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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1886, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1886-WINTER-IS87 In addition to other lines of Boots & Shoes, I have a j^ood supply of WINTER GOODS! Consisting of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Gum Rubbers and Overshoes. Ladies Rubbers, Overshoes and Flannel-Lined Boots. . CLAYTON, - Flesherton. HEARD'S CAItUIAUE VVOUKS ! Fleshert:n, May 28th, 1886. To our Friends and Patrons : Our efforts nre honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies, Carriages and Waggons. Ms our loii practical exiienenee and carrlul attention to tin want* of the trade, and the beat material, wa have utcmnU 1 in uiakinu a I Sohoitiiiuyour... y which ha* no superior UK AKl) H CAKHIAGE WOHKS. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, i . KH 1 1 1 : K r i-< *. PLESHERTON. B. VANZANT, ALL KIM)S (>r d M8&n:s&ul i* & O - i - Sa 'h as M I' muter ;ui'l T:ilile Tops in A'.nrrirau and llull, m M.uhir aii'l (iiMiiilo. ;lii 1 made oil short notice. Also Muntlt ,-t in Mai-blc and Mtirbleizcd Slut*-, fif., Ac. l.'-ilierr-i'j. Am.'. ISO, 1IKALTH FOR ALL. iPILLSfOINfMEHT iHK I 1 ILLS I'iinfv t.i" II). >,>.!, I' all 1)1 -.orders of tho I ,i\ !-. v; i < .11. ; i < h, Ivi<in~\ - nnd l :\\.-i--. 1i7 invUinrite ami restoi i t health Debilitateil Coiihtitutioua. am) nre iimiliml,!., in nil Com plaint* nioiJeuUl in l-'eniales of all aue. For Children nnd thn aijcil they are. inHele-s. TH b 1 OINTMENT ianinf*nibler*me<.y for llm. l*rafl. Itol llrMMmOM \VonmK rtonm and Clrern. It iiifatnouifor Gout and HhtMimntlhin. For ilisorrtTM .f tin; Client it lias no] *: THiio.-n. r>no.\CHiris. COUGHS, COLDS OlandularSwelllnijii, nnd rill skin T>ii>pfuu *t lian no rival ; and for contracto.1 ami til joint* It art* like a rlmrni. r.anufaeturod only at Profrnor Hoi.t.<nr*v' RUI>lihnient, TK. Xow \i<.r,i strrn < lal- 5:{. Oxford Street ). London. i ! .irpnold at U. 1H.,2. Od.. 4. fM .11. 22 . a-id :w. each HOT or Pot. and may ho had of all Mud cine Vpndoni throughout the Woild. Tit" Purrhaim nhmilil ln-il; l< ihf Lulnl im thr /'<>( nml Hnrr*. Tf thr atMrnf M not .',':'. (hfunl Xnv, (, Lmi'lii}!. thrti nre .j>i(riVm.. "BELL" i Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FRH. BELLA CO, ,Gnelpli,ODL J. W. BATES, Furniture Denier and Undertaker, - OUT. A Flen For Tauadiao Srfiiery. Written for the Adf'inrf. There is much told in jirint now-a-ilays about the glories of the East, the lublime grandeur of the Swias Alps, the humid sti-s of Africa mul South Ainurica, the ialands of tlie sea, aiid thu caatle-ilotted forests of Germany. Hut when we rend alxiut, or view for our-selvui these foreign neB, we are very apt to fori;i't that nuniewhere, in tho Western Hemisphere, lies a country called Canada, t he Innne of our birth, or it may be adoption, where tho sun shines as brightly aa it does upon thu nations of the East ; whure may be found scenes as ivclcomo to an ;utnt' eye an those afforded by any foreign country : ami wlieie, though the first geniTiition lias Rcaree pnssi-il away, may be found historical spoU which arc cherihlied as dearly by I'aii.ulian patriots as are, by their -/.ealoua ^uardiaiis, the numerouti cruinblini; h<ittleniutit!i of (ji-rinan fortress- es or Scottish castles. I do not propose now to enumerate any Oanuilian scenes of this latter character. They are pretty "ill known. Hut there are other scenes, not many hours' travel from Fleshertoii, which well repay a visit by any i tie who can bring his mind to dwell on home .sci-nery, and duly appreci- ate what hits been bountifully provided in that line in our own country. Among the readers of Tin: ADVANCE I assume that ther<* are but few who hare not lir.-iril of Owen Souinl, nnd in all pro- liability a great majority of them have visited it. I have nothing to do with the prevent appearance of the town as it is visited by tourist* who pan through.. .U tlioimh it i* [iu-t!ireii|iii' in itself, lying at the head of a bay In-low the limestone biltli'ineiit.H on either side, there is some- thing still more attractive not far awav which would not be noticeable to a cuminl observer nr atrannient visiUir who h:is in- intricient time or inclination to take a ln>rt drive into the country. It is an >ctobT evening when we leave the town and drive southward ii|i the val- ley, iilon,- it line gravelly road, leaving the, lively little town behind. We ascend a hill, lined on either nle by small trees wi ai in 1 .' tlii-ir rii-h < 'anadiaii autiiiini dreis. At the apex, and nu tin- ii-lit. lien thu cemetery towerini; inarlilis :iiiil^r:inite), tlatiked by the sombre i;rcy of limestone clill's still further west and on tho far- tin r snle of thu \ alley liriifbt rays from the Hfttiiii; sun set the many-colori'd tol- lat-f bftkfl n. is in u biiuc "f Klory. Still we ilrive on for a couple of miles, anil then In-i/in to aseeml tin- inoiintiin by a well m:ide cut from the fiu<' "I tlie i-lr.l. < >v. ; hant'iiii: tiei'K anil nhrul>- liery sbut out tho lin^i'tin.' il;i\li^lit al- most altii^i-tlier, tin klinu r.lls issno from tin- very rot-lit on our rii;ht, and on our left, away down In-low, the little Syden- h.'ini river fntn and fumes in its rocky channel 1 And ilnwn in that hollow we hear a vnici- whi.-li i< seldom hoard in this pan ..I i in.-iili a |.!,iinti\e but distinct voice. It says "Whip-poor-wfll, whip- poor-will." It sounds like an omen from tin' woods -an echo from some Imlinn le'.-i-iiil of tlie (lend and a peiturbcd pirit. Still a little further on and we have scal- ed the lights. To our left we fee a mill and hear tin- roar of a cutium-t. Here the river enters tin; valley over a pn-< ipu-e some sixty or se\ etity fi-cf hiejh. inil the mill is on tin very brink, a portion nf the fall Hervin<r to drive a water-wheel. Tlie gun has net, and ;vs we look down the val- ley my mind reverts to the year 18.'$(i only fifty year* a'_'o- when tho white sett. ler first gazed upon thin valley and these waters. The growth of this Canada of mini ha.s lx;cn marvellous, and of no mush- room diameter cither. She is A sturdy olFspi mi; of the mother soil, and even around me when) T stand still dwell many of the brave pioneers who did such noble duty in planting the foundation stone of s new nation in a new country- As we look around now we seecoinfort- ub'e farm house* ; fine homesteads dot the country on all sides, and two iniles to the north lying at tho head of its cornu- copia-almpud hay( tit simile for a place BO bounteously blessed with fair surround- mi;s)lie the town in the ^ray of evening, and beyond a stretch of blue water is (lis- cernable, dotted with pleasure craft. Tho lights of tlie town begin toappear, <>ne by one bright electric lights, shining witha steady hmtre like the diamonds in n pure sky above. This has only been secured during the past few months. As we near tlie town once more there approaches up thu bay one of the magnif- icent C. P. H. steamers; her hoarse whistle blows, making thu woods, hills, rocks Ami valleyechoandreverbcrato again and a<;siii with a mighty rolling nound. Ar thT not many scenes in this coun- try as fair as tho one I have described, and which have not even been touched upon in public print ' Tndred Canada is rich in scenery, from the quiet, mellow landscape of rolling country to the more pretentious and grander proportion* of cloudy or snow-capped mountains beyond the prairies, Sylvan lakes grand rivers nml sublime waterfalls abound to the north and west, which were scarcely heard of until within the last few years. In the matter uf lake scenery Ontario is especially rich. Few people who have nut studied the subject can form any idea of the vast numbers of these liquid Jems which form the setting of the landscape in Ontario's northern counties. From miniature, glassy ponds, hidden among rocks or trees, away from every breath of wind, to the wind- t.issed sheets of water like Nipissing, Tcmiseuming or Simcoe, they lie in pretty confusion from the head waters of the < ittawit to the Like of the Woods. While speaking of lake scenery let me add one more picture. Those who huve sailed up thu Cieor^ian Uiiy from Colling- wnod have always had rviumn to admire that beautiful sliert of water. After leaving this |ioit ones eye rests upon the North Shore and Christian islands. What eniories this portion of the landscape reculln. Scenes of hanl-hip and martyr- dom the most conspicuous, perhaps, of any in early Canadian annals. There still remain relics and ruins of tin- Jesuitic*] zealots who died whih .ittteinpting to plant the standard of the Cn.s.s unmni; almrrji- nal tribes. I pun the left a country of more peaceful menu '1 V unfolds itself. As we patts along there open up fertile valleys anil high hinds, well tilled and dotted w itli comfortable homes. A 'il laves and towns lie peacefully at intervals aloiitr the shore. \\ e see a Mack ytrcak of smoke and a moving train scarcely discerniM* to the naked eye. Finally the, hike expand* to the north ; the vision loses itself upon the waste of waters, while on the other side we could almost cat a stone upon the peblily shore of Cujie Uich. And so it cuiitii i ues almost untill we reacli the wat- ers of Lake Huron. I made this trip one warm Juno day. Tie lake was like a nnll- poml, calm and L'hiMv. Another vessel steamed along a short distance in .-uh mice of ours. And as I sat upon the liinri .trie deck, enjoying the beautiful panorama spread out liefore me, watcliing the revo- lutions of our companion steamer's screw, which could be distinctly seen from my position, as a boiling streak of water shot from its powerful flanges, I thought no mure pleasing picture of perfect nature was ever presented to man than the one I ua/ed upon. Can such scenes as thiit be overshadow- ed by any "fashionable" foreign land- scape* ? I think not. Of late years some praiseworthy attempts have been made to bring into pron.inence the attractivii qual- ities of Canadian scenery, nnd with some success. Let us hope that a still greater i!i ,'n-e of success awaits those who are lahoriti", to that end. W. H. TllfR-STON. Toronto, Nov. l.Y Vitality and color arc restored to week and gray hair, by tho use of Ayor'n Hair Viyor. Through its cleansing ami heal- iiio; <[iialitirs, it prevents the accnmnla- tion nf dandruff and cnre all scalp di: 1 - e MM. A net Ion Sales Farm stock and implrmcntH, r.t Lot '>. :l Osprcy, at 1 o'clock p.m., on Tn. sihi\ Nuv. iiOth. Win. McMur- ray. proprietor; N. A. McLean, auction- eer. Sec bills. Farm stock and implements, at Lot 11. Con. 12. Oiprey. ut 1 o'clock p.m., 0:1 Friday, December I'rd. ItolxTt P'lauioan. proprietor; John Sj eers & ( '.i.. auclioncer .. See bills. Furm stock and inspl im nts. on Lot .'II. Cn'i. 1::. Artciucttia, on Friday Nov. 2t'ilh. coinmrncing at U o'clock p. in. 14 nio'iths credit on all sums over |5. Witliont reserve, (ieo. Cooper, proprie- tor ; John Sjicern it Co.. auctioneers. S bills. N" woman can he coiite.'iti-il af.d hap- py if b*T akin il roveri'd with pimplos and lilotciies. Tliesi' i i ,t:nring i -motions Ml i-.isily lemovi'il hy tin- 1I--C of A ,'er'K Sarsiiparilla. This iMedicine is perfect- Iv safe to take, and in a thorough relia- ble blood purifier. SHILOH'S COfOH and rontmnptien Cure IK mM l>v UK on a Kiiai'iuitee. It currs '.a- irii|,n, n. Sold st Medical Hall. BLKKPI.KSS NKiltTS, made i:iis-rabl hy that lerrilile rough. Shi|oh> Cure n. tliB remeily for joti. Hold a Medical Hall. WILL Yor St'I'TKll wnh l)y.p..pvi,i nn<\ Liver Coinpliimt '.' Soiloli'v Vii|i/er is e.iiaianteid to cure yon. Sold at Meilic*! Hall. CATAUKH ft lll'.h. heultli sud > path ecurrd. l,y Hhiloh' Cularrh R- nlv. Prioe .1(1 emit.-. NUM! li.jcctor fre< Sold at Medical Hall. N|..\V \EW IJYKRY! 1 Wlint i* Mc(ireunr'nS|HMi'l) Cure (or"? Hi- f or Drcpvpua, LlT Complaint, Indlc- ti'.i:. Hili.Mi-ne-s. unit it is the tnu-*t bliK>d jnirt- li'-r in the UIIOMH world to-day. " Does it Mive i,ili-(aetlon '.' " \\ eftiiii-'t ji >i:it to ono install. . whoro It did not. \Vln"-c ,loen it Imve thn lftr(,'"t ?nle ?" Itilflit In the t'ity of llniuilton. wluilo It 111 Illliuufaetlire'l, thi'le hftHheen over nne 1 1 . -le.uli .1 il lliii-H' worth s, 'M m the lart year retnil. anil tlii'i;rt niajority of thn saln< ure hy nun re- e<iiniiiunilinf( it to another. Kor tule at 50c. ftnd tl 1)0 per battle hy tto- l)rn::Ki- t \ViiT KMPIXIT DOCTOBK. Consult a doctor fora G or 8 oz. bottle of medicine 81 con- sult the, IliuKKist and be will give you a ID oz. bottle of Dr. Cliane'f, Liver Cure for SI, aii'l a valuable lieeipe Hook free. A 1'RoriTAni.E I,IFK Few men havo sc- CMinnliKhed the, -anie ii.i.i.unt <>i work and RUM in eil. I an the celebrttt-d Dr. Chan*. Over 500,000 of bin works have been "M in ('mm. In >1 nr. \\'p wnnt pcriion Uoul'led -ith I-irer complaint, pcpsia llfK'Inclic, Kidney or Urinary Trou- ble*, to call in t the Drug Store nd hay bottle of Dr. CbMe'c biyr Tur*, it will cat* 700. Mi'tlcn,* and Rip* Honk 11.00. TH K nitilfrsif/ner] bei"* to afnounco that tm ho- utarteil a tlriit-claiut l.ivi iv in tl a *tu:d o) - !> ue Muln-Iiaw'H Hotel, Kl.'flu-rton where tliv travelling pnblic can be arroiiimodatod wltli K >oil riji* and horses at most reasonable prices. Try mo ainl lie ronvinced. Ucs|iertfully yourt, \V. II. JOHNSTON. rii-li. rt.'!i. Nov. 19th, IHNi. STRAY HEIFER. Stravi-.l from the premi e^ of T'I" ii'i'lerMXlu-l Lot 77. 1-t Con , North MiirliRin Road, Arc ni'--m. 1 venr oH Heifer, dark urrtv colour. hiti> bin 1 fiHii. hi*t si-"ii ill, ml '.': t (>it"lii-i- Fin lei will buBuitablv rewvil.-l. KM/ ',H': I'll MOI'.TON ~FARM TO RENT. Bi iiiB l.i't H,COB. B, \rtenn'MM 'I ..-m-hii'. con tHinilif? 100 netes more IT <- - , ;.ntcr,->.rl''Hrel Hii'l in a i;oo:l *tat* "f cnlthat ion. Good hriok dwelling, tfin*! (Hit till iMi lie" i.'i "<il iirchprl, tfool ''i, i-<. m'viir-fnilini! we',1 of water. fiitnitsd ~> miles fri'in Flenhc'rtnii. ami ,'"!,VCM; -i,t to Trui> made kinMoi ,>n ni>i<!'.'-atiiin r> I'.ii.ieriigned. HI.MiV DOWN. Jsj-t .f. K ! I'hhcrtn n P. O. TEACHER WANTED. For Sehool Section So 1 :;. Arti n'i'-im. holdfLT; Second or Third I'lut-i (Vrtitii to. duties to << n. MM r 'e en tl:c :;nl day <f January. 1HH7. A|i- I'iy. kUtiiif.' -lr> . to Kr.!.T.\n I'Afl., S.Ti'i-tary. 1 ui>i'iiia, Ont STRAYED/ Came into the prunifet < f the u:iil-rsiRHPd Lot 1, Con K, ()h|irc), one ti> year old Meer tlnik rod Owner eftn havr ^tuno In pro\ MIR |ro pertv and |iu>n:(i ex)it<iH. .lOHS CLINTON. STRAYED. Cam.' to the prelnifii'i, of tlie i;:nli I- ignei!, Ix>t 7. c..n.9, Os|irey.on th<' -j-Jii'l Octolier. 8 yearlini: Heifi rt "lie re'il aii. 1 the other |Ki(t<-'t. own*! ran have tho Kaniu hy proMiiu property and pay inKex|ii'ii-.K JOHN I, MAI, 111. S 'STRAYED. C AMI: into the f-. in; , tl, l.-rrioor, at i . v.-rsham, Hhollt nm, .!- '( Se| ti inlt-r. a tnnll red yearling Heif.-r 'I',, o:..r II r. i|iietol to prove proiwrtv. imv OEMIUM MSd take ln.r away. W M < AMP Md.NK. MONEY TO LOAN- At tl IM- C-Vnt. On Town or Farm rrnrortf, s milfliK. I !. Klierton. FAE-M for SALE inu nrri-i in the T.>'*n li|> of Knphrania; 1 tile fioTii h . ' - - . I- tieiirlv tr*o from (tump* ; good I . unnf r-i I n rt;cl> noil, fmioi imil-'ii.i" )< < ST alilt*. MIi'l Until all iii t,'"o.l repair. I'M.-'- ^'.'.M* n. K r l-i.itliei ' ' I il IM 1<\ KM, |N. 11 Theru ar 13 a< 1-1^ 1 u'l! Whent N..W rn .nil Tliomntrli-Hrod BERKSHIRE BOAR! w II II (;o".i 1'eilinn e .11 ^tii ll'l I. -N-, 7 u! I ni V 111 tii -t l: n ni., 1 HI-' nf Tor. ontnd --\ I'ri.'.iain Itoail. Arti lie 'ii. Tenn on iplh litloll. .Hi -(ill A l.l.\ ' It Sore Eyes Tho oyt'S :i:i' :ii"iyv ii> .Mii|Nitliy \vilh the body, :IIH| :ill.i;-il :ui r\i'e!lrnt lli'le.x lit its ciinililiiili. \\ !n 11 (lie even IM'I'OIIIB xveak, mill tin- liil> inll:iiin <1 :uid -up-, it it mil i-viili nee (hut tin Mstr.n li:!" ln-<:n<- dUimlrrril hy Scroft 4 ,:i. fur \\hirh Ayir'* Sarnapurilla ii the In ~i kinnvn renictlv. Scrofuln, wliirli |ir"ii|i|i'i-l :i puinfiil iiv- flaiiiiiialion in my rxri. i mixed it:. u,,:ili Kiilleiin^ lor :i number of \eai>. l!t ilif lulvicc <if a |ilr.>ii'iiin I euiiiini uroil l:>Kin^ Ayrr's S:ii':i|'i:irilhi. Ali.-r n-iii" ;li! Jlieilieini 1 u short thuc I u :i~ completely Cured My even nro now In n splomliil romliiion, nnd I inn us well iniil -T"ii,';i- ever. Mrs. William Ci:ii;c, ( uiiemtl. N. II. For a number of yo.irs I wn< trnublril with 11 humor In my !>.-. :unl un- innihh' to ulit.iin iiny relief mull I eoBHnencMl uslnf! Ayor's Sarp:irllln. This nu ilieinc haseftee'ii'd a rompli'ie eiiri-. mill I Ii. lievc It to hi- the bent of hl<>'..| purldi'n. C. K. I 'pi. .n. Nasliu.i. N. 1 1 . From rliililhooil, mul until williin n few montliN, 1 have LMM-II aRlirti'd \vitli \\vnk anil Sorn Eye*. I used fur llie^i- complaints, with ri"nilt. A>IT' Karniiparllhi. Mini enn-iili r it n-.-n.ii hlooil purifier. Mrs. C. I'hillipa, (ilovt-i, Vl. I suffered for n ye;ir \vilh inflamma- tion In my left rve. Thrri- ulcert fonnel on Hie hall, iteprivtag Hi'' of -mill, ,'U<1 cnnsiii!; (front pnln. Afli-r trying ninny other ri-medip*. to no purpoM* 1 , 1 wns tiimlly In. In. 'eil to UMJ AJIT'S >ui*ii|mrilb, ami, By Taking three hottlet of this ineilii'inc'. have been entirely eurcil. >ly si^ht Icio been n- utorctl, nml there is no >.i r jii of intViiimift- tlon, Hre, or uleer 111 mv eye. - hnnlal T. Itowcn, Sugar Trc'o Kiiige.'ohlo. My iliuiirlitcr. tin ynirs ol<l, with Sernfiilous Sine I.M s. Dm , _; tin- last two \eais .she nevi r s:i\v llf;lit of any Km. I. Physician* of the ln.'het standing C'xerleil their skill, I nit u il Ii no porinaiieut. sileeesj. ()|| the reeolllllll'llihllloil of a friend I purehaseil a hoiilc of AyerNHar- Mpurillu, vvliieli my il:iiiL'liler euinnu im-il taking, liefure sh. l.i.l useil the third bottle her ulifht wim re-iorcil, imd slionui now look stea.lil.v nt iilnilllaiit lit:lii with- out pain. Her eurc is I'nmpletc. \V. K. .Sulherlaml, Evau^ulist, bliclliy city, K; . Ayer's Sarsa parilla, (f r. J. C. A yr k Co., Lowell, told y all Drug (bu. I'ric* *1 , m boulw, M.

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