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Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1886, p. 2

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4 BNTIKBLY TH Y BICHAHD. Chariovut Broach ol Proxnia* CM AMU81NQ LOVE LETTERS. (From tb* London Times.) ram v Thii WM ao aelion to recover damige*> for M alleged breach ot promiat of mar- rtagi. Tbi difendsnt, though hi dalivired a talemanl of defence deoyicg tbe pro- smate and ilternativaly pleading momai reoiiiou and olb*r plaai, wai not repr* en led in court. Mr. Wedderbnrn, who appeared for tbe plauuifl. in opening ber eaie, laid tbal ihe wae an nnmarried Gei man lady, residing at 81 Wellington street, Comden-town, ano wa* DOW a daily govern***. Tnd*f*ndani ii also a German, and al thi time of Ibe engagiment WM a widowar, rtudiug and eajtrying on bntiniaa in London a* a Bsarbl* aginl, bat DOW ruiding in Qwrmeny, wbar* be had marriid a lady of repnted wealth. In February, 1880. the) plaintiff ooenpitd Ibi position of gov- ermess in a gentleman's family in Hurt- fordsbire. al a yiarly salary of Jt 100 aod bo aid and lodging. Bue bad then b*ld the po*iiiou for four yiare, ind wonld no doubt have oantlonid to do M had ibe not mi the defendanl. Tbia abi did early in 1880, al a meeting io London for tbi purpose ol forming an International Club lor Tuoh- er Tbeir acquaintance continued, and 1 1. July ot that year thi BUI j ol of Ibeir marriage was first broaabid by Ibe defend ant. Bbe told him that before decidicg she wonld like to oonanll bar relation* in Germany, when iba WM going tor ber summer holiday, On July 17ib she WM Barling from Victoria Station for Ueriuany, and tbe defendant met bar and agaio prused bia mil, tug og bir to oonsent before ibe left Eng land. The plaintiff yielded to bus nqueal, and accepted him M her future hoiband. Ixt a letter dated the following dav from tbe defendant to Ibe plaintiff, tbi former thai alluded to the logagtment : " ID a waaicg drtam oar little oornir in the waiting-room and our promenade ui and down pasaed one* more before mi, and I tender tbea my biarlieel thank* for giving me ibat niv*r-to-b*-forgotten boor, aad at the aami time thy dear lilt." Tbe letter concluded " Entirely Tby Richard." Numerous others of a limilar oharaeter followid, and in one he had mentioned thai hi kept all bir letters HO thai in tbi tuturi when peibips their lov bad cooled he might be able to how tbei to bis grambliig lovi " and say : " Loo ben, ie it to day difiertn* than whin ibo wroleel Ibtee wold* 7" (1. .uxbter ) Then !*', observed the leiued cooiis*!, a "XITimiLT TBT The dcfeidani look hertoO*rmany, wber be wa* rietm d by all her nlaiivci ani friindeaibir >m*E>eed bmbAod. Riogi were duly txebaugad fcelweenlbem looord ing Ie ibe euaiom In Giimany. Tbie fac the defendant in a latter thni alluded *o ' Bow ia the ring getting on ? Doe* i preei, or doee il fit amootnly and eoftly It I* the firat link ot tbi heavy onain undei which iboa will have to MKU iu future.' It wae arranged ibi tb* niarnavx tboali lake place In tbi autumn of 1881, aj>( aceordicgly Ibe plaintiff, at tbi<l*>iui.daui'i> reqoeel, gev* tb* ueoentary three moolci nonce to terminal* btr 1 1 ^..t-u in u yovirncu iu Ibe Htrtfordeblre f.unly Having in due eoarne iu lefi her titaa- HOD, ibe plaint 8 joiued her relatifea in OermaMjy and prooored ber truaamiau preparatory to ber marriagr. In Aognxl 1881, tbe detitdaul wiole her ibal owing to a boiinaa* togageuieni in N York tbilr wedding rnut be |o*lpoued, nd ao matteri mood the oorretpondei oe oou tiouioK. Oa DjMmber lOib, 1882, be wrote tbe fallowing leiler, tb imuorianee of wbieh would B[ pear later : " My d*ar Jenny, . . . . A* to my hoaorabl age, etc. ... I ihppod into action early, and I WM already aoldier with my 17ib y*ar, and al 1H b*omi a reierve tffioer. Therefore tbon oaail be quiet am not by far 60 yan yet, Md M n my bealtb, I wonld not obaoge with any man,' etc. In 1888 tbi marriage ttill bad not takin place, aad the plaintiff returned to England and look an engagemint governen in a nobliman'i family. All ttaw timi tbe litlere, from the defendant arrived it the rate of about one every other day, aigncd u oaoal, " Entirely Tby Kiobard. (Laughter.) On New Tear'i Eve, 1883, tbi uefindant wrote ibe plaiut it expreMlng thi hope tbat tbe niw yeir (1884) would ice tht>m united. The plain tifl had meantime left ber lllaalion acd returned to Germany ; ind on Aognil 18, b, 1884, thi defendant wrote bir : "I already wruie to thee Ibat two ladle* announced tbemaelvii trcm Oitend to come and vim London Miei R , of Wiesbaden, and Mini L., from Suobielo both DO fledghngi Tbiy claim mi from early to late. . . , II i* too hot for anything, and ao w* drive about. , . , MLtM B. ii very rich and do** thing* splendidly, wbleb ia very oom- fortable. M m L. Ii an old friend I bavi known since oblldbood. . . . Adieu my little prineiii of Iba beatb on Boil iMd'e) woody height*. Witb many Tby That letter, g*nllm*n, eaid thi learned oouuaei, ii thi do* to tbe whole caee), for at tbe preaenl moment th* defendant u the hniband of Ible Mia* R., TBI WEALTHY BZIBBM. The marriage waa igain and again poal- poned, DDlil on February Sad, 1886, Ihe difendant wrol* to tba plaintiff elating that b* bad eonralttd a doctor who told him thai hie health WM nob Ibat total reel end qui*t wer* neomary ; aud be (the defendant) oonelnded by aaying thai next year be wonld be 60 yean old. etc, " and under IheM oironmilanoil I am bound to eomi back to ihe oonelneioD I wrote to tb*l already two years ago namely, that onr engagement I* perfectly hopelen, ' etc. The jury wonld remember w h at defendanl bad naid on tbia bead in bii Utter of December Hlb, 1683, which bad been previously read, Thelearnid03aDRel eontinaed : He aleo stated to tbe plain! ff al a lobirqaint interview that hie health wonld not permit him to marry any woman, and y il at tbli very timibe waoaotnilly engaged to the riob beireai, Ilia* R , whom he married on March 10 ib foMowiog. Tb* plaintiff aoiwered Ibia cruel letter, ei Urn. wbieb b* barely MknowMged, and to BNfillP THIS CMIMTDMATI IHOAIMIM The plaintiff, M ,as Pap*. would b* callsd and wonld eoi firm hie opening. Il only remained tbirefor* to consider Ibe dama gee. Miea Pipe bad given tbli man flvi yean o( ber tils. Bos WM SO al tha time ol the engagement; ibi wai there fore not a yonng woman now. FOJ htm ehi bad given op a lucrative and com fiirlable poaitlon worth vomi laOO a year there wa* io ber watted IrouMrao. Thet ib* wai eut illed to torn* solatium for al bir mis*ry and diiappoiutmenl. Tb** matter* ibey would consider fairly. Hi would only mention, in eoneluiicn tba before com mincing Ibie action tbe plaintifl DXiouinot to be compelled to come inn ' iur i, bad through bir eolieiior endiavorii to oomi to terms with the defendant foi what be (the learned counsel) considered a moderats som via., 1000 which wai only what ibs bad aoiotliy lost by tbi difendanl'i heartless, dtoeitlnl and sail seeking conduct. The jury toned a verdict tor the plain tiff, damagei 2 000 A NAUWBAIINt) DO aK. lord < olln <>, I! .nd SSI. W llr Ac cisec Back wikr < d-iim . A London cable eays : Further and (runlets tflort* hav* been made to preven tbe Campbell divorce nulls Irom oomiog into court. A Uuited prete representative bM bun lavored with a peroial of Ihi brief of oci of tbi cminint barrister* en caged in ibi DM*, and from it liarne thai Lady Campbell charged wilb nnoom oered Mte of adultery with the Duke of Uarlborough at bir retidinee in Oadogan plaoe, at Ltigb Oaitle, Somerset ; al ibe Hotel Windsor, Pans , al Put fleet, Eeiex and numerous olbir placet) Wilb Cap! Bbaw, of Ibi London Firs Brigade, Lady Oampbell ii accused tf criminal aol in ber dining room al Oadogan plaee, where alao she ia charged with committing adnl tery with Col. Butler. Her Ladyship is a'so confronted with an aecniation of iu> proper oondoct al Cidogan plaee, al t hoot* in Brook itreel, al Leigh Caitle aod other plaoee with Dr. TbM. Bird, and with maintaining criminal inlimaov with an unknown man about April, 1883, ibe >eing al thai lime io a diltoate condition. Dr. Bird ii l..dy Campbell's family phynoian, and is old enough to b* her (raudfutber. Tb* reepobdenl, M well M all of tb* co-rerpondenls, bav* filed a [eneral denial of the obargee. Lady Camp bell > petition obargea Lord Colin wilb Mt* ot adultery with Mary Watson, her lady ibip'i maidservant. Scorn of wilncaaeiihave beeniammoned by both tides, including Ihe Oake of Argyll, tbe Miqais ot Lome and oiber memberi of the Campbell family, and Lady Mile*, wife of Sir Win. Milee, owner of Ltigb Guile, who are obief wit. neaiM against Lady Oampbell. Sir Henry Jamee bae relented bu brief and with drawn from the cue, giving M hie reason that be in friendly to all tbe parties io volvid Tbs Attorney General bM alao returned bis brief, for raaw ne not stated, bnt presumably on tb* lam* ground*. THK ItlAMV BOMOAN la iai Wb.rh i,,.n..[.- A Detroit daipateb layi : Wednesday Coroner Laaeing and a jury iuveeliKted tue itranni deatb of Mary Morgan, ibe yuucg w< man from Kiugatoo, Out., who di. J iu Harper 11 mi i alou November lOlb, aud Home *i e*iioni*l taels were brongbi to light. Among the audience were Buiau urmii. iihier ot ibe deceased, aud Tbomaa 0>lladice, ibe betrayer of tbe dead girl. The former WM drieetd io deep mourning aid kept bar face concealed by a Heavy veil. Calladine teemed nrrvoni, and appeared not to apireelala the Icok* of curiosity beitowtd upon him by Iba orowd tbe court room, tleveral wiineiaes were examined, among them being Dr. Chill*, who it ii alleged performed a orimio operation on the unfortunate girl, and Buian Morgan, the deceased i muter. At ibe close ot the latter'i evidence Calladine stepped forward to mak* a Hatemint, wbtn a uneation was oanaid by Soian uritan eiolaiming excitedly, " Yon needn't say aoylhtn^. ai yon are the mnr derer of my aielir. Il WM all your fault." Al Iba eocoluiion ot Ibe leeltmooy Ihe jnry returned tbe verdict, "Tbat Mary Morgan oame to her death from araenioue poison, by ber own or unknown band* adminialered, biitened by mintal f ud pbyiiool Iroublei brongbi on by oaag* fmm Thomas (' I .Hjue and an ODerallon per- formid by Or. L B. Child*." A 'lon-l. r H.I . I- l M hl (or III. A rat wai oangbl al the bouse of D. O. Neary, nn Waibioglon ilreel, yaiterday, hieh Mr. Neary Allege* m*aarM nearly two feel eix inohei from the no** to tbe tip of Ib* tail. It waa let loose in a room from which it could not eMspe, and a Faronite oat lit upon it. Il rt quired but a abort im* for tb* rodent to make the oat feel mall. Sympathy tor tbe oat canied it to M withdrawn. Two dogi were then brought in. After almo*t an honr'i labor on th* part of botb thi citizin ot the newer uooutnbed. Thi fight WM a deipirate on*. Both dogi bear marki of the rat's tenacious love of life. Pitttburg Ditpttck. A JJI.rd lirm Profeeior Boor*, of the University ol Tf IM, ii a man who is very apt, whin he becomes ixoiled, to transpose hie worde. Having oooaeion to rebuke bis eon, Wil- liam, wboia Deeoming rather IM!, be laid : " Ton niul thing this itop. Only yee- terday I law yoa parading Austin girl witb an avenue ol ibi oppotiie sex on your arm, a bnrning dog itoek in yonr month and a little eigir trotting along behind you." Trim Sifting*. pre*ed her continued trnil and love '"' ' eitinel. In a D ticags to tbe Toronto Oity Ocaneil lail night Mayor Bowland aecnied th* Oily Solicitor ot negkot ol duly in tailing io prrreed with an action against tbe jlrett Rtilway Oompany. A farewell meeting WM held IM| night In ihe Salvation Army Temple, Toronto, to >id good bye to Major Marge!!*, who ha* )een appointed to tak* charge ot Ibe New 3rnnawiek aad Newf landland dietrieli. Mr. Lonia Labelle, of tbt firm ol Chaplean* Libelle, bockecllen, Montreal, WM drowntd yeiterday by ilipping on the 'barf and falling Into the canal. Hi* body wai *oou recovered, bnt III* WM 01* Jl I HUKHliM.1* t*rv eJ*M niMir.i Harder be rtiua An Ottawa dtir.ion *aw* : Tb* Ex aeolivc bavi bad under eooiiideraiion u>* oaaes ol ihe thrse men, Peter Dro* Babert Maxwell at dJ Connolly, Mnteneod to be barged at Mew Wwniuiu.ter, B. O. on Ihe 34 ID inat., for the murder of a mai named William Dillman, a rtoeol arriva from Minneapoli*. on lh hue of tbe Canadian I'.oitlc Railway, on or abool lb lOib of July. From tb* evidence at the trial, which WM moatly eironmitantial, th* murder ap pears to have been on* ot nnnmal bar barity. Ii WM shown that Dillman had walked from Selkirk mcuntaini down th railway track in company, part of thi way with Deroee, who Uarn*d of hi* havini am* money about him. Tbclwo eeparaied and eborlly at terwarda Derosi WM joined by Mxwsll and Otnnolly, two tramp* tbe three conttaninK on down tbe track Tnrninn off the line into a frail ranch, the; found Oilman aelecp in an nntenanted cabin. Tbe f olio w n g day fain body WM found outside tbe cabin, hie ikull imMbec lo pieeee and an empty purie lying b; bil Mie. Tbe three pnaonar*, who wer ib* ouly per*on* in tb* vimnity, vet* seen coming out ot the cabin. They wer arreeied on tnipicioo, tried al Lyton, fonni cnilly, and Mntcneed to be banged on November 34 ih. During their inoaroera lion before the trial, Connolly WM beard to aay to Deroee tbal it WM ronxh on Mx well, M b* wae innocent anyway. A for bimeelf b* would never have a belter chance to prepare for deatb, and wonld like 10 see a pneet. Maxwell WM heard Io atl Connolly whether Iben WM any evidence to oonviol them. Oonnolly made no reply but DeroM Mid Ibat bi thought there wa* bul be wonld fight il right through, and it aame to tbe worat hi wonld not iqaeal Peter DiroM waa a native of Muireal but left bit bom* at tbi age of U. and for 18 year* DIM family hiard notbiug of him until h* at lam returned bone a lunatic He JVBJ COL fined in an Mylum for a time bat WM subsequently diiebarfjid M cured It i* now olaimed tbat be i* again insane and tbe Oavernmsnt bive granted a respite in bii ease until December 22ad, in order tbal a medical commiiaion may uquln into bii OMB. Oonnolly bM been ret-t ued until the ami date. Tbe sentence of Max well ha* bean eon mated to itnprieonmenl lor life, M there is evidence that he WM not an active parlieipMt in tbe crime. i * ii >ii x. -i 1 1 i Ji ..i m \ I. I el. I .llr -wll- . I .hi, -n.l h- io br Cat >praoi>r I-. .ploli.. A 81. I. mil da*pateh *ys . Joseph Hcffman, a tailor, 40 yaatB of age, renden wilb nil family on Booth Broadway. Hi U email in iialore, bul bM always indeav ored to imprest upon bia bontebold Ibat be a wonderful man. A year ago bi kvorsd to lival tbe famoos joglrs by wallowing a poker. Ha inoeeeded io gelling it down bin Ibroat, bnt Killing il out WM a different thing. A yonng men who WM in the room ome to tbe rescue, and mixing ins poker diew it oejV Hoflaen suffered severely afterward Irom inflammation ot tbt tomar-b, but finally recovered. His ex 1 1 r,. i.o.i did not ours him of hie appetite f..r swallowing eolidi. Wednaeday night, after \ arlaking cl unpper, and while some- wbai uuder th* icfloetoa ol liquor, be took a sil vtr. plated table knife, '.'$ mchts long, and borr n';d hi* family by aiiuonnoing tbal be w . (oing to swillow il. Throwing hii bead beck lo the angll aatcmid by i rofen tional jDggleis, be look the knili by tbi point and ioeerted the handle in his month. He premed il slowly inward until all bat about an inch of the blade hd disappeared frcm viow. Hcffman then ihowcd nignc of alarm, but when finally tbe kniti disap prared entirely from view be ran around tte n om in >r[aitnl igcny acd rigbt. A eitjtit or, who happened to b* in tb* room, alien p ed to pull the knife onl, but could not i, Linn a iiffioienl hold on it, and it udrienly dropped down into tbe stomach. Hi ffmau's agony then became teriible and pbymoiabs were summoned. The first to trrive were at a loae what to do. An boor after th* knit* bad been swallowed Dr Bernays plaeed He flman under Ibe iofla- enee cf ablorolorm Then throwing off b coat be c imminoed one of Ibe moil deli- cate torgioal operation* known to medical men. Hi made an incieion in tbe abdomen, and after locating th* knif* io tbe ntomaeb mide a imall inoision opposite the plaoe where il wae found. Tbe knits was removed and tbe CUM carefully nwed op. Tbe whole operation wa* performed in less than twenty mi notes. Teiterday Hoffman WM reel It g quietly and Ibe doctor nays tbt re U a good proepeet for bie recovery unlcM in- flammation Mil iU. Ol'URT TO HB A BAN. II O" ninulr I < n else l lit Ipr.l io *. Ihr tr \ Icl.r . Dunng a reeenl *torm on Lake Erie tbe team barge 0. N. Pratl, when about H mtlee oat, abreaei of Fairport, disabled her wheel and was obliged to cut IOOM from her eonaort, the schooner Victor of Windior ft to herself in a raging ua which requsnlly *w*pt over the deck. Ihe oondi- ion of tbe Victor and her little crew of ese than hall a dozen WM dwpirale. )apt. Linncx'i daughter, Minnii, only 18 'eari of ag*, waa Ibi only woman aboard. teal-/ ng the Imminent dangir of tb* uei, abe donned a tarpaulin autt againil ter lather'* command*, and for thirty lix honn, until tbe *tor*n lubsided, worked witb tbe orew. She helped to haul in ths ow line, took ber lorn v. tte wheel, and lid ibs work of th* haidieet Bailor with- out flinching. Tbe schooner finally reached iort lately, and tbe hereto young girl, although exhausted from expoenri, WM no more io than the men. MID BKT AND SB A. Perilous Voyage and Miraculous Escape, of Aeronauts. BOMB AWFUL SENSATIONS. TAB aeronaut Oepaaa, who, in hie bsl loon, tbe (fob je, acetmplianed on Bun day one of toe moei ueoeealni am voyagM of thie eeutury, UUgrapb* tb* following aoconnl ot hi* exciting journey " AJICCIO, Tueaday, Nuv. 19 After waiting tut several day* for a nortiiwenteii] wind Si. Foodere, a member ol tbe Bra miwion, and 1 aiarted at 4 u'clook on bui.d.y afternoon in my baliuon, tbe U.b./jr, from tba Plaee Bl. Miehil, Mar eilt**. Oar intention wae to raaeb Cor B:O. We took with n* aomi oarrier pigeon*, and food, and water enough to lat for thre* dayi. " A* aoon M the balloon WM reliMed ihe went Htraigbt out to MB, almoet ikimmibg ihe anrfaee ot Ibe water. Than ebe role and taking a weelerly direction paieedover Toulon. A* we paeaed over tbeoity M Fonder* and I distinctly biard tbe i*pcr A a cannon, followed by the lonno 01 eteam wniellee. I had arranged that tbeee ignala ibonld be givin n* when we were mgbted, ao that in cat* w* found it n*ee* aary to land we abould know that boat* wire ready Io take n* aabore. BBATIM OOWI BT 1 HTOBM. II WM then 6 o'clock in Ibe evening. It almoii dark, and the biavy black olonde which loomid up in tbe dutance bowed that a norm waa coming upon ua However we decided Io continue our route and looie three pigeoni to let oar frieudk on land know that we intended to pan the night mid iky and earth. A* w* were approaching Hyeree 1 Hidden gale swept tbe balloon Irom Ibe count. It had become pitch dark and w* were fl>ing throngh tb* air at almcx-i liKblnu |! meed. With Ibe greateil dim cuiiy wo managed to itrike a light, and then on readitg our compia* we found we were going out to aea toward the ooMl of Africa. Luckily at about balf-pMl 7 tbe wind veered round to tbe weat. Then tbe itorm broke down upon n*. Hail fell upon the callon and atunded aa if a nnudreii drummer* were beating tape. Il drov* u* down almoel to tbe level of Inttea again. A MIMBABLI HALT BOD*. The half hour tbal followed I nhaU not torgei to my dying day. Tb* aea l rough and wave after wave broke againil tbe car of Ibe balloon. One minute were niing jnet above tbe loamy ereete, tb* next w* were being driven down into ao abyei who** deplb tb* darkLeai prevented oa from seeing. Tbe awful eeimnlion ol being in th* preeenoa of dealb without any obauce of warding him oft came over n*. Then we took courage aud decided that U mr balloon wae cwamped we would at any mte *wim lor our live*. Off w*nt our ilothei ; iff flew cur eboee. W* threw everything overboard, exetpt Ibe oompaai, and io our deiperaM exeilemenl forgot thai the cruel itorm wa* beating on our naked bodice. sira IT LUT. A light I Thank Ood, a light ! Ii moat have bean about 9 o'elcok. Tb* gal* i ill bl*w high, and we hd given op all hope whin we caught eight ot tbal igbl. Then flatbed tt> friendly raye, and ur balloon wae being drivtn in ila diric- non. Il turned out to be tne ligbthou'C on Ibe I-laud ot Bangninaire, which liea to Ibe eoutb ot tbe Oulf ot Aj0(io. An hour later we loneGed land in a lild near Appieto, one of tbe inbnrbe cf Ajaoeio. We bad come d ffijuliy in land- g, beeanie ot our want ot ball**!. Tbe balloon bounced about, giving oe a terrible baking np BI we were dragged over f >nr i f rough country. When we mood on terra nrma we found we bad reached our dietioation in mx lonri. AjMMioiitwo bnadied and filly ogliih mini from Marieillei aa tbe crow in*, but the court* we were toioed to take mail have been over four hundred mile*." THB if f rd ! Ike ll..-r. r Wrought b > Hr, r nl The following inmmary cf marine loraee oelained during the itorm of Wedneaday rid Thuridev ii eorKCtednpto Sunday. iy of tbe vcMil* meolioned will nn- [ueiiionably be reiened, but tbe wriokiog xpenie* at Ibli Biaeon of the year will be neoeaiarily heavy : The Bartholdi itatne on Bedloe'i Iiland wai illuminated lail nighl, Tbi torch will i lighted eviry night hereafter. Dr. Warren, an auociati of the WMhing- on Ortitbologieal Department ot tbe Lg 1 ienltnral Bureau, eayi that btwks and wla le*d on miee and IOHC OIK, and not on xiultry aa baa been oommonly nnppoiid. a examining a number ot Ihe itomaehi of heee birdi he found no ponllry. A Borne, Oa., judge hai granted a divoroe to a woman upon proof that her bniband ad become a Mormon. Feeanlary Live* Vessel. Los*. Lost )lcklnion _.. 1.000 a Kmerald _............ 6.000 5 lu-iuette 18,000 7 lenektuoe* ...._.._ 11,000 7 .tirorne 96,000 10 'athflndsrt .............................. 90,000 ... William Jones ........ 1.008 South Haven ......... ...._ t,000 ... 'lortda ............... _~...... 8000 1 Robert Wtlleo* and oonsoit... wo.oro 9. tlareb ........ UJUt _jrTeyBles*U ._. 15.(00 City of Mew York . K.OOO Unadilla ___ 16000 ;uyaboga ...._. a. Boo raflahawc* ..._ l.HTO S'ellieChorch..... 1.800 _. uckboQt 9,600 ... McDoQgal H . r .' 1 1 Lymto C*M. J.500 B U Baker _ MOO Bur of tb* North taOO Golden Harvest _ 9900 ... Helen 1,800 8 Sparta aod Sumatra. 138,000 J. Q. Kolfag* - f,OQ Mary _ 6 f '0 Thomas P. Sheldon 11000 Queen of tb* Lake* _... 1,000 UkUDtlMI I..VU _. Total IM3.100 N The IOM given lor Wallace and oonaorl, and Bparta and Sumatra, lB*ludi tbalr grain cargo**. Of tbe veMeli in the above Hit all are Amiiioui, exempt the Qaeen ol the Lake* (of Toronto, which WM ihe only IOM on tb* lower lake*. Olbar vesicle have yet to be heard from, and the 11*1 it undoubtedly not yet oomplett. Ktte Field at a r**nt banquet givei by women thrilled her b*ar*r* by an eloquent ipeeoh when propoeing tbe tOMt "The Men. Ood Bleee Them." An attempt at wholesale poiioniog, which proved partially (ooeeeefnl, WM mad* in Hpringfleld, M<**., y*ilerd*y, 13 perioni being madi iivereiy lick by drinking tea wilb which " Rough on rail " bad been mixed. A SON'S TERRIBLE CRIME. Charles n. *m-y Kick* Hia Father io Death. THE OLD MAN'S DYIN8 STATEMENT. (Toronto World of Tbonday.) Yerdy afternoon ObMlee MoAuley, egad 40. llnemilb by, WM arrenled by Borgeant Hi.ll ud Constable Oooney on tbe charge o( having murdered hi* father, junu Mr iuii y , nl.u a tinsmith. Tbt pri- hunt r, with bu wife and (nor obildceo, DM lived f> r some urn* at 86 Neiaan mreol. Mid about HI montha ego bu father nd mother from I -Uud and mad* their bom* with him Toe boaee, etpeeielly ino* Ibe arrival of tb* old folk*. WM tbe *o*n* of nightly fight*, caused abitfly by hi*k*y. Oo Tuesday night ibe old man and bit wits lift Ibe MO, taking wilb them their daogbtcr-in law. The three rented miserable and dirty room at 244 Boiden unti, a iwu-ntury. rough out booM, and it WM io on* ot tbcat room* ibat the father met bia dealb between 10 and 11 yesterday morning, wbtn Obarle* MoAule) visittd Iba plao* and aaktd (or bit wile lie found bar upstairs and mada b*r KO dove, abtving btr part of Ibe way, after vt biob be entered a room where bia falber at. Tbal ibey quarrelled and tbal tbe aon beat and kicked his father to deatb ibere IB no doubt, although Ibe two women eeerl tbal tbe iijariei and consequent dealb ot tbe old man, whom Ibey lay WM drank, were eanttd by falling over the atove. The diaeovery WM made by ao old peneioner named Williami, who ned nest doer, who entered th< plaee at noon and found Ike) id man lying on tbe floor infilling mlenae agony. MeAnley'a face and body bore the mark* of kicks and eat* moil brutal, bis etomiob beiog black and blue and greatly wollen. He toid WUIiame thai hi* con bad kioked him and that b* bared be wonld die. Dr. Bimpeon cent for Ibe ambulance, IL tearing to have him removed to the boipttal, bat before il arrived tbe unfor- tunate man wa* dead. Sergeant EU1I.C ndetleCooney and De- teetivee Borrowi and Brown wtre detailed 10 arreei the ion. While the two former were g-iog along Boiden elreel they eaw a man a edge iolo a lace, flii appearance tallied with the description Ibey bad of MoAuley, and on being trreeled b* proved to be tbe man. Hie wife wai found at tbe bonce OQ lljrdeu B tree I end ebe WM at- reeled a* a material witneit*. A neighbor tlated thai the dead man eenl out foe a bottle ot wbi*key a few boor* before hi* dealb. An empty bottle WM found beeide him. Coroner Johnston will bold an ia- jue.l. i Mir., mnmm ike NenhwtMt. Than kr giving Day WM obeerved in th* Ulual manner. Tbe ground here ie perfectly clear of inow, although Ibere have been eom* heavy fall* icroaa in* lin*. Th* prinelpal event of the day wee tbe on veil- ing ot th* monument at Bt. John'* cemetery reeled by Ib* 90lb Battalion io memory of Ibeir fallen oomrad**, in whiob Oenerel M ddleton took p.rt. Prof. Baonderi having vinii d Stonewall lot other pointi aboal Winnipeg in teareh [or a mie for th* experimental farm for ihur I'roviLoe, will leve to-morrow for the Weit, and afterward! viait the Territories. Mr. Jaekaon, tbe late member for Vu AM Hie D.ilriel in the Norttaweel Joauoil, hae relorned from Ottawa, where ie went in eonneclion with tb* Wood Mountain Railway. Be aayi he got all he akked. A man named login ha* been eentenoed it ihe aeiiate to two years' imprinonmenl lor itealipg a letter. At tb* n quen of Prof. Bnnd*r* tb* Manitoba b...r(S of Agriculture ii Binding to Ottawa aom* of th* lied Fyfe wheat and it rowed barley which earried off tbe judnon'n Bay Land Cjmmieiioneri' price .1 tbe Pfovtnelal Exhibition. Tbe wheat >ae grown by Mr. Andrew Dawion, of leadiofily, and ihe barley by Mr. M. Toong, V.8., of Maniloo. Il will be plaeed >o the Oentrel Experiment*! Farm near Ottawa. Tbomai ThomM, a Oree Indian, ii being tried at the Aie,E!i to-day for tbi murder of Harriett Oilmen at Hi. Peter'i reeerve. Dr. Orion ba* Ufl tor Centre Willington n look after bli ronilitueney. Messrs. While and Ken, ot the 0. P. B,, lave returued from Britiih Columbia. Mr. White r*port* that eatUfaetory arrargemcnl* have been made Io prevent 11 jury Irom mow elide*. He found Mani- toba floor rapidly crowding tbe Oregon article out of tb* w**t*m mark*!, and *ay* refrigerator ear* for fruit, flab, etc., will aoon be running between Winnipeg and Ihe Pacific ooael. Mr. Ken lay* tbe company will next year put on a iieamer to ply Ml ween Vancouver and Victoria, B.O. A* regard! tranacon tinea tal rale*, Winnipeg lai been placed upon th* lame fooling ae competitive points. lie IBI ooir Rev. Dr. Joyee, of Cincinnati, laid in M oterview the other day : " I know there have been report* that these mn, Bmall >nd Jon**, bav* been loo** in their expend- tnrei, but I happen to know tbal Jonc* > expended 14,600 in ebaritie* . that he i now inpportiog four young mm iu eel- ege for the minletry, who olberwiie would M unable to graduate, and that Jonee gave tbe 11 500 whiob pnrehaied the camp grout d at Oarteraville, Qa. 80 yon Me, hie xpendilnre* are in the right direction." A revolting double tragedy occurred in a en*m*nl bouie on North Aibland avenue, Chicago, on Sunday afternoon. Mr*. Emma Smith, 19 yea** old, and only re intly married, wai ibot diad by Obarlee Oregor, a diatipated bartender, whoee ad- 'anoei Bbe refo**d. Qrtgor commilled nloide a moment aft*i bil vietim breathed er iMt. Jamil Jobniton, a fireman btlonging to be iteamihip Oryital. of Dundee, lying at lew York, went on board in an intoxioated ondition on Sunday night and threw Robt. lendenon, mother flriman, out of bil ertb. A fight eniaed and Johniton tried o throw Benderion overboard. He loet lie balance, however, fell Into Ihe water, triklng ihe rail in bii duoenl, aid WM Iliad. Hog eholera pr* valla mar Urbana, Ohio. One farmer bae I oil 80 bcgi out of a herd f 500 from tbe diieaar,

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