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Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1886, p. 3

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Ill* >V H I I -, I UK !* . < .rr . Child. Tbe following latleri tell Ibeir owo tele 10 wbiob Ibe be.uiy Mid uivei. of lb< child's uprem-iDin are ohaxmiLgly pot lr*yed. Anne Miry L'vicgelone la fknoiu lad with Ibe incomparable Ult of HL Andersen, and Ibe waruj-berled, inipol aive lutld gUI begin* the eorrpoudenee by writing to him the f jllowiug letter " UlvaOjttagf, Hamilton. 890tlaud, IslJkunary, 1869. "Daar Hani,- 1 like you fairy talei no very muob Ibal I ibould ver; nob like to oome and ua you, bui I otn aol. I tbeo thought thai I would wrne to yon. Wneu pepa oimee boma from Africa I aball Mk biui to take ma to aaa you My fnvurue Ulee ar* : " Toa Oood Lack of tba Wooden BboM," " Tha 8uo Quseo," and tome more. My papa't name ie Dr. Livingston*. I aand yon my picture and papa'* 4Qtograpb. I mail now B) freu. Mid wuhiug yoa a very happy Naw Year, I MB your loving liulu frieud " ASM MABT L m VI-T HI, " P.8. Pica** to write ma aooa. Mj addreim ie written on tba flret page, MK please to eand ma your photograph." That eha raoeived u answer ie abown b] ibe following latter, whiob in addranaad to her friend, datad from iba aama plaoa : " My dear Hana O. Andanao, It ii a long time tiuoe I have written to yoa, bat I am doing so to * , and very much, ia il aot ao T I wai M overjoyed to raeaivr your teller, and wban I got yuur piemra 1 looked at il and (bought that I bad be aoma acquainted with a gentleman wham 1 onld like vary muob. I thank yoa ver) mush for tba translation, other wiaa 1 iboold not have baan abla to understand yoar lettar, and tban I could not bava aaiwarad a aingla question. Twice wi have bad aawa of papa, bat neither the oaa news nor the otbar waa reliable, bot last Friday oar atationmaitereame, whoknowi a, aud broogbl a newspaper wbioh bc aewn for oa, and aoah good nawe ! How happy wa were I "I read tba etorieaof ValnoaandOlanoa I tblnk tbam vary pretiy, and hope that yon will eiill writ* eome more- The one wkiab I read Ural of all waa Map, or linie Tom Thumb. Tbomai and O>wald my biolban, and Axues, my aiaiar, are I j'* well, bat my mamma ie dead, and 1 bave two aoote, Jane and Agnes Living atone), with whom I live. Il in a vary prally hooaa. I bad alao onoa a grandmother Livingetone, bat aba ie now dead. Plat tail ma it yoa anderetand Swedish ; be ao Rood a* Mil ma tbia in your next letter. Wuh my beat eompltmanta to all your frisndi al home, I remain yonr very lovinj hula friend, ANNA MABT LIVINGSTON " Tben follows a leilar trom Uaus Auder MQ to Anna Mary : Sfjelfir, Denmark May, 1871. " My daar little friend, Thank yoa tor ibe pretty letter which yoa eo lately wrote to me, and thank yoa f jr all that yoa bava told me abjol the pantomime wbiob yoa saw In ibe Taeetre Royal. I knew ery wall indeed the etory of Binbad ; II U in tne book ealled A Tbooaaod and One Night*.' Yoa mail read that book. " I will aand yoa by tba drat opportunity aba oouiiLuaiiun of tbe lalee and rtonei whieh yonr niter A|(neej brought yoa trom a. ID ruy ntw book there are many talae wbieb yoa can eearooly know. " I bava been living in a o juntry bonee in the ootakirte of Copenhagen, ia wbiob I wwi when yoar aieter and her frienda did aa ibe pleaaure of viiitiog me, and broogbl me Iba kind maaaagaa trom the little Mary Llviogetona. It wae, indeed, very pleasant to eaa them. Remember me to the noble old lady who aeoompaniad them, and alao to all thoee who eame to aee me. " Here in Diomark we often apeak aboat yoar dear papa and hU travele in Afiiea. A abort time ago I read in a newepaper thai be bad eel oat from Africa, and we* upon bie way home to Europe. Hurrah , That would indeed be delightful I Tbe good Ood never foreakee good people, wbo love Him and ho aoeomplieh good deedi. What a joy there will be in Ibe family, a nj lieing through the whole land, if the dear, far -travailed papa, whom we all prise and aooor, eomee back to England, and aflar be ban often kiaeed bit Utlla Mary, and apokan wilb bar, aad related any ttoclaa to ber, then mention my name to him, and greet bim from me, with my whole heart, tba loved on* over whom Ood eiretobee Hit protecting arm for tbe happineu and joy of us all. " Remember me to every one who re- BMmbera the friend of little Mary. " HANK CHBUTUH ANUIMEB " Than again be writ** : " Now I hav* returned from the eonntry, am living aloe* upon tbe *ea eoail, in an old-faahioned ooantry eeat, with high towers ; the garden atretobee down to tbe beaob, and from behind the hooee to a foreet of beeonea, wbioh are beautifully freeh and green. Tbe whole wood I* like) a aaipet decked with violet* aad anemonea. Wa bear tbe oooing of Ibe dovee and tbe echoing aoond of ibe ouokoo. In tht* plaee I aball eeriainly wrlto a new *tory, whiob my little friend later will be able M read After WbilaUDtide I return to the capital, id I (hall live lor a long time In the beau- nful villa where yoar eUter Agne* wa* ao kind a* to pay rat a vialt. When papa eame*, tbeo may I expect a Utter from my loving little Mary 7" With a letter of the 23rd of November, 1878, (he eenl him a green (tone to replace tba one wbiob be bad loat, wbioh ah* form- erly bad aent to bim. The** aton**, aba writer bave the property of proteetiog one from the danger* of the nea. Farther aha souliunei : " We bar* Mr. Htanley bar*. He U laying a day or two with the Provoel of Hamilton, Mr. Dyke*, In order to giv* a lecture. My (later Agoei and one of my aanfj and I were eonduoied to the plat- form amidet great applauee. In the after- noon Mr. Stanley eame M aa, and then he wont to tbe banquet in Ibe Council Cham- ber*. In ibe evening be bad a very inter eating leetore. The next day wa (bowed bim tbe Palace, and then be eet out on bi- joorney. I was vary *orry when be went away, I like him ao vary mn*b. " When I wa< in lona a relation of mine in tba Higblanda lent me a preieot of a wbole sovereign. Agoee and Tbomae and Oswald and I bonht a beaotilnl golden medallion for Mr. Stanley, and oaneed bie iaitlala to be engraved opon it , opon one lide ii papa and upon ibe other an hi* n ve children in reoaguilion that be bad found papa. For tbie medallion I bave paid 10 <, and ea I bear thai mere bave been dreadf nl fl xide. I lend you moet wil li'igly the other 10 < for tbe beoatl of thi poor people. Please iee tbal it oomea into the rigbt bandn. " 1 am learning German and find it very interesting. I eboold like very amah to bave a letter from yon when yoa have time I mnet now ojoelnde in laying tbal I am ever your loviog yootg friend, A. M. L. " P- ti. l love you 10 very naueb, dear dear Hani Aoderaeu." In bii anawir iba poet thanks net for tbe green etone, and further writat : " But that my good, daar little f r tuc alao think* M lovingly of Ibe di*lrea* ol boee ec tiering on account of Ibe fljod* in Denmark, my fatherland, that abe aendi ibem tbe other half of tbe sovereign, hu muob pleaaed and deeply tffcoled mi Thanke, dear, good ebild. May Heavio grant that yoar papa toon give* yon a kiee upon your email red month. Tbe olber half -eoversigo bae been lent to our Central Committee for the bent a iof Iboee toOtr on aocoanl of tbe fl >od. My aeooani aboai il baa uiuob intoreeiad and (fleeted all my friende, and in all the papen of Denmark ibie beautiful trait of obaraetar ba* been written abool in a tombing manner, ao Ibal wben Mary doee indeed oomi here with br falber (be will alao find fond frieuda tbil love ber too, like her papa, wbo i* beloved by all tbe uaibne of tbe North." la Bbe Yoa darling I'm jail delighted to eee yon again. Her Yea, il'e a wbole year eiuoe yoa left ae to go to Parie : bow I envied yoa ' Bbe Yoa may well aay ao. I had a glariou time aad yoi ? Her Oa, pretty fair . every eeaaoL'i about tbe eame here. Bbe And bow are all oar matnal friend* and foae .' Her Home married, eome eiogia, eoae failure*. She Ob, I eay, wbal'a become of that horrid born, One Gripe, whom wa uaed to juel date ibe ii|(hl of Her Joel tbe aame aa ever. Bbe He waa a good oatob Ibougb, a* far a* money went. Her -Ob, immenie. Bbe Yviur folke need to be ju*t wild for you to aaoept bim. Her- Vae. didn't tbey 7 Bbe Ha! hat bow b* ated to follow yon aud never give yon a moment'* peeoe. alwaye banging around Her Oa, dreadfn 1 , waeu'i be 7 She Da yoa eee an moon of bim aa ver 7 Her My dear ! no indeed 1 I oouldn't MtUy have lived Ibroagblt. Bhe Have yoa oared him 7 Her Mot effeataall*. Bb* How, for goodnea* take 7 Her I've married him. utM-a Magiilrate Tbe young woman eay* that yoar continued etaring al ber annoyed ber eieeeeively. Prisoner I never intentionally annoyed a woman in my lite, yoar booor. MagielraM Tben, wby did you etari at her so peraietently " Prisons*-- Because ah* ie prslly and I oaldo'tbalp il. Young woman I. ft /Urn >, Juift. Tra*> L'arime lr Pint little king" Wbal'i the matter in Bu'gtria ' Beoond little king-" I'tmoe Alexander tiaa b*en deponed ' WM be given any w/aroiac 7" No." Not even a we-k'e aolioe f " Ni: jail kiekedout." Well, I think It'i tfrne a* king* had a tradee- union." Omtka World. Man (to frienli-" I bve a inpmu* eon temp i for that feiiow J jhuaon. Friend" Why ao ? ' Man" Beeiu" be played m* a ton- temptible trick. I took him a petition tbe other day and " Friend" And be rifnied to *ign it, eb?" Man" Ob, no, hat bi iniiited opon reading it before be pat bit name down.' Arkamait Traveller. 1 J A (borl-aigbted man approached a liranger on Ajatiu ivanneand eaid . Y u are wre'cbed donkey." ' Wbai do yoa caeao, tir 7" Ibandtred he iniulted party. " I beg yoar pardon. I made a mlatakr. Ton bave a remarkable reeemblanoe to the dnnkev I auppoaed yoa w*r*." Ttiai Sifting'- A II., *<) b, . f.rt 01 A Medltoa, lad., deejpateb aayi : A pel larrol attacked Jamea Ltweon'i babe, n reek* old, In It* oradl* yeaterday and icked a bole In id aknll tbrougb wbieh he braina ooxed. The injoriee are probably fatal. > t> t r >i >ton. Old Party If I kad nfrtaenti and gave t to yon to get changed la order to ftivt yoa penny, what would be left 7 Kireel Arab Ao old man I Tbe OonfT'fatitmtlitt, of London, tell* be following iooideot M Illaatraling tbe eeling among tbe common people In Walee regard to Illhee : " A tew dya ago we ad a oinvenatioo on a railway platform with a Welah farmer wbiak we* extremely uggeitive. ' I know a farmer'i wit* over he bill there,' aald my friend, ' and tbe ianon eame to collect tube. Bhe laid to ira : Pareon, I have eleven obildren ; will on take one of them ? You take ebe tenth IK ; will you bave Ibe tenth child ?' Tne rgument Beamed M tbeUrtner qalte eon- ineioR, and the story eeerned to o* keenly 1 predated by the byataodera." One of tbe baiet women of Ibe day i* Mtrirn Harlaod. Hbe eondnoM a bnoee- old department for a lyodiaate of fdeec <twepapri , doei tbe editorial work ID tatytaorf; il oompleliof a ompanioD nlama M " Judith," to be called " In O.d 'irginia," and a hoaeehold manaal to be nulled " Bounmakiog and BOOM- eeping." vowm mi M. ru MeaaKrkBblc face* if K idio* the K. il,. of I In I. ii, lr . OeHog to tbe harried elridei wbieh are being mtde ia eiviliittion, tbe milk of Ibe oow in repidly coming into exteneive one for the aee of infanta, and the reaolt ii a large ioeieaaa in infant mnrlality. From two-tbirdi to three fonrthe of the lutanit in United Blate* eiiie* are nonrithed on oow'i milk, bat ii i* not positively known tba alarming iDortaee of mortality ia to be attributed more to adulteration*, to tbe nninitable oeee of Ibe milk of tbe oow, to tbe lack of knowledge in preparing u for infante, or to thi milk aa a earner of eootagtoua di* eaeea. Tbe qaalitiee oi milk f.-om our domestic beroivora vary materially, bui, following Ibe ebemieal eampoiiiion, eow'e milk ia generally regarded aa btiog beet adtpted for the purpoae. Tbe followiog table ahowi Ihi average percentage oompoeition of milk from Ibe varijoB domeetio animal* : Oompoaillon. Wilr Hutur-fal Cuelu ; Abumln.; Uilt bucw uJi4 Oow Goat. Bbeep 8T66 MU BS.O _. 340 I" S3 Albnmlnolil. Wbl " niuoldi 3M ueo 11 .M) Q _ on OT * 6 1.7 O.H UK oo loooo 100.00 Compare tbe above wilb the following table anowiog ibe minimum, maximnm u>d average ojupotilion of woman'e milk . tfioluiuiu. afaiimam. Avure^e WiMr M5U W.OH W71 et _ .... til >* 413 Milk eager t.40 7.M 6 'it AllmuiiuuiJe. 16 left V.OU Alb (eallei JJ Jgl .U Wi ib reepeei to normal oow'i milk, the following variation! in the ehemioal com- poeitioo me>y oeear Watir, 86 to y per cent, fat, > 6 to 7 par cant, (the oroUnary variation! are from 3 to 5 per eent ); milk u<r, 3 M 6 pereeol ; eaaiia and aloauin (tlbomiooi l), .' to 5 per cent ; aalte, 4 to OH per eeni. Now, witb k&eee Oiinrea t>lure oar eyee, 11 ean be diatinetly eeen Ibal oow' milk doea uol alwaye oome neareal to tb ebemieal tompoeltion of boman milk. It i* ibe neual eutom to add aorne aogar to Iba eow'e milk in pre- paing u for lofaut food, and alibongb ibia ii ibe ooly ruli wbieb ean beaafily follow- ed la every OMM, there are oftau other eon- eideratiOQB of much greater importance. I hi great abundance of ealte in the milk of oar domeelie aoimale, oompared with tboea In haman milk, IB diatinetiy marked, and ibe ealM are highly etimolaling ibeae being tbe active principle of beef tea. Tbie ia probably one of ibe reaeoni why the water- ing of ojw' mile for infant* ban bean practiced. Probably (be moet important consideration ia tbe reaolion produced by the different qaalitiea of milk . the milk may be too acid or too alkaline. Tbe teat of alkaline and acid anbetaneee ie lilmna paper, aoida earning bine liimue red, and alkaliae turning red litmn* bine . in mtutral liquidi, tbe bine lilmoa ie not turned red, and tbe red ie not turned blue. 1> fferenl qaalitlee of milk, *v*n in tbeir bealtt . eon miion, have not alway* tbe aam* ret>ciioo eo tbal ihie Mel eaonot alwaya be dependec oo, and anthoritiei are not yet decided opon tbe qaality of milk baaed upon it* reaction II bal been observed that it a elnp o bine lilmoe paper be beld in norma eow** milk abonl a tn.cuie, the mill either doaej not change tbe color of Ibi paper, or at moet obangee it into a viola tbade. If the blue litmue tarn* distinctly red, the neilkl* BOOT. II the color of tb blue) piper doee not change, tben bold i etrip ol red litmn* in Ibe milk, wtaiob bonld either rcmtin nnehanged or Inn bat alight red. i be nature of tbe foud ojnenmed by the eow often ebaogea tb* reaction, however, tbe milk eotuetime* bemn Mid and Mmetimee alkaline ; bal womau'e milk uanally ba* a pronounced klkalioi raaollon. Tba aafeat rule la tu obtain for infant* milk from eowi fed largely oa hay or graa*. tbe milk pro dooing an alkaline reaction, wnile other (code, notably elope of all kind*, produce acid milk. It ie not unreasonable to cm- elude ibat a potent eanae of infaul mir lalnyii tbe feeding of milk from oowe fed on dietillary elope, it producing a itroo( Mid reaction. Tbe obemieal com position of tb* milk of oarnivorooe anlmale differ* viry widely from Ibal of berblvoroni, ao that Ihi milk of tbe former I* very uoeci table for Infanta, while human milk eloaely coincide* witb ibat obtained from nerbivoroue animate. L) ja ibia fact tend to prove that man ie an heibivorooe animal by nature, and that lie oaruivorom propenalllee are Ibe reeolt of babit THIC I. AMU OC IVOKV. M Hrr, ThiEaglieb Melhodiel* bave porebued il Epworib, tb* birtbplaee of Jihn Weeley, a aile for a chapel, eohool and paraonage, a* a memmal of Ulm. Tbe diffireno* between a prediction and two multiplied by two i* elinply Ibii, my BOB : Oa* foretells and the olber tell* oar. HEUKRIN i to the proposition to f quip tbe Bntuh Army wild repeaUng nOee, tbe i r my and \ai-y Onttt eaye : To &i(ht loob neoiie* ae Bniieb troop* generally bav* to aaw, the liagle charge breechloader ii lite good inoogb bat a* there may b* oemiie armed with repeating riHie more ormidable tban Boodan Arabe, Uurmane, r Indian* to encounter, II I* Intended to manufacture a large number ol magiz ne flee, M bi kept In More In eae* of need for aaae to tbe Army "as Boon ae the pattern M bean determined." There are two Vitemi of repealing rifle*, American and jglieh, now before Ibe War Office, and ha Aaitrian Ba <albcff rifle U momentarily xpeeted. Wbe.i all the v*rioo* ayetemi lav* been thoroughly t**t*d and examined, be cffioere charged with reporting on thi eeolli will formulate their opinione and e x>mtnendaiioni, and tbe maonfaolnre will at onoe go on. Whan tbal will be we annot Bay. The new and improved nfle n tb* linei recommended by tb* or m mlttee will be ready for trial in a few daye. >aly fifty will b* made for experiment at bo outaet. A otliaen recently received a letter from ie brother in-lw telling of an arrival ic ia family In tbie way. " I will aoewer onrlaat qaeallon flret. Julia ie donu plendidly to-day. Bba wa* eomtwbai need ap yeiterday and laet night especially, n attending and partiolpatloK in tbe birib ay exarelee* nf oar eldeet daughter, a 'lv girl whom I tbink yon have never <! I k, i. i u .k . An ..y r., If an expert ivory dsaler badfzimlned ibe tasks of Jumbo be could have told very nearly where Ibal lamoae animal lived oefore be was removed from hie naiiv jangle, aayi tbe Mew York Sun. Homidit) nd heat improve the quality of ivory. The farlbsr an elephant livss from tbe equator tbe higher and dryer bie habitat, tbe lea* valuable bi* lu-ki. *t African inik* ar* not ao large, bard or doe-grained M those from tbs central and weatern regiooe, anc oontequeolly they sell cheaper in tbs mar ket. Xhsre i* no doubt tbal tb* Congo basin, now becoming aea***ible, will for years lo oome hi tbe eon roe of Ibe world't largeet aud finest supply of ivory. Stalistica of the ivory trad* Bine* 1 ?7: -how tbal 65 OuO African elephant* are (laugh tared annually to supply the civil' , umket*. Whils it U certain Ibal tbe African elephant ie declined, like tbe American bieon, to extermination, tbe daj when be will dieepptar forever from hii native haunt* will douotleee be far removed He etill roam* lo prottigiooe number* over vail areas of inner Africa. The restless boater, however, ba* driven bim from tbe ooaal region*. Tb* increased cost ol reaching the elephant hunting grenade has reduced by one-half the ivory export* ot Cap* Colony and the Porttuaem weel coast settlement*. Tbe exports are de creating al all but two pointe of ebipmeni Arab hnntara penetrating f.r inland fr a, /.L^ bar and Ibe enlerprue of the fulled African company on the Nigsr aod Bnne Kivore are swelling the volume of exports from those regione, wuile al all other point* il i* diminlehing. Stanley'* assertion two year* ago tbal ivory waa ao abundant in tbs Congo basin Ibal it ooold b* bought for almoel nothing was received wilb incredulity. BII slats mint, bowsver, baa recently been oorrobo- rated by a number of reliable traveller! m' Qreinfell *ay* tbal on tb* K*asai O aent, where two year* ago Wuimann'e party killed seven elephant* i . u many minute*, be recently caw a Porlogueie trader wbo bad jut bnogbt 800 insks, and that tuikt wortb 115 in Liodon ooold be procured for two necklaces of class baadi iwo commercial bouse*, oos Djteh and ib* other French, have recently established agent* al Stanley Pool. Oaa of tboee agsote in a (logic day boogbl nearly five too* ot ivory, wortb 136 000. at a price so mall that Sir Fraooie de Wiotoo, late 0} ver nor ol Oongo.eaid h* would ool reveal ibe eoet. because )ou would all start iff to tb* Congo to become ivory trader*." Tbe stsamai B(aol*y is now ontb* KM sal rivsr investigating tbe prospect* then of tbeiviry trad*, which Oreenfell, Wi* mann, Kind, Wolff aod otbir* bav* pioiored in glowing l*rm*. Sir Fr*nei* de Winiona*a*rie thaltb* native* throughout IbsCjogoba*!* have been eollccting ivory for a long Urn*, aad il will tak* year. even partially to clear tbe country ol lie lead ivory without toaehing tbe living pro duet. Wben Ibe Congo Railroad Ie bnlll tbe Free Stale will aepend for its commu- nal prosperity upon Ibis trade alone oolll the lodia robber aod other possible is due tries of Ibe country bave been developed. Tbe*e countless hsrde of elepbante that roam over all the well watered part* of inner Africa, from tbe Sahara desert to Gape Colony, will furnish for ysari to ome Ib* moil important Item among tb cimmodiliee tbal tbe continent give* to commerce. Their ivory alao ii regarded by all European colonies, ia their feeble beginnings, as Ihi moil prcliable, and therefore the most deeirable product of Ibe scan try. -< BBart t !.( .n.ii K lopitock began hi* " Usssiab " al Ibs age of 17. Tbomai Moor* began to writ* pocmi al tbe age of 14. Milton began lo woo th* muee wben b* WM but 10 yean old. Tbe poet S)utb*y began to writ* v*r*ss before b* wa* 1 1 . s -luller wrote and pnblitbed a poem on Hoes* in bia Uth year. Henry Kirk While published a v olnme of p jeoie al tbe eg* of 17. Diiketie had produced " Piekwiek Papere " before be was : J >. Bryant'*" Tbanatopeie " wa* published before Ibe writer bad reached tb* *g* of 'iO Bbakipear* wrote " HamlM "If bedil writ* it whin he wae ooly M yeare of age. Halwer Lylton. It .yard Taylor and tb* poet Keat" war* eneceasful magazine writer* al 18. Fiti-Oreen Halleek'i belt vsraea wire panned wben Ibe author wa* b*lw*n U tod 17 vear* of age. Poem* by Chaucer were known and riad before tb* writer had reached hie llib rear, and Leigh lluut made a atiral the atfr OflS. fl*>e l be b.krn 1 h. i WaV. " My vieti to England wa* opi round of cordiality and sympathy. Oa on* co ja*ion, after I had ipoken, I got into my earrisge nd prepared to drive aeroa* on* of Ib* "bams* bridge*. YOBJ pay a half-penny to el aoros", yoa know, aod a penny for ear lasje*. Well, aa I got into sny carries 1 * crowds (book bands with m*. They thruet heir bandi through thi window, and I waa kept busily ibakiog tbsm. A* w* v*r* crossing Ib* bridge a lank band was broil m at th* window. I ebook II. Again t wa* thrust in, and again I ibook it Whin I aaw tbat band lor tb* third lime wa* astoniibad. But tb* owner bad be- come impatient ' A half-penny lor yonr are,' u eaid, and I law my .-jielake. ' /nry II jrJ Hrrcllfr. Tbe Iri*h Preebylerlan Church baa eoenllyloal three leading men. Rev. Dr. Lrroll IS -111*, comparatively young, and lev. Dr. W. Fleming Stevenson and ProL 3ro*kery, wbo both mood in the front rank f the minietan of Ib* Icieh Oharoh. Ten thousand eattle are killed in Niw fork oily every week f >r food porpoeee. Tdree years ago th oak tree planted in enlral Park. New Y jik, by tbe Prince of WaJeiin I860, wae given upas Ion, owing o the ravagee of ibe oak role insect. After * thorough craning It ibowed MICH nt wewed growth, and II it bow ia fine jndltion. > > OLD Or. tiHMvtae .nr. it... it. , ,. r ek* i.ri atoral HI Tbe Maritime Province ipapin contain the following in relation to a Ktaileman boee name has flgared ia tbe Montreal prase: About ten daya ago advirtitemint* were maarted in tbe Monetou newe| apen DoouneiDg that " the great royal ttafl of E'jgltib, French and Oerman pbyaiman*., profeeaon aod ipeotaluta" would VIMI Mjnoton, aboat Njvimoer lOib 10 remain fjr ten dayi. It wa* alao mated that thi* wae tb* nr*t trip ol the itsff, and in order to build up a reiutatijQ they would treat patiente free of ubarge. Ine namee of tbe staff to visit Mouetoo were not given, bat tbe bead ffleea were elated to be Montreal, Dublin, K unborg h and London and ibe namee of .ne 1'reeident and Viee-Preeidenl were >09ompanied by a elring of titles a* long as ona'i arm. Bums day's before tb* lOik there arrived on Ibe acene a peraoo, evi- dently with colored blood, accompanied trj a while woman. Tbl parly deacribed biaoMlf as Dr. O H. (Ouetavios Hkiinlloa) Oriffio, B A., M 0. 1 , M. L> , and M BOOM parlies mated tbal he was a literary man (encaged on tbe Montreal Journal of Cam- wrey). aod only lodireeily connected with ine great royal eteff , alao Bland that be wae on his wedding tour to England aod tbs continent, etopping over at Mooaton for a few daya Tb* 10th cams, bat beyond Dr. Oriffia there were no eigni of (be " great royal ileff " Orowde of aiek, ibinmplini and oinsr inoarahles in the mennlioie began to fl wk to the boltJ. Dr. Gnffio, annoonoed that one of tne *tff, wbon DBmi be gave a* Dr. Ooodall, had been detained by ibe illness ot bit wits, and thai Ibe otbar bad been detained by preea of bneineei in Qosbec. But Ibe doctor waa tqaal to Ib* emergency, and altboogb be OIM| enoonoced Ibal he waa only lodceetly connected with tbe "great royal elaff." hie seined to be providi d wilb aU tbe fotmala, and commenced Ibe treatment of all wbo believed in bie power*. He opened bn-toeee wilb a dmggiai, and hi* media oftramdt wa* to tell the pati**t (bal ba wjuld goaran- tee a care for an amount in some ea*e* a* low as (4 up to 110 or 1 ' and perhaps even higher, according to tbe apparent willingness of tbs patient M pay. Some 1 eoi Ie havs oome twenty and thirty miles M B* treated , aod though in eome rtTi t bey refused to pay anything, in moet to'tato* the doctor euocseds. Tbn u tb* 11 .h, anditiU oon<n of the abient mem Oereot Ibi " greet royal etafl," and inquiry at tba hotel falls to show thai any others are rxpeeted. Dr. Griffio u a large, pompous man. make* a great display of diamond* on his person, and in hi* room ii Jrteeed with large Turkish cap in a man- ner calculated to im[ rase ignorant people. He is a brilliant convsnauonalisl ad eri- lently a wall mfjrmed man. Ht*tre+l Quitte. m IP .. Ur a Cretly H'ewsaa. I would permit a more ocqocltuh type of pretty women to wear toe following dinner gown, which we were ibown CD (be aame occasion. Plsats of ivory aano form tbe front of tbe ikirt ; a saab of black mair* ribbon fall* over them. Mad in a knot, and tbf end* are gathered into jet IM**I* ; a panel ol black velvet borders the plead on either aide. Tost* are edged wilb jet, and al Ibe top of each a tiny panier of ivory eatio i* arranged, (led down wilb a JM ornament. Tbe short train i* aim, with a breadth ot moire silk in ibe centre. Tbe bodice i* of moire, the upper peri and the sleeves being made of a trellii work in jet, tbrougb wbieh the eboolden and arm* of my imagined pretty woman ebioe radiantly. L'otma afjy ia Truth. Tttf Ml.m..,, In Ibe N >rlbreei ba* been luppreaaed and our citizms ean now devote reasonable al teolion to tbeir torus. Tb* only cure, *al* and painless remedy 1s 1'alnam'a Painlee* Corn Eitraetor. II never tail* , never m <kee tore apod woras than the original dueocaforl. Bee that yoa gel" Palnam'*." aod tak* none other. MIM Kale Bleely. ol Weel Point, led.. Ml Ibe town talking the other dav by poblioly Ihraabing Postmaster Kteer. Tbis done, ihi went before a joitiee, (leaded galley an aanault, waa flasd 15 and ooett, and paid it like a man." Tbe trouble (raw onl of a u* io which ibe wa* a wltnee* against Kieer. i. all \ n. For s living. Writs to Hal let' < Co . Portland . Mi u ami tbey will wail TOO I ,.l lorormatiea. (rr ebowloi you bow ou OD IUB from *i lo 15 aD'l upward a ilay an.l llv* at borne, w hrt.r yoi ate looate*! Borne bare ina>U ,>vr IJU lo t iltT Cipltal not lX|Ulr*l Y >u aro itarud fn. All Mae. ruin MI>. All il new. Une.1 lor jmee ote from tb* lUrt. Fortune* evalt all wotkan wbu bgm at one*. 4 usual .1 . , r Bam "Tell me oandidly, do yon thisk Ibal I ought M marry the girl." John" Marry bar by all means. Yoa will not be fooled half so bad a* ah* will be." Tbe Jewi>b Almanack elate* tbal there an 5 400 000 Jew* in Europe, 300000 in Atia. 35000 la Africa and SM.OOO in America. Tbe total Jewieb population of the world ii estimated at 6 300 000. CONSUMPTION. thMnt. .- . . . ...... . -. .-^j rliamn * ! 'r4 lB.tM4. tmvff I* * teiih I* IM i " r mtia.1 MI, . vti nini* iKKn o. ihii rt-in i, ZT. I'R l' HKTH Branch Office . 37 Tonga St. Tonalo ... ! SO DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND A

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