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Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1886, p. 3

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CANADIAN PACIFIC Beaching After Chicago Butlraat Through the Wabaah. ,f NU6ARA FALLS AND LEHiGH VALLEY. The Caioago Timtt aaye : Tbe plans an aebtmeaot the Canadian I'.cifio, which i the preeeni lima Mem lu be reaching on in hii dueeiiooi on American toil au invu K tot American I u-iuc, ooniribal a element to the pool biiumioa ihki U UMI f rolino koaroe o( comment i p ouUuou The Utr.: w lbl ID ibe nek future lue Gkukdiki. hoe i to btco'ue * Olive competitor tor oeutrnl Irktii i m, trnuk line ptkeeuKer and freight trttir A acted tome week* ago. ibe 0ukdiku PoiB u build" n a uew line or n'eoeioo ol tb Credit Viley rotd (rum Wojdtlock . Detroit, wbere operationa weatward wil ei d for the pmeal. Bat Ibe Gaoadiat Pacific bk, it M aearied. ooLoluiled U.ffl eontreete with Ibe \V.beh and Btlllmor A Obio wbioh give u running ratals froai Detroit lo Ctaiokgo. It IB OI.ILU. d tbat Ibi oot all. For two ytare tbe Canadian P*eiflo bad eugiuewre to tbe field marking oat a lioe from Woodatook to Niagara Fklla, and ii u poaitively nated Ibat Ibi exteoaiOD IH to be boillal onoe, or tbat work will be b> g ID upon it larly iu tbe tpriug Op to tbe praooDl ibe Miehigao Oeolra and Canadian l'oiflo have exchanged boat nee* at Bi. Ttoomaa. bat Ibe new arrange meul, eveo if ibe Wooditock and Nia^nr Pklla brtuea ie cot buili, will work to dii aolve tbat connection. Toe Genadiao Paeioo bae demanded o the Miebigan Ceoiral oo eeveraj occasion* thkt ratee via Montreal to Boilon aod N Hjgland poiola be equkiii :d witb lhue via Ike Mew York Central aod Boetoo Albany, wbiob, of ooorne, baa been retailed ae tbe If tobigan Central eoold hardly afford lo dtaerimioate agtiuet or ralber pal tb Canadian Paeini oa ao equality with u oalural eoouooi'un, ibe BU.KJU A- Albany Tbe Canadian Pacific 11 ripe tor a raptor* and what with lie Woodatoek aod Delr. braoeb. aid ita eoulrecie witb tbe Belli more * Oaio and tbe Wabaab, it looke ae I it would noon be in a petition to eadl' demoralize Chicago trtffi?. There Ie alto an added biper tbat wbeu it builda to Niagara F.lla it will find at Bufl.lo natural aad ready ally io ibe Lehigb Valley road, wbleb, if trar. would give it a lin Ibroogb to New York oateide of ibe pool* and oulete ooe or both of ibe roade were eronghl io Ihoed at* eialiooe would floi combination impOMible. With tbeinteree oo lie bouda guaranteed by tbe Canadian OjveromeDt, aod la a poeilioo to btu freight at eoel, ID foatewiog oat lit favori theory iht lie preeaM mieeioo ia to demon trale it* oepaeity to it cure btwioeve, Ib Oaoadlao Peihi ie becoming a daeigeroa menace to American Unee. " Da you want to bear an awfully good atory about one of your parlioala triende ?" queried Fercueou.v be loafed low tbe report***' room al tbe T jronto Newt omoe yeeterday. " lie aa true a holy writ.' be eooliooed, without waiting for a reply " and tba heel tbiog about it ie Ibat no ore thao about four tcreooa in tbe woru have ever heard II up to the preaaoi eaomeot. " Ton will probably reoMmber thai wbei tejldwiu Btmth atarted ibe tf-k abou three yaare ago, be iejported an edncr from Ibe Maritime Provieoea, in the pel eon ol Charley Roberta, the poet. Well, lor a little wnile> after Roberte' arnv Ujldwin tboogbi hi had fouud a literary ungget, aod toat DO opportunity at trumpet- iog bim to the ekiee. After a while, bow- ever, be began M dad eal Ibal Cuarley wato'l dupoeed to be a mure cipher, and tt receive all bia opioiona aa enough tbay the nltarancea of a Delphian oracle. Ouet or twice Cnailey even went eo far ae to challenge acme of hie apborieme, and IBM in tbe preeenoe o( third partlee. Accord iLgly Gildwiu'e tdmiraHoo of tba yono| man brgao lo cool very pererpiibiy. " Bat ooe day daring a brief Interview tbeee relalioaa between Ibem were (trained beyond repair. "It happened in tbie way: Gold win dropped into tbe editorial aauoiuea, ae wee bia wool in 1'ia atteraoou, aad in ike eoarte of eonveraelion remarked ' O, by tbe way, a friend of mine bae written a little eon- net, which I have promieed to enbmil for your approval ' aud eo laying he, with an almoet maidenly bluth, drew from hie pocket a tlip of paper aod handed il over to the editor. Charley noticed tbe bluab, but impeding nothing, took tbe tlip and lowly read over Ibe aoonel, to wtiab waa appended the pseudonym ' Oatbolioo*.' After a momeot'a oooeideralion be haoded il back aoroec Ibe table, with the remark ' I can't accept that. Tbe worde are gram- matically pot together, and Ibey aoan wall enough, hot tbey are utterly itboui point, and ibey are not poetry.' Ooldwto, with a decidedly oreelf alien air, reoeivid back ibe paper, placed il io hie pocket, aud eooo after took bia leave. "From that lime forward Charley's edi- torial enebion waa fall of tboroe, but It wee not till after be bad acvered hie oonoeoiioo with the Wtfk tbat he waa ooee more brought face to face wilb the rejected eon- net. He accidentally picked ap a theo recent copy of the ' Metbodiet Magaaioe,' pubtiabed in Toronto. What wae hie cur- prue to nod oo one of ita pagea Ibe identioa eonnet, wilh the ukiue Uoldwiu Smith ppeoded to it Newt from the Soudan hae been ncaree ef lato, but we oow learn Ibat Oman Digna ia marehiog oo Tukar. The differ- MM between Digna ind Ibe people of tbia country liea in the fact tbat we are march- ing on Turkey. Tbe attack takee place ou the IH ib niHi . " II photography did j in lice to every one who bae hi* picture taken," aaya a photographer, " that art would toon grow unpopular." Old lawyer (to young partner) Hi 1 yon draw op old Money bige' will ? Yjnng parloer Yw, air ; and to tight tbat all the relative* iu tba world cannot break it Old lawyer (with tome dinguti) Tbe next time there U a will to be drawn up I'll do it Mel The new Preabyteriao Church at Tilaoc- burg ia to be opened on December 6ih. A new 13 000 orgao ia to b* opened in the Meibodtal Church, London South, on Son- lay evening. JlAKBt TWAIN'* NBW l I-.. Il ui, A I kuktt '. d..i.iurr atl ik. < ..rl Hlii* clMr At the n gular meeting of Ibe Military Service loktitolioa oa Ouveroor'e lelkod N Y , ou Tbar*day night, Mr. Bkmael L Clean-on (Mark TwkiLJreadkl aruedeeea ou ' Tbe War Eiperieuoee of a Connection Ykokee at Kiug Artbnr'e dun" Mr Cleoient wan rtoetved witbuiuou applanw nd ai ouoe announced the purpoae of bl lecture or talk ta tollowa : " Ladiee aud gentlemen : Thiefran whioL by jooreonrteey I am lo real acre 10 night ia a alory a talire if yuu pleaae- wbioh I began lo write aoooa time ego aui tebion it LO. nuirh. d ; to what I propoe to do under tot oircometai.oae u to tea the nrn chapter j ail aa ilia and then u brief k)Dvpie or outline tall the real ol i iu oulk, do aa iba dying ojwboy advitei uu epirilnal advuer to do, jual leave ou the detaila and heave ID Ibe bottom facia. 11 would be impottibla to tell much ot tbe alory io to abort a lima ae we have and will begin il jnit ae il it written." Mr. Clemeuaihen went oo M eay, read ing from tbe firm chapter of hie fortlo jm ing book, tbat m txploring Warwick Cacti io England be met a atrtnger wbi interested bim greatly. They became very goid aid one day ibe airauger aaid " You know about the traiiamigrktiou o aonla ; do yoa know aboat the traoipoei non of epoone and bodiet ?" Mr. Clemen bad not beard of il, Bad tubuqaeuil itie ctranger tent him a maniueripi Beginning tbe readiag of tbe auppotel mauukeripl, the leoinrer real ; " ' I am aa American.' Well, be did no I >ok it. ' I wai born in H.rif r 1, in the Hikle of Cjunecliout 1 am a Y.uiee o the Yankees. My father wet a biaekimitfa my UbOle wae a boree iraJtr aud I wae bulb.' Tine Yi.kee wan tlruek in in btad ooe day, and wbco he aw<.ke be wae itllng under an oak tree." Tbe narration goae oa to eay thai there waa a man oli in ancient armor from head to fool, am Ibat ibu apparation aaid to him, " Wil you j'iel?' "I eaid," ibe narrative goee on, ' what art you giviug me ! Oil aloci back to yoar oiiou- ot I II report yoa,' bu be weul back a piece aod then be cam tilling al me aod I eaw he meant bueineee and wbea be arrived where I wae I wae in tbe tree" (Orel laogbter ) Mr. Cat mane eootioued iha readiug, wbtcb detoribed bow MI arrangement waa by which tbe Y<ofcwe wae toduead to ae company Ibe Kuigui, baaeviog bim oral to be from come iroua aud later ea ai eeopd luoatie Describing a Toman tnoouutered en Ib way, ibe uariktive aaid : Around be head wat a wreath ot red pop| IM, bat aa regarde Ibe reel tf ber oloiuing well there wae not atongb of il to tatt about (Qreal laughter ) She walked along by ihe oircua maa and did not pay tbe alight eel atMution ta him did not avwu attm M aee him . bat wbea ber eye tell eu me *b ewfeaad to be turned iuto ea image of atouc, aod there aha aloud giu tog with i aori ot etapeCed aleeawou till we turned corner aod were loet to view. Thai th abould be etarlled a< me ioeteed cf tb other maa WH too Bkoy far an. Tua aba ahuuld eem to oeewlder CM a epeotaole totally ovetfookiug her own m*rtla io tba re*peei, I thought owioua." daughter ) GouMnuiug. the cuuueeript t t.ied iba every one eeemed to notice Ibe narrato wiih great lutir.-.t. while, crane paid th lignhai Btlanti-iu te hia eouduoior. Tu Irvrti It rough wwieu they paeeed wer madly en ill-kept. huga rooted eonttotedl. com aod duga were tutueroui. Finally a blare of ocueio unoeu,o-J Ike approach o a gay eavalewJe of keigbte ia rmor, BLI bin WM tallowed by au a-ewel Into * etetlr Wilb Ibe aey lam lieeelill tpperuioet Ibe narrator inked au innate if he belonged to ibeaaylom, or if be waa Ibere only ae a vieltor. " And be aaid." ajoiinued tb narrator, " ' Marry, marry,' aud I eaid That'll do, I guaea )ou're aa Inmate One gorgeoaaly aiiurei yoalb cme to mi and -aid, ' I am a page.' 'On, go along, eaid I; 'yon un't bin enough for a para grkpb. 'Lkugbter.) Finally he mecttoner in a eaioal way thai be wae born in tba beginning of "i 13. Said I Won't you ea; I again end . n tlow 7 Woal did yoi eay T' ' j U ' Said I : Too doo'l look it Aod aaid I ' Am you ID yoar right mlodT Tea,' eaid be. Aud are all ibeee peepl o their right miode T' Fee,' aaid k. aad eaid I. 'Where am I?' aud aaid be,- You rein Slug Arthur'e Court.' and lain I What year in u now?' and aaid hr, 596 the 18th ol June.' aod Mud I, ' I b never eee my frienda any more, for ibey won't be boru (ur more ihea a tbooaauc reare,' aod I teamed to believe ibe boy although my raaton didn't." Coniiooiog, be aaid Ibe page aemrrc urn, after the dmoer of Ibe Kuigbla of Ibi iouud TabU waa over, he would ha tailed n aad exhibited by one wbo hid brought him tbere. wbo wae BtDeeefaal of tbe Ca>lle aod tbe Kiug'e foater brother. Ha wae akcn in, and ibeo, in Ike moil bnmorou* lyle, be recounted the marvelloue aloriea wbiob each Knight at the table oarratod aod Ibe deadc of valor wbioh be ormed Kiually, the Tanbee be f Ihe Koigbta, and ie elolbed in armor aod ot to daetroy a eaetle aad kill an ogre wbiob guarde it aod to act al liberty tome ixiy beautiful prin eaten. Tba deecriplion f bow a mac of ibe preeent lima would eel In a rail of aimor waa one of the moei nmoront thing* in Mr. Oiemeoe' ptper. toe portion of il waa ae follow* : " We ave beeo eo mado that Ibere comee time wbea we mact icratoh, aad be more we waot to aerated tbe more we would give 10 000 il we could aoratab, and if tbal deprivation goee oo Ibere eomta lime when wa would give a million. int I wauled to icratob my head, then my arme, then my legt," cto. He weal on o deeeribe bow be badpertpirad intide tbe armor, aod bow oo aaeendiug tbe mountain e froce tuff intida of it, and wat finally in IrcBen ttate rubbed off tbe horae by the oimal paeeing under k tree, and, Ibe rmor breaking, be wai liberated. He jen concluded tbat ioatead of aeekirg fur bei for tba eaittle and Ihe one-eyed gianl, a would to back aod lie about It, and Ibat ail auoceadcd very well and be oame to be eeogiiiaed ae a prime warrior among the Kciigbte of the Brand Table. Finally be elorne to Ibie country aod flbda tbat Ibu oigbla bad turned tbemelve loto a itock board, and eeataal the Roond Table are worth IHO.OOO apiece. Two Moimin eldere have been nd eowblded io KokvUli, Pa, TwatlK* f tto fi ., t 4 . i- ^ i.AN0a> ate n. IM>I.. bir -i.,i,. Thai w/ali I . - rlln. II m<, , I ..|U M Traveller! have told many atrauge tale about oew eouuiriaa tbey have vtiited. great maoy wonderful yarut have btto apuo ly aallora and iralere wbo are of tea loo iguuraol to tell the truth about wha ibey nee eveu if tbey eaureeiel Ibe templa lion to tell t good alory al tbe expente o aewrtoy. Bare) ia tnikiog luntaoee o the o.Borenoee tbat mty ooorr u th aeeouula iiiveo by an ifoorabl Mid ai intlligaot man of ibe >ame thing. Ckpt. LkbOaiter, tuaty yetara ago, toll of a wooderfol pl>ol be fonnd on tbt ee >anlaof ato lalaiid in Ibe K MI lodit a Ii akil he fonud the tno'e covered with -malllwigt growicg up like )oung treee Wnen be tried to poll thrm op ha waa attobiebed MQudlbal Ibi y ebrank down to Iba ground aad tven tank oot of ugh unleea he bald on very bard. Io tb conrie of time Mr. Dtrwin esaialnei the wondtrtul prodnou of nalor wbioh dpi. Luoattr bad diaoovertd He found that tbe loppoied pi did BOI belong to the vegetable kingdom bat waa a ipeoiee of tbe animali kuowo ae loopbytee or eeapaoe. " At low water, he wrote, " bnndreda of ibeae loopbyte might be aaeo projeeiiog like eiubble Wnen touched or palled tbey taddtol drew Ibeui-elvee to wilb lore*, eo ae ntarl or qaite to disappear." Beeidee tbe Uavellen wbo wilfully o ignorantly dutort (aote ibere an not a few who could journey around the world with out being able to tell moon worth beariu of their irkvela. A while ago a man wb bad travelled a good deal in tbe Wetter Pacific waa aeked to describe Ibe Bjiomo lilande. All be coold eay waa tbat tb water there waa very bine, Ibat tbe baibi wka eieallenl, and tbal hi w many lovel iua for villa reaidtneee. It *ae learne thai be bad long bean a real ettate agen in Melbourne. Mr. Rjmilly eaya that a few yeara ago traveller wbo waa addreeeing au andieue in Kugland wbiob inoladed mtoyeoieonfl mentolemnly aaeored Ibem tnal the nativei of New Britain minded broken Uge by in eeriing a piece of tortolee tbell into th bone. Tbe tbell wae neatly tilted into groove that we out ID tbe bone, aod tb coda of tba brohao booe were io ibie man ner kept together. Hit bearer* oeve tboofibl of queairaoiog hie veracity whe be aurprleed Ibem further ty aMartmg iba Ibe eienoe of denuelry wae far alvaLoe in Nw Britain. He ekid Ibe nativee mad beautiful teeth of moibtr of pearl, wbie tbey kllaebed to Ibe j bv fine Ibreade o ma Let. Later vuitor* lo N*w Briiaio bav failed to And any tvideuoe uf theke plrahateata. Oaaef the fmoniaet eteriee tbal eve gained wide oirouUtio* wae that ahoa the bowe-eattijg treee of the Lonttiad arobipelatro. The atory raa thai dnno the night the braoonee et tbtee Ireee ben to tbe ground, and tbal the leave*, lik tboee of ibe fl> oatebiag placet, clone about all bite of boow or fleeh that the happened to toocb. Before morning a tr MM et Ibe bonea and meal entirely die appeared, the treee havtug eomplelel kwrtoiilkted tfeem. The naiivw workbippe theea ae deiKae. aod placed eff cringe booet and fleib oear them to af peace cbei appetnee. Tbie ttory wee duubileee " rived from ibe feel tkat ejeuy of th P*ofio talkudere place tbookauda of bone in the erotebee of tawee, and in the prooe. at gruwtb aikoj el te>*M Hwa>ee Imbedded in the wood, like Iko boreeetxM wbtok hae IOOK been ou eibiblUon io a Maeeau elrve wiodow. Tbe ineagiualivt elemaot la largely we veloped la moel cavagee, and tbey are happy it entenain their wbito vi. nun wnn wouderfnl eeort. come ol wbieb are tftarward repeated in oiv.lice laode ae aoltmn faete. Taiert are maa eeuloM wtoo baiMivi lo tbie day that there . tribe iu Central New Oaiuea wbieh I adorutd wiio tetUe. Home of tbe navive f Ibeeoaiheael eoatt are willu to ewaa by all their god* Ibat they hove eeen DM from Ibe ioterio* uf wboee ai.k-.ruy IM! are a natural axd highly eroaeieoial tea lore. The tailor* tbiuk ibey ought 10 know Jaok Tar oae aJeo eirealateid Ibat arhe I'lUriettag yarn from New Ciainea to tb iK et the>l tome of tbe neaivee bore bole tur .ub tbiir left baodi to Ire arrow tbroogk teem. Ntw*f aper editore ae weil aa atateene aomeiimee make ourioaa blaodere o eoeouol ef Ibeir koited kcqaainianoe wit ijrjl of tba wy parte of Ike world. A whll ae(Okiii;i Lunliabmen were kuJed in ou of the New llebndee lalaode. An Aue treeitn newnpaper, ID a burnt of indigaa tioQ, advwed thai a gunboat lying IL ib harbor be eanl M draw t cordon BMUDI the lelaod, drive) all the DMiivee into ib lutorior, aid Ibere extermiaato tbeiii. Tb goc boat force available (or thle purpoti wae aixly men. The laltod happena to be forty mile* lac g end ten milee wide, t moantaio raogn abool 4.000 feel hi^b rune through II, and it baa a ngkllog force of al leaei 1000 men. If tba uxty Aaelrallena d tried to form tbe fropoeed eordon Ibey would probably have uade a bad tun. Of i*. I ! AikMkarr fh.i B r I remtmbtr Dolly Teeter, now Mar ohioneee of Aileebury, at A big pipplo cheeked, etrtw-bairtd blonde, wbo medea redaudaol nkibilion of her obarma in the ballet a* Brighton, and later al the Gaiety Theatre, a taw year* ago. Her father w drunkeo ehoemtker aad ber mother aandreta. who never touched water tave o a profeeeiooeJ way. Tktir daughter he prixt of the etreet bawkera and tbe Arriae, aud eaoh of the three pledgee of ber eeorumoityiiaaid to cilia) a different arenl BavtrnaJu wae Ctpt. Bruce wben ie met ber. He waa a alabltbrwd arietoerat. wbo ojold ride like a eircui maa and drii k ike a caak. He iMd aiegi to tbe erotie )olly beeanea bu rival, M the bead of nother wild act, at joyed hew io a pro- irielary wtj, and having atolen bar, married her w keep her lo blmeelf. By all oooonla tbeirexi-iterjoe aince thao bae been eonlinnoui dabaooh, and hie present lord- bip baa been arreeted several timee for treel brawlt which have retailed from hie ntexiotllon. Her lad) abip hae aleo bn a nuplc ol timca in the p o.ioe eonrta. 7'nra opift. An Obio woman aoeuaea ber eon ol having told the body of her died buabaod to a medieal college. Tbe markete ol Taeama, Wtabiogton 'arrilory, art gutted with bnokleberrici. TUB ttHIKNTAL KiK or- . The Jk-p&ame i- TI.I .: rt.i,,. .r. . ! i . in/ .uu I k. e>i i I'M. Ue u . , ,. n .,, .nK d |>aile , a A AU g the Ue arrivale al Sac Kraneireo from Jkpao weie W. De Lano Eaetltke and bu mother, wbo are now al tbe Occi- dental. ID an interview witb a Chronic t reporter. Mr. E intake portrayed in pltaa- lug eolore tba country aod lit peoplt Toe people are fael advancing in the eivi uxAtioD of their p ilitieal, mjraJ aod intelleelual liven. Iu ibe eoatomt if dre> ibere btt been a maiktd eberge during she latt deoadc, ULII! oow ibe tti itaU aid the belter eUaeca aatnoie Ibe ELglieb coelome Among tbe former it it eooipnlaory, aud npon tba ttrtcl the old Japautte garcia teldom eeen aierpi on Iba poorer eUaeee. Among the lad lee, however, tbe looae gowniof tbe olden daya are atill popolar, bat even tbeee are gradually becoming obao- lete, and al tbe faebionable balle toe Euro- pean dreta ia generally atanmtd, while tbt proKrammee of tbe Jepaotaa orebeetrka gencrklly luelode tbe bcl ol Kuglitb u.u-;o Tbe odd, yet pietureerjue, ttyle of hair dr> eaiog wbieb baa ao long prevailed in Ibe country bar been tuperoeded by tbal of Ibe Amerlcao womeo, aid Ibe fair fort- bead* of Ibe royal ladiee are already bidden by tbe bang ao common in cur own oouo- try. Tbe tkthiooa, however, are oot tel by tbe Empreea. Tbe ttyle adopted ty ibe Miui-iero' wivea it cuoaidered |iile the procer thing, aod, following their >xampla. all ladlea ol CQ lure have atopped blackleg tbcir teeth aud thavicg Ibeir tycbrowt Tbe ictellee'.ual progreea cf iba people of JpD bat bean aimo>l ouperalleled. Not only bae the edueational aytUm been eelablUbed all over tbe empire, but tbt capital city boaetn of a otivertily that oat compare favorably with the beat eollegtt of Ibe eonlineol. O-rmto prcfeeeore, pro mineoi for eoienti&o worka and reoeareb. have fl led tbe ebaira in tbe eeieoiina aod mcdioal depkitmeola of Ibe Imperial Uoi vanity, while in literature, both tneiao and BJ d-ru, Eagliib and Amarieane o advaoeed Ibcogbt have beeo obctwo io Iruotora. Keoeully tbe tuff of foreig profeetore baa beeo dimiuUbed aod tb vci.ciea filled by Jtp>oraa literati wk have returned from ttudy abroad. Th worke ol Ilaxley, Bpeneer, Darwin to oibere have teen lraual>ted iuto Jkpaneee end are familiar bkodbocka totiadeula i Jkpao. Tbe proeaolgatore of Cbrietiaoit f mud thai Ibey hav: a prood akeplfer m ooutei.d wilb. Tbe Japeotee talk ol th " evolaimu of epeeiee ' and the uebcU by polbei ie ae glibly aa our learned meD Bjddblem ia mil tbe prtd >minaiiog laitb Ml Chrietiaoily la rapidly eatablibio ittell among the more mtelltutl olai tliboogb maey of the high craoiale t ipree* txireme bitterneee to tbe doctrine aud ile lO'rodncltoo. Tbie bilterneee u ea grta ibal M protect Gnriatiaoily meant tbe of ao cAeial poeiuoo. Tbe people an oo oonaervalive, however, and ilia only a met ter of feme when tbe Cbrielian faith will be keeef wd ibroogbeut Ibeeoubtry. Io all Ih larire ailiea poblie teboolt are aQalotainei and (t ie eompuleory tbal after attaining certain age children thell be aent to eeboo Ia Tokio tbere arc two large law onooU e JB of wbieb ie conducted in tbe Frecc aod tbe other in Ibe Koglteb laognkgi Aided to thee ie an cngtueeri g oollegi with over M 000 volamee, and lie exieniiv Ikboratoriee, wbieb have been reeeoll merged with ttc Imperial College. Polil al afleire are not bewUid in tba onwar mkreb tf oivilixtlioo, aod Ibe chief excite men! of the country DOW ie lbeprtp*ratio for Ibe National Aaeambly promised fo 1'.*0 Toe groojid ia already porebate ki.d Ibe AettmHy butidioga oommeoeei kltbuogb loere Ie oaturally tome mieeppre beoeioo ou tbt part of eoepioiooe iui . Ibat Ibe Ujverornent may not orry ou lie promiaee to tbe people. Ae It oo 1 eland* tbe Oovernmeol ie io Ibe ban Ie < Ibe K nperor. ae!etad by Ibe Banal aid Uoutc of Lirda, wbleb lo ib Jkpanae* It called "Oen-ro-lo. Toe National Aeaembly w.ll be compoeed of reprteeutalivai elreled by tb people from tbe variooe diilriota lut wbieb Ibe country i divided, tbn* makio tbe empire a partial republic. Lawa re garding preee erilieiim aud pnblio epeee are very elriotent, and in neither ie oriu oiem of Ibe Government allowed. R iiuc ing J>pan'a rtlationa with America I am able to tpeak at length. My to Ibi amulry ie in the ioteretl of an exwnaio of the mercantile traffic. Tbe I'uiie Htatea and ile people are regarded will reaped by the Japaneae, aod io ibalr eyea M the / /i Skimfo. out of the leading jour Dale, expreaaea it, America atenda out i Ibe world like a bloeeomtng plum braoo amocg a thicket of bramblea, diffueiog rich fragrance and compelling Ibe adtulra lion of all for ber great oame and vigurooe policy. Auckland Kilning Star. t-.n-.i.. *>>... t-..^ 1. Tbat there ia aoy LOlrimeol in Ttere Ie beef none I -! kur. b Rev. Lennox Williama, eon of Ibe Biahoj of gaabee, aod curate of Hi. Mallbew't yjeoeo, hae been advanced to Ibe order o tbe pnettbood. Rtv. Wm. 8. Blackttock, at Toronto, wbo iat been ill of typhoid fever, ia now con vkleeoent. Ha ia much improved, though nil far from atrong. Rev. Wm. H. Laird, Chairman of the Woodttock Dialriit, performed the eere mooy of laying ibe corner atone of Ibe new detbodiet Church al looerkip. High Bluff Circuit, io Manitoba Mclbo liet Conference, became aelf tnataicing thu and inetead of diminitbiog ber ooo- riboliooa baa advaoced 130 per cent, ou bar praviotu giving! to tbe miaaionary eanee. Rev. R. B Oook, a aoparaoouatad mini* er of Iba Niagara Maibodial Ojoferenae, bo died recently at ble home in Blaffdrd ule Circuit, in bit 75lb ytar, began hi* miuiatry in l-l'.' in tbe M. . Obureb in wlwkwwj At tba meeting of tba I'arie Prcabytery D Wedneeday, in Brentford, a nnanimoo* call to the Rev. Oualavue Macro, of K ubrn o the Laeknow I'reebyleriaa Obnreb, wae ead aud the r<<]oiaite action taken ID Ibe ranter. Reva. Meaara. Hunter aod Oroaclay vaogelitte, have pureba*ed two itlaodc in Iu*koke~ Fairview and Ireland on which ley intend to tract a fine cummer bonte tea made from extracta. wbklever. I Tnal gelatine ia outrnioii. II will not keep a eat alive. Beef tea and grlatice, however, poaeeee a eertaio re|iaraiif power, we kuow out what. 3 Tbal an aggie njntl to a pound ol meal, and Ibat every rick [erecn can eat rggi. Many, especially Ibore it tervoua or bilioue lempertmenl. etLDot eel iLeoi and *u eueb egge ere iDjonoaa. 4. Tbal, teokuaa milk la an m (c riant article of >ocd, u moel be fo-eed upco a palleol. K.od tbat a pereoo tanuol ttidnre will not core. 5. Tbat arrowroot it nutriticna. It it eiuiply tlarob and water, netful aa a ret turklive, qaiokly pr pared. 'i That ontee ia h jauoae io all caeee. lilt, ae a rule, eouira indiotted, being niatlly iadigeelible ; bat ii it e-n c Lirated uoinnucnl, and a wailc rtpaictr, kud of MO ornVfd. 7 Thai Ibe crtvioge of * patitot are whioit aua tfaould be denied. Tbettumeeb olieu need-, eravea f r ud digeit article* uol laid down in any dietary Boeb are for example, fruit, pieklea.jemt, cake, bam or bkeio wilb fal, CDeeee. boiler aud milk. H. Tbat an it Ui xibln dial oiay be marked out which tball apply lottery eee. Cfaoiee of a given lial ut kriielee allow. ble in a given eaee muel be dee. d-d by ibe opinion ol ibe !( in .th Tbe ttomkab n and theory wrong, and tbe jai) t uent admile DO a|pial. A diet wbieb would keep a healthy man be.llty njlgbl kill k - ck mau ; aod a diel m ttijuui to aueialu a kick mao wi old not keep a will man alive. Ii e- re ' j lanlity of food, e-perikily of I qiidt. duet LU| mean loereaeed uulnoiei.i, rub.r drcrcate, >inea Ibe digeaiion i overtaxed ai.d weakened. tiirive to give tbe foot in ae aooeeutrated a form a potaiblr. Uoteolt Ihe paiient'a etooiaeb in prefereroe lo hie eravitg* . and if ibe etomaob r*jeel> a n-riaiu arneie, do DOI force U.- Jiurmalof Il>coiutntcttct4. fmmu 'i. r MIBB tttl e* <T.D. Tbe moil tiiamptai I moment of a boy t lile, everytbr g belDg taken luto aeocual, le when b Aral dieeardt pettiooale for Irouktre. Ilia M be eoppo.ed thai the ttminioe oiiid ia deprived of Iba iceiaiie thrill of thie delieicue momeot, for the tint irkinrd dreee doet not come uotil loug alter ibt child la old enough to kiow tbal bitter ie miugled with the eweel of every cop to ihkl ti la ioipoeaibl* to give beraalf up to ei jaymtbl with tbe eaiue abtodoomeol of tbe wee man wbo gete Li h-el getaiaelr MCulioe garmeoi*. A little fellow ei & to whom b.d come tLu eopreme period of hie ex a-.toee. draw himitlt op proudly btfjre bit eitter of S eod proceeded to imprewe cp ju ber hie true greatoete. " Kitty,' be obeervtd, "yoncko't cevtr wekr paole." A pu-e, in which be oh- eerved tbe t fleet ut bu worde. Kiltie, yon eau'l never have a monetaebe " A eeeond rhetoric*! paaee, during which bit little eieter looked up ub plee>diog eyec , aad iben Ibe cuoikx, delivered ID a tooe of ibe moel commiterkiiog triumph, ' Kiltie, you cta't never be a mao oohcw." Xbe aeoamulalioo of wje w*e too much for poor K me, who born Into a piteoua howl at me negation of ber abated aiata, wi ile bar brother gtaid proudly n(oo ber dieireea with the air of a o j qoeror. Small R tin tbowed himeelf nadir eimilar eireometaneee more of a gentle men. Arrayed In hie otw em', be wae at firal eptechleee with cheer delight Tben al length bi j iy fonnd tot gnr, and be hunt out: "Ob. mamma, pauu mkke me feel eoraud! Dido'l il make yen leal grand wha " But ao awful eonte outoeea ctme over him that tbit blue had never beeo ibared by ble mother, aud ha Uid b a wee ebabby band pilyiLgly againet her cheek, eay tog, pklbelieklly, "Pmr mammal poor mamnuk ! "- II iftr i Hayttttu. II-.. ll.bkf k. ail With a bobby tbe pooreel clerk or the weallbiael millionaire le eopplied with a defence kgan.ei deprtenon and worry wbiob it prioeleee. Tkke the eaee of a bookkeeper who It ooi fined to hie daek lor eigbt or ten boon a day If be ceo culti- vate a ta.ta lor botany or geology i I will givt him ao opportunity for regular exeor- aiooe IUM> ibe oonutry . while beean analyie aod arrarge hie tpecimene during bit leiiorr bcnre in the evening. If be bae a talent for mtebaniee, wood carving, ear- peutry, pottery or aoy cf the hundred parenite into woieb enter deftneee of baod aoJij jickiew i f e .e are open to biai. The boure which would bang heavy oo hie bkoda were be without any bobby teem all too tborl for the pleaaaut work Ibal be coatee to wilb a feeling of rein f He baa a reeonree agkiaat baaintre worry that will add ten yean to bia life n J thai will eland in good etead aboald mieforlnae or loei of loved ooee come opon bim. Il ie the earae wilb tba rich man, aave Ibal be baa cpporloniliee to develop hi* paatimea entirely beyond the reach ol Ibe clerk. Practically, however, Ibe two I eland on Ibe eama fooii'g Tbey cultivate a lute fur alrnple ud wboleeomt pleaaoree wbiob do not depend oo money n nr their gratification. Saa frtmeitto ItuUtti*. A n i . -,i l,,., Profeceor Snore, of tba University of ia a man wbo ie very apt, when be leeoajee excited, to Iraotpoee hit worde. Having oeeaeioo to rebate hie eon, Wli lam. who it becoming raibir (act, be laid Yin moat ibiog tbia atop. O-ily yea- terday I eaw you para-ling lactic girl witb aa avenue of the oppoeiie tex oo your arm, burning dog alnak in your month aod t tile cigar trolling along behind you. ~"'iai Sifting i. A abort lighted maa approached t reDKcr on A-jetio aveune aod eaid : " Y >u are a wre'ched donkey." " Wbae do yon mean, ur T" thundered ie loenlted parly. " I beg your pardon. I made a mlttake. on have a remarkable reeemblance to the rnkey I tnppoeed yon were." i/l i life. i Ibe preeent lime they are eoodueliog Ntnral gee aeoamolaiing in Ibe elove v.ngeli.tioeemcealoOobourg.theuniver p llW) bnrg public lebool exploded ih ,y .indenle coming wiibm the range ol other toy -it boo bomn. anv " ,. bul k D " work - I children all gained a ball holiday.

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