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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1886, p. 5

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. w.r.T.i:. Combine tho wort of ill* In. It li .1 I'tMM lUOltilU WOtl Ah'l A.I ':. i.-i..,.!- t It'. IIM That lummii niiii'l nmy know. All ri Lou weak, too tamo AH vl.. 'Ine hu..ui* u( hUuiitf Uiiuk lo u-1!. It wiii'lh it* liko coll* 1 I I.I l.."-_ 1 i iir. I 1 ..III . AlOUIKl tin .ml-.i'.- I l.iili.U. An . i- ':- tt:< in "i ti.rii power. in' t tu'i.. .t < ui. wbo tun To 1"W t : i ih .i. ;, ( otif drink; -i.i.n urn) Mhk. Uow uiaiiy now a ;.<! AK .tit!, AIM!, ! Imw man) mm .-. I:i -so-.v temptation stand. Km- tin-in our ym|Mtbi *>hall flow. Tu 1 1 -i ui- thi-ui. wo II ^liuli) |[o. Tlirri Lathi -rVr.M tIAIilA Of all tint v, - IH.VI ,t,'r . We'll w.ik .1:1.1 ,.,.' b ..i ; l ray, An 1 tn'\<" . in-\i i ft-iir. T. i;.|i ninct- -,'unil HUI. ly \viii tli day, And -li ;;. ihi' li.Uufi.i tllill|f aw HI.' PBICBYILLE T/ic I'rtnrlrr'* [The following letter fmiii two ..f the Pricevillo Trustees received too late fur lut week'* AI.VA.NI K. Kit. NOTE.] TUB TIU'STEM REPLY. To I/.- Hitoruf Tli' I i. i Sir, Will you kindly ]>eimil r.n tocX- plaiu through your valuable n>!iiiiuiii the tit,- of nu'.urn iu> regard* (lie 1'riceulle Public School. Vnur WCTCMnudMt, elg," states, thai mi tliu motion moved and seconded tluit our Teacher* lo re- engaged, Mr. Krilly ar- gued that unit- tfiiths of the latejiay.-rs salutation to Kohhio Hums "TainO 1 - Shanter " would bo in place : "Ah Rab, all IUI' ! in hade* thoy'll rnaat tliri- like .1 liorrin' ! " Hi- |H';ikn ..I the shi.ttiir.; of Priceville school at the KntriiR'i- Kxanimatinns. Three paused and two moru failed .iml were. aflurwanU credited a pawii-d |fh i sending a remittance through .Mr. Dimn, with the ni-i-e-"::>.iy iaiii|nil:itii>ii, to the Kiln -.iti. n |ii| This it true nnd BJI- IK-I.I < to IK: a t>' (iln iw i ML' in Dixon'a favor, luit w lit-re in the beiietit In tho iu- <li\ iiliiiil Hcliolar or lec-tion. Tln-Hu m-lml- ! were crammed in tliat directifni for wi-.-L.s, ai.d just lost mi nine ! time in tlu-ir i-iniiiiiiiii win. ul education. ,ilo to tho ne- I'N-cl nf tin- "t!uT ill .irhiml :iiii| now will rci|iiirt- In .- .i.'iiiiii- tli.-ir stiulu K in a coiniiioii school for a length nf tniii- lu'fore they an ni|ieti-iit to Uei-p up with tin- atmlics injiKivil in tin- iiKidvl or l.i-ll KclllMlll. And now, ak tin- taii^lrn are pretty well tr;ii:;l)t<'i idl out of Hi-hnol niHltcrH, ami an we have 11 iiiiinlier of e!i-i-timi.t in the ]ir'".|v!;\i', we will dn>|i this matter. Tin- nt xt t.tKiii ii|i, after the miy U- ' What ..1 the Sii;ht I" THB I to Maxwell. AH will l>e Been in our ad columns, our energetic young friend, Mr. Thus. A. liiakely, has I.J,M nc<i out a Carriage shop in Maxwell, when- every- thing in his lines of busini-ss will receive prompt and careful attention. \Ve have p!i '.-i-iiire in ri eoiinnending Mr. Hlul.i ly to the e,,,,. | ] ,.,,.,l ( i of Maxwc-ll aud nur- i'nintry. Canadian Pacilir Railway. Owen Sound Branch, I MUl-llia. 'li iiu-n I '<irrf*jMi>ul'iit. Building o| enitioim rife. We i Koa.l. Currr.'/'i-liili nt. Ella, Kitcoiid daughter of Mrs. .MU-rrn-k, after severe mitiering frolu I ntlain illation of tin: hint;*, died nil the '.'til illNt. Mi,- was a (.right and cheerful lilt!.- nl and ill lie very iiiucli inistted in lotli S.-ihlaih and day school. Hev. Mr. Ayers pnj.-u-h- . .1 h.-r funeral aeriuoii in Wesley ehiiieh last Sunday. Wesley church was re-opem-d > 'ii 14tb and a te-i meeting held on the following Tuesday evening. Cupid is very busy casting his nets at present 'I - < Isburn hmt week. The Nnni'.ds of this neighborhood had a scrub hunt on Than Wiving day. The :..byll captains were O. (iilbert and \V. Kc-lls. l!i!!x rt's side came out ahead. Mr I'riteh.ird has commenced store- keenini; at Yandelejr. the I "US - Ul'. ' rotli -tiintl) iiu captured Mr. K. Smith and r ,nM.- II,>I.>*MI WHY WILL YOL cootrh when Muloli's Cur* will give i i u iin, liu,t<- relief. I'nre lo <(.. .'ill ctH.. and l. S..l,| at Medical Hall. ' Kei l.-r. in iiif.iriniiiL: )..u of till* wmi.lttrful ii'ioe.l) t,.r l'uui;hx. r ,]il-. A*tUnia. Hrolirhill-. < >iiiini|itioii.aii>l all arToc-lion* of tio- thr.uu ami lmiK. . f.,1 | that we are .loinu >ou a nr. a'. kllltllll'M.. >M if V'.ll ll4Vt) ail) of 111.' Kln,\. |,' , : i,t- if > -.[, \<,i\ I MI!) try It WA will Ktlarant^e sstfatfsctloo ID s**r* ss*a or un>iiy relundml. I \-k f . M. i ,,,,; r - l.nnn >|>oiiiiil 1-rueMc. | '!' a'i.1 (i Kip. -r l.-.i! I.- at all OruK Sturos. Aim, i ru M.,I'III.K^ .r. >ou .li.turl, i s P_L.'_ I . I.) . ,ok '" .' ii n I - r>niKltli pain ,,t i linn I i I nt'iin ., on, I ijul Imttle u? Mr \\ in lli.w'a Southing ttjrrup for Cblldrao TMthUl(. HHK-U u.,i i ... -.1, .1.1,1.. U ..! r. Ii. -." tl,. .iK.-ier imiumllstclv |i>'| i.|...n I'oronUi I^-svr 74 - - .... . y ^i . W *S" l"-.s ' - .t ' 10 .! 7M- I U tt " - 1141 i90t " u A.m. .l/'iii./il;/, J'li'l '.'! .North. l .lui untiir. \n . . vill.- U-.. ori .' : J li'.ii.t...,. ih'Tc l no nii-tni..' alx.ut it' It . i. IL>II| limrrl:..i. r*-i;iila-. i h aii.l II.. A .>:s. . in .-^ \\ iij,l Co ti,,' < . i . , i, . Inflsnimstioo.and jcivi ,, I . n. r.'y i , "i. li,,| t -^i-, Mr Wlna- IIIW'K s itjrrup f,.r I'lnl.n. n te.-tloni; is line of I hi nl i. t m. I ! t f. .111.1]. | I. ,.... ~ aii'l liiir-e~ in tl..- I in!. "I sute-. null i, liy all ,lrm.-u'its t !in.iii:h"Ut tin: nr],l 1-rn.' t\\.nt'. H\. . . nt~ a I,, ttlw. Ke , ure ami ak fur 'A is -i - * ,.-.ii'isn S^iii i'," and take V. . ml - tr,, i. !,:..! with l'iin|.!, ., III..- Hn-iiUiu r,-.iir SITI-S ,.f any .1. Us.. M.l.o-^i.r A rtrk'M <arl.,',ii- It I. n\.' the -km 10 I'erfuet health, re aii'l L. T I ?| r IIW..M. - JtTAI ! Mr. II. Mi'lilruin in eiibconcetl in bis t.-isty new house on Inkeriiian avenue ciisilile example for others, who pro- < )iir lie.iltiiv. were anxious for a change. \Ve have to tste, Mr. Heilly (lid not do no, l.ut . |>oe m retire, to follow. he .lid argue, that we should eiiga.c a torn , pictures!) lie town, tnarri>-d man, who would |>eiid his salary in the ullage. Xi'v.-rth.-h-ss Rc-illy takes tjit- liberty of spending his own money wlicie h" can do so to the bent advantage. I A <li'|iu- of individuals, wlio are an- | xious to make our educational interests ' -1 > ... .r A I'urVe I'i i.-i tall Limn Si. . .n.iiii I puri-hasr KIul-1 ! all .ither re 1 , - it 1" .':i-li\ &) 1 . - i t r<- tin than an> "ill l> in i M-I : , . 1 i . ''-s.iirali.-is. n-. ll.'.i.u. 1..-. Bheumatlsm. S. l. at rJ . Soillll. >. ' 7 -M ous eh-eant sites for villas, cottages, pal- acex, castles, Ac. , with or without garden park ordiixc anrroiindings eaiilv acccs- sible hy lan>-, sM'eet. avenue or crescent. Of course citi/i-ns expect a grand inthix when the very desiralile sxlvntai_'<'S hen- muWrvient to their business interests, " !!Vri "' sr " l "' tf '' r """. havu had a petition in circulation for ten days in tliis section, ami have MHT, ,,!,,! in getting .'<."> ratepayers to sign it, ankmif (he Trustees to re consider the n- -ciigage- iMei.t of Teachers or call a putJic meeting ^if ratepayers to i;, t their opinion, One fourth of those who sigm-d tht ]>etition hai-e no children attending at'hool. Tin- Mr. V M-< oluiau. II. IM'. It i-> "ortu-ially" aiinoniK'cd in the Thornbiiry -V tit and Toronto '.'W', that Mr. X. M.Colniaii. M.JMV for Ka^t <iiey. will IK- a candidate fur tin.- Local . irrespective of tin- ioli\cl.tinn wlnrli sell <-t< .1 ( 'apt. Hork< as tlio Lib- eral (.'onsrrMltive st:in,lar.l I ean-r. AH Xi il I,HH the support of Baform aii'l In 'li |..-!iili nt joiirnaN, and is inm-i't a ' ^ed Coiiwrvative. hi- v il | !> ! fore ll.i j ' ,',. .1- in: 1 t !{.-- '" r "' l'onservativoca:idii!at. ' >, r.,,u, ly. ln-w ver. ut- boj < '! :' '.!" all- rue Hllllll.'. Ml'.f I'll.' t Vrrivi- VI I !e I .'HV . l-hil.--...i tM i ar :.!!, H'.n rormiti' Arn\e !" ^ petitioni-rs comprise less than one-third f tit section. The Trustee* notified ll routes to put in all their complaint* in writing nuJ called a TniAtee HUM tini; in sell. loihome t> cni.sidur tin-in. Oiily two of the tliirty-fivo sent in their com- oi'eial stnndini: was iH'tti-r than any cor Mr. Akitt has a gang of men i-t. an .vldiM.'li to Ins already extensive I nil dings. Perhaps last, v.t not least, our noumen., nt is not cudi . . I l.y Mr. town YiiiikecHiiyshe has jimt M. ' - dman. Sn, h a woiihi l.e nt- a huec hen house for the .lucks' Just , terly in, . ' itli h:s pa.t reeonl so. l)h, yah ! prcrVn foh tlu wints. Our esteemed t'lienil, Mr. I'urdy, the Pupt-Manter, still stands at tho wicket. d.-alnii; "lit the news. It takes no in, It to stand tliu* some twenty lite yean an unitnpciwlied public nervnnt. The Kn.'tniA Minoimi (,'iiHrterly Hoard met last Saturday. It was found tin- tin as an stiai^'litlni ward jmliti- cian. :; - n Sport>niAll. t\ V in h'(n <!n'tniian. When the lirst |iliotoL r raph of the late 1*111111- .Mitimter in bis trcv-fellin^ desha- ! plaints Ixith of them ulatin^ distitietly, they had nolliiiii,' ai;)iiiit the Ti-acll- ttn, .u, .1 did not even appear in person to jiroH their conipl.unU, which wet.- dis- uiii<M-il. leiii^' fnvolou.t and vexatious Rcilly diiMentiii'^. though oH'.-n:r^ no am luhni-nt to the motion. \V<- )mv<- l.i-i M fort'inate in havinv the m-rvircs of diligent, successful its proof of which, out of seven pupils from our school, who wrote at the recent Entrance Examination, five passed -olio till, in- highest marks and another third in South < Jrey. lul'ii- c.ime out an Ameri an jouriiahst (jot s copy. an<l wavsheiutatiirj t-. -., n.l . n-itpondini; ws*ion inner the mi!.iim WMI I th Atlntir l>rrtiii*e be thu||)it U was a e*tuhli>h<-d. Surely this Kpeal< well for honx. He In-unl the pbfitugntph to .1 a of li^ht crops and general linniiien.H ' friend of Mr. <i':.d<ti ne, explaining Irs ili-plen>ii. Iti-ll.;i,,us si'rviees mi Sunday (loiilitn. The frii'lid lo-.ked at It fairly attended, Hev. ('oieoran | ri-acliinv an earnest sermon from tint text. " II- who winneth souls is vtiv. Ri.-v. Mr. Corcoran will |>re.i'-h a >er- mull to 4 Iraticeiiien in the Orange hall hen- -.ii-iiiifht, Thursday, Nov. ifi. Free admiiwioii. Welc Hers. Sam Jones ami Sam Small are men who's way* and anyinp* art* pec-nliar perhaps, yet very original and JMIIIL'I n' term expires. " 1'rowk-r's" cimimunication n?irrdinj; vur School, which appeared in your last week's issue, we fuel to be beneath nur notice. Tbeuc are tho facts in the case, and we leave the public to judge. Thankin^you for the space. .loHS Nll-llfll.. JON! i-n LCTTBK. To t)>r nf 77i- Sir. The I'lowh-r i somewhat amused at correspondent Hol>eit Mc(!own, and yn<[ athi/.ea with him in hit iiatonish- rk fo \Ve are sorry to state, that on account ; |"' n '" >rf (In- contemptililo ntvann taken hy the elupie opposed to the Teachers, the latter have derided tu leave when their pruont they may IH>. lint their would lie difficult t" .'x >! . Mil !, -"ino of the starch-collnn-il I' |) 's . i tin- eli ip-li, th | rex nrK-attnu Tor- onto World to the contrary. Our vt-nial, clever y 111.1; towr.Kinan, Will McAlenr, has KOI. to Owen Snund to complete Ilis Htmliei at the College there. \\liat n chnnu'e h.'* r.-no- over the boy lie will ifradtiate a man yet physically and intellect ualhy. Euv'enia had her representatives at the great demount i all, in :C Dwell Si.und, who heard the i-i.iit oratoiii, ,in<l .n- iiiuawd. They saw the lions and were aattMlicd. We are ^lail tor.ev .uro|d friond, Mr. (li-.,. Tin ni i, mil x^aiu after l,i it . lit a iiia^nifyiii,' irlaxa ami jmiuted t-> the .' ..f the frei':n^i r of tin- left hnml as proof that it was genuine. Few people know that Mr. (iladvtor.o was at one time a ] ort-umn as well as a statesman, .iml that the IIHU of a tiiik'i-r w:is due to an ;i. -eitb-ntal i-pli isnm of his L'UII. 1 Briilnl Atlnrk I'o I.TI M>. Me., Xov '23. - Harry Me- Cinnni ami F. A Hrown, Inery stable iiip'."\i--., i|ii:invl-ii aUmt .-i pan . f Inots While Mdlinnis W.M waaliillK a r.: Hrou n sneaked up 1 .-him! ir.m and li u V. linn with a ju. kaxe, I tirunu' the | -nut live in. Hi-s in' U A. The latter will d-. For Toilet Use. Ayer'- II > V.- 1 r k.-.-ps the hair soft niul pliant, imparts to it the lustre anU iresbneM of youth, < ,mi it to grow luxiirninlly, ora.lie.ttes JiandrufT. .iu.- all scalp iliseuM-s, ami Is tlie must cleanly of all hair prrparstions. \/rp'C Hair Vi.-nr Jias given rim MTCn O p.M, f . :i'i,fa.'tion. I wan ruM for mx \ ais. ilurinu hi. h tun.- 1 oseil m.iiiy liuir |.re|iurt!ns. luit \\itln. !' i i - Imlritl, what litll" hair I ha.l. \% .w ifrowuirf tliiiiuer. until 1 tri.-'l \ - MJI: \ iU"r. I usel two ;, an. I my b> .M! U now a neu growth of hair. JinNi.ii 1!. i'lia|H-l. tttSotf, Mass. fJAIDtliit Ins 1..-., weak. gray. nnlll ;,,, fii.|e.l, mity have new life iiii,i , nl "t i. -i .re.l to it tiy the us of 11 :; \'i>;..r. ""My liair was thin, an,l ilry. and frll out tn largx iin.ii'i' - \\-rs Ktilr Vlsjor stopped tie- f ilhn.'. iiinl r.-sinrl my li^ir to its .1 color. As a dressing (or tlio hair, this |.r.-|r..lion h*s no runs!. M.i N. llaniiii.iuil. Millwat. r, Mum. intli. and Ix.eiiv. in tlis i ' ,. in f the liair. may l.e |,r r\. ,1 : or .in in. I. -unite IK-H.*! l.y tlie u-..- "1 AV.-I'I, liair Vi^or. V .li>- rasr of lh<- s. alp caused in. hair to Ix*- i liarsli ami ilry. ami to fall out : N'lihini; I tried s.-emM to do KIO L -"Hl until 1 coiuincuewl iwina Aj.-r's llnr Vi.'or. Tla.-e li.ittl.-s ..I tli'is |.r.-|i.nati..a rnstore.l my liair to a li.'jlt'iv . ,..i.|i'ii.ii, and it is now soft and pliant M> s.-alp is enrrd. an.l it t also fr.-.- from dan.lruff. Mrs. K 11. Fou, Miluaukci-, \V n. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Hold by I>nif(l>U nd IVrfuinera. J FK-t< T SArnv. prompt action, and \vun<lrrful enraliv>- projirrtlps, easily I'l.u.' Ayrr's rill* at the 1 a.1 of tlie h-t of (xipular ri'inedies for Si. k and Xerv- ,. -II ... i ,,listl|iation. sndsll ail- tin ;.'s ..ri^sii.-iiiiu; in adis..i.|er<-<l Liver I have I,,.- i jt.'it snfTeri-r froi Ileada. lie. and Ayrr's CutliarTie 1'ilU are tlie "iily uiedirln* tliat lias r\.r ^ivi-n in.- r. Iff. On.- ,l,.v- of tli. \\illqunkly n.> Ix.wcls. l.i,,i fr. ,- i I ipnii pa.n. \Villiaru I.. rg.-, Ayer's Pills, rrpantl > IT .' i' Avtrk |- ..l.**cil.Msst u>- ai;uili< "^ \' \unTK. (its : H i St. ,.1.1 : 1 .. - V J. B. SLOAN, Mas r.ny <|iinutity of Shingles &c., on hand at his factory, at Ku^enia. C'/l''flf> /'"' < ''/A//. - DR. CARTER, M < r ,\ s ."T. IMIYMU HI i:<. i u \ &r. FLESH Kin >.V Strim lil " K|.leT, . Win Wribt v ilrutistry. J.P. M All Ml A II., l..l.!s DF.XTI- r .tnr.vTi will I.- at Mark Is'. ' r..lav lu .a. ' tur | i *.: , ' of In- ; G j. \v. FROST, I.L.B-. Offlcr. strain i huui A \ I lll.SI.KV. K.,|,r ai I i .,ul*> anctr. I. .. ! ! MMIIIU..'!- \-r. !-!: -sl ill 1... t.-.i.l at the Office <n TljiirsiUva an h>-r,-i,>fr.- P MtCDLLODGH, Harrister. Sulirifnr, <Vv. O!in > . OUT llfl ^rhuiil's Sinrr. Munr> lo l.onn. MASSON & MASSON, J>\KIU-.l i'i:- lOLU'l Pi-l:- I "M ' .. kur's block. : ^t . l.iaru li . Tt-i > .u Ma: k.l.;>-. "Vt-r 51' i it.U> rttff 1 MAS- ' ',' ' - MV~-.iV W M \SSON N II I'll '' ' ' toluvritst tom si, t.. Kmlii i severe illness. We kii'-w how to nynipatbin- with our inent. He expresses the belief Uiat you I 1 " titt ' r vll! -' <; - Pl icevilll! ur school are :in honest, stmiglitforwaid Christian, j n V1 ' '"'" <ilsl " "' "I 1 '" "< "'"'" Hight, Kol.e.t ' aU.iys open t.. honest manner f.-r rrnn past --only that open t' criticism. When a man attempt.', an mi- lici'.tking or whi.-h he Ai-\> not iindeistan.l, he is a;it to nui'ii- IMHM I'r .wler would refer him to St. John's gn";i<:l, elm;.. IS, last clause . .f 1(41 h u me. llrotlu-r M. ll.i\'. .,:, has made mislaurs in n'iiodl and other matters. Tho I'l'iiwler tteuld meekly and kindly set him right, nnd deeply Icui, Is he saw tit to intloilnei' the lady teacher's name in this discussion ns we doubt not she ia a good, consistent uu-mlier of that branch of the Chriitian church to w!ii,h she belongs. Hut ln-r Mr. Dixoii's religion comes in I know not, as he haa not now, nor has he at any time had connection with an\ religious body. Mure: in the opinion i f Prowler his expi'sH, .1 Klnts are simply those of the materialist, or modern sceptic, and those expressed sentiments weru pul pi.,pi-ity. If this is tho kind of religion rUbvrt tacks his faith on, Cuttie Sarks tin- I'ym.i/ viiuts of tlie i-timali!e Teacher are of clutly ccnrreiii-. < 'f emirs, we onllrt tlM bmlgn inHncin-u f a resilient Ti :uln r. Ale they not nil cultured, uf- fable, ^i-inal. pious and uiae. kiiubrrlr). From our dioi Comfpondmt, Tin- tea-iiieetini; ill cmmiTtion with the .'.lethoiiist churcii eame .,(!', as aniioniu e,l, Monday ev, mni{ last, and was a success notwithstanding the iiiimbrr of lie v. gen- tlemen who failed t appear. However, two of tbcni were present, if.., Kev. <;. Cornish, of Markdale, ami Kev. Walt.-r Ayers, of Fleshertoii. lloth ifentlemen delivered vt>ry ppn>prit and iiitret- ili|4 sddreKspn. The inuiic by tlie Choir van v"-d. tho various selections heint; chaste ami appropriate. Mr. T. liol.imi of Meal,, i.l H., ml, occupied the cliair in an able manner I'roccvils 8'.'U. Fun: "Tnui. what in t'.ie \\orhl put tuatii- iiiony into your head'.'" -"Well, tl.c fact is, I wan Dotting out of shirt H." '1'hat'n my II-MI.I.H. .'," us tl,>- priii r saiil to a pr, tty e| t 1 \vh< n he lii**ed her. "And that's a ' A- n of my n-^nrd," i.-. pli, .1 the ! boxing his i-nrn. \Vheie are yon ).;.)iii>;?" aslcul n lit- tl. h iv of another v !iu hail slip) id and fallen down, "(i .111 ; to ;>, t nji.' wos I the blunt reply. It i- i|-iiti> nntural that \\lnn uonian : reigns she slnml 1 Ft.inu i ! al- WilVH illM'S. "|)id y-i i c vrry that presi-riptiou to olil Mr*. S;uitli In-t niyht t" SHI I a ,1,.,'- tor to his ofljc !.(.. '. r." "Di>l she t. -\lit- it .' ' "Vi-.^ir." "llo\\ do \.iii know ?" "Crai>c on the <Ior this morn- IIAIIXESS SI10I' Von will Anil su aw rtinant of Heavy and Lieht Harness, liru-hef. <'urry f.nnl .. Sweat I'siln, Mid ml " (ill it;- I >:!: I ILT V.JMfc ..... , ...u. ni.nwt ntoDs. s r i.. IILIS rasn w oakvix HANDS, ECHLIN & OARVIN, ."<urr. .vurt to I*l>niT <t II ' BlgTRRK, - KIFe. \ !-.'.-.',- -in >l . ^, kt. .n! nil. r.-,l I- , 1' Km, . John W. Armstrong. f I.. . < ,n i.i n i i K . -MMI--II M is IV III H U . f i > -tan. an i -^1.- f lajiils A|']< HI-. . (ft.-. ' nt.l-tr!i, Iwrra or MAKKlAUb , I. It I s-K- Al.\ II HI .li CKOfP, Wlii'itpINU I'd (ill sn.l It:, ueliilia iiuuieoi ilt 1 v n-'i'-veii ly Mnli.l. Cure Sulil at MeJical Hall. THAT IIACKINIJ COIdll can h so qui.-kh oiirnl liy Stiiloli'n Cunv \V iruar- anl> ' it. Sell at Meiliral Mull. | V i i. ii >: . pK..i-.irios \V. J. KKI.LAMY. Tf. Cl IKK (, I" "> ."Yi/.> i Vr:, 1 .'. mrv/s.-'/.'W/. INSVRAXC1 10 /'. Drri's MOKTI.U.I 1.1 \--i- A, iM. r r d sod properly isrntotl IUMIH.I.. tn>t .<>-,. lnjm Wnnlrd. , or 48 WFI.I.IX<ITN Street KJU.I. Toronto, nr SI Si. Ki incus Xa\ I.T Street. Montreal, ant u (icneral AkT'-nt. They are tin- exelusixe ownem of the S, hotieM I'atent fake tinddle. the Celebrated Emery Knife Sliar]>ftier (known as tha "Carver's Friend ). the Kmery Scytho SharjieiuT. tlie .lay K\>- See Win- Curry Comb, and other s|Kvml ties. If you want to make iM'.ney, write to them at once for an out tit. and to se- cure what territory you can h.indlp. Cash paid for fat Cattle and 8lieep. Fresh Meats BOBltMtljf on 1 :unl for Cash. Orders promptly filled. /.v //./>////;/<>.>. TO BE LET OR SOLD. ' - wrtte ft f\Y T> >Hl r >rarr>. Inl Ibow li" <rrtt ta fill I "*( .flal,a.-ill"<" I -rl I II'"*' '" ' ltir."ml.i>" S(K>nl " "k hi>> I I ' I ill " rr<-.' n^l"'*>."" 1 "Pr U U IJU ', rn >ri.,n< Sf>lnBp'd>T - n-r. at an ataliwlf mnot uaj TI'.' nn.lriMi;,:.''! . p. i f. r '. 1 IP until Mi !'. stsli|< !.. I rn-iMisM > i es :<n t a fsir rental - ' \- .T t.-rin an I jarti. ulr ,. ..... ! >tli ISM rr tf .i-, n Money to Loan. At i \17ITH Int.r.'st |>l,l yearly, not In a.ttano* No ' . " uiniltlou cllaiKJ A|.|'ly to i (..JIM;. - TIIORMllRY. J. E. MOORE. , Joiner, net All repairs pn niptly A nratly rieculod Hhop*. |i,|.|,an- S. nr\t to I nt. h i Tailoring. I'lani su.l i'*c.r)cslU'Ui on >boitt DuUc*.

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