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Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1886, p. 5

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Maxwell We have again to notice the death of another of our residents in the person of Mrs. Graham - wife of Mr. John Graham who died on Saturday the 22nd inst. after three days sickness, aged 84 years. DEC. 2, 1886.] THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. PRICE7ILLE SCHOOL ! /,i&apos;ff&apos;r frnm M. Keili&apos;i/. K*I., ulito a Lfttirf&apos;rom " &apos;/Y- flitjiir." Ml. KEILrY&apos;H I Kn KK. To I >. :u Sir, Kindly allow mo apace in vour valuable columns to contradict my two C&apos;.lli-:i^ii.-s. " (.ilrlttlg&apos;s " ftate.iiienU I mniiitMii vie correct, and I stated s<> t<> my colleagues, when iliey asked me to correct t&apos;.em iu your |ui|>er. 1 also aid the majority of the ratepayer* were iu favor of n clniMiit&apos;. Tliii I will prove at the annuitl mut&apos;tiui;. I feel sorry to liavo to cuntradict MI many untruths published \>y the two j-on- I referred to. That a man shi&apos;iilil his money in the pl;ice ! " This u a free country, and it is a blcsiiiiK thnt my two colleagues cixnnot halter or liridlo me, ;ii I have the Name freedom although Irish, ,-m tliotc of other nationalities. Why dul nut the people urt whiit they uemandeil in their petition : MIII;>!V to call n mootinj,&apos; for the |iur|MMf of ox|.res- in-; public opinion. My colleague* in- trucked me to send a post-card to each ,<etitioner. requesting them to state their m&apos;ii&apos;vances in wilting. Thin is a won&apos;t way of doinif public business, and two can tun the machinery. The people had no chance of backing; up their charges at a |i!vaie &apos;J&apos;iu i. .- nieeuiii,&apos;, nor Mould tlu-y &apos; ;illw<...| at a Tmstce meeting held Nov. 1 1th. Thoy withheld the lady tearlier&apos;s resignation from me, and it on the taMe lor tbe purpose of carrying throufh the ilismisiMtl of charges a* if that placed them in butter atandiiiK ! AH buforo bta* ted, two run t&apos;..- show. I hold this petition, and, i xamiini. : it i lonely, oluii&apos;i vc that only oi.e-lifth of tlie ratepayer* have no children nmn^ to tlio wrhool p iiid this small mimoer were nil !e of 1> in > in", h.U they were il. mj: v. In n tin , signed the petition. I reduced that number, as I put in n cl:ars;r also. They iiilir.&apos;v in their letter, that I ..tlt-inl no amendment to tin- inot.oii. The min- uter of th;it ineetinu idiow that I opposed the motion, \>liii-li is equivalent. This statement :i!.nt tin >evcn KUCCCM- ful students nt the eiitrHiicv examinations is Wurn thna-il.aie. Seven pupils, three panned l.v merit, ami two through appeal "&apos;H- minus 5 marks and&apos;ine minus 12 marks of the necessary number. My boy wrote at that examination in July and failed by tinny-seven marks. I con- idiT the the Teaeher was very partial in sending f- r tho maiks of all excej tin:; my IMIV, who was neglected for some unknown cause. I consider a Teacher deserves very little credit, who passes the above nuiii- lier, when all the leMons examined liave iicen laid down in the Educational Week- ly for months previous to the exuuiinatn >n. This gives tin- 1 eachi-r a chance for load- ing pupils, iiinl is nut a general education. Why, Kir, I have seen the most ferocious animal of tlie forest the lion -educated mi that liin keeper could put hii head in his mouth, and perhaps if he put any u tlier member in he would !> it ! "Prowler," in my estimation, is a very elever man and deserves nival rraise for utr.-iiL&apos;liteiiiiu; up the people and Trustees in SchiMil matters, as it is a very import- ant xjbject. Just send a Uiy to until he is Hi vears of age, and consider what he ran earn from the aye of 13 to 10 at 6"c. per duy. 313 working days a year ould roll up $15(i ! clothes and luniks 40 ; board, at $1 50 per week, ITU : the total IHMIIK J&apos;JT&apos;i. r &apos;t) a year. A man is minus if he does not improve at Bchnol during one year. The total for 3 yean would ! 1*17.50. The patent is minus this amount if tho Teacher ne^leetM liis duty. I cannot chwe without some reference to the so-called "cli|ue." which is com- |Kmed of tin- majority of the busineas men of the town. I will only say, that since XIIIIIIIL&apos; to America I have lenn<i*d that .luck is an |{od ;u. his master, and Mick M as CO.M! us .loxeph or John, and has un e |Ual ll^ht to llU OJlil, H"IIS. MI<:IIAII. KMI.H . Sco. S. Hoard. IV -Vllle, NoV. -".I. |NS<;. " Till&apos;. fLIljril&apos;s " LKTTI1K. To Ihr Kdltor of Tt .Jrfm.i^. Dear Sir, There u lots of fun in store for MUMM. Niuliol and AUHSIIIU, Prit-e- \d\-.. School Tiu-.t.&apos;i I am u&apos; (jleiu-lc and 1&apos;rowlcr have taken up the school question. They are bringing tho Trus- tees to their level, but tin-re ia another done in store for them yet. There is such M demand for the Anvnvr. here that one man olfereil 50 cents for one copy; the iiil*i-riKer nonld not put with It uuder Jtiiy comiidfiat inn. The Trustees two of them have only themselves to blame for the newspaper exposure. Some of them have used strong and unliccomiiii; langMaKe against the Teacher a short tune afjo, and he ex- preased it. Tho o called "clique" re- iiiiiitn-il silent until the news spread that the &apos;I&apos;.-acln r * were ro-eni&apos;ai.&apos;ed. One of the "clii(uu " wrote a fietition, wliich was si -neil by 35 ratepayers, a-k-ir/ Trustees to re-consider their en _M_&apos;. o.i nt of Teach- ers, or cll a public meetii<g of 8. S. to get public opinion on tho matter. The Truktees got up on their dignity and woulil do anything tluit would be con - ti.iry to the wish of petitioners. They .-in r.ii.-ii the rutignatioii of the ludy Teacher from the Secretary of the Hoard for some two weeks. They have insulted Mr. Ri-ilev, the Secretary, who lias used every means to promote the cause of edu- cition; who has held the position of a ! Trustee nearly ever since he cKine U> 1&apos;ri -eville. and has been noted by the peo- ple us tho best Trustee we ever had. He his charge to the Trustees, but they would not consider it because it camo frmu Ueiley. I heard the auction- eer say, tint Mr. Dixon bought a neck- tie fur one cent at a sale, and tie wanted ten pi-r cent, off U-cnusu he was paying the cash ! Thu " clique " has no use for such narrow-hearted indivividuals as Mr. D. TIIK An iniiiif-nst* Ktock of Silverware, con- of Cruets, Pick la Stands. HuUer Iii-h. s, KI.I-. . -.. Forks. S|>ons. Ac., jimt received r.t ItusM&apos;ll&apos;n Noted Jewelry Sln:e, l-"i;&apos;.cTto:i. and at iimnufacturcr&apos;s list price-.. Tiie best value iu tliix Hoct- ioii of country. Call and HOC them. h&apos;mm our men < &apos;orrntfuniilritt. According ti> aiiiiie.inceiiiciit Rev. Mr. Corcoran delivered hi.s scrniou to Or- aiioi-n:i n, ami nlher-i. in the Ornnyc hall last Thursday nie,li&apos;.. &apos;i i., n- was a fairly n&apos; an lic:i.-i>. l.ut not so 111*11% as liiic;l.t oueht or an won r< ex- peete 1. Tho sermon was a must* i pi, ee of it, nature. batted on tlui text, Ami the;. re&apos;iieinlM-rcil all the way the Lord bail led them." DAEI.ST. RORBKRT. The residence of Mr. Farr, our rioel- lent miller, wao onU&apos;ied liy Imrxlarulast Thursilay evening --iu tho abrenco of . Mr. V. -au.1 $:(0 iu can&apos;.i Htuk-u. The i rooixiy li.-n not boon rocovpn^l or tlie thii f iilentiiic.l u;i to time of writing. Mr. Will Mi&apos;Alear [&apos;in-eil ins ( .uniiier- ei:il College cxaiuiimtions very brilliant- ; ly, and now cau hoaxl uf a (ir;i>l.- A. <li- , pi. .m. i Jle i;ocs back t<> take uu Short- i hand writing. We would like to ace I Hcvural luorr uf our Ku^i-nia youin; men : launch out to make uicu of thi-niM IM - to make a mark in tho fjrcat ImsinesM world, Tlie material in yoo.!. cultivate it, boy*. Fancy Goods, Ac. jimt received a largo caac of )>eautifnl Fancy Ooodx. ooDsintiDg of Plush Mirror&apos;s, Whukhold- cm, I&apos;hoto Frames, Ac. at very low pri oca, at Kusnell&apos;s Note.! Jewelry Store. Flesl rion.. Don&apos;t fail to call. Important .\otlor. Mr. M.ul.i inn Duncan, of Kugcnia, is Hole u^ent fur the fnllo\ving highly re- conimciidfd articles iu this neetion, viz., Kiuory Knife Sharpciiers, a most useful domestic mi] dement, wliich will not break easily on account of a Hteul roil which runs through it ; Scythe Sharp- i MIT&apos;,, u hull will put an ed^e on HcythcH in half the timo an ordinary stone would ; and last, but not least. Patent Cake (iridilles. which have In en highly recommended ill Tin. ADVANCE. Ht. fftLORt \ I I M.I/I U - wliat TOO ni-nl fnr ( &apos;i<ii^ti|i.iti.iii . In > of Apprlilr, Di&apos;ziui&apos;sn, nnd nil nyniplnnin <! l>Tsp*-|&apos;>ia. I&apos;rir.. Ill and T&apos;i ccnti prr bottlr. Sultl at Medical Hall. K ir Inim*. back. . Ir or chest, QHO Sliil-ili&apos;s Purnus I&apos;Uhii-r. (&apos;>)(* U eents. Sold at M -In u! IUI1. ( HOI T. WHOOI&apos;lNd COI CiH n.l Kmnclnlu imiiif&apos;liHtvh reli<&apos;&apos;il by Shiloli&apos;s Cur* :iel,l at II. iln-:vl Hull. THAT 1IACKIN&apos;} i .il .,11 ran I- so ciir^l l>> S .loli&apos;s Cur.-. We Ruar- . Si. 1.1 ist .&apos;.,- Hull. Agrnt* Co., or Ktret Kasf, Toronto, or 81 St. Francois- Xavier IStrcrt, Montreal, want a (irneral A:"ent. They are the exclusive owners of the SchoKi&apos;M&apos; 1&apos;ittent Cnke (iriddle. tho Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpener (known an tli3 "Carver&apos;* Friend"), the Kniery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay Kye- See Wire Curry Comb, and other special- ties. If you want to make money, write to them at once for an outtit, and to ie cure what territory you can handle. A I, HIM. QUKSTION. Question "I* this life worth living?" Aimwer "It all do- pon&apos;ts upon the lirrr ?" If torpid or inac- tive it eaa*M a dull, tough, languid flinn. Dr. Chane&apos;i I/ivw Oar* i-n.-n t.l&apos;l m. I buo;sner. BoU by Dr. To the Electors of CENTHE &REY ! CKNTLEMEN.- The writs for n Ueirarnl Election for the Local LegisUturu will t>e issued im- mediatuly. On Tin vl.iy the L&apos;l.-t day "f December next, the nominationi are to be made and Tuesday the L&apos;rtth day of December iiiud for iM.llini&apos;. Having received the unanimous noniin- ation of the luixeNi and most influential ComuTVative Conveiitiun uver held in the Hiding, which met in October last, and having since roceiveil the most encourag- ing assurance, of support from the elector* gem-rally, 1 KCJJ most respectfully to an- nounce l hat I feel it my duty to accedu t<> their wishes and accept such nomina- tion. I have been a reiudunt of tlie Riding for thirty-eight yearn. iMiriin; the great er jiart of that period I have been, ni"re or less, actively engaged in the adminis- tration of your municipal affairs anil while occupying prominent | Mti"ii of trust in your County Council I have invariably been guided )>y a desire to protect and promote your intcrehts. My I. iiit reiideiice in the Kiduitf and practical knowledge of the working of our municipal instiUitious enable me the more readily to antici|>at your special ie.|une , meiit, represent your grievances and ob- tain relief from oppressive legislation. If elected as your rei>retativ?, 1 will endea- vor faithfully to discliargc my duty by giving to liole*onie legislation, sad willnd\ocate a more; ec"ii..inical :t<iniiiiis- tration of the linancesaiid of tl:e <&apos;n>wn domain. As then* i* not s;-a.v m n slmrt i address to fully rxplaiu my viewn I tliall I endeavor t attend meut.ji^.t in tlie \.m &apos; nun Ti>wnslii|ia of the Kuhie^ lx-1&apos; the 1 elfcti .us a:nM!irre i i &apos; i;&apos;i in -&apos;i till tl.e various ijuestiolis li--- &apos;..e [enple. ill O &apos;lul&apos;l..: m, I i.h.i&apos;l a.&apos;.vm.Me equal I right* and ; i.&apos;i&apos;. .et t.i all cla.sies f.nd cree.U of of in:ijet) .-uliji-cU. Uell.g a re.iidelit of the Ititlin: ui.d like inriny of yourselves cngugi&apos;d in fonittaf ftpmtisM, our interests are iileutiual. I si, all dn my best to mlrance them. l!el\ inv upon yonrninlhil mid &apos;_&apos;CIIIT<HIH i support to elect ua- as y.ur ri |.iee:itatue I have the honor t i be, (ieiitleiueli. Your ..IK&apos;. in-lit H.u.-uit, JOM&apos;.r&apos;M Itor.KE. Clail-sbiirr.. X,,v. -&apos;.;. I*-. 1:i\ . I 1 . /&apos;rutii r mni &apos; V.irr^j undent. We hnve again to iintife the deatli of another of our residents in the |n.TSon "f Mrs. (iialiam wife of >!r. Ji.liti (IrsliKlii who died on S.ituiday tlie "I&apos;nd .int. af- ter three dnys sicklies*, aged K4 yvius, The Ci.niici \advw A> ei.tti.-n was rr- i-.:.ini/i .i in this ToHiiship ti Ki ! .\ last, (letter thinr-s msy now be I.. | . .. for, as men of gnrxl Btnidin^ and mriii- ence wili imw be aent to represent onr towns). ip when a o uveiitimi in called and it must bo said that the pieneiil chanve louks very much like IMorin. Our Mr. Smith nln> :idvertieil to boot eory or any man in town, suddenly jisck- ed up his kit, slwok thu Justotf his feet and left our village a few days a/o. Wo feel rather suriy to lose him as we Imped he li id cnine to stay. Mr. Thin. Hlakely formerly of FleJiher- toi., ha* opened .1 new wood shop in our vi!U_-e, and it is Kiippo<ed that he will try to >&apos;ri i!i eviry man in town; we wish him every succeaa. The besutiful snow hail come nt l-t. and we now hope f>.r mure lively tiniei. Miss Lilly Long who is teaching kdux.l at th New Knr!.iii<l nhinil seitioli ii.n Kimiierler was home <>u a visit hta: week. Mr. .l.l.ii (iamey one of tin- first set- ters in tliin |..nt of O*|iiey is vi-iy ill Kith ilrepsy ami he*rt Hinean&apos; Mrs. John Chirk will lrve l.i-ie this week to j.iin her liiiKband in Michigan. Endorses Ilir Cliclrr of I lir t&apos;omriitlon. by J. It. Smu, seconded Viy John Clinton, thst this meeting, having taken into cousMlerntii n the schon of the Convention at HarKdnl", held on the llth day of October but, in the absence of the I >i leiMtri tr. .in Oiprey tbroueh the neg- lect of the Vice Prenif&apos;i&apos;iit, iimler Mcdirr woulil, it this, the euriivst opportunity offered, expross tin :r npproval of the pro- ceeding at said Convention, believing that their proceedings were in the very bet intereKts of the |irty. That tins mni tin: fully approrps of th selection of Joseph Iterkr as our standard Uuarer for Centrv <ir.-y. at th ap|irnachmi( svOiition. aitd will 4u our beet to secure) his And we as heartily endorse the telectum of Dr. Sproule a* our stamlmd Usrer for the < &apos;oiiimoim. Ami that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Executive of and Centre (Jrey. Carried. JOE. H. STISSOS, Sec. for Osprey Tp. troublnd with riuiplM. Hlatclm. hill: U ..r ff.-. or Sor. - of any .!."< rip lion ulioultl mo Mc<trKur & I&apos;arko cti.&apos;iu Curate It will leave Itie .km Iu |M>rfect health, mnuuth. rli&apos;AU and KOOI! color. Ho -un aii-l K>-t thu ^oiniiuu. luailu by Mc(trv^ur A 1&apos;aiko. 1&apos;rice X* SuKI at tliu Drug Htorn. Sw.r HiiKi&apos;ii CenKii McOrttKor t Parku s CarlMttu- rrat- hu-* ti.&apos;rii trnsi ami found to U tl nit |>-.-iiit.. cure for Salt Khmiin. i&apos;iDi|>l. M...I. h.--. ou thu !ai . or hand*. ut-. Hurn*. 9 mi so. ur any Korc tliat m. thing eluv will bi-al rfMe&MsjwA Park*&apos;* Carlollc dratv. *. (wr box at tlie Uru K Ktora. Anvn r To Mixrmtas Ara >ou dltlurbed a niKlx HII. I n of your rent by a nick ehUd ulfuriu^ ami cr)int{ with IIMII uf CuttliiKTuutb ? 11 cu ,-tnl at onc an-l 1,&apos;i-t a h.ittli- of &apos;Mrs Wiu low&apos;s Siuthtiii: tijru|." ("r hiltr-n Ti>tlmiK Iu valu i IsteelesuabU. it iii relieve the |t.H>r litllv >utr<iror iiiiiiiniliau-lt U. |m.l upun It. mothurs. th.-rt- i iu> mistake aN.ilt It. It .- ir. - l)>M-titiT} anil Dinrrh.i-a. rt-fulato th Hloiiiarh anil Hi. irels. rur.-s \\1iirl c.-hi- s..rt,ri fc tin- < niinv re<liu&apos; lurtainiiiatimi. anil ui\ . and eniTcv t tho wholn K>Hti-ni "Mr \\in-- IOW&apos;M houthiuK H> ru|i" for rriil<lr**n ti^thinn ii |)lt&apos;aanl In tin. tkt ami in tin- |>ri.i&apos;ri|.tluli of ..n.-.-f tlio oHt.fft anil lit-sl fvinal*- }.h\lciftllii tiinl nurni&apos;M in t)io t&apos; nlt-.t stnle*. auil m for aiv l.y all ilriiuuixti thrf.iiulioiit the- vorlil I&apos;rn i- twrnt> flv.- rriitna Ixitlli- Kr run- ami ak for Mils WINHI.OW&apos;S HUOTUINU KTHI r. and take no other kind. The First Sign Of fulling health, whether In the form of Nigut Swells and Nervousness, or In s tense uf General Wearimuu ami Loss of A p|M&apos;tltr. should suggest tljf uteuf Ayer&apos;i Sarn|inlls. TbU preparation U molt effective fur giving tune snd tlrength to tb t-iifn Mi J syitrm, promoting the dlKemion and aksUnilstlunof food, restor- in* tbe nervous furors to tin Ir norms) <.litii.ii, aud for puhfviuK, enricblnf, and \ italUiug the blood. Failing Health. Tf n yrars IIM my health bonn to fill. I Wai troudlid with B dilreiiu- C&apos;ouKh, Vi,&apos;!it > \VrnkMr**, nuU Ni-r\ ou*- lie. I tl lr<| \ HI il<U murilien |.l&apos;i MTIOi-J by Ulffi rent |.h\ -iihn, but li-r:iiue M weak I could not ico up Hairs with- out stopping to i.-.i. My frii ml m mil- in>-ti&apos;li-.( in.&apos; lo try ATT&apos;I Siir>.iparill, ln.-li I iliil, snd I sm now m hrnlthv sml trim,&apos; as ever. Mrs. E. L. Wllllanu, Alexandria. Mum. I hsve ute<\ Ayfr&apos;i Snrnparilli, In mr family, for Serufuls, and know, if It U tjk.-n failhfulh . ili:it It will thoroughly erwln itt- llni lerrllilr Jitrux-. I hate alto pn-rril>ei| it i n I..MH-. us well at n altir- alive, ii n. I mut any thnt I uonrstlv bellria It to be tlio lx-i l.lixxl meiMi-i&apos;ne ever Canadian Pat&apos;ilic Railway. Owen Sound Branch. Kjffctt, At-Atday, July S7tl>, 7*&apos;" Uaing \rlh. SOU* Ti.runto ! . ... c.r.lwrll Arrive 1006 Till.- U-av,. 1UM- Oramrfvillo Junction. loM " ShrlN.inii. 108*)" lluu.UU 11 " FI.;IIH>:TO 11 17 &apos; Markdale J* " Wllllanuford I&apos;hataworth Ov>n Houn.l Arrlff 41 &apos;] 111 c:w 1 ta- in" IU 44" 910 " j t. 10 &apos; ( Smith. Ml \ I 1 ">> Owen riotillrl I. I&apos;hatsnnrtli \Vi!i..n,-f .r I Matk-lal. M:J DtniUlt , . <)t.i,_.. \.ll- Junction ()T&apos;!i:&apos; \rnvi- "SO " ville i Leair 4i " ( harl.-ntun . 9 06 &apos; r I well Junction JS " T,.r.-iito \t - w win 1 1 Mi&apos;NH ol.I.. l,>v I I&apos;.-. AOT. J. B. SLOAN, Has p.ny quantity of Shingles &c.,on hand at his factory, at liu;enia. Clienp Jar DR. CAIITEK, M &apos; I*. .V S . (UT : -n>K iv\ si K<.KO\, Ac. H.K>1IKK&apos;10N Offl -o Strain* I.&apos;. "X !: - I. -I V. in \Vr:ht Dentistry. J.P. NiRSlliLL. I..II.S 1 i : N 7 i - r OUIif\TK "f Toronto School of Pv will ! al Mark.lalr tho lt an I &apos;>! \\.-n.t-. .|yof rath liinlitli. an.l at r Ifl r. 1. n .11 : &apos; nil ii 1 I.i&apos;!rU> In each month for ll;v i>ract.. of hl | r.-fi -sn.,ii rompounili&apos;.l. \V. K. Fowler, 1). D. 8., M. D., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would b lrnruM<.iblf for nu> to de- srriln&apos; I nitfri.&apos;.l from ImllgKatlou mnd HI- nUi&apos;lie up to th<- time I h-can taklnir Ajer&apos;s S:ir>S|>nrills. I w.-n uii&apos;li-r the esre of various ph>>icisn sml trir<l a L - msny kmtl* of m- .In nn--. but never obtained more than temporarr r- I.- f. After t.&apos;iklug Ayi-r&apos;i Ssrapnrilla for a short ton.-, my In i-ln. Ii.- di.i|ipiml, ml un l..iim-li iterformeil Its duties m TO Ti>-day my IxMltli ii com- .). \V. FHOST, LL-B-. , .S/iri/&apos;, t&apos;oni-i i/tinrrr. s-:raio Huil.llni;. I- 1.1 .111 i. > A V i!i::-IIY. s..luif>r and Couv>.>aucer. U>an]i.iit M.itiaifer. MI&apos; FKOKT will bo found at Ui Offict on ThiirwUva a bvrvtofor*. plelelr restored. Mirv Harlev, Spring- flel.l. Ma-v I hsve boto grostlv brnrfllrj by the proni|.t uw of Ayrr&apos;N Ksrprilln. It t&apos;.nr. snd invicorati&apos;i the nv^trni. ntiil.itr tin&apos; iirtlon of the tli,&apos;.&apos;tn sml uimil i:l- - orcaim, and >ltallir tbe bliMKl. It (. wlthnut doubt, the mo* r. Matle l>|..t purltlrr yet discovered. II. 1>. Jubn-~.ii. 303 AtUiiti. s\e., llruukljii, N. Y. Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla Fraparad hjr I)r J. C. Ar.r k Co., I.o.,U, &apos;J~m Prlo ! | til AT GORDON&apos; IIARXESS SHOP >/.;; .s !//; ro.v. You will fln.l an a< rtm. L nf Heavy and Lieht Harness. Wlilpt. Hrnlir. Currj Coml". Hwtal Pads, au.1 til" ri&apos;luluatt-l |!nu:t&apos;sH Oil P McCULLOUOH, f&apos;xn-rister. Solicitor. Vr. .. irr. ox r Mi I .irl.iml - .i..i . i i.t ! . Monry to Loan. i-iASSON & MAS80N, r \ I&apos;.lsTr.HM. HI>|J|I ITnlth Ac lit i/ru ci> -Uwau Hound, in ticker&apos;s block. ->i llraurh nffirt. In Mai kdale. otar Me &apos;. * J&apos;tatorr.on Friday au.1 batunlay *r f . I a.HOX.Vjr H MAK80N W MA-- &apos; l-nrmu. * ><>mpji> i fond. < invr.t al r...i .u t > Kight |>Miit I.IIN HtMi>a. r m IILIS rnnii w .,s\i% 1 HANDS, ECHLIN & OARVIN. Stiff, trart tn Ijmiirr d- //.nuii, |)\UI(lMlKIU>, SOI.H&apos;ITOKH. NiTMUV- |) i N\ KVKNCRKX. de lliiieit" I.-i t low, illalDiof liitamt. Ufliora. U&apos;. Kirs MI. . i t-t. fiiront... (fanU. A *ILt I ap (&apos; i&apos;.i. CaM KIM! Ksti . I &apos; John W. Armstrong. FLISHKSTOM, Cn. OaaT. DIVISION Kit UT <-LI:KK. -OMMINSH st u in I, li . CuiivB>aucr.*c Autiiefni j.m.ha. .ni r of laniln Apji&apos;*&apos;**&apos; *" r &apos; &apos; &apos; &apos; &apos;" ji | K I 1 l ** !*o<.|sir kloncv to L. n . ii <l . i t r*aniial>l* terms ti RH ov UABBIAOH I.ICK.NKKK SOTMIV I&apos;l Pi - W. J. BRLLAMY, Tr. ri.isn A*T(iirau. KYA \t&apos;KK. t.\Sl -KAXCK AVT, ,<&apos; DVITS.M"UTIA(JF.B.I.:A1: c . rret &apos; f.l in.l |it..|n-rlT <iinte4 liuirrrf tart tr I in flrt rltM pom|ianles. Mmey to lend * rat. Cash paid for fat Cattle aixl Frrali Ments coiiKl.-uilly r>n 1. -ml for Cftt!l . &apos; &apos;. &apos;ill &apos; s &apos;. .!.!&apos; V &apos;&apos;I&apos;, J *"" "" *" "" natool.Mj to Loan. At <>*J Trr (&apos;nit. InUrctt ,u Stwjltt WITH Iiiin : pftld *HS\T I y not In advMnrii No v iiiijiu* nun rUit,r) 1 A|ij)|> tm /.V t&apos;l. TO BE LET OR SOLD. I Thu mi.lerviitie.l i-ft^r f. r tale M Ulack i tniitliNIi >) >:!> mi I Tr.-n le silji-iniru. at i i >.. .....M. pilrr . or will IT*"- ln fairr to a k&apos;.-nl man l fait rental Thin I". I&apos;- t&apos; - | well ituat"l n I .IliiicwtHMl itrrct Kl< ihrltosi, ! mar tlif |>laiilri: fai-lorv . K..r l.-riiK i 1 i.alllrn&apos;a" apr 1 &apos; &apos; the pro prlrt.-i HOHtkT II H K. Julr mh. Mt. Wtf Klbertoii J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, # Cabi- net Maker. All r|<aln pronptlr * neatlj *iecot*4> s&apos;i.-|>i pnrhsni Ht. i n to L*ltcb&apos;4 Tai > Hoc. Plfcnsand spcclficatuui en ibortest ntl**v

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