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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1886, p. 7

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..- MI... i . Ike Car* f . . ku, 11 r.. i ' ' What it the euro for an aeblug hen t, Kor ' be blow.oi late aud ti rtuuy's will; What ran cure tbat fatal muart , Tell mu. tbepberd u yonder bill, Cn lie soaut nl flowers or the wan^eriug rill, Gait ihy i>eacelul flookl ud tby rustic Ille Sortb tbj heart aud bauib Uri e '! " " No, sweet lady." the sbepberd tlgbad, " 1 Mill wep fur my promised bruie' " Tell me staUwuiau. grand and proud, Btaodiuf bigb uu tbu bill of fame. Holding tbe bvait of ibe listening oruwd, U ibere a balm In a glorious uame v " "No fair lady," tbe stateimau laid, There It DO reit tor my weary bsad " " Tell me, proad dame, wbo bear your part In tbe world's brigbt pageant gay aud grand, Do you flud rest for a restless beart, Comes gralltuds back lu your generous band ? ' Sbe laid her band on her jewelled breast- He servos me ill, whom 1 loved beet I " Turning away from nature'! emtle, Asking no mure of tbe > and great. Tat ijuostiouer looked at ber nee<t awbilt, Tbn tuiut'd tbe look ol a bumble gate. There lay a woman in ooDitant pain " Happiness ! yet ; it U softer! Lg's gala I ' TkC H ulord, ., Tbe mined etairoate in the grev old castle Koboee uo longer to tb tramp of lewi, Bileuoe hat ga Larel wbsre tlni lord And vaacel lu pomp and paf eantry were wool tu moet. Tbe ball of banqueting u chill, fonakao, Htlent and glcxm y are ib balls of eoog, Beie nevermore it. all bard or wlostrel waken Tbe sirtius otuiusie fur tbe feetal turoug. The innligbt vanishes' and storm aed sntdow brood o or the castle on tbe nioe'vd bill, Tbf belli aie tolling o'er tbe diitant meadow, Tbe dead- tba quiet dead- lie basued aud still. Tbe ancient etairca-e, In IM ruined iplendour Holds its own secret* but witb bacud br.-a'.b. Tbe wiudi till wbi-per witb their voieei tender Btories of Ulumpb. sorrow, l u ve and death. - I .l.r. lei (ke Hrlil.a A,-. It may ba recollected that at ibe battle Of Maiwaud, lu AfKbkDiHtau, in wlnob a jnrlani lufaulry rewiment WM muOuohed oul OOQld havo enoa(>ed were II not Ibai tb* *D*my devoted all bin energies 10 tbe capture of Ibe colon, the men mood by betu 10 de'euoe, Mid to were oompletely niiihilied wii.ed off ibe army till, an u wf re Of course, tbe color* were lout. Thin decided ibe War OffiM, Mid Ibe order m iisaed that henceforth British soldiers nut fight wnbunt colors. Il IB not per hap* neutrally known thai in tbe Briueh service tba color* " two of Mob regiujeul ' win alwayi earned by oommiMioncd offiaare generally tbi joniori tut to ner Tie*. Tbeee colon were escorted by a color guard ooneiiting of Ibe firel color sergeants of eaab company, wbo ere also tbe pay eargeaut*. Now ID aalion, in oaae ibi eolor bearen ware ibot down, Ibero WM always great emulation on Ibe part of other offiaen M eeice and bear Ibe m aloft, inue cfleriog Ibemselvee a needlcum target for enterprie ing ibarpabooler*. Tbi* eorl of thing might be repeated till tbo cffisen were plaoed bore da combat, when, of oourie, tbi real backbone of Ibe regiment (ibi noo aommiesioned itaJT) would be excelled to ake command ; bat U the color bsarem irere iwept off II would be qaitt likely thai ibe color-guard shared ibeir file, wben tbe regiment wonld quickly beoomt like a ebip witboal eilber a rudder or a pilot. Reeenn ing tbai tbe magnates of tbe Wai Oftioe deeied Ibat tbe carrying of eolora entailed a needleei mortallly among tbe tnoel efficient membere of a regiment, therefore Ibe practice mail oea>i, aa tbe army ooald tight will enough witboal them. Tbe strangest part of it all le, tbe rank and i! e oow ebeerfollj ounoide witb tba view* of their inperiore Tbi day preoediug ibe battle of Tel-el- Kebir general orden coin- maoded tbat lu tbe oomiog advance DO taoglee were to beeoandci.nodrami beaten and no load worde of eommaad KIVOD . oietlee were to be aied imtead. BotUm Ctmmtretal Bullttin. New fro. t .. e>l < .nii <-! Frederick Biimene, of Dreiden, bte iuo seeded in eaillog Klam iu ibe iame way ae metal ii eae.1, aud oblaiued ao turliole oor- reipObdiDg to oaet metal. Tbil caul glaee ia bard, Dot iearer in production Ikan oat I iron, and bae tbe advautao of traoepar- .Ley, eo tbal all fl.we oan he) detected bifure U U applied to praelieal me. Il will be much leee eipoead to u jury from almoepberie mtluet>oee than iron. The proceed of production ie not diffloolt, tbi chief feature being rapid ox>liag. Tbe bardneei and reeietiog power of thu eael glace are BO great thai experimenti are ,uit now being oarricd out at Ibe Biemco* glaee foandry In Dreiden with the parpone of aeoertaioiDg wtaelher Ibe maMrial oaald be employed fur raile on railway*. il. LATE SPOUTING NOTES. aeeksilL Altar tb* h > Louis Brown* btd won tbe world's obampiouibip against Ibi Obieagosi a crowd oojgregated around thi dreeeing room and waited for the Browni to appear in civilian olotbee. TipON ii.lbe Csua- dian, wae the flrel to oame oul. Ae soon aa be made bii appearance in tbe doorway an old geotltmao wilb grey hair and wrinkled face, and wbo wae a regular attendant at tbe gam** daring the Mason, brew hie arm* about Tip's neak end kissed bim iqaarely on Ibe moatb. N Jt only O Neil and the old gentleman wire moved to toari, but briny drops rolled down tba oheeki of all thoee wbo witneeaed tbe ff acting coin*, eo bay* the St. Lmis Qlobe Democrat. President Campbell, of tb* International League, eaid, in reference to tbe applica- tions of Newark and Jorsey Oily, and tb* * tali m IL i of tbe club manager* : " I do not aa bow the** olatM can o JLUI in under eziiting oircameianoee . but il ii my opin- ion that tbe Canadian einbe will not i.ib- mit to tba pajmeol of tbe eamc guariu- leee lo visiting olabe ae last year. Thia may resull in their withdrawal from tbe league, bal otherwise I fail lo lee bow we can diefranohiee any of ibe club* wbiob oow compose Ibi league. Without Ibe CanadiabH aod mino* others of tbe lee* ibriving 8 -at* elabe, Boffalo, Koobenter, Syraeue*, Utiot, Newark and Jsreey Oity would make a pretty Btrong league if Troy name it to break Ibe long jumps between U not aad the eaetern oliise. iiowever, u ie not imposaibl* for Newark and .Jirsey Oily to eome ia as tbiugs now are and make ton club*." i hf Tart. At a meeting of tb* Linden, Oat., Hoot Olab Thanday evening a nombtr ot new membere were elected, and Uol. Peter e, Meeere. D. Bkirving aad B. Beecber appointed a commute* to lake step* toward* securing the Qaeen'* Plate lor a raee uiteMng at London in the spring. Tbe cuuimiltee can epare tbemselvee any ironble, for tbe Piate having originally been presented to Toronto ba* now been definitely settled here. Toronto Mail. That ie all right and proper trom ibe Toronto point of view, but io reality tb* Plata ii not a permanent Allure in that oily, and it* maintenance tbire of late yean ha* failed entirely to achieve tba original objiet of in donation. Il U quit* poaaibla tbal ere long Hamiltoniani may eee the v Jeen's Plato ran for again at ibeir doort. Tb* owner of Wild Rak*. wbo i* conci dered tbe beet I year-old trotter out ibis year, asks .10 000 for tbe colt. Wild lUke ie by Bambistooian Mambrino, dam Merry G.rl, by Johu Dillard, second dam by Black Denmark. Wild Kske'i lire u tbe sire of Dr. Tea Kyek'e Ksuiaoky yearling. TO CC BTCMBLUa HOBAIS. Bom* good boreee, eeyi tbe I'iltiburg stockman, are addicted to etcmbliog while walking or moving in a clow trot. A well- verted veterinarian slates tbal there are two caqee tbat would tend to produce Ibi* laulty action ; oni, a general weakneii in tbe muscular system, lueh ae would b* noticed in a tired bone ; tbi olbir, a weaknea* of tb* exterior muecles of the leg. brought about by carrying too much weight on the to*. To iffeol cure, be adda, lighten the weight of each front shoe about four ounces ; bave Ih* to* of the tboe made ot etael instead of iron, il will wear long*r , bavi il rounded off about tbe tame at it would b* when on*- third worn out, in ordir to privenl tripping ; allow on* week's il ; bavi Ibe leg* showered lor a few minute* at a lime wilb cold water through a hose, in order to create a ipray ; than rub dry triikly from Ibe obenl down to Ibe 'ool. Give walking exercise daily doring ibis weak lor about an boar twice a day. When you oommioce driving again omit the slow j >K, either walk or eeod him along at a ibarp trot for a mil* or two, tb** walk away, but d J not ip**d for at leae t several weeks. By Ibii meane Ibe habit ot etam fa- ing trom either of Ibe above oauees will oe pretty well overcome. rcw i hi,,,. Oar >.i Be. M win. pies ! au. >aia >! Tb* followlEg aeniible binle on etiquette are taken from QooJ Uoiueketftny . A flrel call from a new acquaintance bould be epeedily retorned. Great paiua ehould be taken by a hoiteee io lutrodoee aby people. A mielrcK tbuuld inform ber icrvante wbat they arc to aay to all oimere. One eaid a year left at tbe d ior, or oce eenl in an envelope, o juiiuue* Ibe acquaint aooe. 1 u oalliog on tbe com or daoghtere, every vnitor ehould bave a oard for the father and mother. Introducing ibould not be indiscrimin- ately done, al bom* or in eooieiy, by any lady, however kiud-bearted. If one lady deeiree to be introduced to another, Ibe hoeteie ibculd aik it ehe may do eo, of course, uuoblru-ively. There u no neeeeeily of calling after a tea or general reception, if oue bae at tetded the teitivily or baa left or aenl a oard on ibal day. No gentleman ibould ever be introduced her permiieion hae been a.ked, and ebe b* givin an opportunity to refnec. In her own boaie a hottaee iboold alweyi extend ber hand lo apereon brouubt 10 ber by a mutual friend and introduced for the tirt time. Btraagert claying in town, wLio wieb lo be callei upon, tbonld tend their oarde by pott with addreee allaobed to Ihoee whom they wonld lik to *ae. " Not al bom* " u a proper formal* if ladies are not receiving ; nor doee il involve a falsehood. Il merely means Ibal th* lady 11 not al borne to company. Garde of condolence moat b* returned by a mourning card cant in an envelop* al nneb reasonable lime after tbe death of a relative as one oan determine again to lake ap Ibe holiness of society. A lady wbo ie fully aware of ber own re-ipeelabihiy, wbo bae alwayi lived io the beil roeiity, U never afraid M haw or call flnl, or to Introduce tbe people whom ibe may deeire ehould know aaab utber . Oetemooioiu visiting i* IBI machinery by which an acquaintance ii kepi np in a circle too large lor eooial viailiux, bat every lady ebonld try to make one or two infor- mal oallr. eaeb wintor on inlimato frieode. In America U ie the faabion to ebake baude, aad moet women, if decimal of being cordial, extend their band*, even on a unl introduction, bal il U, pirbape, more eleitaDl to make a bow only al a first inlro doc .ion. A lady baa a right to leave her card with- out Mkiog for the lady of tbe bouse it il ii not ber day, or if Ibera U any reaaoo neb M bad weather, pr**iare of engage- mint* or Ih* like which riudcre time an important matter. A disagreeable woman can alwaye find precedent! for being formal acd chilling ; a uoe tampered woman ewn alwaye find reaaoue enough tor being agreeable. n I nd.utirrt Care. Blifkln* Ob, loere 8 ao doubt about Tbe faith oura will do aoything. Mi'kine Have yon tried il? " I ehoold say I bad. Three month* ago I was taking anti-fat, and il did m* no good whatever ; then I tried th* failn ouri, *>nd my weight haigone down from 27fi pounds to 300." " Well, that ii remarkable." " Ye, indeed. I jail alack right to il, although it WM a great strain for a fal man." 11 Why, in what manner ?" " Will, you MC I bad to attend service three lime* a dav, and the ohurob wa* two mile* away." Omaka World. The raidn grower M of California eipeel to make an average of 1400 an acre thli ye. r. .-. .uibprn OtUfnrnit will ibow a wine crop of 17,000000 eallone tbu y**r, and a raisin crop ol 7 000 000 boxee. Ao English j lurunl, in eritioisiog Lord Rai dalph attempt to look oracular iu hii new position, qaotot tbe old aayiog, " A young man should bt wieer than be luokt ; an old man tbould look wiser tban be is." There are tome loony tbiogi oat in U abigan. A tew yeare ago tbey elected a salesman wbo bore the enrname ol Bogota to be their Governor ; and now they bave another MeKeman who rejoioee in tbe name ol Taple. A large town i* growing np around Ibe ihore ol Lake Eliinor*, Oaltloroit, a abeel ef water which i* seven mile* long and ibree mil** wid*. A peculiarity of the town ie ibal Ibe people g i frooa ilrewt to ttr**l almost *nur*ly by boat. In fact the principal etreet ot Ibe town U circular aud can b* touobed by boat at any point imt Ihras al ttmmr. There wa* an (lamination of tb* graduating claa* of Ibe Uuiv*riily of Tixa*. If on* bushel ot wneal ooele 10 Mole, bow moob will 10 bushels of wbiat coil ? " aeked a visitor. Tber* was an awkward pause. ' Well," laid tbe visitor, " I'll ask yon another qaetion : " If you o into a ealoon, aod one whiskey toddy eoete 16 cento, how much will two coil? " Y >u gel two for a quarter ! " yelld tbe graduating elaae in ohorni. Texat Biftingi. Hall nd I ou,. . IL Omaha Mao (at the rulauraol) May I trouble you for the eah ? Oowboy from Waybaek You bet yon kin, elranger. Doo't can for lalt myealf . " I eboold connder il vary naa*tiary part of diet. A Berlin eoiaotiet provee oonelueively tbal the gentroue otc of tall U conducive to longevity. " Wall, ther*'e no dcnyin' Ibat fcllin M i too fraob don't live long oat oar way." OmaJU WorU. tt MOT. V\ . .ir.n Ml .1. - l.r till, I "I've got enou<b of proepecling In Ariz >oa," eaid a travel elained man wbo arrived over tbe Barliogtonroad, acordloii to tbe Ciiieago Herald "The I jaue ictred me tff a halt diaen cltime, and then ibe country got BO dry tbal I WM kept awake all oighl b] Ibe cracking of me earth. For about eix monthi I did nothing ouleorateb a little here and dodge au Indian itam, and : . aally ibings got M hot Ibat I didn't have lime to elop running. Why, I did enongb travelling in two week* to tar- nish retreat* tor Muei army for one year. Aricona may he filled wilb mincrale, but I don't care about digging for them f r eome time to eome. Here, lake Ibi* home M voor folke. It's a rib I piek*d up io the Dragoon Monntaine." Hii.lral IICHSS. 1 jnd falber " Din'l yon think I ought to bave my daughter'! voice cultivated ?" Tortured gniel (impreaeivily) I ibiuk you ooght to bave eomelbing done with it." Mr. Bjftpale " How did you ei j iy my singing, Mm Bharpe ?" Mm Bnarpe Very muob ibdeed. In fael, I alwaye like to bear yon aiog." Mr. B.ftpate " Thankf, awfully." Mia* Bbarpe "Ye, your eingiag reeoneilei m* to my own of rnaiieal talent." Old man (bo only brlievee in profee- 100 al mneio) -" I bop* you amateur gentlemen lake a real pleasure in perform- ing." Ghirue " Certainly we do. !" O.d man " Tbeu, at leaet, there ie acme com pinaation for Ibe torture you ittliol." What fanny namee people give M their nhildreo, anyhow, write* Bjb Bardelte Nit the high *onnding or fancitnl or romantic namee ; they do well noagb, eliboagb they da aarmoii*) ill with red bair and freckle* eomelimie. Bal r*al good seu-ible namie, even family namce, I oiian. NJW, one of the boys wilb whom I went to Mbool WM named Newton. Hu idiai of heaven and ma 1 utmalic* war* rqaally well founded. I eball uever forget bis amezimeot wben the teacher aeenied bim Ibal two and two o>ade four. Hs -luck oul for seveu a long lime, and at It-ngtb agreed lo leavi II to Ibe claes, aod wben we unanimously deoidid ia favor of (our, be eaid it wae the bealio'eel thing ever happened M bim. Tni day hi learned ibal an apple, loosed from tni tree, would fall down inetead of op, hi sat without peaking a word all day, dumb under tbe ovirpoweriog burden of this revilatioo Ibal fell opou bim like ibe world renowned clap of thunder out of a clear iky. Aas) oue day, overbearing tb* teacher deeUr* Ibal the eon WM more than twios M large ae tbe earth he gathered op bis bcoki aud laid be couldn't eland any more of tbu nonsenee. He never cami back to Ibe Mbool. He got a place ae a eluk in a coal yard, where hie immovable faith io tbe doctrine Ibal two and two make Mven, aod inai the attraction of gravitation makes ibinge fall np. o that tbe lighter anything wsigb* the heavier it ii, paved hie way to a partnership and great wealth. He kept on knowing IBM and less every day, until now be U a moel eminently respectable cumin, wbo tbiLke politic i it volgar and debating, nver voice and ia a mim icr ot tbe board of education. Tben then WM yoang b-ilomoo Wieeman He Hood al the foot of ibe eane olaa* five yeare ; Ibal WM the lowest ola-e io school. He never gol out of u. Baid the teacher, > Oao &b live on laud, Wuemau?" And Balo rnon thought a minute and said, " Yes'm." Then the eaid no, and up ained why Ibey couldn't, and then .sicd, " Could they Uve in ihi air 7" Mid be laid, cheerfully, " Yee'm." But *be aid no, and exp alned why, aod then asked, Bat they could live ia th* waier, couldn't Ibey T" And young Wieeman eaid, very confidently, " Nome." She eaid tbey cunld and tbi* diecoaraged him. He never oami ao near answering a qieelion correctly again. H* stayed io *ebool flvi yeare, daring wbiab urn* be drove two teaabere M eaieide, He ie a riab man now aud a number of the looal board of Civil Service K-form. Wben be let i eahool bs gol a place down at tbi gae worke, at j bit aolailiog capacity for making everythinn mean ixaetly what it dun t lay lad to the invention of Ibe KM meter, aod io be eped on M fortune Wby, do y u know ? I ooald give a dcziu ioetaneee of ibaaa bom ui mienomera. There WM Jtrry Bleokiiari, not Jeremiah, hot Jeroboam. He WM a half-breed Indian, ND of old Colonel H aokharl, a miserable old ibi-f of an Indian trader, wbo called tbi* boy Jerohosm to tpita tbe chap lain ot tbe poet. Tbai boy joal loved fair worlbleM old father, and be wouldn't bave bis name ehargid for anything, ihoojb tverybody ehorieoed il to Jerry. Bui be wae the whitest boy in tbal Mbool. He never oaed a word or an expreeeioo lhal bs couldn't have need in Sunday aobool He wae Ih* aoul of honor, and was religions clear through. He gol op t noon prayer meeting In school aod II lid to a revival, aod be ie a mli'ionary to-day working among hi* brethren in tbe far Weil. And there wae N ok 1) >liil!e , be we* Ibe bui-ieti boy in eebool. !! read by fire- light until be wae bald al 17 studied him self into brain fever al 18 , tbin be became a civil engineer , laid oul rallroade fa*tr Iban the Gould family eocll gobble them op, and every time hi gets unusually bos) be dieabaryee two or Ibree clerks because, be eayt, Ibey gel io bi< way and retard bis work. Fact ii, you can't tall muoh aboui a boy by hie name, exerpl in ibe old lime Sunday eebool books, wbere the good boyi are alwayi named John aud Cbarlei, and the bad are called BJD aod Bill. A BklNU'a) CKl L UKtIU. Tke Mery rerMr TM b. the **< l/raiarrs ef r , H 'i-- nmmmj. A new UK ui has been oaet upou oue of >he obtcureil poaeagee of aoeieal <ypti*M bi-t'iry by tfas oubandatiiag of Ibe m Jinny of Kian Bekeneore T*-aken, on Ibe .100* la*t June, at the Boulak Maaeum. Ae we bav* Men, Bekenenra, tbe Thebao hero of 'be Ugendary r. mtneo eootaloed in tb* 1 t Ssilier Papyrus, placed bimaelf al tba bead ot tbi oauooej riling againel Iha Hykeo* tyranny, and began Ibal famoo* war ol independeiiee wbieb ended some generations liter io tbe total rout aod *K- paleion of tbi foriign invaders. Till th* other day wi knew not that Iht p< polar leader fell on the field of battle. Tnie, however, ie evident from tbe oondition of tb* mammy, wbiab ba* no leu than four woondi on me bead aod ftoe, i. e, , a wta* gMh down Ibe left obeek, which laid it opon and dove tba jsw ; a oirwular bole in tb* ligbl temple, probably trom a lacee or daig*r poml ; a ilant ing cot over tbi left eye ; and a terrible ekull wound, evidently ibflietad wilhabatahel. Odbeaa, Profeaeor Maepero remark* in bis report tbal " Ta-tken nrat struck upon th* jw, f ell itonned, wb upon hie enemiee preoipilatad tbimeelvee open bim, aod deeuatobtd bim where ba lay." He alao observse tbal " the KX> 1'iiauii matt bevi baen vioMrioue in tb* combat which took plaoi over the body at iheirebitf, noaa they eoeeseded in reaeuing it aud bearing it til ibe field." Tb* bailie, we may aeeame, touk place somewhere in Lower K<pi; bat the Kiog'e ojrpee, iiikaiily imbsloiad the day if tar tbe battle, wa* conveyed to Toebae, and tbire received the nice tf icpnliar*. Tbe tec* at the mammy wear* an rxpreeeion of iotaoee aony. Tbi feature* are contorted, the month ie drawn into a circle, Ibe tonga* prcjteu, and ie billen partly Ibroogh by ibe teeth. Ai It was in death, eo II I* now . aud tb* e>mbalmen, wben they prepared il, made no effort to rwstore tbe eliffsoed feature* to a lea* painful expression, or to release Ibe bitton tonaae fn m tbe grip of Ibe teitb. Amelia B Kdwtrd* in Id' M. i u r el fc ri .If r '. f . r ~ To-day (lllh ol November) i* tb* anni Ternary ot tb* battle of Chrysler's farm, la which General Wilkinson, ot eb* Catted Htatei army, with 17000 m*o trom S.okeil'e Harbor, attacked a for** ol British unaer ihi eommai d ot Colon c I Morrison, near Preecott. Tbe D B. foroea war* iifaatid with considerable low aod retreated to Bt Kegu. aaroee tb* rivw, wb*LOe io the moDtb of February foUowing tbey retreated to U uaa, frcxmoul. The hauls of Cblppawt wac loogbl on tbe Sth ot JO!T following, aod Lundy'i Lane on tbe Kin. NaUa I* |'..H . Vac*. I. nle Riebard (ae ealle himieir " lokard") u a cole . >ear older, ranning about in drisaee and trying M do all thing* ibal Urger tolki do. Hs would ran tbe lawn in >wr, it be WM only allowed to. Tbe other day bu (atber bad aocul a lbr* days growth of beard oo hie face aod tbe little fellnw aaugged op" with the uu effect. " I'tpcj," laid be, aa he rubbed hit own little face, " lokard fluke oo gol nail* in oo faoa." Ue i Waal Tramp -Look hire, Ibeaa yire potttoei ain't pealed t" Good woman Wall, goodness, oan't you do ibat much ? Tramp (with injured air) I didn't ax fur any work- Wuen I gel that low I will ran for alderman. I OIK hliiK Drratlen. Eitelle Aod are you going to leav* m* io noon, Aogastni ? Aagaitui My love, I would willingly give ten years of my life if I ooald elay longer, fiat if I don't ga I ikall be fined for being late al a card party. The Ram- Itr. A stranger in Wheeling went Into a saloon and found a lot of yoaog fellows playing at a oew game. A bit of paper wae fastened to the wall, eiob player In torn wae blindfolded and lunnd about three times, and then tried to walk op and touch tbi paper The man wbo touched fartbeel 'ro n the paper wae to pay tor the drloki Tbi etraogir j lined the game, and. wben he had jbbed at tba paper aod pallid tfl tbe hand***, found thai Iba other playere bad Had. He couldn't ***tb* j >ke until later, when ba discovered, tbal bi* pook*l had been picked fflarrlac's ! Texas. The frequency wilb wbiob young people gel marritd eeerelly, and forget to iuform ibeir parente until after > *rd, lende color to ibe following : " Wbai'e tbe newt, Jimmy ?" aikid tbe fond father. " Nothing Ibat I know ot. Oh, yes, pa, now tbal I eome to thick ot it, I wa* married laat week." Te*a Siftingt. ,T1. ln ! His New llan.r " Are you moved yet T' aeked Phillip*. " Began Ihie morning. We carried a salt cellar and a chair and coaxed the dog over,' we ejaculated in delight. " Is thai eo ?' aid Ike, in atone of congratulation. " I am glad to bear that vno ore eo near through the jjb." Knora (I I ) made. II. r ,11 . \ h.i Mr I > ,.. . i - .1 Bnodkin* (io love witb a banker'! daugbtai)-" Mr. Willofl I want- 1 wieb the fact ii, I want to euter your family, ilr. I am boneil, steady aod an none to advance u yself." tUuker " There ie oo vacancy al present, exoepl Ibe chamber- maid petition. " A twenty-three pound eat it on exhibi- tion at Buaton, Mai*. Justice Manstlold, of Verona, N Y , ie Ih 1 oldeet justice of the peace in Iha United Btatee, beitig 91 yeare old. Mr. Michael the well known Horn- Rul* edvoeaie, w<ll b* married on Dec. 30 b to Mis* M*y Y .r, ot O tklande, CU Toe yonug Isdy became acqu.iuied wilb Mr H. viu on xie firsl vien to Ibe P.oiflj CJM! io 1BHO. Tbe forlbcomii.g event it me remit ot ao altaehmenl then formed. MIM Y jra wa b"o io America, nf Irish |>arinle, and i* 23 yeare of age Bba bat been carefully eoowted by tb* Bieteri of tbe Beared Heajri ol Oakland* and u intaniwly patriotic. What ! I < Ii Hui l(.ohiri.. Al a social gatbrriun some one pro( oeed tble qaee'ion : " What iball I leach my daughter?' The following repliee were uanded in : Teach her Ibal 100 eeoli make a dollar Teach her to arrange the patljr aod tbe library. Teach ber to eay " N t," and mean it, or " Tee," and etiok to it. Teach ber bow to wear t oalieo dress and to wear it like a <j icen. Teach her bow to now on buttons, darn slookinge and m*nd glovee. Teaob her to drsm fur health and com- fort ae well ae lor appearance. Teach ber M cultivate djweri and to keep the kitchen garden. Taob ber to make Iba niatoel room In the bone*. Teaob her to have nothing to do with intemperate or dii'Olut* yoneg men. Teach her lhal tight lacing 11 aco:mtly ae well a* IL jar ions to health. Teaob ber M rrgard Ibi raorali and habile, and not money, ia selecting hn associates. Teach her to ohearve Ibe old rale : " A place lor everything, and everything in its place." Teach ber tbal moiie, drawiog and psiuling are rial aeeompliebmenta in tbe borne, aod are not to be uerfleosed il then- be time and mODiy for Ibeir nee. Teaob her tbe imiortent trni-m : " That the more ibe lite* wllbin ber mo ime the more ebe will etve, and ibi farther the will gel away from the poorbooee." Teaob her Ibal a goxl, Meady, ohoreb- going mechanic, farmer, clerk or teacher without a cent ii worth more Iban forty loa'ere or non producers i.i broadelotb. Teach her to embrace every o[p irtaoily for reading, and to s. Iroi.uob booke a- will give ber tbe mo*t u*fol and praotiotl iLfurmatlon in order to make tbe best pro grace iu earlier M well a* later borne aod school life. II. *' < rr Illr. " I would like to get my life insured in your company," said an ag*d man to the President ol a lilt iaenrane* company. " Mv dear sir, w* ean'l aoeommadato you Yon bava only a short time to live." " Tnat'e wbare you are off. I'm tbe oldest in habitant never knew him to die did you ? " replied Iba j illy old euitomer. II umr I . .ilmOD' Many hundred rsoommendatione umilar in character M tbi one given below have been received, and give proof of the great value of PoUoa't NIBTIMM M a pain rtm*dy. Try n. ATM i. Fib M -We hereby certify that wa bave used Nervilini in our familiee, nd bave found II a most reliable rtmedy for cramps in the stomach, also for bead ebt, and externally for rheumatic paioe. No bouse ihnuld be wit'ru* tbiaii valuable remedy. LCKB COLB, Eii-m Ocu, J. P. Tba Brtndon (Man.) Sun givsi partioo- lari of Ibe Nlablubmcni in lhal town ot , wholesale grtcary by Mesera. South Jt Bur- ton, two of Ibe most popular road ui*o in Ibe Djtuloion. The Sun i* nlho-iaitio over ibe enterprise aad elaimi Ibat Bran don ibould become a great wholesale o nlre AD nnosual y large banana crop ie reported Inm all parte of Mexico. A .IH sboal.l never be msde. butsiut ition and SDtec i.rl mleiervsicward M beisvrr youare luoated TUO ibuuid write to Ra itt A Oo. Portland Mams, aud learn sboal work tb>t TOO can ao aail IIVB at borne, euulnf ike.rby from * to 46 sni upwtra* dsliy. Bk>n, have s rned o*ei eSu In ad.; All parti c u srs free B. tb setse All H" ts|italooi tier 1..1. yoa sre startt f,e All Is DW. Tbo*wbo start st i>noe ean nut bsl|> rapidly nitkmsj snaR little lortunes. Oratilylng reporsehsve be* r*js red ml Ottawa ot the success] of the C.nadiati dieplay of freb frail al Ibe Colonial and Indlau Exhibition, Ibe beaaly and variety o>f our prodacM bavieg oompleMly a*tcnisb*d Bniiib bortioaltnrisl*. A yoang horse cut great gMbee io hie neck while antanglad in a barbed wire feoei al Randolpb, Va. A veterinary -U'grau has i at a piaoe of ordinary garden hoso in tbi coil's Ibroat (or b<m io breathe ibrooib, and be in gatnog aloui flrel rate Charles P Oakland boy, 15 yeare old, recently Iradid ebewicg gira with a eomptnion wbo bad dii<bibr>ri> Obarles contracted tbe diisaae and dud, and Irom him bi* lalber, bii brother aud iwo younger ebildree have eoolracted It, and ibe wife an<* moibar is ibe only ooa ol the family not anTeted with it, CONSUMPTION | liaV*> * *ltl t f ITll-.lV ff >'i. r.,,s> JlfJP th <nan.i* o! i a- > : IM , t rl I n. t an .-' k*v* b** -jrl lntrl *.i n>.-n M arv. lhal I < I MIM 1 Wn HI 1 I IN r Will, a VUt'AHt I IHKATmK IHW I UiVrwr. ttu. ti * * 1 T O M irowaX IB T A -l-I M Branch Office, 37 YonpeSt.,TOBto .. - I IH Ml. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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