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Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1886, p. 1

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Died We regret to learn, that since their arrival at Los Angles, California - where they will winter - our esteemed friends, mr. and Mrs. W. H. Elder, met with a sad loss in the death of their eldest little daughter - a bright, winsome child of four or five years of age. The bereaved parents have the deep sympathy of the community in their very sad loss. Obituary We regret to announce that the wife of Mr. Thos. Bates, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., died on Sunday morning, 21st November, after an illness of three weeks. Inflammation was the cause of death. Deceased was married to Mr. Bates scarcely a year ago. The husband - who formerly resided in Flesherton - has the sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances in his sad bereavement. LESHERTON ADVANCE, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT M EX." VOL. VI., NO. 285. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. DECEMBER 2, 1886. A.R. FAWCETT,"SSA PROPRIETOR Don&apos;t Fail -TO CALL- Anci inspect my large and carefully selected stock of very &apos;&apos;me Goods, at real reason- .xble prices. Watches, Clocks, jewelry, Silverware, Novel- tics, etc. Latest Styles, Ne\v- <:: t designs. Ladies&apos; Gold Watches and Queen Chi ins, Gent&apos;s filled Gold and Coin Silver. Have added to my stock, the famous "Colum- bus" Watches direct from the Factory. Everybody welcome, whether you buy or nor. Tit - Bits. CoKtutiinj nf Licul nmt (Mlirr Intrrrtiiny Itcmi<j<tthrrrd l>y Tht Advance RtporUn. (lood ftkating on Flenhor &apos;< pond a few< dayiauJ cveuingH laxt week. Fnnt. Fnr Miuitlfs, Fur Overcoates, at lowest rates at Uichard.soii A CO&apos;H. Rr. David Holiuaa, aon of Mr. Peter lloliuan of this town, ban ecured a preach! notation iri Michigan at a sala- ry of IGOO JUT annum. He will euter upon law miuiaterial dutieti immediately. The Vruti&apos;d Pnshytoriaii Church, at a CM-IUTI limfurtiiicu held in Pituhur^, Pa., liav paasud a rexilulion tondemnini; tin- IIM> of the organ in worship. Hetfttith SPECIALTIES. Fitting Specks optically f difficult Watch Repairing Goods and Work warranted. A. If ttO\V!S, A IMiaUt JnctlUr, M U5KD ALE, - - - ONT. U*t, ihuarwit anil uitt dur- n, ( >r_Mi!v S.-wiii^ Machine*, Miu-luiii&apos;ii, Clothu* \Vrin^en, in,&apos; Macliiiio N>><<<lle, and Supplies. for M!U at C. Tn:i&apos;l&apos;_;olir, next house to Mr. Win. StrtiiiK, Klealierton. .&apos;<m FruitH, SiujarH, 8|Mccx. Ac., for Christ- mas trade juxt rccci red at Richardfton & co&apos;. Diatrict Council, It. T. >f T. for meet at Kimberlvr, Tuvuday, 7th inst. ,&apos; &apos; &apos; : &apos;-. ^ it*&is8ge#*M . r&apos;,,1 &apos; &apos; &apos; " ft- IB I 1 t-.l WINTER STOCK ! is- Ill We Invite Everybody to See it. Incomparably the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here, M. Richardson & Co. FLESHERTOH. If your watch wants repairing. I In- Died. Hell, Fhwherton, in the man to do a good \\- c regret to learn, that tuuco their job every time. arrival at LoHAiih>K, California -where A Magu.ficent utock of Silver Plate tl&apos;&apos;.v will winter- our esteemed frnn.U, Hi, On 1. 1 rni I I, -ni, .11. The l>.i The Ontario (iovtrnmiMit. finding tha* th,&apos; school meetingi! throughout the Pro viuct tak- 1&apos;lac.c on lieomU-r &apos;.Mill, have . . d Mr* \V I n eoodH lUHt receive*! by KicLanlwiu A Co. &apos; "&apos; r &apos; 1<lcr - nadluHHin the death of tlinr eld, st lit- changed thf dat** of the nominal OYSTEKS! just Nceived by S- Good; tie daughter a l.rigbt. ,,,s,,me rliiM ""&apos; " Jlill f " r Ul< &apos; &apos;" &apos;K&apos;-latur* > ax not butcher. KlD.bert.iu. spUnded lot of nr ttv,- v, nr- ,.f ae. Tim U-reav- to luterfere with ,!, urn-ting*. V,, hulk Oyrten^pur. fretd, and K ,d. ed parent* have tt,, ,1,.,, sympathy of &apos;ti,.n .lay ,H now fixed for Tuinday Low M t nri oino the coiuiu.mitv iu their verv Had low. * - M " f &apos;"&apos;^ r "" ntl &apos;&apos; &apos;"&apos; H lm &apos;&apos;> a week later ..n the vith. Tin- Obituary. Wo regret to aiiii.iiiiii-r that the if. will U> dated on tin 4th of wriU th montli awl i.s-u. I iiniiie.liauly thereafter. Al Maxwell and Kuicrula. Mr. Joseph Ward will give A meeting of the Reform Amu>ciatioii of Artemeaia will be held in Flrh<*rti>n on Monday next, 6th inat., at 4 p.m. for of Mr. Thus. Hate-, of Sunk Ste Marie, the transaction nf important hiiinirwi. Midi, died on Sunday m..riiiir_&apos;. &apos;Jl-t November, after an ill,n>s of three Fancy Goods, Ac. -j nut received a wot ,j cs- Inflammation was tin- can*, of M:l lc I*UUTII entcrtainim-nt* in Max large cane of beautiful Fancy Good*, deatll &apos; Dt . ct . aMx j was IImrru .,, to Mr &apos;II tonight .Thursday, ,t7 ;30o&apos;clock. consisting of Plush Mirrors. Whisl.hold- JlatoM ,*.,,.,,,. i v a y) . ar g^,, -pj,, mls . and in Kuyeuia to-morrow er, Photo Frame*. *c.. at very low pri- hand- who formerly resided in Flesh, r- d >&apos; *"" l " lr AdmiiM,.,, ] H Noted Jewelry Store, ton- has the sympathy of a large, circle cbil.iren :. ,-,-nts. earfi. The views are of friends and acquaintance in IHH sad tiom &apos; ; " 1 &apos; &apos;&apos; lr --> <! lift;. ,u number. l>ercavement. ces, at A bran new timt-claiw Oryan, contain- ing aix set* of reed*, fraud organ. Treble and baiw couplers. 8aid < IH.MU is very >u, table for Church or Family use and if ottered at very groat re.lurtin. Apply to C. Tread|f,dd, next bouse to Mr. Win. couple from Strain/a, Flehert"ii. 2t friends at "Poplar Hill. to Htate tin l.riili A flue range of mem and boys Over- tll|]t . t<i .trietlv firHt-olaiK. and may he dividiil into four i-l^-. \\/ . Soriptnral. V- trouciinii-al. Natural HiHtory. tho wlmle couclii&apos;liiiK ith a got\ M-nex of lai.^ha ! ble C&apos;liinit \ I,-K. A \i-ry profitable ,-ve iiiii^ inav l> si cut by thow* alt, inl ArU-n.i&apos; :a. arc visitinc . &apos; &apos; Mr. \\ ard s entertainment*). V I&apos;liH-k) Girl. from thr I&apos;ffl It-u.iirr. Mr. and Mr. Smith, a nc\v|y irarrn-&apos;l \Ve are sorry .&apos;I the mi-f T coaU at Uichardsoii A Co.s. SG.OOO Itiish, Is of (.rain : MWM>. Cole & lUcbanlson have jmr- ehaned thirty-nix thousund bushels of t;rain at this |Hnt mice coiuinencilig last month. They nluppcd twelve earn p&apos;as to Liver]>o<il thin week. _ is v* ,. t., [ir. ni.le against her bun. Ihhadly just . , hich ai, lialde t<. ariM) in n.-r\ before her marriage ; but. Hcald or no fanulx. In -iu.len attains of . !! scald, the plueky youn MifiH waKlxinnd croiip. asthma, ,-u-.. a U.ttle ..f .\\.rs t., go through with it. &apos; &apos;""> &apos;&apos;" t<>rttl * &apos;" l&apos; rov &apos; " " evtr fail iiiK r-niely. Imporlanl lu rU,/. An C. OMffWy, Infantry S,l,,,ol. will. ojx-n .Ian. Hrd. 1MH7. ainl the U-rni will clom. the latter part of Mareh. X,.,:- A &apos;"" l " &apos; I" 1,1 laM Tu.-H.Uv . of Silverware o,,,,,,i~,M,,,, ,| ofluern and men. of the &apos; &apos;"" mt Mr &apos; " 1 , ..... , ....... ,--, r U. S......:,, A,, ill recoiv, 50 c-entM ,,er. lay. free ratio. C, I.. mi randidal, . At the Reform i unveniioii held at Markdnle on Tnesilay lant, Mr. Itclit. Oilray uf Toronto, \\.i-. iioinii.:it< .1 for I.,-, ii r. SITM-.I for the .".Ut liatt. T. I. M..IIHU S, . i, Hity. I&apos;. I&apos;. , Treass-irer. \.ll.v, I s Main , . .: H. i r\. U M v -i in- vitation It extended to tl. of the M. Hilts t.i join &apos;J&apos;he Ii. in^ ill he on Kri&apos;hi;. evemn, n- .&apos; J-&apos;.th. I&apos;nlroni/e Our on It.ik.r. It is no n. me than ri^ht to a~. the (&apos;ominous, and Mr .Win. Uruwn, of citizen* and tlm-e lio tr.ulr in Klesher- Markdnlc, for the LH&apos;al legislature, t"". to give our baker lure. Mrn. A. Kawt aud Centre Grey rcsMe.tiv, ly. T|IOIII|>HOII. PS hearty mid niistiutc<l a t|-l&apos; &apos; II patronage as they |Mmsihly can. She Faet-.ry KlannelK. Fullclotb. Hlanketn. has quite- n family to support and ,s ul >&apos; a full range at mill prices at Kichard- honestly endeavoring to do HO. l>..n&apos;t " cxt &apos; &apos;&apos; &apos;" on 4 Co&apos;.. Hp.Mi.1 von, monev , other plac,* U, the Aurti<1 " <al " "&apos; f * rl " sUx &apos; !i al "&apos; " ;1 &apos; lc icnLs at Johnxton&apos;s Liven SI ,( - .t- M nisi i ,t, I, I U-sljurt &apos;ii the detrimcut of yonr own, nlM there is uohelpfor ,t. (If conr^ ,f Or,,,,, ,, Alleiltion : t oeo . conr^ , Orai, K e L,Klne w i.|,ii. K to K et neat, yi) ,, wa tit to injure your own town au.l """&apos;"&apos; " &apos;** "&apos;&apos;"!&apos; &apos;" milMUiitial. ami cheap Banner*, painto,! yoi ,r own husine-, inUTtsts. that is the "<". P.~.t.. ly ithout re to the omtrm) ^ ,,,. If y , iu 1W| . , |l( , w by a Bkillexl artt-well known Agricultural Editor of THK AI.VA CVCTi yol , Wlll ,,,, th|1 ,,,,,,. will do well to read the advertiHenieiit elsewhere headed OthorH." wrve axonwer has ! I. is farm, months . re. lit <n> All MH:.- ,.\. | S. Vaiidiihcu auction, <r >,. dills. Orai.Rein.-n an.l T , lor( . ^ , () (1<)U ,, t ^^ ^ }un ^ U-n&apos;t M.U and fo,,et to pa.te it in Orders left at Qua office or at worth of Ayor&apos;s Sarsnpanlla as a blood *&apos; our .Smith, th. OOOWMl HM Milhnrih- s Carriage Works&apos; or ttc-nt hy purifier. Thousands, who have Ixen Hentleimul) Marii.l.ilr luirlivr, will- In&apos; mail to W. M. Tegart. Flesherton I&apos;. (). . l"&apos;i&apos;etit,&apos;d l.y its us,. \M\\ att. -t its vir u, rlc-herU.u on llio day of our cattle will recivo prompt and careful attention. Bent of reference*. tnes. This remedy evin- liver ami kid- ney riiinplaint. and eradicatr-. e\rry trace of .li~. ii>. from the -\ ht< m. Russell is Still Living Mix /V/&apos;cr.v Mdkc Competitor}* M&apos;td ! out . ustoiners in the tulihorial hiiMin, s. 1 He&apos;ll out your hair or xnaU.h you laid headed . II. ll.e next tiling tit! at equally currivt pricex. Satan ith Hliaiii|MM)iii(> or Khavni;&apos; in pritci iiican. I One of them says he cannot buy hit* goods wholesale at Russell&apos;* quota- tions. He should go to Russell to get some fresh stock to sort up with ! Kl&apos;HKKLL peU hig goods at Low Prices ami Bells them at Low Prices. Cull and BC Ins prices for Watolicx, Call and e* bis prices for Clocks. Call and we bis prices for Jewelry, Silver-plate and cvcrrtliiug in his lino of N , iv M&apos;-i i>< i SHbsrrlpllon. Ho Cannot help Other Fellows getting Riled ! Good ai "l J&apos; ow Trices docs it every limo. If your \Valcli was ever iniulo to keep time, r.nssoll can adjust it to its best perfnrrnaiico. (VAll work warranted. Russell is atill Hilling Watches from $!) up, while other dealers ask from $12 il]i\v:irds. Dor^&apos;t ^iiil to Ckll ht die >foted Jewelry Store tin^e You h.i&apos;e ir\ A number .>f nr exchange* am advo eating the tru tly .ash in a<lvanCB Ryu teiu r. fciiinlnii; milvscriptioiis to C4Mili&apos;.r\ nowRpa|H>rii. This in what wiwantan<l this we ought to hare. There is not a man who ialde to read who is net ,il>l. to take ln local papiT. anj if bo is ..!! to take the pa|x>r it matterM hut lilt!.&apos; .. him l.i he hands I>\,T th.- -| caul) or \\a;ts until the end of the \rai . but to tl ie country pupliHhrr it matt, i \ory materially, wh. .. with a list of il, liiupicnt suhsi T il is. li:is i.itlu r :i l-.aiil time to make ends meet I In |-i :ils n< the new-sjiaprr hn>.iiie.s ar&apos; alt.i^. too Hiuall to have *n\ .1. n.l heats on th.- list. W.-,|.in,.t think that there an- many on ours, hut we Ixh. \. there ur<- Home and tli.&apos; .juick, r we fiiii! out wliu they are tho Initter. With f, v. ,\,.| lions, b.iucvi r. our list is a gnod one. attd we lioj> thone who have *Ucl ! tbe HiaALD through thick and thin ul iee that tbeir paper fur ItwT is patj IB advance. .,/

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