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Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1886, p. 7

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"O eooqaariag poet, tboo tbat bast Tb* wbula world al Iby f.ti Wh.liaiirel^eriaiMis crown thy pail I I* not Iba i<iM*n t iwee* ' ' POIT. " I'd filng away my erown ol bay, lx>a* It wltboui oa* tbroe, To feel beside my own to-day Tb* wo Ur heart I flung away Loog, loo*. agoT" " O statesman, thou (bat gnidest thing* WitD todliks strength ol will, Tbou srt uior regal than earth's king* . Tbey hear tbee, and ar* till." STATE SHAN. ' 1 ehapa tba world continually, 1 lay Us monarch! low, And ysl I'd give tb* world to see Tbe dead eyas smtls tuat smiled at me Long, long, ago I" * O warrior, tboa that carries! bigb Tb* uray victorious head, Wbat | os Mho to the sky At Iby wej-nors. treed i WAUtlOR. " 1 heed them not lloDKtobaer Tb*ehild'sipaeeh soft sad low, Tbat used to suuml upon my ear, Many and many and many a ye*r ago !" OMK KM K K : Hundred A Romano* ot One Year a Ago. Arthur Beaton, from the deck ot Ib* Brighton, watched wi'b a Borrowing heart th* receding shore* cf Kuglaud . Exiled by Ik* outqoal law wbieb maks* of Ib* eldest wo, unworthy though he be, the aole in heritor ol Ib* parent eatale. By bia side. leaning opon hi* arm, awod ou* wbo by neeni sanction held Ibe ehri*bed right to all bim boabaod. Evan a* they gizid, the will-beloved ihorea aack out of ngbl, acd a* a uleut tear dn pped upon bii check b* addressed hi* wetpiug wife : " Ooorage, dear heart courage. Though wi bid aateo to tbe gcod old land, in lb* land we'r* going to bright rteolleciioLs of oor English hi m), whence sorely I have born* a priceless souvenir. may beguile us ot ihe oars* thai lime may bring upon ui. We j juruey to a country ever wboae vail unbroken fields and lovely lake* Ib* flag of England wave*, and Ihere we aball find a a pot wbeia nature will in rite our settlement." And tbe good ebip bounded over tbi sea and brought tbi m to tbe shores of Oaoada. Whtnee journeying a loog and weary way their labur lightened by Ibi ir mutaal devo- Uou, Ibey reached Ib* shore* ol a beaniKa Irlaognlar bay separated by a long atrip ol sandy beach trom the water* o( a noble lake wbion extended away to to* bom in Another i ( the bey'i hor** was an irrtga lar bluff, oieft by winding vallayi natura, pathways to tb* wslsr'a edge -sud deoliu ing till al its junction with the b aob it be eami a level plane. A broad plane, penetrated by inlets wind mg tar inland like little riven, ipr**x u*lf (or tb* whole width of ibe ibird sfcers backward sloping to th* baae cf a precipitous bill Ligh, broad and nguUr Upon tb* shores aod away off upon tb* bill* iba tree* ot a dense forest towered high, and from ibiir midil wild iobabt tanlieame rushing to slake their thirst or wallow In the waltr. Have upon a summer day, wbsn tb* SUB, glistening In the Ire** and Bparkllug pou Ib* water*, aroused to aportiv* scum loll many a bribt bnad bird and balteifly and while th* wild f jwl fl >aied upon the sar (aoeut the bay or flew ID (Loki from > pot to spot, Arthur aid hie aaexmpanieii look reel and chose the >pj| * tniir abidlug plae*. O .od foricue mailed upon ibim in Ibeir new abode and bruogbltbem in lie train two bappy children, towards wnum tb* paren beri went out 10 ICTB aod admiration Tbe elder. Ralph, *>ho bad attained M man H isute, WM at. -u, aonn th* lake attending college. Tb* yoouger, a girl, bright aod betntifal and active a* tb* wii.d. Marion, b-r nam* bad been discarded for " o neemee " by ibe Indian maiden Wawanoehqnay, native ot th* plae* and aico* childhood Marlon'* companion. Marion'i aompltxion, fairer than Wawanoebqaay'a, bad lake* the tint of the leavee a* thiy appeared tb*) autumn morning of bar birth, tav* whir* ib* rote Hot bad straggled to Ib* gajltaa* oa her cheek, ller eyee were large and dark ot txprctsior, tarneal and sincere, wilb a distant look, however, a*) if atoning for an object far away ; acquired, penbapa, aa on ber knee* ID the ano* her long, dark hair float mg Irom bir uncovered bend wnh fowling pi*** In hand, ihe gt/.d ib l iest o( game aero** ibe water wbilt VVewanochquay paddled tbi oaco*. But aomatbing toara wa* betide a wbiob to bai o )unteuauoe added a lock ot teudirneei fwas love I 'IWBl aurely lov* I for love could nol exist aod nol hold htMtanon in a bear! lik* her*. Bright wa* tb* eri*p October morn, and (.led wae tb*b earl ol Wawatostqoay aaabt bounded lo the water'* etfgi, eiartling io ber course In* liny iqalrreii tbal soam- perid to tb* branches of the tr*e* to abirp and gas* at ber in safely. Aod toon she reached a nook wherein a biroh oauoe WM moored, and entering il *b* shoved it with ber paddle Irom tba abore. Out upon tbi water tban ib* stood looklDg toward* tbi apot whence aba henilt had come, and aooo bar brightening eyt* aodan approach- lag Bound ol a girl'* voice, t>nn*d to to* moroiog muii* ol tb* forest, told thai 001 aha wa* awaiting wa* al bawd. Atdlieteo lag with reipoauv* heart ahi heard Hi r* through tb* forest where the bright blrdi throng I lev* to stray AW T*nt my bappy heart ID joyoa* *ong AS wsll aitbey , Hsr* In Ib* (ores! gladei with wild flowers I o*ver grieve. While for ny vVawaoo>bqua>;'i dusk; bead I garlaodi WMve ; Tketeo'er the nin'llug water* In my blreb canoe I love to gild*, WHh Wawanosbqoay aver kind sod tme till by my ltd*. Y forest* I Te wst*r* Htlll bemy borne. Far Irom thy fragrant breeie* M*'er l*t me roam. " What makei Ome*mae'i voice, " aaked 'VTawaooatqaay llarioo r*ah*d ib* ahor* and entered tb* oauoe, " a voice an weel a* any in these tuneful woodi, ecund ad to-day ? Th* day i* bcantllnl, and the protpfOWof tbe oh*** ar* bright, and yil Om**mc* wean a heavy countenance ill- sorting wilb th* joy ens eong the/i juat been eiBgiog." And a* they glided out upon Ih* bay Marion replied: "I have a tort ot eeret. Wawaoothqaay, I will not bold trom you-* something I would Ilk* to apeak aboat, and know not how to put il into words - a feeling tbat I do not under aland, suggestive first of other jsyi, new joyil know not ot. Then followed by a longing sense a* if shey n*V*r would arrive A*d then the bills and wood* and water*. and tbe ebaee, till now the ooly source ol all my bappin***, seem tor th* time to lack attraction ' ' Indeed," aaid Wawanoabqoay, " you aeem oareleae of Ibe obaneei ol ibe ohase of late. Tb* other day you lei a 1 -ek of gee**, new viaitor* upon IbaB* waters, go cackling by unbar tuod within th* range of you unerring aim, ao eloaa indeed that on* would think tb* geese had MOBB Bad knew no danger thr*at*a*d them." " Wawanoabqoay, do you re member . it ia ol long in oe, whan we lcllow*d through ibi opening in Ibe rashes) a wounded dock and j uei aa wa lamed into Ihe Ullle pond wi Luei ahnnUraaan in a light eano* ?" "I will remember lt,"iaid Wawanoah- quay. " the doek aetmed sorely wounded and dapped ill wingi along the water in ill hairy to escape and at the man'i approach we qoit the aba** aod ao th* creature gained it* liberty. Bui do you grieve about toe doek f " Ob, oo, poor thing, 'lit nol ol duck* I'd 'peak, dear Wawaooah^nay, but ol tb* Iranger. Wbo aay you 11 he ? H* waa aboat my brother aga I think, and a* ba fcuell in DIB oanoe wilb hat in hand saint ing un, bis) aoliv* form, fair (lowing hair aod ay** In bni like yonder cloudless *ky I MI bim even now. H* forme tbe subject of my dreams and IB my waking moment* en II I is* him moving t U upon th* waters." " Twaa be who routed the leeUog tbat I spoke about." " Hi'l often hereabouts, O neemee. I saw bim olow to your father shore* al limea." " Oh, to hsve I . but what ot thai ? Ha migbt as well be wbare my lather eame from aoroei lb* sea*. I moat col ipeak to bim, I dare nol look io that direction.' " 'Tii strange indeed." laid Wawanoab quay, I eannol nnderiland II, I . Your brother muni " My brother ! I would not ipeak to any but yourself ol my strange laioina- Iton." " No I No I I we* about to lay your brother who returns to day might learn who ihu diaturbirg strangsr ia." " H* might t H* might Al luniei b* returns after a long year'* absence Ob, Wewanotbqaay I bow (ood I am of Ralph, my brother, and bi of me. B* sell* m* hi* wild mster. Hay* tbey 'd cage me where h* ia and adds lest I should grieve, ' Mot tearing MaJioo but to privenl Ib* eongster of th* forest from escaping.' H* bring* a friend. I wonder if we'll please hi* c. ul laid companion. Ob, I'll aak my brother to a careless way ot court* to galb*r n*w* of tbe young bonktman." Gooviraiog thus, they nearid a wood hence suddenly some distance back sound a* of a piatol ibot earn* for if " Ha, ba," aaid Marlon, " ibe imall gam* meets an eoemy to-day." " Bui larger gam*.' aaid her companion " ia breaking tbroogb yonder thicket. Now II ha* aleared tbe thicket and hurries ?o wardi Ib* Inlet bel iod Ibe hill. A bear A monitor bear." " II taemi in chaea of someihiug ' sair Marion, "perb%|s it baa been angered Come quickly, tee what il purioec." Scarcely bad abe spoken when Ibe repor of a rid* broke opon Ibeir ean, raialog a medley of LOIBCB io tba wcoda. A momeni later a oanoe Irom Ihe concealed inlet dart ed oot upon the bay and io it Marion with a a tar tied heart descried th* stranger o her ' u ought! H* wa* reloading bit goo while latently watching Ibe (eroeiooe bee* DOW bounding towards him throat b tba >haJlow water. A stalwart negro, evident!; hie aarvanl, wbo waa paddling a* (or bii life, turned excitedly to al their pur soar aod in tbe aal opetl th* canoe, throw inn himaelf aud matter out. Quickly they gained a footing ant wbue Ibe white man graaped a bunting knit* the nigro held a gun upraised to aa* it a* a club, and ibu*. *i bay, they awaiiei Ihe wouuded bear'* attack. Oa il earn* now imimming, snoriu g and panting in it* course, ioieni on vengeeroe for lh* bur it bad rictived. Meanwhile tba girli bravily harried to Ibe reioae and soon the] aaw tbe combat bad began, tbat already tbe yoorg booteman bad been wounded m tb* animal clawed and snapped aavagal; ereet opon H* btod (eel. Speedily eomini into range, Marion flred. billing ibe antma upon th* sbooldir, wbiob, peroeivltgilie o*my r*iDforeed, dropped, lurn*d abou and mad* a quick departure for the ihor* " Ma**a llrry," aaid tb* negro, " d good Lord do 1 1 ber ed as dat time, deed b did." Tea, Jake, and yocdir ia th* angel tba lie e*nt. Now, quiokly, right ibe boat, am while I wade to abort, go you acd thank our fair deliverer*, I'm in too sad a pligh mys*l( to meet them." " Perhipi you link my color hide* d bluihee. Bat look ; BB'I you ban, d* gall are c >miu , Ms*a. I *p*o< ya'd belt* div*?" "Njnaense. Jake," said th* Other, in patiently springing into lb* oauoe, wbieb now waa righted. Than turning towardi the girl* h* removed hi* bai a* th*y drew near, say mg with a countenance ot grati tud*. " We ar* gratfal to yon lad lee, aa trul; grateful a* we) love our live* which yon ao bravely protected. " Pray, air," *aid Marion with drooping yee and in a quiet voice, her compassion conquering ber trepidation, "(or son a service do not apeak ot gratitude. Too would have overcome tb* beast withou our aid. What brought at hither I* you bleeding hand. My lather, whoa* house i on the bill, ban skill in enrgtry, and could dm* year woai d. Ilendes, yon mail b* oblllea. There you could dry your drippini garment*." " Kind lady ; hoapitality la ever a jw* to b* prised but n*vir have I seen It in io fair a Mlliog. I thank you from my ioul' " I cannot attend you Ihitbar, " aaid Marion, " bol you will b* welcomed. W* hav* oar game lo bag before returning Alway* an importaot duly her*, bu aepeoially to-day, a* I expiol an abaen brother home." Bald tba atrangar, " My own abode i juM around a tun. ing in the inlet ; there may change my clothing. B*t id**, within an hoar I meet a friind, a college anali B*ma dinar. 08 iff, where yonder litlli eriek conneoM Iheee waters wilb the lake Bee, where tbe Indian i* spearing nab." I know the creek, lr.' r "Bat night I not," continued he Bewspl yoor hotpitality to-morrow ?" " Ob yn, sir, sbuuld your wound require I," glancing al 111 band, then with a mile and modeal bow ibe turned away/ aod a* her companion, paddled off Harry and tbe negro wilb uncovered Lead. watched their departure. Bave you an aye (or beauty, Jake . d Harry. I bab, ia ; I wa* aitaek wid de ibade ob coin' a* you talkea. Tee, aa, da wa wo abad** in white, yoor* aod de whit* al'a, sa, oo* io red and a lobly one in itaefc ; d* iffao* wa* gran', maiaa, gran'. A lilile later and Uarry, wall mouoted, rod* around to* shore lowardi tbe oreek whieh * h* approaebed be eepied a briak and handsome yoong hor**man n*ar iu baokB and qoiakly reoogniz*d Kslph Beaton, bu expeeUd friend. They galloped towards each other shoal og grseimg! and oust a* only boaom riend* long aeparaled aao. " Wi II," began Ralpb a* tbey rode eisurely along Ihe beaob, I received your nqMii to meet yoo and bara I am Bai when we parted, eld fellow, you seemed quit* doub fol about Timing thi* THB LADIBB' COLUMN. " Ralph, your description waa alluring. aod I quickly eame down to lael il." " Andlcondil accurate, I hope T" " Accurate T I tell you it U a* beanlif ol aipot a* heaven ha* arranged on earth I'll bav* my father, wbo, you kxow, i* such a loyaliil, make this hi* born*, now that the revolution over yonder baa plaoid him under a foreign flsg. Ralph, ihere m a maiden bereabooM in whoa* blight ey*s the beaauee ot these waters seem to centre I bav* teen ber often, bat an adventure ol an boor ago brought aa in contact. I bad a tussle with a bug* bear (of which I'll tpeak agatt ), receiving thi* lime scratch upon the band. Tb* maiden being by witb a com panion, and thinking (rom the flow ol Hood my wound wa* serious, approached m* with a modetl look ot pity and i tiered me ber lather'! hospitality. Rimembtriog our appointment, I aaked leave to call to morrow, " 'Oa, ye*,' aaid ihe, mo*l iweetly, aod, a* I though i, aiobly ; ' Ob, ye*, air, il yoor wound require*) u.' Gnat heaven*, boy, I bav* oo wound, hot I will meet her, Ralph, if lo accomplish il I have to make one." " Wbo can ib* b* ?" reflected Ralph, " torn* new arrival ilnoo my absence surel). Harry, oome home with me to cubl, and to morrow I'll bavs Marion, my uter, learn wbo tbe isolated character it I am ool expected till tb* evening, hot we'll surprise ibem now." Leisurely ridiog aod gaily exebangiDg their aipcriicoes for an hour or more, they al length approached an open glad*, in a remote corner of whiah a ipaaloo* and cosy log boos* nestled beneath the shadow of tb* forest trees. Tb* glad* and bouse top were yellow wilb Ib* aulomn leave* aud round aboai evidences cf indaalry comfort and refinement abounded. Her*," said Ralph, balling, " U my beloved bom*, and I feel thai to enter 11 IB to etd ihe rapture of a month '* anlie pa lion. Listen, do yon nol btar a gtrl'l voice calling Wawaooabqoay ? My sutler voice, Harry ; ah* ia aaoer ding yonder path way Irom tbe bay." , " Ralph," aaked Harry, rxaiMdly, "A yoo mean tb* lady josl appearing f" " Yes, oc.1111 along and meet ber." Am lt*'|b in hi* eager mas left hi* companion and hurried to whir* Marion DOW *too< wnb BO mute nance of ameatmtnt. I. dismounting, hi drew her to bis boaum aui bowercd kieeee opon ber face ; then look ing raptarouely about for Harry, b* bebelc bim dismounted and very busy witb bi* laddli girth. " Ralph, Ralph," said Marion, wilb a frightened look ot ii quiry, " dear Ralph, c >ure yoo know tbe geotltmao witb yon comet lo bav* a wound dressed t" " I do oot know thai b* do** . bat wb. do yon shrink ao, Marion?' a*k*d Ralph laughing. Diar Ralph, don't laugh. I waa by when he reeeived il, and It looked so dread ful at flral sight that I (ell it a duty to invue htm. Bat bow came you in hii oorur-uy ? ' Why, darling girl, that'* Harry Law renoe, my beet companion, whom I bav* mentioned ID my letter* a tbou-and limes H* viell* n* a while. H* told m* all abou thl* mornii.g s adventure, but hi* deeori* lion of the heroine wa* ao beautiful tba my imagination want away beyond tb things if earth, aod I never dreamt bi wa* deeonbing my charming little *i*l*r wbo, thank Heavan ! i* not an angel yel Gome. 1*1 m* introduce you." BofUrtng btrsslf lo b* led to wber Harry Blood awaiting their attentioa Ktlpb introduced them and hurriedly ran (.fl on tbe very plauiible plea it a desir to me*l hi* part n i*. Lett aloui together, Marion in a pU vote* began : " I am pleaaed to welcome you, Mr Lawnnee. Ralph'* friends ar* alway visitors." "Thank you, indeed,' said Harry arneetly. "To-day'* adventure, Mia* Beaton, u lik* a dream." " Not an unpleasant or*, I hope," aaid Marino, smiling. " Mo I no I" returned Harry, wilb *mo lion, " such a dream, dear Mia Btatoo, aa bop* never to b* roused (rom." " What I" exclaimed Marion, " with yea band paining yon ao," aod a* Harry tad denly displayed an inclination to oaneea his band, ih* continued. " pray 1*1 m* aee it, Mr. Lawrence." 1'eroeivitg then iba II w a* hot a Bsrateb ha had raeaiTed ah lauhed outright, na; i :ig, " Forgive m*, bu 1 Ihoogbt before w* parted on Ibe wale tbal, with oar*, your band would pctiibl; recover," and they both laughed heartily Well, they atrolled together under tb f tiling laavaa and war* happy. Two yonn heart* never beat with a more raploron emotion. Bator* Harry'* visit terminated Ihe; had reached that itag of intimacy cnliti Ing them to kii* at parting, and eventual! Marion btoame Mrs. Lawrence, aod 01 many a feelive oooaaioo their daeendanta deligbl lo 1*11 tha story ol their ancestor* romana* on Burlington Bay oo* bundrsc years ago. Tbe prcjtet lor building new and *x tensive stock yards in the waatern part o Bl. Loaii ii being vigorously pushed. Th yard* will embrace iOO acres ot land. (Oooaio Kate's Wae*ly BaJgen Pecsteiaeesi. Brides, rt member nothing i* eatiit ptiled tban a hoaband. H* will Mitte igbt down into letting hi* wi!* wait OL irn, and aba will be apt lo be the bordet nearer to the end (f her day*. Te:.d to hingn in yoor line and yoor department , Ml doo'l go beyond. The money qaealioo * apt lo aao** the moat troohle. Really B* belt way ia to have the family purat here tbi wife can handle it al any lime i will be pleaaed wilh the eobfldiDoe epoaed in her, and ao aimed witb the re- ponaibilily, tbal tha money will be wlael) pent. logenoll *ay* when b* a*e* men roitiog tLtir heart and their honor, but oot their pockeibook*, to tbeir wive*, h* alway* know* whieb ol these articles Ih* m*n think mo*l valuable. A !onn< lady of wide and varied ix ieno* a*elaree that it ia pertaoily eaay manage men, and, proceeding to ilooi late, aha aayi there ar* bat Iwo m*lbod it treatment ; " Too must eilhe r 1*1 'eMow plainly see that you feel yoonelf t finitely above bim, thai yoo are *op*rla lively todtflerenl ooLoerning bim and don'i ear* a rap whether or not you ever pn roar Iwo eyes on him. alevery opportooily or !* yoo moat make him beliive ibat rou rtgard hitn aa tba nice*!, Jeans aod awiaieat creature on earth, aod thai IB IB the nitest and yon are Iba lillieel hing ia all creation ; in short, yon moil either act a* a tonic or a aogar-plnm, and ( one plan laila tba olbtr IB bound io IDC oeed." I remarked to this wise temaj* that Ibire wa* a remote possibility o' electing the wrong method, and trying to vork off tb* tu<ar-plom oo lh* mao wbo eqairtd tb* tonic, bat she proaplly re Hied that io mob a oa** il waa *a*y entugb reverse oo* mod* of procedure, and 1 had nothing more to Bay. Tke WetiilBgj el Ike Ureea. Ureen i* now a fash ion able color in wear ng apparel. Bom* ot Ibe moil letbioo ,ble women have lak- n it up, and maty ol he n. ..i elegant dref*** already mad* op or tb* winter are entirely of this o< lor or combined with il. Tb* ollra-fabionable woonco tailur* are oamgit extensively, acd tome ol tbe choicest aaaplei if aiotb (or aaiee sliest wear al Ih* bigeelablieb menta are of diflerenl greeo shades, such aa loben, mignonette, billiard, moea and oibtre. Il i* also bticg extensively ueed in vdval, eepecially aa a trimming, aud a vary 'a*k)iooabl* woman appeared at th* Obry*aotb*mnm show a law day* ago in an m ported dr**e of eboeolate brown, irim med wilb green, and a green velvet Th* extremely dark greeci, especially the olives, are very becoming to many com plexioo* and will be extensively worn b] ladle* who are ool ot protoonoed type neither bloode oor brat ette, bat a* a rule th* lighter grtene lor tvenug wear are vi ry trying, though many ar* gticg to make Ibe expenmeol. A nigoing bell* ha* bad made tor tbt winter an i v t ui| dree* ol Ih* paleat aid moat exquisite bade ol green latio. bne ia very (ink aod as It is to be eat low to Ih* neck aoc itbout rlieves tb* ifleol may b g od Kur innately ber Lair IB brown, a* a ligh grreu would hardly look well witb blacl ur ytl'owish hair. Oreen velvet ii alao to b* worn for the carriage aod receptions eeproially in Ib* darker shades. It many a long day and yearntoe green wat in vogo*. bot il seemi al lait to rank b'gl to|faabiouabl* favor. Hi ii .r ha Id tlr.lf,. Gbow-Cbow. Quarter of a peck of green tomatoes qoarttr of a p. I ot whit* on ions, quarter cf a peek of piakliog beans on* di / n ol green cucumbers, one dtaeo 01 graeo peppere, on* large bead ol otb- bege. Seaaon with modard, celery sei and sail to soil th* la*te, eover il m mix lor* wilb tb* best cider vioigar. Boll tw boon slowly, continually stirring. Adi Iwo labl*poonful* of oliv* oil whit* hut. Buttered Orange*. Tak* tight tgge and tb* whites of four mor*, with four tea vpoonlol* ol rose waltr; ilrain tbroogb a bit ol muslin or hair ai*v* ; add three lourtb* ol a poond of lilted tcgtr, well. Put wilb th* itraiufd juice if do<en oranges a* many lamp* of sugar roobed on thi oraag* ikin* * will absorb tb* *!. Bel It over a gentle flr* io an enameled saucepan, and when It txgini to ihioken ilir io a tabl**poon(ol of boiler When il reaebaa the eoi.usteucy of boat; pour into a tll obiia iJ'h. Il u good I at rv* with tpocga biscuits. Appl* Marmalade. Par*, core and on Ibe a( ( lea into im*ll [ leces ; pat Ibem ii water with IOB* lemon JQIO* to keep ihim white ; after a short interval lak* them cm and drain them ; weigh and pot tbim in a slew pan witb an equal quantity o lugar ; add grated lemon peel, ih* juice o a lemon, com* cinnamon iliek* and a ploel ot aall. Plae* Iba slew- pen over a en- tire and oovsr it oloMly. Wb*n tb* apt,!* ar* reduced to a palp ittr the mixtun until It btoomee of a proper eoniialena; aod put th* marmalade away ID imai pot*. ( r*-n almond* prepared a* follow! ar Mid to h* cqoal to too** furnished by tb* t ist confectioner : Take th* while of oo egg and heal il until It i* a stiff (rolh ; 001 add on* teaipoonfal ol milk aod ooufio nonet n lugar until you think thi or earn i lift enough ; Ih* whit* of on* egg require* little lea* than on* pound of sugar. Wb* of Ib* prcper aonuateney take out encag! oo a spoon to make a little ball, roll Hi some of Ib* sugar that you hav* put oo Ib sauce r ; tbake some of Ihe sugar over yooi hand*, ibap* lb* ball ot cream and pa hilt a walnut on either. Doet a plat* will sugar, place the walnuts on It when mad and put in a cool plaee. In about two hour* they will b* ready (or use. Flavor will lemon or vai ilia, whichever you fancy. B *ur* and gel confectioners' sugar ; pal vended will nol do. Bomitim** tb* lamp wiek obeiioalel. refuses to be turned op IB an orderly mao oar. Il will aeem firmly wedged at on aid* wnil* Ih* other ran* ap in a point csuhiug weariness and vexation ot ipiril To overcome thl* dtpravny lake anew wiek, draw ool a aiogle thread uetr tb selvage, aod Iba wiek will be found quit tractable when iu trod need into Ib* burner Th* cog* will lak* 11 op properly, and i ill appear in good foi n, and giv* aa ere*) M whsn lighted. delicious omelet nay be mad* by thi* pe : Into a quarter ot a pound ot dry, eifd flour mix wo* table*pxjof ui ol ber lie finely mnocd a* lo be alow*! powder, a III* aall, oaysnne pepper aod a allipoon. ol ol powdered aogar. Beat three egga ry Ugh I, and add to thim on* tobit poontnj ol mushroom aalaop, th* juice ot wo latgi tomato** aod a Mptol at warn. oiih ; ilir in the floor by digreee, aod try dehoat* brown. Thl* svnionl will maka Iwo omelit*. Boiled Indian Podditg Tbi* i* improved or torni people it soei 11 added to give II lebusss. Chop a quarter of a pound of el mil very fine, add ao (qnal quantity >t ingar, oo* l*aapoon(nl ot ginger, halt a Macpoooful of salt, inoagb iwaet milk to ooiasao th* m*al, and a teaepooatol o( king powder, or about a onp ot BOOT roiik aod a teaapooofnl of soda. Thi* boold boil io a beg for at l*ti abre* hotva, aod b* ttrv*d with win* stuce. Arrowroot Podding. Oo* pint ot milk iwo tabUipooritaU ot arrowrool, two *ggi, lalt-eop ot ingar, ball-taaipoonlul eaoh ot oinnaoion and nutmeg ; bo 1 tbe milk and ur ID Ihe arrowrool, whieb ha* been die aolved in a Iillle water ; itkt Irom th* flr*, add ib* other ingredient* and bake in an earthenware dub lo a . juiok oven. Frail Padding. A delicious padding ia made ID tbli way : Chop a ptnaappl* quit* no* , tak* aom* oaki wbiob ia a little dry, nb il flue in yoor hand*, or oroth il ot) a ineading hoard , pot it into a podding- lisb ID alternate lajira wilb tb* [ineapple, eweeuo abundantly, rnouten with cold water and bake iu t moderate cvio lor an icor and three quarter*!. - HIM 110.. I, til. l. Why II. I>... >l |-rllflrl. ) rara I. Bay ,.. II I were a boy again , endowed witb th* am* wild p**<ion (or p noking water melons iu the dark of the moon, I would no loabl fall a viatim to tbat ovrrmaatehng ani-inu si I did before, but lot kiug al il a* do DOW. 1 would be wiser b ye cannot, b< ver, have lb* mature jodgtueolof manbood wilLoui the cxpaniLOe and th* rhturna- . thai go nb it. 80 it i* better thai n our obildbood we may be able to al a aw lurtiip with safety, atd know tome king later on in life. I notiee a great ifaang* in nyae f while eomparicg my ireseDi oondition m h Ibal ol , nuns boy- lood. Then 1 had DO **na*, but I bad a <xjd digeetioo. Now I bavec'l v*n the liff*tlioo. Tt* horryicg year* have avjrlsd overm* innoy bead, till they hat* rorn il amooih. bat they bav* left a good leal yet for me to learn. I am etui engaged a learning daring tb* day aod pollirg arnica on my experience al nigni Childhood is eaid to b* th* moat glad- some period in cor lives, and in some rerpeoie tbi* statement may b regarded a* reliable, tut it I* BO! all joy. I bav* bad u*t rxueb f nn in later years a* I did in sojbiod, tbounb tb* (wpl* with whom I ua>ve be*b Ibrown in ecuet claim tbal ibeir rs pi rienee ha* been d ft* rtni. I bop* tb*) Ao not m*ao anything pcraonal by tbal. I do eoDtelim** i*h that I oaold b* a boy gain, but I imoihsr thai wub oo aoocUDl ol my parent*. Wbal they need must l* 1*11 acd ahacg* of lettr. Th*y still n j iy obildreo, but they would like a chance to seleol Ihe children with whom tbey a social*. My parent! wet* bleil witb five bright- eyid aod beautilol Intle boji, three of whom grew up and by tbat mean* beeanae adult*. I *m io tbal condition myself. I wan the sld*sl of Ihe family with the xotplion ol my parent*. I am till that war. My early life was raibtr tamp;*to- on* in placer, ooeaatioDally d*aa*d witb onibina, 001 more fnqMotly witb reiribntiou. I was not a vsry gocd road- ater wb*n ytnng, and so retiibul oo wa* moil always ju>lin tbi MI of overtaking m*. Wbil* botraged josiioe wae getting in In work on mi, the oiber boy* *eea|>*d tbroDgb a MII all aperture la the If ot. Tbal i* another reason why I do not yearn to b* a boy again. Wb*n wi ran away from eobool to catch ebub, and wb*o we built a Ar* to cook them and tb* Ore got into the tall, dry *>nd burned toor mile* at fence ai d ixM*n ton* of bay for a geotlcman lor whom I had a high regard, aud I went bak to put out th* tire, thi other boy* escaped and bav* to remained iver tine*. A joat retribution bu never had any dtf floDity in overtaking me aod walking op and down over my wishbone. When a parly cl M kad been engagt <1 In gathering Ea*ter egg* ID tb* barn of a gen iTiuau wbo wu away from bom* at 1b* time, aod be returned just a* we bad filled oor pcokel* with tb* choicest vintage of binan-kiaeed bine, Ibi other boye escaped while I wa* oeaapyiiif tb* attention of tb* dcg, and I bad to iliJe ool ot the leeocd tory ol Iba bara. Il is atiU (resb in my a u.d a* I write. I wore my father'* veil al tbal Una* aod il wa* larger tban wa* Dioseaary. My (aiber wa* larger than I al tbal lime, (or I wat only years ot an and had not arrived al my (nil nature, fn eliding down tba baitan I duoovered that the upi sr *nd of it WM looe* and that my flowing fill bad aJippad over It, *o tbal wbeo I got down about (our feel I hung wilb i b* board buttoned intid* my boaom aod tb* icrambled <M ooung oul ol my kciokerboekars. The bsiieu bad iprnng back again** th* barn in inah a way a* to prevent my un- buttoning my vest, and while I bung there oo tb* ltd* of Ib* beuti like a coon ikin, the proprietor oame around and accused m* of prematurely gathering hi* ago. I had beard troth my highly ipakao ot by people wbo dabbled in il more or less, and io I resolved to try It in Ibi* n. slate*. So I admiltad thai inch wa* tb* oaae, aid it wa* the beel thing I could have done, for thi mao laid tl I hid been io (rank with him b* would take m* down a* eoon a* h* got hi* other work done, and h* wa* a* good a* hi* word, Alter he bad milked nine cows and ted Dine aalve* h* oamt art) and with a ladder aud took me down. He alto packed m* aod eel tb* dog on me, bai I did nol mind that, for I wa* aocunlonued to It. To hang oo the side ol the barn, bow- ever, like an aainmn leaf, trying to kiek large hcle* hi tb* atmosphere, ia die agreeable. Tbi* leoJdent ***t t gloom ovwr ny whole life. Il he* awe reconciled me totbe awfol decree Ibal I can nivir be) a boy again. BILL N.

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