THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE HIM IQ Tj a YJfTJ mar be rnand tm me at Ota, THIS rArJSA ! (Wen * <. Hempen* Ail'ertuing Bureau I mayreoe t.Cwl>ifMlveHIlaj SSSElw u> u-oe re u U **W 1 0JC FLESHERTON : THURSDAY. DEC 2. 1883. In another coltima wiil be found ('apt. Itorkc's address to the electors of Centre Grey. The manly, outspoken sentiments contained in it will find u hearty echo in the breast of every loy- al man, who has the truest and best interests of our beloved Canada at heart, ('apt. Koike is a gentleman to the very core, and his address is not an empty, meaningless notliingism, hut an expression of his hoin-st con- victions. What lie says he will do, may be taken for granted a- done, if ri re uni stances- permit. This lias been his record in the past the record of a man of honor ; of a man who would not sully liis fair name for all the offices in Christendom. Such a man ' is Capt. Horke, the Liberal Conserva- tive nominee in Centre (irey. FUSHEK/TON GOSSIP. litre Mini There by the K<litor. II II. I T IHtKS IT MKA \ .'" We commend tho following able and pointed reply to the Thorn bury Arie* lo the electors of East (iroy. It is clipped from last week's Meaford Mir- ror. After publishing such au excel- lent exposition of the situation in East Grey, a reply to the Ntwt, on our own part, would be unnecessary , 1'nder the above caption the Thorn- bury News of last \vi'k tuki s the MuiuiiR to tusk for its "remarkably midden enlistment" with regard to the late Conservative convention at Maikdale, nnd calls upon us to "','ivc our renders a reason for the sudden turn." We thought \ve had made our position eh ur ( nongli, l>ut iip]>an ntly r have not done so, and without any . 'iiiivoiMti'iif ' we will now endcavo,- to satisfy th- News and those who are using it as a tool. Tlie iufonnation received by the MiHiinn wliich caused it to take the .itulden turn was in the shape of u de- tailed statement of facts and limin-s from one of tlieinnst pnunini-iit officers nf the AsAociation whom wo honextly i< li.-vr and uiVirin lind no inlnrsts to >iiliscrve in the choice of any oue of the candidates brought forward ut the couvfiitiiin. His statement IH to the effect - and is borne out by indisput- able evidence that every Ji.n ' Wits straight ami above board ut the con vi-ntiun, and that the opposition of Mr. McColnmn is due more to pcrHonal ft-, lings tlmn because he imagines there has been any crooked work. The tuteiucut goes farther and tai. s that llic secretary of the convention holds the credpiitinlsof all those who voted for the different candidate;* proposed at the convention, and that he is i>r. jun-d to show tin in to any who may desire to investigate the matter. .More than tlml, the secretary and other officers arc willing, says our informant, to rnak'- aflii ination to the truth of the state- ments above chronicled. \\e n*k the News if that is rnllirirnt ii.foiniation on winch to base the remarks contain- id in our article of the l'2th ins ., and for wliich he takes us to task '.' \\ itli 1 1 !i rem-r to the "circumxtanc- - that Imve occurred" they u e so plum we wonder the News man himself Ims not set., them ere this. Vvciuhuit we w re blinded ourselves for s>i:uc time and in our mdenvor to IIIUIIHHIII what we considered would In just and prop- er us against the alleged unpi-opei practices adopted to defeat Mr. Me('i|- n, an, we failed to M-C cticmufttAiiccx tl.iit have since conic to light. The N< ws, still M-C ing and thinking as we did Hi that time, may tlierefoie ! i-x- ii.-.-d for the seeming biindtic**. IHd it over strike yon as peculiar, Mr. N' ws, that Mr. McCo!ina:i n , \vr t-ii i red any objection agoinsi tlie residi of the convention until after tlui Mm !!<.. took up the case iu his behalf? Ti nit question ./ill suggest many others ' vour mind, tvhioji, when you have si i^lnntorily answered, will imriineymi U i. -i lirve that even "circumstances" ale iigainst Mr. M. Column in his re iiention of "something being etookwl." Vonrinyimi.ltion that "some cxtcn- Mi\ system of wire pulling lian been i' nUy put in operation in wi.ich the M K.IR nia]ii|iiilutes oue or more of lh- wi.t it to its owui advdutiigc," is in M for what it is worth. We Imve IK ih lire to throw mad in discussing lii.s ''UCHtion, ami if that .. tlio stylo of argiimt-nl tin Nuwa Lav twciusluiiitd 10. or IN going to adopt, we, nt one" li ' "If. Tho ii.Binuation i* false md ouid only originate in the iitind of one who is himself being 1:441 ' More light ou tho barley question. The grain for which 30 cents per bush- el was paid ou our market was not worth a cent more in fact that was au outside price. If other buyers are willing to pay more for barley than it is worth, why let them. And, of course, farmers would be very foolish if they didn't take advantage of such an unusual occurrence. * ' * The truth of tin- matter is tho bar- ley inarkf t is glutted, and buyers may count themselves fortunate indeed if they can dispose of what they have already bought and clear expenses. Some will not be able to do so. Last year thousands of dollars were lost by grain dealers, and the indications at present are unrnistikably pointing to a partial repetition. * . A most interesting scientific debate took place at the last regular meeting of Flesliertou Division Sons of Tein- (terancc. It all arose from a remark let fall by a prominent member, to the effect, that a pebble thrown into a pond of water agitates or distmbs the whole. Dr. Christoe, Itev. \V. Avers, Kev. Thus. Watson, Mr. W. Irwni, Mr. C. J. Sproule, and the W. P. took part iu the discussion which followed. "How best to employ our leisure mo- in. in- was ably discussed by the first four gentlemen imm>>d. * The young people are in a quandary about the skating rink. On account of so many entertainments, socials, &c., last winter, the nnk did not pay Mr. Fields and, consequently, the likeli- hood is that it will be entirely closed this year. The truth is wean enter- tained" to death in Flesherton, and healthy outdoor sports are being more and more neglected as tho years roll by. It is possible a reaction will set iu : tl.e heavy tux ou the resources of our people is sure to bring this about sooner or later. * \Ve had almost forgotten to inform our readers, that tho early closing movement so satisfactorily carried out by our business men dining the sum- mer months, will be continued the whole year round. This is but right and when properly curried out in Flesherton and elsewhere will prove highly buiieliciul to both business men and their employees. Flesherton al- ways keeps pace with the times. The Flesliertou school bell having been rung at unseemly hours of late, Principal Irnin set about him to as- certain the cause thereof. One night, whilst walking ou the Toronto street sidewalk, in the direction of the lloyne water bridge, the school bell suddenly tang forth a merry jx-ul. Immediate- ly afterwards lie met a number of lads coining from the school house, and without parley, accused them of having runt; the bell. "It wasn't me, sir," replied the boys in chorus, eager to shitt tlie blame on someone else. "Who was it tlien ? asked the Principal. "It was (ioorgo so-and-so, sir," quickly came the reply. George so-and-so being confronted us tlie guilty party, IIB-U ui (1 to assure the teacher that he "didn't r-i-r-ring IMI-O b-b-b-b-el-cl !" Afterwards he confessed having .ione so hut asserted that it was the "f-f-f- first 1 1 time he had ever r r-i-rung it in h-h-his M-l-l-life!" *** 1 1 is too bad, that the fine new house, which Mr. Fied. Rider hud so nearly c.iiopleted, should be wrecked so to.-- rb!y by a stildon blast of wind. The worst of it was llu> brick w.i!l f.rll i,i oiS the beams and smashed through everything in its descent from the lop Hat U. ill.- eellnr. It is not pl'obal 1 . that Mr Uid<!r will h.iv an opportunity fo complete the structure until spiing, under the ciiciimstanccs. It is a heavy loss and Mr. Hider who is a most industrious mi 1 excellent builder has our hearty sympathy, >.: * Our fighting editor informs us that on Friday night last nn interesting dialogue occurred betweMi a very re- spectable citizen ofFUtlMrtOU and on. of our tfiisc.liievoui lads. The latter ws going along Colling wood strw, when the former commenced ca ling, 'lohnny, Jolnmy," to his little boy. The mischievous lad at once itnitat-'d "Johnny's" voiw to , perfection and answered back. The ilecoption was continued for some time, to the great amusement of several citizens. "John- ny" showed up, however, nnd the fun came to a very abinpt termination. One of the inoiil important topics difcniftod in Fleshertou just now is the FY Nhytcrinn chinch and the organ qiustbii. After the regular service here on Thanksgiving day, the subject was taken up, discussed, and voted on by tho congregation. The vote show- ed that u large majority of the mem- bers were in favor of introducing the organ into the church. It has been in use in the Sal. hath School for sonic lime, but out of respect for the antip- athy of a number of the oldest mem- bers to such un innovation, the major- ity has never pressed for its use in congregational worship. A I Iu n- of Beaut). In past years the rage at Christmas time and long before has been the pur- chasing of Christmas cards for friends abroad us souvenirs. This year a change lias taken place. THE MOXT- RKAI. STAR is bringing out a superb Christmas number, a mammoth paper of wouderous beauty, with twt.-nty- eight pages of magnificent illustrations, including a fac similie of the groat picture purchased by Sir Donald Smith, at the Morgan 'sale, New York, at a cost of forty-live thousand dollars, about which the curiousity of a whole continent has been aroused. The en- graving on the STAB'S picture is some- thing of u rare delicacy. Besides the twenty-fight pages of illustrations there are stories, sketches and poems by the best authors. Professor Grant, of Queen's College, has wiitun a piiui i!:il article which every Canadian man, woman and child should rca 1. while there is something from the pen of Professor Roberts, Nove Scotia, George Murray, Montreal, ahsorbng stories by E. \V. Thomson, Toronto, pin-ins liy Poet Laureate Frechette and others, together with a large 22 x 28 plaU supplement, said to be the uioat MwiteWB| crayon ever issued on this side of the Atlantic. The whole of this paper, which competent critics say eclipses the London llmplii? and Lou- don illustrated \firt is sent to any address for the amit/.ingly si, i. ill sum of '2o cents in postage stamps. The publishers are (iraham &. Co., Montre- al, who are giving beaiuiful prizes to the value ol $800 to the little folk who write the most faithful short letter about tin- paper. This is really an age of wonders. Anybody wh<> was foMimat. eiioiv'li to get a e >py of the last Carnival STUI will not be so much surpiisLil ul this !uU-t p: tv of ^'L-aii- tic enterprise. SHII.OH'S rOI'OH mil r..iiviiii|.ii..n Cure iii *"H liv UN <>n a piar.<iit> . ll turn Ci M-ilm|HKu. Sul'l ut Mtilirul II. til. St.l riM.KSS Mi, II IS. i,,,.,!.. nuN'raMf I'.v that ml. I- (..nigh. Slulli Cure i, tlie rriurily for von. SulJ at Meilioal Hall. WIT WILL tOU rough when Sliiloh'l Cure will g re iniinrdiatr roll f. I'tire 10 U., 50 eti., and II. Sold at Medical Hall. Day and Night Purlnf; an anile attack of Bronchi! ii, a ceatclrat tickling In the throat, and an rvliaiintln/. >lrv, backing rnuKh, afflict the Miff.Ti r. Slp U liaiii-lic <l. u |iruilralk>n follown. TliU ilUeaur \t n'li'inl. il nli ll.'.n >. in .., ami LOM of Voice. It ii Jlalilc to lirciune chronic, Involve tliu lung, nil. I trrinlnate fatally. Ayer'n Cherry pp<'trnl afTonli iipci'dy relief nnd mrc In vases of Ilron- chltln. It coniri'U the <llft|KUlon to cough, ami linlin-.n refrenhliiK ulrrp. I hiive broil a practHiig |>hy*iolau fur twnil) -fmir jf:ir. nnd, for the |.:it twrl\,'. |i:nr MiU.M i| from annual nttncki of HronchllU. \fi. r exuaunlln^ all Ihu iimnil 1 1 un i||i-i Without Relief, I trlc-il Aycr" Cherry Pccfoml. It holprd me liiinii'illiiti'lv, iiu.l rili'dcd a |>.'.-ily cure. O. Blovrall, M . !).,< 'arrolltuh, Ml<i. Ayer'n Cherry IVcturnl U il<-rid>-<lly Hit iM'.st' rrnircly, wllbln my knotvltxhto', for chrnnli; lll.iii<-|iill. uud'all liiliie ilUfuaci. M. A.ltu.l, M. 1)., Smith Pub, ilo. I \\-nn nltnrki'd, \:t*l wlnlrr, with a nrvrra Cold, which, from exponurr, ui. \v wotM) nnd finally -.til.. I mi niy J.nn--. liy le: lit HWLMtll I \\:ii nthlrrd lllmont to :i ukrletoil. M\ CnllL'll W :l lllrc:Mll. mid I frrqnriitlr ojilt Jlv |ill\ >irl:in l<il,| me i" tin' up liii-iiii--.. i.i I ni'iild nut lire a iiionili. \tli i lal.liit; \ :irlou i\-in- Ulci without n-li.'f. I HIM liiially Cured By Using two bottle* of AyerS Cherry IVrtornl. I am now hi pciTevt hontth. nml iibln to !' slim-- Im-in.^-. nfler li:i\ itr/ ln-i-n pro* iimnil <! liiriinililo with CIIII.IINI|II|OII. 8. 1*. 1 I.'III|IT-III. SnnUhurxli, IViin. For yi'nr I IMH In a ilwllnc. I hud \ve:ik lull).'", nnd -inf.-i . d from HrnncliiU* nml ( il MI i li. Aycr's I 'berry Pectoral ir- Ktorctl me to liralih, nnd 1 Imvtt In in for long Mine i nm|.:il;ill\.'ly \ li;o|-.i|i>. Ill of a MI. I, I. n cold I alwiiy* rnnrt to the P<-ftr:il. nnd find ciM-edy ulli'f. Edwunl E. Curii., Itntlnml, Vt. Two years n), r o I mfTrrril from n wvrrf Ttrnu. hdlv The |.liv -Irl.m Mlt.-n.lini; me !>' HIM- fmrfiil Ihtit the U|M-OM> n mild trr- imii.iir in riifinnoniii. After trying vrl- "111 llll-.lll illCH, n llll.illl l)vll- til. Ill- dllllllV Vn-M-ribi'd Ajcr'. C IXTTT I'ovlural. which ri'lli-M-il in.' ui OIH*. 1 ruiiliniicd lo Uke Ihl* mrdl.'liie a Khun tluw.alKl wn> cured. l.rin-t i i '' mi, LoKHWpui-t , I nil ], Maw. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PrrMlwd br r>r. .1 r. Ayrr kl'n , Ixiwfl], 8M bj all lrf |Uu. IT| |1 ; all boill LEITCHS HARNESS HARNESS. Tailoring: Estublisliineiit .. If you want Harness, Siiifjle or Double, or llursc lllnnkets, Trnnkn. ^_ ! ISellH, Valises, ('urry Combs. 15rnsiiei j or the celebrated HiiriH'ss Oil, call A TPTj!E SHERTOiN^ : examine before purchasing olsowhi-;c. 11. J. WATSON, 1> 11 1 (' K V I L L 1-: . Is (he place to gi'-t {/out- Suits made in /titit re. THE MA11KETS. FLB8HEBTOK. Citiffully Currcrtril Knelt If Flour ?- '2i> i Fall Wheat $U 8 to KpriiiR Wheat <>y Barley M Oats ... ^7 1'cas 4 IJutter M Exh'8, fresh ( J 1'ot.itoes -I" Pork 5 75 ll.iv.per ton '< 00 Hides <X Wool 1 RlieepskiiiB to Geese " ""> Turkeys < I'i Chickens per |:iir -2U Ducks PIT ):iir 4't "frk. 2 ^5 (I Til 7(1 52 ti :'7 n M\ d :r. !G 411 5 15 H (10 7 <*> i; Si; (I (15 07 HO ii : CLAYTON'S H tlt\l>:s SHOP ! FLESHERTON. Ii lltf i>tticr to ijft y<nn Itm-itr** Collar*, tl< , in >'. Cta>lt<> Huot if. Kltvt .S'<o(r. Fle*lirrti>H. PHftTCGSAPBY. M ES. BULMER. Flesherton, - Ont. IV. J M Ivt'U I (, Il.iv ilifslH'llt KOliiotllun in tin- -til.liii of .. ., i .. t'.l ! fun. "U T.iroiit.i I'lii.toeralilicr. ' I . S J Dlx.u, . imir. r, .]>>,. i ',.-.) , I Hi- ,].,,. ,,.,,,.,, valiiahl.' koowl*le Iu II.-I.M, :. I fol aranre>l 1 can I;IM- if""' i;.-i:uiei [>'-. M"it- ii ilo, un. / Minn if l'n-1'i: ilHi]r, l&ltet iliui U'll-Lt l'ii/ii>ifi'iii iii'i./ un dun 'Ifi-l not iff. t'lmr- .,. - r. r<i luir. A t .fJa f.. A'. J. Xi'ltO L'LE, ' Mil iltut """''I''"'- Aca.!l r."-|. tfullx Miiuit.i' * m.I.i. , % , 1 ^ MKS. Hl'LMEU. i- n N, ,,| ITtli. 1HH.-,. Maxwell Carriage Works. TIios. \. lilakcly, Carriage and \Vagon Maker, I^aintcr, &c., <."-''. \\ i-lu-n t,. an iKiiinre to Uio public Hut lie ha.< aurtod Iu tlie aUvvv Uiuiuvui. All pruui|itlv and neatly atluixlid to. K. and rainUug a tpti -ialtt Sli.ip ni'xt .1 ,.,rt'> J Uttle'i" WackmniHi bop wliu will ill. all vulk llliiiiilli'Ctldli to till- alnivo ,i|,o|i III '< \ III.AKKI.Y FOR SALE. OJarri". IJ niilon f nun Kl.'-lujrtoti. UooH warm frani> .Iwulliui;. 7 roouM, good ecllaur, good atabM ii iii-M-r fiiilln nprlnt; en-, k Ti i n.i oa*v. Kor ; pirtn-iiUr. al.pli tn W. .1 IIK1.I. \ !il\ . Kleb- ; t .HI '... t..f \V ItCl.L.VMY. Mark.lala. niNiiMHMMKMNHKMXioooooooooooooopoooa WHO IIP TIIAMS! tEBRATEO C3-J CHASES -- J HAVE YOU __i. Dytpepaia, Ii.di< . leadacbe, Uiuineu, Ha n ui the Back, Coativencsx, or any diteae armng front a derancw liver, r>. CMAS l.ivaaCflu w.ll be fountl a wr and certain rc-nv dy. NATURE'S REMEDY I Tke unqualified vuti . f In I b Liver Care m ' Liter (.uiaplainl rr.l. s .kly oilh llie fail lhal il u In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past, I have much pleasure in b< IIIK Htill able to supply them with tho following cele- brated in. u- I.i in s. viz., The Toronto Li;;lit Hinder. Tlic Toronto Mowi-r. Thv Sliurp Sulky Hak.-. The Miksscy Harvester. Tlic MiiHsey Mower. The Tolteii IVa HarveBter. The Fox IVa Hnrvcster. ll.uiiiliKii's Combination Plow. Token's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton'* Soufflers. Hamilton's HOBS iiiin Plow. Wisncr's Spniitf Tooth (^iltirators. The Cli.itliaiu Fanning Mill. A full stock of KK.PAIKH always on hnnd. . K A'.LI llANliri.mK, colnl>ind with ainy Ser inva'nabl* r<xn-. l>.,ik> urnl l..rl. having a powerful effect 011 lli kijiwy*. Vomi. h. Uoweli and Blood. COO. 000 GOLD Over fH-htif millitu // l<>. Cktu'i Ktfift ffott Wft ttU if CtMUi* a'tnt. H'i Kfnl niry *, m,miim mmi ckiU *. u lr.-xt*rj Ml/I Livtr Crm- flttnt li trj Ikil tJtcltttnt rrntfilr. SOMETNINO Mi * C;vi N AwaV Flu Wrapped aruund every bottle of Or. Cha*c' I ivrr Car* It a valuable HoutcboM Meilical (>uide and Kecip Book (84 page*), containing over i<-> uieful recipe*, pronounrrd by medical men and druggi\tt at invalit- able, anil worth ten lime the price of the medicine. ClUU'l CTttll CWK. A tafe and poutm fcmedy. Price, >j cenlm. , JIY CHASE'S KiMCYaMlmiPiua. 15011. SOLO BY ALL DEALER* reqnirin^ any of tlia above will (lo well to call and incpcct Mach- ines, wliich will be found in Sprouli M warehouse. A. 8. VanDUSEN. FLEHHKBTON. T DMNOM 00., Recommend'd by Dr. Christoe New Butcher Shop in Flesh- ertou f Fetch & Mitchell. PIloPItlETOUS. Til I tinilemiKiiF<l ro^iwctfiilly take thin oiipnr tunity to aiinnnnci' to tlu* |MHI|.|.. rf H.'-h- prton niiilmjrrnnn'liug ruiintrv. that they have atart^d a Hutchrr Hhop iu tlie r>tand next iltx>r to th.- Muri.i,. Wrirkn. FM-'.KnFHTON. whrr* they will >>< plrwuud to m.-.-t with all wbo favor thm wltli tluiir patronatie. l-'n-uli 11, n. of aU kiada, and FUh, Ac In thr<r teaaoua. lU youri. PKTCH A MITi IIKI.l. (I OOOOOOOOOOOOOaOdOOOMlOOAOTIOlKXMMIO James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairlni:. KavotrnanhltiR.and in fact every- tniiiit in the hiiftinwia will n>e<o my prompt anil curnful atunitlvn at rea*4>iial>l* prices. PLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. I^KIt <JE1>'T. Iimuianco effrcU'd ou Farm and Villape Biuhlinps mid contents. InFiirnnr n" mist I.i'.'litiiinf; 11 specialty. Deeds, Mortgages, Lea8CB. Wills, &c., carefully prepared and properly executed. Ornci, Toronto street, near Town Hall. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent.