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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1886, p. 6

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MARRIED FOR MONEY. Hevelatloneot an Kngllah Divoroo Ou*. A FOBCED WEDDING. A IM! (Friday) night's L udon cable My* : Tbe Beb>ihl divuioa O*M w. brought IH tor preliminary herug 'o d) The MIIOD U brought by Mm. Aribui Bebrigbt, wbo arked to bave bar uim>e declared void on Ibe grounds tbat she wan indnctd to oonneol to bve Ibe ceremony performed ty frar, and that Ibe merrig but never bi en oonsommattd. Tbe plain I to a daughter ol Ld> Boolt, of 8 uthamp ten, and noted (or besaiy, and tbe defendant U a well known London oiub Tbe plaintiff's friend's aietrt tbet Ibe defendant, ouveiinn ber private fortune ol 9)00 000, managed to inveigle ber iuto financial transactions which finally (li oj on ber (or nettlemeut at a time when th had to ebooM between refusing to pay atd compromise or escape by marrying Ibe deltndanl and permitting him to liquidate At tbe bearing to-day Mre, Beoright's eennssl admitted Ibe marriage, which, be id, WM performed at tbe reninrar H lxt January. He contended, homeier, that no marital relation bad ever taken place ; that Ibe parties bad never lived together and tbt ibere bad been no impropriety in tbe financial traoeaetion wbieo caused tkfir marriage. Mr. Bebi-igbl had induced tbe petitioner to aoetpt certain billi, and tie bad been ltd to believe tbal a marriage ceremony between ber at d tbe respondent would relieve ber ol tbe fluaiotl liability it caned. Tbe jadge eaid be thought tbal under these oireamntanoee it weald be impoetible to nullity tbe marriage, and announced that be would hear lemimr ny with a view to deciding it there WM acm cunt reaeon to grant a divorce. Mrs. Bebright WM oalii d lo Ibe witneei itaua and eworn. bbe tretified that through her latber ebe bad inherited in hi i own bamr 9130,000. in addition to a rever ion ot 1150 QUO on tbe death of ber mother. Bbe bad met Mr. Sebrigbt when the wae but 16 yean of age, and tbe acquaintance had been continuous He proposed mar riage te ber alter Ibey bad been aoqaainled a toot t lime, bat ber mother declined to permit an engagement. Mr. Bebrigbt con- no at d bit visile to tbe boune, however, and wae received on terms ot friendship Finally Mr. Bebrigbt indneed wilneae to engage bereell to him in marriage unknown lo ber mother. After Ibis be persuaded ber from time to lime to sign bite ot taper," whieh be sopplisd. Eventually WIIOCM aeeerlained tbal be had appended her name lo notes end bills and mad* brrswlf liable lor strut amounting to 116 <86. Write were eeored apnn ber in aetioiie for these smoooU. Hue then appealed lo Mr. Sebrigbl. He id tbe ooly way she oouli save herself from rain was by marrying him. This, tbe wilnesa said, ibe refused to do. Mr. Sobright out rrqueeted witness to meet him alone. Bbe did so. lie look her to a place onknown lo her, bu> wbieb *be learned wae ibe Registry iffioe. She wished to leave Ibe room the moment she found where she was. Count Balbaan, a friend of Bebrigbt'i, wbo wa* precent, blocked tbe door and Mr. Stbright eaid to her that be would ubool ber if she dared to bow tbal she wae not aettcg with tree will in the marriege wbieb we about to Ink- place. He then foroed a ring on ur finger, ad witness tbrew it cff and egio tried ID leave the room Mr. Sebriiibt n. 1 ^ d ber by tho arm and foraed b*r brk and mad? ber eign tbe register. Witness eaid she did not bear the HsgiHrer read the form of marriage nor bear him ray anything. "I was too upael and loo dreadfully fruM- soed" sh declared, "loknar anything at tb time." Tbe Registrar being sworn deposed that wbso Mrs. Sebrighi wae before him >b WM agitated, bat that Hh repealed the marriage declaration* without any hesita- tion, ani also for a marriige form when Mr. Bnbrigbt lock ber band. Witness added that saooiqaentlv tbe lady tbrew the marriage ring un tbe fl >or, but Bigned tbe registry without hesitation or demur- ring. Lady Bolt, Mrs. r3ebriht'a rroiber, at/d two doctors testified that tbe ptlitioner was completely broken down mentally and pbytioally after tbe ceremony. and was always tremulous and crying aid in con- stant terror. At tbie point tbe hearing ot Ibt oaee was adjourned. Daring the pro- ceedings tbe court was orowdsd with people belonging lo Ibe aristocratic elaas. I *PKftllKD ION. Tl ,.l r rto. MLsn. ol I llr I II,,,. l Ing I.e. . -uppo.i-il (or IP.I-. A Hudson, N. Y , despatch says : Mrs. John R. Daaa has for eome lime been suffering from heart dieeaee and drop-ioal triublee. On Saturday sbs was about all day, but at nigbl seemed to be worse. In the early evening, after rpesmodio action, sbs passed into a elate wnioh WM at the time deemed death. Tbe body wae duly kid out and immediate arraagementa made for the loneral, which was decided upon for lo- morrow. At the expiration of six, sigh I or ten boars there was no deereass of warmth ot the body, neither wae there any rigidity of tbe limbs. A doctor WM called, but orjuld not i tier any solution of tbe seemingly mysterious eireo in nances, bni gave bis opinion tbal Ibere wae no qaeetiou about the death of tbe patient. Tnerc were mark* of dieooloration OB tbe faec and about tbe body. The txtremlMea got warmer, even warmer than prior to the suspension ot animation. Even np to to- day tbt bodily temperature Is normal. Tbe relatives will not bnry the body until they are certain death bM occurred. Hke WBS KellaiBle. A female of an uncertain ags WM asked by a census laker : " How old are you, madam 1" " Thirty years," ebe replied. " Tnat's what yon told me last ocnsos, ten years ago." " Well, I'm not one of tbe kind ol women wbo tell one story one lime and another story smother." Qaeer mishaps are roted. In a fine field ol yellow grain near Marcel, Oal , toe driv lug wheel of a barveeter struck a opa'k from a stone, the spark scl fire to the wheat, and there wss an uproarious race of tallows of flames. A II Ml l t INUAUNATC. HC Hiul.M . -...I. II I. 1C. -.! t- .mil 1. - - 11 II ..... d 10. I , , , b , III [> lM>or. A Lamed , Kansas, despatch savi : 8c vsn years ago a beautiful yiung lady named Ijowber fell iu love with Bam Purple, man wboiut reputation tor sobriety au( mildnees of nature WM not by any mean* envious. Against the withea of all with whom Ibf young lady wae oonmo'.ed, Ibe] were married, and settled down near Marine, iu Hodgman ecuoty. Tbey never lived very happily toietr'nr, and Purple'* vioioastieuii eulojinated Friday mnrtuui IMI in tbe reorder tt part of bis family aud bis own death at tbs bauds of au enraged mob three days later. At the urns Ibe Purple family eoniiieted of seven percons, bunt-til, his wife, bis wifs's sister aud foor litile children, the youngest of which was only three weeks old. 0. Fiiday marnii g bis wife aroae and prt pared Dreaktait. She then went to awaken her bnnband, which so enraged bim M lo incite bim to th beinouK crime which soon followed. He sprang violently frcm bie bed, and seising bis revolver shot bis wife through the body, killing ber instantly. Tbe nsw born babe was next tirsd at, with tbe eanv result. He next ebot and killed another ol the children. Hie sistsr-in law, Miss Lnr ber, WM then tired at, tbe ball paasing throogh ber aim and lodging iu tbb sntu'der. Ae tbie emptied tbe revolver Por|le prooeeded lo load bis shotgun lo complete the work. A slight mistake in ibis WM Ibe ooly tbmg tbal stopped the work ol carnage. Tbe powder WM poured into one barrel and by error tbe thot iuto the other. With this he endeavored to blow iff ihe bead of another child, but M there WM nothing except powder in Ibe barrel, ihe obild'e face was only severely burned by tbe exploeion. A heavy b'auket was Miied and wound around Ibe BL t! sbild, and this securely wrapped with heavy wire, in the hope tbal be might ao eomplish by suffocation wbat he bad failed to do by Ibe nse ot Ibe ihct, uo. Tbe child will recover, although fearfully du filtered about ibs face. Toe murderer then mounted a boree aod started across the fie d towards Marine, with the avowed purpose of murdering wife's father and mother. Before he could aoo mplisb tbs dsed, however, tbe wounded young lady had made her way to Ibe village and citified the inhabitant* of bal bad happened, and they bad congre- gated tor resistance. Seeing tbal hie plan was (rostrated, Parple bamened to Jet- more and surrendered himself to tbe aotboritiee, wben be was placed in, sorrenodsd by a heavy guard. Last bight a mob ol about 100 men wsot quietly to the ail aod demanded tbe prisoner, wbo wa* delivered with little ceremony. He wss beo taken back to ibe scene of bis crime and banged to a tree. Only one member of tbe family escaped serious n jury, and bat WM Ibs murderer's litile boy, wbo bad bid onder bis bed when he heard bis father coming. I "I- ( I > - J t HII t I A NCW \ o.l. < *iBillirr AS>S>*lBtr4 lo r..n.' I tli-tar. II. n la IBM I l, 1 1 . J Mb A New York despatch eays : A meeting as bsld brre this evening lor me porpote ot inangoralinK a movement to celebrate itae50.h anniversary of Qjeen V otoria's loeeseioD to Ibe throes ot Oreat Britain, which ce:nre In June next. A committee. ai apro'uted, consistirg of Mr. R. J }orli*, President of Bl. George'e Bocieiy ; dr. J >tm P*lloo, of Hi Andrew's Hjoiety , ir. I i. -. ct the. B-tthb U uiv l.-i.-. S. nt-'.v . Mr. R, O. H ilimou, Of thi) loos of St. Oreorge, and Mr. Era-tin Viman, Preeident of tbe Canada Club. ?ne committee wa* instructed to iuvile Ibs eo-operaiiou ot similar orgtuiztiiooii ia ion-i ptrtu of tbe liaised States, aod, where none txinttd, lo reqieit tbe forma ion of o.mujitleeH to send delegate* to * Yjrkon tbe . o-aiiou, in order that bs meeting may be representative iu baraoter. It was also resolved tbal a movement erjonli be ioa>ngorated toward reeling a permanent mt mortal to Hsr lajesty in the Culled Slates, presenting he people of this country with a work ol art equal to tbal recently presented by rauoe. A i i I ! -I I M.kloul In l.r . . -r . A Paris otUgram ot Baturday's date ays : I have seen two vary pretty drt. sts ibis week, one being a ball dress for tbe 'ineesH Oslitsio. A long train ot drapery of Nile green crepe de Obioe over a heavy uiUaunr. of emerald vivel, tbe trout el diagonally striped Nile plash, with alternate rows ot iridescent beads and flit iille drops, the panels of emerald velvet. )a the left side were two more ribbons attached at Ibe waist with mini null bows. A pointed bod ioe of erspe de Ohms, wilb tomaoh of iridescent beads and braoes of dark green velvet, with no sleeves, ibe right epaulets being of bead fringe. From Ibe obeet to ths Isfl shoulder, folds ot vilvet and moire bows. Another wae a walking owtnme worn on Wednesday >y tbe prettiel ti<are ID Paris < , that ot tfcne. Ferdinand Bisobiffabelm, nee Mamie Payne. A short round skirt ot a deep color known as Danish red, of faille, covered in black velvet appliques and trellis work benealb an exquisitely draped short tonic of black, smooth oaebmere, a material that is ooming into favor ones again. A smell tight filling tailor eoal and bonnet of Danieh olotb, ornamented with three black feathers. Saueta iimflicitat in an expensive form. TI. ni lot . . k 11 Maria, I wish you would keep still," said Brown, trying to write. " Yoor tongue s like Tennyson's Brook, il goes on for ever." "Ilomph!" answered Mrs. B, indig- nantly, " I suppose yon think that's a joke." " Well, I meant it for a scrl of a gag." At tbs Hudson River railroad sbope is a toothless steel circular eaw thirty-eight uohes in dumtter and three-eighths of an neb thick at ibe edge which will cut off a bar of iron in a tiborl time. A stream if water is kept ponrii g over it to prevent oraeking. Tbe r-nds of a rail wear out first, and when cut off tbe rest can be used on ilds tracks. Thirty-four salt welle have been pul *own in Wyoming Oannty, New York, this yew. S .". S-uuui -i. li ! ml I * A L. Grouse, Wis , despatch eays : The Law and Ordsr League bM been makioti vigorouii efforts lo enforce Ibe iawriquiriui saloons to Oe closed ou Sunday. Tbn.aluon keepers bave retaliated by demanding ih trial enforcement of a 1 Sunday la Mayor Powell on Tborrday mined a pro olamaiion announcing that ttaeiie laws wuul( us B m icily enforced a^aiusl every person or oorporalion doing any mri of buniuene, and a large uuti.bcr of special policemen wrrt> or n in ykterday lo arrei-t i.ffi uderH. O Saturday tbe Manager of Ihe telephone ffioe announced that the telepboje Hutu ould be closed from Batnrdav uiduight t ttauday midnight. Manager Cbspman, < : >he tlt*rii>h offix, received orders from Sapertutei deol MoM obael to do ro buti -MII- ol any nature daring tbe legal Sunday eiei-pl receive and Bend Government signals iveu Ibe preaadeTHtebeti for miming uewt- pipem beiig enc t S. The Manager of tbe Associated Fie.e demanded thai these dei atobee be delivered, bal Bapenalendeni relased. Tbe iffl'erii of tbe law made tbeir first raid on tbe Chronie'f imoe wbere tbe muni force were engaged in net ting ont a Baoday paper. Tbe printer* were arrested, and daring tbe day a large LIT- ber of 'bus drivers, labortre al Ibe gad works, street car men, etc., were alao ar rested. The authorities even threatened fc arre t choir singers in ibe ohnrehse who re- eeive pay for tbeir singing, and Ihe oily waa kept in a stale of exeittmenl all day, fifty arreate having been made before nigbt. It generally understood tbal Ibe whole era stde ie dteigasd to bring Ibe Blue Ltwe into disrepute. Tbe eases were oalltd in Court to-day and r j mrned. Tbey will be buterlv aonieeted ou both sides aud carried to Ibe Supreme Court. I HI HI- 1 >' V III- I I I - I ull. .1 I'll .1,'lrl Inu. IH-. u.. Ike Or,. II *ur.llou Bl flll.kyiM A Pittsburg despatch eays : Tbe seeeione of Ibe National Convention of U ailed Preebytertaos opiosed to instrumental uiu-io intbseharob to-day wers devolod to the oiteusstoB at d adoption of a dselara lion prepared by Ibe Oommitli-e on Ro- alions. Tbs document is a foreibl JDS, and rets forth in detail the most formidable arguments in opposition to ibe use of Ibe organs iu the oboreh. A discussion followed ths reading ot ibs paper, and tbe resolu- tions acocmpanying il. Il ie claimed by all, howsver, that thsy should stand by Ibs first pi JLoiples regardless of tbe wishes of others. Ood aione, it WM argued, WM Lord ol tbe conscience, and its dictates should be obeyed regerdlexs of men's com mandnieulM or ehurob me) iritiee. This eveninii a Conference Committee, eonaiaiing of seven clergymen and four lay- ni'U. wasai pointed. The Committee on twolotim presented a plan ot organ ;/ tliou ot i'> st Uuited Presbyterians opposed to oilrum total mu-ic. Tbe plan provides or Ibe formation of a permanent a*ooia ion, to bs known M the United Praaby erian Association of America, tbe object to maintain and promote purity in iroirine and simplicity in worabip in tbe United Presbyterian Cbnrob. Tbe members of the association shall be mtmfcereol Ihe tki led PresbyteriaLCnoreb n s> in.aiby with ibe otjsoti of ths >rinon, and meetings sball be held anunatly al a lixa and place fixed by the as'Ori tion. To morrow's Mssion promluss to brii'g forth a mnob more lively du niiiou. A I. M I HIM III I. I H>llv..T fmmmtnmrtm Kldr n tar I d*<l \ lih UTBBBSII*. A Pittsburgh despatch eays: Upon the arrivl al Datoli. Pa., nf tbe tun 1 raiu north nn the Buffalo, Rochester <V Pitts- burb Ktilroad yesterday , the oar inspector rliFO v M d three dynamite bombi and cap* fastener) under tbe r-pricgi of tbe rear ojsoti. Tbs bombe were carefully removed, nd there were many pale faces among tbe pusi ngers wnen they learned the terrible fate ihy bad FO narrowly escaped. The rein starts from Pauxsnteusy every muri iu^.si.d il was undoubtedly at tbat place thai tbe bombs were plsctd under Ibs npriugfl, and U onlv makes abort CKpi between there aod Dabuts. Il is twenty miles f mm tbs place ol starting, snd bow it wan possible for a train to run Ibat die- tsDce cvsr short curves with tbat amount ol d> n.mile and cape under the springs is a myetery. Thirty -four persons wsre in the Bunch, and had tbe accident occurred a< intended tbe loss of life would have been very great. I ou.lon I'.oi A London cable says : Tbe l.ioalO'.* erument li lard has made public Un reply to tbe letter recently addressed to il by ths Bcoial Democratic Federation, oalliug attention to ibe alleged enormous loorees* in tbe number at tbe poor snl unemployed in London. Tbe Board's rsply assert* tbal in the month ol October, 168ii, tbs psroeDtpga ot paupers in London waa 32 to every 1 000 ot the population, while in tbe came month of the year in I860 the per- osotage wee 13 to tbe thousand, and argues thi tbess figares prove that If panperiim doss inorsMe iu London, Ihe Qovarnment will be quite able to manags its attendant evils. 'Ibe Board premises to aseiet the loeal aotaorinse in tbe work of relieving the poor. II. Bt & Montreal despatch says : Mr. J. H. Plammsr, Assistant General Manager ot tbe Merchants' Bank ol Canada, bM noli tied ibe directors ot bis intention to reaigo, as he has accepted tbe poeitlon of Assistant General Manager of tbe Bank of Commerce in Toronto, where be commenced hie bai. k ink career. His departure from here is greatly regrelted by all with whom he earns in contact, cither in connection wilb tbe bank or privately. A new onre for consumption has been originate! by a Oerman doctor. Be makss hn patients past the nigbt in tbe opsn air of the Tbanngian forssl, wsll wrapped up, and sleeping in light hammocks lo as to avoid all damp from Ibs ground. A watch run keeps off any intruders wbo might diitnrb tbs n igbl's reel, and the experiment him proved wonderfully enooesffol. Nea.1 I) >w has been lecturing on " How tn net all-ad." B op being a temperance man and you will eueceed at onoe. JAIAK.A Mt'uaat NOT .<l Ki i l|iri lit M Illi Ik. -I.I. . r \ .... J U, ,h. l.l.nd I h. BSiBlrBa ll.iio..ii I i.. i. A Panama dsupatob says : Advices trom Jamaica soy : Toe decay of this colony .blob wae once called " Ibs brigbieel jewe in ibe Brilisb crown," may be gathers from the tulu win* usurer, which hhow bow ogatr, tbe great staple of ibe country, ha dnoiiued lu cultivation during ibe period nHOjc 4 Ti" nornber "' i'-t H were : I 1833. 653 ; 1817 613 , 1879 310 and 1H84 If' 1 lu rfcfinnut iu tLi decline and in 4>ueral impreoaion prtvdiiug, Miebat Bilomoo, M prominent member cf Ib Ltgiula ive UooLoil and a large l.LJ. a i>ni|irietur, proposed the following reso lotion : Rurolved, that Ihu Lefiirlative Cum ci if Jamaica, assured tbal Ibe ocniinaatiuu of ibe bouutlss given by foreign Govern menla to producers if becl-'Oul bOitaut mue before long prove roioona to Ibe one-saga industry of Ihs W. si Indies and of a vsr] Isrge number of tbe inhabitant of tbi island, thix Coocoil Irn.ts Hie Kioelleuo; ibe Governor will, in view of tbe proposed ooo'ersLce on ibe bounty qaeetion, bring heec laolH to tbe notice of Her Majsely'i Oovernment, and eolieile tbat if men bonn ties are not shortly discontinued the island be p<" milted to make arrangements with tbs Uoiied Btatee ol Nurth America or with the staler o lony of Oanads, on tbe basie ol reciprooity, in order tbat onr ugar products, now so senou-ly affeetec by tbe bounty system in tbs Euglisb marksl, may find a tavorable outlet nearer acme." Tbe resolution WM osrried nnanimoosly but tbe Governor remarked that there waa very little chance of its having any praeli oal efltol. III- -l KIM - Ml ..V* II- Vaisil fire aa4 .l.mliou. S- .PI..I.D Us ! "> I ..lor l A Philadelphia derpateh says : An ex plosion occurred in the cigar box manufac lory ol Henry H. Bbeip A Co., on Randolph treat, yeeterday afternoon, whiou blew out tbe rear wall, badly it juring a nomber tf young men, women ai.d mri, aod im oertlliLg tbe livce of over 100 more. Tbe Ire WM gotten under control after bavlug dsslroysd almost Ihs satire building. Tbe ivery stables of J. M. Trolly ai.d A. Jrssawsll, adjoining tbe rear of ihe cigar box factory, were blown down by tbe force nt tbe explosion. IB Tt nlly'e piece some ifty eleigba and oarriegea wsre crushed to atome, and a Dumber of carriages wsre also ruined in Cresswell's bnlloiof. About two boon after tbe fire bad been extinguished ibe body of Carrie Brnner, agsd 30. ao employer, WM found in the bird storey of ibs factory boned under steam pipes aid heavy limbers. Hrr body aid clotting were but slightly burned, and isr dealb WM in all protaDiluy caused by isavy timbers falliLf upon ber wben Ibe ixploeioo occurred. Fifteen persons wsre mure or leae ieriouiy itjarcd, tut it is bought that none of Ibs iLjuries will prove atal. with Ibs probable e xeeplion of Annie Volfiusr, aged 33, wbo received etvers turns about tbe tact and body, and also obtained injuries from flying timber. The (juries ot the others wers burns and cruises tnatamad In jumping or falling rom the upper storeys. < tl l (l> -100 "l I i > A if .....l.i, MM. r. u.. lalerrai II ..... ISS II. 101- A Montreal despatch sayi : Dr. Dnponl. a specialist for tbe dissaees of womso and jbillreo, entered an action against Mr. L. Kercuack. of tbie eily, to recover a Mr am amount of Isea which bs alleged wire iwmg to him on account of a timber of 'isils he bad made at Ihe letter's boua>e for be |.ui p MC of treating hi. sick child. Tbe lefeudant bad refossd to pay ibe sam claimed on tbs ground thai the pbycician lad made too many vtsi'a, a large number if which had been abtolntely unnecessary n fiiviug bin dicieton Mr. Justice Uuimit emarked loal tbe defendant bad ri queued )r. Dopoot to treat bie child, aud tbe>t in a i like the prseenl one tbe physician wss bs sols judge ae to Ibe number of visits eetsiiary for tbe trsalment ol tbe patient. Is could not otherwise cuueeiinlionsly u'bl his miamon. Bs would, therefore, 001 demo dcfeodanl to pay ths amooul claimed wilb lull costs. HIJ IIBBBK .I1..II.H I .mhln.iloii f*r *.t|,,lrlo| 'llnn-l I Dd.. A Minneapolis despsteh says : Col. Plait ). Walksr, a prominsot lumberman, says a yndicals of Canadian lumbermen, wilb artners in tbs Slate, have arqulred tbe Itle to about five hundred million feel ol me timber in Northwaetsrn Minnesota, and are arranging to nobble np tbe rest of bs vast limber bell on tbe northern elope, an area including about one -halt of tbe nlire State. He cbargee tbat the elaone n tbe Sunday Civil Bill providing for a Commission to treat with tbe Indiana now oeopving tbess lands for tbsir removal to he White Earth Agency was scoured irsetly in tht Intersst ot tbie Canadian yndioats. Gol. Walker adds tbal If these rsa'ios should be made and confirmed 10,000,000 worth of Indian pine will cer- tainly go Into tbe baode of a foreign syndi- .Is, and 115 000.000 worth ot lumber that Dakota and Minnesota will shortly need will be owned by Ihs same pool. A New 'I r.llr.l TI Illurr A patient ol a local physician received torn bim tbe following prescription : R. Tino. Jennie, os. Iv. Big. bhake aod apply externally. Dr. It WM given to a drug clerk to be put up, rat he did not know wbat " tincture of : ennie " wan, snd it wsi given to Ibs bssd lerk, who, knowing thai tbe name ot tbe loetor'a betrothed is Jennie, emelled a arga-eiz;d mouse. Hs took il to the color's tffice, and confusedly the latter xplained ibathe WM writing a letter wben he patient called, and must bave written be word in tbs prescription wbieh be was aboot to write lo tb gentle mieeive wben nterrnpted. tnmidrnct Journal, Tbe mild winter that WM promised as raglne M if there wers a lot of work to be .one and an early man were advisable. -IK m i. ik i i.iiu r :*. !.... M. ..l.i.. , - l lau tt.wi.ik.oi- n.i A London sable eaye : Tbe bearing in tbe B< blight divorce case wasresomed on Saturday. Several witnesses tektifitd to Hre. Bsbrtght's w.medaod t xottable con- dition during trje period iuiua. di.tely fol lowing ber marriage. Uouecruing ibe allegation made ou Ibe peiitiocer behalf ibalonetftbe meau* by which Sebrigbl foroed ber to niarry wa a ibmas Ibal if -! refused be Wunld declare tbai aoring Ibat si otel engagement ba bad ob'amed the rnrrunder cf ber virtue, tbe Jadge aid tb*l Lotvideuee bad been addooed to contain ibe obsrge. Mre. Bebrigbt e ooun- >el thereupon withdrew ibe allegation, bion Ur>. Be bright dtclared wa* " a base lie" LnJv Baoll, mother of Mrs Bebrignt, testified tbal when she beard of ibe alltged threat by tbu resiondent sgainat ber UuKuttr'n charaeter she bad Ibe puiitioncr txaminsd by a j hyuciau, wbo found tbat ibe faete refuted any possibls claim that Sebrigbt might make against Ihe lady's honor. Ttis case ban been adjourned until Tuesday. I i.i lion, the NcnBwcat. The Reformers will bring not a candi- date in opposition to Mr. N. F. Davio, of Regius. Tbe general ixpeelaiion ie Ibat Ibs loeal elteiun* will take place Ihe first or secoLd week iu December. The funeral ot ibe late Bishop McLean souk (lace) al Prince Albert to-day, and WM largely attended, lu aeoordai oe wilb iniilruclioiie from Ibs department at Ottawa, tbe remains wers accompanied to Ibeir IMI resting place by an escort of Mounted Police. Tbe MSMOO of navigation throughout tbt Nortbweet haa been disastrous ttis year, owicg to tbs lowneM of Ibs water. Boolt, who waa brongbl from Mtuoo and charged with embtrslement, was to-day nentenoed to six years in Ibe penitentiary. The judge said bs could not take notice ot tbs representation lor clemency mads by tbe Mexican Government, though the Executive might do so. The Calgary Council bM decided to pro ubil ths erselion of wooden buildings wilbio the town limits in future. lutpeelor While Fraeeris in trom Onion Lake, where be examined Ibe graves of the victims of tbe maaeaora of April, 1806. Hs aye Ibs gravse are now all in go> d order, neatly loaded, and tbe crotees (at so mark ibun are mil standing. The Indian " Loos Man," wbo has just Msn arrested at Edmonton, WM concerned in killing Constanta L dley at Pits. Rev. Mr. ll/)ck, Cunreb 'ot England niDiaterae Danvegan, ie al Rsgiua. He sft Peoc River on Oct. 3ad, etmiog via algary. HsbaaMmpleecf Peace River wheat and barley. Tne whiaat is a mixed variety. Mr. Bryek speaks very highly of Ihe Peace Kiver country. Grain ie growing on tbe Hudson's Bay farm there, and shows tbat Manitoba No. 1 bard seed may M introdoosd there lo advantage. The larley is very fat aud weigh. to Ihs insbel. Polities in Manitoba bavs reached fever isat. Tbe wins fer the election bavs base oed. Tbe nominations take place on Useembsr 9 .id and polling on December i r. Mr. K N. L Maedonald is return- nil officer for Boulta Winnipeg and Mr. J. l Moore lor N >rin Wiunipeg. The Ministers bave left for Ibtir eonetitnencice. Tbe municipal elections in this Province take plaee on December ISih. The Oraod Jury at the Assixe Court lave n cum mended the eetablieLmenl of a reformatory in tbe Province. A verdict ' f manslaughter has been re- nrced at Brandou against a Fiu lander wbo slabbed and killed a young man named C oper al Bboal Lake. A Liberal Convention will be held in tiginaon tbe JOih lust, to nominate a candidate for the Hnnse of Oooimons in pposition to Mr. N. F. Davio. Tbe announcement thai Ibs Dominion aod Ontario Ooverumaute bad coine lo at arrangement with reepeel to tnles of mineral lauds in tbe diapoted territory ie 'eoeived with general saiisfactiou here. Che uncertainty bllberto existing pre- vented the invMlmenl ol eonudsrabls capital. Nothing farther baa been beard regard UK the MooLtsd Police deaerters trom K'gina. Rsv. Mr. Bryek, of Peace River, who is now in the city, bM obtained a grant ot O from ths Nnrlhwssl Government in aid of tbs Peace Kiver eoboole. As this will be the last seerion of the iresent Norlhweel Council, the elections cr tbe Territorial Legislature will bavs to ake place soon. I rir I ii.Kin <IU-I.. A London cable says : Ward, tbe Boeial- sl, who was arrested last Tnssday I r making a speech in Trafalgar Square, waa irongbl np at H jw Blrest Police Office and Ins J ten shillings, bis offence being deemed merely M " obstructing tbe police in tbe leoulion of Ibeir duty." Tbs Bcoialleta ire much encouraged by this. They ear- ltd tbeir point on Tuesday, in spite of all be police in London, and are only tan ihllliDgs out oo a demonstration whieh cost tbs Govern msnl and the eily shopkeeper*, one way or another, ae many Ibooeande of woods. Tbsy announce tbeir intention ot intii, uiug tbsir policy of appeals to Ibe ilinislers through huge mass meetings. and ao keep np the alarm among tbe wealthy olaases on til concessions are wrung or the poor now declared chimerical. The rcailve Name sVaM. A nnrss girl in Newark deeired to walk witn bsr beau, and so she left a 3 year-old >aby in its cart In a park. Tbe mother lame along and took Ihe child in, and wben he girl returned she simply said : " A nun eh 1 ' roformed me and ran off with tbe bild, but yon can probably gel II back by advertising Can I go to Ihe ball to-night J" Detroit fret Preu. A 1 x-lroit organist thrilled " I Am a irate King " M tbs deacon WM taking up be collection. Tbe enltivation of tobacco io Kent, loglaod, bas been more or lees successful, nt tbe growsrs bavs suffered immanssly rom tbs devMlation of insects. K -nt is npposed to be, ot all the ooanitee IB ', -.eland, the one beet suited lo raisiog tobacco.

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