS A IIIjAKKl.\ 1 icshcrton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, I'llOPUlltTOK Cash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Ordcra promptly filled. LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, Dyapepaia, Indirection, Jae.lice, Headache, IMI. Vain in ihe Back in c l, or ny di> i.rin fiuni a dcnl (. , w.ll b. found > tun Coativ. liver, Da. < and certain rrm* dy. NATURE'S REMEDY The unqualified ucceit .-f Hr Chate'i Liver Cure in Liver Complarnt 1^,1, .It'y with the fact that it i coatpourufed (r iniii.uure ' wll-kiioon liver rr(ulalor>, Mn .AKI M> IMMIKI.II.K, tuiiiljin'd wr.h many other irivalualile ruoiv. l..nk M.J htrU, I j' ing a powerful elTetl on i'ii Ki.!-.r>~. S., 1:1.- It, BoweU ik! rk4i. *OLD M-**l/ mil/it* ff Dr. i kfiii Kltift Ktela tkl in ( ,i*a fm i.',",/ /* / ;v+*t t-t't mam. *m4 cktltt -. l< trmMtJ ivllM (.' ftf /f> M" t-fifi U*t rtmtdjt. SOMIIKIKC Mtw CIVIN AWAY Fin Wrapped around ever)- 1 -Ht!c of Dr.Chai*'* l.iver Cure is A valuable Household .Mfftiral (^uide and Recipe Book (I* pace^), containinf; ovrr loo uirful recipei, peooouiK cd Ly mciliral men and drugg 1 *'! at invalu- able, and worth ten time* the price of the medicine. TIT CNAH $ CATAMN A ufe and po>iUv remedy. 1'ricv, zjtenl-.. .TIYCllAK'lKlONirAIIDllVEIlPlLU. ijclt-perboa. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T IDMANSON * CO Sore i,.n). Eridfotel Recommeud'd by Dr. Christoe EUGENIA Real Estate Agency on MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSION! ER for taking affidavit's in H.C.J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkennan and Napoleon Streets. HENEY MELDBUM, AGENT. FLE SHE ETON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. e A.Tvr> Insurance effected on Farm and Village Fnildui(.'H anil cor.U>ntB. against Liglftning a specialty. , Mortgaged, IjeasoB, Will*, Ac., cart-full v prnparetl and propcrlj. Omen, Toronto ntrect, near Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent. .

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