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Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1886, p. 6

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I hr,1 Ob, wanderert from anoeitral eoll. Ijeare n<>ieoiii mill and chuff ariog 4toru, Bird op your lulu* tat lur.lir lull And untld the bum* ouoe more. Oome back to bayborry Mealed alopaa Au.l f. arrant fern and grouuJnut via* ; Brea'.b air blown over bill and copse Sweet wltb black birch aud i me. Wfoat matter II tbe lama an mail Tbat lifo'e e ential wanta nuuuly ? Your buuiM ead'e ut givoe you all Tbal i il woalth can buy. All thai tbe oiaoy dollared crave, Tba lirickwallii.l ave of VhaiiKe ati'l mart, L*woi, treei, frab air and a jwers you bave, If ore dear fur lack of art. Your own sole iiiaitert, freedom willed, I Wltbuoneto bii you gj or it.y ; Till the old field* Tuor r.tuera tilled As mauly men a* tney. Wi -h (kill tbat aparea yoor tolling binds. And cbemlc aid tbal eoten*> brinja, Hoc I ai m tbe waete and ou worn landi, Aad reiga Ihweon i *'n*. Jii,,n Urcenltaj Wlnttur. THE CHOICE OF TBREE JVOVEL. Initiaetlvily Ernest took cff bit bat, M be did to ii mi (raiment* of bit curly aair fell to the ground. There WM a nel hole through Ibe fell aui a Deal groove alo3l b thick bait. Hi* eoaiia bad meaol to kill bim , tod be was a good hot, go good that be thought that h* oiold pal a ball through Ernest'* bead. Bat be forgot that a bear; Am moan revolver, wnb forty grain* of powder bebiod tbi ball, i* apt to throw a trifld high. And Iheo Ibey all stood silent and looked at tb* body ; and Ibe lark Ibal bad been frightened oy Ibe noise began to ling ag>iu " Tbi* will not do," said Mr. Alston preeeutly . " We bad belter move tbe body ia Ibere," and be pointed to the deserted boi. "Oapwio Jaetioe, wbtl do yon intend to do 7" Give myself op to Ibe authorities, ] nppoM," WM Ibe gallant eaplam'e teared aniwer. Very well ; tb*o Ibere ii DO need for yon to be in a hurry about Ibal, Too mul five ci time to get clear Brat." They lifted tbe eorpM, reverently bore it into tbe deserttd bat and laid it on tbe I XT Erneel remained Handing looking at tne red stein where it bad beea. Prestnlly they earns out again and Mr. Alston kicked *oiu land over Ibe stain and bid it. NJW," bs aaid, " we bad better mtke en addition la Iboae documents, to Bay bow this cam i about." Tbey ail went back to the bnl and tbe addition was made, standing there by tbe bady. When it otme K ruest's tnrn to MRO he almost wished that bii lixnalare was tbe on* musing from tbe foot of that ghastly postieriptnm. Mr. Al Km gusssed bin thought*. " Tbe fortune ot war," be said coolly. " Maw, Oaptein Juliet, we are going to aatoh tbe early boat, and we bope mat yon will not give yonrsslf op before midday, It yon ean belp it. Tbe inquiry into the affair will not tben be held oetor* to-morrow ; and by eleven to-morrow morning I bope to have *een the last of England tor some yesrs tooome." Tbe captain was a good fellow at bottom and bad DO wUb to eee other* dragged into trouble. > I shall certainly give myself up," be eaid, " bat I don't see any reason to harry myself about it. Poor Hugh, hi oao well afford to wail." be added with a nigh, glancing down at tbe ti<ure Ibat lay IDS -.ill with a ooat thrown ever tb* taoe. " I sap- pose that tbey will look me op for *u moothe pleaaanl proepeol. Bat I eay, Mr Kinhew, you bad belter keep clear , it will be more awkward for you. Too tee, b* waa your o )UMin, and by bii death yon became ante** I am mistaken, next heir to the MM*.'' " Yes, I snppoit BO," laid Ernut vaguely. "Oome, we moil be off," aaid Mr. Alston, " or we shall b* late for the boat," and, bowing to Oaptain Justice, be left the bat. Erneit followed hie example, and, when be had gone a few vardi, glanosd round at tbi hateful ipot. Tner* mood Captain Jus- tie* in tbe doorway ot the hat, looking mnob depreeeed, and tbir*. a few yarde to Ibe left, w the impress in thi eand that marked wber* hit ojntin bad fallen. He never saw either tbe man or the plaoe again. " Kenhaw," Mid Mr. Aleton, " wbat do you propoee doing ?" " I don'l know." 14 Bat yoa matt think. Remember, you an ia an awkward fix. Yoa know by Eog Uib law duelling ii murder. " " I think I bad better give myself op, I ike Gapteio Jutilioe." "Nonetneet Yon mail hide away some where tor a y*r of two till the row blown 1 Where am I to bid* ?" " Hav* yon any money, or ean vou get any?" " Yes, I bav* nearly two hundred and fifty pounds on me now," 11 My word, tbat ia forlunat* I Well, now, what I have to suggest i*, tbal yoa sboald Minme a tali* name and Mil for South Atriea with me. I am going up- country on a ibootiog expedition, onteide British terri- tory, 10 there will be little tearot your being caught, Tben, in a year or *o, wben tbe aft if i* forgotten, yon can aome back to Bogland. Wbat do yon eay to tbal '." " I eappone I may a* wall go there at any where else. I shall be a marked man all my life, anyhow. What do** it matter wber* I go." " Ab, yoa are down on your lack now ; by-and-bye yon will ebeer op again." Jut then tbey met a flihermao, who gt/id at them, wondering what tbe two foreign gentlemen were doing oat walking at tbat boar, bat. eoeoladiag tbat after the mad f albion of Englishmen tbey had Deen to bathe, he passed them with a oivil " Bon , inr. ' Erneit colored to tbe eyes under Ibeaerotloy. He wei beginning to feel Ibe dreadful burden ot bii eeeret. Presently they retched the steamer and found Mr. Aliton'i little boy, R>ger, who, though be was only nine years of age, was an quick nd Belt-reliant a*) many English Uus ot fourteen, waiting for them by tbe bii jge. " Ob, bar* yoa are, father ; yoa have been walking 10 long that I Ibotubl yon would mien tbs boat. I bavi brongbt tbe luggage down all right and Ibii gentleman's, too." " That'* right, my lad. Kirebaw, do yoa go and get tb* tickets, I want to get rid of this," and b* tapped Ibe revolver oae tba we* concealed beneath hie ooal. K-ueai did 10 and preginlly msl Mr Aleton on Ibe Dial. A l*w minutes more and, to bii iuleune relief, ibe eaet off an xtood out to eea. There were not very man passengers on board, and those there wer too much taken up in making preparation to be ae* nok to take) any notloe of Kro**t And yet hi eonld not shake himeeif frti from Ibe idaa tbat everybody knew tbat bi bad jo t killed a mn. His own self coo neiobBoea* waa ao intcuM Ibal be law bii guilt r i Mooted on Ibe faces ot all be met. Hi gazid aronnd bim in awe, expeotini every momenl to be greeted as a murderer Most people who have ever done anylhioi tbty khou'd not arc acq tainted with Ihi ensation. Overcome wun this idea be tool refuge in hie birth, nor did he emerge til tha boat put in at New Haven. Tnere both be and Mr. Aleton bought aomi rough olotheB, and to a great extent succeeded lu diigoiBing Ibemselve* ; and tben made their wy aeroii-oonotry to 8>atbampton in tbs .me train, bat in separate carriage! Uiaobiug Southampton wiibool lei or hindrance, Ibey agreed to take paatag** in the Union Company ' B.M.B. " Moor,"eail ing on Ibe followiog morning. Mr. Alston obtained a Hit of tbe paonengem. Fortn nately, Ibere waa nobody among them whom be knew. For greater security, bow ever, they look iteerage pa*eege and booked themselves under aeiamed ntmM. Ernest took his teoond Christian name and figured on Ibe pMeenger lilt as E. Beytou, while Mr. AUtou and his boy amumed tbe name ot Jam**, They took their pasiigea al d.ffr*ot limes and fiigned to be uuknowu to each other. Al lael the vessel sailed and it waa with a tub ot relief Ibat E-ne*t law bis native chorea lade from view. Al tbey disap psared, a fellow paaeenger, valel to agenlle man going to tbe Cap*) for bis beallo, politely offered bim a paper to read It wa tbe Standard of that day'i date. He took it and glanced at Ibe foreign, intelligence. Tbi ursl thing tbat eaugbl hie eye was Ibe fol- lowing paragraph, headed " A fatal duel . " "Tbe town of Dieppe) bai been thrown into a Miate of oooateroation by Ibe dii-oov ry of tbe body of an E jglish genllamao, who was Ibis morning shot dead in a duel. Oaptain Juelioi, of tbe Hofear a, wbo tbe unfortunate gentlsman'i eoeond, ia* surrendered hirnulf to tbe aatboritiei. Tbe other parti w, wbc are at presant on- known, bav* abeoonded. It ia laid tbey have been traced to New Haven, bat there all trace of them bae bean loat. Tbe otose of the duel it unknown, and. in tbe present slate of excitement, it ia difficult to obtain authentic information." By tb* pilot wbo left tbi v***l, K rniet dcipatebed two letters, one to EvaOaewick and tbe other which contained a copy of ibe memoranda drawn up before and after tb* duel and allealed by Mr. Alston to his uncle. To botb he told ibe story of hie mil- 'jitane, folly and fairly, imploring Ibe for- mer not to forget him and to wail for bap- pier lime*, and aaking tbi forgiveness of ibe latter for tbe trouble that he bad brought upon bimaelf and all belonging to him. ouU Ibey wiib to write to bim, be gave in addree* ai Eroeit Beyton, 1'oel OfBte, tfaritz^nrg. Tbe pilot boat hoisted bar brown tail with a hug* whit* P upon ll and vanished >nto tb* night , and Erneet, feeling that he a rained man, and with the italo of blood upon bli handi, crept to his bonk tod w* pi like a child. Teeterday he bad been loved, prosperous, ppy, with a bright career before bim. To day he wai a namelees outcast, depart- ng into exile, and hii young life shadowed >y a cloud in which be could eee no break. Well might be weep ; it wae a bard lesion. CHAPTER XVII. TT r-OOB BVi. Two day* attar the pilot boat, flitting i way from tbe veaeei'i side like some eilenl- lighted bird, bad vaoinhed into lha night, ''lorenee Oeiwiek bappenid to be walking lael tbe village poet office on her way to lay a viiit to Dorothy, wben it etrook her bat Ibe afternoon port moil b* in aaid that he might as well a*k if there were any let r* tor Uu -n's N**s. There wa* no woond lelivery at K*t*rwiok and she knew Ibat l W*B not alway* convenient to Mr. Oardua o Bend in. Tba civil old poetmaater gave ler a little bundle ot letter-, remarking at be name time tbat b* thought tbat there WM one for tbe Collage. 1 1* it (or me, Mr. Browne 7" ask*d Flor- nee. 1 No, miM ; it it tor Mil* Eva." ' Ob, tb*n, I will leave it. I am going np to Dam'* Nets. No doubt Miss Eva will >all." Hbe knew tbat Eva watohsd lh* arrival f tbe pOBlB very carefully. Wben she got outside the offioi she glanoed at Ibe bundle of letter* in ber band nd noticed, with a "tart, Ibal one of ibem, addressed to Mr. Oaidaa, wa* in Erne*!'* handwriting. It bore a Southampton poat- aark. Wbat, ah* wondered, could be be doing al Southampton ? He aboold have 'ieen al Dieppe. She walked on briekly to Dam'* Neu and >n bir arrival found Dorothy tilling work ng in tbe Mining-room. After *b* ha4 reeled ber she banded over the letters. " There it one from Erneat," *he laid. "Ob, I am ao glad I" anewend Dorothy. Wbo i* it tor ?" " For Mr. Oardo*. Ob, here be oomes." Mr. Oardo* ihook handa witb her and hanked her tor bringing the letter*, whloh tamed over otaaally, after the (aihion ot a man accustomed lo receive larga qaanti- ice ot correspondence ot an uninteresting atore. Presently bia manner qaiekenad and he opened i: men's letter. Florence xed ber keen eyes opon bim. He read Ibe etler, she read hii face. Mr. Oardne WM accustomed to conceal us (motion*, bat on thii occasion II WM l*ar tnat they were too atrong for bim. Astonishment and grief pareued each other across bis feature* M b* proceeded. Finally b* put tb* latter down and glanoed at an Dotonore. Wbat in it, Reginald, what U it ?" aiked >orothy. "It i-," answered Mr. Oardni eolemnly, that Krnenl IB a murderer and a> fugitive." D-irotby eank into a ebai- with a groan nd covered ber face with bir kaadi. Flor- nee tnrnid aaby pale. " Wbat do yoa raeap ?" she eaid. "Read Ibe letter for yourself and ace. lop, read it aloud and the iuolosure, too. I la; v >ve miBanderstood." Florenci did *o in a qal*l voice. 11 wai wonderful bow hsr power cam* out In eon- raet to tbi intense disturbance of tbe other two. Tbe old man of Ibe world ehook lik a leaf, th* young girl *tood firm a* a roe Tel, in all probability, ber intercut in E rnes was more intense than hi*. When the had Dumbed, Mr. Oardul spok agn i. " Yoa see," b* laid, " I WM right. He a murderer and an onleait. Aod I loved Ib boy. I lovsd him. Well, let bim go." "Ob. Erneet, E-nesl! ' robbed Dirolby Florence glanoed from on* to Ibe olhe with eoBtempl. " Wbat are yon talking about ?" ibe sai t lail. " Wbat it Iberi la make all tbta fui atom? 'Murderer,' indeed I Then on grandfathers were often murderers. Wh wonld yon havs bad him do? Would yo have bad bim give op Ibe woman's letter k nave bimislt T Would yon bave bad bim put np with this other man'i insults abon bu mother ? If bs had, I wonld never bav spoken to him again. Bmp Ibat groaning Dorothy. Too should be prond of bim. H behaved as a gentleman should. It I bai the right, I should be prond of bim," an ber breast heaved and ber prond lipi curie aa the said it. Mr. Cardan listened attentively, and i wai evideul tbat her ntbniiaim move him. There i* something in wbat Florence ays," he broks In. " I should not hav liked the boy to show tbt white leather But il is an awlnl bnaioee* to kill one's own first oontin, especially when one is next in the entail. O d Kershaw will be furione a losing bis only son, and K roast will nevs be able to come back to thii country wbil be livea, or be will act Ibe law on him." Il i* dreadful I" said Dorothy, " just ai b* waa beginning life, and going into a pro fusion, and now to bave to go a>nd wandei in Ibat far-off country under at alee name ! ' Ob, yes, ii ii aad enough." laid Mr Oardu*, "but what ii dons cannot be nn don*. Hi i* young and will livi It down end it tb* woril comes to the worst, mnsl mk himielf a home out there. Bnl il i* bard upon me, bard upon me," and be wen off to bis ems* muttering " bard upon m*.' Wben Florence marled upon hir bom* ward way the afternoon had set in wet an chill) , and th* s*a wa* bidden in wrealht of gray mist. Altogether, tbe soens waa de I. Oa arrival at tbe cottage ab* Found Era atanding Ibe plerar* of melan cboly by tbe window, and staring nut al tbe mistv sea. " Oh, Florence, I am glad that yon havi oome home. I really began to feel inclined to commit suicide " Indeed ! Aad may I aik why T" I doo'l know ; tbs rain ii so depressing I inppots." "It dot* nol depress me? ' " No, nothing ever does. Too live in the 1 and of perpetual ealm." I take exsroiae and k**p my liver In good order. Have yon been oat tbi* eflar noon T" " No." " Ab, I thought not. No wonder yon feel depressed, Haying in-doors all day. Why don't yon go for a walk ? ' " There ia nowh*r* to go." " Really, 'a, I don'l know wbat ba* came to yoa lately. Why don't yon go along tbi olifft, or, itop havs you been to th* post office ? I oallad tor the Dnm'e Ness letters, and Mr. Brown aaid that Ibere wai one for yoa." Eva jumped np with remarkable anima lioo, aud passed out of tbi room with bir peculiar light tread. Tbe mention ot th* word " litter " bad sufficed to change Ibe aipeel of things considerably. Floriooi watched her go with a dark litlle smile. " Ab," she laid aloud ai Ibe door cloned ' yoar feel will eoon fall heavily enough. ' Presently Eva wtnt onl and Fiorsoct Having thrown cff her oloak.took ber slater 'u plaoe al tbe window and waited. Il wa* eeveu imuulet walk to tbi poel office. Bbe wonld be b*ck la about a quarter of an hour. Watch in hand, Florenoe wailed patiently isveuteeu minutes bad elaped wben Ibe garden gate wai opined aad Eva re-entered, iir face quite gray wib pain and furtively applying a handkerchief lo her eyes. Flor- ence smiled again. 'I thought to." *b said. From all of which il will b* seen Ibat 'loronoe wai a very remarkable woman. Hbe had scarcely exaggerated whsn abs aaid bat ber heart was a* deep ae tbs tea. Tb* ove tbat ahe bore K -nest wae the strongest hing in all ber strong and vigorous life. rVhen every other eharaoteriatio and inflo ince crumbled away and waa forgotten, II wonld Hill remain overmastering as ever. and wben she ditcoverid thai ber high ove, tbe greatest and beil part of ber, bad sen made a plaything of by a thoughtless oy, wbo kiiud thi girls on the tame prin- ciple that a duck takes to water, beeaua* it cam* natural to him, tb* love in its mortal agonies gave birth to a bate destined to row gr*at aa itself. Bat, with all a woman's injustice, it wae nol directed oward tbe same object. Oa Erne*!, indeed, be wonld wreak vengeance if she could, but b* lovsd bim M dearly ae at first. Tbs tvenge wonld be t mere ipiaodi in the hii- ory of her passion. Bnl to her sister, the nnooent woman wbo abs ohoae to think had nbbd her, ib* gave aJl Ibat bonnlif ol bat*, lerself the more powerful character of th* wo, ibe determined upon tbe niter deitrne ion of Ibe weaker. Strong a* Fate and nrelenting as Tim*, abi dedicated hsr Itf* o thai and. Everything, ahe said, comes to tboe wbo can wait. She forgot tbal Ibe 'rovidenee above ni ean wait the longest of s alt. In the ind it ll Providenoi thai rins. Eva came in, and Florence beard her mak* ber way np tb* ilair* to ber room, ibe ipoke to bomlt : " Tb* poor fool will weep over bim and enonnee him. 11 she bad tbi oonragi ahe oold follow bim and omfort bim In his rouble, and so tie bim to ber forever. Oh, bat 1 bad ber obtnoe I But the chances Iwayi oome to foola." Tben ahi went npaltirt and listened out- ide Eva'e door. Bhe was aobblng audibly. 'urnlLg tbe handle, abe walked oasnally in. ' Well, Eva, did yon Why, my dear iri, what ii Ibe matter with yon?" Era, wbo was lying robbing on ber bed, nrned her head to tb* wall and went on obbing. "What lithe matter, Eva? If yon only new hew absurd yon look 1" "No-no-thing." " Nonainss I Peopls do nol mak* mob oenn ae Ibil (or nothing." N i anawir. "Oome, my dear, at your affectionate Bister, I really mnit ask what has happaned to yon." Tbt ton* was oommtnding, and half on- oonseiooily Eva obeyed it. " K -neat ! ' Hue ejaculated. "Well, what about Erneit? H* nothing to yoa, ii h* T" "Ni Ibat is, v**. U i. it is so dreadful II was th* letter ! ' and sue tooebed a abet of o osely written paper thai lay ou the be beside her. " Well, as yon do not neern to be in a eon ditiou lo explain yourself, perhaps yun h belter let me read Ibe loiter." "Oa, nol" Nonsense, give it me I Perbap* I ma bs able to be'p you." aud she took ibe pape from her uureiisling grasp, and, tnrnin ber faea from Ihs light, lead it deliberate! through. Ii was very paisionale In ita term*, an rather incoherent ; eneh a letter, in sborl aa a la>d almoit wild with love and grie wonld write under tb* circumstances. Bo," laid Florence as she coolly told* il np, " it appears Ibat yon are engaged to bim." No aniwer, unless tobe ean b* sail t constitute one. Aod il aeemi tbat yon are engaged lo man wbo baa jail oommilMd a trigbifu murder and ran away from th* oonttqaen ." Eva sat np oo tbe bed. " II wai nol a mnrdir. It waa a duel." " Precisely, a duel about another woman but ib* law ealli it murder. If be U caught he will bs banged." Ob, Florence, how can you aay sueb dreadful thing* T' ' I only say wkal U true. Poor Eva, I do not wondsr that you are distressed." 1 1 U all BO dreadful :' Yon love him, I luppott?" Oh, yea, dearly." Tben yon mnsl get over it. You mn* never think of bim any more." Never think of him ! I shall think of ilm all my life." Tnat is aa il may b*. Ton must n*ver leve anylbiag more to do witb him. H IBS blood npou In band* blood abed for aome bad woman." I oannot deaert bim, Florence, because i* baa got into trouble. " Over another woman " A peculiar ex preen in of pain passed ovsr Jva'e faes. How eruel you ar*. Florence I He is only a boy, *>ud boy* will go wrong some linen Auybody ean make a fool of a boy.' Aod ll aeenn tbat boys ean make fools of some people wbo ebould know better." "Oj, Florence, what is to be don*? You bave anon a clear bead ; tell me what I mnn lo. I cannot give him up, I cannot, indeed. Florence Mated heraelf on Ibe bed betide ler sister and put an arm aronnd her neck and kiss*d her. Evt was much touched al ier kindneea. " My poor Eva," sh* aaid. " I am ao sorry for you I But toll me, when did yon [I engaged to bim Ibat evening you went ml sailing together ?" ., Yet." " U* kissed you, I inppoes, and all tbat ? " Yes. Ob. I waa ao happy." II My poor Eva I" II 1 tell you 1 cannot give bim up." " Well, perbaps there will b* no need for ou to do to. Bat yoa mist nol answer tbat letter." "Why not?' " Pint m It will not do. Look at ii bieb way yon will. Ernaal ba* jnal killed lis owucautin in a quarrel about another 'Oman. Ii it necessary tbat yon should mark your disapproval of thai in soma way or other. Do not answer bii Utter. It in ime b* ean wasb himself clear of tb* re proaxih tnd remain* faithful to yon, thin il rill b* toon enough to abow that you still are for him." " Bnl il I leave him Ilk* Ibal, b* will tall nto tbi handi of other women, though be ovea m* all tb* Mm*. 1 know bim well Oil ii not a nature tbal can (land alone." Well, 1st him." Bnl, Florsnee, yon forget I love him, loo. I cannot bear to think of il. Ob, I ove bim, I lovs him t ' andsh* dropped her ead upon her sister s shoulder and began to sob again.! " My dear, It ia just bcetuse yon do love iim so tbat yon sboold prove him ; and be. ides, my dstr, yon bav* your own self espeel to think ot. Be guided by me, Eve )o not anawsr that letter. I am rare tbat ou will regret il U you do. Let matters land for a few months, tben w* can arrange a plan of action. Above all, do nol tl your engagement transpire to anybody 'her* will be a dreadful scandal about Ibis inainees and it will b* unpleasant for yon, nd, indeed, for us all, to have our oame mixed np in the matter. Hark 1 There IB nnl eoming in. I will go and talk to ber. ou can atop here and recover yourself a ttle. Yoa will follow my advice, will yon Ot, dearest?' I in|>poee eo," anewersd Eva witb a aw sign, * sbs buried ber face in the illow. Tben Fionnee left her. CHAPTER XVIII. TBI LOCUM TINBHS And 10 il came to pae* Ibal Erneet'e let- ter remained unanswered. Bol sir. Oar- us, Dorothy and Jeremy all wrote. Mr. ardus' letter waa very kind and ooniidir- le. Ii expreeeed bi* deep trie! at what ad bappansd, and told him of the eicne- men! that th* duel had caused and ot Ibe breateniDg latter* which b* had received rom Sir Hugh Keribaw, wbo was half-wild witb grief and lory al tbe loe* of hi* ton. "uially, It commanded bis wisdom in pul- ing the seas between blmtelf and Ib* veogers of blood, and told bim that b* aould not want for money, a* hi* drafts onld be honored to tbe extent of a tbou and a year, ihould b* require to mnob Ir. Oardni waa vsry open-handed where rneil wae concerned also, if be required ny particular sum ot money lor any pur- , tuoh a* to bny land or alert a bnsi- ess, be wa* to let bim know. Dorothy's letter wae like herself, tweet nd gentle, and overflowing witk womanly ympatby. Bhe bade bim not to be down- carted, bnl to hope for a time whin all lii dreadful bunaeis wonld bo forgotten nd he wonld he able to return in peaee to "uglanrt. Bbe bade him also, shyly enocgb, > remember that there was only one Power lal 0'iuld really wash away the slain ol loodnpon bis hands. Every month, she aid, she wonld write bim a letter, wnstber aniwered it or not. Tbis promise tbe aiiblully kept. Jeremy's letter was eharaeteriitio. Il I* worth tranieribing. Mr DKAR Ot.n FRMXIW, - Tonr news has nocked tie all Into tbe middle of unit week. To Link of your nghtiof a duel and my not being thereto bull the sponge I And I wl'l Ml rou bat U is. t>M cbau, auuie ol (bone pe|il rouad beie, lik old De Tal. r. call ll uiur.iti but Ibat Ii gammon, and don't vou trouble your h ait about it. It waa be wbo got u|i tb r .w. nol yoa, and t* tried to snoot you intu tbn bargain. I am awfully B ai yua ke| t your Drve and plumed biiu;lt would have hemi Letter U yoa ornld nailed him through tb* right abuol tlar, which nould not bave killed him , but at tbe beat of tiiuee you were never good euou. b with a pmt >l for tbat Duo'l >ou remember wbeo we uard to ihoot witb tbe old plaiols at tbe man I cut uut on tbe cliff, yuu were alwayi jaet aa likely to hit libu ou tlio bead or In ibn awuiacb an turougb ibe bearf.' It la a aad pity tbat you lii nut practice a little more, bat Ills DO uae ery- m(! over spilt milk and. afur all theahot aeoui l.i have belli a very creditab e one. bo v u ars going on a nuooiiug ex|>dilluu up ia 8ouCi*^ara couDtry. Tbat la wbat 1 call glurluua. To tblok of a ruiooceio* iuake< uiy uiuuth water; I would give ooe c f in v fln k erB to aboot one. Life bere U aituply wntcbed DOW tbat you bave gt>ne sir. Cardui aa giuui an Tittle ury Abbey on a ologily day aud Dull alwayi locikiug aa tbuuyb abe bad beoncryiuK, or ware going to ciy Old Uraod fatber Atlerleigb in (jalte lively comi ared to tbote two. Aa for the utlioe, 1 1 ate It, everlaat- ingly cup> Ing derdf, wbiob 1 don't i u tbe s iatit- eat uuiiu atai.d, aud adding up figures tu wuian 1 tuakit mUtakea Yonr isaiiacted uncle t Id me tbe other da), In Lu poliu-nt way, tbat h cju eieS 1 aalltd aa near bing a complete fool as any man he ever knew. 1 aniwer>d Ibal 1 quite ag'd wltb him. I uiel that young fellow Bmitbera Iba other day, tbe one woo gave Eva Ceawiok tbat little brute ot a dog. tie aaid something diaagrecabl* ab ml wou<"crlug If tbey would bang >ou. I told bim tbat I didn't know if tury would or Dot, but ODlcH* ba droppod bia Infernal aneer X was very aure 1 would brvak bit neck. He oon cluuad to move on. By-tbe-way, 1 met Rva Gee- wick beraell )eatrday. Bbe looked pale and aaked if we bad b< ard anytbtLf; of yoa. Hue aaid tbat abe bad got a loiter from you. Florence iie up bare and a|0ka up well for yo i. Hbe aaid tbat abe was i>road ol >ou or would be U >uc had a ngbt tu. I never liked her before, but now 1 tbink tbat abe ia a brick Good-bye, old chap. I never wrote suoh a locg lettvr before. You don't oow b-.w 1 uiiaa \OQ. Life doean't im worth bavmi. Yeakrlay was ibe first; I went out and killed twenty brace to my OWD gun Orel lorij-eix cartridge* Mot bad, ear And ret somehow, 1 ihdo'i aeam to oare a twopenny itirae about tb* wbole thing, tbougb if yo> had Men tbcre }oa would bavedaffed ibeuj awfully. I feel ure >ou woulJ bave act my teetb on edge wltb letting tbem off -tbe blrda I n.eao ailn.l pou writ* to me often. Uood-bve. eld fellow. iod bleee you ! Your aflectiooau f rtaiid. JKBBMT JONCS. P. t> In abooting bis; game, a fellow told me bai ibe top of tbe flank raking forward ia a uaadly abot, aa it tuber Dieak> tbe baok or peases urougb tbe kidneys to tne lunge or btarv I abou d bava tbougbt tbat tbe aboi waa vary apt lo wast* Itaelf In the fl>ab of tin flank. Pleaae 7 It aad lake nous ol the reaalU. (To be Oontloaed.) l-.pui., Retrace B.I Art. Forty-two nw chemical elf mints have Men discovered dnriog tbs past Mn yean. Recent experiments bave demonstrated tbal tbs greatest height ever reah*d by sea waves is from tnirly-feighl to forty feet. Dbs evetege storm M sea raise* wave* to tb* blight of thirty feet. A ear sailed tb* " spotter " now go** over the New York Osnlral K >ad al given jeriods. Il is provided with a lank of colored fluid, aid wben Ibe wheels roll over a rough place in tbe traek tun djid l spilled on the i pjl. It U M ar- ranged Ibal the Traek Huperintendenl ean, wbil* seated on tb* intids of the ear, view ib* iraek and thus detect any flaws tbal may txiall. Russian geographers report Ibat numer- ous lakes in Siberia, ehu fly in Ibe Tobolsk and Tomsk 1'rovitioes, are rapidly drying up, and Ibal villages now stand oo (pole covered by rxieneiv* sheet* ol water 100 rear* ago, Lak* Tobebakly ba* shown tba noil remarkable change, it* area btltig ?"0 quar* miles a century ago, while it now Consiite of three small ponds, tb* largest covering nol more than five or six quare miles. Ivan L i vi n stein baa exhibited to the jondoo Bociity of Chemical Industry a weeteniug agent b* call* " laecharine." Il it a fine white powder to tbe naked eye, ml ibe crystals from an eqoeou eolation win abort, tbiek prisms, ll IB 180 lima* weeler than tb* but can* sugar, nullity. og even the bitumens of quinine. Mr iivinstsin said u wa* extracted from iae ar. Tbs laboratory price wee about 118 10 a pound, and hide fair to be very useful in nut' rte m'dicm. Al tb* mechanical exhibition ai tb* alaoe d* riodottri* In Peril there il bown a maebine for registering voice, which will, II ii said, b* ihortly metalled n the Bloats and Ib* Chamber ol I > pu tiee. ta objtot la to obviate mistakes, the loss of im* aad Ihs nsceesily of members Isaving heir datka to record their votes. The machine is worked by electricity, and the oto of tbe whole bouse ean by it be made nown in leee than five minute*. II ie tbe nventloo of M- Oebeyenx. Tbe machinery t somewhat complicated, bnl i* aaid to work with great facility. Tallia ol CHr I loir.. Miss Mabel Mamma, everybody i* augbing at m* because I am 16 and still wiarlng short dreuva. Il nurtifles m* srrlbly. Mamma My dear, yoa must wall till our itatsr Bslle i 1 married. 1 can't allow sr chance* to be apoiled. Mabel Well, Obarley Doollltle Is eo Itenlive to ber that you might al leaet et me bave an txlra flounce aronnd nay ikirte. When 3 year* old Willie uied to prefer laying witb a lead pencil to any other toy. Vbeu the end would become blunt, he would com* to hi* fatber and cay : i'lease, papa, ' peel debark ' for Willie." Where Ble Jew Was. A judge and barrister, being n.t>o indif erent term*, a client of the barrieter aking bis appearance at Ibe bar with hi* ace and jaw terribly twelled, tbe jadg* emarksd : Mr. , Ibis client of yours oold make an excellent barrister he's all aw," which, of course, eat tbe court In a oar ol laughter. On being obtain- id, tbi barriiter remarked : My Lord, I think be would mak* a Miter jndgc, for bi* jaw is all on one side.' Waml lh .- l I .i A gsntleman wae traveling along a road lib bis little five-year-old boy, wben he w a oo w bellowing ovsr her dead calf. " Poor thin*' I" said tbe gentleman, " abe as lot! her ( ff-pring." Ob, mamma, mamma I" exolaimed th* Hie boy oo hi* relnrn home, " me and pa ed a cow that hd lo*t her mainspring, dn't W*, pa I" \ firman Indfpendent. Natural KM accumulating in tbe tlov* in I'lltsbarg public nebool exploded th* her day without hurting any one, bnl the htldren all gained a half holiday.

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